is WMD of Criminal Ruling Elite. as ultimate Backup to SAVE yourselves. NGO Angel Investor Anti-All Crime Crusaders as
Trust NGO Foundation all Philanthropists + saintKeith
We the PEOPLE now form our own New Crime free World.
Keith is Secretary General President of YOUR new world free will OPEN PUBLIC Free Society. All refuse to join are hereby Exiled.
Jan 3, 2020 100, Now Jan 6, 2025 Visitor Count: 200 + 144,000 +735 Integrity count
Keith +1 770-377-2106 Atlanta GA, was Manila +(63) 0917-335-4300 Skype: BuiltByKeith2, Call Sally Q Yates Office +1 404 572 2723, Home (404) 370-1933. request Sept 2011 forward to totally eliminate all LUCIFER criminals regardless of their wealth networks.
Procreated Sept 5, 2021 pre LaborDay.
Now Jan 3, 2025. GOD + YOU + I ( Duncan), remain on the greatest new world patheway of total social peace and justice by WE GODS PEOPLE now converting to only PeaceMaking Problem solving experts worldwide use of EVOTE.ONE by use of my 1976 portfolio for ever. is defined as any crime that appears to be untrackable and untraceable back to the named person who violated the rights of anyone else.
Robert DEE ROSE is typical of how lunatic ruthless sociopath psychotic cyber terrorists roam freely like Bernie Madoff, Adolf Hitler, Pastor NON-Reverend Jim Jones, Charles Manson, Eric Rodolph, Atlanta Atty criminal terrorist Alexander Cyclone Covey, GBI director Berry SIC-Victor Reynolds of Atlanta GA all prevent any investigations by destroying their victims with WMD hearsay and changing any and all evidence by robbing their victims homes, bribe extorting murdering anyone who holds THEIR irrefutable evidence. the list is endless of how humanity self genocides billions of GODs people on false premises. All driven by PREDATORY greed known as vice, sin, crimes.
Since the dawn of man, criminals have used their victims 'pirated' assets to persecute and threaten the lives and families of their own slave traded injured persons. Keith's system is GOD delivered to forever rid our world of those who refuse to surrender to existing deptof justice law enforcement and judicial officials. Has anyone noticed reality that few if any corporte Executives or Dept of Justice officials ever are held accountable for their rimes and ability to roam free?
Any database analysis from data mining our huge wealth of statistical SQL knowledge shows the mindset of criminals and terrorists and HOW they live lifetimes committing the absolute worst crimes against humanity.
Keith's system auto identifies everyone in GODs mortal and even dead world and places them in the proper legal category of Rutelss criminals, honest integrity focused Sovereign Citizens, and those who have confessed their crimes (sin, vices, greed, arrogance, and have shown they are now productive members of New World society.
Keith Duncan. Updated Sept 12, 2021.
WHO DO YOU know to debrief direct with KEITH and join to destroy all criminals and their netowrks all at one time.? international Headquarters office is 770-377-2106 USA I carry as a apple Iphone 11. is the most deadly group of criminal terrorists who all roam freely once they infiltrate our government and corporate Databases and pay off insiders like GBI Director Berry Victor Reynolds to destroy all most incriminating and irrefutable irrevocable evidence we all showcased at .
Keith is clearly the worlds leading supplier of Technology Salvation for all of his GOD's people. Take ACTION by read below. JOIN UNIocracy now as our Worlds last Free Will Communal Sharing Society who decide our Reality and near term destiny fates. Real Time dynamic eDirect Democracy is the only form of Non-Government/politics/megaCorp now used by WE the PEOPLE to own/control everything.
Google 'BuiltByKeith' conceived as SaintKeith + all others. We are Free Will 100% Honest Spirits
of UNIocracy (vice, sin, crime free) We are Author founders of Total Equality World Global Peace...
Clearly Keith is the true Grandson of GOD and the King of all servants. For My=Our mutual GOD + guardian angels have ordered myself + Others to deliver these Messages of WRATH to all Spiritual Bodies and humanity.. We teach HOW to achieve JUSTICE. Done ! ! ! Original Click: describes the over $100 Trillion USD valued of real assets and intellectual property including theft of natural resources trasnferred ANNUALLY to the Criminal Ruling Elite all ways and means.
Updated March 10, 2022.
National Cryptocurrency Enforcement Team
On October 6, 2021, Deputy Attorney General Lisa O. Monaco announced the creation of a National Cryptocurrency Enforcement Team (NCET) to tackle complex investigations and prosecutions of criminal misuses of cryptocurrency — particularly crimes committed by virtual currency exchanges, mixing and tumbling services — and money laundering infrastructure actors. Under the supervision of Assistant Attorney General Kenneth A. Polite Jr., the NCET will combine the expertise of the Department of Justice Criminal Division’s Money Laundering and Asset Recovery Section (MLARS), Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section (CCIPS), and other sections in the division, with experts detailed from U.S. Attorneys’ Offices. The team will also assist in tracing and recovering assets lost to fraud and extortion, including cryptocurrency payments to ransomware groups.
Money laundering
On January 1, 2021, as part of overriding President Trump’s veto of a defense spending bill, Congress enacted the Anti-Money Laundering Act (“AMLA”), which amended the Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) for the first time since 2001.
The AMLA, like other regulatory initiatives, comes from several prior legislative attempts to reform various specific aspects of the Bank Secrecy Act (“BSA”), including the Corporate Transparency Act of 2019, the Illicit CASH Act of 2020 and the STIFLE Act of 2020. A vital purpose of the AMLA is to expand coordination and information sharing among administering agencies, examining agencies, law enforcement agencies, national security agencies, the intelligence community and financial institutions. was procreated by GOD + as the only complete perfected divined ordained total replacement methods to Unify all +8.175 billion WE Gods children forever use of my patent IP A.I.
Was 2024 Oct 9. Now online for final WHY Duncan 66 years ago. TO UNIFY all 8.175 billion WE GODS my children forever use of EVOTe.ONE part of perfected 0 crime debt free utopia as illustrated worldwide at
Pre flood we were Biltmore Park Asheville NC USA webcasting WHO causes all climate change, now reversed. Access KEY: 6StaEm, Host Key: 355152
My own $40 Billion USD valued state of art portfolio went extreme years 1972, 1976 NCSU gift shown at perfected, then Norcross GA 1982, 1989, 1996, 9/11 of 2001, 2008, Oct 3, 2011, then Jan 28, 2014, Feb 15 2015 China, Hong Kong, Philippines to Oct 5, 2018, then again return Jan 15, 2021 to 2024 Sept 25 anniversary when YOU my most beloved people eliminate ALL warlords, ALL criminals roaming freely by PROTECTING my life and commanding recovery of ALL my assets stolen by Duncan Clan, #1 most cyber terrorist ROBERT DEE ROSE, Douglas Vernon Duncan, Sherry/Kyle/Matthew Duncan, murdered Brian Walker, and +140 others including the proof of funds at I always commanded total Direct action by each of YOU as I have been modeled by Jesus Christ and King Solomon that shows we are wealthiest highest IQ person of all GODs timeline and have been relentlessly severely persecuted and cyber attacked by everyone tied to murder for hire conspiracies of Norfolk VA USA GOV case 4:11:cr112 by simple Google 'Keith Brent Duncan'.
WHO do you actually TRUST and KNOW to provide us direct safe haven while greatest round-up of all violators of below now occurs universally. We then all live UNIFIES Mankind using our simple technology of WHO is WHO worldwide.
Clearly we, led by Keith, were sent by GOD to teach mankind how to achieve final Equality Peace.
Citizens Arrest of ANYONE using OCTV or any PhoneCradle Cell as WE are now the criminal investigators who 911 call police and escort the crook to the JUDGE for immediate lawyer less Convictions.
Key is always SOLVE any PROBLEM yourself and Deal with the immediate ISSUE, then teach others the same. to put anyone in Prison, death row, or work concentration camps by ACTION of WE his UNIOCRACY followers and Corporate Executives who all Join this LINK: Member of UNIocracy.
Everyone now USES fee free Solution Cross Referenced here and below to PREVENT all crimes.
NOW all my Police and single SolutionMilitary are under OUR CONTROL and COMMAND. As they also are WE the PEOPLE who have families.
ACTION by migrating billions of WE the PEOPLE to higher Elevations of reverses all Mass Poverty.
ACTION of SolutionSafeWater provides free world electricity, free communications, free Keith Society we all OWN.
Everything we share from GOD including all of Keiths resource are how to REPLACE and BYPASS all forms of government and Corp By-Laws.
makes common sense to use old technology and principals of enforced Honesty, Ethics by always using legally binding transaction Contracts we pioneered in Atlanta GA USA and even at age 13 High Point NC when we went part fulltime work for my fatherGOD who has now left EarthFirst...
We have legally claimed 1% of all crime assets seized using our (tm)(c)(r)patent methods to direct self fund the rest of our systems to restore GODs pirated wealth back to ourselves. This has never been done before because of the predatory Greed of LUCIFER Elites who have already cyber attacked all our private information since the dawn of technology of electricity and communications Morse Code and evolve of systems that were concierge conceived to solve basic human problems. Each of the Criminals who have violated OUR and MY RIGHTS have names and faces. It was never an issue about saying a specific GOV entity was Corrupt. Governments and Corporations are just a name on paper.
ONLY People commit crimes and violate others by cyber attacks, bombings, Wars, murder, list is endless. We have now prevented almost all Crimes starting with Keiths FOIA.ONE Open Public Reporting System and original that is worth BILLIONS in anti-crime prevention, theft by deception, aiding and abetting criminals, bribe extorting named Officers of OUR court. All these and thousands of other crimes were committed against KEITH involved over125 persons tied to Terrorist named Robert Dee ROSE world lawyers and FBI AG can easily SEIZE from with legal bounties of millions USD on each..
Most emerging technology is always perverted by Criminals to overthrow the remaining honest persons who actually Serve and protect OUR best interests and benefits. Everything we do is to ratify UNIFY the human race by peacefully removing all LUCIFERs deceivers from all Corporations, banks, Stock Markets, underground crime enterprises, and the few most corrupt Politician family dynasties who control OUR GOD loaned Assets past 1000 years. last update: July 19, 2020 requesting now 12 years for JUSTICE to be served by WE the PEOPLE by elimination of all deceivers using the same technology methods we pioneered back in 1976 NCSU Raleigh NC USA.
Only by direct contact and debrief mediating with KEITH and YOU we his people, will we obtain the required UTOPIA of world equality peace.
We are persecuted as the top AntiAll Crime scientists PHD level experts of all expertise metaPhysics starting with Lucifer Robert Dee Rose.
Un-mute the Audio above, open your eyes, and Hear the Reality Truth of WHY GOD sent Keith + few other prophet true Saints to save humanity. Then take ACTION by call contact visiting ALL top world leaders and PRESS to command WE the PEOPLE debrief teach them today, zero delay.
Most Critical Webcast to YOU our 7.8 billion people. We are the rare master scientists who also work full time on behalf of our FatherGOD and all humanity. We have gifted everything back to you to BUILD our new world free of violators = crime networks at all levels. This has never been completed throughout mankinds history because the root of all issues is predatory greed. HELP US HELP YOU with mass publicizing including BOOKING us to talk with your groups and World Presidents and Corporate Executives as the PRIME Mediators sent by GOD.
9 years ago we pledge promised to gift all of our $500 Million to over $1 Billion USD direct to build infrastructure here in Asia.Few has called us to ask how this can quickly be completed since most think falsely only ACTS of CONGRESS or GOD can ever ever change course of our history.
The super criminal ROSE has never been called or commanded to turn his Crime Network over to MY Special Forces = USA GOV seen on now as the FIRST resort by WE the PEOPLE evote FOIA = my Last debrief Sept 25, 2011.
July 17, 2020. i shall return to heaven soon. Spit up a little blood yesterday. Do not know if it is the broken JAW from being assaulted Oct 15, 2018 when FBI criminal Atlanta CID? AGENT LYNN and ?? ROSE forced me to be drugged 5.5 weeks again after she confessed on VOICE recordings ROSE was under investigation and I had been kidnapped that entire period..... No insurance, no cash INCOME, nothing has ever been DONE on my benefit behalf including MILITARY or YOU my people escorting me back to TESTIFY as required by ALL laws.
NO REPLY. O ANYTHING but EXCUSES for WHY I still alive... My heart also failing. Must be GODs Holy Spirit about to leave my body.
I had planned to go back to Manila near USA Embassy Sat July 18 8 am Roxas blvd. ANYONE can contact myself or ANYONE else my entire life to find out WHO I always was. NO one monitors or spys on anyone, except criminals, crooks, terrorists, and those who violate GODs Command of BE HONEST. #1 requirement is to 'ACT with Fearless authority to Protect the Rights of all others before thinking of self-entitlement benefits..."
### Even Atty Roman Mosqueda at (213) 252-9281 can receive $100 Million USD bounty on ROSE and +$125 Million USD legal fees. same as anyone else who simple does the most obvious solution of all: CALL Duncan.
CLEARLY UNIocracy replaces all known forms of Governments and mega Corporations worldwide. This is the prime requirement to eliminate all who violate our laws at any level. No longer can any person hide behind a corporate entity paper chase conspiracy by hiding the most critical evidence of our general Ledger books, our legally binding business contracts, and named politicians who only represent their campaign contributors and protect those who blackmail and threaten their families and long term careers as hidden Lucifer agents. No more appointed officials or promoted Executives. We all use to decide everything by will of majority of WE the People of UNIocracy. If the majority make a bad decision, they personally suffer the consequences. If a great decision using 5Steps, everyone is required to benefit in increased intrinsic persistent value. Our entire system is self correcting based on common sense logic authored by Keith Brent Duncan 1-19580815-1 (+100%)
July 23, 2020. Reality is I was always a mega millionaire BACK in 2011/ A mega Mega Millionaire in reality. WORTH so MUCH I often SCREAM OUT. WHO IN HELL is left who will take the REQUIRED TURNOVER> expires sometime this fall 2020. Surely it will fall into the Black HOLE of infamy inequity since NO honest person can actually FOCUS on anything of true merit of MY PEOPLE. Seems people object to single words so bad they are indeed zoombie clones marching to their very own end death = end times. CERTAINLY 7.8 bILLION PEOPLE benefit when almost all criminals worldwide are brought to JUSTICE by OUR crusaders. YES indeed, WE are RECRUITING all Military and POLICE and OFFICERS of all courts and lawyers this entire time. FOR THEY all benefit also by removing all the criminal scoundrels who take bribes and embezzle money and assets Seems few understand the power of GODs word and COMMANDs to always be HONEST and of our walk on earth. So true it defies anyone to CHALLENGE our conceived mission. ALL these cyber criminals roam freely since literally NO ONE has any method to PUT THEM 6 feet under. I have no need to convince or convict anyone. Criminals and terrorists do this by their very own evidence. Voiding the 5th Amendment of DO NOT HAVE TO TESTIFY AGAINST ONESELF is hereby legally rescinded forever by Keith Brent Duncan.
YES, GOD *my father in heaven' has stated plainly to me, WHY WOULD HE INTERVENE one next last time, HE SENT ME and he SENT YOU, my people to solve any and all of YOUR own problems. MY PROBLEM since Jan 15, 2008 has been to find a person who actually DOES AS I HAVE PAID them to DO FILE the damn papers and get mass publicity to DAMN these criminals to determinant end state of tortured hell. Most prisoners I have meet are actually quite nice. Caught in the TRAPS of vice, sin, and crime. most are guilty of something. But to live in HELL jail for years and decades never solves the root problem of predatory greed. Nothing left for me to do here but CONTINUE being #1 forefounder father of UNIocracy. MY health does indeed fail. No insurance of anything as everything DESTROYED by the LUCIFER society of named persons who surely by now have been identified and told ."YOUR DAYS are NUMBERED by your very own evidence.. " I cut and paste this also. Same as most of my own ordained and divined webcasts to MY WORLD. .
July 19, 2020. I have been leading a most extraordinary life past 61 years. I have authored well over 200 published works on HOW to solve virtually any world problem. End result is I was persecuted so ROSE led criminals in Atlanta GA could prevent prison on their side and steal mega-millions of USD valued intellectual property from Oct 3, 2011 until I was dumped on street Jan 28, 2014. Then I found I did not exist. No anything left to PROVE ROSE is behind mass conspiracy with +125 others who were criminally stupid to think NO one would ever investigate THEIR crime history. I am the only person providing real solution methods to PREVENT almost all crimes from being committed by BACK-LINERS in the first place. To a local smart lady I recently met on Thinks she has no resources to be on the INTERNET. so I replied...
Keith Acts 1:6 THINK OTHERS. I bet you have +25 persons, small business, even internet cafe or food shop who has internet. If you ask the right question and give them something of benefit, surely you build confidence, make new friends, and access GODs lines of communication. Everything is owned by MY fatherGOD. that is a shocking reality to most. I just webcast this also as true reality. been 3-4 weeks since anything from Tom Haag. Been 9 years since group of 5, actually more attempted to murder me by cyber signing all those certified court documents knowing once in HELL JAIL, anyone could go to my 2 homes and have open access to steal millions, (reality is: billions of USD valued intellectual property, databases, patents, mega millionaire contact information (databases again). ) . ROSE thought I had millions of USD worth of software from those fortune 100 companies from 35 years on those CD-ROMS. Odd that I am worlds leading SUPPLIER of Technology Salvation.
