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Upcoming Current Events:

May 9-11 2019. Phil Society Mechanical Engineers -3,000 member forum at Silang, north of Tagatay.

May 11, 2019. SweepppFoundation.ORG  Techno Purchasing  Forum in Cavite -Las Pinas, (15km south of Manila). Limit 200 registrations of top buyer purchasing agents + executives.

Late May 2019 Trip to Singapore, then Los Angeles to set up premier supply chain logistics for Pipe and Pump massive new communities in Philippines, the expansion to Asia and other nations.


April 16, 2019. Team debriefed top Dept Of Energy Art Habitan + staff. Top leaders never showed up for this historical meeting. The tech team was thrilled with billions of real $$$ cash USD benefits. No one does any followup to command these answer methods be put into common world best business practices.

April 13, 2019. TechnoPurchasing Sales 1 day training Workshop  Sweeppp.ORG

Feb 12-13. Philippine National Water District convention. SMX MOA convention center, Pasig.

Feb -22 DOST Compound Taguig. Part 2 final BIG forum. Compliance STP Sewage Treatment Plants and Water Shed re-management best practices for world to use to harness #1 energy source and precious water supplies..
Mar 20-24 SMX Convention Center MOA Pasig Manila

April 11, 2019   SolutionSAFEWATER.ORG saves all world energy as FOSSIL FUEL no longer USED except to power the existing fossil fuel relics (cars, power plants, factories), WHILE nuclear and Hydro Power Generation replaces all known forms of energy generation, distribution, and consumption. This SOLVES Climate Change and destroys all energy war stock market military holocausts once and forever.

   Free Hydro Generation by massive rainfall watershed re-management is the key to prevention of All ENERGY wars caused BY banksters, underground criminals, and most corrupt politicians. The ONLY answer solution is full scale mass viral social media campaign to COMPLETE to UNIFY all of mankind under ONE new world society run FOR, BY, AND OF our people... WHO pays for all the corruption and CRIME? COST and consequences always rests on the Taxpayers.  Certainly not the politicians, or the family dynasties, or the crime networks who control most of the laws, contracts, bids, and commerce of our assets.

    STOP ALL POLITICS, CRIMES + TAXES now with ReBroadcast Change world with eVOTE.ONE. All Crime solved forever with 100% Direct eDemocracy Solution All +7.6 Billion of our people BENEFIT as all middle class small business owners. eVOTE.ONE is the most powerful UNIFICATION methods to empower humanity to control, own, and manage all wealth-assets Information using FOIA.ONE = Solution single standard Open Public Database of all world knowledge + Wisdom.

    Millions of new DUAL citizen residents will soon arrive to build 1,000's of new all digital creative communities in the most rich natural resource region in the world. Expats will be pre-qualified to 100% own their new single family homes and small business properties.  inq990am TV broadcast Watch timemark 14:00 to 22:32

    Therefore, EVOTE.ONE FOIA.ONE replace all known forms of existing governments by COMBINING the best elements and removal of ability of anyone to pervert the WILL of the Majority of the people. CONTENTS of EVOTE.ONE basic 4 bypass New Constitutional laws. No more taxes, Criminal Investigations, appointed officials, corrupt Executives or false Religious leaders.   All political parties, mobsters, underground crime enterprises are eliminated By Will of Majority of Our People.   All election voting and decision making is now blockchain locked with International ID, your photo/video linked to your action.    

     Use eVote.ONE For + By the full authority of GOD + our Crusader Teams of Righteousness, Peace, and total Equality.  Everyone now FEARLESSLY PROTECTS THE RIGHTS OF ALL OTHERS using open Public Integrity database  = Solution     

These simple 4 ByPass Constitutional Laws create your new history. No one can ever deny your rights again.

 1. All leaders are  electronically voted IN by one general election. All votes are PUBLIC. Votes are marked private or PUBLIC. Tallies all shown to world with method of write once, then read-only public counts seen by all. This is block chain un-hackable. Each vote is tied to your photo/video stored for any retrieval in the singling e new world society open public database FOIA.ONE

2. Any leader is voted OUT by majority who violates law, suspected of fraud or personal profiteering OUTSIDE their #4 pay or refusals to complete #3 below.  Each are replaced by succession runner-ups, NEVER by appointments or re-election process controlled by the Criminal Ruling Elite or same crime party control. This is retro active punishment for any previous violation or crime as ultimate deterrent. Our young people now become our new world leaders free of corruption + crime.

