ChristDomain.org Cooperative Spiritual Groups Now Unify All Mankind forever.
"Act with the Authority of Fearless People to Protect All Rights of Others"
GO IMMEDIATELY to PeaceSUMMIT2020.com and command all our Corporate Exec + GOV leaders contact and Protect KEITHS life today.
This entire new world NON GOV Non-Political system is delivered by GOD SaintKeith.com who was formally granted Diplomatic Sovereign immunity from Persecution from terrorist Criminals by GOD + few others, since Government DOD and DOJ people are the LUCIFER AGENDA..
Clearly GOD sent Guardian Angels led by Keith Duncan 1-19580815-1 (+100%) to teach A.I. Paradigm Shift of Total Due Process of Law Equality World Movement of UNIocracy.org All living souls are invited to join GOD's E.D.E.N. of Paradise FOIA.ONE 3218 + 922 Mar 11, 2025
SolutionGod BuiltByKeith.org NGS New World Society removes ROSE AntiChrist terrorists with Gods SolutionManifesto.com
ALL in GODs name and true Purpose to UNIFY all Mankind.
Click the Slideshow on left. These are the PRIME events of these past biblical years of extreme Vindictive Persecution because Keith represents the rights of all Humanity in relationship with our one Mutual Creator. WHO I AM is not as critical as WHO YOU ARE. This results in SolutionURL.com You aRe Loved in simple and universal terms.
Every church and religious structure I hereby claim as GOD's own temples, synaguages, churches, and prime sancturaries of safe-haven eductional reformation and unification. Now all communities can gather using http://www.UNITYurl.com process and procedures to discuss what they LOVE about their communities. Anyone submitting problems and issues is required by the group to also provide the SOLUTION to garden and garner support to actually solve the root problem using http://www.SolutionFinal.com 5 easy steps to resolve any issue in God's world.
Exactly why has GOD-Creator-Allah-Yehwah-GodFather- (your own name for GOD) not personally intervened on behalf of mankind in a really long time? The answer is clear. Since the Americas where the last physical frontier on terra firma Earth, and Technology, warfare, and health-medicine were the very last frontiers to be conquered by man, just WHY would GOD intervene to disrupt the self-genocide of humanity? All of you would just simple go about your business worshipping all the relics of idol watchers waiting for GOD to pull you all out of the HEAP of HELL, BrimeStones, and depravity holes that each of you have dug for yourself.
On Dec 3, 2015 I even called the Satanic Devil Robert Dee Rose (DOB 1971-April-01) on his S2Sgreen.com supercriminal enterprise lighting company that was www.LightLogics.com. ROSE's VOIP cell is (404)867-2063 with his own voice on message. When a high end customer orders an expensive component, ROSE embeds a microchip -WiFi-Bluetooth listening-video device so that when the device is powered on, it transmits everything in the room to ROSE remotely. This is another ultimate fast Terrorism Perfect Crime spree being committed every second along with Alexander Cyclone Covey's www.AgileLaw.com that steals all critical evidence of any court case for mulitiple resale to other terrorists, governments, and criminal enterprises.
"I come from an extremely dysfunctional family clan of two sons and very ex-wife who committed felony crimes to prevent their own greed from being shown to our mutual world. I clearly have been the most competent and caring Sovereign Ambassador Emmissary who was defrauded by the #1 Terrorist Robert Dee Rose starting on Jan 14, 2008 continuing through today, Oct 26, 2015. Ms Bashama + Rose clearly robbed my home Marietta PD. 11.1.2506.99 Feb 4, 2011 forged larceny report investigations and subsequent criminally granted Cobb County GA TPOs 11.1.1171.99 + 11.1.7683.99 used to create 3rd and 4th kidnapping. This based on all evidence that has always shown ROSE is the #1 devil supercriminal who still eludes ManHuntRose.com by entire world. This remains another historical and biblical milestone in the course of humanities own history. My own criminal Bully Brother Doug Duncan also plays a pivotal part in false witness testimony designed to force me into Hell-Jail mulitiple times. I have been involved in extensive church, community, and public service since my birth on Aug 15, 1958 at 11:11 pm in High Point N.C. USA.