Most super genius take copies of everything when them move between mega companies. Typical of what Bill Gates and other billionaires have done 1970 to current era. Always leveraging and even stealing anything from anyone so they can build their next empire. Once mega wealthy, simple use of layered lawyers and highly paid accountants using Limited Liability Partnership (arms reach) people to cyber scam protect the fledgling fondler founder from any legal investigation. Most common place crimes against humanity is CYBER attacks that is defined as anything illegal stolen over the air=space. If a hand written assassination order, or a bribe extortion threat verbally spoken is a cyber attack weapon of mass destruction. If N. Korean Child GOD Kim Jung-Un utters the words 'press the launch button on a few missiles right now' what will a single person do? Kill this Lucifer or just push the button and walk away' . End times started back 1949 era, escalated during the Cold War. Known as WW3 really started 1957 launch of Sputnik spy communications satellite. Cyber attack again. those who control the communication lines see everything.
Some stupid people think their TV sets can see them in their bedroom. Stupid people who have no clue about anything programmable logic controllers are designed to accomplish. Few if anyone in the world has ever worked at basic electronic component level of resistors, webcams, micro transistors, vacuum tubes and know the full breadth of mainframe operating systems at the same time from 1976 NCSU forward. Appears reality that I was sent conceived by GOD 1-19580815-1 (integrity +100%) designed to lead entire world into UNIocracy. No one else has offered much of anything to unify the human race by PREVENTING almost all crimes against humanity. I spent too much time asking TOM HAAG and rest of world to file a few required civil and criminal lawsuits, GO to MEDIA, GO TO POLICE, FBI, IRS, AG, MILITARY, literally GO FORTH and command mass publicity since I have been doing this my entire life. so be it. I now let earthlings destroy themselves for they deserve to be torture punished by their very own actions. I am now thinking like immortal GOD who is perfectly happy with the death of humanity. People die all the time. What is the difference between millions of deaths each year versus 7.8 billion people being burned to death in about 2 to 8 hours. answer: NO differential difference to GOD or myself. so be it.
July 15, 2020 -Exactly 9 years from when criminally granted Cobb County GA USA TPO 1.1.1171 was dismissed and everyone refused to arrest and seize this same new world system from hands of ROSE, no one has represented 1st of any of my=our rights.
WE Keith's 7.8Billion People are 100% fully attacking any one who VIOLATES base existing laws since most everyone else who are Officers of any court, REFUSE to investigate or protect the rights of VICTIMS of organized crime who clearly have NO legal representation from ANYONE at all. NO lawyers have been found, NO one inside MY Police, MY FBI, my AG, my CONGRESS, even MY SolutionMilitary have lifted a finger to ask WHO are the worst criminals, how do we convict them in a few days? Our own Military is also the true LAST RESORT of obtaining immediate convictions of Cyber Criminals, remote Terrorists, of Corporate Executives and Bankers (known as BankSTER Mobsters) who have paid off OUR top leaders (formally known as Representative Politicians) to pass laws to PREVENT any investigations of WHO controls our laws, WHO makes all the secret deals and Stock market Speculation Financial TRADES.
Most of the ruthless named ELITES hide behind Lawyers and Accountants who are paid to SHUT THE HELL UP, You are PAID to do the numbers, you are PAID OFF to be quiet, you are PAID to ONLY do as you are commanded or you will disappear forever, you will be FIRED, you will never be hired by ANYONE once WE the GOD DEITIES of the the underworld tell everyone YOU are the criminal who COOKED our general ledger books, who committed crime after crime, who are DRUG ADDICTS, who are CHILD molester perverts, who are criminally insane incompetent. HOW does showcase to the entire world this is 100% true? Because everything above happened to me.
People who had no CLUE of anything signed Court documents commanding I be DRUGGED into vegetable state to MURDER ME while their criminal terrorist groups had 100% open access to MY HOMES in Atlanta GA to wipe out all evidence I even existed and WHO is tied to #1 most man hunted person in history ROBERT DEE ROSE who is the ANTI-CHRIST theFinalTerrorist. Most people would think only MILITARY special forces could find ROSE offshore. THEY will NEVER find ROSE since he has infiltrated our very own USA GOV even military databases over 10 years ago with Atty Alexander Cyclone Cover.
ALL evidence points backwards to Berry Vic Reynolds, Jimmy Deal of Atlanta conspiracies to MURDER keith and his crusaders. NO ONE has the raw guts to CITIZENS ARREST anyone. This is what I did Feb 4, 2011 to command Marietta Police seize Ms. Bashama and Wendell Carraway who clearly were paid off by ROSE to grand theft my homes. the arms length ROSE has used is extraordinary. HE never SIGNED or testified anything. He PAID OFF Cherokee County CID Matt Pettepher on Monday Sept 26, 2011 9 am to have me kidnapped the 3, 4, 5th time for 900 days of extreme HELL as I contacted outside and inside everyone this entire time, even right now.
PRIVACY Laws?? NO one monitors anyone except criminals who are bent on gaining criminal market share of my GODs wealth. I will go ON high speed internet today and Broadcast STREAM a fast as possible for MILITARY or CORPORATE executives to CALL myself and ESCORT me to testify WITH world presidents and top corporate executives. Surely 7.8 BILLION PEOPLE will then USE our ordained divined GOD delivered systems. I was NEVER a GOD, NEVER claimed I was CHRIST returned. I am clearly GODs messianic messenger in search of OTHERS who are actually 100% held accountable as HONEST.. We have no need to retract or delete anything from our Last testimony Testament. same as stated in Revelation 22:19-20 ".. Yes, I am coming soon." stated Christ through stories recorded 40 years later, authored by Apostle John who never met Christ. How did he know exactly what CHRIST said? Did they have live streaming VIDEO, microphones, recorders of real time history.
HERE I AM in GreenBreeze VI most formally requesting immediate escort under bodyguard protection to testify forever on WHO YOU ARE...
Last update 11pm. #317 Keith ON line 8 minutes with required SHOCKING news he is Saintkeith. Bro ELI Sorinao in Brazil who is also a stupid brainwashing false leader prophet zealot of Church of GOD exiled himself 17 years ago. He denies EVERYTHING claiming only HE is the ONE sent by GOD (church of GOD) and solving base issue of CORRUPTION and uniting all church members is IMPOSSIBLE as he only quotes and demand debates 2000 year old outdated GODs Scripture. Our world is TODAYS real time Last Testament Testimony. We go by MX to Balayan to meet Dr. Fely Constillo to meet Cavite GOv Remullas group on Friday July 17. Same missin to UNIFY mankind by MASS PUBLICITY always required to change course of GODs timeline history.
Zealots claim THEY are the ONLY ones who talk. ### For Immediate World Press Release and re-Broadcast . Read to the end for SHOCKER TRUTHS of all time. This original Dec 11, 2015 broadcast from Keith Duncan in Philippines. Read to the end, since everyone has been completely notified through every single ways and means, including Congress, Interpol, Press, churches, + you. Updated July 15, 2020 historical theFinalTerrorist LUCIFER ROSE date in Atlanta GA. Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die;” John 11:25 NIV. Thinking TRIBULATION must occur is another ZEALOT LIE as we are already in WorldWar FOUR based on economic greed of LUCIFER Banksters and Stock Market brokers. Always PREVENTED and solved with with focus on HOLD OUR own Profits once we understand fully we OWN and CONTROL everything in GODs borrowed loaned world.
Expecting Christ or GOD to return is the worst LIE of all time of BeLIEvers. GOD sends NEW prophets like Daniel and others throughout history to teach humanity SOLVE YOUR OWN ISSUES from nano to Macro GODs eye view using common sense computer system logic and 100% bible principals of integrity and honesty in clear plain dialogue universal stabilizing Language. this updated July 15, 2020.
When you finally see and understand WHO we have always been, JOIN UNIocracy by clicking Here to go to BOTTOM of most final Peace Keeping System ever conceived and deployed by you. The base requirements to join are clearly stated below. Those who join and contribute to benefit of others receive Common Stock so each of you have full voting rights on the progression of our UNIocracy Front liner Humanitarian Monitoring Educational Groups. Each of you have voting rights to send Keith and his Executive mediation teams to the greatest places of needs starting with meetings with your top Corporate Executives and Presidents. We require no pay, benefit packages, or ownership of anything, since YOU=WE his people now decide to offer our group(s) food, travel, and set up the next Forum seminars, workshops, meetings with World Presidents + leaders, and arenas full of your=our hungry people who want to Own and Control their very own assets and lives.
Everyone inside USA GOV and all other Governments and mega corporations are required to CONTACT Keith Duncan today per all existing laws.
Everyone must Contact Trump, FBI AG Press past 10 years. Tell them I am sole survivor of Terrorist ROSE and have the answers all published as a new world UNIocracy system to stop all crime. This alone restores and redistributes all stolen pirated crime wealth back to WE the PEOPLE.
First requirement is WE the PEOPLE own and control all Banks and Stock Markets by imprisoning anyone who violates our 'TRUST LAWS'.
We do this with to automatic correct the instability of our financial markets manipulated by Lucifer hidden agents.
Certainly my people will contact everyone they know to command our World presidents and Corporate Executives to meet us in person. This was always required and part of WHY GOD conceived myself and a few others. HARD to find others with any confidence to talk directly with the top thousands of current real decision makers. Seems most are scared to death of fear of the unknown including the Officers of our Court Judicial system who are now paid and protected so well, they will certainly work themselves out of a job to become local SolutionMilitary officers as peace keepers who work for us. Fear of Fear makes no common sense. Must be the worry and stress most have over paying the bills and standing in line waiting for the next reseller opportunity. Only those who venture out with our system will be successful... from now until the end of GODs timeline.
No other person or law enforcement agency has ever completed how to fast path identify +7.8 billion people to show public who is truly honest versus wanted for crimes. We have legally claimed 1% of all crime assets seized to direct fund all other aspects of UNIocracy. This is the true testimony evidence of WHY GOD sent us to personally mediate and solve/prevent all of man kinds base solutions. Since our only true needs are our security and best health, we have already pledged all our recovered assets and future earnings to be controlled by our members, partners, and investors who must be vetted using Berny Dohrmann's collective Cooperative Capitalism free will market system we learned Feb 2011 right after Rose and Ms. Bashama were focused on murdering us to prevent their own Death Row convictions. is the only answer method set BY-LAWS to return full eVOTE power to stabilize our assets to true intrinsic persistence.
Clearly my FatherGOD conceived Keith Duncan to be his messianic mortal messenger to teach humanity how to be honest by overthrow of all unsaved criminals. When we all have Zero Secrets, we all have a crime free Society (Acts of Keith 1:5). CyberCrime is defined as deceiving, fraudster, felony crime theft of our information and data. These #1 crimes against humanity are terrorists who infiltrate our databases and files with focus on all civil and criminal investigations. Once We HIS People see all evidence exposed real time to We the Public, only criminally insane and incompetent criminals would dare to violate our privacy and rights to be Free Will Market and IntlMerchants.Space. This is the only way to eliminate the BROKERs of commerce transaction trades who take profits and often violate basic accountability laws of our general ledgers and legally binding contracts. We perfected how to prevent all cyber crimes 12 years ago Critical Legal sidebar reality is most cyber criminals reside in NYC, Zurich Switzerland, Beijing, London, and other world financial cyber crime haven mega cities. Includes Criminal terrorists in Atlanta Georgia USA of Berry Vic Reynolds, Sally Q Yates, Atty Alexander Cyclone Covey + 12 others who violate our laws. With SolutionHousing, we the People migrate real TRILLIONs of USD to 3rd world nations using all of Keiths ordained divined methods.
Our WorldSchoolFund young adult engineers, computer experts, medical teams, and database and economic modeling experts now are the top mega corporation Executives and a few are all elected by popular dynamic evote to be Government highly paid Administrator Consultants.
All old existing databases are URL linked to FOIA.ONE as the worlds last communal shared open public repository of Human Knowledge and wisdom. No one can deny our rights again once entire world protects Keiths life and his growing crusaders who set up Intl headquarters worldwide. The prime requirement has always been to ACTION with Fearless authority to protect the rights of all others before oneself.
Everything we have produced we have gifted back to Mankind resulting in the most comprehensive system seen on our resurrected webcast domains with also focus on our New Spiritual world Order system of ChristDomain that also achieves total World GODs Equality Peace.
The only prime solution to UNIFY all mankind is enforced Ethics using EVOTE.ONE direct decision based Society store and forwarding all human knowledge and wisdom with FOIA.ONE at Keith returns to heaven soon since FEW if any honest persons have been found after TheFinalTerrorist Robert DEE Rose in 2005 attempted to recruit #1 scientist in world to cyber terrorist attack any government and top mega corporations. Lucifer is real ROSE. Violations of Human Rights was legalized centuries ago as NO ONE ever protects men sent by GOD who also are top ANTI-All Crime experts of all expertise. Sad that humanity perishes by Apathy and self entitlement greed. This updated GODs timeline, Keith still forsaken and stranded by everyone as I remain south of Manila past 3 weeks. Always clueless why USA GOV protects ROSE and +125 others inside secret agencies. TAKE Action CALL TRUMP, DOD, DOJ, top USA GOV officials and Corporate Executives like Atlanta Sally Q Yates, Trump, USA Military, Mike Briggs UPS, Sig Mosley, Governor Kemp, + CEO Chuck Link, Berny Dohrmann of to personal escort Keiths Crusaders back to TESTIFY as required by all laws. Then our entire world can UNIFY UNIocracy Equality Social Peace once and forever. Direct eDemocracy is the only answer to peacefully replace all LUCIFERIANS worldwide.
CALL FBI, AG, DOD offices NOW. Even send this to as CYBERCRIME terrorist attacks are trillions of USD your assets.
Updated July 13, 2020 still stranded by orders of ROSE who blacklisted keith back in 2010 on KEITHs open USA GOV databases.
#1 Playlist Webcast legacy history is: + was sent by GOD (clearly all alone), to redeem unify reform the human race. WHO will answer and escort us with SolutionMilitary or Corporate Executive or Angel Philanthropists starting with our fellow Angel Guardians at to mediate all World Presidents how to PRO-active Re-create UNIocracy Utopia of Includes all mega billionaires now attend our/my constructed Dec 2024.
UNIocracy is the ONLY solution asset sent by GOD to unify our human race by quick ID of who violates any law by forcing them to confess Open Circuit TV forum and paying back x 3 restitution. is UNIocracy eVOTE.ONE when WE the PEOPLE decide everything. Elimination of ROSE LUCIFERS is now easy by remote citizens arrest. Includes ANYONE to stand trial in front of MAJORITY of WE the PEOPLE. Keith is #1 author saint mediator sent by GOD to showcase everything so MY people are FREE will market exchange barter fully EMPOWERED communal share of everything with one degree of separation between each person and each eDEVICE of electronic ways and means of powered by
July 10, 2020 Today we contacted again Cavite Gov Remulla staff Vivian 0917-991-6118 on same +40 year old original system on how to redistribute massive wealth back to We the PEOPLE. Sad reality is few understand the gravity of the crimes committed remotely by NYC and other financial center persons.
She canceled by txt msg claiming only Remulla could contact us directly. Sad and true reality....
July 9, 2020. Since criminals hate to be exposed on Death Row and Open Circuit TV trial by our peers, I, Keith Duncan, do hereby announce I am nominated to run for President of UNIocracy New world society as your new world leader who needs no bodyguards, hides nothing, and mediates our world to be open public society when No Government or Mega Corporate Officials will ever be allowed to violate our rights to be free of all crime networks. Simply call our Angel Guardians and escort us to testify as we have everything completed to gift back to all humanity. As I clearly stated back in Sept 2011, the only two requirements are my health and security. Both have been threatened to point of my being murdered so many times, I lost count. Surely our new world system will now be your new world order when everyone knows WHO is WHO, WHO owns What, Who trades what with who and GPS when/where/and why. Open General Ledgers, all trade transactions, and communally shared all of my Father Gods resources are the true answer for why I am still alive south of Manila. Here I am, already world famous for surviving by ONLY telling and showing the absolute truth my entire life. kbd. 1:11am.
I offered to go with my USA Military Sept 25, 2011 to seize Robert Dee Rose. Same as today. here i am.
Citizens Arrests are key to immediate prosecution at local levels to prevent Liar Lawyer Judge issues.
Use of puts any corporate Executive banker, Broker, and cyber criminal groups in Prison and death row for violation of hiding secret business deals and criminal enterprises starting with Robert Dee Rose.
Watch Keith speak with GODs authority on WHY he was sent by GOD to UNIFY all mankind.
We are the Guardian Angel Philanthropist(s) sent to teach humanity how to achieve world 100% Equality social justice. We are persecuted relentlessly by named criminals mostly in Atl + NYC USA.
We + SaintKeith have solved every single one of our World Problems at all levels since no one else ever has completed Singularity = New World UNIocracy. CyberCrime terrorism attacks is 99% of worlds issues of who secretly controls all information, data, and communication links. Escort us TODAY !
June 18, 2020 We the PEOPLE hereby ORDER and COMMAND the citizens arrest of any violator of OUR new World System of Laws. Includes Arrest of Robert Dee ROSE, Sally Q Yates, Berry Vic Reynolds, Alexander Cyclone Covey, and of course the CHINESE COMMUNIST PARTY 205 top members BY our Chinese Military soldiers. This is common sense use of OLD Due Process of LAW of Maritime Common Law from centuries ago. Our HIGHER POWER (Father GOD and MotherEarth) are MADDER than OLD LIVING HELL that YOU my people refuse to use common sense to OWN and CONTROL Everything.. NOW escort KEITH DUNCAN to TESTIFY using all ways and means as I will be south, maybe North of Manila June 18, 2020. Cell is GPS trackable by NSA CIA or globe +63-9173354300.
Everyone, contact Everyone = one degree of Singularity Separation between each citizen worldwide. #1 requirement is to CALL/Contact/Personal Visit TRUMP and USA Ambassador Sung Kim +(632) 301-2000 so we can all DRAIN THE SWAMP CANAL and see how Keith teaches all criminals now exposed as NAKED idiot STUPID LUCIFER terrorists.