3. Post Election, All leaders electronically TOLD what to do by evote. Direct eDemocracy is Direct Funding of assets to build NEXT best project so no government official can scam or steal our assets. No more appointed officials who criminally prostitute with others. Total Tort Reform eliminates all corrupt individuals including Liar-Lawyers + other terrorists.

4. All leaders consultant  pay is electronically voted UP, same, or DOWN by the majority will of our people. All leaders are now highly paid consultant Administrators ONLY with no direct access to any taxes or ability to profiteer by controlling any of our assets or laws. This includes all corporate executives below. All must show their income / expenses / ownership of all assets to FOIA.ONE. Each deserve to be rich + protected AFTER they fearlessly serve + protect my people by tracked performance of #3.   

 CONTACT ALL WORLD LEADERS and Top PRESS MEDIA now!  This is the most peaceful revolution in world history. Focus on TOP Senators, Congressmen, Human rights Activists, Presidents, Religious Leaders, and news broadcasters.

 father Keith Duncan, Manila cell (63)9173354300 Solution skype: builtByKeith2

Perfect example of hydro water turbines Click:

Turbulent.BE The true energy independence answer for all.

   This one WEBSITE series is revolutionary return of ALL infrastructure ownership BACK to our people. Techno-Sales Purchasing of is central to teach all how to close sales with buyer clients. This is part of master education of world expert trainers, CEO's, and new market founders who have created original innovate products and services as first providers.

Contact: President: Keith Duncan (63)9173354300

    CEO of World leader Consultants author keynote speaker

Contact Executive Director: Gloria Reyes Civil Engineer (63)929-172-3744.

Contact Marissa Cordero, (63)916-502-9395 Board Member and Publicity

     Executive Marketing Director, Santa Rosa, Manila Philippines.

Contact Board Member: Marilou Diaz (63) 0966-875-6999. Technical Foundation

Contact: Founder-CEO Lino Diamente, Universal Techno Piping Corp south of Manila Philippines +(63)02-872-7634. Cell (63)927-493-8080, 0945-508-5997 Email  Our teams work with these wonderful industry experts to create 1000's of new water sourcing and distribution systems as top world advisor on business processes and supply chain dynamics. Lino's references:

 Perfect example of hydro water turbines Click:

Turbulent.BE The true energy independence answer for all.

SolutionSafeWater.ORG is answer to full scale new energy + water + waste re-management. here is BEST example of FREE energy and watershed re-management for world. low pressure turbine hydro generation of almost free gigawatts of energy at any higher elevation. Eliminates FLOODING, replants our forest jungles, new fish farms, and GREEN MINING who build Dams with the processed 'bad’ dirt tailings.
DOST-Taguig Forum on Waste Compliance is full 160 people Feb 22. 10 PNPolice here, industry experts and at least 60 students and concerned authorities. EVERY ONE KNOWS Prevention is the KEY to stop waste production of waste water and bio, non-biological waste at point of manufacturing and consumption. 30% of solid waste is biological organic mix perfect to make fertilizer. Most other solid is Plastic and packaging. All this can be quickly sorted into catagories and SOLD back to manufacturing recycling so NO MORE landfills. HELP rapidly expand our Techno Sales Society and related SWEEPPP foundation groups with MASS PUBLICITY to authorities and the PRESS. Most politicians and authorities are PASSIVE and seldom take creative innovations and inventions TO the PUBLIC and PRESS since they are conditioned to always expect CONGRESS to pass laws telling them WHAT to do next with LIMITED funding (taxes). This all changes forever once our people are empowered to OWN their own infrastructure and RUN their own communities free of mega developers, bankers, and stock market broker manipulators. ties to that is the new Safe Water SWEEPPP association ClearingHouse Resource that models to world HOW to educate our people to be small business owners in partnership with their own communities.

Our Global Association's mission is the top educational entrepreneur group of experts to coordinate technology in association with the Philippine government, World, and all corporations to provide the best management practices of water conservation, flood control, reclamation treatment, and bulk handling of water resources. Our work involves the primary government agencies of DOE, DTI, DENR, DOST, DICT, Bureau Water Soil Management, Congress, DILG, NEDA, PEZA, and other groups who are 100% responsible for accountable utilization of water resources.

