Skype: TeenMM Call Keith Now USA
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Backup from April 2021 client3635.wix.com/solutionBF. Two Simple ancient methods prevent all cyber crimes against OUR banks, Stock Markets, literally any DATABASE once and forever. #1 is Video authorized at point of transaction authentication.
#2 Rolling PIN sequence number matching by client against highly secured one way protected computer FOIA.ONE database owned and managed by each client. If wrong # entered twice or out of sequence, our accounts are LOCKED and criminal is manhuntAll.com. Puts cyber terrorists like Alexander Cyclone Covey AgileLaw.com on Death ROW use of Evote.ONE. Applies to any world BANKSter and pirates like Berny Madoff #1 ponzi schemes that are almost impossible for clients to see. Keith is #1 top Researcher Angel Guardian Trust Foundation CEO of UNIocracy.org CreatorKeith

Solutions, Benefits, & Results
Keith Duncan BidOnKeith.com World Trading Partner Enterprises NGO INC Teaching all World Leaders how to PREVENT crimes in the first place.
Everyone call all Banks, Stock Market CEO Executives, all PRESS, and fovus on all Government only TOP Executives including TRUMP, Duterte, Putin, all others to acheive total world glboal peace NOW. Not Tomorrow.
.USA Government and USA Military must escort Keith now. I am in Philippines now completed my people = GOD focused ministries. After investing our entire life and assets to serve all of mankind and daily BROADCASTING to the world for over 35 years, he is imminently qualified to teach all governments, organizations, corporations, public, and even churches how to solve their own political, business, relationship, and cultural problems using 5 Step Solve ANY Problem. This includes UNIocracy.ORG new world Society of EVOTE.ONE that prevents all BANK corruption, terrorism, and crimes as soon as UNITYurl.com chapters establish in all communities. Click: ShoutOut Email Aug 3 2015
2020-Feb-22 Revived SolutionBankFraud.com one universal copyright IP gifted solution stops mega TRILLIONS of USD/EURO cyber crimes each year.
SolutionBankFraud.SPACE client3635.wix.com/SolutionBF
This 44 year old system prevent/reverses ALL cyber Crimes forever. Author +billionaire CreatorKeith.com Duncan.
Basics are no one can ever infiltrate any database in world and NOT go to prison. Cyber embezzlement is over $50 Trillion USD transfer of assets from our investors, bank depositors, stock market every single year. Use of rolling PIN # sequence tied to use of VIDEO authorization and authentication prevents almost all ID theft with FOIA.ONE single Intl Identification system.
Now bank deposits earn (example) 4% interest while loan outs at 5%. 1% overhead is sufficient to run all bank operations since ProfitShareHolders.com puts full control over our Corp executives at all levels. Fraud departments and insurance are eliminated once we use Keiths all digital exchange system known as Barter Trade ‘kExchange’. No more FOREX or broker fees as all profits are distributed back to all levels of stock holders and bank depositors. UNIocracy.org now occurs.
As of Feb 22, 2021, all the banks we have turned over same simple solutions have all refused to contact anyone including direct calls to Corporate Bank Executives. They fear loss of their jobs for being world hero’s by showing that 75% of all growth profits are diverted by cyberCriminals as well as many of their very own Lawyers, Accountants, Executives who hide behind L.L.P. Privacy laws that only enrich those known as NWO chain of command central authorities.
Keith has left behind and gifted everything to arrive as #1 World Mediator Civil Rights founder of UNIOCRACY.org that changes course of all human civilization directions for the positive.
Summary: These Higher Power answer solutions achieve total world global peace by eliminating all crime networks today. Gifted by trillionaire IP creatorkeith.Space
Two simple methods eliminate 99.9% of all criminals and con-artist ID theft Lucifer deceivers who steal OUR identities to conduct crimes at all levels of society even at Presidential levels down to pickpocket child thieves and the most deadly criminals who are cyber crime hidden con-artists.
