FranklandNetRadio.com OverSeas Workers Come Home MaryRights.com Unifies Mankind UnityURL.COM

Return +2.2 Million OFW oversea workers + 8Mil others home with eVOTE.ONE TeenPenny.com as all new small biz owners, SolutionHousing.ORG and other BuiltByKeith.com ministries = SolutionPeace.com.
Click fb.me/WorldVoiceOFW Frankland Net Radio, Philippines
Call Violata Frankland Globe (63)995-622-2228
Call Keiths Cell +(63) 917-335-4300 to book interviews
CLICK: VIDEO List World Changing Testamony June 5, 661
"Act with the Authority of Fearless People to Protect All Rights of Others"
Impact Your Community!
Join UNITYurl.com then form your own local chapters today. Do not delay.
Act with Authority for benefits of All Others.
Shun bigots, hypocrites, cynics, + criminals from your life.
Common Rally
Use UnityURL.com as your own standard best practices model to take command of your own local issues by addressing all concerns of your communities. This is quite easy when everyone uses SolutionFinal.com 5 easy steps with focus on benefits and value to each other.
TeamMoneyMoneyMachine.com Facebook.com/TeenMoneyMachine and focus on WorldSchoolFund.com methods to directly fund the most important aspects of all communities. This is the education of all to LOVE and CARE for each other while advancing our human race so we can all prevent the Criminal Ruling Elite from enslaving us with their control of our digital lives.
This is self-evidence. Use model of Keith Duncan to become an active part of your community and world by listening to the needs of others and responding for their benefit and value first. Use CeoSpace.net methods and forum teachings to remove the ability for others to take advantage of your honest and integrity laden nature.
Consult with Keith with BidOnkeith.com to determine the best courses of your own actions and behaviors.
Until the entire USA government acknowledges my multiple kidnapping, they will collectively prevent all investigations and arrests of each person who signed their own false testimony and confessions. I am down to about $10,000 of my oriignal $1.4 Million USD lifetime earned and inherited GodFathers assets.
When I get to ZERO, I am indeed GONE. Hopefully resurrected to Heaven to await each of you to arrive to face your own Judgments as I have been well trained to be your mediator and representative on your Judgement day that can occur at any moment.

Join the UNIocracy.com World Campaign for Justice + Equality

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CreatorKeith.com INC
9120 Doible Diamond Pkwy, Suite 6309
Reno Nevada 89521 USA if I remain alive.
Hong Kong Cell
Wechat: BuiltByKeith
Skype: BuiltByKeith2