FatherKeith.com Duncan ProCreator UNIocracy.org
Direct call +1 770-377-2106 command we go National TV

Call +book #1 world evangelist crusaders Keith Duncan in USA BidOnKeith.com
Integrity Visitors 1202 - Dec 19, 2024
Your Prayers and Donations are required + appreciated. Each of you now joins our New crime free World Society by your support
eVOTE.one is BuiltByKeith.com of New World Society that IDs and purges all Lucifer criminals by direct use of SolutionPeace.org SolutionManifesto.com
"Act with the Authority of Fearless People to Protect All Rights of Others"
FatherKeith.com Duncan was sent by GOD 65.9 years ago to procreate all patent technologies gifted to UNIFY mankind as your #1 megaBillionaire Overseer Leaders . We are rare sovereign independent free will Highest IQ problem solving humanitarians who decentralize all authority and wealth back to each of you, 8.1 billion We GODS people who become problem solving peacemakers at all levels. Everything gifted to solve, prevent, reverse the crimes of Lucifer Worshippers.
CLICK: https://zoom.us/s/5745946793#success Access KEY: 6StaEm, Host Key: 355152. Book BidOnKeith.com
ZOOM.US Call ID 5745946793. Everyone now direct VISITS our existing top Corporate Executives and GOV world leaders today !
Join UNIocracy.org gift ProphetKeith.com. FollowKeith.com Intl Office +1(770)377-2106 PeaceSummit2020@gmail.com PeaceSUMmit2020.com Solve prevent reverses all world issues at lowest human levels forever. GodSentKeith.org to gift Total New World Peace Economic Model below is now under your direct management control. 7777 July 26, 2024

Unify UNIocracy.org
Click: FatherKeith Playlist on World re-Broadcasts of the true Realities of Our World, GOD, Church, State, Nations, and HIS universe.
Keith's Messages
NewZion2.com is above. Click RIGHT arrow for 4 videos on your salvation. Click below for original.
May 22, 2024. Rebuild of this one WORLD changing original Alpha-Omega website is complete. It was destroyed by the ANTI-CHRIST Robert Dee ROSE DOB 1971- April - 01 WhereIsRobertRose.com so he would not face DEATH ROW for his multiple crimes against humanity. Command FBI at (404)679-9000 or ANY FBI AG office actualy STOP Rose dead cold from infiltrating USA GOv databases and agencies with AgileLaw.com and other terrorist attacks solved forever with Evote.ONE FOIA.ONE IFJC2.com solutionManifesto.com SolutionMilitary.com and other divined holy answer master teachings of BuiltByKeith.com
USE BIDonKeith.com NOW and DEMAND USA GOV with 100% focus on FBI AG and SolutionMILITARY.com actually DEBRIEF ME as I have been debriefing them from Jan 15, 2008 to present on HOW to UNIFY world.
Brief for + to WORLD. I represent GOD"s most Holy Sovereign Emissary rights this entire time. I have engaged Christians, Muslims, Jewish, Buddhists, actually ALL religions and even cult brain washed religious leaders to SHOW our world EXACTLY how to SAVE themselves from the onslaught of the CRIMINAL RULING ELITE and how to PREVENT self-genocide once all these final testament answers become YOUR mainstream COMMANDMENTS. This simple system will NULL and VOID most of the man-made laws that are truly loop-holes for the Super RICH and Satanic forces to enslave my +7.5 Billion PEOPLE. Any who REFUSE to use what I have gifted humanity immediately identify themselves as self-entitlement BLINDED FOOLS, racists, hypocrites, bigots, cynics, Criminal Brood of serpent Vipers. Only by following these new Commandments, will humanity actually PROSPER and THRIVE in the light of my FatherGOD"s HOLY LIGHT of TRUTH.
Aug 2, 2017 Directly above on far left, Click and read the ONE safe PDF file on WHY Fatherkeith is the #1 and ONLY Peacemaker for our entire world. No one else has ever accepted this GODly designated Sovereign Ambassador Position in recent times. Taking ACTION on the EVOTE.ONE SolutionHousing.com and the following is the ONLY way to prevent humanity from self-genocide by hands of Satanic forces like ROSE. Refusals to use these absolute IseeJustice.com is a crime, plain and simple. Click: #392 Sept 22, 2016 Revealed RISE UP, OverThrow the AntiChrist Criminals once and for all !
