Cooperative Spiritual Group leaders now Unify All Mankind.
Integral part of GODs UTOPIA of no more criminals at any level.
Call Host Media Peace Making perfected Summits of to command Justice and FutureCity.Life + 185 others of
Each of you now command all our 'Spiritual Leaders' contact directly !
"Act with the Authority of Fearless People to Protect All Rights of Others"
SolutionGod is New World Society to remove ROSE AntiChrist terrorists with
ALL in GODs name and true Purpose to UNIFY all Mankind.
Integrity: 800 Mar 11 2025 was GODs perfected total outreach ministries to redistribute Gods pirated wealth back to greatest places of your mortal needs. Since GOD sent most humble saint 'keith brent duncan' as his soul sole representative as, no one can ever deny YOUR rights to first protect the rights of all others before thinking of self serving entitlement interests of yourself. All sin, vice, and crimes were legalized centuries ago by the most ruthless NWO chain of command authority zealots and charlatans who claim ONLY they can decide your fate and reality. Includes why no one protects any of your basic Gods rights at
Sept-Oct 1, 2022 We are now full-time most active members of Buckhead with Sr Pastor Bill Britt and SS member of Passages and Blazes elder classes as well as singing full-time in Chancel choir. Same as our lifetime service with Peachtree Corners Baptist Church 1996 +1 770-448-1313 as Ordained Baptist Deacon since even 'them' refuse to actually sit down debrief with #1 GODs only who has already publish showcased all methods ways and means to destroy the LUCIFER demons who live among us past 5550 years as recognized as MLM Ponzi scheme con artists including HOW to fast path eliminate ALL violators of GODs laws and existing Constitutional Laws using GODs and original prime re-education re-programming mindset enforced ethics and integrity justified complete perfected replacement systems.
Define Charlatan: "A person falsely claiming to have a special knowledge or skill; a fraudster con-artist'.
Watch: was GODs final summary of HOW to fast path UNIFY all mortals forever.
The true value of any spiritual leader is to Serve, Protect, and Care for all Others 1 Corr 13:13, Romans 12.
Now each of you decide WHO is your pastor, priest, cardinals, Pop Popes, and replace them if they are Lucifer Zealots includes Dr George Anthony of whose security staff head + 4 heavily ARMED officials were waiting for our arrival 10:15am today. HE ordered KEITH would be arrested based on delivering GODs system even last week to our FBA Staff offices noontime May 7, 2022. Just WHO will hold EVERYONE accountable for enforcing GODs crime free society of Most obvious answer is YOU my People.
Updated Sept 7, 2022 real GODs timeline of 100% peace making outreach ministries for you.
We debriefed Jay Bergstresser +1 770.449.1211 how to receive GODs gifted direct funding below. was always GODs perfected omnipresent operational world plan when each of you (mortals) decide NEXT Best Project and actively choose who are the highly paid in only cash Project Managers. Includes ALL Government and Corporate leaders worldwide forever. Contact book protect KEITH right now.
Liberate ALL of yourselves by host mediating GODs today. Duncan sent by GOD to unify mankind at all levels. is SolutionIslam. GODs engineered original plans to UNIFY all mankind as one community who actually shares collective and cooperative SHARE everything our Father Mutual Creator God has provided all of us as HIS/HER Children. From year 2005, Keith is 100% serialized victim of super criminals 'ANTI-Christs' Robert Dee ROSE, Ms. Bashama, Duncan Clan, murdered Brian Walker, and named +125 DOJ and corporate executives who all have key most incriminating evidence we published at and was universal system to protect our lives and ensure YOUR rights are now protected once and forever.
ONLY by YOU = GODs people solving and preventing your own issues will each of you be healed of your pandemic diseases called sin, vice, and crime. Most humble Keith was sent by GOD to teach each of you how to use 5Steps.LIFE system to identify the root causes of your own maladies and sinful natures. Replacing your addicitions with positive forward service, care, and focused LOVE to, by, and for all OTHERS is the only answer methods to eliminate your own self serving gratifications and thereby using Keiths methods to eliminate all super criminals and terrorists at the top, middle, and bottom layers of society whose only focus is destruction of Gods people and earth since 'THEIR' only focus is pure pleasure from con-artist dominating over all others with mindset of Hitler, Charles Manson, Eric Rodolph, Julius Caesar, Stalin, Lenin, Bernie Madoff, Putin, Kim Jong-un, even the Clintons, Nancy Pelosi, the list is indeed endless of 'crooks who brainwash each of you by slave trading all.
Everyone MUST use our Ordained Divined methods of GOD showcasing how to SOLVE and PREVENT each and every one of Mankind GREED, SIN, and CRIME issues,
Keith alone is worlds last Trillionaire of intellectual bible based property we have gifted to each of you to achieve total world global peace harmony and the UTOPIA of Garden of FOIA.ONE Artificial Intelligence E.D.E.N. Today 2021-Jun-20 we returned to Peachtree Corners Baptist Church, Norcross GA Office 770-448-1313 to enlist the full support of our Pastors Jay Hackett, Brent Davis, Dr, David Shaw, fellow Deacon Harvey Snider, and 7.9 billion of Gods people.. Keith is ordained Ordained Baptist Deacon from 1996 to present moment. Duncan +1 770-377-2106 just resurrected ReManA.DATE as the foundational basis for how to build lifetime referential integrity based RelationSHIPs worldwide. Basis for everything is fastpath identifying WHO is WHO, WHO is trustworthy, and doing required background checks to ensure similar family values of integrity and trust can be verified. is GODs original methodology of resolving and preventing issues that originate from Predatory Greed since the Dawn of man. Even EVE gave the forbidden fruit to Adam based on reality that HE was acting STUPID so EVE did what was required to 'SMARTEN HIM UP". GOD knew this and wanted Adam and Eve to EXIT the Garden of E.D.E.N. paradise since both of them complained about being only CareTakers of GODs utopia. GOD created LUCIFER as the original Free Will Choice system to challenge our human race to advance to the next levels of wisdom and knowledge that is NOW FOIA.ONE freedom of Information ACTION repository database. NOW only STUPID people would dare violate the rights of others since the current mindset of 'CRIME PAYS' is now 6600 years ancient. keith duncan June 28, 2021. unifies Gods world at the spiritual/religious level by all denominations keeping their centuries of practices theology. Now all religious leaders STOP claiming they are the only true church/temple/people who talk directly with my Father GOD known as our mutual Creator. Since dawn of man, all religious zealots have perverted Gods Commandments by creating massive numbers of man made laws, regulations, and stipulations to brainwash my people that only THEY can interpret and talk with my Father. Genocide of mankind and entire nations has occurred once ruthless Dictators, Kings, Popes, and warriors have claimed WE MUST DESTROY the OPPOSITION in service to our GOD. When in reality, they use con-artist conversation and intimidation to convince my people THEY are the GODs of false worship IDOLS.
June 20, 2021 WHEN will my GOD focused people (all of you) actually DEBRIEF and Protect ProphetKeith's most humble life as required by GOD and all existing Constitutional Law? Even today, Keith went to back to to talk directly with Andy Stanley, same as Thanksgiving 2010 with gift of one to Sandra Stanley right when antiChrist ROSE was cyber stalk attacking our 6326 Brandywine Trail, Norcross GA 30092 4 bedroom anti All Cyber criminal operations center that is now to be located in all major cities of GODs world. is #1 focus of you GODs people this entire time past Sept 2011. 2021-Jun-20. Harvey Snider Mens Bible Study in conference room 10:45am. Randy Hall , Heath, James Welch up in Wendell NC Raleigh) (red shirt). Mr. Doug Khron for NeuroLink is controlling remote AVP. Wife Marla, Son Jeff Holcomb. in Bue shirt + glasses.
Job 19:11, Job 40:9-14 saved by own right hand sword of Gods justice. 19 Then Job replied: “How long will you torment me and crush me with words? Ten times now you have reproached me, shamelessly you attack me. 5 If indeed you would exalt yourselves above me and use my humiliation against me. 6 then know that God has wronged me and drawn his net around me. Even went to visit Mildred at Fowler YMCA with same HOW to unify mankind by Host mediating required Presidential level peace forum conclaves now completed in every single village.
June 19, 2021. To ALL + Mrs Dahlys Hamilton, I work full time for GOD and humanity my entire life as top #1 scientist engineer researcher front liner since day I was pro conceived. The logic that zealot flat earthers use is so flawed it is actually humorous to hear them claim anything regarding pancakes and rubber baby bumper bouncing BALLs. Since dawn of man, zealot Lucifers have repeated falsehoods with logic over and over to convince a few of GODs people they are ONLY ONES who see reality. I have encountered SO SO many people who believe urban myths about so many conspiracies, I simple am aghast at how only a few of us see that PROCREATION and CREATIONISM and EVOLUTION are ALL part of GODs original expansion plans. Many believe the stars are a light show of light bulbs stuck in the firmament of heaven. Some even claim Gravity is a figment of non reality imagination.
JUST CALL us at 770-377-2106 as we have mutually taught world HOW to fast path use the technology of GOD so mankind will FINALLY stop all these STUPID diversions of the LUCIFERS who already have overthrown the worlds most intelligent people of GOD.
June 12, 2021 We attend as Keiths direct linage was always from the house of David. Certainly by now, our world will see exactly WHO THEY ARE and protect and serve Keiths spiritual leaders to overthrow the Lucifers who think they OWN and run Gods affairs. empowers WE Gods People to decide everything, including commanding our Religious Leaders work together to solve all our local community issues. Magnifying my FatherGOD and those insane Trillions of manhours wasted worshiping idols and relics is a sin. My Father is too busy communicating with our Angel Guardians of NGSystems Trust Foundation to care about fate of humanity. Zealots have taken over all world affairs past 1,000 years post Damascus Steel inventions spawned Christian Crusades murder sprees of Muslims.
SaintKeith Duncan clearly is Gods Guardian Angel sent to unify Mankind Matthew 12:18 "Here is my servant who I have chosen, the one I love, in whom I delight; I will put my Spirit on him, and he will proclaim Justice to the nations." We are the few sent by God to Unify mankind. The anti Christ terrorists of ROSE are reality. They block all our extreme effort to contact and host Press conferences with our world leaders to teach humanity how to prevent wars and other crimes against humanity. We are God's key Observers and creators here to teach humanity how to achieve total world Social Equality Peace. We request your help as we are often despondent on why no one does any follow or replies to our master teachings. We are persecuted by Lucifer ROSE and named criminals.
First 50 churches who contact us receive $1 Million USD each for church construction from 2011 forward. Requirements are below..
Click: To see NGO common stock and admission to any of our world training events. These were set for Oct 2011..
