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Keith Brent Duncan 725-200-7683 #1 Your New crime free world leaders recruiting +8.1 Billion We GODs People. Sell off of your $40 Billion USD, procreates your #1 new world Overseers who now control all Corporate Executives and Government officials worldwide as only PeaceMakers. UNIocracy.ORG is total Equality World FOIA.ONE is Direct command by WE the PEOPLE for everyone as only PeaceMakers !!! Debrief and Protect us today ! Integrity Visitors 1150 Oct 19, 2024
Contact Keith Duncan
FOR Press Conferences, Seminars, Workshops anywhere in the world.
Philippines +(63)
Skype: BuiltByKeith2
​ -World Trading Partner Enterprises INC, Suite 6309
9120 Double Diamond Parkway
Reno, Nevada 90521 U.S.A.
​​ Services
My name is Keith Duncan from Atlanta Georgia. I have become the #1 world expert on teaching the world how to prevent corruption and almost all crimes in the first place. Anyone can contact myself directly, including all Government officials, Churches, Public, and especially Journalists. With Face Recognition, unique International ID and rotating PIN # from,
all criminals will be shunned by all citizens and institutes since their past crimes will be public knowledge with one degree of separation through Interpol No visa or passports will be needed as everyone freely travels anywhere to live and conduct business as a trusted international Citizen of world Order Government. All governments and corrupt companies will collapse when they are seen by entire public as the Criminal Ruling Elite Cabals that everyone knows exist and have never been able to identify and convict as criminals.
As of Dec 9, 2015, I detected I am being cyberattacked again by ROSE + to find my location. describes Cyber Crimes.
Rose has committed perfect felony crimes to seize assets from USA government, clients, banks, traders, etc. Rose has built layers of criminal documents to ensure he survives any detection and subsequent convictions to Death Row. By his own actions, the world will manHunt him and all other criminals down using face recognition and their own transparency criminal evidence I show the world.
Everyone call FBI Atlanta is (404)679-9000, AG ATL is (404)581-6000 and Washington DC as I have and COMMAND them to contact USA Military since they actively block all the criminals testimony and have blacklisted Keith from building entry to re-deliver the worlds first ANTI-crime methods. So I blacklisted all of them to show the public what is true reality of world. Read and take ACTION now.
I was indeed kidnapped Oct 3, 2011 after I was invited to debrief USAirForce Langley Intelligence Division on Sept 25, 2011 by USREP Buddy Dardin (Georgia). I successfully delivered physical data evidence of crimes of to Military officials that evening as well as the worlds first Anti-Crime, Anti-Terrorist, Anti-Political Corruption, Anti-Cybercrime comprehensive prevention from #1 sage consulting expert in telephony communications, banking, security systems, embedded process controllers, criminology, and financial systems working for all governments, military, churches, + public.
CLICK: 37DocList for USA Military to retrieve NOW !
Rose ordered my kidnapping Sept 26, 2011 morning as I waited for re-admission through OSI Capt Christoper Weber call I made at 9 a.m. cell records (770)289-3050 showing I direct contacted and visited IRS-FBI-AG-USMarhals for months. After +35 years as the Prime Consultant for tellicommunications giants, major banking institutes, IBM, and variety of entrepreneur firms, I delivered the most comprehensive anti-Political/Public Corruption processes and methods along with submitted By-Pass Laws to reform all of the USA government by asking for USA Military Protection of my Intellectual Property, assets, and life. Each Judge, DA, DAG, Lawyer, Police involved by their own signtures on certified court documents go to PRISON.
The IRS, FBI, AG, USMarshals, GBI, Press, public, +10 law firms, and all my churches were fully aware I had esculated to everyone by summer of 2011. The rest of this #1 world's greatest true stories are broadcast published for +7.777 years as gifts to all of mankind. The database repository and along with all other specific solutions all teach our collective world how to LOVE and CARE for each other by holding ourselves and all others accountable for their actions and behaviours with immediate consequences for dishonesty.