  Our membership shares all information and technology as business partners and referral sources to increase all business opportunities as everyone benefits from our educational based process systems..

  The prime benefits of joining our Association is distribution of new contracts and work through our contacts with major Engineering Architectural firms, through our top connections of Government officials, local mega developers, foreign developers and investors, and the wide range of economic development group associations and corporations. All understand the new Philippines will emerge as 1st world nation utilizing their massive natural resources and work force to create new self-sustained all digital communities owned by all resident citizens.

Upcoming Current Events:

April 13, 2019. Sweeppp.ORG Techno Purchasing Free Forum in Las Pinas, (10km south of Manila). Limit 200 registrations of top buyer purchasing agents + executives.


Feb 12-13. Philippine National Water District convention. SMX MOA convention center, Pasig.

Feb -22 DOST Compound Taguig. Part 2 final BIG forum. Compliance STP Sewage Treatment Plants and Water Shed re-management best practices for world to use to harness #1 energy source and precious water supplies..
Mar 20-24 SMX Convention Center MOA Pasig Manila

Training Forums with experts.  For reservations, inquiry and confirmation of participation Tel: 02 7083178 Mobile: 0945 108 6000 URL:

All Classes are at: Venue: 3F,MPR Bldg,1044 Alhambra St.,B666, Ermita,Manila

1. (past) Training Forum:  "Theory & Practice in Non Bio Wastewater (Reuse & Recycling) Treatment Plants”,

   15th Friday + 16th February 2019 - Saturday  @ 8AM -5pm.

2. Training Forum: ENVIRONMENTAL INNOVATIVE Compliance solid waste to energy fertilizer & Wealth 

  1st March 2019 - Friday @ 8AM-5pm  5,000 Peso tuition includes full lunch.

3. Training Forum:  Designing the Non Bio Wastewater (Reuse & Recycling) Treatment Plants”, Part B

   2nd March 2019 - Saturday @ 8AM -5pm  5,000 Peso tuition includes full lunch.

Water & Waste Engineering, Services and Supplies.
Reverse Osmosis & Waste Water Treatment Specialists

  The principles of Total Quality Management/continuous improvement (kaizen) have been applied by forward-looking and innovative organizations to their business supply chain  management functions. Our Association training leads to an identification of a set of strategies and best practices that is proven to work and demonstrates repeatable improvements of any organization’s quality, productivity, competitiveness, and profitability levels, provided that they are correctly and consistently applied.  These best practices are educational and easy to be properly applied in the Philippine business and government environment.

Zero Waste Reverse Osmosis.  Production of SOBBA (™) Bicarbonate buffered Alkaline Drinking water, non bacteriological (NIRO) Waste water treatment plants, Waste to Potable Water reclaim technology, H20 TOPS technology (fossil to Protium fuel tech).


For +30 years, Lino Diamante has worked fearlessly creating new business opportunies in the Water management systems.  Keith Duncan is the top #1 anti crime human rights activist teaching world leaders how to resolve all issues and prevent almost all crime in the firstplace.  Eng Gloria Reyes is exceptional in completing levels of construction and project managment as well as soon a world reknowned keynote speaker on business processes.  Engineer Harry Freires has established his world reputation for engineering all levels of water re-management systems to facilitate sanitary treatment of pure water.

  Harry and other key registered engineering companies are experts in design construction of small to community sized water treatment plants. This includes not only water purification systems but waste water re-management systems to massively reduce pollution caused by a variety of economic and environmental factors.

   The Next major event is March 20-22 2019

This major show is at SMX Convention Center, Pasay City, Metro Manila Philippines.

SchyTech patented water filtration plants and waste water treatment systems are state of the art for all new Communities worldwide. These scalable self regulating systems are expandable from small installations to massive systems of water filtration community stores, restaurants, hotels, commercial buildings, and even multi building communities.  

Disinfection and Bio-Pollutant Technology

Natural Treatment Systems

Sustainable, Clean and Green Water Technologies

Municipality Water Management

Wastewater Treatment & Management

Water Resource Management. Lakes and Energy Resource Storage.