Immediate support, protection, funding, and PUBLICITY is always required to UNIFY our world with these simple bible based principles of common sense integrity that make YOU world famous as members of our new world society.
Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV) For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. " This is NewZion2
From TonyMarioghe.com "Every man was created for a purpose. Understanding this purpose will help you to fulfill your destiny on earth." Support Keith today or be the next target of the specific criminals identified by Interpol URLiDent.com AI database !
Clearly FatherKeith.com is Keith Brent Duncan, DOB 1958-Aug-15, has always worked full time for our/my Father God and all of humanity. UNIocracy.com is your New World Society to Kill the New World Order of the satanic Criminal Ruling elite. I have fore-founded created UNIocracy.com, the only New World society of Heaven here on paradise Earth for you, my people. I have never committed any crime or violation other than 4 lifetime speeding tickets. I have never hid from anyone except from the Anti-Christ ROSE. I am near 17°36′47″N 121°43′36″E GPS as I meet with top level Philippine leaders and news broadcasters as well as visiting almost every church I see to UNIFY all of mankind that occurs once http://www.SolutionGovernment.com becomes your new world society. Contact Interpol with URLiDent.com as I have done.
Victimized, kidnapped, severely persecuted, robbed of all assets and rights, Keith orders the immediate arrests, siezure of all crime assets to be deposited into Keith's accounts and title holdings, and convictions of all tied to super criminal Rose. Keith has directly contacted Congress to conduct emergency Congressional Investigations into the IRS, FBI, AG, USMarshals, Military by cyber crime infiltration by ROSE (AgileLaw.com) and any cabal political criminal based on their own signed testimony and flow of trillions of your assets into their untrackable accounts of extreme wealth, power, and greed. The criminals include new DAG Sally.Yates2@USdoj.gov and each Judge and person in +7 counties who signed false testimony to kidnap Keith multiple times BY the USA Gov May 2008, Feb 22 - 2011, Oct 3 - 2011, Dec 13 - 2011 to prevent the world exposure of their crimes against humanity by their lifetime crime sprees.
Until mankind addresses the evils of our world, humanity will finally be enslaved by the 'Criminal Ruling Elite'. The biblical divide between the Righteous and unrepentant criminals will always be URLiDent.com. Do or Die for Justice is our battle cry of Integrity with overturn of all world corruption.
Is it not clear by now WHO I AM. Even my GodFather claimed through scripture that only FATHER knew when GOD would return his favorite Savior Grandson to Earth to save them from their own greed and viceful idol worshipping ways. For I AM Keith Duncan, the true son of Mankind, who has been mercilessly and vindicatively persecuted despite having impeccable credientials. I travel the entire world looking for the next places of greatest needs. I have contacted everyone with focus on all Churches, Press, Law Enforcement, Government Officials, Military, and literally the entire world of my 7.4 Billion people in all Babylon languages. FundHelpTheNeedy.com
Support Keith's final efforts as all the criminals want my Intellectual Property I published to enthrone Satan. This is stopped with the deadly force of Keith's right hand and video broadcasts that are irrefutable when the public simply uses all these solutions and joins UNITYurl.com today. I truly wish to return to Heaven soon since no honest persons or other Messianic Messengers have yet to be found. I choose you. Are you one? SolutionManifesto.com
The final http://www.BuiltByKeith.com clearinghouse uses Prime SolutionFinal.com as the creation of our final new God = People focused ChristDomain.com Family Spiritual Government Business Order that unifies all churches and my people with One Degree of Separation between all of mankind with URLiDent.com IFJC2.com SolutionURL.com SolutionGovernment.com + OTHERS with a new InterPol www.URLiDent.com singular Database + United Nations International visits and direct broadcasts of http://www.SolutionUNI.com. Everyone notify INTERPOL URLiDent.com
These are the Prime Solutions broadcast www.BuiltByKeith.com
For 1. We Trust In God by our fearless Actions that benefit others first.
2. SolutionMilitary.com 3. Full scale accountability of self + Others.
Clearly I was born Aug 15, 1958 to complete Jesus Christs and our other fore-founders Messianic ministries to fulfil God-Creator-Allah-Yehwah-Father-Holy Spirit original design for creation of full Peace and Harmony.