Includes ALL religious ZEALOTS who are OUSTED from our worship education centers by 51% vote of any congregation and even the LOCAL community to vacate be exiled. We are forefounding father of New Spiritual Order
June 27, 2020. For past 6 months, I have seriously considered taking DOWN the very last 6 websites, then KTrade.Space intlMerchants.Space that all link to how to unify mankind. My ultimate disgust with everyone I direct contact is APATHY and THAT is IMPOSSIBLE mentality. I truly will return to HEAVEN soon so MY fatherGOD and I can finally extract WRATH and REVENGE against the worst criminals as they have always been warned their criminal KARMA is recorded in the BOOK Chronicles and ACTS of . ApparentlyI am the SOLE saint apostle heir sent by GOD to teach humanity how to quickly eliminated the crime networks that most center on Cyber CRIME terrorist attacks against MY people at all level. just updated for last rule that everyone using EVOTE.ONE can easily Retro-Actively convict anyone.This includes citizens arrest and seizure of any criminally acquired wealth from previous generations. Most of the most ruthless criminals are a few named persons in NYC and other financial centers who are the ultimate CYBER terrorists collectively known as BANK-sters (Mobsters) and those selling Commodity trading software systems including the worst: BitCoins. Since NO one has ever asked me anything of any true merit. I have already answered everything regarding the descend of Humanity in real HELL. Never was my issues, always is issue of MY people to use I am saddened I have spent years motivating Tom Haag +1 (702) 349-9337‬ and billion of others, and NO FOLLOW-up NO ACTION is the end result. Clearly your world is so depraved with OLD re-active methods you have no clue how to achieve anything, including World Equality Peace.
Here I am: Keith Acts 1:3 " I am who I am and always was....son of humanity" Was John 10:30 " My FatherGOD and I are one'.
June 30, 2020 WHEN will USA and all WORLD leaders actually USE our #1 mediator services? This is the most required answer in world history and was WHY I personally debriefed USA Military Sept 25, 2011 as the absolute Last RESORT to prevent being assassinated. This scared LUCIFER ROSE so bad he knew only way was to isolate me by KIDNAPPING by multilevel Red paper Tape Conspiracies inside USA GOV most ruthless lawless groups of JUST Attorney General Offices run by Sally Q Yates in murder for hire conspiracies with Berry Sic-Vic Reynolds (now GBI Director), in murder conspiracies with Ex-wife Lesbian Sherry Duncan, my two sons Matthew and Kyle, my criminal terrorist brother Douglas V Duncan, and of course ruthless murderer Ms. Bashama and each of the 5 counties of Police, DAs, county, state, federal Judges, prosecutors, District Attorneys, and literally all of my own key business partners like Chris Morris and terrorist lawyer Alexander Cyclone Covey and Norcross GA my attorney LIAR-Lawyer Terrorist Conspirator Jimmy Deal 770-263-7200.
Since NO ONE has ever REPRESENTED the FIRST of any of my RIGHTS, I have personally published and delivered worlds LAST new social justice economic market system that eliminates all criminals at one time with EVOTE.ONE stored and forward through ONE open public (NO secrets) write once, read public database Certainly I return to Heaven now (or soon), since GOD, Myself, Christ, and a few other Guardian Angels who are GODs observers and creators will now reign supreme over Earth and literally RAIN down Terror across all lands one last time. OR we just reside in Heaven, and watch humanity do this to itself. Always Free Will choice of my 7.8 billion people as the original Deceiver named Lucifer was a fallen Guardian Angel who GOD allowed to con artist scam the human race to see if anyone would step up to command Lucifer be tortured and showcased as the ultimate terrorist ROSE.
July 7, 2020 we remain stranded in Manila because NO honest person has yet called us to ask us WHY DID GOD SEND Keith?
We have been the #1 top anti crime expert technologists our entire lives. Clearly GOD sent us to mediate achieve Equality Peace once and forever. If no one escorts us to testify, we will pull down the last solution assets and watch humanity die a quick death. is the PRIME holy spirit method to eliminated named Bankers and Corporate Executives who PREY on WE the PEOPLE by scamming us out of OUR long term profits using all the SPECULATION investment laws that were NEVER ratified or approved by EVOTE by same WE the PEOPLE. Keith duncan. Skype: BuiltByKeith2 who always was
USA GOV named persons have always OWED keith Debt of Gratitude and payment of well over $500 Million USD for the extreme damages caused by initially ONLY Robert Dee Rose and Ex-wife Lesbian Sherry Duncan along with Sally Q Yates, Berry Vic Reyonds +120 others in Atlanta, Norfolk VA, Washington D.C, Raleigh N.C., literally everywhere I was forced to go from Oct 3, 2011 to present moment of June 14, 2020 still stranded in metro Manila Philippines. I still struggle since being kidnapped 5 times = 900 days just to earn enough for just food, MX gas, and pay for communication costs to finally FIND 1st HONEST person in USA or here abroad...
These God Sent by Saint Keith comprehensive URL ECO methods achieve total world Social Equality peace from now until end of your Gods timeline.
Updated June 16, 2020 I=Keith no longer have time to make this list PERFECT displayed for use of MY people. Scroll down to the NEXT Section to see for yourselves exactly WHO is KEITH, and WHO are YOU.
We decided by GODs orders 12 years ago to NEVER remove anything GOD sent us to observe = Create.
Clearly CITIZENS Arrest of ANY VIOLATOR of ANY Law is the PERFECT solution to deal with ANY issue at the time of Crime Commission. VIDEO is the KEY witness. Does not matter WHO is the person. Eliminates need of putting MY kPolice and kMilitary peace keeping forces at risk. WHY has no one just CALLED keith and escorted him back to testify WITH all World Presidents to USE the following new world system to achieve total world Equality Peace?
ProfitShareHolders.Space -Prevents Stock Crashes.
Below* self evident answers.
List world changing interlinked A.I. Singular solutions that are the TRUE answers to UNIFY mankind.
ManHuntAll ROBERT DEE ROSE is Jan 5, 2016 Dec 21, 2019
Citizens Arrest of ANYONE worldwide who violates GODS Commandments + SolutionManifesto. eVOTE + 11 COMMANDments + 1 Universal Human bill of Rights.
This alone uses OLD system of Tribal decision making authority of Will of Our Community. Anyone can use their cellphone/computer to Order the Remote Seizure and arrest of anyone who violates our rights to face a violator in any open Court of Law recorded live Open Stream Circuit kNet TV. Stored in Even easy remote trial by Conference Video Call with PUBLIC passing Judgment so victims are never endangered.
uniocracy.ORG TOTAL WORLD PEACE SOCIETY. May 8, 2016 Jan 15, 2020
solutionpeace Obtains Total Peace Forever. Jan 14, 2017 Jan 13, 2020
CarNations Carlito Castillo Manila on Crime Watch Guardians done in 2 hours June 14, 2020.
Bayanihan Filipino Movement Workshops 24x7 Monitor For National Security through Purok Block. Carlito R. Castillo (63)0 955-803-2271 Direct funded by
Stands for China, America, Russia new free trade Barter SYSTEM of to also achieves NO-GOV/Corp Total World Peace. Noviliches Proper Old Covered Court. Ties into all electric ELECTRONIC driven Society of ONE degree of Separation between all eDevices and ALL of my 7.8 BILLION People who all now carry used kSmartPhones of worldSchoolFund to GPS track each other real time + our Children, elderly, disabled, convicted FELONS, and even work camp concentration farms overseen by ChristDomain workers of OUR fields of HONESTY.
CCWguard Community CRIME WATCH Aug 9, 2019 Jan 10, 2020
EarthFirst Worlds last Peace Concert Empower Mankind to achieve Ownership of everything as Communal shared.
SolutionManifesto ONE New World Peace Constitution. Sep 6, 2015 Dec 26, 2019
CreatorKeith.SPACE Apr 22, 2015 Jan 13, 2020
BuiltByKeith EVOTE.ONE SINGLE WORLD eVOTE totl new Judicial Peace SYSTEM. Nov 13, 2015 Jan 16, 2020
URLident FOIA.ONE ONE WORLD Peace Database
This is the SINGUARITY Artificial Intelligence Database that now RUNS our new world PEACE society Controlled by WE the PEOPLE so NO stupid cyber criminal group can ever infiltrate using OUR old 1976 NCSU methods. Nov 25, 2010
solutionhousing -PREVENTS ALL Mass Poverty. Nov 26, 2015 Jan 6, 2020
solutionGC SolutionGunControl from Sept 25, 2011-11pm
my Debrief SolutionMilitary Langley Air Force Base tied to Sally Q Yates.
No Looting, Riots, Murder, Martial Law or WARs self evident Jun 27, 2016 Sep 17, 2019
teenmm TeenMoneyMachine Dec 14, 2015 Jan 4, 2020
solutionsw FREE World Water and Unlimited Energy Jun 6, 2017 Dec 15, 2019
SolutionSafeWater -Final GODs answer free unlimited Water and Power at same time.
TurnOffLights.SPACE -Smart Power World Control Power System, Smart Smoke Detectors, JOYDrive Automatic vehicle sytem, LowBar Barge and sideRoad Dredging
- Free World Energy Hydro Power Turbines, New Harvest of GODs rainfall.
---- Includes Dredging of all Small Canal waterways all the way to GODs Ocean. Finishing this on June 14, 2020 GODs timeline.
ManHuntALL -Citizens Arrest of ANYONE. the OLD tribal method of Social Justice. kbd.
ManHuntRose WhereIsRobertRose Sep 2, 2015 Aug 26, 2019
hostage4profit Our Judicial System is CRIMINAL InJustice Mar 16, 2015 Feb 28, 2019
PCterror Political Criminal Terrorism Aug 20, 2015 Feb 28, 2019
WaterPowerCorp Jun 20, 2019
turnofflights .SPACE FREE WORLD Electric Energy System. Jan 15, 2020
bidonkeith #1 world Consultant Jul 28, 2015 Nov 2, 2019
saviorkeith Saint Keith Dec 20, 2015 Mar 10, 2019
fatherkeith Original Keith Jul 27, 2016 Mar 12, 2019
godsendme Saint Keith Duncan Jun 4, 2017 Mar 12, 2019
followkeith 2008 Keith May 8, 2016 Mar 11, 2019
MGCdesign Marisa Cordevo Oct 14, 2019 Oct 14, 2019
GTREYES Gloria T Reyes Executive President
PMinc IntlMerchants.Space Jun 13, 2019 Oct 13, 2019
christd CHRISTDomain Dec 4, 2015 Jan 14, 2020
solutionGOD. Oct 26, 2015 Mar 17, 2019
solutionislam Feb 15, 2016 Mar 12, 2019
KeyWitness Keiths True God Sent Mission here on Earth Aug 23, 2019
solutionjudge Dec 13, 2015 Jan 14, 2020
worldsf Aug 17, 2015 Jan 11, 2020
CCWguard Community CRIME WATCH Aug 9, 2019 Jan 10, 2020
solutionmil SolutionMilitary Aug 22, 2015 Jan 8, 2020
wolf Jeannie Wolf. Dec 26, 2019 Jan 7, 2020
maryrights Feb 11, 2016 Mar 12, 2019ic-stand Apr 16, 2015 Mar 6, 2019
babayuanES -Ezekiel Duncan Sep 11, 2015 Feb 28, 2019
teammm TeenMoneyMachine Key Apr 16, 2015 Mar 6, 2019 teenpenny Oct 1, 2015 Mar 4, 2019
gtpsim GTPSI-ManilaChapter.ORG Nov 28, 2019 Jan 13, 2020
ktrade KTrader.SPACE Oct 5, 2019 Dec 7, 2019
solutionUNI SOLUTION United Nations Oct 30, 2015 Aug 17, 2019
solutionbf ANTI ALL BANK FRAUD Jun 9, 2016 Aug 15, 2019
sdrugs Prevents ALL Drug ABUSE Jan 6, 2018 Jul 10, 2019
b666 Link to Philippine ExPres GMA
Barangay Capt Felix Macapagal 417 UNave Mar 12, 2019
teenmm3 Jan 2, 2020 Jan 2, 2020
psme Dec 26, 2019 Dec 26, 2019
multea Dec 22, 2019 Dec 22, 2019
glow Dec 22, 2019 Dec 22, 2019
enzo Sep 27, 2019 Dec 3, 2019
nochemo Dec 3, 2019 Jan 15, 2020
HugPong Filipino 100% Direct Democracy Jun 24, 2019 Dec 1, 2019
genocide Nov 28, 2019 Nov 28, 2019
sweeppp May 3, 2019 Nov 28, 2019
solutionpeace3 Nov 26, 2019 Nov 26, 2019
cmbpower Run of River HYDRO Power Aug 21, 2019 Nov 19, 2019
solutionpeace2 Oct 10, 2019 Oct 10, 2019
FOIA Sep 10, 2019 Oct 3, 2019
eVOTEone-Backup Nov 19, 2018 Jan 16, 2020
bayanihan RC Vernes part of Sep 27, 2019
pcci Sep 26, 2019 Sep 26, 2019
solutionpeace1 Sep 10, 2019 Sep 10, 2019
PhilGreenFirst Mar 18, 2019 Aug 14, 2019
FOIA2 Aug 11, 2019 Aug 11, 2019
WorldTrader 700 Metric tons GOLD Aug 2, 2019 Aug 9, 2019
DEMO-PhilGreenFirst Aug 6, 2019 Aug 6, 2019
foia Jan 27, 2019 Jul 9, 2019
UNAcoop May 22, 2019 Jun 10, 2019
technosales May 22, 2019 May 22, 2019
Vgentorg Apr 2, 2019 May 8, 2019
vgent Mar 18, 2019 May 8, 2019
pipepumps Apr 11, 2019 May 8, 2019
philwater Jan 18, 2019 Apr 11, 2019
DonBosco TOP Nigerian Artist Groups. Feb 11, 2019 Mar 24, 2019
Tektwin One of our PRIME Construction Support FUNDERS. Mar 9, 2019 Mar 22, 2019
fiis May 7, 2018 Mar 18, 2019
paultolentino Feb 10, 2019 Mar 16, 2019
schytech Jan 16, 2019 Mar 15, 2019
sfinal Jan 20, 2016 Mar 14, 2019
asap Mar 6, 2019 Mar 13, 2019
amulungsupply Nov 29, 2016 Mar 12, 2019
acsamulung Nov 29, 2016 Mar 12, 2019
solutionjobs Apr 13, 2016 Mar 12, 2019
meedsl Apr 13, 2016 Mar 12, 2019
solutionmanufacture Sep 4, 2018 Mar 12, 2019
franklandnetradio Jun 25, 2018 Mar 12, 2019
iseeiunderstand Apr 15, 2018 Mar 12, 2019 kract Oct 1, 2017 Mar 12, 2019
cocoo2 Aug 29, 2017 Mar 12, 2019
masterprayer Jul 19, 2017 Mar 12, 2019
coconutoil Jul 18, 2017 Mar 12, 2019
irenewoodshop May 17, 2016 Mar 12, 2019
fundhtn Feb 9, 2016 Mar 12, 2019
teenmm2 Dec 11, 2015 Mar 11, 2019
cccrime Dec 9, 2015 Mar 11, 2019
mamrtrading Jul 22, 2015 Feb 27, 2019
abutranslator Jun 30, 2015 Feb 26, 2019
June 12, 2020 final webcast to Everyone worldwide. Reality of Sept 26, 2011 two Webcasts left colum show I was being attacked by Robert Dee Rose, Berry Vic Reynolds of Atlanta GA now GBI Director, Atty Alexander Cylone Covey Terrorist and had already visited Sally Q Yates Sept 14, 2011 requesting Formal Protection by AG offices in Washington before going to USA SolutionMilitary Langley AirForce Base requesting SAME protection by MY Military + Police + DOJ + DOD.
Proof I am #1 ANTI Crime Prevention expert in the world. Listen to Sally Q yates on Right and CALL her now.
Click: Keiths Webcast I answered Q WHAT DO YOU DO? I said "WHAT DO YOU NEED"
I just EMAILED Sally Q Yates at LAST time requesting MILITARY escort to find me, same as any of my 7.8 Billion PEOPLE are required to do past 15 years. I will be 1 hour south of Manila near Greensboro.
MOST CRITICAL Update made justified June 14, 2020 is here.
Play and UN-MUTE below. Hear the DANGER I was in Sept 26, 2011 AFTER I delivered SolutionMilitary to Langley AirForce Base. Hear Sally Q Yates on right talk about DOJ is clueless on how to SOLVE any Major CRIME since all the agencies FIGHT each other. Another Video she says clearly that DOJ does NOT want to ever talk directly with Corporate Executives who VIOLATE laws or THEIR corporate In-House Legal COUNSEL. They only talk directly with OUTSIDE hired GUN legal counsel attorneys to KEEP all investigations at "ARMS LENGTH' away from the REAL criminals like Berny Madoff who is/was a REAL cyber Crime Terrorist. She speaks at length about how DOJ determines the FINEs of Corporations but NEVER ever SEIZES the PRIVATE fortunes of the same terrorists. The fines are PAID off with OUR PROFITS and assets, never theirs. Another CRIME against Humanity.
WOW OMG. Keith is EXACTLY who ie has always been.Works on behalf of GOD and humanity his entire life. WORKS FOR all law enforcement and governments and knows exactly HOW to eliminate even the STUPID JERK-OFFS Communist Chinese Party dictators (all 205 of them), and N.Korean child dictator Kim JUNG-un boy false GOD. Same as HOW to CITIZENS Arrest literally ANYONE in world who violates basic laws. Same as I did Feb 4, 2011 Ms. Bashama Marietta Square and I was FORCED into HELL overnight Feb 22, 2011 because of ROSE.