Once all religions work together with single Community Worship education centers, everyone collectively solves their own local issues and create LOCAL = GLOBAL = NO Government need. It is always easy to see WHO is most humble keith. The true Grandchild of God, same as you.... These Cross Linked URL broadcasts are the Holy Grail Covenants of GOD's original purpose for humanity. With all digital society of NO Secrets, all souls are invited to join GOD's E.D.E.N. of Paradise FOIA.ONE
Gods Playlist of showing how GODs people are 100% held accountable to deal with ALL their own local issues.
​ achieves total Equality Peace once all religion leaders actually deal with local community root issues using GODs system of Contact everyone with focus on C-Executives, all Press, GOV leaders, everyone you know. Call Pastor Robert Welch and Scott Vail, and the +10 persons we interviewed. Ask them if anyone actually greeted us and asked us 'WHAT do you need?" since that is the prime question we ask everyone each time we go to greatest places of needs. Scott claimed must call them to request sending mission teams overseas or even locally. We have a 16 year old black girl with 1 year old baby this afternoon asking to get back to her home town Troy. NC. We have such limited resources to help her since all Keith's assets were criminally stolen by super Criminal AntiChrists back in Nov 2007 to present moment.
May 2, 2021 today we voice recorded the 10:30 time lined sermon on Serving Others 1 Corr 13:13, John 10:30, Romans 12, We documented the key address to bring more people into Gods community each place we minister as community shared 24x7 education worship centers during our thousands of personal witness visits these past +15, 44, 62 years. All because our Mutual FatherGOD sent Keith to complete fund all aspects of
301 S. DAVIDSON ST | CHARLOTTE NC 28202 (704) 375.1446. We remain beyond mortified no one is using
Basic new are the new order of Worship services.
1. Pastor leader teacher asks congregation 'What do we need today?" Who will form share groups and provide resources to meet that need locally, then globally.
2. Worship services are now 2-way video based group exercise using IseeStand PhoneCradle divined systems of The leaders are now vetted mediators show recording open source working methods with Gods people to decide how to apply Gods commandments to our everyday situations. Most issues are pure predatory greed caused by repetitive worry, stress and conflict. Sharing our issues openly is fast-path way to use the wisdom of our elders to focus on the greatest needs of others before thinking of one self benefits.
Updated May 2, 2021 as Keith is constantly persecuted, forsaken, and order to go away as most gatekeepers are brainwashed by zealots to prevent anyone from soliciting.
3. The music programs of most churches must be reduced down to inspiring songs related to dealing with ones own local issues. We are shocked how many songs are brainwashing repetition of zealot Lucifer agendas.
4. With, each congregation dynamically tells the leaders what is most important for our communities. This is the basics of Romans 12 and other scripture about community remanagement relations.
5. Hosted small business meetings, covered dish dinner on the grounds, and other open networking events for all age groups are how to build central community education worship centers used by all denominations.
6. Anyone who objects to any person or issue is required by everyone to provide a solution Best=better solution or be silenced as a bigot, racists, hypocrite, cynic, criminal broad of viper. Refer Matthew 23.
​ are your Fore Founding Sovereign Spiritual Leaders known as #1 King of all Servants. We are the rare ONLY Spiritual Order Master Teacher FrontLiner Professional keynote Speakers who work FOR GOD + humanity our entire lives and teach HOW all religions MUST be COMMANDED to UNIFY with use of all So many of our priests, preachers are LUCIFERs New World Order False Prophets (Matthew 23) who personally profit on the backs of my 7.8 Collective Cooperative most beloved people and are easily OUSTED = exiled with EVOTE.ONE just like everyone else who violates OUR laws and REFUSES to ask everyone 'What do YOU + WE need right now?" Take ACTION to change OUR own REALITY. exiles and punishes any Corporate Executive, any Government Official, literally anyone inlcuding any preacher or religious leader r=who refuses to act as highly paid consultants. Our churches were created as education centers, not mindless worship of idols and false stupid preachers. My Father Christ was killed when he overturned the tables of the High Jewish Priests who gambled and had prostitutes just like many of the current zealots. WE decide and manage our spiritual orders and NOT ever again NEVER THEM. The Apollo Quiboly, Eli Sorano, Jim Jones, Charles Manson, etc.
April 28, 2021 at Billy Graham Museum and Franklin center, we most politely asked to speak with top Staff and WILL. The guards turned us away claiming we had no right to show GODs word to anyone to benefit themselves.
Same as being shunned and rejected since most people think we are selling wares and false promises like they have been doing since the dawn of cultured cultivated domesticated mankind. No one protects rights of others.
April 9, 2021 Keiths Evangelist Frontliner teams are at Billy Graham Cove Asheville NC today. Office (828) 771-4800 to turnover to GODs world. The worst criminal terrorists in world history are named (and hidden) corporate Executives (Europe Zurich, London, Wall Street, and other cyber crime infiltration money laundering secret centers worldwide who prey on our women, children, babies, elderly, and even murder in secret rituals to intimidate new corporate executive recruits to do their bidding as Lucifer Agents. Over 8000 Years ago, Egyptian Pharaohs used the same brainwashing cult propaganda to convince their slave traded citizens they had no rights to live as sovereign ambassadors of GODS dominion. Keith has most formally requested on emergency basis since summer of 2011 to host with top World Corporate Executives and World Presidents to MEDIATE how to command demand named Corporate Executives and Lucifer broker decrepit persons stand down as leaders using EVOTE.ONE and
Call Keith evangelist Angel Guardians right now.
Religious zealots always quote scripture and theology to justify they are the only ones who talk directly with my father GOD. The #1125 BuiltBykeith, and #1025 show typical stupid Preachers who claim they are separated from the Human Race. Most of them have criminal pending charges against them.
Our #1 favorite Master Teacher is Pastor Andy Stanley of NorthPoint Community Church Alpharetta GA years 2007 forward. Even his wife Sandra has IseeStand from Thanksgiving 2010. Most forsake GOD and Keith.
These solutions achieve total world global Equality Peace once and forever by unification of all churches once and forever. NOT a single New World Order Religion. Our Leaders now work collectively cooperatively to provide basic problem solving training and mediation to local communities regardless of the zealots who profiteer by brainwashing my people to believe ONLY they can provide the solutions for eternal Salvation and final life in Heaven. Breathern of Islam, Christ and all other old style religious orders now work together full time = Most leaders we meet post 2005 year are Lucifer Zealots who prey on those who pray for righteousness by martyring we+keith = the original current reality Prophets. One prime answer is that eliminates all speculation criminals of Bank Stock Market Corporate Executives. We Keiths people now replace all Corporate Executives and Politicians with SolutionManifesto and

Click: SolutionGod Playlist to see 2014 -present on the true Realities of GOD, Church, State, Nations, and HIS universe unified
Keith's Sermons sent by GOD (see Enoch) how to unify all religions under New World Open Society UNIocracy. How to build thousands of new community shared education (non-worship) centers since PRAYER is no long required to talk with Others. "For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost. Luke 19:10 ESV Now 1:1 Gospels of Keith. Where are my people? Lost with total Greed.
"They will see his face, and his name will be on their foreheads. And night will be no more. They will need no light of lamp or sun, for the Lord God will be their light, and they will reign forever and ever" Revelation 22:4 - 5 ESV Saint Keith is onLine for ANYONE to contact SKYPE: BuiltByKeith2 is Gods Observer creator here to Teach Mankind how to be Free.
I return to my FatherGod heaven soon, forsaken by almost all I have met 15 years now.
Required Model of WHO is Keith = walking saint who unifies mankind with YOU.
" I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me." Galatians 2:20 ESV New John 10:30 known as Keith 1:1 "My FatherGOD and I are ONE".
The reality LUCIFERS from Egyptian Pharaohs family dynasties were never eliminated by WILL ACTION of GODs People. Politics and false news brainwashing propaganda has been used to enslave my people these past +6,000 years as reported first by MOSES, one of the top engineers who was architect of lowbarDredging of and Now provides free HIGH-Speed KNet Intenet, free Electricity, and all free food and 100% free education system in our open PUBLIC SCHOOLs when anyone can earn the highest PHD degree or trade level with no loans, no grants, trusts, scholarships required. is the supporting answer to forever prevent all wars while cross educate training our young generations to be free will sovereign citizens who eliminated all persons who violate Final New World Constitution.
Keith has provided everything as a personally delivered ordained solutions set from his=OUR FatherGOD in Heaven in coordination with mother earth anyone can see and use EarthFirst.SPACE. Do the URL yourself, as I have thousands of interlinked URLs for SEO completion of everything GOD sent me 1-19580815-1 to mediate teach at all levels. GOD, CHRIST, MOHAMMAD, and the other ANGEL GUARDIANS working with Keith Duncan refuse to intervene since the brainwashed indoctrinated MY PEOPLE refuse to SOLVE their very own local issues, debates, wars, and vice=sin=crimes.
Use of GODS original technology methods of is the easy method to achieve NEXT highest level of civilization World Peace. I remain shocked few people know the first Names of their neighbors and everyone they meet on the streets. Must be the heads down mentality of all those POGO, video, bad video watching world mentality that only profit the Same Criminal Ruling ELITE Media Lucifers.
Sept 4, 2020 We the PEOPLE hereby ORDER and COMMAND the citizens arrest of any violator of OUR Laws. Includes Arrest of Robert Dee ROSE, Sally Q Yates, Berry Vic Reynolds, Alexander Cyclone Covey of Atlanta GA USA, and of course the CHINESE COMMUNIST PARTY 205 top members BY our Chinese Military soldiers. This is common sense use of OLD Due Process of LAW of Maritime Common Law from centuries ago. Our HIGHER POWER (Father GOD and MotherEarth) are MADDER than OLD LIVING HELL that YOU my people refuse to use common sense to OWN and CONTROL Everything.
NOW escort KEITH DUNCAN to TESTIFY using all ways and means as I will be south, maybe North of Manila Sept 5, 2020. Cell is GPS trackable by NSA CIA 63-9173354300. CALL TRUMP and USA Ambassador Sung Kim so we can all DRAIN THE SWAMP CANAL and see all criminals exposed as NAKED idiot STUPID LUCIFERS terrorists. Includes ALL religious ZEALOTS who are OUSTED from our worship education centers by 51% vote of any congregation and even the LOCAL community. These always OUR free Community education, worship, senior citizen Mentor infrastructures. Now we all have community dinners, mediated homeowners meetings, and share everything GOD loaned us as communally shared. ALL of it, not just some.
Updated Sept 9, 2020. If ?? someone supplies basic food, MX money, and lodging, I go BACK to Tuguegarao City, N. Luzon my home Amulung to debrief al pastors through PNP Region 2 Chaplain Pastor Dan Acosta (wife Ruth) and Gov Mamba personally on EXACT same focus reformation I conceived 1976 NCSU Raleign NC USA as all electronic, paperless free electricity energy = crime free society.
