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Keith is Secretary General President of YOUR new world free will OPEN Crime Free Society JOIN Now !.
Google 'BuiltByKeith' conceived as + all others. We are Free Will Spirits
of Non-Government system. We are Total Equality World Global PeaceMakers
Clearly Keith is the true messenger of GOD and the King of all servants. For My=Our mutual GOD + guardian angels have ordered myself + Others to deliver these Messages of WRATH to all Spiritual Bodies and humanity.. Hereby Done forever eternity ! ! ! Duncan IID 1-19580815 Founding Father Call Direct +(1) 770-377-2106 USA. This system resurrected year 2010 from Command World Presidents +Corporate Executive Press escort his crusaders to testify all today. #1 most formal urgent request Sept 2011 forward to totally eliminate all predators regardless of their wealth and crime networks. 625 +555 Integrity Visitors March 11, 2025. is our new universal How To Find a great 100% Integrity + Merit person group by casting off all cat-fishing scammer professional liars.
Keith Brent Duncan, similar to Ancient Monk King Solomon, hereby asks everyone to 'SHOP' for a new highest IQ Wife for Keith who confidently loves to meet Millions of We The free liberated People.
Also, is hiring +300 top world Problem Solver SMexperts to run our +100 New World NGOs Non-Gov Organizations and Systems.
Keith Duncan was always the most trusted eligible wealthy bachelor of all God and your time. No exception for the world reversing solutions he has always gifted +8.2 billion WE GODs People to stabilize our new world. As a registered Pastor (ULC) we also offer host mediating counseling services. replaces ALL for pay dating sites and services with your very own HOW TO FIND trustworthy, yet near perfect peer equality Best Mate at all levels. GO use GODs universal perfected problem solving Generator of today. Then go fast path find WHO are the most trusted ethical family moral value focused persons in your very own community now free of all criminal predators once is YOUR new safe haven. Keith Brent Duncan was always your new world #1 leader gifting philanthropists of all God + your time.
Best place to meet great people is ALL our churches and civic groups who host
using to ensure everyone's rights are fully protected and enforced.
Never been done before since the Lucifer Worshiping Devils have perverted all levels of HOW to be happy campers for life by instilling fear over who controls who, usually all about the money and decisions we make that tear us apart (notice TEAR APART, or TEAR as in CRY uncontrollably) is the SAME word.
Clearly most of you are romantic at heart, longing for a most stable accountable relationship when both of you agree to never lie, always caring for each other and ALL others. Current rages backwards once the 'criminal ruling elite' control all our information, our markets, our media, our money, even our assets.
Worlds most powerful perfected method from GOD was EVOTE.ONE FOIA.ONE equality no crime utopia with no exceptions. End result is no more Fake anyone allowed to roam freely, no cyber cat fishing bottom fishing scoundrels who prey on our meek and mild.
Re BOOT STRAP yourself by brutally honestly answering these most primal HEART to HEART questions.
Motivate convince yourself WHO is GOD (creator of all).
Decide your fate destiny death (and afterlife)
Who do you truly TRUST.
What is your net value worth benefit assets.
If horrible events occur, what is your focus and backup plans.
Do you worship Lucifer (idols). Who do you magnify.
Have you resolved all your previous haunting skeletons.
Who would randomly kill you regardless of witnesses.
Who would randomly SAVE your life regardless of your mindset.
How do you think each and every day.
Why were you personally procreated for what purposes.
Your list of course is your very own single self focus. Duncan 725-200-7683 Asheville NC, Atlanta GA, all others.
2023 Dec 25. Since was sent by GOD and works fearlessly for each of you, NO one can deny our prime right to be your #1 new world leader by overseeing all your business and personal affairs by holding you each fully accountable for acting with fearless confidence to protect the rights of all others using GOD and Keith's most simple prolific methods seen at very top of perfected no crime utopia of Keith's NO MORE crimes, no more WARS, taxes, political parties, NO MORE any weapons of mass destruction includes HEARSAY of She Said, He Said to divert all attention away from criminal intentions by named super criminal terrorists like ROBERT DEE ROSE and 150 others at who all roam free because our current Judicial SYSTEM literally sucks vacuums beyond anyone's belief or spiritual theology internally generated mindsets of walking dead zombies.
WHO DO YOU KNOW to actually CALL keith duncan direct and find out GODs reality and the PLANS GOD and KEITH have already provided you to be happy, self sufficient, full of friends, business associates, and peers who actually focus on YOUR needs and they your simplified WANTS. keith brent duncan. ONLY Way of the Cross of CHRIST enforced by each of YOU and I = WE.
The most famous questions to be honestly answered by each of YOU, my +8 billion GODs people + children.