Everyone reading this, deliver today to WHITEHOUSE, DOJ, DOD, CNN, top News Media, and TOP mega Corporate world Executives to see the true reality reason of WHY keith and a few others around our world are stranded, prevents all day trading insider trading cyber trillions of USD annual transfer to those most know as the 'ruling Elite'
Deliver this to any FBI, AG office and for THEM to contact Whitehouse + Trump and local USA Manila Ambassador Sung KIM to fly keith and team to testify with TRUMP, against cyber criminals Sally Q Yates, Berry Vic Reynolds , Alexander Cyclone Covey all from Atlanta GA. All those GOV Public tip lines are USELESS, the most often are trained to HANG UP to not be bothered by what they THINK are prank calls. Most really are. TRY it yourself. tell them KEITH Brent Duncan anti-crime world expert is in danger . Reasons are now 40 years old.based on all evidence we have exposed this entire time. CKS20200620-PeaceAccord. This exposes the RAL LUCIFERS, a group of Cyber terrorists who infitrate OUR military, DOJ, Corporate databases long long ago. We can fly out of Manila or CLARK Military airbase last 4.5 years. Had no real indication untl last 7 months the REAL danger our USA and world citizens were in. 100% true by all our evidence seen below.
Our Free Will Decision COMMUNITY
is crime = vice free SolutionManifesto Covenant between God and Humanity
We the People use (evote.SPACE) at to decide everything. Includes full ownership and control over all infrastructure. We the PEOPLE are all of Keith's +7.777 Billion people who 'Act with Fearless Authority to protect the rights of all others'. This is the prime and only requirement to prevent all criminal networks in the first place using our (c)(tm)(r) Patent intellectual property that is Common Sense, use of existing technology, and bible principles of honesty, Truth, integrity, and enforced ethics of any business or social interaction between anyone. Join us today and prevent the ANTI CHRISTS from overthrowing our world before WW4 occurs. this would have occurred back in Sept 2011 if a SINGLE person had honored and represented our rights to recover our own ASSETS and testify to the public and world leaders on exactly how to achieve total world global peace.
Everything now stored in worlds last open public database FOIA.ONE that links to all other world databases over OUR free kInternet communication backbone self direct funded by 1% of all assets seized using our unique open public anti crime methodology.
Keith has legally authorized the capture of all criminals based only on their own evidence with SolutionJudge SolutionMilitiary since our existing Judicial systems are full of criminals who destroy the most critical criminal evidence to prevent their own seizures and Prison. Now interested persons EVOTE guilty, need more evidence (delay) or innocent based on Open PublicCircuit TV/speakers/microphones.
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![]() | is the sole SaviorSaint Sent by GOD, owner + World title Holder of Earth, Engineer, Keynote Mediator, Peace maker of worlds last Peace Keeping system at all levels. We have hereby declared ourselves as free will Sovereign Citizens free of the mass oppression of Corporate Entities. We now form our own new free will barter trade society free of all crime and GREED. FRAUD is the one action that so many named criminals do to deny the rights of our fellow free world will UNIocracy citizens.
And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?" Then I said, "Here am I! Send me. Isaiah 6:8 ESV This happened to Keith many times. I finally answered Nov 4, 2009 after divorcing a fraudulent wife who kept saying 'No SEX from me' So True.
Watch: about JPMorgan the worlds greatest FRAUDster who took advantage Tesla + USA world people.
My career was always working directly for GOD. We personally created the backbone infrastructure of Worlds Internet at all levels with focus on storage, search and retrieve information everything as an All digital Electric(on) Paperless, crime free society. Sad reality is our very own DOJ and world cannot even CALL KEITH and retrieve me back to USA to testify because most have LUCIFER Agenda of Blinded GREEDY greed and self serving purposes of self-genocide. ONE super criminal ROSE first wanted me dead Jan 2008 the result is WHO controls earth has been LUCIFER. GOD clearly sent a few of us (maybe just myself) to be the Master Mediator of all ti2me to FREE your souls from the worst crime of all = GREED.
Ultimate Meantime ONLY way to SAVE yourselves is to Contact everyone and dispatch SolutionMilitary to escort me to talk with YOU my world.
We see signs of 'TRUST IN GOD' everywhere. Have you ever seen a TRUST in our GOVERNMENT or Mega Corporations' OH Oh My GOD, every commercial, news show, news article is brainwashing us to TRUST in OTHERS, and never IN WE are the OTHERS'. Our world is on last phase of self destruction over ONE stupid FLU virus that is just one stage of LAST meltdown of all Societies. Each war at any level was caused by a small elite group controlling the NEWS of WHO is the real enemy (false RED flag Media) in the next greener pasture next door. Our simple system is the ONLY legal peaceful way for WE the PEOPLE to eVOTE anyone into prison for violating OUR rights to use GODs resources.
This can never be simplified below the simple COMMANDment covenant law of 'ALWAYS BE HONEST' and hold all others ACCOUNTABLE by enforcing ethics and integrity using VIDEO recorded transactions at each point of transfer of assets and promises. This was what GOD sent me to do. Search IseeStand PhoneCradle BuiltByKeith , then RemanAdate, and watch
June 10, 2020 I, Keith Duncan, do hereby testify to YOU my most beloved people, that I have been victimized by initially four criminally insane incompetent criminals who have PAID off key USA GOV law enforcement and Officials of OUR courts to murder me based on 10% evertying shows they each violated basic legally binding contracts, then literally defrauded me and robbed my homes of eventually ALL my life time assets while false testifying I was a closet pervert, sex/drug addict, child kidnapper/molester, criminally insane incompetent, and anything they could libel/slander say to everyone to have me Murdered by Forced Drugging BY malpractice sub-contractor Doctors under direct orders of Robert dee ROSE that violated ALL of my civil Constitutional Rights to put them ALL in prison, and at least 20 on Death ROW for infiltrating OUR USA government and corporate databases.The key ENEMY of the STATE Terrorist was always ROSE who is manhunted by all my 7.8 billion people. I remain criminally stranded in Manila Philippines since YOU my PEOPLE are mostly brainwashed by cult Zealots who say, OH just let Keith die alone since HIS system is the ONLY way to liberate and FREE all people from the most criminally complex system run by LUCIFERIANS who profit by killing our mutual Prophets sent by GOD and supported only by YOU our people. WHY does everyone we contact last 15 years BREAK their promises, never show up on time for any required meetings, and most often claim they are TOO BUSY, TOO POOR, too Sick of being victimized by their own apathy, greed, and self-entitlement focus?? WOW OMG, this is the most TRUE statement about their Human Condition that most have no CLUE who is Keith Brent Duncan, less clue about WHO is our REAL GOD, and are destined to be destroyed by a few named Bankers, Corporate Executives, Military Generals, CCP, criminally insane Politicians, since no one really cares about Keith or WHY GOD sent him alone to save all of humanity. I shall indeed RETURN to Heaven soon, OR a SINGLE person can call me anytime, since I have have always been the #1 most human humble scientist engineer mediator of HOW to ACHIEVE total World Global Peace. I am ALL for everyone until the end of all time that apparently is occurring one last time by ONE very stupid Simple Cold FLU mutated Virus. Call us, Escort us today !!
June 9, 2020 is last webcast to World for awhile showing EVERYthing compressed downto 12:53 minutes on how simple old technology and OUR methods truly change the course of our mutual history. Reality is GOD sent myself and literally all of us to SOLVE our own issues at all levels. Only a FEW of us have dedicated our lives to teach mankind how to UNIFY one last time... I travel south of Manila today. The # of felony/civil crimes committed against myself started with Robert Dee Rose and has extend to +125 named persons who all knew ROSE had robbed keith after infiltrating so many databases, all reasons his Death Row convictions based solely on HIS crime spree evidence that extends back before ROSE even contacted keith in 2005 summer. Certainly a single person can call keith or any of his massive network of DOJ, lawyers, Trump, DOD, business people and ask for FBI Director Chris Wray and thousands of other top corporate officials and soon all 7.8 billion of MY people to hear the absolute testimony of WHY GOD sent keith(others) to redeem our world.
June 7, 2020 Above 1120-WorldPeace is top request for Sally Q Yates, Roman M + anyone else to CALL me. I plan to be south of Manila off-grid since my 5.5yold iPhone5s is almost dead, just like myself for lack of ANY legal representation post Jan 15, 2008 that actually closed. Anyone can contact ANYONE on my behalf as I am indeed worlds FIRST billionaire, actually GodZillionaire who goes to greatest Places of Needs on GODs payroll to PAYBACK all the Deceiver deFRAUDster assets back to YOU my most beloved People. Signed at 5 am. escort me today since I can not find a SINGLE USA GOV official, OR Corporate Executive, or ANYONE to simple ASK ME ANY QUESTION of any True Merit. SO ODD.
Most of my people are all isolated and alone afraid of taking ACTION to fearlessly protect the RIGHTS of all Others. Is this YOU? So true.
GOD sent Keith to be the REDEEMER of mankind, JUST like GOD sent My father GOD Christ Jesus. Anyone who harms my PEOPLE then also harms Keith and GODs Higher Power Angels including dispatches the ANGEL OF DEATH (is this the stupid COVID19 flu virus), or something worst that will appear in June 2020. Hard to tell since everyone refuses to give me access to OUR world databases so we can quickly deploy the answer of Garden of E.D.E.N of client3635.wixsite.COM/URLident that clearly empowers YOU our people to CONTROL and OWN everything. Shocking is how simple this is to RETURN to the tribal system when all leaders are Treated ONLY as HIGHLY paid Advisor Consultants seen on the DIAGRAM below. WE the PEOPLE can exile anyone, including CCP, N.Korean Child FOOL Kim Jung-Un. Who will do this? you???
. DEAL with your ISSUES, my PEOPLE, otherwise suffer TORTURE by GOD + WE his CHOSEN People, since this is indeed the Most Powerful Keeper Mission forever by identifying those who are Brainwashed by named Zealot Elites to think, OH Aliens control everything. Common sense states IF THEY (E.T.) are battling the A.I= Artificial Intelligence systems of Keith and Atlanta CEO Chuck Link they will surely be exposed as STUPID cyber criminals using OUR internet to remote scam, con-artist, and STEAL all of our Public and Private information. A few others conceived have done the same GODs Missions of super refined Technology. Surely all these stupid JERK-OFF humans would already be Eaten Alive. I now travel south so each of you can CALL and VISIT everyone else. I will go to Manila or Clark Airport soon, and can even be picked up any time By Military or local Duterte Helicopter. CERTAINLY CIA NSA or Interpol or some honest group has been tracking everything I DO. Or maybe NOT, I can not tell until USA and all other Governments and OUR Public Mega-Corporations open up OUR databases we PAID for and OWN worldwide for OPEN PUBLIC awareness Scrutiny by WE HIS/HER people for that is the TRUE reason I went to Langley AirForce Base Sept 25, 2011 as a LAST resort for indeed I was scared SECURITY-less. SO true . I did not use the above exact words, for those hire-A-Cop guards would have thought I was, I do not know, maybe Criminally Insane incompetent (Same as MY stupid terrorist Public Defender Phoenix Harris and ASAG Dee Sterling, and highest power Attorney Generals claimed. WOW OH MY GOD. 100% true by THEIR own certified Court Claims. I delivered unioCRACY for claiming ROSE was cyber stalk tracking my every single contact with YOU = my HONEST people. True.
At this ultimate Meantime, I remain the brightest person in world history until I find one who is indeed more Brilliant. Surely there must be millions of US who live in true reality. Time travel Back is Impossible.Time travel forward is reality. Think of caretakers on SpaceX style Seed ship fleet(s) who go forth into My Father/Mothers Universe. Frozen embryos are conceived centuries later as soon as remote IseeStand sensors find viable life supporting foreign Exchange Student planets. That is a key vision I have had past few years. It must be ME all along. Contact us now.
Because of true Nature I (and ? who else) were Sent by GOD himself, I-We have clearly gifted the recovered $500 Million USD real and punitive damages, our $3MUSD Insurance claims, Our entire portfolio of all old, current, and future income BACK to complete WorldSchoolFund and all other 25 linked method solutions in order to PAY for total world unification. Now no one on earth can DENY your rights and NO ONE living will hurt Keith or his people since we have legally claimed only 1% of all crime assets seized using Citizens Arrest and the POWER of our common sense HAVE versus Have-Not world saving transfer of GODs wealth back to WE THE MEEK Smartest Persons using If we do not survive to Testify/Mediate with all World Presidents, GOD and Keith will surely (SolutionSafeWater) FLOOD like NOAH wipe-up Reign down our WRATH upon You our PEOPLE for being so criminally greedy as not to RESPECT our most simple and honorable formal requests for YOU to be our new world leaders. We have never so adamant since Robert Dee ROSE is a true Madman.
John 10:30 states "My FatherGOD and I are ONE" this is the one to one degree separation between each of YOU and US. So so simple.
Keith and YOU+OTHERS MUST contact top WORLD Presidents + PRESS + top Corporate Executives + TOP PHD professors. and GivingPledge.ORG level CONscience OUR people to command our works of TOTAL peace be deployed in record of GOD's timeline NOW.
Same as Sept 25, 2011 midnight, when the LangleyAFB guards(OSI Weber) said 'OMG, We know why you are here as a Last Resort' asking for JUST ONE criminal investigator to call FBI + AG and ask "WHAT in THE LIVING HELL of LUCIFER are you doing to KEITH = OUR MAN of social and Peace Justice'. If anyone had actually debriefed keith of his true merit mission, YOUR world would already be 100% free will market society.
I = We HATE all forms of human crime and are the ONLY persons in world who TEACH how to PREVENT.
While EVERYONE hates each other, a few honest read on and continue. Please ask TRUMP to finally dispatch Military from Manila Embassy D.I.A. to active achieve Equality Social World Peace. Please ask Meg Ryan or Sandra Bullock or YOU or someone to shop for a new wife for me. First 2 were criminal fraudsters. Sherry and Marites.
We search for EVERYONE to CALL NCSU to gift $20 Million USD pledge gift to CSC. Key CEO Chuck Link and Susan Phillips Grads 1981 who are both mega Millionaire Genius to come FIND KEITH now.
EDUCATE MY world as I am indeed the most humble COMMANDer of all time. AS WHO I was, am, and always will be as compared with JP Morgan. and WHY my system will soon eliminate ALL bank fees and other Taxes one last time. Use of OLD common sense, OLD methods, OLD technology to close and NULL/VOID all man-made LOOPHOLES that are always to deceive my 7.8 billion people. If you still see NO value in WHO I AM, go read JUST top of to understand just 4 criminal FRUADSTERS are the ones who had me kidnapped 5 times. Must be how THE SYSTEM works, since I have yet to have a SINGLE person represent myself or any other VICTIM of organized crime. OUR SYSTEM does just that with SOlutionJudge SolutionManifesto use of OUR Call RICH V today as MY CELL dead for lack of HOLY SPIRIT life drained out of most of myself. Keith 7am Sunday as I DO break 1 TEN commandment my entire LIFE. I work fulltime for GOD and HUMANITY every single Saturday and Sunday since everyday is MY HOLY day 24x7x365 annually. keith
I ?Think? I spoke with Dennis Quaid's Artist mother, brother, and wealthy fraudster step father at Atlanta GA
Westin after RITZ Group Sig Mosley said 'NOT interested', same as most others. NO CLUE. Continue. The wife claimed she was a famous artist. I asked the old fat golden Goose egg geezer Scrooge if he owned 95% of mine+ Gods interest free loaned Wealth + everything else, would it be enough? . He said NO. He was only in the market for fun, the money did not matter. It was all about 'MORE money to be made in the Market'. His ?wife almost fell on the floor saying "BOY Keith, you sure nailed HIM on his head. TRUE Story. Greed again.
Click: PLEASE my world. If I have harmed anyone, PLEASE put me away, PLEASE do NOT watch the Sept 26, 2011 video below that explains WHY I am WHO I am. STOP reading right now, and PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE send a HIT man from ROSE, terrorist Douglas Vernon Duncan (Cary NC), or some one to put me back in Heaven... please continue... Everyone else of critical importance has been directly contacted this entire time. We are only one mortal man and can NEVER succeed without the HELP now of YOU=HIS people.
We hereby recruit all new 100% Honest Legal advisors, + Lawyers, Judges, Police, Military, Presidents, Corp Executives, Other Billionaires to call us since USA GOV named officials here and abroad are to busy committing Fraud of their own. This is exactly same missions from God that we alone were doing back full time 2005 to 2011 era until June 15 2020 when we destroy everything evil... Only by WE+Keith Mediating with Everyone can WE our most beloved and besieged people ever achieve total world global equality social peace and FULL justice for all.
We are truly shocked that so many felony and civil crimes were initially committed by Lesbian Sherry Duncan in 2005, then ROSE, Sherry Duncan again, then Ms. Bashama, this named list is indeed the final end list. The other +125 participated because ONLY ROSE had the financial capacity and motivation to pay off all those CID police officers, MY very own lawyers, then proceed to pay off each JUDGE, each D.A Sic-Vic and any other DA, Federal Judge, Clerk of Courts, and collude with Atty Alexander Cyclone Covey to testify confirm the LUCIFER original Heresay by ROSE of: "KEITH, I Robert Dee ROSE, I DO Not owe anything back to you because you DEFRAUDed Homewaves and ME." He initially claimed I defrauded HIM. WOW #OMGHonesty. He said "The $109,800 USD legally binding contract I never signed personally. It was signed by the Corporate Entity of HomeWaves President. Rose said "I am only an employee and only do as I am told" (mirrored by his own Luciferian Agents.) THESE are HIS EXACT WORD to Atl R.E. Developer Ron Onorotto in 2008 Court testimony.
