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Keith Brent Duncan 725-200-7683 #1 Your New crime free world leaders recruiting +8.1 Billion We GODs People. Sell off of your $40 Billion USD, procreates your #1 new world Overseers who now control all Corporate Executives and Government officials worldwide as only PeaceMakers. UNIocracy.ORG is total Equality World FOIA.ONE is Direct command by WE the PEOPLE for everyone as only PeaceMakers !!! Debrief and Protect us today ! Integrity Visitors 1150 Oct 19, 2024 (was .com) back in year 2010. It would have commanded my release from HELL Jail if a single person had actually upheld any law and COMMANDED my release Oct 3, 2011 to Jan 28, 2014. Click and watch the VIDEOs above. Then TAKE ACTION by contacting all USA Gov agencies, Press, Public, and focus on all churches. This is all that has ever been required of my +7.6 Billion People. BuiltByKeith.SPACE (was .com) same finalSolution of UNIocracy. This website resurrected Aug 7, 2020 to also obtain Total World Equality peace of Call us and Escort us to TESTIFY today.
The USA GOV has been commanded for YEARS to seize Robert Dee Rose and all other criminals worldwide using EVOTE.ONE and the ONE International standard WHO is WHO database FOIA.ONE. now FOIA.SPACE.
The most incompetent liar lawyers, police CID, Judges, and criminal investigators prove the total overhaul of all systems with UNIocracy.ORG occurs once mankind rises up with self education of and actually PROTECTS the rights of each other. This is eDemocracy electronic full scale decision based society.
When the final Terrorists and all criminals are isolated, shunned, and forced into the abandoned slums by + EVOTE.ONE = FOIA.ONE using, then all of humanity prospers and thrives as the citizens control and manage all aspects of their own 'consultant leadership' with full visibility and transparency of all legal, judicial, business, and contract transactions. destroy=replaces all stock markets and returns all ownership to our people with FREE world wifi and SolutionHousing.ORG along with all other divined ordained answer solutions gifted to my world from keith brent duncan. Below are the top criminals to be brought to justice immediately. The other +85 to 100 are on bottom
This website is a replacement of the original created back in 2007 year as the prime entry point for HOW to teach our world HOW to UNIFY under our one mutual creator. For now +10 years, I have personally been fighting the worst cyber crime terrorist in USA, perhaps World History named Robert Dee Rose. He is truly a madman mastermind super criminal in his abilities to infiltrate Corporate and Government databases and extort anyone who has his own most extensive crime history evidence. As of Jan 15, 2018 anniversary of 10 years exactly when ROSE actively threatened my life so he could fear and intimidate me by keeping my own $109,800.00 USD under binding legal contract promissory notes. ROSE has succeeded in preventing claims on the $2 Million USD bounty on his head for anyone to legally FIND HIM, SEIZE HIM, and DELIVER HIM DIRECTLY to ANY Law Enforcement agency in any nation. Last report he is hiding in his mega million $$$ condo project with his 2 mega million USD yachts of 'Running with the Roses' and '??, He also owns a submersible mini submarine. Original tele crime ship was his fake charter fishing yacht called 'Dixie Rose' in year 2007 forward. The rest will also be YOUR HISTORY on why no honest persons have yet to be found to actually UPHOLD any Constitutional LAWS. As this has always been the prime basis for WHY I am #1 anti crime expert Technologist Visionary Sage Evangelist Crusader of all time. No exceptions left un discovered... Keith Duncan
My remaining time on Earth is threatened by everyone tied to ROSE cabals and government agents actively preventing any investigations tied to why I was at Langley AFB Sept 25, 2011. Almost all of Keith's attorneys, all Judges, Police-Criminal investigators, key IRS-FBI-AG-USMarshal criminal rogue agents, Duncan clan, + others are all guilty of kidnapping conspiracies with ROSE by their own false witness signed testimony that actively prevents all IRS, FBI, AG, USA Military, public, PRESS, and all church investigations + convictions to intervene and protect Keith's Life and assets of world wide Intellectual Property value. Each person who refuses to TAKE ACTION are guilty of Click: Conspiracies to defraud the USA Gov 923. 18 U.S.C §371 + other crimes. Everyone who reads these 100% true testimonies of Keith Duncan must call top level law enforcement FBI Comey + AG Lynch + Others as Keith has already done. The absolute last Testimony is as the son of all mankind in search for all other Messianic Messengers and persons of Integrity, Virtue, Intellectually focused, and champions of Justice and Equality for all of humanity. Join and form your own community chapters today.
