top of page value exceeds $20 Trillion USD of 100% green ecology underground mining required to rebuild GODs utopia of

Reverses ALL the economic wars of Criminal Ruling Elite strip mining GODs world while manipulating all commerce trading platforms to destroy any honest integrity person leaders from eliminating the existing LUCIFER agenda first families worldwide once all of you use EVOTE.ONE part of the most perfected comprehensive turnover of all GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS and ALL CORPORATE EXECUTIVES of any public traded corporation.

  This is superior over even Tesla Boring Corp. No drilling blasting or mechanical rotating grinders. High Pressure Water and full scalable Plasma Lasers create any diameter or squared dimensional hole through bedrock and other GODs natural resources. Now unlimited water can be passed long distances through any mountain range, under our cities by massive expansion and dynamic control over our watersheds worldwide. Now we have unlimited electric capacity to drill up and through any region to 100% ecology Mine required gravel, granite, coal, precious minerals to build virtually free.

  All other GODs technology solutions are engineer architecture mapped out here and below.  These also liberate unify +8 BILLION of my people forever.

 This ties to LowBar reverses ALL world flooding at all level starting with patent then that now re-jungles all forests worldwide. Most of these extremely prolific metaphysics engineering by the numbers systems were procreated year 1976 at NCSU Raleigh NC.  WHO DO YOU KNOW to protect KEITHS life right now and command all these systems be widely re broadcast over OUR national news media now PBS regional and national news media channels. Updated Oct 12, 2022 soon relocated back in Asheville NC of  is below. Tied to  NOW we build massive numbers of small nuclear reactors inside our world mountains safe from any terrorist attacks, and any meltdown because these remote state of new art reactors are at least 1/2 to 2 miles underground including the European Alps and Philippines Sierra Madre range that Keith surveyed as year 2017 forward. 

  Once humanity all focuses on GODs engineering systems, NO MORE crime or WAR ever again.

  Use of new world perfected unlimited energy systems driven by YOU by of + + completes how to build extremely high powered space lasers and electric driven rail guns as defense against any future alien hostile invasions. Clearly GOD + most humble richiest Scientist keith brent duncan have also procreated highest IQ other races who avoid Earthlings at all costs since we alone are such devious criminal conspiracy WarLORDS known as the Criminal Ruling Elite left behind mortals. Everyone is mortal and does BREATH GODs Holy Spirit of life force. Once GODs natural resources are either depleted or destroyed by ruthless criminals and terrorists like ROSE, all of you will suffer being sufficated by both greed predatory crime and no more clean oxygen to breath once all agriculture, land, water, and oceans and all the man-made laws are poisoned by most ruthless mortals known as criminal aliens.  Includes Norfolk VA 4:11cr112 Laws.  now powers our free world by destroying the LUCIFERS who control our military forever.  Once each of our communities has free communication, free energy Water Turbines, and thousands of small nuclear reacotrs located inside shielded isolated inside our tallest mountain ranges, no criminal terrorist can survive being openly exposed by our GODs FOIA.ONE open public one way database of who is who, WHO owns what, WHO trades what with everyone else.

FreeNuclear Anchor

 No more FLOODS anywhere on GODs earth UNLESS We Gods PEOPLE want the required floods. WE totally control any flood gates to redistribute fertil organic soil downstream as this has naturally occurred for billions of years.  Building of flood LEVEES is a horrible answer. Restoring the natural serpentity serpentine curves of our rivers is also how to prevent massive flooding by scientifically calculating the flow and capacity rates of the underwater terrain. Low Bar Dredging restores the full capacity of any lake, canal, reservior as use of easily creates underwater passage tunnels for water, air, vehicles, trucks, communications, as building of passover bridges is extremely expensive cost and resulting maintence costs. Passing under waterways is a one shot buildout cost with only occasional need to 'sump pump' drain out any leakage. 