Any grade school student can see and understand that I am teaching them and our world how to be honest, trustworthy, responsible, and to prepare them to assume leadership when the true criminals are shunned by society at their own expense to live in the abandoned slums of the world as the public monitors them with and other off shelf technology I gifted to our world years ago. We all merge back into one degree of separation with gifted to Interpol, Press, and public on Jan 7, 2015.
Simply apply the principals of integrity with and you will prosper and grow in faith and grace with the trust of all you encounter in life
Read all I have gifted on these broadcasts and direct communications with our world as thousands of emails and broadcast 'White Paper Dissertations' exist in the domain of GOD's dominion of the internt. Everyone contact everyone with focus on commanding USA Government stop actively preventing the investigations and convictions of so many high powered USA Government officials tied directly to terrorists such as ROSE.
Read and download Prime Consulting services as I have been offerring my entire suite of Solution providing prime services to all governments, military, corporations, churches, businesses and non-profits for now +7.77 years. Clearly, I was born Aug 15, 1958 with the destiny to complete what was started by majority of our earthly fore-founders and religious prophets with emphasis on Christ Jesus's teachings after HE accepted the Holy Spirit at the age of 29 years old. Year 1989 was when I moved to Charotte NC and journeyed on my own Walk to Emmaus with St Stephens Methodist church, then Birmingham AL, then as ordained Deacon with Norcross GA Peachtree Corners Baptist Church 1996 to 2011. Then Marietta First Baptist Church after I was robbed by ROSE and Ms. Bashama multiple times per 4 times forged Marietta P.D. larceny report 1.11.2506.99 conspiracy to threaten my life because I had accomulated the worlds first ANTI-CRIME and ANTI-CORRUPTION methods to gift all of mankind.
The worse crimes are any government agents who hide from public view of in order to coverup and conspire with criminal treason and espionage agents of destruction such as Robert Dee Rose (wife Amy) and his consortium of signed testimony conspirators like Cobb County DA Berry Vic Reynolds, and Federal Judge Thurman Jackson (Norfolk), and all others involved in the most profitable crime sequence in world history.
Each and every court document and submitted evidence such as the 37 documents shown on and put ROSE and many others on DEATH ROW by their own pre-signed testimony confessions of the Crimes against humanity they commit every day.
New World Standards
Teach our World the Orders of Peace of as the ONLY Standard for Utopia Harmony by removing all criminals from society once and for all.
Reduce Poverty and Homelessness to near zero. Easy to accomplish.
Family Relationship Re-Management
Criminal Law​ -Avoiding litigation and Total Tort Reform for all legal and judicial systems worldwide.
​ prevents all bank fraud transactions worldwide.
Child Care - Raising Children with
Preventing Poverty and Homelessness
Ethical Business Transactions -Barter for work ensures Free Trade for all.
Massive savings of electrical usage with Nobel Peace Prize worth ensures safe water anywhere in world with solar.
.. Literally. Any area of problem, issue, or conflict is easily solved and prevented using the above Blue Box description final summaries.
Too many other world changing solutions to re-list for so many years.
Our Team is the #1 standard for all communiities and Military to manage all of their own affairs with almost no federal regulations or oversight needed. The one world wide military force monitors for corruption at all levels when communities fail to identify and deal with the criminals in their own jurisdiction. No one escapes justice since and under ensure full compliance of all citizens to basic integrity, justice, equality, and trust.
Our partner teams are YOU, my beloved and collective +7.376 Billion People. China, India, USA, Indonesia are 3.269 Billion persons = 44.4 % of world population. Most governments have de-evolved into paper chase nightmares of wasting your tax dollars to ensure political criminals prosper and thrive by controlling man-made laws, bidded contracts, legal and financial policies, as well as dictating to police and military who is to be enslaved to enrich their own families and corporations.
These are the most obvious multiple reasons why Robert Dee Rose (DOB 1971-April-01) continues to be the #1 Atlanta Georgia based Terrorrist along with his +100 conspirators to overthrow government agencies by controlling and manipulating your financial, legal, cultural, and even spiritual lives with regulations that are so complex, no one reads any of the fine print in black and white. ROSE extorted all these people to create the worse paper chase conspiracy to try to convince everyone that I sent him that ONE linkedIn email. I almost died in Jail many times since no one can convict anyone when all evidence has always pointed at ROSE. Rose almost succeeded in having B.O.P. murder Keith for two years. Ask any Federal Judge and Special Prosecutor to start signing all the arrest warrants and Grand Jury indictments now as I have been actively contacting everyone in the world this entire time. Really hard to do with so many blinded fools.