Industrial Water and Wastewater Treatment

Bottled Water Production

Sewerage and Rainwater Harvesting Technology Management

Contact our teams TODAY to travel to your nation to be keynote speakers and master design engineer consultants to build thousands of new Fresh Water filtration and waste water management plants that solve the worst crisis of contaminated and inadequate water supplies that have always been the economic driven issues of success or failure to conduct business development profits.

BBKScyhTech6-WasteWater3.png + are World Changing mega Trillion $$ USD driven all small biz owners middle class SolutionHousing.ORG to benefit all humanity. Protect Keith's life + IP today !

   #1 Most Critical is to Contact/Book Keith Duncan to debrief entire world with Hosted Press Conferences on HOW to free our world of all energy wars and financial crisis including stock market crashes with  Every single village and power company benefit as 100% cooperative owned energy and water eliminate all stock market manipulation and free us all from the tyranny of fossil fuel energy price and actual wars.

  MOST CRITICAL is for YOU my people to contact TOP World Leaders NOW.  Ask THEM to deploy NOW to save our world from Climate Change and wars driven by pure demonic greed of the Criminal Ruling Elite.

   Solved forever with EVOTE.ONE Direct eDemocracy system FOIA.ONE and NGO's

     Summary: 1000's of new small lakes are now engineer modeled and built by Example like TVA = Tennessee Valley Authority and mega projects like Hoover Dam. We the people, now capture the most valuable GOD's 'potential' energy source (weight of mass rainfall) and the life gifting force of H2O water.  High elevation storage of replenished trillions of gallons of fresh water now is used to prevent drought, water financial wars, wildfires, and other man-made disasters. Billions of mega slum dwellers now move to higher elevations away from coastal cities that are prone to mass flooding and economic depravity. Large pipes downstream harness the gigawatt production of free clean green energy for all electric society.  These are trillions of real $$$ valued benefits to all 7.6 Billion of keith's people. Everyone now uses and creating self regulated checks + balances communities free of all crime.

     Contact Lino Diamente, Universal Techno Piping Corp south of Manila Philippines +(63)02-872-7634. Email is  Keith Duncan's evangelist crusader teams work with this wonderful industry experts to create 1000's of new water sourcing and distribution systems as top world advisor on business processes and supply chain dynamics.

     Contact Engineer Harry Freires  Schytech Enterprises  in Manila (632) 562 9152.  (63)906-233-8486, or (63)x920573-1624, Gloria Reyes Civil Engineer His patented water filtration plants and waste water treatment systems are state of the art for all new Communities worldwide. Book his teams TODAY to travel to your nation to be keynote speaker and master design engineer consultant to build thousands of new Fresh Water filtration and waste water management plants that solve the worst crisis of contaminated and inadequate water supplies that have always been the death toll of nations. 

  This one universal method solves CLIMATE CHANGE + forever, stops all energy wars forever, reforests our jungles, provides safe water for new agriculture. and migrate moves +7.6 billion people to re-inhabit the rest of GOD's Forest Gardens of Eden FOIA.ONE to unload the slums of our world. No more poverty or crime once occurs.

  #1 Most world critical is Mass Publicity with HOSTED PRESS CONFERENCES to rebuild all economies now owned and controlled BY our 7.6 billion people. The only root answer series is solutions. + SolutionSafeWater.ORG is Total Energy Independence from All Governments, Corporations, Fossil fuel electric monopolies, OPEC, + Stock Markets as WE the PEOPLE, now own + control all our own cooperative Hydro Generation water reclamation, storage, and distribution systems of both WATER and ENERGY. Revolutionary Peaceful replacement of all governments and corporations occurs to benefit +7.6billion with  Driven by + eVote.ONE -> we control and manage all aspects of our own new world society UNIocracy.ORG  as all my +7.6 Billion People benefit.

Philippine Inquirer June 26, 2018 Radio/TV timemark 14min Click:

  No more Stock Market Financial Energy War Holocausts caused by the Criminal Ruling Elite + Banksters.

  These two simple common sense methods return ownership of all infrastructure to humanity as watershed re-management and energy production are the keys to prosperity and all small business owner driven world economies. These are the ONLY answers to destroy energy greed.