Few people take responsibility, accountability, or jurisdiction on any of the massive # of criminals committing felony capital crimes since they are deathly aware that if they did their jobs, they would be targeted by the criminals, face public ridicule, and even prison time for their failures to investigate and complete the legal process of Justice and Equality. The entire sequenced stages of these comprehensive broadcast solutions bring our entire world back into full unification and conformity with GOD's original design of Love and Care for each other. This ensures the survival of the current and NEXT generation of mankind. This can not be any simplier. Join http://www.UNITYurl.com to command action.
Fund Keith today as I have claimed First Lien Rights on all criminally acquired assets as the #1 God-People Rights Activist Sovereign Ambassador Missionary and the ultimate Educator teaching our entire world how to actually LOVE and CARE for all. Who will provide protection and support for the one fore-founding father of your New World Society of www.UNIocracy.com ?
Savior is defined by Websters as "a person who saves someone or something (especially a country or cause) from danger, and who is regarded with the veneration of a religious figure." Combined with the prime enginnering architecture of our single New World society, using coming sense, perserverence, and setting the only standards necessary for the survival of our human race, no one has a choice but to support and protect Keith's final Messianic Messenger Emissary tasks to complete UNIocracy.com as our own new utopia of peace, harmony, and fulfilment of biblical prophecies.
Click files above and see that Keith is the #1 World Messanic Messenger Sovereign Emmissary Ambassador. These two world broadcasts explain who Keith really is. Who are you for you to answer..
Sept 25, 2011 , 9:00 PM
Safe Haven emergency Anti -Political Corruption and #1 first AntiCybercrime debrief visit to Langley Air Force Base Virginia.
Oct 3, 2011 10 am. Third kidnapping occurs at Las Vegas on orders of Rose signed Sept 26, 2011 to steal Keith's IP value and attempt Murder by USA agents.
Jan 28, 2014, 10:00 AM
Keith dumped on street by USA gov homeless, destituted, and all assets sold off by ROSE and criminals.
May 5, 2014 Direct visit to Washington D.C. FBI-AG after Atlanta blacklists and PRESS and churches refuse to cover these world cybar-attack events.
April 1-16, 2015. Historical biblical piligramage to JerUSAlem-Emmaus-TelAviv, then Rome Italy to meet with all church leaders, Vatican, and even Pope Francis. The video history of YouTube.com shows all these God-focused extremeefforts to help all people SaveAllNations.com
Dec 20, 2015 4 pm Manila
SaviorKeith.com website created in about 45 minutes of time. WHO AM I, the world of lost sheep should know, I am here to SAVE your souls and hides from being enslaved by Satan, ROSE, and the Criminal Ruling Elite.
Oct 26, 2015,
Creation of SolutionGod.com final component of UNIocracy.com.
Soon. Intervention by USA military, FBI-AG, Press, Public, and all churches asking WHO IS KEITH?
T.B.D. 5:00 PM or your choice.
PEACESUMMIT2020.com world rally in your comunity of Faith and Grace.
Oct 29, 2015, 11:11 AM
Emergency visit to USA Embassy Manila asking for safe-haven and to debrief FBI-USMilitary-Press after all this time. Click and read PDF file above to see that FBI Hansen committed multiple felony crimes in under 30 minutes...
Oct 30, 2015
Creation of completed SolutionUNI.com calling for United Nations Press Conferences featuring BidOnKeith.com world changing comprehensive solutions to majority of our world problems and international wars.
Dec 4, 2015.
This NEXT final Website is created to finally unify all churches and people..
BidOnKeith.com explains all the questions anyone might have.
DAILY Press Conference Calls are on top of www.BuiltByKeith.com at hi-noon Eastern Standard Time to estasblish the New World order of http://www.UNIocracy.com at all levels of society. Join today and form your own UNITYURL.com chapter.
Jan 11, 2016.
SolutionManifesto.com completed as the New League of Nations.
World Televised event over free Government Wi-Fi Internet for all to use for voting and communications between every single human being using www.URLiDent.com
Aug 14-15, 2016.
UNITYUrl.com Mass Protest Rallies continue in Hong Kong and in your communities of ACTION. Keith's 58th birthday of Aug 15, 1958 is the Feast of Assumption (Mother Virgin Mary's death recorded date anniverary. Order all corrupt leaders be forever banned, isolated, and shunned by all of society.