It has always been easy to see that I asked for entry into Federal Witness Protection Program through Atlanta USAG Sally Yates office logged visits in Nov 2010 and again Sept 2011. The USA military own sworn evidence per criminal conspiracy-coverup 4:11cr112 implicates ROSE and all others on the true nature of what I successfully delivered on my 17" MacBook Pro and CD-ROMS to Military after IRS, FBI, USMarshal, AG offices were personally visited, emailed, phoned, FAXED, and contacted through every available ways and means, for now +7.77 years.
Clearly I have been esculating to everyone this entire time asking for Press Conference interviews so i can ask key high powered officials about their own crimes and get their recorded testimony for the Military and world to see, believe and act on what I have gifted to our world in the form of Acts of Wisdom detailed on the right hand panel.
I am due over $400 Million USD in real and punitive damages from everyone involved, including the famous IRS Whistleblower Feb 2009-658 ($8 Million USD), Forsyth County GA Judgment 08SC-1345 Oct 2010 -$200,000 USD + all legal costs, > $400 Million in SF-95 Federal Torts Claim Act and personal/business claims for actual damages to my evaluated business entities of and that were fully established and production supply chain ready in fall of 2011.
Who calls their leadership now as I wait for the first honest person, first Federal Judge, first Special Prosecutor, first criminal investigator, and especially the USA Military to contact Keith Duncan, ask any question at all, and then come find me to protect my IP Rights, my assets, and my life from all criminals who are soon man hunting ROSE.
For ROSE is the actual cause of their own numbered days. I am indeed the Messanic Messenger who was put through HELL-JAIL Oct 3, 2011 through Jan 28, 2014 and subsequently denied each and every one of my Constitutional, legal, financial, cultural, and spiritual rights to teach our mutual world how to Love and Care for each other to avoid the impending collapse of almost all governments so the Criminal Ruling Elite can feast on your assets and even your lives as they will enslave everyone who does not conform to their tryanny policies. Each of you will have lost your original free will choice to be FREE, HAPPY, and to pursue your passions in life by ensuring Justice and Equality are served at all levels of society.
Is it is not clear I have always humblly served our own one mutual Creator and humanity by leading our people with these Acts of Wisdom that have evolved since the dawn of Mankind. The Crimes against Humanity are shown on bottom of with non-political requests, demands, and commands for our leadership to actually do their taxpayer funded jobs and STOP taking any graft and payoffs from the underground criminal networks. This is easy to see by tracing the flow of money and value of their assets that they can not prove were legally acquired. For Criminals never pay taxes on assets they have illegally acquired and drained from their victims, do they.....
Join and form your own as fast as feasible before the Criminal Ruling Elite decide you are their meat.
Here is the priority order standards for all using
1. Protect children, disabled, disadvantaged, elderly, and those who serve their people.
2. Protect all women and families.
3. Protect all honest persons who conduct fair trade and business enterprises.
4. Protect all the sancity of worshipping as long as rights of others are respected.
This is accomplished with the following works. = In God We Trust. - The one world wide force needed to ensure no corruption exists by identifying crimes when communities refuse to deal with local issues and criminals.
Federal, State, + local Governments - +
-Checks and Balances established by Three Primary By-Pass Laws that ensure all leadership represent the citizens rights of ownership and self-regulating their own affairs.
Communities of Faith - meetings of righteous citizens who provide solutions when ever any problem or issue is expressed.
Relationship Management. -The basic roots of all issues are failed relationships when individuals take advantage of others out of their own greed and compulsive need to control others. This is and along with all other Master Student Teachings that Keith Duncan gifts to our mutual world in the name of our Sovereign Creator.
