DrKeith.org SolutionDrugs.com FortuneONE.org
+1 770-377-2106 Keith Duncan Info@CreatorKeith.com
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Asheville NC, Atlanta GA, Las Vegas Nevada. Worldwide
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SolutionDrugs.com (*.org) SDRUGS.org is worlds most successful Anti Any Addiction psychology methods use of FiveSteps.life GODs way to solve, prevent, reverse any issue includes addictions to Lucifer Worshiping idols of Drugs, sex, alcohol, gambling, human trafficking, mass murder, cyber crime terrorist, literally any one who violates no crime utopia UNIocracy.org as commanded by enforcing all the laws of New World GodsConstitution.org. No exceptions are excused. YOUR ONLY task is to self save yourselves by REPLACING all your cause of addictions with GODs positive actions that truly benefit all others for rest of your mortal life. Means MEETING your MAKER(s) at only your expense.
2024 July 3. Exactly WHO do you trust and know to protect KeithBrentDuncan.org life today? No one has ever survived what happened to me shown as worlds most public scandal multilevel conspiracies to murder me at DuncanClaim.org
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2025 Feb 18. Our true Universe and MotherEarth are so extraOrdinary, Only GOD could have created you and I. My personal lifetime job is simply to scientifically figure out how HE did it. Then to educate each of YOU how to be only peacemaking problem solving masters of your own expertise use of GodsConstitution.org and TeamMoneyMachine.com.
WHO do you actually TRUST and KNOW to protect my life today? Clearly USA GOV owes you and I over $500 Million USD at DuncanClaim.org 22-1-3042 once 'they = my New DOSJ.org ' enforce existing US Constitutional Laws by eliminating all the Crime Lords like ROSE.
PeaceSummit2025.com is your only GOD + SaintKeith.com Duncan Methods to UNIFY mankind forever use of eVOTE.one by YOU host mediating required monthly town hall peace making problem solving town hall forums worldwide. Means YOU decide everything about everyone else by WE GODs 8.2 billion Children eliminating the worst any War Lords and Crime Lords by full transparency by we deciding WHO are violators of perfected GODsConstitution.org resulting in crime debt free utopia UNIocracy.org once and forever. Who protects Keiths life today? 2024 Dec 31
UNIocracy.org was procreated by GOD + SaintKeith.com as the only complete perfected divined ordained total replacement methods to Unify all +8.175 billion WE Gods children forever use of my patent IP A.I.
Was 2024 Oct 9. Now online for final WHY GODsendKeith.org Duncan 66 years ago. TO UNIFY all 8.175 billion WE GODS my children forever use of EVOTe.ONE PeaceSUMMIT2020.com part of perfected 0 crime debt free utopia UNIocracy.org as illustrated worldwide at GodsConstitution.org. ON ZOOM.us right now now 6:30 pm EST Asheville NC USA Biltmore PARK webcasting WHO causes all climate change.
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My own $40 Billion USD valued state of art portfolio went extreme years 1972, 1976 NCSU gift shown at perfected BidOnKeith.com, then Norcross GA 1982, 1989, 1996, 9/11 of 2001, 2008, Oct 3, 2011, then Jan 28, 2014, Feb 15 2015 China, Hong Kong, Philippines to Oct 5, 2018, then again return Jan 15, 2021 to 2024 Sept 25 anniversary DuncanClaim.org SolutionMilitary.com when YOU my most beloved people eliminate ALL warlords, ALL criminals roaming freely by PROTECTING my life and commanding recovery of ALL my assets stolen by Duncan Clan, #1 most ManHuntALL.com cyber terrorist ROBERT DEE ROSE, Douglas Vernon Duncan, Sherry/kyle/matthew Duncan, murdered Brian Walker, and +140 others including the proof of funds at Keith2022.com. I always commanded total Direct action by each of YOU as I have been modeled by Jesus Christ and King Solomon that shows we are wealthiest highest IQ person of all GODs timeline and have been relentlessly severely persecuted and cyber attacked by everyone tied to murder for hire conspiracies of Norfolk VA 4:11:cr112 by simple Google 'Keith Brent Duncan'.