I currently have only $12 USD left to my name. More than Oct 3, 2020 when AntiChrist ROSE kidnapped me remotely as seen by world on that was WhereIsRobertRose, TheFinalTerrorist, HostageForProfit, others. NOt a SINGLE person has represented first or ANY of my rights to face over 125 false LUCIFER accusers at one time. TRUMP, DOJ, DOD, PUBLIC will be outraged not a single Criminal Investigator has been contacted or PRESS to host required Press Conferences we have already HOSTED thousands of times in person and over YOUTUBE.COM builtByKeith, iseestand, Phonecradle are the prime keywords. is LearnFirstNames.SPACE.
CALL and direct visit the following key people today. Updated Jan 3, 2021
Pastor Eric Negapatan (63)x950-499-4913, Needs $1 Million USD church.
Pastor Reggie at Logos Bible Baptist at GreenBreeze VI, Bilicatan South of Lyceum UP and north of Gateway Business Park 63 (0)921-239-8112, Globe 0917-464-0329.
Pastor Andy Stanley of Northpoint Community Church Alpharetta GA +1 (678)892-5000.
Even and thousands of pastors, priests, teachers have been debriefed these past +12 Jubilee years. even 50 years ago.
Pastor James /Katie Alton at Favor.Church ShangriLi 6FLR, EDSA-Shaw Blvd. All Others Keith visited. Also a 'Magnifying; Zealot..
Pastora Lydia Serrano 0917-717-4489 Santa Cruz Manila.
Pastor Conrado Rombo (63)0906-346-3812 in Quezon City.
Pastor Rodel Layugan, Bayombong, +(63)915-394-5368 Dr. David Shaw, Peachtree Corners Baptist +1 770-448-1313 + Jay Hackett + all MUST go to FBI-AG with my people NOW command USA GOV protect Keith team's lives and restore God's assets is the PRIME holy spirit method to eliminated named Bankers and Corporate Executives who PREY on WE the PEOPLE by scamming us out of OUR long term profits using all the SPECULATION investment laws that were NEVER ratified or approved by EVOTE by same WE the PEOPLE. Keith duncan. Skype: BuiltByKeith2 who always was
Keiths most unique history is the torture almost to death ordered by the AntiChrist Robert Dee ROSE when Keith refused 2008 to be his cyber crime terrorist partner when ROSE offered MILLIONS of USD to work for him. Subsequent crimes against humanity are the cyber criminals who roam freely. Our unique method published as the final covenant prevent all ID theft and use of GOD's assets and profits used by these most ruthless corporate executives to enslave our people and depopulate GOD"s most holy grail = Mother Earth. As of Jan 17, 2020, no one on earth has every perfected our new world society free of almost all crime and corruption. So we alone did. Who will call us and escort us to debrief and testify to all world leaders since that was our original request back on Sept 25, 2011.. Keith -walking humble saint of extreme expertise in all arenas of the Human Condition. A walking first Trillionaire of IP value that few see because of their predatory greed.
Click: ApostleKeith's ChristDomain Playlist. These are full scale 'assault' on the unsaved demonic persons who are enslaving our people.
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Jan 13, 2020. John 3:17 "For God did not send his Son into the world to be it's Judge, but to be its savior that is SaviorKeith = most humble walking saint who is the worlds most powerful leader by teaching all World Presidents and Executives how to eliminate all the demonic person who steal Gods loaned assets of Natural Resources and E.D.E.N. of paradise FOIA.ONE. WHO will actually Contact the top leaders to CALL keith and protect his teams from the Anti Christ ROSE and very powerful USA GOV named officials who conspire to genocide murder our top Scientists and ECO Keynote speakers as we have personally experienced torture based on our Intellectual Property Covenants where robbed 2008 to Jan 28, 2014 and NO ONE Cares to show world how to obtain required total Peace and Equality by sharing all assets as communal property.
Starts with ProfitShareHolders.SPACE that eliminates all computer trading of our profits by the true Alibaba pirates who think they are GOD Egyptian Pharaohs. Call keith and pay for his minor expenses as he alone is first world TRILLIONAIRE of intellectual gifted Property called covenants of the Last Testimony testament. We have already mediated HOW to ACHIEVE total World Peace summer of 2010 to present.
Jan 14, 2020. STILL no response back from any of my 7.777 people, call them if you must. RSVP yes and I arrive, just need a CALL from those who SEE WHO I AM. Ask Top WORLD LEADERS + staff to meet with me personally BEFORE the event. I MAY or NOT be on EARTH by that time. Can never tell when GOD returns me back to heaven. Clearly few have confidence to speak directly with ALL PRESIDENTS and Executives since we set deadline Jan 20, 2020 for most obvious reasons of... indications of major war show massive meltdown of economic conditions. I personal prophetic stated Jan 12, 2020 event not knowing WHAT would occur. exact 7777 days Sept 27, 1998. Range 7777 days 9-11-2001 to Dec 27, 2022. Then 6666 days since Sept 11, 2001 to Dec 25, 2019. The most shocking dates were Oct 3, 2011 kidnapping by Antichrist ROSE, exact 3.5 bible years I was returning from my own walk to EMMAUS (1998 time above). then 3.5 more years to the DAY, I was back in USA to testify to STOP the REIGN of TERROR or ROSE (7 years of tribulation) and was kidnapped 5th time, told I was STUPID and then DRUGGED by ORDERS of ONE USA FBI AGENT LYNNE who SAID ROSE was under investigation and that I was indeed VICTIM of ROSE and so many others. Came back to Philippines on my very last dollar Jan 12, 2019. EXACTLY ONE YEAR when TAAL exploded along with 12 other volcano worldwide RING of FIRE. TOO many other timeline dates to keep repeating. WHY I am still on EARTH, I TRULY do NOT KNOW... Keith
Jan 20, 2020 is when all World Presidents host final Peace Summit to achieve total world peace. We have no clue why tens of thousands of persons who know these true facts have NOT going directly to Intl Press, TO CEO's and World Leaders as SOON as they see these are Revelation Prophecy fulfilled. Even most of the Pastors and Priests we share GODs word with, are hypocrites and cynics of Matthew Chapter 23. For they mostly claim 'This is impossible to unify Mankind' No one in history has ever taught mankind how to control and own everything. Few have any confidence at all for most are brain waste washed by cult false prophets to PUT the cash in the Plate and THEY will pray to GOD to forgive you of your sins. What a WASTE of human potential energy that MUST be turned into kinetic ACTION by all 7.75 Billion of MY People. For I take these very seriously as the first trillionaire who has been threatened with death and poverty so many times I lost count. All because I=we have created a new law enforcement financial stock market banking system that affects all of humanity. All to empower mankind to OWN and CONTROL everything as GOD originally designed. I am the SON of GOD, just like everyone else have been this entire time. Who will actually CALL us and escort us to TESTIFY to world on LIVE Public Broadcast Media. Time is of essence as we have been asking to ascend BACK to heaven since few will do as GOD commands. GOD, not us, as we are the previously hidden messianic messengers who are the new WORLD LEADERS. Our purpose is to OWN nothing and be protected and held in highest esteem for our power of Scientist Reconciliation of all mankind.
We request everyone CONTACT top Angel Philanthropists post Sept 2011 and to even contact Dr. Steven Greer at . There a few thousand criminal minded corporate executives the world can see as the Anti-Christs like ROSE who want to depopulate our world as they are the Egyptian Pharaohs.
Note: 6666 Days is span from Sept 11 2001 twin towers until Dec 12, 2019 that we predict foretold was another legacy heritage day of time. The others were Oct 3, 2011 to April 3, 2015 exactly 3.5 years when I stood at Emmaus Jerusalem (see youtube), and again Oct 4, 2018 when I went to Atlanta GA FBI to testify AGAIN and AGAIN and was drugged by AG ?? or Criminals for the third most dreadful time.
Nov 3, 2019. We are the few who actually Uphold the 11 Commandments and actually go to the greatest places of needs. We (personally) are indeed persecuted and even murdered for our tireless efforts to teach humanity how to actually achieve total world global peace. This has always been easy. Teach our people how to Care, Love, and Protect each other first before themselves. Who sees the crimes against humanity being committed against our people by the Criminal Ruling Elite. Few if any. These crooks have names and convict themselves by their very own actions and evidence. Yet no one, including most pastors and priests, address the evils of our world with the authority of Christs methods. We are brutally ashamed of how many people are dead silent and refuse to uphold and enforce existing laws that are suppose to protect our collective rights.
Crimes by our Political and Corporate executives occur every second worldwide as these robber criminals are seldom investigated and convicted since clearly what they steal is used to extort, blackmail, threaten, and even pay off our Politicians, court officials, police, even military. Victims of organized crime are seldom protected by anyone, including their very own lawyers and DOJ, even all the way at any Supreme Court or Congress level. Many of us are forced into Jail (not prison) as we are never allowed to face any accuser. Many of us are force DRUGGED by Court order by unknown DOJ + AG authorities on claim we are criminally insane and incompetent because we work for GOD, because we have been defrauded, our homes brutally and literally robbed (our entire lifetime assets were SOLD OFF by criminals). Our most valuable asset, our anti-crime anti-political and humanitarian GOD focused system was destroyed. These unknown terrorists only interest is fear and intimidation to steal assets and destroy communities. Some are even religious zealots who claim they are empowered by GOD to kill millions through poison gas, mass shootings, backpack bombs, IEDs, even nuclear suitcases. We have just spent 11 years in the most brutal conditions totally STUNNED why our very own world leaders, Military, even fellow apostle pastors are DEAD silent. We will indeed HOST mass protest rallies AGAINST these criminals fully SUPPORTING what is left of our POLICE, MILITARY, and Law enforcement officials to defend everyone's rights since NO ONE is doing this with ACTION.
All the TALK TALK TALK is actually the deception of criminals (why call them anything less) who manipulate everyone with promises of they are doing something to solve the traffic mess, the polluted air, the school system, the other issues that are ALWAYS the responsibility of local communities.
Never in the history of man, has humanity been on brink of self destruction and everyone REFUSES to call us up and ask HOW can you help us HELP YOU SAVE our world. We are indeed despondent because even the USA EMBASSY staff is violating Constitutional Laws by REFUSING for us to enter their walled compound to hand over the most extensive criminal evidence of WHO are the real terrorists. For the Military was indeed asked to PROTECT our lives Sept 25, 2011. Clearly we did not use the proper words, ASKING for Political Asylem as they all could see someone wanted us DEAD. Yet they were all hired subcontractors, just like the medical doctors at BUTNER who are paid to just stand around and collect pay. The only person who actually saw the true was Dr. Williams.