Now Keith can receive Sovereign Ambassador Emissary status to complete his people and Creator Centered ministries. All Keith really needs is crowd funding, transportation, food, and protective shelter from the criminals who want him DEAD. Ask Keith anything to hear, see, and believe the power of his world focused ministries that are only bounded by those who refuse to see
The most comprehensive criminal terrorist investigations are on under many playlists. #34 and #88 on search 'BuiltByKeith' show Robert Dee Rose's telecommunications centers and how Rose has been extorting and paying off anyone who holds ROSE's own evidence to put him on Death Row. Once any is corrupt and works in USA government, any criminal now has the ultiimate blackmail tool to keep that one person criminally corrupt and a true 'straw man puppet' for the rest of their lives. Think of the 'Wizard of Oz', and all can see the true nature of Perfect Crimes committed by so many criminal leaders of our world.
Video: Title: #234 Call USMilitary + Interpol intervention. BuiltByKeith is offers his extensive anti-Cybercrime and anti-Political Crime journalist methods and processes to all governments, military, and public for past 7 years.
Dec 9, 2015. DAILY at 10 am EST = 7 am PST == 11 pm Manila-Hong Kong-China time. These are Daily Press Conferences for all + National News. Call USA (712) 775-7031 ID: 166 841 408. Direct call (63) 0917-335-4300 for how to recover MILLIONS of your taxes + assets from the criminals as the USA government collapses. tells why so many terrorists and criminals are looking to assassinate me so they can complete what ROSE failed to do after stealing all my Intellectual Property + assets. Get ROSE instead.
Sept 6, Nov 6, Dec 1, 2015. Recorded calls made to USA Military again asking for their immediate actions to contact FBI top leadership and for criminal investigator to contact Keith about what I delivered to Langley AFB Intelligence Div. It is the root reason for why I asked for safe-haven and why FBI-AG actively prevent all investigations. CLICK to see.
CLICK three prime PDF files upper center for the 37 documents that put ROSE on Death Row now.
Since Sept 25, 2011 the USA Gov and Military have never had any excuse to NOT contact and find Keith so he could finally DEBRIEF them on the criminals tied to ROSE and the anti-CRIME solutions delivered over and over to Langley, FBI-AG, and all other governments and agencies.
Everyone call OSI Kong (757)764-7972 and Brig Gen Dash Jamieson and all government agencies for them to dispatch USA Military, FBI, CIA to come find Keith now !.
The crimes continue unabated, including treason, espionage, sedition, and overthrow of governments. Political Crimes explains why USA Military must investigate all USA civilian government agencies for massive Treason, Espionage, Cybercrimes, and paper chase conspiracies committed against almost all citizens in world history.
Everyone read the middle column, Click on the Red, Yellow, Green Anarchy Action files, and take ACTION. This makes the #1 and only standard to ensure survival of all humanity.
Click: of the most incriminating Evidence for USA Military to manhunt ROSE, contact KEITH and escort him for Press Conference series of all times by protecting Keith's life and IP assets gifted to all Nations. It has always been easy to indict every single criminal shown by their own signatures. The Criminal Ruling Elite are identified forever` world-wide with three By-Pass Laws and shunned by that are irrevocable and irrefutably the only solutions to ensure Mankind survives its own Predatory Greed and ability of criminal terrorists to enslave my collective people of +7.365 Billion taxpayers, families and commUNITY of faith and grace under GOD's Sovereign ownership.
The USA military shares in the seizure of BILLIONS of USD in criminal assets identified by Keith since FBI-AG refuse to just contact Keith or the PRESS or the USA Military. The economic damage is beyond staggering. ?
This terrorist is always easy for our world to find. was back in year 2010. It would have commanded my release from HELL Jail if a single person had actually upheld any law and COMMANDED my release Oct 3, 2011 to Jan 28, 2014. Click and watch the VIDEOs above. Then TAKE ACTION by contacting all USA Gov agencies, Press, Public, and focus on all churches. This is all that has ever been required of my +8.1 Billion People. BuiltByKeith.SPACE (was .com) same final exterminating peacemaking Solution of Consider all criminal violators as vermin rats and Turkey Vultures.