Rose clearly was judged criminal by Forsyth County GA Judgment 08SC-1345 Oct 2010, IRSWBFeb2009-658, Cobb County TPO 11.1.1171.99 + 11.1.7683.99 and more than three separate robberies of Keith's extreme intellectual property from his own cyber protected homes documented to nth degree by Gwinnett and Cobb County Police Department reports that were forged by ROSE's cabal criminals to prevent the Military from protecting Keith's life and most extreme worldly worth from being gifted to all of humanity. +100 people go to prison and Death Row for their direct signature links to Robert Dee Rose. Rose is being man hunted by YOU, my 7.4 Billion people since USA government is on verge of total collapse since corruption has doomed our governments to be replaced by the ONE solution that ensures the survival and prosperity of all of mankind in God's Holy Trinity Name: UNIocracy.

The most critical world Solutions are listed on since Keith's survival depends on all people rallying to his protection and crowd funding with

Robert Dee Rose (DOB 1971-April-01) on left has $2 Million USD bounty from IRSWBFeb2009,658 implicating conspiracy coverups. Ms. Bashama has $10,000 USD bounty from the $40,000 USD Keith's cash and assets she stole per Marietta GA. P.D. 11.1.2506.99 forged conspiracy tied to Cobb County TPO 11.1.1171.99 2nd kidnapping. Third is Kyle Duncan, Sherry Duncan, Matthew Duncan (guilty of massive larceny, bank fraud, wilful obstruction of Justice, interference with Military investigations, and slander/libel. Fourth is Public Defender Phoenix Harris, Norfolk VA, guilty of attempted murder by withholding all evidence and actively preventing FBI-AG-IRS-USMarshal-Military involvement in criminal charges against 85 to 100 USA government officials all tied directly to All others are clearly listed on that is first + last ONLY open Public Database showing ALL world Criminals based on EVOTE.ONE testimony of any/all victims.
Below are the public Locator files indicating known addresses, family, phones, emails, and other identifying data for Law Enforcement, Military, Press, and Public to complete the Manhunts for all persons tied to #1 Terrorist Supercriminal ROSE. Who takes ACTION today?
1. ROSE. 2. Cyclone Covey 3. J Deal 4. V. Reynolds 5. SallyYates 6.MattDunc 7.Bashama 8.W.Carraway 9.Lt Jamie Gianfallo-criminal

James Bank Deal.
Norcross Georgia USA (770) 263-7200 Guilty of massive conspiracies to PREVENT Robert Dee Rose's arrest based on $100,000 USD of legal services paid by Keith for Jimmy Deal to go to FBI-AG and show the 3 banker boxes full of massive CyberCrime Evidence already submitted to IRS, FBI, USMarshals, AG, and even USA military. Jimmy is a criminal, plain and simple for his willful obstruction of Justice and conspiracy slander and libel connections with Ex-Wife Sherry Duncan. He and all other lawyers are reported to GA State Bar who is also guilty of felony crimes of obstruction and collusion.

Cobb County DA Terrorist lawyers Berry Vic Reynolds and Pat Head along with USREP Buddy Darden.
Call FBI-AG and Berry and ask about Cancelled TPO 11.1.1171.99 July 15, 2011 as NO 922(g) violation could have occurred at Langley AirForceBase Sept 25, 2011 per and resulting implications of Norfolk VA Judges Miller and Thurman Jackson along with AUSG Dee Sterling and Public PUKE PRETENDERS Defenders office who all had all evidence showing ROSE was a Cybercriminal extorting and paying off each and every person involved. This exists through today.

Judge Raymond Jackson -Norfolk VA Federal.
Call him direct (757)222-7003.
Guilty of massive denial of all constitution rights of Speedy trial, free speech, right to face any and all accusers, and conspiracy to MURDER KEITH DUNCAN based on NO violation by Sally Yates (new Deputy Attorney General) who signed 4:11cr112 based on Canceled TPO on left based on larceny Marietta PD 1.11.2506.99 forged 4 times by Cobb County CID and clerks to show Ms. Bashama as the victim of ??. As Keith was assaulted and robbed Feb 4, 2011 per multiple visits to Marietta Police and their forced return of only $1,000 of the $32,000 cash and assets stolen by Wendel Carraway, Ms. Bashama and Robert Rose. Details are and as well as bottom of famous
Jan 6, 2018. Rebuild of this one WORLD changing original Alpha-Omega website is in progress. It was destroyed by the ANTI-CHRIST Robert Dee ROSE at so he would not ever face DEATH ROW for his multiple crimes against humanity.
Just USE NOW and DEMAND USA GOV with 100% focus on FBI AG and actually DEBRIEF ME..