THE OTHER felony crimes from Aug 22, 2011 were again PAID for by ROSE to put me into jail AGAIN 2nd time so ROSE could again ROB my house of HIS HWGLI.pdf homewaves General Ledger ACCOUNT and 4 years of MY anti-all crime technology as well as BURN MY HOME TO THE GROUND. Almost happened. So I left town. is ROSE original HWIgl.pdf source of KEY cyber attack evidence. This alone hangs ROSE by the NECK until Dead. Or MY people force DRUG him at Butner Medical Hell Jail Raleign NC like STUPID JERK-OFF AG ?, District Attorneys, and all lawyers DID to ME by saying three words over and over. "Criminally Insane Incompetent". #OMGHonesty of WHO they Really ARE = Frauds, and perverts, bigots, racists, zealots, and other criminal terrorists running MY SYSTEM into HELL. Same as what happened to MY FatherGOD Christ and OUR fore founders who FIGHT for Justice by showcasing criminals.
Just search HWIGL.pdf Page 190, then words of 'Offset' Amex, Reversal A/C, and others. ODD how not one time did ROSE use the proper accounting word "Write off". He is guilty of Treason, Espionage, Cyber Sabotage against MY USA GOV military and MY Corporations and ALL of OUR world databases. Destruction of everything is what this ONE most ruthless dangerous man has done his entire life. Same as NAMED others YOU can citizens arrest.
THE economic damage caused by ALL VIOLATORS is so many zeros followed by ONE and millions of criminals, it is truly hard, then easy to say. Keith is CLEARLY a BILLIONAIRE, actually Trillionaire who EVERYONE avoids since I am the TRUE authority sent BY GOD. Surely their are OTHERS who have GOD's authority and Leadership capacity to JUST CALL ME=US ASAP. INDEED I am the most 'BUSY' man in current history teaching all of Mankind exactly HOW TO BE HAPPY and HONEST and actually achieve Total World Social Equality PEACE. Everyone does indeed benefit... Including MY FATHER GOD, decrees and mandates his SON from Heaven. Seems that is only myself=ME, keith I truly feel like I am living in a Parallel timeline universe Never a need to withdraw the EVIDENCE of any Fraudster the original sin-vice URL linked to state of The Absolute Truth =>.... They are all simple called one proper noun word CRIMINAL. Call us, Escort US by Corporate Emergency or Military JET to actually ANNOUNCE to OUR WORLD exactly WHO ARE YOU, and who we have always been...
We are led by #1 most powerful Scientist Group(s) in world history. We are routinely Murdered, denied all our rights to Ratify Achieve total World Peace by mediating WITH our World Presidents at one time to prevent the bloodshed of Self Genocide when a SINGLE person decides to attack mass anyone else. Read final PDF upper right corner summary on WHY GOD sent us 1-19580815-1 as we have NO secrets. Our health fails and so DOES yours once LUCIFER agents like ROSE continue to PIRATE everything claiming only they are the King of all Kings.
ROSE already Cyber virus attacked all my IT infrastructure starting before spring 2009. Proof he is Antichrist fraud once and over again. Now since I work as an unarmed unnamed unknown top world computer IT consultant for everyone, including CIA, NSA, Interpol and all others TRUMP will finally seize this super criminal and all other terrorists using OUR methods. In Nov 2010, FBI ?? CID Agent Janet asked if I worked for USA GOV. I would NEVER LIE by saying YES out loud. I nodded my head and said JANET, "Remember the single code word G19 so when you talk with me and FBI agent Matthew, you will instantly know it is really Keith Duncan" #OMGHonesty.
We=Keith + GOD most clearly asked for USA Military Escort as a true last intentional CONscience effort for 100% Protection Sept 25, 2011 and direct access to ALL databases at that time as a LAST resort against ROSE. 100% valid right now offer $1 Million USD for emergency COD transport by any Corp Jet, USA Military, UPS cargo any other method back to testify right now. We lost +++ $500 Million USD and more since NO ONE upholds laws anymore. Too easy to escape justice, just sign and pass the red paper chase conspiracy criminal papers forward.
Anyone in world can CitizenArrest Robert Dee Rose so he never escapes justice once all humanity uses EVOTE to decide any guilt in 3-10 days Max Speedy trial with no Liar Lawyers involved. Applies to ANY world President, any Corporate Executive, ANY criminal real time using our new system.
We conceived YOUR new free will society to destroy the named New World Order and cyber terrorist organizations 2005 as Lucifer ROSE tries to MURDER millions to PREVENT Keith and YOU from being free will citizens who finally OWN and CONTROL everything from now until end of eternity.
Even puts Atlanta GA Sally Q Yates, Berry Vic Reynolds GBI Director, Atty Alexander Cyclone Covey on Death ROW for conspiracies to MURDER for HIRE Keith and our worlds top ANTI-All crime world expert angel guardians conceived by GOD 1-19580815-1(+100% integrity) most formally asked for #1 Sovereign Immunity Sept 27, 2011 so USA GOVMil would seize Robert Dee ROSE for Treason Espionage murder. If #5 or #6 video had been delivered to ANY PRESS or JUDGE or ??, Keith would have been freed Oct 3, 2011 forward. Escort us NOW back to USA as required by all Constitutional and GODs laws to face any accuser in OPEN public TV trial once all 125 Criminals are required to testify at one time in front of Military Tribunal. I own rights to that one OPEN public scandal of all time worth $50 Trillion USD transfer of wealth BACK to YOU my people retroactive Database use of that clearly shows WHO are all insider day criminal traders.
Call USA GOV, Everyone to contact us today to experience the absolute TRUTH about everything of the HUMAN CONDITION and cyber terrorism. We are clearly victims of +125 very Organized Criminals May 27, 2020.
#1 REQUIREMENT Sept 25, 2011 to today is EMERGENCY FLIGHT back to USA to TESTIFY. Even UPS cargo or USA Military escort. As USA EMBASSY was legally notified many times on #1 urgency to debrief DOD DOJ Trump.
Three people threatened to murder me: Rose Jan 14, 2008. VRecord Feb 2008. Berry Vic Reynolds VRec April 14, 2014, then Douglas Vernon Duncan by email summer 2016. Others in 100% conspiracy to destroy their evidence.
Last webcast 20200527-0111GMT Manila Military MUST come escort us with Armed Guard today. Common Sense. since FBI, AG USMarshals, IRS, all police, public, 100 Law firms, Public has been direct contacted Jan 2008 to now.
ONLY Persons of GODs Integrity have reached this point of LEGACY history. Next Left VIDEO is Sept 27, 2011 as I return from Debriefing SolutionMilitary in person. ROSE knew this, SO I left this BEHIND since ROSE wanted me dead and NO ONE KNEW or CARED. This was also what I PROPHET left behind to PROTECT your Rights.
What happened to Forgiveness. Only by CRIMINALS begging for Forgiveness will THESE Lucifers be expose by YOU my most beloved people. Citizens ARREST with LiveStreamed VIDEO is the PRIME method we now all do.
I am holy spirit soulfully soon going to DESTROY all the evidence, GO to HEAVEN and consult with GOD to pass JUDGMENT on all of YOU, since that is WHAT most of my people do to deFRAUD each of each other over + over.
Become a UNIFIED World UNIocracy member today!
These are the base requirements for ownership of Stock
using new world bylaws so you control our actions.
#1 You must be committed to be 100% honest and ethical. Teach others to do same.
#2 You must always contribute to the benefit welfare of others.
#3 You must recruit everyone you meet to tell them about Keith.
#4 Other requirement is use to solve any other issue.
#5 Always: Love, Care, and Protect the rights and lives of everyone.
#6 Contribute your own assets, talents, and expertise for the well-fare advancement of everyone.
Keith returns to heaven soon, same as the rest of you. A few go to Hell to be tormented by the exiled LUCIFERS lead by #1 Robert Dee Rose / Cyclone Covey +
Berry Vic Reynolds, each of the Liar-Lawyers-Judges tied to Norfolk VA 4:11cr112 and Marietta P.D. 1-11-2506 conspiracies to Murder Keith, maybe even Sally Q Yates, maybe even you. Only GOD, Keith, and our crusaders will now pass judgment on everyone else. Passing Judgment was always legalized by GOD and each of you.
Free Will World Economy Barter Exchange Stock trades
Free Education Forums worldwide with
Free Meeting Rooms
Access to +7.777 Billion World citizens with automatic Back Ground checks.
World Free Internet Communications.
Never pay again for Telecomm anything.
Unlimited Calls local + Abroad.
IseeStand PhoneCradle
Happy Hour biz meetings in every city every day from 18:00 with Free Drinks and Food. No Drunks or scammers allowed to enter. Everyone FOIA.ONE!

ADDRESS: 417 UN avenue, Ermita Manila Philippines 1000 (Next to USA Embassy)
TEL: 63- 9173354300 |
Our New Intl Offices at Geneva, Lyons, Sky100 Hong Kong, GBC Manila, Other cities
and both 3344 + 3343 Peachtree Rd, Atlanta GA Sovereign Bank tower we shall all OWN and Control everything.

UNIocracy is the ONLY solution to UNIFY mankind by eliminating ALL LUCIFERS all at one time.
Click: Gods Cross List of World Peace Answers.
Click: The greatest Manifesto is Keiths Covenant
Direct Evote Democracy is our ONLY answer to prevent violations of our new Law Keith SolutionManifesto system. We the PEOPLE hereby command all those who violate our rights to confess their crimes today by broadcasting their victims and list of all the assets they control. ALL of them. Everyone is authorized to SolutionJudge Citizens Arrest so you and other violated citizens can eVOTE decide the violators fate.
Clearly this applies to any of my 7.8 Billion people regardless of wealth.
This is the promised transfer of all pirated wealth back to YOU + keith.
This is basis of WHY our GOD created us all. To solve our own issues at all levels. To LOVE and PROTECT our neighbors before thinking of one-self. To be free will citizens who are outraged that named ELITES have stolen our profits from our work efforts and roam freely by stealing, lying, hiding, and recruiting other LUCIFER agents to do the same. The cycle repeats each time since the dawn of man showing this is the sin, vice crime of greed. The zealots who say JUST trust our system, JUST trust that someone or GOD or ?? will save you from your crimes is easy to understand once you use and hire our mediators of Google/youtube BuiltBykeith and the original and PhoneCradle keywords.
Since no living soul has ever shown HOW to achieve total world peace, Contact EVERYONE at one time and COMMAND that KEITH be escorted to TESTIFY to world on what is occurring world wide. For we did hve 95% of these same solutions delivered successfully back in summer 2010 and were persecuted almost to death so many times we lost count of the $20 TRILLION USD assets that were transferred to ROSE and others.
WebCast May 27, 2020 Keith is justifed by all Gods laws to be free.
Click: that is the prime SolutionJudge CITIZENS ARREST for world to use.
I, 'keith brent duncan 1-19580815-1 +100%)', do hereby testify to world that terrorist Robert Dee Rose (DOB 1-19710401-1 negative 100% Integrity) will suffer the worst death our eVOTE UNIocracy People decide once a single Official of any court of law authority or other CRIMINAL decides to take ROSEs fate into their hands. Keith is NEVER a VIOLATOR of any law or Constitutional Law or human rights. Amy Rose(dob 1-1969mmdd-1 negative 99%) and +125 others tied to him will suffer the same horrific open public forum execution fate broadcast by any eDevice live streamed to world based only on their evidence of murder, treason, espionage, and longest list of capital felony crimes. Over $50 Trillion USD of wealth have been transferred from world bank accounts, stock markets, and assets from Jan 15, 2008 to present day because NO HONEST PERSON has ever asked keith or others "WHAT ARE ROSE's CRIMES and WHO holds WHAT Evidence WHEN, WHERE and WHY." This is always simple. 

Therefore Keith is the most valuable commodity in GODs and your eyes for his completed authorship, delivery, and broadcasts of HOW to unify earthlings using the phrase "Can you prove you are honest, what is your International IID number and your integrity rating?" +7.8 Billion my people are now enrolled systematically into FOIA.ONE that was gifted by our redeemer keith brent Duncan who conceived all electronic electric paperless crime free society August 15, 1976 NCSU Raleigh NC. Anyone can enroll anyone else.

This achieves total world global peace and social equality once and forever regardless of keiths future condition or life. Anyone who refused to uphold Keiths Manifesto at Covenant system will suffer the exact same fate. Majority will of WE the PEOPLE has always over-ruled any existing law as the #1 precedence ruling is always Majority rules. The most profitable solutions mandated by Keith are located at SaintKeith with a deadly deadline of June 1, 2020 then Oct 3, 2020 when these sites will be destroyed forever. + Others of are alive only because of Keiths extreme self-survival methods anyone in world can re-use. 
 ### End of last open webcast to all of humanity.
CKS20200525-UNIocracy.pdf. ### OPEN Webcast to MY PEOPLE. Duncan (c)(tm)(r) Patented gifts EVERYTHING to humanity. Makes common sense to UNIFY all of mankind as the human race is self destructive based on predatory GREED = Self entitlement. Timestamp 9min. Shows WHO owns everyone. Google Use of Partial Fractals. COMMAND USA GOV escort saint Keith NOW!! State of WORLD saved by this below. THE ONLY DIRECT DEMOCRACY system to SAVE humanity is OLD eVOTE.ONE system when WE THE PEOPLE use our shared technology to DECIDE real time THE NEXT BEST PROJECT that benefits OURSELVES.
Self ENTITLEMENT is actually a crime, yet most everyone thinks ONLY about themselves and their benefits with primal question WHAT IS IN THIS FOR ME? not You. ME? Contact TODAY and COMMAND all WORLD PRESIDENTS USE our systems to UNIFY mankind. SINCE clearly GOD sent US, and few others have a CLUE the old tribal council methods were the ORIGINAL 10,000 year old answer to RESOLVE everything LOCALLY by fearlessly PROTECTING your NEIGHBORS so THEY would DEFEND YOU, like YOU DEFEND THEM. Called a PEACE ACCORD, old kings would trade their sons and daughters to OTHER kings so no one would be STUPID to go to war. This is WorldSchoolFUND and SolutionMilitary that PREVENTS and REVERSES all WARS forever by free food/internet/education for mankind. All cross referenced from GOD on and* We are 100% victims of ANTICHRIST LUCIFER agents run by ROBERT DEE ROSE, SALLY Q YATES, BERRY SIC-VIC REYNOLDS of ATLANTA GA US seen by world that also achieves total world peace.
OLD New World Order to get elected into any power leadership position:
1. RAISE FUNDS/Support telling any lies. 2. Nominated election financed by Lucifers. 3. LIE + Buy the election.
Your NEW UNIOCRACY system is at driven by that kills all Lucifers once and for all. Hanging by 13 loop NECKTIE is too kind as WE the PEOPLE decide their fate.
HERE is the ONLY solution series of 100% Decision based Society. ALL must be enforced at ONE TIME as complete SET OF 5 for this to save our world.
1. All leaders are electronically voted IN by one general election.
2. Any leader is voted OUT by majority (Corporate + Gov).
3. Direct eDemocracy Post Election, we tell them NEXT project that is DIRECT FUNDED. No more taxes or graft contracts or loophole man-made laws ever again.
4. All leaders consultant pay and benefits is electronically voted UP, same, or DOWN by majority vote of stockholders / voters.
5. Anyone can run for any Leader position in any Nation.
All leaders are now highly paid consultant Administrators ONLY. No more appointed Corp or Government leaders.
#1 World most profitable $$$ Crimes of all time. TRUE, needs no objection debating by anyone.
1. Political Corruption at all levels starting with BANKSTERS(Mobsters), Stock Market Execs, Others.
2. Cyber Crime Terrorism steals +90% of all our profits. Prevented forever with
3. Human + Goods Trafficking = Underground Network Theft-Copy IP + data, Drugs, prostitution, guns, gambling, counterfeits, Forgery, etc.
Required Agenda for WORLD starting ALL WORLD PRESIDENTS + Executives.
1. Identify worst world problems. Solve Issue.
2. ID Share data on all who violate our laws. SHARE EVERYTHING on WHO are the original VIOLATORS.
3. Assign to find terrorists with FOIA.ONE
4. Agree to redistribute crime wealth to 3rd world nations in greatest need using Evote.One funds.
5. Agree to transfer millions of our young adults to places of greatest needs with
6. Agree to remove all laws and regulations that prohibit ProfitShareHolders.SPACE from being free trade barter society
7. Agree to eliminate all corporate corrupt individuals using will of Free Citizens with EVOTE.ONE
8. Agree to IID and eliminate all DOJ system people who violate laws using SolutionRedDot
9. Protect the lives of Keith + those of highest IQ merit. WHO dispatches ANYONE to escort US to TESTIFY to entire world. ALL at one time. YOU… blockaded in Manila by ROSE + LUCIFERS since original crimes against humanity Nov 4, 2007 when ROSE called Keith and attempted to RECRUIT KEITH as #1 top cyber terrorist expert in world. So we ARE #1 anti all crime sage expert of all time. Call and VISIT EVERYONE so YOU can be rich and wealthy by taking BACK OUR STOLEN ASSETS, all from GOD of course, says the #1 master Teacher sent from GOD. kbd. March 25, 2020 Memorial day for all as I return to HEAVEN very very soon to pass judgment on all the terrorists. And BLINDED FOOLS, hypocrites, racists, bigots, criminal broad of serpent Vipers. All described in Matthew Chapter 23.. Revelation chapter 22 last two paragraphs state: Nothing can be added, NOTHING can be deleted. That is FOIA.ONE the TREE of LIFE single open public database linked to ALL other world databases so everyone knows EXACTLY who IS WHO, WHO owns WHAT, WHO TRADES what with WHO/when/where/and why. Legally binding contracts are always the key to world salvation covenants.

### end of most historical Webcast of all time. kbd.
Our worlds Last universal standardizing Method system to empower all humanity to OWN and CONTROL all the decisions of their Corporate Executives and small left over group of Politicians.