Q: 1. Why were YOU conceived and procreated in the first place? Be perfectly deadly honest with self integrity answering yourself of YOUR True Purpose of your own mortal lifespan.
2. Then, Who engineered your genetic organic matter? You or God?
3. What is your true focus purpose for being alive with the Breath of GOD in your mortal soul?
4. What is your true reality and near term destiny fate? Map this out with
5. Are you a Lucifer Worshipper or a LOVER of GOD and all others? Prove this by Action NOW ! ! !
Related to each of YOU. WHO has actually updated their very own 'BUCKET LIST' to truly reflect on WHAT and WHO do you need to be happy self sustainable Loving, caring, and protectors of all OTHERS.
Currently, we are #1 top philosopher front liner Peace Activist host mediators of GODs to truly unify 8 billion WE GODs CHILDREN once and forever use of EVOTE.ONE
Currently world of Lucifer Worshiping devils advocates already control our databases, our assets, and flow of all our Commerce trade. reverses and null voids all Stock Options, all Corporate self paid bonuses, and real time eliminates any and all $$ warlords worldwide.
WHO DO YOU KNOW, as even KEITH brent duncan deserves a new high confident lifetime equality wife.
ONLY TWO requirements: 1. Highly Confident. 2. No unresolved skeleton closet issues like GOD + himself.
I was married twice. 1. Sherry, then 2. Marites who defrauded us and YOU of EVERYTHING I gifted 8 billion GODs people went extreme Jan 15, 2008 re cyber terrorist Robert Dee ROSE at 22-1-3042-68 never resolved once ROSE and named others decided to isolate, kidnap, and almost drug us to death.
Updated 2023 Aug 15 my very own 65th birthday as I remain stranded in Asheville NC and Atlanta GA.
Update Broadcast Sept 14, 2023. Since I have been defrauded, robbed, kidnapped, persecuted, slandered, Libeled, and indeed illegally detained 6 times over 900 days, the prime criminal women are: Sherry Duncan, Amy Rose, Ms. Bashama, then Sally Q Yates, DA Dee Sterling, Dr. Jill Volin, Norma Beardsley, Amanda D Houston, Forsyth County Judge LIAR McLeaver ?? tied to Chief Magistrate Judge James Drane III 678-493-6583, and a few more. 90% of the 140 record criminals are men. 80% are sworn DOJ officers of OUR courts.
I have been searching part time for new high confident honest integrity ethical focused First Mate Peer Equality wife to share my $40 Billion USD restitution and sell offs to ALL Corporate 1000 level enterprises as SHARED. . Few women have any confidence to actually hold a decent sharing mutual beneficial conversation. I have asked for top existing wealthy elite ladies to CONTACT keith brent duncan directly through YOU and their staff managers. Include Lauren Powel Jobs, Sandra Bullock, Jennifer Anniston, Reese Wetherspoon, MacKenzie Scott(Bezos), Melinda Gates, Elizabeth Holmes, Shari Arison. OR Equal. Only very wealthy ladies understand WHY they divorce billionaires once their husbands only focus on 'MORE MONEY TO BE MADE in THEIR Markets' and always refuse to honor their committments of (now GivingPledge.SPACE) to return the vast percentage of their family to their choice CHARITIES NOW before they die when they ALWAYs change their minds.
WHO DO YOU KNOW to contact video SPEAK Directly with Keith Brent Duncan, as of today, I have NO OTHER GIFTS to perfect and return share with 8 billion WE GODS PEOPLE. Once and forever is known as GODs Eternity.
Kbd. Final Published (c) Nov 16, 2022.
Resurrected from years 2009-Oct 3, 2011 when Keith Brent Duncan was illegally detained total of 6 times over 900 days after exWife Sherry Duncan, ROBERT DEE ROSE, Ms. Bashama, douglas Vernon Duncan physically defrauded and robbed us of literally everything including GODs new world anti all crime systems of We are indeed forsaken and very lonely lacking a new Highest IQ wife Equality based partner to share in all of GODs wealth by traveling with based international TECHNOLOGY BASED EVANGELISTS TO TEACH SELF SALVATION USING 5STEPS.LIFE AND PEACESUMMIT2020.COM TO REVERSE ALL WARS AND POLITICAL STRIFE forever.
We have personally never hid from anyone or anything and speak with fearlessly authority to protect your basic civil rights and assets our entire life of now +64 man-years. WHO DO YOU KNOW is the absolute best question to help you find best high equality partner mates. Includes rapid expansion of your business, personal, and spiritual network of friends, business partners, and even new world spiritual leaders like US.
We have been defrauded and robbed physically so many times tied to most people would have given up and confirmed to be slave traded by those named Criminal Ruling Elite.