  Since not a single INTEGRITY or 'DAMN soul has ever shown how to unify all mortals forever, HERE I am commanding all billinaires and existing souls actually PROTECT my and your lives, assets, and souls forever.

laserTunnel Anchor is the ONLY 100% green fast path ECO system to create new world energy transportation systems worldwide pure GODs engineering of fastPath Consulting Project Management. Keith Brent Duncan has personally shown how to use lasers, plasma jets, high pressure water jets to literally fast path cut through any opposing rock, bedrock, literally anything to build high speed infrastructure of water (by gravity),, communications, and point to point transportation systems anywhere on Gods planet. This alone creates Fossil Fuel free world except for general aviation of that uses basic weight/mass to energy conversions without need to power our Electric power plants with any fossil polluted fuel.

  Everything we have delivered is FREE for world executives and governments to use in exchange for putting Keith and his Angel Guardian Trust investor philantrophists of on national News media TODAY.

  This updated legacy heritage day 2021-Dec-20.  


of MountainPower.ORG powered by that is 100% fully scalable cluster networked communications one degree of separation advance of human race using GODs procreated technology published by Keith Brent Duncan IID 1-19580815-1 (integrity +100%) known as  Everyone KNOWS someone who KNOWS top Corporate Executives and GOV leaders who are the NWO decision makers at the top of the MLM Bernie Madoff Ponzi pyramid system of 5500 years ago.  CONTACT and use Duncan angel guardian Investor Clearinghouse Services and products as we have nothing left to GIFT back to all humanity since we are the founding fathers of both and

  Both These GOD delivered by most humble #1 mastermind Keith systems interlink to provide almost FREE nuclear Energy and total ECO green mining once and forever.

  Why DOES no-one actually USE GODS resources in most efficient fast path free energy systems?

Clearly GREED of Corporate Executives known as Criminal Ruling ELITE 

Nuclear Inside Anchor is God's only definitive answer to prevent reverse all energy and stock market energy wars once and forever. Once we own and convert all nuclear material and robotic factories of UNIOCRACY as Open Public NO GOV, NO Military free market barter exchange farmers market world, no one can complain about anything.  Keeping key persons SO SO BUSY creating new Gods infrastructure eliminates all the stupid people who gamble, get drunk, do drugs, commit crimes against others by violating basic civil liberty rights and other crimes against Self Humanity.  

  Keith alone has showcased how to use GODs emerging technology to solve all of human mankind GREED issues known as Vice, Sin, Crime once and forever. Keith and his followers, mentors, leaders, and literally everyone MUST protect keiths life while learning educating all others how to create our worlds last crime free enterprises modeled by most humble broadcaster frontline of all dignified expertises shown

  Current NUCLEAR Power plants worldwide are listed here: 54 TOTAL in USA. Last one built was Watts Bar and River Bend. REALITY SUCKS dirt.  Last new USA nuclear started operation in 1996 -- the NRC hasn't issued a license to build a new reactor since 1978.  Click on COUNTRY twice to see Capacity of UnitedStates Power plants.

   Click on POWER column and all can see France, China, Russia, S Korea have the highest level of generating Capacity, NOT the USA ! ! !

USA has approximate 50 times 2,000 MWE = 100,000 MWE total capacity.  68 to 80% of all USA electricity produced by Fossil Fuel heated Steam turbines. capacity is unlimited use of massive Water Tank storage INSIDE our mountains at highest elevations.

  USA has 104 total individual units. The last two new ones at Vogle East of Atlanta GA year 2017 went online at cost of $14 billion and provide 2200 megawatts of power, according to a spokesman for Southern Co. enough to power 1 million homes.

  Assuming this math, extrapolation shows if USA has 140 million housing units, (estimate 30% are apartments, 65% owners have mortage) we need electricity of 2,200 MWE x 100 = 220,000 MWE.  Note: 1 megawatt (MW) is equal to one million (106) watts. typical hairdryer is 1000 watts = 10amps.

