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Crowd Fund today.


NEWS is the worlds most powerful Clearinghouse of humanity problem solving Solutions for all our people to remove all Political Criminals and prevent almost all crimes in the first place. is Babayuan Elementary School, Amulung, Cagayan Philippines 3505. They need your immediate funding support and help for 83 students in grades 1 to 6. Watch the VIDEO. CLICK on this multi world broadcast series

   Read below for the immediate needs of almost all schools to literally and remove all that exists in almost all governments, corporations, criminal enterprises,  and world societies based on pure prostituted greed.


Video CLICK: #276 The Final Broadcast

and famous are related URL You Are Loved.


  Email  Attn: School Leaders, Ms. Mallillin, and teacher Portia CP #(63) 905-348-5680.  They need immediate funding and direct technology donations of minimum value $10,000 USD = 500,000 Pesos to buy technology for their 5 classrooms and students of roofing, Internet, Apple TV, Flat screen TV, used ipads and smartphones as well as laptops to open portals to their new world.

    Make acknowledged and tracked donations and sponsorship by clicking on

     Send email to with name and funding amount (or list of products shipped direct to BabaYuan Elementary School, Amulung Cagayan Valley, Phillippines zip 3505. All donators will be listed on this website and provided updates on how your funding and donated products are being used.

     You can even video call on Skype to communicate directly with the students and teachers.  This fund is managed by newly elected community leaders with personal commitments to this school. Once 10,000 Pesos is raised, a new dedicated BabaYuanES bank account will be established to ensure full reporting requirements posted on this same website to ensure direct funding has been completed. 

     They need basic monthly Satellite DSL-Internet service, used laptops, recycled smart cell phones, electric cooling fans, full wall whiteboards, (5) Flat Screen TV's (preferably at least 40"), basic school supplies, a simple security system with motion detectors, and an electric fence system so they can protect Student Gardens. Their government has promised 6 new computer that have never arrived. This is a five year old commUNITY school with 6 teachers.

      All donators will be listed here as well as video/photo email and live updates on how their funding and assets are actively being used by all students. This is the model of how schools must be funded to BY-PASS the corruption of so many publically elected officials until is seen by the world as the ONLY solution to forever stamp out corrupt individuals to the end of time. See USA

     Clearly, and is the #1 Sovereign Ambassador Emissary Master Teacher for all of mankind based on these published works that systematically prevent almost all crimes and restore total Peace and Harmony throughout our mutual world.   Contact Keith Duncan for the workshop forums to fill up stadiums full of his people hungry for Justice, Equality, and Accountability.

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