NOT a single PERSON has asked WHO is stalking you, who robbed your homes, why would your very own family, lawyers, very wealthy persons NEVER just call you up. All so we can explain and show the REAL criminals just like our personal savior Christ did, when he overturned the Priests money changing tables. He was murdered for most obvious reasons, the Pharishess were mobsters (combination of Bankers and robbers) because they preached righteousness, yet were probably having sex with the local prostitutes and running the lottery games, all because they told everyone to RESPECT them or GOD would kill them. That is another reason the most inner court of King Solomons temple was restricted entry only ONE time a year by the high priest. That alone is indications of massive political corruption. Why would GOD restrict access to his presence to just ONE person annually. For most our bible theology is true. So much theology has been hidden and destroyed. Note that most pastors, ministers and others preach out of context, claiming THEY are the chosen / appointed ones. Look at the wealthiest pastors who travel worldwide saying ONLY TRUST GOD, and no one else, then you will be RICH beyond your wildest imagination. Look at Joel Olsteen, Jimmy Swaggart, now reformed Jim Baker, and even Benny Hill. They host extravagant stage televised dramas with pretty women singing behind them like Apollo Quiboly who claims HE is the appointed/anointed son of God and claims he alone owns and controls the universe. WHAT a LIAR he is as we have been asking to meet ALL these top church leaders one at time for THEM to explain what makes them so special. Apollo clearly smuggles money and guns on his private jet. (hawaii incident last year).
We are indeed the observers of humanity who often also wonder WHERE IS GOD. We really do. We finally decided GOD has no interest in sustaining humanity. So he=GOD (or someone maybe higher up in the universal deity group who remain unnamed by us,... we truly do not know) sent us and maybe others to see what mankind was doing to itself. The small talent for war on youtube. The insanity of our world system is the NEW WORLD ORDER everyone fears but no one sees, and no one at all acts with ANY authority.
​Oct 13, 2019 Our Apostle Crusaders are the unknown group of billionaire R&D Scientists Keynote Speaker Human Rights Activists who have been severely persecuted by the Anti Christ and the most corrupt individuals in USA history all because we have mapped out how to archive achieve total world global peace. Fast Path to World is kTrade.Space, We are the #1 Computer Science Psychology experts of all time engaged with all other top angel philanthropists. They too are hard to contact since our $500 Million USD of Intellectual Property and most extensive database of top CEO's and criminals was taken by force over 900 days of illegal detainment and drug induced comas that have yet to EVER be investigated. We are all experts in Inventions, Architecture, Engineering + Project Management + Keynote Speaking (the ultimate Consultants) of new All Digital Creative Communities, Government and Corporate replacement systems, Water reManagement cycle power systems, Banking and financial replacement systems, Voting simplicity systems, Hydro Generation Powerhouse systems, Free Education and Communication Systems, and variety of the most prolific new world economy systems that empower humanity to control and manage all their own assets. We have GOD himself plus a few Silent Partners who are key Beneficiaries. Apostle BuiltBykeith. We are GOD's messenger Emissaries. We are persecuted by AntiChrist ROSE reality Jan 15, 2008 Oct 2, 2010, Feb 22, 2011, Aug 22, 2011, Sept 25, 2011, Oct 3 2011 -> April 3, 2015 Emmaus, Oct 3, 2018, now +Oct 8, 2019 all biblical dates full filled. All religions MUST work in cooperative outreach ministries regardless of their 'cult' driven self Theology that splinters churches so no one talks to any others. A true division of God's church occurs including the political real wars between Muslims and Christians we have offered to mediate through all world leaders who STILL refuse to contact us directly to see these are divined ordained answers from GOD and his messianic messengers. We are one of many Apostles who are murdered, persecuted, denied our rights, and isolated from our people by the Anti Christ groups who so easy to see with FOIA.ONE database. = Global world peace is ONLY answer to unify mankind using the simple common sense methods we teach daily.
The Only Requirement for total World Peace is the Fearless Mission statement above.
Oct 13, 2019 We struggle to pay basic bills and have yet to have Face to Face with ANY ONE in authority including Trump, Duterte, USA Ambassador Sung Kim in Manila. We requested safe have protection with USA Military Sept 25, 2011 and were kidnapped by orders of ROSE because of that one most critical Intl Security Threat disclosure. Cyber crime is #1 most profit terrorist attacks in world history we showed how to prevent ALL ID theft and crimes back in summer of 2010 and earlier. We spent 900 days in Hell Jail (illegally detained) because ROSE and very powerful USA Gov officials refuse to SURRENDER to DOJ + Congress.
We have been blacklisted in ?? secret databases because we have shown world public how to blacklist shun all criminals since USA Gov is dead silent on protecting our lives and property.
Our losses were billions of real $$$ USD in intellectual property we have offered for sale and Buy-In this entire time.
We request YOU our people CALL all authorities NOW and COMMAND they dispatch CIA Military Interpol to come find us. WE do truly need so many others to join our Crusaders to Join our world traveling teams (we pay for everything), and help us translate into all other prime languages using GOOGLE translate or equal... WHO will call us now.??
Sept 15, 2019 Just got invite from Pastor Eric to Fly to Davao=Duterte to meet his staff and FINALLY debrief world leaders on HOW to unify reform entire world.
Anyone can support and fly us to their greatest places of needs for past +11.11 years..
Sept 26, 2019 Just got invite from Anna Paglangan to fly us to Gen Santos City re Duterte sponsored anti-poverty training Oct 21-22. Who else will come with us?
Sept 26, 2019 Exactly 8 years ago, we delivered (again) the worlds last required enforced integrity system to eliminate crime and corruption with simple system of SolutionRedDot driven by 5Steps.
This is now simplified and refined to perfection of =
Not only should our people cry out for mercy, they must turn around and ask their victims to make repent restitution, beg for forgiveness, then turn away from their sins and lead new life of righteousness....
The zombies of our world are the blinded fools, hypocrites, cynics, bigots, racists, and criminal brood of political vipers who have no clue who has been ministering to them right in front of their eyes. Asking them to share and contact our top world leaders to mediate Global World Peace. Since GOD has sent us to teach everyone how to save themselves from greed, ego, and slave traded markets (banks, stock, shopping malls, factories, OFW, farming, transportation, energy, water, others) we hereby relinquish mankind to its own fate. Our Apostles now leave earth under direction of GOD to be Sovereign Ambassadors elsewhere since not a SINGLE person has ever asked WHY ARE YOU HERE and WHAT can we do to save each other from our most obvious fate: Some stupid idiot who fires last volley of Nuclear bomb, poisons the air/water, creates mass shooting gallery spree, flys a drone into a crowd or oil refinery, announces martial law so all communication, travel, banking, commerce is shut down. And then what.......
Sept 21, 2019. Final summary(again) So far for +11.11 bible years, no one has missed us or represented the FIRST of our any of our Constitutional Rights to command all crime networks be destroyed using 100% bible principles of new (affects keith, you and all others). we trust to visit 500 or more pastors today at the SM hypermart Apostle event EDSA Quezon Ave Centris Station. ChristDomain agents of Christ has offered $1 Million USD for first 50 churches of any denomination (including Muslim, Buddhist, any others) to build new community churches so can be your new world reality. Keith at globe 09173354300 is one of the true rare Apostles sent by GOD in search of other honest persons (another true rarity) for all reasons already broadcast to to world. Since few can face the reality that Anti Christs like Robert Dee Rose IID 1-1971-0401-1 (-99 Death Row Integrity rating) already rule our world with the Market of the 666 Beast. My=Our Father Christ would NEVER forgive Lucifer for the crimes against humanity.... For we have already destroyed the old world system corrupt stock and financial markets with 5steps FinalStockMarket kBitCoins ProfitShareHolders. Saddest fact is none of our very own DOJ, Military or Law enforcement at any level will EVER take any action because they too are AFRAID of being killed by criminal rogue agents... and for all other reasons all most humbly explained.... ONLY REQUIREMENT this entire time is ONE CALL to a real World Leader at any level and THEY command the seizure of these true terrorists and anti Christs, and we all move forward to reclaim GOD"s stolen assets and restore the HIS original E.D.E.N. of FOIA.ONE easy to rebuild with the IP knowledge we have already gifted humanity for most of our life........
Sept 18, 2019. Since we were turned over to the Anti Christ ROSE Nov 4, 2007 so he could RULE the earth, we declined with Bible scripture and have already created your new world society free of crime using common sense, technology, and #1 top rated Integrity rating of +100 FOIA.ONE IID. All evidence of crimes has always pointed back at each criminal as not only did we commit NO violation of laws, we have been the #1 world crusaders teaching all world leaders and public how to DO THE SAME. Starts with Free world Communication, EDUCATION, and manhunt of all criminals all at one time. WHO DO YOU KNOW is the most powerful CEOSPACE.NET question to finally require WORLD LEADERS to come find us and ask the most important question of all time. WHO is GOD and What is the NEXT best project to restore GOD"s kingdom as GOD has been speaking messages to you and I this entire time, yet few listen.... except a few. We remain in Manila impoverished because of the most dangerous criminal of all time ROSE... Governments and Corporations will now be replaced because of their greed and inability to simply have a 'sit-down' turn-over of ALL cause and effect solutions that save our world.. Few have any CONFIDENCE to uphold existing laws since the $$$ from crime is the most profitable of all.
Sept 15, 2019 FINALLY.. We Just got invite from Pastor Eric P (above) to Fly to Davao=Duterte to meet his staff and FINALLY debrief world leaders on HOW to unify reform entire world.
Anyone can support and fly us to their greatest places of needs for past +11.11 years..
They all then participate in the biggest 'BUY-SELL' market in world history. Ask how.
Sept 14, 2019 We have most humbly requested everyone we meet in GODs path of righteousness to go to highest levels of government and corporations to ask for their help in resolving and preventing all our world problems. Most are TOO BUSY or in self-entitlement mode to actually understand the true reality of todays world of massive crime enterprises. They mostly claim 'Just PRAY harder', or "God will intervene or Send Jesus when it gets bad enough', or some other zealot repeat statement that 'they simply do not care'. The 'powers that be' are in plain site with the common sense bible integrity technology systems we have gifted world in Gods alpha and omega purpose for humanity. Even Greco Belciga and all other top leaders were asked to go to our Presidents, Congress, and other top leaders including PRESS as soon as we met each of them. See above and take action. !!!
Sept 7, 2019. GOD sent me personally to learn and teach our world how to STOP ALL THE CRIME at all levels.
I have gift given up everything to Christ, GOD, and humanity. NEVER got paid for anything worth trillions USD Intellectual Property and consulting services to ALl Governments, Corporations, and religions + public. DENIED all our rights because SATAN ROSE and others already are depopulating our world using YOUR assets and GOD's loaned natural assets. WHO DO YOU KNOW to command our leaders SIMPLY PICK up the PHONE and dispatch USA Gov officials or other angel philanthropists to come FIND and protect our true value. Otherwise, our world dies....
Is anyone left to complete any of these world saving ministries. Anyone at all? Ask EVERYONE to CONTACT DUTERTE and WORLD leaders on HOW to PREVENT all wars with SolutionMilitary.COM + SolutionManifesto.COM as FOIA.ONE now rules our world by empowering ALL humanity to eVOTE on NEXT best solution. Nothing can stop this most powerful revolution of SolutionPeace.COM once our world leaders actually MEET the Crusader Evangelist Apostle teams of BuiltBykeith Duncan Globe 09173354300. WHO do YOU KNOW to take these to the PRESS and our World leaders. Everyone knows SOMEONE who actually CARES about our people.