Best news of all is that GOD sent us (often alone) to use Gods technology to unify all mortals once and forever use of EVOTE.ONE starting with we just gifted many at Perimeter Mall, Dunwoody, GA at 52 Seasons Restaurant (bartender Gerald) and a really nice young waitress at Lazy Dog at 11pm same date day.
Please contact us NOW and command all violators turn themselves in right now, otherwise any violator will be manhunted down by citizens arrest using automatic face recognition bi-metrics of Keiths FOIA.ONE forever.
Keith Duncan asks everyone to 'SHOP' for a new highest IQ Wife for Keith who confidently loves to meet Millions of WE THE People. is hiring +300 top world Problem Solvers to run our +100 New World NGOs Non-Gov Organizations and Systems.
Keith Duncan was always the most trusted eligible wealthy bachelor of all God and your time. No exception for the world reversing solutions he has always gifted 8.1 billion WE GODs People to stabilize our new world.
CLICK HERE to go to PRIME Remanadate HomePage Full disclosure. is the true story and published How-To fast path find a best high equality IQ partner mate. Our current world conditions have been perverted manipulated by very wealthy elite who claim ONLY THEY can decide anything about OUR current present moment and destiny fate. Once everyone uses GODs and including host mediating to solve any issue at local community levels, then we finally re build the strongest family moral values of dedicated Husbands Wives and integrity focused children and elders at all levels by decentralizing ALL of GODs wealth and old authority back to OUR communities of those like us who 'Fearlessly act with authority to protect the rights and assets of all others before thinking of ones own needs and wants'. This is our pure application of Gods 11 commandments of to replace ALL known man-made laws forever.
June 27, 2023. As our mutual worlds greatest Philosopher Problem Solving Expert of all time, NO one reallly has a clue WHY each of you were procreated by GOD in the first Place. GO answer the top 5 primal questions of GOD at top of in YELLOW, then return here to re-educate yourselves WHY few people actually know how to be a loving caring gifting equality partner spouse at best level of LOVE, CARING, GIFTING to all others.
Most of YOU are self centered instant gratification often 'SOUL-LESS' mortals who build walls of addiction of WHAT YOU WANT at the expense of all others. GO USE to replace your base addictions of gambling, thievery, lying (con-artists), alcohol abuse, smoking, drugs, prostitution-sex = one night stands, and even your mindset of abusing your loved ones all because no one deals with you directly by 'INTERVENING' with GODs original commandments and directives of that is simplified to the most basic primal answers of EXACTLY WHO ARE YOU? Can you describe your internal mindset to everyone else, includes the millions of Pastors and elders who are mostly RELIGIOUS ZEALOT CHARLATANS and NOT the spiritual leaders who we literally HIRE use of GODs
WHO DO YOU KNOW to contact, protect and book Keith Brent DUNCAN right now.......
We were always the most humble top experts of all expertise who focus on Re Solving relationship issues at all levels thereby procreating peacemaking communities of WE THE PEOPLE who decide Next Best Project thereby WE pick who are all of OUR leaders use of EVOTE.ONE and +160 perfected solutions shown below. Who DO you KNOW to contact Keith and You ASAP? Final Published (c) Nov 16, 2022.
Resurrected from years 2009-Oct 3, 2011 when Keith Brent Duncan was illegally detained total of 6 times over 900 days after exWife Sherry Duncan, ROBERT DEE ROSE, Ms. Bashama, douglas Vernon Duncan physically defrauded and robbed us of literally everything including GODs new world anti all crime systems of We are indeed forsaken and very lonely lacking a new Highest IQ wife Equality based partner to share in all of GODs wealth by traveling with based international TECHNOLOGY BASED EVANGELISTS TO TEACH SELF SALVATION USING 5STEPS.LIFE AND PEACESUMMIT2020.COM TO REVERSE ALL WARS AND POLITICAL STRIFE forever.
We have personally never hid from anyone or anything and speak with fearlessly authority to protect your basic civil rights and assets our entire life of now +64 man-years. WHO DO YOU KNOW is the absolute best question to help you find best high equality partner mates. Includes rapid expansion of your business, personal, and spiritual network of friends, business partners, and even new world spiritual leaders like US.
We have been defrauded and robbed physically so many times tied to most people would have given up and confirmed to be slave traded by those named Criminal Ruling Elite.
Best news of all is that GOD sent us (often alone) to use Gods technology to unify all mortals once and forever use of EVOTE.ONE starting with we just gifted many at Perimeter Mall, Dunwoody, GA at 52 Seasons Restaurant (bartender Gerald) and a really nice young waitress at Lazy Dog at 11pm same date day.
Please contact us NOW and command all violators turn themselves in right now, otherwise any violator will be manhunted down by citizens arrest using automatic face recognition bi-metrics of Keiths FOIA.ONE forever.