 USA typical home consumes 903 kWh per month = 30kWh/day = 1.2kWh/hour. Do your own math using your own monthly utility bill. LOOK AT TAXES, and all the extra 'ADD-ON' fees for transmission lost, power generation charges, recovery costs. Basic Generation cost is usually 35% of your bill.

  Central Air-Conditioners use on average 1-kilowatt hour (kWh) per ton per hour. Standard homes use 2 to 4 ton units.

  According to quote: "Nuclear power provides the country with about 18% of its electricity. Coal is the nation's largest source for electricity, providing 43% of our energy, while natural gas makes up another 25%, according to the Energy Information Agency.

  Renewables make up the remaining 14%, with hydroelectric dams (only 7%) accounting for more than half of that. Wind about 3% and biomass (paper mills or agricultural plants) another 2%. Solar and geothermal make up under 1% of American electricity production, according to EIA." 

  Jan 25, 2021. WE GODs people now use to recycle all existing nuclear war material and war Machines to frontliner humanitarian use. NO MORE nuclear bombs and Weapons of Mass Destruction used by Named Criminal Ruling Elite to wage wars on Gods people. Why does no one use common sense that WE GODs people are fully empowered to decide everything locally.  ANYONE who has BETTER = BEST Solution is required by GOD and OUR laws to use to STOP all the BIGATRY, bigotry 


  Those who claim OH, requires an Act of CONGRESS, an ACT of GOD, an ACT by local lawmakers (mayors, city councils), Governmors, Legisltative represents are living in the LUCIFER AGENDA false reality of CHAIN of COMMAND, Centralized Decision making authority, and other CON-FIDENCE artists who claim only they can decide anything.  Keith remains totally impoverished based on ROBERT DEE ROSE cyber crime terrorist attaacks agains all he encounters.

   Related. Terrorist Robert Dee ROSE was in Las Vegas buying polo horses with criminal proceeds from KEITH DUNCAN $800,000 Forsyth County Judgement granted Oct 22, 2010  back on Wed, Aug 18. With $200 Million USD standing bounty on his head past 7 years, anyone can seize him and any other criminal or suspect using Keiths systems of  

Protect KEITH today as we have almost ZERO confidence each of you will survive the current final World War FIVE.


  Aug 13, 2021 God sent us to Cumberland Mall area. The large lady at institute of Nuclear Power refused us entry or even to pass anything to our Corporate Executives at these three Nuclear institutions claiming our business card was unprofessional. WOW. She then called security thinking we were ANTI-NUC protestors or something. Even refused to hold a conversation with us to see WE were indeed sent by GOD as Gave her the most famous diagram of showing all Leaders worldwide are now only treated as highly paid consultant Project managers and nothing more or less..  We gave key revolution information to the 6'3' nice black male guard. Seen at end of video below. Notice our summation summits we have been showcase command demanding for now 15 very long manyears in the ultimate ministries showing GODs best interests.  All my people benefit.

Contact Press, all world leaders, literally everyone of Gods people today. Keith is the personal author  of your new world all free electric, education, land, NON-ANY GOVERNMENT systems of and MUST be protected from Criminals of Robert Dee ROSE, Douglas Duncan, and his very own Lawyers who all told KEITHs pastors, DOJ, Judges, I was delusional I had been physically ROBBED and threaten by the SAME NWO LUCIFER groups of DUNCAN clan, Murdered brian walker, list has been LUCIFER conspiracy endless. is powered by over 100 TerraWatts of free electricity from stored mega Metric cubic meters of water stored at highest elevations in remote high valleys and then INSIDE the largest mountain ranges. Once point to point transit communications, water, energy tunnels of scalable size are laser removed and mined, we easily robotic mine for required natural resources to build steel mills and other basic raw materials designated for local production of everything we need using Farmers market barter free market exchange system.