This website resurrected Aug 8, 2021 to also obtain Total World Equality Peace of Call us and Escort us to TESTIFY today. We are 100% victims of named Organized CRIMINALS Robert Dee ROSE, Ms. Bashama, Duncan Clan, then murdered Brian Walker, literally everyone who DENIES the Marietta PD Report 1.11.2506, the Cancelled Cobb County GA TPO 11.1.1171 dated July 15, 2011 by now GBI Director Berry Victor Reynolds and each judge, Lawyer, Prosecutor (persecutor is best label), each person who DENIES the right of Most humble Civil servant Keith from testifying and turnover of everything to everyone of
WHO do YOU know to protect Keith and command OUR Dosj.ORG new world law enforcement system actually protect the lives and assets of all 7.9 Billion of GODs children.
We remain persecuted almost daily by zealots who claim NO crime was committed, insufficient evidence, or just hear a few words they object are their reality. Keith Duncan.
Everyone command USA Gov use eVOTE.ONE FOIA.ONE to prevent almost all crimes and remove Political Criminals from all leadership positions in governments and companies. Keith's life remains in deadly peril from #1 terrorist Rose and high powered authorities Cobb County DA Berry Vic Reynolds and Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates groups. No one else has hosted Press Conferences and completed +100 criminal investigations shown on CROOKS subpage and that was always
CLICK: is the worlds most powerful Clearinghouse of World problem solving Solutions for our entire world to remove all Political Criminals and prevent almost all crimes in the first place. Delays will result in governments collapsing from greed.
Jan 6, 2018. Rebuild of this one WORLD changing original Alpha-Omega website is in progress. It was destroyed by the ANTI-CHRIST Robert Dee ROSE at. so he would not ever face DEATH ROW for his multiple crimes against humanity.
Just USE NOW and DEMAND USA GOV with 100% focus on FBI AG and actually DEBRIEF ME..
Brief for + to WORLD. I represent GOD"s most Holy Sovereign Emissary rights this entire time. I have engaged Christians, Muslims, Jewish, Buddhists, actually ALL religions and even cult brain washed religious leaders to SHOW our world EXACTLY how to SAVE themselves from the onslaught of the CRIMINAL RULING ELITE and how to PREVENT self-genocide once all these final testament answers become YOUR mainstream COMMANDMENTS. This simple system will NULL and VOID most of the man-made laws that are truly loop-holes for the Super RICH and Satanic forces to enslave my +7.5 Billion PEOPLE. Any who REFUSE to use what I have gifted humanity immediately identify themselves as self-entitlement BLINDED FOOLS, racists, hypocrites, bigots, cynics, Criminal Brood of serpent Vipers. Only by following these new Commandments, will humanity actually PROSPER and THRIVE in the light of my FatherGOD"s HOLY LIGHT of TRUTH.
Click above for ONLY Solutions Broadcast to FBI-AG-Congress Oct 12-14 to Command ACTION by all of USA Government to avoid total collapse of their agencies from Terrorism. Call Press Conferences and Military to COME FIND KEITH.
One Call will Resolve Tryanny.
Click: Dec 1, 2015 Direct Call to USA Military Recorded Call. This alone will get Military to complete these massive terrorist conviction investigations when they simple TAKE ACTION.
News & Publications

2011 July 11. CreatorKeith Duncan
The ONE dismissed TPO 11.1.1171.99 July 15, 2011 showing ROSE and Atlanta AG Sally Yates (now Deputy Attorney General) in conspiracies and coverups with each Judge, Lawyer, AUSAG Dee Sterling, and almost all others to PREVENT Military Intervention. This was the PRIME reason I was invited to go to Langley Sept 2011.
Works and Acts of Wisdom are all the re-broadcast publications of Video, Audio, White Master Paper Dissertations that change our world, one relationship at a time in all respects and honor to our own one Mutual Creator and society.
2015 Sept 25, 2015. CreatorKeith Duncan
Next major world events as 4 year anniversary of Kidnapping setup as well as Pope Francis visit to Congress and United Natins. Combined with the 6th Blood Moon of biblical historical tramatic events, the Government has zero choice by to protect Keith's life and assets to host the Press Conference series of all time.
More works in progress as soon as PUBLIC and PRESS put full pressure on USA Government to actually protect our rights, arrest every single person invovled in 4:11cr112 and restore Keith's assets.