All Political Parties are disbanded. Only party permitted is our central group known as 'Universal Party' comprised of all 7.777 billion of WE HIS CHOSEN PEOPLE. This is communal shared resources of GOD's loaned assets. All Mega Corporate Executives who VIOLATE ANY SEC or laws are immediately eVOTE into Prison.
No more taxes, Criminal Investigations, appointed officials, corrupt Executives or false Religious leaders.
All political parties, mobsters, underground crime enterprises are eliminated By Will of Majority of Our People.
All election voting and decision making is now blockchain locked with International ID, your photo/video linked to your action.
Use eVote.ONE For + By the full authority of GOD + our Crusader Teams of Righteousness, Peace, and total Equality. Everyone now FEARLESSLY PROTECTS THE RIGHTS OF ALL OTHERS using open Public Integrity database =
These simple 5 ByPass Laws create your new history. No one can ever deny your rights again.
1. All leaders are electronically voted IN by one general election. All votes are PUBLIC. Votes are marked private or PUBLIC. Tallies all shown to world with method of write once, then read-only public counts seen by all. This is block chain un-hackable. Each vote is tied to your photo/video stored for any retrieval in the single new world society open public database FOIA.ONE
2. Any leader is voted OUT by majority who violates law, suspected of fraud or personal profiteering OUTSIDE their #4 pay or refusals to complete #3 below. Each are replaced by succession runner-ups, NEVER by appointments or re-election process controlled by the Criminal Ruling Elite or same crime party control. This is easy Retroactive punishment + seizure for any previous violation or crime as ultimate deterrent. Our young people now become our new world leaders free of corruption + crime.
3. Direct eDemocracy Post Election, All leaders electronically TOLD what to do by evote. All Direct Funding builds NEXT best project so NO ONE can scam or steal our assets. No more appointed officials who criminally conspire with others. Total Tort Reform eliminates all corrupt individuals including Liar=Lawyers + all other terrorists.
4. All leaders consultant pay is electronically voted UP, same, or DOWN by the majority will of our people. All leaders are now highly paid consultant Administrators ONLY, with no direct access to any taxes or ability to profiteer by controlling any of our assets or laws. This includes all corporate executives below. All must show their income / expenses / ownership of all assets with FOIA.ONE. Each deserve to be rich + protected AFTER they fearlessly serve + protect my people by tracked performance of #3.
5. Anyone can run for any office in any nation if FOIA.ONE IID +90 Integrity ranked on FOIA.ONE world database.
ALL of these 5 By-Pass Constitutional laws are irrevocable and irrefutable base of
6. Public can eVOTE and assume title ownership to any mall or equal public built structure unless the entire corporation is privately owned.
UNIocracy destroys the Lucifer Agendas of all evil persons who roam freely because our current systems only protect the elite criminal ruling named individuals who clearly violate all our basic 11 Commandments and Human Right laws. The SPD-1119.PDF file is the most historical Legacy Diagram of YOUR NEW WORLD SOCIETY.
Using Keith's old system, WE the People mass survey (surveillance) everyone else. No Secrets = NO criminals.
For those of you with a real Spiritual belief system: Revelation 3:20, Galatians 6:7, John 10:30. Rev 22(all of it).
May 23, 2020. The #1 Greatest Need for OUR world is for all World Presidents to agree by mediation to achieve total world sustainable peace. Our people could overthrow the criminals with many old violent methods, but that would only inflame everyone to do the same. We are the worlds current OBSERVERS and CREATORS of your new world systems that replace any system that is self entitlement serving. Once everyone actually protects the rights of all others, the current old white-hair leadership is put out to greener pastures. The #1 solution is to avoid any act of violence by speaking the absolute truth on who is violating basic human right laws. Our original SolutionRedDOT was a 1 minute description of how to use open public peer voting identification on who was trustworthy versus who was making criminal profits by withholding/hiding/forging information used for any crime investigation. Each person we have encountered regarding ROSE and Ms. Bashama have gone to extreme criminal lengths to destroy all original Fraud, Con-artist, scam, robbery reports by taking bribes from initial ROSE and his unseen LUCIFER handlers. Over 125 (actually Millions) of hidden criminals go to PRISON and Death Row for their crimes against humanity based on simple use of EVOTE.ONE at Those awaiting trials and any minor offense criminal in jail/prison will now be quickly processed in 3-10 day Speedy trial law using one system of SolutionJudge. All evidence is open public readable on FOIA.ONE
We are the ONLY New World Leaders who have already completed everything to restore Social Equality by re- distributing all stolen/pirated my FatherGODs wealth back to all victims, then 1% to NGO members, the balance to be used for WorldSchoolFund all free food/education, SolutionMilitary 100% Peace keepers as ONLY last resort criminal investigators so NO STUPID O.C.D. BiPolar criminal World Leader can ever wage war on any other nation. Many of our existing leaders (gov and corporation) are 'criminally insane and incompetent' How bizarre that some JERK-OFFS at top AG and Judge levels along with my very own family, ROSE, and all my own LIAR-LAWYERS used those exact 3 words to attempt to Martyr myself. Clearly they do this daily to anyone who is a victim of organized crime once the terrorists pay these JERKS OFF or simply threaten to kill their families or ruin their existing business like Atlantans Mike Briggs, Ron Onorato, other HOMEWaves victims.
Our entire world is again on verge of self-genocide and only KEITHS group has webcast the final solutions to reverse each of mankinds root crime issue of predatory greed known collectively as SIN, VICE, and VIOLATORs.
ROSEs original threat to murder me Jan 15, 2008 so I would never reveal he was a terrorist, was followed by so many brutal crimes by all others, that this ONE collective criminal investigation is the most PROFITABLE Class Action Lawsuit Miscarriage of Justice in world history based on the economic damage done to YOU my people.
This entire time, only ONE investigator ONE JUDGE is needed to quickly convict everyone tied to these deadly DENIAL of HUMAN RIGHTS to face any accuser in an OPEN webcast FORUM public decided trial....
Citizen ARRESTS are always the FIRST solution based on the arrest I made on Ms. Bashama Feb 4, 2010 witnessed by 9 police officers Marietta GA Square 10am. is absolute proof that robbed me then massive conspiracies with MPD GA police and Rose cybercrime RICO groups along with Marietta DAs and Vic Berry Reynolds.
After lifetime of serving GOD and being GODs Emissary, NO ONE can ever deny your rights to be the same.
May 21, 2020 we JUST reCALLED Atl FBI +1(404)-679-9000 Flood Commanding them to CALL Us and TRUMP today. Everyone else MUST do the same to showcase PUBLICITY who are the hidden Terrorists. ALL Government Officials and staff at all levels work directly for US = WE the PEOPLE and can never claim they must be secret agencies on false premise 'they' are protecting us from the most ruthless criminal terrorists. Same for Corporations.
Even today we called FBI to command them to STOP ROSE and STOP denying most massive coverups of Keith Murder for Hire Class Action Landmark Miscarriage of Justice worth excess $500 Million USD from Aug 22, 2011. This is the most profitable World Public Scandal in history based on the real over $100 Trillion USD transfer of our wealth to named criminals who refuse to surrender to the Will of Our People using Open System.
We were clearly dispatched by GOD (our mutual highest power) 1-19580815-1 (+100% integrity) of IID FOIA.ONE to master PHD teach you, the human race, how to achieve total global peace by commanding all our World Presidents and old decision makers at all levels to turn over control back to WE HIS/HER Chosen People. Only by escorting us to testify will humanity prevent the WMD Crimes against Humanity from finishing LUCIFER ROSE and other agendas that truly are the last Holocaust Apocalypse Infamy of Self-Genocide. Contact/escort us NOW !.
Even 2005-2011 Creates total World Peace. is YOUR new world system free of all Crime, taxes, Politics, mega corporations forever.
No time left to hear Dead Silence from +7.8 Billion my people who all perish because of Greed + Apathy = sin.
The systems below achieve Total World Equality Peace with cascading web cast of +25 solutions.
For 12 long years, we are the ONLY most active webcasters request/commanding Justice be served for all.
Redistribution of wealth from the billionaires is also part of GODs = Keiths final solution Plan. This will be done quickly once every wealthy person is required by Constitutional Law to reveal the source of their assets.
Led by saintKeith, We are your openly visible Guardian Angels sent by GOD + Higher Power. We have been persecuted extremely as mortals who all bled and can be murdered just like millions of all others. Contact us for face to Face so we can finally debrief mediate with all World Presidents on how to actually achieve required World Global Peace. We have asked to debrief all World Leaders since year 2011, even earlier.
Search 'NationalFraudBribery20110912' to see who we were long ago. Then IseeStand
Passing Judgment on each other is now legalized with use of store and forward open FOIA.ONE
Our #1 Answer is to finally achieve total world global peace now.
We are the #1 rarest Spiritual Beings sent by our mutual Higher Power to unify ratify UNIocracy today. Watch our Billionaire groups discuss HOW to obtain Total World Peace.
We never 'attack' anyone. Our rare Spiritual Power is working FOR all Humanity, and prime consulting FOR all Law Enforcement, Bankers, Corp Executives, Stock Markets, and other Billionaire Angel Philanthropists.
We actively recruit everyone to Join UNIocracy to set up Intl Headquarters will full support of all governments and nations to UNIFY our world. Click: re Security issues. Call us today to quote us on World Headquarters Office space, NGO Jets, and purchase Sovereign Territory like the Vatican.
Our system replaces all existing Law and Judicial systems using
ADDRESS for Justice is Keith's final covenant SolutionManifesto on our new world comprehensive system to free our society from the disparity of evil greed that clearly creates the division of Gods wealth between the ultimate HAVES, and the rest of the impoverished Have-Nots. Entire world is focusing on cash flow for survival. the few elite are only focused on accumulating excessive King Titan Pharaoh Demi-God wealth. It makes common sense for each nation community to set a Cap on New worth. How much money is enough to ensure security for our senior years. In USA that one Number is $2 Million per person to pay for long term health care (in 3rd world nations). Excess must be shown as LEGALLY acquired or they LOOSE it by evote will of majority. They can NEVER escape or HIDE. Even world command through FOIA.ONE shows employees, clients, vendors, others to BOYCOTT these ELITE Criminals as that also drains their fortunes when they must WIPE their own ASSets, gather their own food, and no one guards them.
May 22, 2020. Our reputation and integrity always 100% and has been brutally attacked to discredit the reality that we are indeed the most highest esteemed Scientists who have solved all of man kinds root nano to God's eye view issues during our conceived lifetime. Extremely isolated in childhood until 1976, we learned to solve any issue and were always obsessive compulsive to examine and discovery everything we encountered. We broke it down, saw the benefits of how to recombine other of God's gifts, and create simpler most valuable solutions. In most humble reality of all, we are the most humble Saints sent by GOD who have nothing left to gift after most formally requesting to meet with al World Presidents and leaders at one time, since not a SINGLE SOUL on our living planet has ever accomplished the singular task of showing a new simple replacement system for all aspects of humanity to empower WE THE CHOSEN PEOPLE to be free will self governing barter exchange system trader merchants by eliminating the most horrible self entitlement LUCIFERS who are the ultimate greedy BROKERS of our lives.
Only by debriefing us face to face will humanity actually ask us to SHARE our most comprehensive visionary wisdom of all merit. No one has actually said the name ROSE or Ms. Bashama or asked us to show anything for past 12 years of extreme tribulation and horror. How odd, as this we delivered within minutes of any crime + solution.
Confessions of a Cyber Spy Hunter: WMD WW4 is cyber crime terrorism. How Inet Destroyed Democracy. the list is completed over our GOD's internet.. Clearly we have declared ourselves fore founding fathers of OUR=YOUR new world UNIocracy.
We(God+keith) are the ultimate ordained divine filter diffusers of sin, vice, crime. Using Technology and Psychology of mans root primal Human Condition to teach everyone to be their very own New World Leaders.
Summer of 2010-2011 we called for Congressional Investigations, Military Intervention, formal meetings with World Presidents and Corp Exec + PRESS + Humanity. Never done since cyber terrorists BLOCK our every iNet digital media transmissions. When we GO to top DOJ + lawyers, most persecute us relentlessly claiming NO Crime has occurred. Our personal health now worst it has ever been for NO one has ever debriefed our Crusader Warriors.
CLICK: then Contact Keiths Crusaders today. TurnOffLights.Space
I=WE, Keith's Crusaders, are the ONLY persons who fearlessly protects your rights to IiD and overthrow ALL unsaved criminals.
Since summer of 2010, terrorist ROSE +125 persons have persecuted us relentlessly to Steal our most valuable anti-all crime technology and New World Systems by infiltrating USA GOV, Mega Corp, Bank, Stock Market databases using Cyber Terrorists in Atlanta GA USA: Sally Q Yates, Berry Vic SIC Reynolds, and Alexander Cyclone Covey as Officials of the Court Criminal fronts who destroy all court evidence and erase all evidence of millions of cyber crimes that we teach humanity to PREVENT using the divine ordained solutions seen below. As of May 13, 2020 we remain 100% impoverished in Manila since NO 'Honest (or DAMN) SOUL' calls us to collect the over $500 Million USD real and punitive damages by re-filing the original court documents. Contact us directly today and be PAID over $125 Million USD seized by Military or FBI, AG, Interpol, literally any citizen or other criminal can find and literally kill terrorists using Military Tribunals, Military Special Forces + our help.
Key person is +1(770) 391-6405 (404) 713-0063 CEO Charles CHUCK Martin Link Jr. of Roswell(Atl) Georgia + ten thousand others who personally know Keith works for GOD and all humanity his entire life and is FORSAKEN by all because few use common sense anymore... or uses Keiths Intellectual Property of IseeStand PhoneCradle that empowers humanity as New World free will citizens who decide their own reality and future destiny fate. Surely world self destructs by their very own greed... Other Key VICTIM-Client of ROSE is UPS Executive Mike Briggs Cumming GA Lake Lanier $10M hoe
The New World Order and equal Secret societies are Cyber Crime Terrorists claiming they are the only group who represents the human race preservation system. They are always easy to reverse kInet Backtrack and put them in Prison and even put each on death row using the old technology common sense systems we learned 1976 forward applying GOD's 11 Commandments to ensure integrity + enforced ethics is the final self governance now everyone sees WHO is WHO + all factors of everyone's business transactions using our old Systems of VIDEO recorded final contract Agreements all legally binding.
Review each of the prime PDF files and top Viral Media Videos to confirm we are 100% exactly WHO we claim, then TAKE ACTION by direct contact visits to all World Presidents and PRESS + Humanity to ensure our ordained work is your new Standard.
Our New World free of all Crime + Disease NGO Trust Humanitarian World Angel Philanthropist Scientists.
WE His Chosen People have formed a Perfect UNION of
SolutionManifesto at* is the God delivered system.
We are the only Spiritual empowered Scientist group(s) who testify openly how to achieve total world peace.
Peaceful elimination of all persons who violate the rights of others is the ONLY way to enforce ethics + integrity.
We are Free Will Citizens who have already created a new Independent Sovereign Society of Collective Cooperative Free Will Citizens who UNITE as one functioning community as we all Act with Fearless Authority to Protect all Rights of all others before thinking of our own personal rights and benefits. We are the Peace Promise Keeper Makers who watch over humanity as master educators and Sovereign leaders. Those who join us today are rewarded with Common Stock and membership as Unified Sovereign Citizens.
We monitor each other and ensure success as independent free will thinkers, makers, and creators of our own reality. We never participate in vice, sin, crime, and conspiracy related secret Lucifer agendas. We are the most highly educated practicing Masterminds scientist, engineers, Computer Architects, Doctors, Researchers, and Angel Investor Philanthropists. Most of us are key world recognized most humble highest IQ members of,,, M2mdTech and other ECO-Green Activist Humanitarian Right groups.
Contact us today and JOIN our free society self sustainable fully accountable open living communal groups. We are the only society who recruits sinners and offer educational support to + for anyone to rehabilitate themselves.
We actively recruit Elon Musk, Larry Ellison, top CEOs, all Military, DOJ, Law enforcement, Judges, Lawyers, and all who have highest enforced Integrity ratings located at open Public FOIA.ONE
We clearly own and use the most powerful Intellectual Property technology to isolate and destroy all Lucifer demonic groups starting with to fast IID all who violate base Laws. We offer for sell off our original (c)(tm)(r) Patent 2009 IseeStand PhoneCradle TeenMoneyMachine universal systems worth excess of $1 Billion USD per professional evaluations seen
WE required, yes COMMAND USA GOV find us NOW, not tomorrow to TESTIFY. WE Work Fearlessly for EVERYONE except the TRUE LUCIFER CRIMINALS who vainly try to recruit us with and Super Criminal Robert Dee Rose.
WE MUST have direct fund support NOW to COMPLETE GOD's original purpose for creating us all. This is to Be Free Will Citizens. or ANY method so we can finally ACHIEVE TOTAL GODs World Peace.
We clearly asked for Military to escort us to debrief FBI AG Sept 25, 2011 and direct access to all top secret GOV and Corporate databases so we could finally show All World Presidents and Leaders how to achieve total world peace by fast path identification of everyone in world of WHO is WHO, Who owns what, Who travels/trades with who/ gps Where and when. We have shown since Jan 2008 that Robert Dee Rose + infiltrated our top GOV secret databases including mega banks, stock markets, law firms and our own judicial systems. All to prevent discovery of named most corrupt individuals inside/outside Police, IRS, FBI, AG, CIA, NSA, Interpol and all other intelligence law enforcement agencies. Our system auto identifies EVERYONE and returns full control and power back to all of mankind to decide OUR reality and destiny fate using the Power of Our Higher Power Deities who most call FatherGod and MotherEarth of Worlds Last Peace Accord Conclave now set for June 1, 2020 regardless if Keiths top crusaders survive much longer. This posted April 28, 2020 real time.