Brief for + to WORLD. I represent GOD"s most Holy Sovereign Emissary rights this entire time. I have engaged Christians, Muslims, Jewish, Buddists, actually ALL religions and even cult brain washed religious leaders to SHOW our world EXACTLY how to SAVE themselves from the onslaught of the CRIMINAL RULING ELITE and how to PREVENT self-genocide once all these final testament answers become YOUR mainstream COMMANDMENTS. This simple system will NULL and VOID most of the man-made laws that are truly loop-holes for the Super RICH and Satanic forces to enslave my +7.5 Billion PEOPLE. Any who REFUSE to use what I have gifted humanity immediately identify themselves as self-entitlement BLINDED FOOLS, racists, hypocrites, bigots, cynics, Criminal Brood of serpent Vipers. Only by following these new Commandments, will humanity actually PROSPER and THRIVE in the light of my FatherGOD"s HOLY LIGHT of TRUTH.
Million VIRAL Hits: 2016-5-8 10:34:03
Hits: 40024. 39,333. 21,666 Mar 24. 19580 Feb 8. 16901 Dec 24. 14444 Oct 31. 12000 Sep 27. 10444 Sep 11
Update May 5, 2016: CLICK FOLDERs above for the #1 TRUTHs of Corruption.
CLICK: for the worlds 1st Clearinghouse of all Solutions. Attend the Press Conferences occurring every 10 a.m. EST daily CLICK: USA (712)775-7031, ID: 166 841 408. Call Keith 712-775-7031-IntlCallInList.pdf
Contact Press, Governments, Churches, and public to hear the true realities about the capital felony crimes and slave trading crime enterprises being actively committed by key Government leaders and 'The Criminal Ruling Elite'. These are all prevented by these Prime Solutions to prevent world self-genocide. Keith calls on the Military, all Press, Public to investigate and take out all IRS-FBI-AG-other criminals since these agencies pro-actively commit crimes against humanity and do not contact FBI James Comey + AG Loretta Lynch terrorist and criminal internal groups as required by their sworn oaths. I have contacted everyone by all ways and means for +8 years. Even United Nations, Interpol, and many military have been engaged and debriefed for years starting Fall of 2008. Deadly silence automatically shows they are proactively preventing criminal investigations for reasons I stated. Bloodshed, chaos, mayhem is exactly what will occur for failures of Governments, churches, Military, and all others to use
Contact and protect Keith to co-host the Press Conference series that will teach humanity how to remove crime and shun all criminals.
The next is June 5, 2016 at Abraham Lincoln Memorial 10 am until 6 pm. PROTEST to the USA government on WHY they actively protect ROSE and the worse Political Criminals who are most of your Leadership in Atlanta GA, Norfolk VA, Washington D.C., and your cities who REFUSE to investigate, convict, and imprison the specific persons tied to Terrorist ROSE by their own signed Court Documents of 4:11cr112. Even Georgia's counties of Cherokee, Cobb, Gwinnett, Fulton, Forsyth will be shut down by the USA Military and PRESS once the public and press actually TAKE ACTION with any of the world saving solutions shown to world and delivered to all for +8 years.
Read the TOP of and world famous-changing as Keith Duncan is the #1 Sovereign Ambassador Emissary who has created the only one world government to prevent the self-destruction of our human race orchastrated by 'the Criminal Ruling Elite' tied to terrorist Robert Rose. Each solution published is worth 'God-Zillions' to our people.
CLICK: to see the top list of Criminal Terrorists tied to ROSE. Over 100 people go to prison/death row for crimes.
IMMEDIATELY, Contact FBI-AG-PRESS-Military-PUBLIC-Churches as I have done for now +8 years. Read below and ACT with the AUTHORITY of Fearless People to protect all the rights of Others shown on all these world broadcasts of
No one in the USA Government has ever had the option to NOT arrest and imprison each person indicted by their own signatures tied to cyber criminal terrorist ROSE to cover up their other crimes against my 7.4 Billion People.
Everyone, Call 1-800(225-5324) 800(CALL-FBI), the AG offices (202)514-2000, and even USA Military.
Call (404)679-9000 x2 and (202)324-3000 also. Flood them with calls asking WHY they refuse to Manhunt #1 Terrorist ROSE, why they have never contacted Keith back, debriefed him, investigated anyone, or protected his Life and assets stolen by so many certified criminals by their own signatures and evidence. . Ask them how they identify the true criminals using Keith's http:/ My #1 fear/objection is ROSE and criminals will find me before the first honest USA government and military official puts me into Federal Protective Witness Program that I can easily fund with the +Billions USD of funds that are seized from all the criminals I have identified and claimed first lien on their criminal assets.