Sept 17, 2018 My teams attend the 3 day Mining Exhibition Sofitel Manila Hotel as all Mining + Construction + engineering companies now go 100% GREEN as the gold/silver markets crash with Phililippines DOA, DOE, Meralco, APexMining, PhilMining, + USA + WORLD was 100% debrief educated starting +10 years ago on each of the gifted ordained solutions shown to world below on over internet.

  Who petitions anyone, who files ANY court docs, who GOES to PRESS, FBI, AG, IRS, PUBLIC, who collects ANY debt.  USA GOV?  never in last 1,000 years has anyone ever shown and commanded true DIRECT Democracy to unify entire man woman child. This is your new free world

     Monday, July 30, 2018. Everyone contact Pres Walter Brown at CLICK:

All mining companies now go GREEN hydro generation Energy=Power Free water distribution to 7.6 billion our people. No more poverty as prices of gold and silver crash once prevents ALL stock market crime manipulation by Brokers, Bankers, and USA-Europe crime dynasties. All engineers + inventors of true merit now become Intl Heroes for showcasing HOW to UNIFY mankind UNIocracy.Org SolutionManifesto. is revolutionary in STOPPING all illegal mining and RESTORING green energy as all mining companies become Mega Power construction hydro Generation providers with FREE mega tons of water. My teams are world famous Energy experts who convert old practices to infrastructure OWNEd and controlled BY our people. Massive reduction in Climate Change occurs with related as FOSSIL fuels no longer need and MINING becomes ONLY for base raw materials iron ore and other mass production elements.  Cell 9173354300. Please contact Dr. Walter Brown and ask HIS companies to FLY me back to MANILA for hosted press conferences as world can see these are the ONLY answers to solve each WORLD conflict issues forever..  You are in SAME building as Dr. Brown so WALK up to top floor and ask him to CONTACT my world changing teams today...

    Wed July 17, 2018  10 am is new World saving Debriefing of DOA Water Soil Management Director Angel Enriquez at Visayes Ave corner of Elliptical Circle, Diliman Quezon City Manila Philippines. International Press Conferences MUST OCCUR. These would have happened back in Oct 2011 if anyone had actually completed ANY of these world save changing solutions.  Typhoon Henry has flooded the roads today.  Average waterfall is 4000 mm = 4 meters = 13 feet total in this Paradise of E.D.E.N.  The greatest energy of GOD’s world is stored H20 at highest elevations. No more flooding anywhere including delta coastal cities. Almost free terra Watts of Energy on demand with hydro-generation plants owned BY, FOR, and OF our people.  Free Irrigation, commercial, residential water mega trillions of gallons are also controlled and managed BY people known as UNIONISTS.  Reforest of all denuded lands is easy with sugar cane, pine trees, sugar palms, coconuts, grasslands of wheat, cotton, peanuts, potatoes, and ground cover that eliminates all erosion and criminal mining operations. Now all mining companies are the DAM Mining companies as they profit by converting strip mining craters into small self contained reservoirs that are all interconnected with downstream piping for gravity fed hydro drip irrigation and commercial use.  Waste Water Management is now compressed down to elimination of almost all waste at the source.  Commercial use of water is now restricted to any company that produces toxic waste water.  Mega BILLIONS of $$$ in new small businesses owned and controlled economy BY our 7.6 billion people.
   Contact is Director BWSM Angel Enriquez. At (63)02-929-8186, 923-0462, cell (63)x9770043151.  Edith is Administrator working with USEC Ariel Cayanan Dept of Agriculture under Secretary Manny Pinol who personally knows our crusader Teams from 2016, March 16, 2018 revisit July 13, 2018.
     Barangay 666 office # is 484-5042 as I have ordered USA GOV and everyone to contact and COME FIND ME for now 8 very long years of most productive strategic creating of your new World society. Actually since Aug 1976 N.C.S.U. Computer Science, microelectronics university degree in Raleigh N.C. graduated Dec 1981 to present reality.

July 18, 2018  Most critical Dept of Agriculture + Water Soil Commission debrief meeting happened. International Press Conferences should have occurred year 2010 if anyone with authority had actually done required follow-up and contacting world Leaders to command them to use these world saving ordained divined answer solution methods to massive reduce all poverty and associated cyber crime family dynasties.