Everyone is commanded to this one GOD ordained system by direct delivery today to our TOP Financial Bankers, Stock Market Executives, Central Bank CEO experts, PRESS, Security Exchange Commissions, and focus on World Televised Press Conferences to show how CreatorKeith.Space highest power methods are the ONLY way to achieve total world global peace.
Two simple methods eliminate 99.9% of all criminals and con-artist ID theft Lucifer deceivers who steal OUR identities to conduct crimes at all levels of society from Presidential levels down to street level hoodlum pick pockets (OH it was not ME denial. ! You can never prove anything, it was THEM ! ) This are the prime #1 LIARS.
The root basis for any crime is 1. STEAL, 2. LIE, 3. HIDE, 4. Recruit others to repeat above 3 so crime founder goes to the top as King of all Titans. client3635.wix.com/SolutionManifesto is the ONLY single new world Constitution of evote, 11 commandments, Human Bill of Gods Rights.
Identify Theft crimes is as simple as signing another name, photo shopping another Identify, stealing other SS, DL, Passport, VISA, medical records, literally anything that uniquely identifies each of us. With FOIA.ONE everyone now knows WHO is WHO, WHO owns What, Who Trades WHAT with who/when/where/why so no IDENTIFY theft is possible. Once we eliminate all paper based documents, void and nullify the need for any paper currency fiat and related paper signed contracts, we all live in a paperless, all digitial, AI singularity all electronic interconnected, all free electric power system that is 99.5% CRIME FREE. Only the stupid idiots who think they can steal and hide would dare violate basic human rights to SPEAK the FREE TRUTH, to face any accuser in OPEN PUBLIC TV Forum COURT at NO COST to the victim. This also eliminates all the LIAR Lawyer Lucifers who hide behind Limited Liability Partnerships, and Claim Client-attorney Privilege and can SAY Anything in court knowing absolutely NO ONE will sue them for slander, libel, and obstruction of Justice.
#1 kPIN IS REVOLUTIONARY name for our easy to deploy solution using following easy ONE step method.
KPIN is the new branded (r)(tm)(c) name word for world to use as new world universal standard.
Step 1. For any transaction of any importance, each person is required to use electronics to send their NEXT rolling PIN # to their highly secured Computer kCheck computer server using the NEXT PIN number sequence to receive back 1. YES it is indeed YOU, who you say you are. GO AHEAD. You are authorized. Or 2. LOCKING your account, YOU are a FRAUD We have your video photo and know exactly WHO YOU ARE. You can Never HIDE, Never Escape, our people are searching for you right now, so surrender at the next Police station so you will not be video GUNNED down in our streets. (slight humor, yet required to get YOUR blinded attention).
If the SAME rolling PIN number is used twice, or if entered incorrectly, OUR account is LOCKED and the violator is immediately sent to prison if not the auto face recognized authorized user(s) of that single account.
The list of sequenced rolling PINs is only generated by YOU alone = We the People and safely deposited in the highly secure computer named TheTruthVault, part of the FOIA.ONE new world free will market society UNIocracy.org Your Master PIN and other ID information is never used unless to reset your list using #2 method below.
#2 This one revolutionary OLD method will outrage any criminal at any level of society, including the financial software titans who claim THEY have the only solution to secure any financial transaction. Another super Lucifer LIE to sell billions of USD worth of infiltrated solutions with focus on AgileLaw.com and Illumi-Corp.com
Each time we make any transaction of financial importance, including signing anything that is truly legally binding and enforced contracts, follow these most critical world saving steps.
KVIDEO is the new branded word for world to use universally. video based authentication authorization.
For ATM style transactions using existing PhoneCradle IseeStand (t)©(™) Patents 2009 -2012 TurnOffLights.space all digital interconnected systems of FREE fiber optic kNET, + Webcam/speaker/microphone (or equal Programmable Logic Device including any smartphone).