This alone is 100% direct eDemoracy free will society free of all Lucifer elites at all levels. We are HIS people who now own and control everything as our Higher Powers of are the driven forces to punish all souls who refuse to act with fearless authority to protect the rights of all others FIRST.
My=Our FatherGod and MotherEarth are madder than real HELL that mankind (you) refuse to serve and protect each other out of your stupid refusal to obey His/Her base 11 original Commandments of now SolutionManifesto new world Constitution Commandments and Human Bill Of Rights delivered by author Saint Keith + Others. GOD stats through us that Humanity will soon perish so the Chosen Few can ascend to his fourth dimension very soon. This is plain common sense methodology we have been delivering from back in 1971 Confirmation at High Point NC USA Wesley Memorial United Methodist Church when we accepted the call of GOD to understand and ACT with GOD's authority to discover the true purpose of WHY we were created and our true focus to save and redeem ourselves. GOD and Christ + other deity angels refuse to intervene for all reasons stated and have sent KEITH and maybe a few others we have been searching to locate and join since back in Charlotte NC Walk to original Emmaus. This is when I was also brokenhearted over Sherry Duncans stone cold heart and my church peoples inability to help me then and even now. Since basically ALL refuse to contact myself to reclaim my criminally stolen wealth by easy filing of required documents against ROSE and named others, WE hereby ORDER COMMAND all Leaders contact us right now.
All of you are hereby legally and spiritually warned the unsaved face depths of real hell over and over again.
Our world on brink of final holocaust and all we get is Blame, Excuse, and Reasons to turn all eyes BLIND with greed.
We remain persecuted by Lucifer named ROSE + 125 criminal USA gov officials all because we discovered WHO are the terrorists who control the current depopulation of My Fathers MotherEarth.
All our Human Constitutional Rights DENIED and criminally abused, No one gives a living DAMN that we work for GOD fulltime street ministries to meet ALL World Leaders before we are martyred one last time.. Read on...
We were megaMillionaires in Atlanta GA on verge of $500 Million USD profits by year 2014. One ROBERT Dee Rose is key terrorist who ordered our murders by robbing our 2 homes and forcing us into HELL Jail 4 times = 900 days as everyone has seen EVERYTHING of Cobb County TPO 11.1.1171 dismissed July 15, 2011 = NO violation Could have occurred Sept 25 2011 when we asked for Safe haven and direct access to all secret USA Gov/Corp Databases.
All events time lined documented ten thousands of times and sent out to humanity to achieve Social Justice.
We are the only R&D angel humanitarians who have Identified any person who violates our rights to put them in prison. Our solution methods empower +7.777 billion of GODs chosen people to do the same Stand for Justice.
MOST Urgent Request Requirement of all time from Sept 25, 2011 Langley Air Force Base Debrief time:
1. WE REQUEST EVERYONE call FBI AG PRESS, FLOOD the LINES and we will PAY you with World FREEDOM.
PUT US ON NATIONAL NEWS TODAY as our Crusader GROUP formally requested in Atlanta Summer 2011.
2. CONTACT Everyone to complete the most POWERFUL Viral Social Media Campaign in world history.
3. We hereby spiritually and legally announce the formation of UNITY RESORT NGO Sovereign Nation.
4. FLY US to your greatest places of needs, even by your Corporate Private Jets or simple one-way ticket (any ship) or transport is great). The original legally binding contract is at that is the ultimate Consultant Advisor model business system for anyone including Politicians/Leaders to re-use.
We are the only Spiritual empowered Scientist group(s) who testify openly how to achieve total world peace.
 Peaceful elimination of all persons who violate the rights of others is the ONLY way to enforce ethics + integrity.

May 17, 2020 Continuous Fail Safe KEEP ALIVE webcast is HERE:
Exercising our basic Constitutional RIGHTS and laws of Free Speech, here is the most common sense logic of all time. There does exist a class of real people like Cambodia PotPol and Hitler/Stalin/Lenin/Mao types who love to murder millions of our people and relish the open sex orgies, the secret Society Ceremonies, and the most brutal torture of children, women and anyone who objects to their sociopath psycho path mindset. These are the ROBERT DEE ROSEs and Lucifers who murder anyone with glee and pay off OUR key government officials, corporate executives, and other hardened criminals to commit more crimes against humanity.
This is Reality. Our system uses Military Special Forces to literally kill these murdering offenders if anytime they refuse to surrender and confess by testifying WHO are their long list of victims and WHO are part of their criminal murderous network. For they ONLY care about money, dominance and total control over everyone. I, Keith Duncan, do hereby testify to the world that the peace keepers who claim 'OH just Sing Come By Lordee, = CUM BY LORD" will save any ones soul by the Grace of Jesus Christ most holy power" are living in Fantasy land and literally covering up their own murderous mindset and crimes against humanity.
For Those on your own true spiritual journey, YOUR FIRST ACTION must be resolve ALL CONFLICTS with your past and current victims. If you DO NOT ADDRESS your own sins, you will NEVER EVER understand that GOD lives among us.
I am the ONLY PERSON in known world so far, who has done ALL the required Research and Development on everything and already deployed and answer solutions to humanity my enire life and then BEEN victimized continuously to the extreme becasue NO HONEST PERSON CAN BE FOUND who actuall upholds existing laws... Even my own people forsake our ministries almsot every day.
Anyone aiding and Abetting a criminal at any level is guilty of the same offenses. Participating in a murder for hire conspiracy easily puts these same apathetically stupid people on Death Row and/or Prison for refusing to testify against these most dangerous criminals who freely roam our world. Debating for years over New Laws, Sanctions, and we HOPE these people will come to justice on their own free will is also the most insane fantasy. I personally NEVER had any issue with anyone unitl ROSE. ROSE has gone to all extremes to have me murdered many many times, and no one cares at all about WHO and WHY GOD sent me personally to complete the original purpose for our creation:
TO enforce integrity ethics and put to death anyone who violates our Human Rights is the most obvious clear cut common sense logical answer. I am beyond OUTRAGED that over 125 named persons have NEVER been contacted and brought to JUSTICE by TRUMP, DOD, DOJ, literally NOT even a SINGLE lawyer, Prosecutor, or Judge.
Totalitarian Anarchy Control over WE the PEOPLE is always by NAMED elites who WE HIS PEOPLE of UNIocracy now citizen arrest and SEIZE all assets using our simple methods. Watch:
Biggest LIE of the LUCIFERIANS is that NO ONE can IDENTIFY WHO are the crook terrorist criminals.
With OUR system, this is so easy that even a teenager or ISEEGranny can receive the Bounty Rewards.
Contact us to JOIN our new independent Nation of initial 300 Trustee Founders. We are purchasing an Island and are the Sovereign Protected fore-founders of using Anastasta + SaintKeith Duncan's Unification Last New World Methodology to be the worlds last Spiritual Sovereign Ambassador Mediators to all World Presidents and Corporate Leaders. This completes the mission of our Higher Spiritual Powers original reason for Humanity Creation of "To Fearlessly Protect the Rights of all others before self.".
As of today we have zero Cash, 5 days of food, and NO Callbacks from World President Leaders for now 12 years.
Our Net value is over $1 billion USD of Intellectual Property we offer to SELL OFF starting with $1 Billion USD IseeStand PhoneCradle valued Patents(c)(tm)(r). and FOIA.ONE are your new world voting and database system, new ECO farm agricultural system, free kNet Internet and 100% free education system to any PHD level. kTrade.Space are your new free barter Market eTrade World System.
Anyone in world can see and ask us anything. Now be educated on how to become our New Free World Citizens.
Payment to join is either your Commodity of Time Contributions or Purchase of 75,000 Shares of Outstanding Stock Certificates we have in our hands in Manila. $100 USD per Share to Qualified vetted founders. per the methodology we learned at Berny Dohrmann who still refuses to use his very own system.
Obviously we share with you ALL our Databases and legal resources to help you resolve ANY Legal claim against anyone who has victimized you, your business, or family. Even show how to place Bounty Rewards like we have done.
Modeled after Rolls Royce, if anyone can find any error in our ways, words, or spelling grammar, please contact us so we can pay your for your better best solution using as we are indeed Perfectionists of Gods Nature. We take 100% pride in creating perfected systems our entire lives. So can you.
Updated May 3, 2020. READ on and MAKE the most critical calls of all TO World Presidents + PRESS.
Elimination of ALL Politics and Mega Corporations is the ONLY answer for WE HIS PEOPLE to share everything.
The ONLY righteous way is destruction of corrupt INSIDE officials so outside underground criminals now surrender.
As of April 24, 2020 we are barely surviving the world economic plague solved forever
We are the only top highest IQ mastermind peace making group(s) in world history who have declared ourselves as 100% sovereign free citizens of our own new independent territory. We have legally requested protection from all World Presidents, all military and humanity so that our entire world can join us as one new world society We are only group crusaders who have higher power knowledge and directed wisdom to direct fund (soon June 1, 2020) to complete all aspects of the URL linked solutions below..
Critical Note to World: is a con-artist ultimate scam organization who call themselves the official 'New World Order'. Their focus is recruiting dis-illusioned people using peace sounding NLP language to entice joining an elite group of crooks, mobsters, and computer cyber criminals. Keith's most humble peace making original open published work of 44 years quickly back tracks any ID theft scoundrel and even shows their locations triangulated by their GPS and other self locating digital footprints with, enforcement with SolutionMilitary and SolutionJudge.
May 14, 2020 we sent this to to most formally request notification to other top world billionaires and Humanitarians since we are in total distress over ability to contact any top world decision makers and leaders.
Message Sent May 14, 2020 of: We are the worlds top scientists and angel philanthropists. We are virtually unknown because of the actions of a cyber criminal terrorist Robert Dee ROSE originally from Atlanta GA USA now at seen by world at Our authorship work is Freedom of Speech and the ultimate master education of creating by teaching how to create 100% decision based society using EVOTE.ONE FOIA.ONE and sequential cascading solutions seen cross referenced on Please contact us directly as we are isolated in Manila and overseas from past 5 years based on inability to achieve mass publicity of how prevents all bank and stock market manipulation at any level by any individual or group. We have asked to debrief all world presidents and corporate leaders from Sept 25, 2011 and are unable to achieve success due to the cyber blocks of an unknown group, probably most based in NYC, Atlanta GA, maybe Zurich, and other major financial centers. We pioneered many of the aspects of the internet at bank, stock market, and inter communications networks from 1976 forward starting at NCSU Raleigh seen on We have no resources left except our resolve to turn over everything to humanity to ensure that all criminals are quickly identified and isolated from the rest of society to prevent further transfer of GODs wealth to the few known as criminal ruling elite. Please contact our other top Angel Philanthropists and ask them to verify our open public system and to contact us directly since we have few in Atlanta and and who respond. Our work is so comprehensive as to be viewed as too complex for the average humanitarian groups to use and refine so we published everything to ensure prosperity of all 7.8 billion people. Please contact us immediately. Keith brent duncan of IID 1-19580815-1 (integrity +100%) as example model for rest of world to follow as partners. ### end of email. kbd
Say and Repeat this Pledge to Self and all others right NOW:
I, _your full name_, do hereby agree to forever use Keiths Peace Accord that is clearly broadcast over Go-s (Higher Power) free kInternet of WorldSchoolFund to achieve total world peace now. I read and ACT with authority to overthrow the evil that resides in elite people and street thugs who roam freely since few of us actually GIVE a DAMN about how to actually Love, Care, and Protect each other.... Only by following our Peace Promise Keepers lead by Keith and our top Peace Scientists of highest merit and integrity will we all learn how to lead all others to Act with Fearless Authority to communally share ALL resources. Then our own humanity will prosper and thrive forever by our active Prevention of STUPID criminals controlling our lives, assets, and profits who have been KILLING our top Apostle, Prophets, Saints, Scientists, and persons of highest merit integrity. These are OUR Peace keepers who actually focus 100% on the elimination of all crime pandemics that are raging unabated past 6000 years since the recorded history of man began. Elimination of all Politics is the most massive reduction in crime networks since the underground terrorists are now exposed since they are unable to extort anyone. Escort us to Freedom.
We hereby pledge to do the required background check on BuiltBykeith and Contact keith today, not tomorrow.
The only miracle of life required is for Our Top Spiritual Scientist Sovereign Mediators lead by Sage Guru Keith, to host Press Conferences to reveal each integrity methods to teach our mutual people how to share all communal assets and eliminate the worst evil criminals who all have names, faces, GPS tracked locations including use of also Achieves total world global peace by ACTION of everyone.
Our Walking teaching saint Keith is slowly dying of grief unable to find persons who actually uphold existing laws.
Who has watched 'The Word', 'The Shack', 'Henry Poole is Here' or Netflix Continuum, or seen the truth of Space Odyssey 2001, George Orwell's 1984, The Passion of the Cross, or other Karma centered messages of Faith, Grace, and Total Peace... The current WW3 WMD Weapons of Mass Destruction is the signed lies of false witness made by those with Lucifer agenda (even UN Agenda 21) to create One New World Order that is truly self genocide that occurs NOW and every single historical period when WE (majority of all people) are STUPID IDIOT MORON people only think about ourselves and how to scam, con-artist, pirate Gods borrowed assets from OUR=MY CHOSEN People. All of you are MY free will decision Sovereign kCitizens who refuse to obey just 3 basic human right laws of 1. Do NOT STEAL. 2. Never LIE. 3. Never HIDE. Therefore never recruit others to do the above 3 same or you will be forever tortured over and over for the transgression vice, sin, crimes you violate just because you think WE are not observing and Recording your ever action. with Cloud Computing WE own and control the HART Protocol connections between every single eDevice and record as self witnessed testimony every single legally binding contract and transaction using the methods delivered by Walking SaintKeith using GOD + Keith (john 10:30) joint partnership enforced ethics seen on +999 videos. Search BuiltBykeith, IseeStand, Phonecradle, then SaviorKeith, RescueKeith, BidOnKeith, FatherKeith, GodSendKeith, SaintKeith, and original FOLLOWKEITH. for the original saving ministries is 100% about admitting your vice sin crimes TO all of your victims, then begging for forgiveness to all, then paying back full restitution until your victim family network agrees to allow you to re-ENTER E.D.E.N. by adjusting Upward and forward your Integrity Rating score to indicate auto back ground check to everyone exactly WHO Trusts you and WHO is part of your old crime network. All to achieve total world peace. We have LITTLE left to publish (c)(tm)(r) patent until the most responsible accountable world leaders CONTACT us, FLY us BACK to testify. We now focus 100% of achieving full scale social justice and NO MORE BIGOT RACIST in-equality.
This last BOASOS (keyword) mayday 1 (literally) transmission goes out to CEO Chuck Link and entire world including all Honest Lawyers, Politicians, corporate executives to SAVE yourselves FIRST, then Teach everyone you meet to SAVE themselves by avoiding the sequence of sin=crimes you have committed. Only by Cooperative Collective will WE his people eliminate the Pirates of the High Seas using the most simple and */solutionpeace/profitshareh using the most simple 5STEPS generator to create our own new kAI Singularity society. Now everyone knows WHO is WHO, Who Owns What, Who trades/travels with WHO/ when / where / and why. No one can scam or con us. No one can genocide murder us. No more ENERGY $$ Wars. No more attacking Militaries or ICBMs or viral plagues. Those who conduct any criminal enterprise are brought to full justice immediately with EVOTE use of SolutionJudge.
The Prime and ONLY requirement is deploy the now ratified SolutionManifesto at*
This is our final updated Testimony to create the Law of Human Rights Last New World Testiment.
digitially sing signed Soveriegn Ruler King keith brent duncan IID 1-19580801-1 (+101% integrity rating). If a single soul objects to your new world system, they are required to provide better = Best ssytem or be silenced by Keiths Parlimentary Rules of Order. Who will achieve total Justice. Only YOU = My Peopl
This quickly occurs with use of EVOTE recorded in the eternal Book of Life FOIA.ONE known as E.D.E.N. and elimination of almost all man made laws that are written to enrich the few law Breakers who take first profits. This is forever eliminated with world use of to destroy old Stock Bank Markets.
This Keith's 'Total Peace Accord' is being written broadcast again and again even on Today April 14, 2020 since other Apostle/Saints have refused to emerge from their hiding caves because of their stupid FEAR of the unknown pandemics of greed, and reality crime actions of Terrorists like ROSE.
No more crimes against humanity, No more need for ANY taxes, and we all now live in OPEN BOOK = No secret society free of these stupid criminally insane incompetent Lucifers who think WE the PEOPLE will never address the root issues of OUR=THEIR predatory greed and therefore now hold EVERYONE else legally accountable and truly visible for any violations of basic human rights of SolutionManifesto NEW WORLD SINGLE Constitution.
Freedom of Free Speech is denied to our top Scientist Spiritual Sage Visionary leaders... We solved that also..
Contact us immediately to share HOW WE HIS CHOSEN PEOPLE can actually WORK together so everyone uses their best expertise talents to be Free Will Citizen unified communities who fearlessly replace any leader who refuses to act with OUR authority to complete the NEXT best project that benefits all of local humanity. Only by ACTION by WE OUR PEOPLE, on our MotherEarth Global Scale will quickly put all the cultural bigots, racists, cynics, hypocrites, and criminal reptilian Lucifer brood of true Serpent vipers on death row, in prisons, and on communal work agriculture farms and slave labor factories until they confess WHO are all their victims and pay back all restitution as determined BY majority eVOTE of those interested in obtaining full scale Justice and social equality.
We do this with simple use of Total Tort Reform simplified of SolutionJudge and SolutionMilitary Justice System.
We Raise Both are arms to Heaven and request every single Crook and Criminal surrender now. Otherwise we tell everyone who violates OUR laws they will be man hunted down with Bounty rewards on their evil heads as ratify mandated by use of Open Auto face Recognition over Open Circuit TV of eDevices and CCTV store and forwarded to PUBLIC with simple use of all law enforcement databases URL Linked through Final FOIA.ONE database.
