BayanihanCommunity.Club NGO Leadership Training Chapters. Tribal Trade Headquarters
New World Market Foundation.
We are the answer for fastpath marketing. #3 We the People Vote to each leader the Next best Project = 0 Corruption.
Buy In Stock below for $100 USD for Common share refundable for $120 USD post 30 days.
Excellence in Technopreneurship Education Systems. Philippines
We are bringing billions of real $$$ usd/Euros to Asia to direct self fund these world saving ministries as we and our other Angel Philantrophists of Warren Buffet, Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, local billionaires all benefit with the replacement bypass system of
Daily training forums for professionals to rebuild our new world economy free of taxes and LL government banking restrictive rules and self-entitlement regulations = Free World Barter economy.
Sales, Marketing, Purchasing, Human relationships are prime focus of 100% Integrity Cell: (63) 935-739-1588 RC Viernes Sun. 0932-728-3392 Globe
0917-335-4300 Globe. Apostle Duncan
Bayaihan Cooperative AT A GLANCE
Bayaihan Foundation is the training education forum for professionals in all industries. We are expanding to chapters in all regions with workshops focused on job creation attainment of highest qualified persons. Everyone benefits with highest pay and expertise cross training focusing on scalable best business practices as demonstrated by world leading educator trainer experts. = is soon the worlds top anti crime community training forum workshops designed to teach humanity HOW to protect and secure any community worldwide. We have gifted these solutions to mankind since no one else has ever UNIFIED humanity as we have already done past 43 years of top Corporate, government and wilderness research. Call the above people and ask for them to DEPLOY as the bases for any safe society is secured communities. Any edevice and Open Circuit TV live streamed to public with Automatic Face recognition match to following, eliminates all crime networks with the ordained answers of (total Justice Tort Reform System + (100% peacekeeper crime investigators) using legacy EVOTE.ONE FOIA.ONE. using
This website is a work of GOD's love and care for our people and will always be a work in progress of Technology use of Artificial Intelligence Singularity controlled and owned by all humanity.
Keith Duncan Cell (63) Aug 10, 2019 last update. Rev 1.0 Draft 1 is above.
Training video series will be on BuiltByKeith
May 1, 2020 Invite to educational Event map below
###########. Layout.
Website name: Purpose, benefits. BUY/support upper left.
Contact info. office/cell, Emails, Social Media bar.
Short compelling brand copy marketing.
Navigation Menu with MemberLogin . Integrity Counter:
Prime auto play video - Subscribe form. Member login
Announcement of NEXT EVENT.
Overview mission statement and NGO profile. (downloadable PDF files Listed).
Slide Show of recent event and top projects/products.
Mid level overview of top selling services, products and opportunities.
Key is removal of toxins, providing replacement nutrients of Minerals, vitamins, protein, and little carbohydrates.
Everyone earns at same time. Those who do not like the risk or no longer interested can sell back their stock and products at original price. NO risk to them at any time is also key.
Low level HOW to make money and build sustainable cash flow at lowest risk to all involved.
Uses ProfitShareHolders.SPACE as basis of ensuring all benefit and no one can ever be ‘scammed’ on false promises.
NOTES: always use the words WE and YOU. Never use words YOU CAN NOT HONOR. Like
CURE or DRUG because of liar lawyer liabilities. Always REMOVE unnecessary words and ask others to review for content and impact so adjustments can be quickly made.
During presentations, ALWAYS ask if speed too fast or too slow, DO they understand, ANY brief question before we continue...
Create library of VIDEO events so people can see the testimony of others and who is attending.
Find top IQ people who have expertise in different areas and are consistent in delivering results without excuses or delays. People get PAID for producing results with support of all involved.
Cross training is important in person and even over the internet.
Apostle Keith Duncan (engr, keynote speaker, evangelist, architect, humanitarian, others) will speak the Wisdom of business brand marketing for Philippines as the Center of Trade for world.
We will showcase and teach you the wisdom of Corporation and cooperative business management at all levels. We teach any size group how to create product presentations of our vendor/suppliers/Sponsors. Mass Marketing of the wisdom of the international purchasing trade event program is best marketing strategy to get you more sponsors and members .
Below are key WORLD REFORM documents for world to use to create our new world market system.
Easy, Just follow the URLS
ACTIVITIES Community Foundation is the NGO training business of changing lives by mass education. The work we do at our Non-Profit Organization is aimed at providing a holistic approach to solving all of our society’s biggest challenges. We ensure our partners are empowered by creating opportunities for individuals and communities as small business owners and 100% innovative Entrepreneurs all over entire world. This occurs when you call us and attend any of our chapter forums. We will be live streaming soon so everyone can participate at no cost of travel. We request you provide us basic funds to pay for our utilities, snacks, and travels.
Easy with WU or deposit into BPI 4537567720245291 as then we list your payment + name + amount below to ensure you get refund if our training does not benefit your entire community. Start with as everyone deserves free wifi education worldwide and safe secure communities.
Manila, Metro Manila, Philippines
CONTACT Bayanihan
Community today.
Cell: (63) 935-739-1588 RC Viernes Sun. 0932-728-3392 Globe
0917-335-4300 Globe. Apostle Duncan