At point of transaction sale/buy/transfer, we go online, and state in front of the video recorded camera, I _our full name__+ identifying items__. Are requesting the transaction of __$$__ from account number X transferred to account number Y. Please back office confirm I am who I say I am. If required, please bring my authorized co-signers and representatives ON LINE Video chat for them to also authorized this one transaction.
This eliminates all con-artists, ATM thieves, pick pockets, email/ knet/ Postal mail and even Street level scams as the best Lucifer Masked Actors are some of our very own Corporate Executives who DANCE on the stages with almost nude prancing and grating giraffe celebrities saying “We are HERE to PROTECT YOU, We are here to make you rich and wealthy like we are. “ Just do as we say step by step. BUY more, Borrow more of YOUR hard earned money from your very own BANK, Pay more taxes, make sure you sweep your own streets and take out your own garbage, Make sure you play the LOTTERY as everyone wants their kids to be highly educated with just FREE TUTITION. Never mind the Wizard of Oz man standing behind the smoke and dagger screens back stage. He just handles the AudioVideo system so we can BROADCAST to all exactly how to overthrow your victims.
CreatorKeith.space Worlds last Trillionaire Angel Philantrophist servant of GOD, and most humble walking living saint in service to YOU, We HIS chosen people. Exactly who is LEFT behind to complete WHY our highest power (FatherGod MotherEarth) first decided to create the human race. The most common sense univesal answer is always "for WE to solve our own issues, grow in knowledge and wisdom so we can finally reenter the GARDEN of E.D.E.N. of Foia.one using enforced integrity shown above and for now 61.5 years by ONE single messianic messenger whom GOD sent to complete HIS purpose to UNIFY mankind. He is the most unknown Holy Spirit of all time, only about 12 persons world wide KNOW this one man intimately. His two ex-wifes, 2 sons, Dr Williams of Butner NC HellJail Medical cente Nov 2013, Washington DC Capital policeman John Delegan May 5, 2014, and CEO Chuck Link M2mdTech.com. Gloria Reyes + Marisa Cordover of IntlMerchants.space, KTrade.space, GTReyes.space(soon) and MGCDesignShop.space(soon) , Pastor Eric Negapatn of WAwa SolutionSafeWater.org TurnOffLights.space and maybe VERN Compass of FarmersAcademy.ph.
Includes Bob Circosta HSN.com , maybe Shark Tank Kevin Herrington TVgoods.com,
Everyone else we minister to have turned out to be LUCIFER agents, only thinking only about their own arrogant driven self entitlement ability to scam, con, and convince others how THEY are the only ones with the leadership to make their victims responsible, loyal, trustworthy, and DO AS THEY COMMAND.. SO TRUE... it requires no Binary B answer of FALSE..
We already delivered absolutely EVERYTHING to WORLD and all banks, this one solution eliminates ALL cyber crimes at point of transaction. This has always been the 'HOLY GRAIL' of IOT online digital barter exchange system to eliminates need for almost all banks, wire transfers, and possibilities of cyber crimes at all levels. Now deposits into Savings Accounts will earn ~5% interest, and loans made for ~ 6%, even LOWER when all banks go into competition since NO MORE FRAUD DEPARTMENTS needed and NO NEED to COVERUP the electronic thefts of YOUR assets and Intellectual Property. GO TO our TOP CEOs , WORLD LEADERS, and PRESS for THEM to be International Heros of protecting OUR assets.
Updated last CKS20200420-SolutionBankFraud.pdf From original post Aug 15, 2019, my FOIA.ONE DOB and IID 1-19580815-1 Forefounding father of YOUR new world society who has been persecuted since Jan 15, 2008 because he exposed ALL crime networks all over Mother Earth.