March 3-7 GlobalPeace.org Manila
Keith should have been #1 featured GOD's Rights Speaker teaching all how to overthrow crime networks to unify our entire world. "Total UNIFICATION occurs of our entire world based on YOUR action today.
As forefounder of our-your New World UNIocracy.com, no one ever has the right to commit crimes against anyone by corruption of our own highly paid consultant leadership. RISE UP our world, and declare your Freedom and Rights to remove all Political Criminals and put all super criminals in Hell-Jail-Slums while public and Military seize all their assets to rebuild Gods Paradise here on Earth. Otherwise, each of you will soon be enslaved by Satan Devils.
DAILY 10 am EST. 2016, 7 am PST, is 10 pm Manila-Hong Kong-China time.
Daily Press Conferences on National News Call USA (712)775-7031 ID: 166 841 408.
Direct call (63)0917-335-4300 for how to recover BILLIONS of your tax assets from the criminals. ClearCollarCrime.com PCTerror.com tells why.
These solutions on BuiltBykeith.com have always been the #1 Solution to teach our world how to resolve it's own conflicts.
Who will be the first newscaster or journalist to interview and hear these ultimate truths already broadcast to all.
Keith Duncan has been offering and serving humanity greatest needs his entire life as the one Justified and Righteous 'unknown missionary journalist' who works for the Father. Contact everyone as I remain alive by only the Grace of God-Christ-HolySpirit Trinity with no protection or any of my rights upheld by anyone who aligns with the AntiChrist ROSE who I called just last night. His VOIP criminal line is (404)867-2063 for all to call.
The most powerful testimony 'THE MACHINE' I have build for humanity of all time is the showing of all the Criminals own evidence. The FBI-IRS-AG-USMarshals proactively PREVENT all simple investigations and have always REFUSED to host the Press Conferences with USA Military at my side that condemns their own rogue agents of massive Treason, Murder, Espionage, kidnapping, conspiracy, planned coups of governments, and massive transfer of taxpayer/voter/citizen wealth to the Criminal Ruling Elite. All prevented in first place by irrefutable SolutionGovernment and SolutionURL.com with URLiDent single referential INTEGRITY Database with universal face recognition and URL links to honest people versus unrepentant pyschopath super criminals modeled by ManHuntRose.com and the other 1 Cor 13:13 LOVE OTHER solutions BuiltByKeith
It is often easy to tell what will occur NEXT with all the corruption and worldwide grief caused by Satanic forces like ROSE and so many corrupt leaders. Perhaps each of YOU can decode and decide your own fate. Seems that is what most people want to do anyway. Take advantage of others for their own benefit. You live for instant gratification and vice along with idol worshipping cash, assets, and ability to overpower those you encounter. Use of SolutionFinal.com by everyone prevents all these crimes against yourself. Start with LearnFirstNames.com and proceed on the pathways of righteousness laid out for all of you. Your choice of course... I made my own destiny. That is to teach our world how to Love Each Other, just like my/our GodFather has done..
Clearly I search for all other HONEST Integrity driven people to REPLACE all Corrupt leaders worldwide. Otherwise the Criminal Ruling Elite will finally enslave all of you because they capitalize on your own blinded breeded greed and self-entitlement mindsets.
May 29, 2017.
Now Memorial Day. Mass Protest Rallies in Atlanta GA, Washington D.C. and around your world to ORDER SolutionGovernment.com be deployed in every nation to remove all Political Criminals and underground crime networks forever. The Next major world event sequence is YOUR choice based on what you do or what each of you FAIL to accomplish.
Died of natural or unnatural causes or just dissappeared forever.
Unknown Month, Day, Year. This is your obiturary ready for others to complete. Not mine, I know where I will be stationed, in heaven waiting for each of you for obvious reasons to advocate your entry or denial based on your own evidence of Righteousness or sinful abuse of your fellow mankind. This is your free will choice that you will be asked to testiy on your Judgment day that occurs when GOD calls you home or you are murdered by the Criminal Ruling Elite because you refuse to bend to their tryanny and serve them as slaves worse than ancient Egypt, the Roman Empire, and even government criminals who conspire with criminal enterprises like Robert Dee Rose as I will always have the last word and judgment call on those who oppose my servanthood missions to teach our world how to save themselves from the wrath of angry citizens and from wrath of our Creator occurring soon