   With world use of this revolutionary = evolutionary answer solution, our 7.6 billion people now collectively own and manage their own power and water generation, distribution, and metered usage services and products.  No more stock market price fixing, no more mega family dynasties, no more government tariff and regulatory throttling (constriction) laws and red-paper tape political conspiracies that drive the price of basic water and energy to times 10 of the cost to produce.  The mining companies become 'DAM' mining companies as we all use the most efficient architecture engineering 'invented' methods to SOLVE our own preadory greed issues at all levels. YES, the 'powers that be' who control our marketplaces will be madder than Satan's Hell, that our people now control and manage all aspects of their own communities with free trade and travel with single Intl ID of FOIA.ONE.

    The most powerful Green Energy Renewable Reserve from Gods creation is WATER and SUN. The most obvious solution to create almost unlimited energy is simple yet has never been harnessed because of the pure greed and lack of education of mankind.  Rainfall, typhoons, hurricanes, basic rainfall is now easily stored as the most massive transfer quad-Trillions of pounds of potential energy turned into working kinetic power. This one famous solution series gifted by ONE single Man of Humanity Duncan known as now creates new paradigms of history creating thousands of new Storage Lakes, Ponds, and massive redistribution of energy reserves to be owned and managed BY my-our 7.6 billion people. A horrific # of world population live near the coast in major slum cities. Read the PDF files above showcasing the statistics of why this one international solution changes the course of human history by mass migration of billions of our people to higher elevations once they own their own energy hydroelectric and have almost free access to unlimited fresh water for safe consumption and mass irrigation.

   Now we have Free Renewal Hydro Electric power and Irrigation/Drink Water systems owned BY, FOR, and OF our people so that no corporate dynasties, corrupt executives or governments can ever wage $$$ wage because of

Now our world becomes driven 50 to 80% of hydro-generation that eliminates fossil fuel wars (oil, Natural Gas, coal ,and other burned organic sources of energy that are the root man made disaster destruction of our current greed laden world.

All new 1000's of creative all digital communities will have 3 prime sources of water piping distribution of 'pure-drinking', household building use, and commercial industrial agricultural use. 4 Prime sources of waste water is 'Black water -polluted', gray water (wash, basic residential use), special contaminated water, and storm sewer run-off capture and distribution systems.

   Once our world has the most basic infrastructure of almost free power and water, we unload the mega slum cities and return billions of our people back to higher elevations to create new world society communities (E.D.E.N.) when free trade and travel is the unified normalized world when crime and politics are no longer tolerated or allowed.

   Contact Lino Diamente, Universal Techno Piping Corp south of Manila Philippines +(63)02-872-7634. Email is  Keith Duncan's evangelist crusader teams work with this wonderful industry experts to create 1000's of new water sourcing and distribution systems as top world advisor on business processes and supply chain dynamics.  -With use of standard unified Smart Smoke Detectors, our world 'fire codes' and safety standards eliminate the man made disasters caused by poverty and political corruption once and forever.  Use of thermoplastic fire sprinkler piping systems (refer: BlazeMaster Fire Protection systems Atlanta.PH Atlanta Industries Manila Philippines prime Pipe manufacturer) allows fast retrofit of existing residential, commercial, office, government, and warehouse factories to prevent the tragedies that occur BECAUSE simple common sense engineering is not utilized. Use World Evangelists to educate our world.

The PRIME requirement is to activate all master civil engineers, Academic Experts, all World Leaders, architects, and other engineers and related experts to make this prime solution become your new world society mainstream unified method of conducting integrity based business contracts that are open public accountable by our world.

     Contact and Contract Duncan today. Manila (63)x917-335-4300 office/home at 417 United Nations Av, Ermita Manila 1/2 block north USA Embassy as keith broadcasts to world to TAKE ACTION by protecting and debriefing his Crusader teams.

Enemies of the People and Gov State are the criminal network enterprises who REFUSE to surrender because they have already captured massive percentage of God + your wealth by the crime methods solved and prevented by most humble keith. Fly his teams to your places of greatest needs so we can collectively fill stadiums with World Leaders of UNIocracy.ORG New World Society.