Final Sept 4, 2019 broadcast. We most humbly decline to support ANY church that refuses to use the following ordained divined directives. For most of the hundreds, even thousands of church leaders we have debriefed are indeed 'blinded' Matthew 23, by their own self entitlement agendas and refuse to see the true value of Christ's and other master apostle teachings on the true value of single community education worship centers when everyone agrees to solve their own local issues = NO more government or mega corporations will ever be allowed to exist from now until the end of the Last Testimony Testament = this.. for I am ONE with GOD.
Trillions of $$ real assets (held by all criminal networks) are now legally transferred back to our people to self direct fund all new replacement bypass digital society of WHO is WHO, and WHO trades What to Who using kbitCoins ProfitShareHolders FinalStockmarket = free world barter exchange.
Aug 24, 2019 So long... describes the New World Order upset by ONE most humble man who lives in reality. Who is the Producer of your movie reality? GOD or Satan ROSE...
Everything broadcast our entire GOD focused life is your reality of DO BEST or DIE.... Take Action is the only requirement to resurrect GOD's E.D.E.N FOIA.ONE resources back into your Hands. Who is keith? few know, soon our entire world will finally recognize I am the true Emissary Ambassador working for God and you (+7.7B).
Update Aug 22, 2019. Another rejection by other top pastor for ?? reasons so we move forward in CHRISTs name again. Most clearly the answer has always been to Trust our God and Follow Jesus.... so many people are refusing to accept these almost perfected broadcast gifts of our forefathers, and spirit leaders....
Aug 21, 2019. Exactly what was the original crime/violation that ROSE claimed (no signature ever). It was always ROSE's massive crimes against his victims. As I have always worked for GOD. Just took me a while to learn and listen to what GOD was transmitting to me, then I took action every time to command those in charge to DO THEIR Taxpayer jobs. Hired so many to complete these missions of mercy and grace. Kept running out of all my own resources so I have focused on WORLD salvation to FILL stadiums up like Billy Graham with those who see the truth of these 100% positive answer solutions that justify total social peace and justice equality worldwide.
We visit Thur 1pm to calmly ask for his help so we can help him expand more ministries. For all religions coming together in Community Outreach ministries is always the center stone of GOD's purpose.
We just got a message from representative of Vatican and Vatican bankers. WHO will get and protect these GOD zillion USD worth of Intellectual Property + Last Testimony Testament Scriptures and distribute to rest of our most foresaken world? All to bring God's 10 Commandments and Human=God Bill of Rights back to unify our predatory greed societies. For those who say 'Oh just pray about it even harder', or "Just wait for GOD to intervene" or "Christ will come back at the last moment." = Matthew Chapter 23. Who exactly has already taught our world HOW TO SAVE themselves? John 10:30 'The Father and I are ONE'. Clearly NO ONE else since our world is always on brink of last holocaust. All reverse and prevented with these most humbly gifted bible, common sense, technology solutions based on all Old + New Testament scriptures of prophecy of current reality at time of each recorded FOIA.ONE moment to return GOD's assets and treasures back to unified world as everyone benefits starting with + all others. We have already opened the 7 seals and completed Revelation 22:19-21. TAKE ACTION is the only prime requirement to make each and everyone of these Holy Grail Covenants your new world society = UTOPIA E.D.E.N. NO-ONE in our world can EVER DENY YOUR GOD granted RIGHTS again with simple Mass Publicity Press Conferences of unifies all religions as Cooperative Ministries.
Clearly, I was sent by GOD with others to Save our world from the impending Doom Gloom of Predatory Greed. The ANSWERS are ALL on each of these broadcast ordained answer solutions. Our teams will grow to millions and billions of you as our disciples, apostles, and managers command pure complete Social Justice and Equality forever. All that has ever been required is MASS PUBLICITY to RISE UP to overturn + overthrow all crime networks as my GodFather and World Leaders did 2,000 years ago ! Hundreds, even thousands of churches have been personally witness visited in past 11 to 43 -61 years. Few reply. CLICK:
CALL and Protect Apostle Keith Duncan Contact (63)917-335-4300 Manila today., Gloria Reyes (63)917-173-4755 Executive President. EVERYONE CONTACT Duterte, Putin, TRUMP, USA Military, DOJ, DOD, CIA, FBI AG all OTHERS 1 Cor 13:13 Love Others.
If one refuses to VOICE by, they are relegated by the will of the Majority of our 'saved reformed' integrity people.
Chris Morris +1 (770)493-7578 Financial Consultant Author in USA understands.
Charlie Paparelli, +1(770)648-3875 from year 2007, Sig Mosley Very Wealthy Atlanta Investor knows Keith., David Stanley of North Point Community church, Alpharetta GA. +1 678-892-5000 Pastor, wife Katie see unification. They dream plan 10,000 person Worship training center.
Contact ALL NGOs and top CEOs and all GOV officials as we have already done all to best of our extreme abilities.
If we knew collectively WHO to contact and debrief NEXT, we would and have as soon as GOD's people or GOD told us WHO... Therefore, we broadcast ALL answer method solutions to teach mankind...
CONTACT ALL other Angel Philanthropists + Billionaires to come meet Keith. This includes USA Military, FBI, Interpol since Sept 2011.
My Father and I have completed all aspects of how to UNIFY mankind. NOW your free will choice is to TAKE ACTION ! ! ! !
Every Website and broadcast has been URL interlinked to provide the prime roadmap to total righteousness and justice.
We meet this Thursday Aug 22 at 1pm on same missions of Mercy and Faith just like thousands of others. We bring $1M USD Pledge to each of first 50 churches as seed funds to plant newzion2 IFJC2 centers of Total Justice and Social Peace. Everyone has asked WHERE is the MONEY before they ask the first logical question of WHO WE ARE = WHO THEY ARE. so be it...
Pledges years ago to each qualified church who GO PUBLIC to World Leaders for them to build new community centers and universal worship centers open to all denominations. This was original ordained divined command directive of and now broadcast UNIocracy.ORG +
Final Update Aug 19, 2019. First stage has always been to Create all digital Community Worship Education centers with Free Communication networks using this Domain and of true ordain nature of Gods original purpose for man. Contact all our Top Leaders to command they deploy our answer solutions that peacefully replace and bypass all known forms of Governments and Mega-Corporations.... Otherwise our world plunges into the depths of HELL that is ruled by the Anti-Christ Luciferians. These criminals have always been easy to see and seize their assets with the existing technology Evote.ONE FOIA using auto face Recognition Live stream/store and forward technology I pioneered +43 yeas ago N.C.S.U. Start with Seizure of Robert dee Rose as was commanded Sept 25, 2011.
All that was ever required was for Law Enforcement Crime Investigator to contact a Federal Judge, Military, or Interpol.
I have always felt like Biblical Job, King David, Jeremiah, and other men of GOD who have been persecuted by Satan.
Our Apostle Universal Crusader Emissaries have completed all stages of HOW to reform unify that returns all stolen assets and cash back to humanity. Only requirement entire time is Face2Face meetings with world leaders. Anyone can use decades old to send our teams to your greatest places of needs. This includes CEOs, Presidents, Board of Directors, Angel Philanthropists, and all other decision makers so we can FINALLY rid our world of all crime networks once and forever...
Update Aug 17, 2019. Who Passes Judgment on you? literally everyone. Now it is legal by Constitutional Laws of to others by identifying their evidence in open Court of OCTV/mic/speaker 2 way cross exam of anyone, including liar-lawyers and judges. Pardon me for any mis-pellings as all broadcasts are your REALITY.
100% true I have been persecuted to almost death as my only prime Beneficiary has always been My God Father in Heaven. since we have transformed all crimes cause and effects into PREVENTIVE bible based common sense solution methods.
THERE IS NO greater crimes against humanity than Cyber crime terrorism, Political Corruption and underground crime networks who enslave our People and kill off entire nations claiming Martial law and impending more terrorist attacks. Until Mankind addresses the root cause of evil = sin, vice, and crime, my= our GOD will NEVER rescue mankind or send more messianic messengers. I AM ONE. John 10:30. There are many others like me. Really hard to find the other Emissary Ambassadors. Even my own followers are Denial Peters and Doubting Thomases because they do not believe in the simple Commandments I share and teach everyone meet. When I see a need, I provide a simple solution, and hand them follow-up custom business card for them to take action. For most people have attention spans smaller than a gnat because their brain soul always asks "What is in this for me?"
FatherKeith Duncan FollowKeith BidOnKeith CreatorKeith SaviorKeith GodSendKeith
to Bill, David, James, Keith, FatherKeith, Gloria, Paige, me.,, others. posted below as original design of 3rd King Solomon Community worship center to be duplicated worldwide. as demonstrated dimensions of what my NGO groups shall build on top of Stone Mountain Atlanta GA as shown before and after I was ordered crucified by one antichrist Robert Dee Rose Almost everyone has fore saken Keith since Jan 15, 2008 when ROSE threatened my assets shown to world and below. Since GOD has been one of my very few benefactors, I have been always authorized and justified to complete my Father Christs ministries to all of humanity.... THE ONLY REQUIREMENT for +11 years is for a law firm or FBI or AG or anyone to file the required felony and civil crime charges against each and every person based SOLELY on the suspect=Criminals very own certified signatures on any court document, email, hard/soft copy I re-collected and already forwarded by all ways and means to all Top Officials worldwide.
Anyone in world can collect the $2 Million USD legally authorized bounty reward paid out to any other 'saved' or Unsaved criminals. $125 Million USD offered collectively to seize anyone linked to ROBERT DEE ROSE, DOB 1971-April-01 = Integrity Ranking -1. Keith is 100.
This is the biblical seed direct funding of FOIA.ONE driven by and below.
HOW does one testify against super criminals as Christ did? Easy with FOIA.ONE = + driven by eVOTE.ONE Quad-State Unified System.
Once we own our own all digital society, no secrets = no crimes go unpunished at time of of violation commission. All other perfected solutions BuiltByKeith.
Watch A Small Talent for War:
Do we Train our Youth for Peace or for WAR?
We have Replaced United Nations International with these ordained answers.
Do any political families every go on the front line? Anyone at all? The Holy Grail Promised Land and Ark of original Covenant has always been right before your eyes. Matthew Chapter 23 solved Chapter 28.
Now recreated on subpage of as most of these original reformation websites are now owned by Chinese ?? Like and all others I could not renew because I ran out of my very own very last assets because of ONE original soulless demonic devil I exposed jan 15, 2008 after he threatened my life when I showed him his very own general ledger, accounts receivables, and account Payables turned over to my very own lawyers, then IRSWBfeb2009, 658 worth Over $8 million USD as they issued this to me through my other lawyers I hired including IRS jack fisher. And vivian hoard in atlanta.