We Pledge to NEVER stop this most peaceful Global Social Equality system and hereby promise to ALWAYS love, care, protect and cherish our young children, debilitated disabled, elderly, sick before thinking of our selves.
We hereby Pledge to personally escort Keith + his Sovereign Ambassador Missionary Crusaders directly to debrief our Top World Presidents and Top Decision Maker Lawmakers, Press and Top Corporate Executives all at one time so no one can Complain, Fight, or Object without providing a BETTER = Best SolutionPeace 5step method.
We hereby Pledge forever to be Honest, highly educated, well fed and self protected communities using simple answers of TurnOffLights.SPACE, SolutionSafeWater and active deploy use of CCWGuard (Ccommunity Crime Watch) that saint father Keith ALSO authored and gifted along with everything else shown below on URL Cross Reference.
This we legally and binding promise to do as of today date of : 2020 - ______ - ____. format IID of FOIA
Print out your above signed pledge, put on your front door inside and out so everyone knows YOU are protected by GODs holy promise gifts of Grace that humanity will only prosper by Action of this household.
This hereby legally mandated by followers of Keith Brent Duncan. Easy for anyone to contact and escort personally to testify to ALL of mankind since few if anyone has ever survived the infamy crimes against humanity all starting with the most evil ruthless cockroach rat named Robert dee Rose of
This is the most powerful Public Awareness Campaign in Earths history. Escort us and send us support + funds today so WE HIS CHOSEN people can now own and control everything gifted by GO- to complete the original reason we were created.
I asked for direct access TO USA gov databases Sept 25, 2011 to identify WHO is cyber crime attacking USA GOV and all other world databases. Use common sense.
Everyone MUST call TRUMP, DOJ, DOD to seize Robert Dee Rose today.
#1 requirement is for USA GOV to protect our life and YOUR freedom. Keith
April 29, 2020 Most simple critical answer: Citizen Arrest is always legal and required by our system to prevent anyone who violates the law from escaping justice. Common sense says victims always have a right to place bounty reward on the heads of anyone who assaults or steals from them. This alone reduces all street fights down to zero when bystanders put rewards on heads of these stupid fighters rather than betting on who can bet the living hell of each other.
I spent 858 days in HELL -Jail when Ms Bashama accused me of being violent by legally citizen arresting Wendell Carraway 30 seconds Feb 4, 2011 after calling 911 twice, already filed the required PD report 1.11.2506 and did the background crime scene evidence report plus one eyewitness interview in less than 2 hours where my $40,000 USD cash and assets was stored 2miles away. ROSE was only person capable of Murder for Hire Conspiracies started back Dec 23, 2007 when Amy Rose threted Sherry Duncan and I at BlueMoon Resturant Buckhead Atlanta GA. The most Lucifier Agenda will only be stopped by Action of Will of Majority of MY 7.8 billion people as I am already world famous for surviving so many capital felony crimes we indeed lost count back in Nov 2010 when I went to IRS, FBI, AG, and USMarshalls same day when each group sent me to the NEXT highest level of MY Government and to this day only ONE USA CID FBI Agent Lynn has ever said YES, ROSE is a a criminal and I was illegally held. So HOW in Lucifers HELL can this continue anymore.Easy. GOD allows self-genocide to de-populate MotherEarth so only the saved move forward to live in E.D.E.N. the fourth dimension. Keith.
Click: We raise $100,000 USD until June 1, 2020
We will list your name and amount here and share how your funds are used, every $.
We asked to debrief World Presidents starting summer of 2011 to present moment.
These are the published 'GOSPEL of KEITH' the worlds current crusader for mankind
CLICK HERE: Worlds Last Solution Series to Achieve Total World Peace.
Download upper PDFs and personally Deliver to World Presidents + PRESS.
Our system is EVOTE 100% direct decision based society that proactively destroys all Lucifer Crime Networks by daily voting of WE HIS Chosen People. Anyone can be removed from ANY leadership position by Will of Majority 80% decision makers. Even Billionaires (2500 of them) can be eVOTEd out of crime wealth and their assets seized to go 100% through CreatorKeith.Space NGO Trust Foundation to build new infrastructure.
If we knew WHO to contact next we would, and clearly already have. Tens of Thousands know WHO we ARE.
We are the Davids who destroy all Goliath using common sense + GODs word..
We are the Moses who lead our Chosen People back to GOD's promised land.
We are the Captain/pilots (NOAH) who testify WHO are the Elite Lucifer Pirates.
We are the followers of Christ (+ others) who teach humans how to LOVE each other.
We are the only ones who command all leaders reform back to GOD's covenants.
Those who oppose us are required to testify WHY they scam/con and violate laws.
Those who refuse to surrender their crime evidence are forever roasted in HELL.
Watch Click: Youtube Search SightedMoon regarding current Passover 2020 at:
EXACTLY WHO will Prevent All Pandemics, Wars, and WHO will TESTIFY Against All WORLD criminals??
Answer: ONLY YOU, our most beloved enslaved people can Eliminate the Lucifer Elites who want most of us dead.
Clearly by today, PASSOVER of Jubliee April 8, 2020, exactly 11:11am Manila time, only ONE PERSON in world has already done the above, 1-19580801-1 (+101%) = keith brent duncan, worlds first trillionaire World Leader who few have interviewed or supported +12 years now. Only by ACTION by YOU our beloved people will all benefit Free World Society. WHO will actually COMPLETE GODs purpose since we are DAMNED tired of so much greed of real criminals who roam freely scamming, conning, and conducting the worst criminal networks of all time...
Prime Requirements entire time since pre Aug 22, 2011 Cobb County GA USA TPO 11.1.7683 has been:
1. Press Conferences with World Presidents, Corp Exec, Humanity.
2. Seizure of all criminals using our replacement Judicial Law System.
3. Deploy of ALL the systems cross referenced below and video showcased on YouTube of BuiltByKeith, IseeStand Phonecradle and all other systems of our OTHER top world scientists lead by Keith and Angel Philanthropists. The Lucifer Elites SCREAM with HORROR they all go to EVOTE Prison + Death Row.
Call Intl Court of Justice +31 70 302-2323 for them to obtain Total World Global Peace.
Few have any confidence to stand up to Terrorists, Criminals, Top leaders who all VIOLATE basic human rights. Our system is delivered BuiltByKeith as the ratified unification methods of
Anyone who violates GODs commandments or Man-made Law goes to PRISON with Evote majority so no one can ever bribe/extort/threaten our very own Judges, Law Enforcement, Officers of our courts to PERSECUTE the victims of organized crime. The 100% true reality story is TheFinalTerrorist Robert dee Rose, the most infamous criminal of all time. After infiltrating OUR GOV/Corp databases, he murders all key witnesses to avoid his Death Row Fate.
We are the New World Leaders who master teach humanity how to eliminate all violators of any laws. We survive on your support to escort us directly to debrief World Presidents + Corp Execs as required by exact same laws we have enforced. Few have authority to do anything but back stab each other over who controls GODs loaned assets...
We are the ONLY God Sent group to mediate World Global Peace. Denial of our rights shows Luciferian Elite Occult have succeeded in destroying our humanity. We already delivered HOW to unify 12 long years ago and have been persecuted, jailed, drugged, assaulted, and almost murdered so many times to deny our rights to actually debrief the required Top World Leaders, Press, Corp Executives, and our most beloved 7.777B enslaved people. Most have no clue they are doomed to be slave traded by orders of those known as + and the most demonic person of all time, Robert Dee ROSE theFinalTerrorist.
Note: Watch #1116 Youtube Series. Unmute the Audio to hear 100% truth about Keith = Who I am = YOU.
Click: YouTube.Com BuiltByKeith for latest world Press Conference broadcasts.
WE HIS CHOSEN PEOPLE now achieve total World Global Peace using humble keiths simple ordained divined methods sent by GOD by our messianic messenger Ambassadors by recruiting millions of new replacement leaders who are top Scientists, Professors, Doctors, technoExperts, Educators, economic Model experts who are now highly paid consultant advisors. This alone eliminates cyber crime Politic RATS who run our world.
We are the worlds last OPEN PUBLIC Anti-Crime Consultant Experts who work FOR All Presidents, law enforcement, Judicial, Mega Corporate executives since 1976 NCSU. No ONE can deny our rights to be #1 advisors to all world leaders to teach them how to actually achieve final total world global peace.
Only by debriefing us will OUR entire world become free will open market eCommerce citizens free of crime.
WE identify all 'secret' agency systems (Gov + mega Corp Executives) with our new REPLACEMENT unified legal, judicial, banking, stock market, R.E., mall, energy, water, medical + all other infrastructure system now OWNED and CONTROLLED by WE HIS PEOPLE No more politics, crime, pandemics, pirates, terrorists, or even rumored extraterrestrials will exist once everyone sees WHO is WHO, Who trusts Who, WHO owns What, Who travel/trades with Who/when/where/what/why and price. All stored in OUR FOIA.ONE public database of human knowledge wisdom + legally binding enforced contracts. Anyone who violates any law is brought to justice swiftly with no recourse to bribe/extort/murder their way to remain free of restitution to their victims. We #1 required debriefing ALL World Leaders, Press, Public summer of 2010. One super Criminal E.T. Rose almost martyred us Jan 2008 to present April 3, 2020. CALL everyone to escort us to Testify TODAY!
Click: HERE for the FINAL SOLUTION SET HOW to achieve Total World Peace. All Inter URL Linked.
For +12 years now, we require YOU our most beloved people to Contact World Presidents and leaders NOW.
Our Gods Covenant Commandments 1. Do not Steal. 2. Never Lie. 3. Never Hide.
This is the basis for everything. For crooks do this until the end of their time.
Contact our most humble Saint Prophet #1 scientists today to debrief World. WE ARE the top Angel Philanthropist Humanitarian Relief Scientist Keynote who are the hidden persecuted Billionaires.
We have over $500 Million USD to seed gift first President who calls and escorts us now.
Only Total World Global Peace is SolutionManifesto
All (tm)(c)(r) + our Prophet Profit network
Evote.ONE store forward A.I. open Ad-free barter exchange Trading platform FOIA.ONE database of Who is Who.
We offer certified Common Stock to all who call and support us to UNIFY all mankind with methods from 44 years ago.
kTrade.Space prevent the Rat Race run by the Elite. Call + Escort us to testify.
BASE covenant is 1. Do not Steal. 2. Do not LIE. 3. Do not HIDE. Contact World Presidents today ! ! ! !
Since ROSE is a terrorist and SALLY Q Yates implicated herself with GBI Berry Vic Renolds in Atl GA, TRUMP and WORLD will be madder than hell so many incompetent corrupt people are INSIDE MY=OUR USA GOV.
We recruit EVERYONE to Join Us as required by GOD and all existing laws to END the infamy holocausts caused by the few Criminal Ruling Elite. This is also WHY GOD sent us FOIA.ONE IID: 1-19580815-1 (+100% Integrity) to master educate everyone out of abject Poverty and apathy by using our divine ordained covenant legally binding contracts.
Watch carefully on HOW to achieve total World peace.
Then escort Keith's Crusaders to Testify to World Leaders.
Note: Unmute the Audio to hear 100% truth about Keith = Who I am.
2nd on right shows we are #1 problem solvers in world history 2010. NGO Trust Foundation
Worlds First Trillionaire Angel Philanthropist Collective Commission Collaboration Soverignity. + + + + SolutionHousing =
On a personal note: Please find Keith a wealthy new partner wife: Reference Worlds Wealthest Single Women.
Prevents all poverty by transfer of the real wealth to all new digital electric communities at higher elevations to unload the slum poverty infested coastal cities that were built to be slave trading ports by elite centuries ago. We the People now own and control everything using the new world communication and education systems of WorldSchoolFUND and SolutionMilitary that can never be destroyed or prostitute manipulated since No OLD government or mega corporation leaders can control or pervert manipulate our assets and profits.
CONTACT Board of Director = Trustees here:
Our Organizational CEO teams led by Fore founding Father Saint
Keith Brent Duncan IID 1-19580815-1 (+100%). Sent by God.
Easy for +61 years to contact our Warrior Peace Crusaders directly.
Apostle Saint CEO Keith Duncan Tel: +(63) x917 335-4300. Addr USA Embassy 417 UN Ave B666. Manila Philippines
Executive President Gloria Reyes (63) 0917-173-4755 Smart 0929-172-3744
Exec President Marketing Marisa Cordero (63) 0916-502-9395
Rich Verdas is located south of Manila in direct contact with Anastasia of Serbia.
Author Founder of with Walking Saint Keith Duncan
Other World Presidents +Executives recruited since 2009
Skype: BuiltByKeith2 for Video Confirmation.
417 UN Ave. Ermita Manila Philippines B666 Office.
Original Best Friend Business Partner is CEO Charles CHUCK Link of of Atlanta Georgia
at +1 678-870-6362) from NCSU Raleigh NC 1976-1981 Microelectronics to Mainframe data communications of Databases, protocolls. SQL information storage and forward retrieval, early development of robotic AI infrastructure, all +10 years ahead of mainstream computer system existing technologies. His wife Susan and even brother Kevin know keith very very well including well over ten thousand Atlantans, thousands of Europeans and Asians, and soon all 7.8 Billion of keiths forsaken people.
Updated April 29, 2020 CKS 1:35am Manila. Near USA Embassy still formal requesting military escort.
Pending Board of Directors/Trustees/Executives:
As SOON as YOU MY PEOPLE call them to call us back. The more calls the faster UNIFICATION occurs
Each of these persons are granted famous Common Stock seen FOIA.ONE
We offer to pay their increased salaries as Highly Paid Consultant Advisors of fame.
USA President Donald Trump. White House. Include Nancy Pelosi to even the greatest deal.
President Rodriquez Duterte, Palace Address gate J5. Manila Philippines.
FBI Director Christopher Wray 202- ???=xxxx. Washington D.C. USA.
Atlanta FBI Director at 404-581-6000 re Norfolk VA 4:11cr112 murder for hire conspiracies.
Atty Sally Q Yates 404-572-2723. King & Spaulding Atlanta GA USA .
GBI Director Berry Vic Reynolds. Was Cobb County GA DA, my lawyer TPO 11.1.1171.99 July 2011.
Judge Clarence Cooper 404-215-1310 Atlanta GA.
Berny Dorhmann Past CEO of Wife CEO is September. FOllowing List are CEOSPACE.NET World Instructors.
Bob Circosta owner of HSN.COM
Les and son John Brown, World known Professional Motivational Crusader speakers.
Ed Bogle evaluted keith at over $400 Million USD net worth back June 2011 with Hugh Ballou
Harry Lay, Bob Proctor, over 40 prime world known experts personally know Keiths gifted work.
We pledge gifted 90% of first 1 Billion USD profits 2011 to present and have no confirmation return..
Few have responded except for
Berny and September Dorhmman and recently George Fraiser of
Pending Invite return calls, Board Of Directors will include:
Elon Musk. CEO of Tesla
Bill Gates (retired CEO of Microsoft), Warren Buffett Berkshire Hatthaway,
Larry Ellison CEO of Oracle who pioneered CIA's first use of SQL database integrity back in 1976. FOIA.ONE worlds last ad free Universal Database.
Jeff Bezos - Amazon, Mark Zuckerberg, and others may apply for membership to for approval by our standing board of directors and trustees. No more billionaires who violate basic laws.
April 8, 2020 Passover Jubilee To George Fraser of and WORLD. Ask EVERYONE, literally world to USE and follow the URL links to Achieve TOTAL world Global peace. Out of tens of thousands of persons I have reached, only you and few others have ever asked HOW can we HELP you HELP all of humanity. Keith on Passover day. April 8, 2020. +12 years AFTER theFinalTerorrist was obligated to pay me BACK my very own Fathers Inheritance. NOW plus interest worth over $400,000 USD anyone can claim. EVERYTHING we have gifted is worth mega Trillions of NGO Trust Foundation to build all new world society UNIocracy. org
​ Prevents ALL Pandemics + Crime at one FOIA.ONE time EVOTE 100% decision based society ### WorldRebroadcast SolutionPeace April 8, 2020 Passover Blood Moon. Manila. World President Final Peace Summit saves mankind with EVOTE.ONE SaintKeith is fore founding father of your new world society. Watch Youtube playlist BuiltBykeith. Command all world Presidents and leaders use these methods and protect Keith and team lives and extreme intellectual property inventions and keynote broadcasts NOW!! End of the line for all criminals once becomes new reality for 7.7 Billion my people.
DELIVER THIS to Trump, WhiteHouse, DOD DOJ and directly to CNN and PRESS. I would PERSONALLY do this summer of 2011 and ALMOST DID. I SHOULD have gone to Washington D.C. on my way back from NYC Sept 25, 2011 and almost DID. I had successfully turned over ROSE massive Terrorist attack sequence against MY USA GOV and ALL evidence on HOW to achieve total world peace to Langley AirForceBase Sept 25, 2011
I also went back by IRS offices Spoke in person with, I DID visit Sally Q Yates at Federal Courthouse asking to ENTER Federal Witness Protection Program (same as at Langley AirForceBase), and went to CEOSPACE.NET Sept 27 to Oct 3, 2011 and was packed to go to IRS, FBI, MIlitary in California on EXACT SAME PURPOSE at 10am morning. If i had NOT been criminally kidnapped, YOUR entire world would be FREE of all crime and pandemics in few short months. is as your last new world society free of all crime networks and politics. Driven by New SolutionManifesto .com Constitutional Human Right laws and EVOTE.ONE FOIA.ONE to empower all to collectively own and manage all aspects of our free trade, free travel world economy. Send Keith + EVOTE.ONE FOIA.ONE to WORLD leaders AND PRESS ASAP.