     Contact Engineer Harry Freires  Schytech Enterprises  in Manila (632) 562 9152.  (63)906-233-8486, or (63)x920573-1624, Gloria Reyes Civil Engineer His patented water filtration plants and waste water treatment systems are state of the art for all new Communities worldwide. Book his teams TODAY to travel to your nation to be keynote speaker and master design engineer consultant to build thousands of new Fresh Water filtration and waste water management plants that solve the worst crisis of contaminated and inadequate water supplies that have always been the death toll of nations.  As part of Philippine Inventors Association (Ermita), his water conversion methods are easy to replicate with his consulting teams to finally create fresh water trillions of gallons for our world to provide the true most powerful energy natural resources of GOD's creation. His teams travel to your World Leaders and Corporations to quickly educate HOW to build fresh water production plants and waste water management facility infrastructure that is owned FOR, BY, and OF all our 7.6 billion people.

   Contact Robert Marin (Manila) (63) x920-969-4930 as his consortium is funding 24kmeter Sea Dyke barrier to create fresh water Manila Lake Bay by drain pumping 2 meters of seawater out. Ships will traverse on the tides through Panama style locks. +20 new shipping ports will be built all over Philippines with railroads and high speed express ways owned BY our Philippine People. Worth over $50 BILLION USD in economic rebuild of entire SouthEast Asia.


    This one answer solves CLIMATE CHANGE + forever, stops all energy wars forever, reforests our world, provides safe water for new agriculture. and moves 90% of our +7.6 billion people to inhabit the rest of GOD's Forest world to unload the slums of our world.


    The perfected answer is shown in safe PDF above + below.  The worlds most massive energy reserve is quad-trillions of pounds rainfall that are easy to harness with the single solution whitepaper synopsis below. Note: Most of our world have the attention spans the size of a gnat as few every do any required follow-ups and Press Conferences that change world history.

### For Immediate Press Release to the World.

SolutionSafeWater.ORG   Robert Marin Inventor has more details. 

June 6, 2017 for ASEAN Energy Conference ADB. Manila. This is previous solution broadcast to world years ago that changes history. Updated Aug 7, 2017 at 

      Contact Master Inventor world evangelist Keith Duncan for Debrief and travel bookings.  Use to save our world today.

  The most powerful Green Energy Renewable Reserve from Gods creation is WATER and SUN.  The most obvious solution to create almost unlimited energy is simple yet has never been harnessed because of the pure greed and lack of education of mankind.  Rainfall, typhoons, hurricanes, basic rainfall can be easily stored and harnessed as the most massive transfer quad-Trillions of pounds of potential energy turned into working kinetic power.  This one famous solution creates new paradigms of history as entire world of my people benefit.

   A primary world issue is deforestation of our world, massive burning of fossil fuels, energy military wars, flooding, food production, and scarcity of clean drinking water.  Beavers have built dams and fish farms for millennium. We have Bulldozers, back-hoes, and massive earth moving technology over past +200 years. Concrete and piping are commodities including baked clay and other methods of diverting aquaduct water to prevent erosion, flooding, and mass man made disasters.

   When these answer-solutions go public, all mining companies worldwide will be known as DAM Mining companies as they now build hydro-electric safe water ponds and lakes in unoccupied valleys for use as irrigation and other crop-energy uses. Draining these lakes during droughts-dry season provides on demand power, killing the electric monopolies solved by and returning power and ownership of all lands BACK to our+7 billion people. See driven by and for world to USE with ACTS of WISDOM to fearlessly protect the rights of all my people.  Who joins, funds, and actually supports these world saving ministries to overturn all crime cabal networks forever..

  Direct funding of all world projects is easy with these answers as GOD's resources are being held in criminal hands. Each person who identifies a criminal gets 10% bounty reward of crime assets. Keith's ministry groups get 1% of all crime assets.

  The energy of quad-trillions of gallons of water fall on God's earth annually.  In the upper mountains and foothills, man must now contour plow and divert this massive energy to be stored in unoccupied valleys using small earthen dams and concrete spillways. Well over 70% of all regional water can now be stored as potential energy at the highest elevations thereby reducing all flooding at lower levels. Now, hydroelectric and irrigation powered water is accessed in previously uninhabited areas.  Abundant water is now used for fish farms, vegetables, fruits, pine/hardwood tree farms and sugar Palm (tree) plantations.   This repopulates our world away from the mega congested slum cities of our world as ALL BENEFIT except the criminal tycoons who control our economics at all levels of society. 