Stops and prevents ALL world ID Theft, Cyber Crime, scammers, Terrorists, criminal bank wire transfers, theft of any banking financial trade account data and passwords, and all other Identity thefts with ONE single universal standardized solution. This singular answer method is trademarked and copyrighted by BuiltByKeith.com Duncan. This one gifted to world Solution PREVENTS all cyber crime at all levels, thereby preventing ALL financial crimes at ALL LEVELS, including theft of the root database password and back door internet infiltration that bypasses ALL levels of super security. All Banks and financial institutions now use this one unbreakable communications protocol to prevent ALL data theft. All linked to eVOTE.ONE to put all criminals in PRISON in record time with FOIA.ONE. This is what the super criminal TheFinalTerrorist.com Robert Dee ROSE (DOB 1971-April-01) has done for +12, even 20 years.
THE MASTER KEY is: Each person now uses their master PIN number only when challenged. Each person uses their own rolling list of pre-sequenced PIN numbers that are automatically verified against one secured computer database list. This computer only responds to verify queries with APPROVED or LOCKED account. This verify computer is separate from the computer databases that hold the critical database information. Only the customer and one highly secured bank computer using Block Chain know the NEXT matching sequence number. If anyone uses the same or wrong PIN number, the accounts are automatically locked and the customer and bank financial fraud department is notified. This applies to signed Contracts, Bank Checks, ATM withdrawals, Security checkpoints, and all other points of sales transactions. The addition of auto face recognition Cameras and VIDEO with sound prevents 99% of all forced under duress crime scenarios. All criminals will avoid cameras like the Black Plaque once they know their arrests are seconds away. This system can easily be expanded to red light/siren/Voice notification all persons nearby that a crime is occurring real time.
The most massive reduction is use of ATMs, waiting in horrible lines to cash paychecks worldwide, tellers having to call signatures of checks and documents to verify not forged, and the eliminate of ALL FOR-EX (foreign Exchange ) systems with bypass replacement system of SolutionPeace.com/kbitcoins, and FinalStockMarket with ProfitShareholders that empowers all employees and stockholders to VOTE on WHO are their corporate Executives/management and their own benefit packages. All solutions benefit all of Mankind.
This one solution was started year 1995 and perfected in year 2009. This was already delivered to hundreds of CEOs, PRESS, Stock Market, Bank executives, and public. Absolutely NO ONE has ever PAID Keith Duncan (like Telsa) for his mega billion $$$ valued Intellectual Property rights and hired Keith with client3635.wix.com/BidOnKeith to teach our world leaders and citizens how to SOLVE each and everyone of humanities vice sin crime driven conflict issues. Everyone must join CEOSPACE.NET shown on SolutionManifesto.com
Nothing else has ever been gifted and broadcast to create your new world Society UNIocracy.ORG history. SolutionBankFraud.com (original website).
This ONE universal simple solution prevents ALL identify theft and cyber crime forever. Originating Aug 1976 NCSU Raleigh NC USA, the common sense linkae of any critical transaction to each International IID FOIA.ONE with photo/video authentication and authorization checkpoints, eliminates ability for anyone to scam, steal, access any information without confirmed block chain tracked acknowledgement that is open public database seen by world as legally binding transactions. This alone eliminates almost all legal litigation and massive financial loss of your assets to criminal enterprises who now RULE your world.
No more PRIVATE banks once kBitCoins.ORG ProfitShareHolders.com destroys the cyber crime terrorist ability to STEAL bank, corporate, and government data that YOU now own and showcase with FOIA.ONE single universal open public referential integrity blockchain repository 'Tree of Human Knowledge' Congress. All 7.6Billion of my people benefit by preventing the ability for ANYONE to commit crimes with eVOTE.ONE
No one can do scamming, identify theft, backdoor infiltration of any 'secret/protected' database by hiring key insider criminals who give them unrestricted access that bypasses layers of encrypted OSI software hardware walls. All with these ordained divined answers that PREVENT 1st crime abilities.