Contact and IRS Maurice to command they seize ROSE and THEY get the $2Musd bounty reweard.
I have nothing left to gift to humanity except the most valuable assets of intellectual property. All worth godzillions this entire time of extreme persecution by all who always knew my true nature.. 75,000 Shares of Common Stock.
Rather than each BATTLING each other with publicity stunts and political crime wars falsely claiming they are the one and only True Church of ONE GOD. That makes all other religions LIARS. Our Evangelist teams have focused for +11 years on teaching each major religious group how to work in COOPERATIVE MINISTRIES including the Gays, Agnostics, Atheists, Alien Worshipers, others. In 2015 Holy Week, we went to JerUSAlem then Vatican ROME to Wash the Sin out of our world. For +11 years, Keith + his growing recruited teams simply need you, our people, to contact keith directly to proclaim FREE our PEOPLE from the bondage of Political Criminals., cyber criminals, and underground crime networks using eVOTE.ONE + FOIA.ONE = There is NO more powerful Key Note Speaker Tech Evangelist Crusader (teams) than one who has been held Political prisoner of Cyber crime WW3 warfare, criminally BLOCKED from testifying to ALL, and robbed by terrorists who were identified each time they appeared. The Prime ONLY objective is Intl Press Conferences to teach our world HOW to UNIFY and FREE my people from the slave bondage of these career criminals as all know crooks only prosper by networking with other dishonest groups, including corrupt gov/corp leaders.
Click and Read Description of Jesus Statement "I AM", John 3:16, then John 10:30 'The Father and I are One'
Aug 1, 2019 broadcast. As a born again universal creationist/evolutionist, Shiloh is the Peaceful one denoting the Messiah. I am one with our Father Creator as are you, my people. For Gods spirit lives among and within us once we accept our role as unified humanity. I had another last vision today as we have already provided all answer solutions to mankind full time for past +11 years even +49 years of past Jubilee (Year 1967 Israel 7 day war and year 1969 moon landing) Keith's IID DOB 1-19580815-1 FOIA.ONE. These ordained scriptures are hereby record broadcast to unleash the wrath of God's Crusader armies to destroy all crime networks forever. These fully complete all theology prophesies that unravel the mysteries of why humanity always self-destruct holocausts.
We just worshiped with Pastors Perdie, Ruth, Timothy of in Manila. They understand and see our Apostle purpose.
The most powerful reform commandments = are Download the PDF files top left corner Header.
July 19, 2019 Last testimony. After personally visiting and master teaching hundreds, even thousands of churches at all levels, few of them have ever asked the most critical questions about how to Unify mankind. Today we had personal invite from Pastor Conrad Rombo to present these complete plans of salvation reform to his GCF Foundation on Aug 4, 2019 1-3pm. Diliman Quezon City.
Click: Office: (632) 455-3996
Recently we re-visit Favor.Church Pastor James and Katie at 6th Flr ShangriLI EDSA-Shaw Blvd. We went all the way to Mount Makiling Feb 2017 to witness baptism event as they use to rent a Bar for their first 'seed church planting'. NO-ONE has actually responded to direct requests for debrief master teachings including each of the most major churches and top leaders in Manila, Atlanta, literally anyone around the world.
This Includes, Billy Graham's groups, Dr. John Hagee, David Stanley at North Point Community Church -Alpharetta GA, President Charlie Paparelli, the Vatican ROME, Cardinal Tagle, or the Catholic Bishops Conference. WHY? Only GOD, Keith, and a select few messianic messengers know the true answer to that question. Read Matthew Chapter 23 and then apply Matthew 28 last verses + 1 Cor 13:13 Love OTHERS.
Contact Rev Dr Samual Garcia, (63)x906-279-6919, Founding Head of Rural Action Development Foundation in Region 2. Contact all my people + in Tuguegarao City, Philippines.
Contact Luis Morales (63)x920-960-6869 in Manila, part of BCBP Christian Brotherhood. He personally promised to pay for my emergency return to USA ?summer 2017, then disappeared like almost everyone else when they saw the true nature of this revolutionary Unification GOD FOCUSED ministries. The WHY is explained on most of our broadcasts.
We are COMMANDING all world leaders use these singular solutions NOW to unify mankind with the following answer methods. NO more CRIME, Wars, Taxes, or Politics as we become free travel, trade, trust, education centered humanity of the only answer UNIOcracy.ORG. This ratifies ONE new world Constitutional Laws seen below in GOD's holy redemptive name.
Read the most comprehensive PDF file upper left + right to believe in what is occurring to our world. Even most churches are politically corupt because they refuse to be education centers to teach my people how to fearlessly protect the rights of all others with Everyone now uses and as outreach missions to remove + prevent all poverty conditions using SolutionHousing.ORG. Destruction of all crime networks occurs immediately with EVOTE.ONE FOIA.ONE 100% direct eDemocracy new world free of almost all crimes. Act 7:52 stoning of Steven because he represented GOD like who is top messianic humble messenger of the absolute truth of GOD and Humanity. Protect, FIND, and FUND keith duncan and his #1 top crusader teams to teach all world leaders how to finish these ordained divined ministries of Direct eDemocracy to prevent all crime networks forever.
Contact ALL world leaders and PRESS NOW and command they protect my growing teams life and assets and USE these divined, ordained answer solutions NOW!!
April 24, 2019 - June 2, 2019. biblical broadcast. My life remains in extreme danger from terrorists, criminals, and the most corrupt GOV officials in world history since GOD, Jesus, Buddha, Mohammad (, other 'your' holy deities have refused to intervene because of mankind's most extensive SIN-VICE, Crimes.
Feb 3, 2019. The national news media and public can easily see these are the new world systems of conformity and all middle class freedom lovers who destroy the crime networks in record time to prevent self destruction caused by marital law and wars of all types. When ENOUGH PEOPLE finally command FBI AG USA gov to protect me and DEBRIEF the evidence signed by so many, my teams will now be famous for being top anti crime activists of total social peace and justice.
Jan 13, 2018 Keith back in Manila. Everyone MUST contact + Dispatch Press, Military, DOJ, World leaders to FIND KEITH now to PROTECT his life and IP assets. or IID:001-19580815-1
Dec 11, 2018. Dr. Hagee (210)477-4714 contacted today to teach world how to UNIFY all religions and atheists as cooperative ministries who solve their own local issues, therefore almost no government will ever be needed again. is the true biblical answer to UNIFY all mankind. -Each church/temple/synagogue/mosque is now the first order location for any dispute to be mediated and resolved by the leaders and appointed elders. This alone will almost eliminate all legal litigation by solving issues at our community level.
Each worship center becomes the education training meccas for small business owners, best family relationships, raising strong independent new youth leaders with + ministries, and working in cooperative ministries with all other religious denominations, charity, NGO, and civic organizations including providing funding and labor for outreach ministries of free medical care and construction of new All digital Creative Communities using
Nov 24, 2018 All Religious denominations BENEFIT by working WITH each other. Most declare they are the ONLY true church of GOD and that all other churches and belief systems are LIARS. Sad and true. This is your new world ministries.
Nov 18, 2018. FBI is GUILTY as BIBLICAL HELL for protecting Anti Christ Robert Dee Rose. Proof is they sent me to ANOTHER illegal Detention Oct 6 for 5 weeks at GA Reg Hospital Atlanta (Another extensive felony crime) since Atlanta's FBI CID LYNN did acknowledge ROSE is under super criminal investigation and refused to ACCEPT the same court documents showing I was kidnapped by ROSE"S own orders 3 separate times = now 900 days of pure hell. See and COMMAND our USA GOV complete each and every one of the crime investigations I hand fed them starting now 11 years ago.....
Oct 4, 2018 #1 Historical Legendary day. I arrived back in Atlanta to GO Direct TO FBI + AG + PRESS + all churches to proclaim all crime networks are eliminated with + = SolutionGOD.ORG teach our world how to live in perfect social peace and total harmony. This is the #1 UNIFICATION REFORM result in World History. The FBI CID Lynn forced me into illegal Detainment for another 5.5 weeks because I am victimized BY organized crime + most corrupt individuals who all SAW the same evidence I broadcast delivered to world and even USA GOV owes me pesonal Hosted Press Conferences, over $500 Million USD in real and punitive damages, and testify.
DIRECT DEMOCRACY total control by our Integrity driven people is the Only Divined Method to eliminate all corruption with 4 simple BY-pass Laws of EVOTE.ONE using Open Public Database FOIA.ONE . is the ONLY new world single constitution that commands our people fearlessly protect the rights of all others. These original 10 commandments are universal in GOD's nature collectively enforced by the worlds last Human=Gods Bill of Rights.
All Religions and civil civic groups become the educational ministries who teach our world how to SOLVE their own conflicts at local levels. These are the ONLY answer solutions to UNIFY our world by teaching humanity at community level with HOW to SOLVE all their own issues with ZERO government, 0 taxes, and ZERO political crime family dynasties who have already enslaved us with WW3 Cyber crime terrorism. Religious Wars are STOPPED Dead Cold by elimination of all false prophets and greed driven leaders at all levels.
Who is GOD's New World COVENANT Maker of ? keith brent duncan is the humble Messianic broadcast journalist keynote speaker who has recruited our world to overthrow all existing forms of corrupt governments and corporations to create a new world society when and where ALL my people benefit in GOD's Holy name. For GOD is who I work for full time this entire time of massive tribulation.
The true Plans of Self-Salvation are driven by basic principals of integrity, ethics, virtue to UNIFY mankind. Refusals of anyone to use eVOTE.ONE with FOIA.ONE automatically identifies them as self-serving persons who endanger the prosperity of humanity. Only by rapid identification and elimination of all crime networks will all forms of corruption be replaced with UNIocracy. This includes prevention of all cyber crime terrorism with kBitCoins.ORG, as method prevents all corrupt transactions with photo/video/bi-metrics block chain tagging of actions so no one can ever falsely testify or assume your identity.
BROADCAST to all Religious Leaders. MOST of those I personally encounter are indeed, the HYPOCRITES, CYNICS, and other FALSE Leaders. Most refuse to meet face to face as most claim they HATE POLITICS and will NEVER engage in any Peace Keeping Missions of mercy because they are 'TOO BUSY'. Too Busy Preaching the Gospel of Christ (or other deities), TOO BUSY waiting for GOD to Intervene, TOO BUSY Praying for Mercy, while TOO BUSY to actually SEE and BELIEVE and ACT with WISDOM on how to UNIFY mankind with simple My FatherGOD Christ had the same criminal issue with the Pharisee Temple Leaders since Jesus overturned all tables and was murdered when he showed the priests were profiteering on the bloodied backs of their own people claiming they were the ONLY true connections to GOD. All to brainwash their sheep flock to blindly follow their repetitive worship chants and indoctrination by taking scripture out of context by not listing, listening, and teaching HOW to UNIFY mankind by simple replacement elimination of unrepentant soul criminals who refused to confess their sins BY making full restitution to their victims. GOD will never intervene per what you will master read below. It is always the PRIME directive commandment for MAN to SOLVE their own issues first, then to fearlessly protect the rights of all others to ensure that all benefit in my FatherGod's Holy name.... Keith Duncan is also
July 27, 2018 At on the highest mission of ANTI CRIME missions of all time by a SINGLE true MAN of GOD, keith brent duncan.. You MAY not hear from me again for reasons I have already shown world. WHY? why not.....