   These new 'GREEN DIGITAL Creative villages' are now OWNED by the people as power self-regulated and self-managed communities that are independent of the mega power criminal enterprises that have only motive to suck the profit assets out of our people by holding them hostage to their own growing power appetites driven by consumer capitalism.  This destroys the stranglehold of mega developers and BANKSTERS who criminally profiteer on the uneducated masses of my 7.5 Billion People.

   If anyone in our world has a BETTER SOLUTION, then PLEASE, STEP UP and GO PUBLIC to save our world from the greed and predatory destruction of the Criminal Ruling Elite.  Objections are always welcome as long as you PROVIDE the replacement and best solution.   That is that also transforms and UNIFIES mankind.


   Jan 12, 2018 historical Visits to Gina Lopez ABS-CBN, then Forest Director Nonito Tamayo, now DENR Sec Cimatu to show HOW this mega billion new enterprises benefit all 7.5 B of my people. All elected officials get huge boost in pay Evote.ONE as everyone GOES to World Leaders and PRESS to command Press Conferences that free my people from the slave trading hostageForProfit of the criminal ruling elite dynasties. All 100% positive in our FatherGod's Holy name as everyone benefits except the criminals.

  The biggest 'crime' this entire +10 years is few are ever in their offices or do any follow-up of merit to engage and solve our world prime conflict wars and issues.

    Nov 3 2017 + Aug 8, 2017 Historical personal revisist to ABS-CBN Foundation Regina Lopez (I have her personal Cell #), Atty Allan and Patrician Val on HOW this changes world history with EVOTE.ONE Funding to transform all mining companies into DAM hydro project energy producers as the price of precious metal markets will fall worldwide with that destroys all stock market speculation and insider criminal SEC trading forever.

   July 25, 2017 I am actively contacting DOE, Regina Lopez of ABS-CBN (former DENR commissioner), mining companies, mega developers SMDC, Luke Roxas, Robinsons Holdings, President Duterte, Microsoft, USA GOV, PWC, and world to FOCUS everyone NOW on the fast path solutions that few have  discovered and utilized that benefit yourself as well as all mankind.  No other solution set has ever changed world history because of man's predatory greed and ability to enslave others with political and military domination.  This is answer solutions.

    Contact Robert Marin (63) 920-969-4930 on the $5 Billion USD almost funded Manila Bay Tidal Dam & freshwater Reservoir conversion  project. The Marcos 1986 EDSA billions of $$$ recovery is directly involved in other aspects to restore GOD's paradise of Heaven back at all impoverished nations.

  Aug 7, 2017  real time reporting at PH-EITI Extractive Transparency Initiatives. Details on the BBK20170807-Revolution-SolutionSafeWater-Begins-1045.pdf as soon as everyone crowd funds restoration of these world saving ministries completed +7 years ago. Finance Sec Carlos Dominguez chairs the multi-stakeholder group of call (0915)7316470 has the details Press Releases.

   EVOTE.ONE and are HOW to transfer trillions of $$$/EURO/Peos/etc from crime cabal networks back to our 7.5 billion people to create all middle class with zero poverty and NO super criminal ruling elite families.  Ask Keith how.

     Tripartite Climate Change Speaker Presentations  May 29, 2017


244 Participants were just emailed the most CRITICAL answers to Energy on June 7, 2017 along with UnderSecretary Felix Fuentebella at Philippine DOE. + Patrick Aquino Feb 17, 2017 meet.

  June 17, 2017  Thousands of civil engineers, architects, and millions of small biz owners are now needed to build new Philippine Green Digital Creative Cities that are self-regulated and off the monopoly power grid. Kicking out foreign investors who do not profit the people results by inviting expats from all tax-war torn corrupt nations to come as permanent residents. Here will be extremely low taxes and almost zero corruption of that was broadcast +7 biblical years ago.


   This integrity ties to for Direct Funding of TRILLIONS $$$.

  Contact all Dept of Education, Universities, NGOs, Press, world as Keith has done.

   Click: THIS PLAYLIST and send to everyone you know.  Watch and tells  Education has always been the prime key to create self-regulating and self-contained communities of  where the needs of the children are placed above all other priorities.  Without strong self reliant youth, mankind becomes dependent on the corrupt elected/appointed/promoted government agents who skim tax dollars while building their own kingdoms of tyranny and crime gluttony at citizens expense.


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