The ONE answer solution is dual verification method of a protected NEXT PIN computer generated number matched against the rolling PIN List held by each account holder. With auto-face recognition (photo and video/voice), no criminal will ever be able to steal ANY information, financial data, stock market trades, intellectual property and hide from Law Enforcement of SolutionMilitary.com. FOIA.ONE uses one Intel International Identifier -IID to verify WHO is WHO. No one can ever steal bank account or related information and make cyber crime transfers. The true indicator is that savings accounts earn about 0% interest annually while banks charge 5 to 15% interest to cover the trillions of collective real $$ assets lost to TheFinalTerrorist.com and even corrupt cops and politicians who run the worst mobster conspiracy coverups in world history as MONEY TALKS, CRIMINALS always WALK (free). The Banks and insurance agencies NEVER loose money by paying off claims. YOU, my people, are directly paying for CRIMINAL FRAUD that is hidden because the National PRESS and PUBLIC have no clue that GOD's assets are systematically stolen by family run dynasties called the New World Order Criminal Ruling Elite.
Even today, Sept 3, 2018, I personally delivered this and ProfitShareHolders.com to BPI (Bank Philippines) corporate offices and NEVER got the required direct debriefing with any CEO, CFO, Fraud IT related expert executives. Same with thousands of other WORLD leaders who are SO BUSY with 'Gorilla Warfare' while underground criminals capitalize on the uneducated masses of 'Blinded Fools -Matthew Chapter 23' who are cult brain washed thinking there IS no answer to any crime scenario and to learn to 'JUST LIVE WITH IT AS IS.' Who will do the most obvious. Contact the #1 top mastermind Keynote Speaker in the world to PAY for the services of the ONE top expert who has already changed the course of YOUR history in GOD's Holy name. This is all sufficient and complete...
CyberCrime Political Terrorism is the worst Plaque in history. Perfect example is the Pres Ferdinand Marcos 10 Billion USD and recent embezzlement fraud of https://philnews.ph/2017/01/11/taoc-ig-asserts-documents-alleged-gold-shipment-fake/. Investigated Jan 2017 by Dr Garma Arcilla Director General TAOCIG.org of 3,500 metric tons of GOLD valued 6.8Million Pesos = 136 Million USD. Involving then President Aquino, Former DILG Sec Roxas and (in jail Senator Leila De Lima who was DOJ Secretary) and many other prominent Banking and Government highest ranked officials such as Senator Franklin Drilon.
All these massive world plunders and embezzlement are now PREVENTED and retroactively SOLVED by this one mega Billion $$$ valued answer methods.
eVOTE.one with BlockChain FOIA.ONE is the ONE answer solution that empowers all mankind to Control and manage ALL transactions so no crime can be committed and go unpunished. Money talks, criminals walk is the true reality of HOW terrorists, criminals, and corrupt politicians steal our assets and NO ONE KNOWS or cares... This one answer prevents ALL IDENTITY THEFT, Cyber crime terrorism, bank fraud, forged signatures and documents, and all other violations of business transactions at all levels. Driven by UNITYurl.com, these create your new world society of NO SECRETS = NO CRIMES. This alone is worth TRILLIONS $$$ as It enables +7.6 billion people to completely secure all transactions from Identify Theft at any level. Includes all Bank Transactions, Business transactions, binding Legal contracts, video agreements, signed names on any agreement or transaction, and empower enables our entire world to 'PASS JUDGMENT' on all others to quickly put all unsaved criminals in HELL-JAIL where they belong.
Contact and Contract BidOnKeith Duncan today. Manila (63)x917-335-4300 office/home at 417 United Nations Av, Ermita Manila 1/2 block north USA Embassy as keith broadcasts to world to TAKE ACTION by protecting and debriefing his Crusader teams. Enemies of the People and Gov State are the criminal network enterprises who REFUSE to surrender because they have already captured massive percentage of God + your wealth by the crime methods solved and prevented by most humble keith. Fly his teams to your places of greatest needs to fill stadiums with World Leaders of UNIocracy.ORG New World Society.
Every transaction is always validated with the NEXT rolling PIN-alpha chain number or the ACCOUNT/Transaction is invalidated and blocked at point of transaction while world can see WHO committed the crime fraud with auto-face video recognition known as OCTV (Open Circuit Television) verification.