When my world uses these answers, millions of USA + others abandon their sin vice crime ridden nations and move here as part time visa free residents. I even work directly with Duterte, Immigration Commissioner (Jamie Morente), NBI, Military, Interpol, actually entire on #1 most powerful viral social media campaign to SAVE our world from all crime networks starting with ROSE. Now +8 million new small business owners are created in Philippines and more in all nations to construct +10 Million new primary homes, 2nd vacation homes, retirement resorts, food, hospitals, schools, business centers, factories owned by my +7.7 Billion people. ONLY REQUIREMENT is to personally SEND this one website to PRESS, top GOV officials, Banks, Corporate Executives, Churches, NGO-Charity and PUBLIC to DEMAND Press Conferences sweep our world of all vice-sin-crime.
May 14, 2018. USA Embassy opens in JerUSAlem. This is 100% tied to on HOW to teach all religions and civil groups to be 100% cooperative ministries by being master mediator education centers to SOLVE all issues at local village levels.
May 6, 2018. speaks on May 14, 2018 70 anniversary of State of Israel ties to 70 weeks of Daniels. USA embassy opens in jerUSAlem. Posted on as is already divinely designed as new Solomon temple #3 on top of Stone Mountain GA USA from my world travels broadcast summer of 2014. is now resurrected. These are the World Changing required ONLY solution answer methods to Unify all of mankind forever. FOIA.ONE is the Single Database Repository of Human Knowledge known as 'Library of Man Congress'. When all Acts of Wisdom and Plans of Self-salvation are open read block chain viewable by Public, we have one degree of separation between all +7.7 Billion of our people using Free High Speed Fiber Optic WiFi Internet that is owned and controlled by humanity.
Destruction of all crime networks occurs since no secrets are allowed. Our world is now 100% all decision based society using and CEOSPACE.NET master technology teaching methodology to empower our world using to SOLVE all issues at all levels.
Now all of Humanity uses Single Commandments of Bill of Human Rights and one standard unification set of Laws to enforce ethics and integrity at all levels. Our religious and civic civil groups now work directly with to create our own new world society modeled after replacement as our New World Society collectively controlled and managed by all our people. No more super wealthy family dynasties, criminal cyber crime terrorist networks, or lunatics like Robert Dee Rose can ever ABUSE and prostitute your rights to live in total Peace and harmony. This new replacement world system eliminates Socialism, Communism, Democracy, Republic, Capitalism, Monocracy, even Federalism because each form of new government is easily and quickly corrupted by criminals, family dominated political corruption dynasties, and other factors who refuse to EMPOWER our people to actually OWN and CONTROL our own reality and destiny.
NO SECRETS means total world Peace and Harmony of using We the People, now control and own all infrastructure of all free public schools, free trade and marketplaces, almost free travel, energy, water, and medical care, and we own all banking and stock trading markets, then no corrupt government politicians or corporate executives can ever control our world by perversion manipulation of our electronic record keeping database of ownership and trade transactions.
April 20, 2018 In God's Holy name, these are the ONLY economic, spiritual, cultural, political answers to UNIFY our world under one mutual creator I call FatherGOD. Today, I give the Seminary Commencement address at Quezon City titled 'The Greatest Commission is Romans 12 that purges all the crime AntiChrist Networks with eVOTE.ONE using FOIA.ONE as worlds final Open Public database repository of Acts of Wisdom that create one degree of separation between all our empowered citizens of faith, grace, and love+caring for each other. These are the completed world saving ministries of keith brent duncan who has been persecuted for +10 yeas by one super criminal Robert Dee Rose manhunted with as to free our world of all crime-sin-vice.
Click Video: $1.2M USD keiths assets. Remove, Shun, and Imprison all corrupt Liar-Lawyers, Judges, and Politicians by eVOTE.ONE and Interpol Act with Authority for the Benefits of all others in name of all Humanity and our one mutual Creator FatherGOD. 1 Cor 13:13 the Prime Golden Rule for all. Clearly no other person in world history has survived so many felony crimes because he went to Military, USA GOV, Public, Churches, and Press looking for honest persons to represent and protect their own civil and Constitutional spiritual rights.
We have already been #1 most public visiting and campaigning to all Presidents, Congress, World Leaders, all law enforcement + military, and almost every single Government agency and Corporations in world recruiting honest persons of integrity to complete these GOD centered missions of mercy.
May 2019 + April 13, 2018. Today our team visited the Presidential Spokesman Martin Andanar at PCOO, PBSradio Ed Verzola, the InterPol Anti-Crime group, and personally handed R.C. Cardinal Tagle this website and supporting bible evidence these are the ONLY answers to UNIFY mankind. Request was made for Tagle to contact Pope Francis as I was at ROME Italy April 6-16 2015 on exactly this same revolution Unification Reform action. Since GOD and Christ have NOT intervened despite all the massive prayer campaigns of millions of followers, it is clear that GOD is abdicating HIS role of saving his Earthly creations since his people refuse to respect the honorable rights of each other. Legalization of almost all crimes is now the standard for most nations including murder, kidnapping, sex slave trading, espionage, treason, cyber crime terrorism, and other most deadly crimes against humanity. These answer solutions I have gifted humanity since a few indicators show I return to heaven since so few honest persons of any integrity have yet to be found regarding super criminal ROSE and his dominion of infiltrated Government and corporate databases and agencies in cabal league with and multiple R.I.C.O. underground mobster crime networks.
March 30, 2018 Cooperative Ministries among ALL religions eliminates all cultural denomination wars. + are the ordained divined answers to bring total peace and social justice to all my 7.6 billion people. 10 years ago today, anti-Christ ROSE owed me my own $109,800 USD 3 Notes. Now ROSE will man-hunted down by and 7.7 billion people just like all other demonic criminal cyber terrorists + corrupt satanic leaders who want devastation apocalypse holocaust to enslave my people because of the abject poverty and denial of ALL basic rights to OWN their own destinies.
Exactly 3.5 years from Oct 3,2011 to April 3, 2015 I return from my own walk to Emmaus, JerUSAlem, then Rome Italy. Robert Dee Rose (DOB 1971-April-01) is most wanted and I remain broadcasting daily on the ONLY answers to save mankind from their own sin-vice-predatory greed. Three years ago I arrive in Tel-AVI Israel on last pilgrimage missions for GOD himself to proclaim that CHRIST and GOD will NEVER intervene since mankind idol worships everything and everyone, and seldom worships and honors GOD's sovereign rights. Refusals to use one International standard of EVOTE.ONE -> condemns the racists, bigots, cynics, hypocrites, blinded fools, criminal brood of Vipers (Matthew 23) to the Hell they have created. The rest of my saved people inherit the criminals assets using + clearinghouse of all answer solution methods to UNIFY our world in all new world standard aspects.
The only choice for my people is to DIE painfully or USE to replace all known forms of corrupt government and corporations to UNIFY our world with Conclusive.
I shall be met by millions of my people as my disciples and partners teach our world HOW to actually DEAL with all issues and solve their own issues by Fearlessly protecting the Rights of all others... OR.....
I, most humble keith (son of Humanity) remain fully prepared to return to HEAVEN for years now, since my GODless LawLess people continue to pervert themselves so severely. Few do much of anything to fearlessly protect the rights of any other as keith has taught mankind his entire life. Most are blinded by such greed and self entitlement that causes genocide and total destruction of my FatherGod's most blessed creations. All your fault, never mine, for I have never violated any law, yet was kidnapped because of my faith in GOD.
Our teams of Christian universal Crusaders work for all humanity to continue the traditions cast forward by Preachers modeling like Rev Billy Graham. as we are World Leader advisors who request all to HOST required Press Conferences and Crusades for now +10 years to UNIFY all mankind using and evote.ONE with all other divined ordained answer methods of
All objections from self-serving religion leaders claiming they are the ONLY true religion are showcased to their congregations so THEY can eVOTE.ONE these sinister brain washing cult crime dynasties out of power.
Our growing recruited disciples and apostle World Evangelist teams function like Billy Graham + John the Baptist preparing the pathways of true Righteousness and Peace. Watch to see how most humble keith duncan teaches world how not to SIN by empowering all our 7.6 billion people to actively and fearlessly protect the rights of all others by unifyication of and all other perfected answer methods over GOD's free internet
This was because Keith was already established as #1 anti crime technologist Crusader of all time and WHY USA GOV owes him Press Conferences, recover of $1.2M usd, $500M usd for real and punitive damages and to PROTECT his life from all identified and underground criminal family dynasties.
Clearly, these are the only divined, ordained answer solutions to UNIFY each community by teaching all how to solve their own issues with master mind controlling and managing their very own highly paid consultant leader administrators. NO one can pervert or criminally profiteer now because FOIA.ONE is the ONE final OPEN public database 'Prime Tree of LIFE' that is 100% owned by each person who contributes their own data, stock + asset ownership, super facebook style networked connections, and all other 100% visible $$ information to showcase they are 'saved' and honest + fearlessly protect the rights of all others.
Biblical Driven by EVOTE.ONE, this divides the unsaved, unrepentant criminals by banishing them to the abandoned slums solved by SolutionHousing.ORG SolutionSafeWater.ORG + other showcased Master Teachings of Now all my citizens own, control, and manage all of their own land, home, small business enterprises ( + ). Each community now owns their own cooperative Association internet/free wifi, power-energy plants/distribution, water system, roads, free public schools to all levels of degrees, their own shopping malls and food/trade markets, their cooperative food mills and stock barter markets, and all other self-regulated self sufficient infrastructure and supporting transportation, commerce, storage, and other required aspects of communities using last Testament 10 Commandments that is the ONLY 'last testament' required Constitution Charter Mandate Manifesto to ensure our world prospers and thrives by fearlessly protecting the rights of all others. All crime networks are systematically exterminated in the name of our/my FatherGod One mutual Creator...
​ + = teaches all religious groups how to work in cooperative ministries with all other community groups to actually solve and resolve almost all local issues. Therefore almost no taxes or government oversight will ever be needed again. This restores GOD's original Paradise of Heaven back on our Earth by removing profit, motive, and opportunity for crimes to be committed. Never be swayed by the crime families who use every deceptive con-artist forged evidence method to avoid detection and prosecution.