I work 24x7 for our entire world for clear and obvious reaons of WHO I AM. We will together, soon create more living wage jobs, improve our schools, make public safety, gun control, and other world issues a reality with UNIocracy.com This focuses on clean water/air/soil, prevention of homelessness, poverty, and removal of all criminal enterprises once and for all.. With +57 years of experience, my life has always been creating world class solutions, navigating corrupted governmental agencies, and teaching our mutual world how to LOVE and CARE for each other at all levels of society." This occurs in your/our mutual world, when everyone Acts with Authority using SolutionFinal.com"
As previously broadcast before, during, and after these 848 days in HELL-JAIL because Military was always engaged and debriefed, GOD has been my only benefactor and provides the only protection from satanic forces known collectively as 'The Criminal Ruling Elite'. I have always testifed theTruthVault absolute truths to the world I travel in search of the greatest places of needs. Who is Keith? exactly WhereIsRobertRose.com ?
List of Prime Issues and SolutionFinal.com
Find and watch youtube.com BuiltByKeith #25 about Wash the Sin out of Washington broadcast from Thomas Jefferson Memorial May 2015 visit by 1930 Model A Ford bannered and driven from Atlanta GA. President Jefferson taught that Education is the key to all of virtue and the ability of mankind to survive it's own predatory greed.
The easy solution is SolutionGovernment.com and solutionURL.com Identify the Criminal Ruling Elite and their connections to underground criminal enterprises. Then SolutionMilitary.com seizes the criminals assets, society shuns these criminals until they pay back full restitution and become valuable contributing citizens. The criminals own assets are used by our new single world government consultants under supervision of all local churches to build brand new communities that are self-regulated and self-managed institutes of free trade, commerce, travel, and ability to navigate any where in the world based on URLident.com referential integrity database that is un-hackable with simple security and replcated databases visible to all others. No secrets = no crimes.
The easy solution of all is tax payer funded initial preventative care. It also means the consolation and free sharing of medical knowledge and technology to allow mankind to solve all the final mysteries of cancer, addictions, stress, worry, and the obsetiy problems caused by pure greed and the self-entitlement programs run by the Criminal Ruling Elite to enslave my people systematically. This was FixMedicine.com from summer of 2011 destroyed by terrorists.
The easy and only prime solutions are www.TurnOffLights.com SolutionSafeWater.com and removal of the crimnal ruling elite to prosper by use of force and legal liar-lawyers to overcome powerless nations of my impoversed people. Read and put IFJC2.com and NewZion2.com solutions into immediate best practices for world use. The last earthly frontier was Americas. The last knowledgle frontier is technology and medicine healthcare. God will not allow mankind to rape, pillage, plunder the rest of HIS universe. This is why HE has not intervened this one last time. He sent Keith Duncan to show the world how to Love and Care for each other by solving their predatory greed problems that will result in either self-genocide, or the opening of heaven exploration by Sovereign Ambassador Emissaries that are role-modeled by his Godson Keith Duncan and many others who see the reality of the human race and provide viable solutions to stop the criminal acts of those who have no heart or soul.
Our world will indeed commit self-genocide and self annilation if each person does not stem the overwhelming tide of bigots, the criminal ruling elite, the cynics, the hypocrites, and the criminal brood of vipers of Matthew Chapter 23. Diversity occurs when everyone uses SolutionFinal.com and LearnFirstNames.com to develop one degree of separation between all persons of integrity and with the conscienseness of GOD. Perhaps Keith is this conscienseness of GOD that transcends all religions and political affiliations. Ask Keith how he has arrived at these prime solutions and conclusions.
The end results also include free world trade and ability for all citizens of integrity to travel freely anywhere on our globe without need for visas, passports, or governmental restrictive permissions as long as no one testifies they are untrustworthy. This is the end result of the prime SolutionURL.com gifted to Interpol and World on Jan 7, 2015
The comprehensive solutions include www.SolutionBankFraud.com SolutionManufacturing.com SolutionManifesto.com and the other completed solutions to save mankind from the DEVIL ROSE and his satanic followers and criminal partners who thrive on the blood of your carcasses once you are enslaved based on the worlds hunger for capitistic marketing and greed as well as their abject and dismal display of apathy and procrastination to fail to ACT with Authority to take care of each other for the benefits and values of their fellow human kind.