Auto Face Recognition and even video confirmation of each transaction is now paired with the locked write-once, read public pair so NO one can ever commit a crime since their voice and photo show their identification. For large transactions, a short video conference call confirms who verifies the transaction and become integrity validated endorsers of any critical transaction. This includes signatures, bank checks, ATM, contracts, wire transfers, any legal instrument. using URLiDent.com single world database, all criminals are quickly put into HELL-Jail by their own committed transaction crime history transactions.
This has been delivered to WORLD, all top Banks, to PRESS, and world leaders for now +10 years since 2007 when ROSE attempted to extort blackmail to be his #1 cyber crime black-hat terrorist. Since I am #1 anti crime, anti-politics, anti-terrorist expert, my R.O.I. is billions of seized crime assets using these copyrighted intellectual property to master teach our world HOW to PREVENT crimes at point of commission.
For I have been COMMISSIONED by my FATHERGOD and HUMANITY to work full time on behalf of SolutionMilitary.com Interpol, all law enforcement, our most sick corrupt Judicial and court system, and to reform all banks and stock markets with both ProfitShareHolders.com and FinalStockMarket.com that eliminate need for debt, remove need for ALL private banks, and transfer all stock market history and trading to Free World Free Trade barter Exchange system. kBitCOINS.ORG by default destroys and eliminates ALL private Banks and identifies all Corrupt Banksters (combo Mobster + Banker) who violate laws by criminally profiteering using your deposits and assets. Since control of information + data is HOW demonic criminals have already taken over and control our corporate, government, banking, stock markets, trade markets, and economic capitalism engines by creating the worst crimes against humanity that are currently 100% kept secret from what is left of our integrity driven judicial system. Solved also by SolutionJudge.com.
Refusals to use these gifted ordained answer solutions instantly identifies who are criminally profiteering by slave trading our people and GOD's assets.
NO ONE can ever violate any of your rights again once these ONLY ordained divined answer solutions become your new World Society one set of standards.
Even Corrupt Bankers and Executives can be eVOTED straight into Hell-Jail by our citizens of UNIocracy and their crime/personal assets seized to be used by WorldSchoolFund.com SolutionHousing.ORG SolutionSafeWater.ORG TurnOffLights.com (many others) that we the people own all infrastructure.
Any government, corporation, church, or enterprise who USES these world saving only answers is legally required to pay 1% of all recovered stolen funds to CreatorKeith.com INC registered Reno Nevada umbrella enterprises for these most profound copyrighted intellectual property methods that are protected by International Patent copyright laws.
SolutionBankFraud.com was published and sent to PRESS, World even lawyers back in 2009 to prevent ALL identity theft and impersonation that is heart of ALL cyber scams and cyber crime terrorism. this one solid perfected technique ensures every person MUST identify themselves by their ONE URLident.com ID number and supplement with new photo Id, even VIDEO conversation to confirm they are authorized and authenticated to conduct any critical transaction. If challenged, they must go on line and video conference others who attest testify the key person is authorized as video/sound stored on URLiDent.com for any future criminal investigations conducted BY our people. If any fraud, scam, cyber crime determined, any one who testified for the transaction authorized is identified as contributing conspirators of the original crime. With simple blockchain existing technology, each transaction becomes WRITE ONCE, read public as everything is above board public. No secrets of transactions, FinalStockMarket.com ProfitShareHolders.com empowers all mankind to prevent crimes in the first place. Any criminal who conducts transactions, is immediately identified with automatic Face recognition on OCTV (Open circuit TV) and hauled to JAIL by local police, military, or even citizen arrest by integrity driven neighborhood watch patrol guards. Anyone can now watch and listen to ANY OCTV equipped with microphone and even small booming speakers. this includes helium/hydrogen small blimps or Revelatin 4:8 smart drones that direct feed over free world WiFI that my BuiltBykeith.com NGOs provide for FREE to all public schools, churches, marketplaces, and government buildings.