Click HERE: to see photos of the criminal terrorists tied to Robert Dee Rose by their own signed testimony.
The first USA Government official, Journalist, or citizen who actually calls Keith and commands ROSE's arrest will have national Press and Government recognition for exposing ROSE's +100 USA Government official crime cabal organization. Trillions of USD/Euros/Pesos/etc are being electronically transferred to Rose and criminal terrorists each year. Read to the end and TAKE ACTION by contacting everyone you know to complete the #1 Campaign of all history. Why waste words or time....
The ultimate IRONY is Keith Duncan created a new society that PREVENTS these crimes.
4.5 MBFBI/Press Invitation FACTS. AG next. Why has USGOV not acted?
CLICK Latest PLAYLIST while Humanity asks HOW Keith is "SAVING OUR MUTUAL WORLD"
Everyone call THE PRESS, Atl FBI 404 679-9000x2, FBI 202 324-3000, AG 404 581-6000
ABOVE is #1 CyberCrime TERRORIST Robert Dee Rose (On left) ONLY known PICTURE (2005) $1 Million USD bounty on his head, then Ms DOB 1961-04-03 cell 201-893-4017 with $10,000 Bounty and a few of the USGOV officials GUILTY of full scale terrorism CONSPIRACY and Coverup in GA + VA + NY + NC + Washington + Bahamas.
Here is Bashama and Wendell Ralph Carraway in conspiracy with Marietta GA Police on Feb 8, 2011 after LARCENY Feb 4, 2011 per M.P.D. 11.1.2506 that was then FORGED 4 times.
Here is the KIDNAP Order. Notice there is NO DATE and NO SIGNATURES. The VIDEO below was provided to IRS, FBI, Attorney General, the PRESS, and PUBLIC to prove ROSE endangered his OWN children in November 2010 as ROSE shut down and his other 17 R.I.C.O. companies Secure Inc, LightLogics, Hunter Custom Homes and transferred all assets into new criminal enterprises and Caribbean Supply Services Inc (in Florida on Nov 1, 2010). The ONE document above indicts Wally Rogers, Garry Moss, and Ross Grisham of criminal conspiracy as this event NEVER occurred. The video was criminally obtained by Atlanta Lawyer Alexander Cyclone Covey in June 2011, used to FRAME Keith using Cobb County TPO 11.1.7683.99 on Aug 21, 2011, and was signed Sept 26, 2011 by ROSE and Cherokee Cty CID Matt Pettpher, then NO EVIDENCE was used to KIDNAP me Oct 3, 2011. My life was THREATENED for 4 months in Cherokee Cty Jail by Judges Frank Mills, Drain, Ellen McElyea, DAs, and by my own Lawyers Ross Grisham and BC Chopra who stole my $27,500 cash per who refuses to disbar and charge any of these corrupt Lawyers and Judges including my own lawyer Jimmy Deal <> of Norcross GA office (770) 263-7200 who I paid over $125,000 USD for divorce and ROSE legal actions and received ZERO of my own assets back. The CRIME SPREE against MY PEOPLE continues even now! WHO JOINS right NOW to prevent corruption !
TO SUPPORT MY EFFORTS to RECOVER MY ASSETS, ATTEND, travel BACK to CHINA to restart Manufacturing, travel to EUROPE to establish worldwide offices, and continue conducting my WORLD-WIDE MINISTRIES.
Immediately donate to supporting my world-changing gifts. Of COURSE I am the most frugal, ethical MAN of GOD anyone will ever met or experience, just like my GODFATHER-Christ Jesus, regardless of what name you call him, HE JUST WANTS TO HAVE a RELATIONSHIP with HIS PEOPLE, just like Keith Brent Duncan ( BuiltByKeith LLC desires this for you during HIS entire life). Your support will be recognized on this website if you desire, as you may also direct the use of your funds to provide me food, housing, transportation, or completion of work on GIFTED MINISTRIES that benefit you and your communities of families and businesses. This is hereby guareenteed in writing and by my personal word of
1. BEST METHOD is Bank Wire Transfer to Keith Duncan's new Routing 121000248 Account 6013338253
or direct deposit/Transfer at WellsFargo branch: Routing 061000227 Account 6013338253
FRAUD WARNING: This account is ONE-WAY Deposit. Attempts to withdraw is a FELONY.
2. Paypal by Credit Card/Bank Account is FAST, EFFICIENT, and FRUGAL like KEITH.
Optionally use direct PAYPAL transfer to Keiths PayPal account below.
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