  With unlimited fresh "GODs" water, we now re forest all world jungles and create new agricultural farming at higher elevations so NO flooding caused by STUPID Executives will ever occur again. FOr past 1000 years, wars have been financed with YOUR assets by the worst criminals in world history known as MOBSTER BANKERS = Banksters who always profit from waging mass genocide. Once KEITHS systems are used as universal stabilizing systems, all war machines are decommissioned and used as humanitarian relief and new world technology transport and infrastructure devices owned and maintained be WE GODs people.

 The huge caverns created are now replacement DUMPS for landfills of toxic materials now buried miles underground for next 5000 years. Nuclear reactors can now be build deep underground with all cooling water from same massive water tanks overhead.  If meltdown, never an issue since the core just burns a hole into Gods mantle and is recycled.

  WIND and SOLAR are most horrible investment MLM scams since once electricity is produced is must always be consumed in milliseconds unless used to charge batteries or pump more water uphead for future conversion back to electricity or even old Gristmills mechanical of pure turbine design. 

  All the other SYSTEMS God Sent Keith to deliver to unify mankind as 100% sovereign citizens are clearly published on and BuiltByKeith and cross referenced with all other top research scientist summaries. Sameuni

This solution set transforms all infrastructure of Gods world back to full control, ownership, and mortal caretaker oversight into your hands, souls, and minds.  Just like everything else gifted from on behalf of my FatherGod in heaven who has components interlinked at  Updated April 30, 2021 in Charlotte NC giving sacrificial plasma 7th time to pay for redemption of all mankind.


call George Fomichev Naples Florida USA +1 (239) 302-00-53  at /


   Lasers now used to tunnel and build caverns is reality. Old scripture of Faith Moves Mountains is now reality.

   This one simple answer method moves Humanity 100% Forward by ECO cutting all new infrastructure inside GODs mountains.

  April 25, 2021. Keith:  I quick reviewed your laser cutting CNC. Nice layout. I am world famous UNKNOWN master inventor author humanitarian of ALL time. #1 application for lasers is Tesla Boring Company style CUT into mountains for massive infrastructure of   

    Old technology of blasting through ROCK is so expensive.  I saw some firms have used vibration shock waves to displace rock. Method of CIRCLE CUTTING like a hole saw is the TRUE answer for minimum energy to create thousands of miles of any size tunnels and even internal MINING of mountains like the SALT caves used for oil and now WATER and other storage including GASES and other commodities.

    We now call all mining companies those 'DAM Mining Companies' since they use the excavated dirt and rock to build DAMS of

  No more CHINA Three Gorges Dams.  Oh. We now can harness all rivers such as my #1 favorite site of Linville Gorge North Carolina USA with 100% focus on and Blue Ridge Lake TVA abandoned by criminal energy magnet named individuals.


    OH magnets. Easy to use magnets and systems related to VELCRO to hold anything of huge value and weight using thermodynamics and the 'STICKY PRINCIPLE' of friction.

   WE are worlds LAST ECO GREEN everything scientists.

   Call Keith 770-377-2106 as we DO required reverse massive crowd Funding to empower our teams to COMPLETE since NO ONE ELSE gives a BLASTED DAMN who were always were.  Working FOR GOD and HUMANITY worldwide at the same time with EVOTE.ONE  GO get website of BlastLaser.ONE  and other related ones. I will post this on today. 


Everyone:  GO join


TELL Literally EVERYONE to GO PUBLIC on that is truly GODS only answer of ONE CONSTITUTION of WE GODS people who decide everything about how to GUARD and CARETAKE each other by going ALL ECO GREEN on everything for everyone



OR have I already DONE THIS with EVOTE.ONE old tribal system of WHO controls the leaders at all levels.

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(c) (tm) (r) Patent $40 Billion USD NGOs of World Trading Partner Ministries Enterprises INC.  Content copyright 1958-2023.  All IP rights reserved and gifted for mankind to USE to unify mankind as Free Will Citizens who decide their own future fate.

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