Boycotting of ANY and ALL financial, banking, or lending institution for REFUSALS to use this ONE simple single method is the most powerful way to send a message to all Bankers + Mobsters = Banksters that our citizens REFUSE to pay for any fraud damages since everyone knows that BANKS never loose a penny. They charge HIGH Loan rates and NO decent interest savings rates to COVER the TRILLIONS of $$$$ losses incurred because they can NOT secure YOUR money, assets, and financial records. Keith Duncan partner teams hereby legally CLAIMS 1% of all recovered Cyber Crime assets found by ANYONE using EVOTE.ONE and Universal asset open public tracking ownership record system of URLiDent.com. This includes any bank staff and executives who identify who is cyber criming our assets as they deserve bounty rewards by exposing their own clients who commit crimes and WHO infiltrates their databases. As most banks do everything to PREVENT Public Relations Publicity they have been hacked/infiltrated as they hate clients fleeing with our money and assets to other banks who actually secure and protect our assets. This is hereby pledged to fund YOUR new world society UNIocracy worth 'God-Zillions' to all our people who JOIN and support fund and protect the life and extreme assets and intellectual Property of everyone on Keith Brent Duncans teams.
All private banks are also quickly eliminated with SolutionBankFraud.com to convert everyone to Cooperative banking associations as 100% owned and run by ProfitShareHolders.com who maximize profits by controlling all expenses and losses. No more corporate executives can ever commit crimes again.
Since 2005 year era, I have personally delivered SolutionBankFraud to well over 200 banks and CEO's and NEVER had anyone just CALL me back. I know why.
CLICK and READ recent Washington Post expose on the true DAMAGE of Robert Dee Rose and other cyber crime terrorists.
This is also basis for HelpInMates.com that was divinely created Feb 23, 2011 the same day I was released from ROSE and USA GOV 2nd conspiracies.
Updated last Jan 19, 2018 as the most fundamental Copyrighted Intellectual Property worth BILLIONS USD in downstream cascading effects, This is root basis of the ONLY world unification standard to securely identify each and every person as authorized to conduct any transaction. Based on the most extensive 'BILL GATES / Warren Buffet' R&D style forensic perfected checks and balances, this one universal method because the driving only factor to destroy all cyber crime, terrorist networks, and ability for ANYONE to forge or 'spoof' any document or transaction. This also makes WORLD History Change as this is basis for EVOTE.ONE and other anti-fraud prime transaction methodology.
Each person has agreement with a separate secured un-hackable number generator computer to issue the NEXT known sequence of 'one shot, one kill use ' PIN Personal id number. One only uses their Master PIN number to reset the sequence or to confirm with any eDevice they have authorized the transaction at a second level. If any PIN number is used twice or falsely entered, the transaction is NULL AND VOID and the offender is instantly identified and located with Automatic Face Recognition of EVOTE.ONE against the ONLY world open public database URLiDent.com
This one world changing answer was published gifted to World early 2010. This was prior to cyber crime terrorist Robert Dee Rose #1 most wanted cyber crime terrorist fugitive in world history ordering 'murder for hire' of explicit USA Gov Rogue Officers of the Court to martyr Keith by forced drugging from Oct 3, 2011 to Jan 28, 2014 while leaving the longest stream of crime spree trails of their OTHER crimes against Humanity. Contact keith duncan NOW as the end result is always Free Trade, Travel, and the unification of all mankind..