WHO do you actually TRUST and KNOW to provide us direct safe haven while greatest round-up of all violators of GODsConstitution.org below now occurs universally. We then all live SolutionPeace.org

Everyone manHuntAll.com, seize and arrest Drug KingPins using GODs original methods showcased taught by ONLY DrKeith.org Duncan.
NOTE: Thomas Joseph HAAG in Las Vegas Nevada USA, soon relocated to Asheville, NC + Atlanta GA as your best reformed ex-addict ex con-artist Keynote Speaker on how to prevent reverse any addiction known to man. Includes rapid deployment of CEOSpace.net NSASpeakers.org HighTechMinistries.org by OGUMC.org PRUMC.org and all Governors mayors, police chiefs worldwide. Updated 2024 Sept 29 as I go back to Asheville NC now.
Keith. 770 377 2106 $40 Billion USD FortuneONE.org is now located and hiring top problem solving megaMillionaires (or you) in Asheville NC USA as world famous multinational MegaBillionaire enterprises of CreatorKeith.com UNIOcracy.org direct funding +200 to 300 new EDUCATION Technology Foundations owned + staffed by YOU our most beloved GODS people forever. Offices co-located Biltmore Estate + the BG Cove. Manufacturing, Medical, Education, Science, Technology is our only stream lined focus since Dawn of GODs civilization who procreate human advance of We GODs people.
Everyone BENEFITS using GODs methods of ProfitKeith.com Duncan
DrKeiths.org SolutionDrugs.com (simplified at SDRUGS.org) is GODs simple complete economic replacement KISS methods use of GODs 5Steps.life. We have left this behind also as the worlds most prestigious mega Billionaire groups of Scientists, Engineers, Psychologists, Ideologists, Researchers, Professors, Inventors, humanitarian front liners and gifting philanthropists of FortuneONE.org who always oversee the worlds wealthiest mega-Bilkanaires and Mega-MILKanaires showcased at GivingPledge.SPACE. No one actually uses Gods common sense to solve any nano to GODs eye view issues otherwise we would all be back living in Gods no crime UTOPIA of UNIocracy.org using FiveSteps.live to procreate completely self sustainable OUR commUNITYs with host mediating required PeaceSUMMIT2020.com host mediated town hall forums use of KeithsRulesOfOrder.com
Direct Contact TOM HAAG (Phone Expired, lack of ANY Confidence + self any motivation) in Lost Wages Nevada USA, soon relocated as a true Mega-Millionaire Public Keynote Speaker Expert by his most recent ANTI-drug related outreach ministries and actions. Most often he refuses to ACT with any authority on behalf of GOD and WE MY PEOPLE often deadly afraid of disturbing the current millions of ADDICTS. He has a lifelong addiction to POT and Anti Psychotics.
He considers himself a GOD 'resident expert' on Drug abuse and chemical addiction dependencies that make everyone STUPIDER and even common criminals once the Criminal Ruling Elite use drugs to pacify enslave WE GODS people.
I, Keith Brent Duncan, have personally asked Ten Thousand of YOU to actually hear and believe YOUR current false sense of reality and actually COME to my locations in Atlanta GA, Asheville NC as worlds best mega millionaire keynote Speaker on how to prevent reverse any addiction known to man. Includes rapid deployment of CEOKeith.org that was CEOSpace.net NSASpeakers.org HighTechMinistries.org
Latest perfected GODs ministries was ZeroPolitics.org and BOOTCAMPone.org for mega billionaires.
Updated 2023 July 30, currently was at Brunswick, St Simons Island GA searching for Deacon friend Clint Day (Norcross GA). Atom Tom Haag is near beyond hope since he claims ALL DRUGS must be legalized to justify his own 20 year history of Intl Mail Drug dealing that resulted in Felony Convictions by FBI and DEA year 2011 when I met him. Everyone CALL him direct, ask him WHY he is a Lucifer Worshiping Drug Addict even past 12 years. His worst DSM-V self diagnosis is Paranoid Bipolar Psychosis most know as Narcissism same as most 8 billion MORTALs all brainwashed by the Criminal Ruling Elite past 6660 years to 'JUST TRUST ONLY THEM'. Sex and Drugs was always how the ELITE first families make each of YOU stupider so YOU violate the rights of literally everyone around you.
Updated final 2024 Feb 2
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