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Our team of soon 1,000's of  Partners has centuries of extreme expertise and Corporate Government engagements on HOW to solve base root problems affecting all aspects of the Human Conditions.

Keith Duncan
Founder CEO Principal

Keith Duncan has the most extensive Computer Science and Human Psychology Operating Systems Design experience from NCSU Raleigh NC 1976-1981 with focus on Micro Electronics Communications and highest levels of databases for AT&T, IBM, Cox Communications, Dupont, and many startup companies who were pioneers in state of art technology 10 years ahead of the competition.  BOOK him today with (previous), original

Gloria Reyes
Executive President

Gloria Reyes is one of the most brilliant Engineers and Business Partners. She has done Project Management for very large construction and design firms in Philippines, Africa, and soon all around our world using the methodology my teams teach the entire world how to FREE themselves from the tyranny of super cyber criminals, family run political dynasties, and the underground crime networks that are eliminated with FOIA.ONE

Marisa Cerdero
Executive Marketing and Advertising

Marisa Cerdero is our top Marketing and Advertising Executive.

Call her to book your next major marketing campaign.

Silent Partner Founder

Our Silent Partner wants to be confidential as he is well known for his construction projects here and abroad.

©1958-2021 (c) Trademark.  World Technology Engineer Crusaders.

Atlanta +1 770-377-2106  Calling for World Intervention.

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