SolutionBankFraud.com is the ONLY solution worthy of Nobel Peace Prize to STOP all cyber crimes against all financial and government institutions. This is the basis of the ONE standard that no one in our entire world has compressed down to a singular solution. This is gifted to all of humanity since those collectively known as 'The Criminal Ruling Elite' do NOT want these methods to be deployed by the 7.47 Billion people of our world who will see, believe, and ACT with AUTHORITY of Fearless people to protect the rights of all others. It is used by INTERPOL gifted URLiDent.com by all 7.42 billion citizens to electronically control and manage all their leadership as well as centrally record their own votes and critical business and legal documents that are secured by replicated databases
This website is a duplicate of http://www.BidOnKeith.com as I , Keith Duncan, have no reason to spend more than a few minutes or hours on completing the creation of our own new World Order Society of http://www.UNIocracy.com with 100% laser technology viral marketing campaign focus on http://www.SolutionGovernment.com I must have immediate PROTEST RALLIES against criminal enterprises such as WellsFargo.com who has allowed cyber criminals to drain my own secured cash and has BLOCKED my direct emails to those who are tasked to SERVE their CLIENTS (YOU).
Below third file (PDF) is the LAST email from WF banksters. Please contact Mickael Sasso (770.650.4484 Office | 770.650.4368 and Angela Mashburn USA +1(770)650-4371 and ask them one question. "Why have you BLOCKED the one true man of GOD who has shown the world how to prevent almost all crimes?? Why? ... Why do you refuse to grant him access to his own cash sitting in the ONE checking account YOU BLOCKED from all transfers because WF has no way to prevent cybercriminals from auto-drafting a client's account once the account number is entered. This includes FORGED checks and DEBITs against Keiths accounts over two years ago.
BOYCOTT all of WellsFargo.com by telling everyone that WellsFargo, BB&T, Bank of American have all defrauded Keith Duncan including his own DUNCAN family, murdered Brian Walker, Supercriminal Robert Dee Rose (ManHuntRose.com) Ms. Bashama, and the USA Government who threatened my life after knowing I was KIDNAPPED by orders of ROSE on exactly Sept 26, 2011 6 hours after I debriefed USA Military Langley AFB on anti-terrorist, anti-crime, anti-cybercrime methods I gifted all of humanity. So I sat in HELL-JAIL for 848 days while ROSE and all other criminals depleted my bank accounts, my 401K accounts, sold off my home, all my intellectual property. The USA Gov (Sally Yates DAG) finally dumped me on the street Jan 28, 2014 on dismisssed charge that I was ROBBED by ROSE and Ms. Bashama Feb 4, 2011 per Marietta GA forged P.D. 1.11.2506. . The USA government owes Keith well over $500 Million USD in SF-95 Federal Torts Claim Acts, Class Action Lawsuits against each criminal who works FOR USA government agencies, and has been requesting protection by the AG and USA Military this entire time.
Click on the downloadable files above or HERE. State your prime issue by making a Bid on Keith Prime Consulting services $10,000 USD for first hour with 120% warranty on accepted contractual terms agreed upon by all parties. Keith travels the world with his growing team of #1 ethical and trustworthy partners to teach our mutual world how to prevent waste, corruption, and almost all relationship issues arising from predatory greed and political crime families.
Our visionary work is complete to teach our mutual world how to prevent corruption, stop most crimes in the first place, and return all control and management of our governments, organizations, and corporations back to the ProfitShareHolders.com and voters/taxpayers/citizens of the world. This is part of www.UNITYurl.com that models our new World Order of www.UNIocracy.com based on #1 broadcasts of IseeJustice.com www.TeenMoneyMachine.com
Keith is the ultimate Solution Provider who teaches everyone how to solve their own issues, conflicts, and problems.
Relationship Re-Management at all levels.
Strategy & Organization of Governments and Companies.
Corporate Development of Ethical Contracts and Efficiency.
Globalization of Free Trade world markets + bartering.
Operations Management scalability SolutionManufacturing
Sustainability of Profits with patent ProfitShareHolders.com
Strategic Planning of all business processes.
Branding of all Products and Services for First to Market.
Media Training using State of Art Off-Shelf Technology.
Business Coaching to ensure clients always get benefits.
Comprehensive Results under confidential and binding contract. Example is: SelfyProStick.com video of methods.
Start with www.LearnFirstNames.com all about you to teach you how to also, www.SaveAllNations.com from greed.