These GOD gifted complete ministries UNIFY all mankind by unraveling the crime complexities created by ROSE, Anti Christs, Political Criminals, and others who want you GONE (dead, enslaved, etc). Only by following these scriptures, commandments, mandates, and directives will Humanity actually PROSPER and GROW in GOD's name I have stated for now 10 years. I am completely ASHAMED of all who defile and defy GOD's commandments as they commit so many vice crimes. Refusals of my people to fearlessly protect all rights of others permits Holocaust to occur as GOD has no feelings for his creations who only rape, pillage, plunder, murder, and destroy his other creations. This I know from 1st hand experience as I have yet to find competent, honest, integrity driven persons who actually UPHOLD any existing man-made laws regarding terrorism, espionage, crimes against humanity, murder, and general mayhem and chaos. IMMEDIATE contact to USA GOV, Military and all world Leaders through PRESS CONFERENCES and direct VISITS by all my churches and fellow human beings will FINALLY complete the lifetime ministries of those messianic messengers who fight for your total freedom with EVOTE.ONE
Daily Press Conferences on National News Call USA (712)775-7031 ID: 166 841 408 Host with code *1134# at 10 am EST USA daily.
Click/Read Matthew 25:31-46 Who Is LUKE 4:18. " keith....Set the Oppressed FREE"
eVote.ONE BidOnKeith is CreatorKeith
Call Keith Duncan today to BOOK his team to save yourselves.
Your New World crime free Society is created with these broadcast answer-solutions.
Matthew 28:18-20 is the 'Great Commission' as the true basis for completing Romans 12. This I have done most humbly in God's Holy Name starting DOB 1958-Aug-15 for world to see WHO I AM (see Videos EVote.ONE SolutionHousing.ORG new world society run by YOU, for, of, and by all my 7.5 billion people.
When ALL religions leaders work TOGETHER in COOPERATIVE MINISTRIES, no taxes and almost NO GOVERNMENT will EVER be needed again. For the weight of all these corrupt governments and crime dynasties has been on MY shoulders (per scripture) for now 41 years in the wilderness of mass cyber crime terrorism that is clearly the #1 plague of mankind... HERE I AM, as #1 top anti crime GOD rights Activist KEY NOTE SPEAKER author, inventor, and representative of GOD's Sovereign Ambassador rights this entire time.
Feb 18, 2018. #1043 World Rebroadcast.
FREE our People from the WW3 Sins of Cybercrime Family Dynasties who control our lives by destroying our assets. Greetings in the name of our Holy Spirit Trinity. I am known by children as Duncan. I am in Manila now as top world Evangelist Crusader recruiting millions to use EVOTE.ONE with driving to is a key centerstone to teach each community through cooperative ministries HOW to solve their own issues. Therefore, almost NO taxes or government ever needed again.
ALL Family Dynasty Tycoons perish forever as we all become small business owners running our own and all other aspects of self funded all digital Creative communities free of vice, gambling, drugs, drunks, and other crime sins. All criminals have been ORDERED to SURRENDER years ago or be manhunted DOWN by OCTV auto-face Recognition thru Mass Publicity Campaign to SAVE our world from all Politics and underground crime networks with EVOTE.ONE. When do we actually meet in person, FACE to FACE with WORLD LEADERS?
90% of first $1 Billion (yes B Billion) USD is hereby legally pledged to the WORLD to create UNIOcracy. Actually more when everyone sees the and uses the end result of WHY eVOTE.ONE and FOIA.ONE create the worlds last master philanthropist reformation revolution to transfer trillions of $$$ of criminally acquired wealth of terrorists, super criminals, corrupt family dynasties engrained in rogue nations as well as systematically identify all world issues, conflicts, cyber crime warfare and return GOD's assets to all 7.6 billion of our people. All legally authorized by the Will of the Majority of all our people using Free Wifi , almost free, SolutionSafeWater.ORG (free public education for all), and completed world broadcast answers seen on + follow the URL You Are Loved links to REFORM our entire world ONE relationship at a time.
Thieves, criminals, terrorists at all levels steal GOD's assets thinking no judgment day by EVOTE.ONE using ONLY last final open public database Tree of LIFE versus eternal DEATH. = includes ONE world to destroy all WW3, civil drug/poverty wars forever... This ONLY occurs driven by EVOTE.ONE and perfected total checks and self balances of re-creation GODs paradise. I post this on Just WHERE do I get these absolute messages signed by GOD. Mostly on the street signage of WHERE I GO to the greatest places of needs. Promise of Restoration is full filled with Clearinghouse of ONLY world answer solutions. I have killed the worst crimes against humanity.
Jan 28, 2018 Today is 4 year exact anniversary of when I was dumped on street after being kidnapped 4 times BY USA GOV under ROSE's criminal orders. These world saving ministries FINALLY unify all religions as Cooperative MINISTRIES. Each keep their theology, but NOW work TOGETHER using these to resolve ALL local issues. This is Federalism (UNIOcracy) with EVOTE.ONE of that empowers ALL humanity to VOTE on their highly paid consultant advisors (NO MORE POLITICS) and VOTE on the decisions affecting themselves. For most people only ARE self-entitlement Blinded FOOLS from Matthew Chapter 23. Solved by law of large numbers...... GO FORTH and MAKE disciples of all nations as I HAVE already done...... NO ONE can EVER DENY YOUR RIGHTS again once HUMANITY RISES UP to SOLVE all their very own problems. PROTECT keiths life by contacting ALL GOV World Leaders, Military, Press, + PUBLIC NOW !!!
Jan 18, 2018 Absolutely NO ONE ever does required FOLLOW-UPS, which is a crime against humanity. In PURE Defined Divined Ordained Order: +10 years and Our world is devastated by CYBERCRIME TERRORISTS who now have BOUNTY on their heads by reverse tracking all transactions using SolutionBankFraud = as photo/video/real time video conversation CONFIRMATION that they are the AUTHORIZED person to commit the transaction shown to world on DEAD SILENCE by all shows our world self destructs BECAUSE of these criminal ruling elite. ALL solved and PREVENTED forever with EVOTE.ONE that MANHUNTS all world criminals who refuse to SURRENDER> This is basis of WHY I AM HERE and WHO I AM, which few care to KNOW or fearlessly protect the rights of all others... showcases ALL new world society COMMANDMENTS.... with being the ONLY one world military required as 100% peace keeper criminal investigators who earn BONUSes by finding wanted criminals FIRST, just like the rest of my 7.5 BIllion PEOPLE I call my very own family...
Only action by PUBLIC world mass publicity will save you all.
Jan 6 2018. Years ago, a few others identified me as a true humble Messianic Messenger working full time for GOD these last 10 years. just resurrected along with other ONLY answer solutions to finally REDEEM and UNIFY all mankind. Brief for + to WORLD. I represent GOD"s most Holy Sovereign Emissary rights this entire time. I have engaged Christians, Muslims, Jewish, Buddhists, actually ALL religions and even cult brain washed religious leaders to SHOW our world EXACTLY how to SAVE themselves from the onslaught of the CRIMINAL RULING ELITE and how to PREVENT self-genocide once all these final testament answers become YOUR mainstream COMMANDMENTS. This simple system will NULL and VOID most of the man-made laws that are truly loop-holes for the Super RICH and Satanic forces to enslave my +7.5 Billion PEOPLE. Any who REFUSE to use what I have gifted humanity immediately identify themselves as self-entitlement BLINDED FOOLS, racists, hypocrites, bigots, cynics, Criminal Brood of serpent Vipers. Only by following these new Commandments, will humanity actually PROSPER and THRIVE in the light of my FatherGOD"s HOLY LIGHT of TRUTH.
Jan 2, 2018 Tonight, I am watching NetFlix "Terminator Gensys". (copyright 2015) All about SKYNET and Judgment Day. That would be THIS: full fulfillment of Revelation 4:8 that are smart remote control drones tied to auto face recognition database of 7.7 billion of my people. Judgment day is eVOTE.ONE as the will of the majority of my people DECIDE who is honest and who are UNSAVED.... I am waiting for Tom Haag right now to speak directly with a few pastors and deacons in Lost Wages Los Vegas for THEM to also, GO PUBLIC as all these extreme efforts do change your deadly serious history timelines. The application of science to spirituality has also been my gift to all.
Watch the silent PowerPoint single World Open Public database show at: to see how this UNIFIES all mankind by no secrets = no crimes.
EVOTE.ONE 5 ByPass Laws Change World history. No one can deny your rights again. = eVOTE.ONE.
With PUBLIC OWNED CONTROLLED = Interpol FOIA.ONE standardized international unified referential integrity normalized database, no criminal can survive the face recognition and bio-metrics tracking conducted by all citizens.
Protect Keith's life NOW as he is most humble God Son of all humanity! These true Plans of self-Salvation Acts of Wisdom were gifted to you 7, 10, 41 years ago in Gods own time + mine to full fill prophecies. Soon all +7.7 billion of my people OWN and operate ALL infrastructure to destroy all crime tyranny dynasties forever. Each major commerce will now be cooperative owned and run by each community with EVOTE.ONE no secret New Society UNIocracy. This includes ALL energy, banks, phone/internet/wifi, transportation, schools, stock markets, water, all land/forest/farm home ownership that destroys all super criminal elite slave trading enterprises forever.
Clearly I am humble #1 Sovereign Ambassador Emissary sent by GOD headmasters to lead as #1 Consultant to world. This is combination of (spring 2012) that full fills all prophecies.
#1 TOP PRIORITY has always been to host PRESS CONFERENCES to showcase each crime and prevention answers.
SolutionHousing.ORG and then UNIFY our world with free Education and homes as stabilizes and unifies all world stock markets as 100% BARTER Based economies. All of these are worth mega BILLIONS $$$ in economic recovery. and provide almost free energy worldwide owned BY, FOR, and OF our people.
Call FBI, AG, Military as I have done for now 7 long years of HELL. Call Dr. David Shaw PCBC (770)448-1313 and Dr. Bill Ross (770)424-8326 Atlanta Baptist Pastors and ask them WHY they are also deadly silent, just like rest of USA GOV + public... For I have always been WHO I AM, keith the baptist working full time on orders of GOD for all humanity. Will CHRIST return? Doubtful now, as GOD sent myself and a few others to 'SAVE ALL YOUR SOULS' by teaching world how to SOLVE THEIR OWN PROBLEMS at all levels, one, then ALL at ONE TIME ! = Total world Salvation...
Nov 28, 2017 Email sent:
Dec 14, 2017 (Last Testament) The bible subject of Sacrament of Penance has been misconstrued by Diversion of True Confession of Transgressions. Seldom does any priest, pastor, minister actually tell the sinner to make RESTITUTION to their victims. For these leaders of religious orders have NO Authority from GOD or granted by CHRIST to absolve/forgive the sins of our people. ONLY by ACTION of making mutual agreement with those they have abused and committed vice sins, can any person actually enter the kingdom of GOD. This is also why the ROMAN Catholic church must STOP it's severe restrictions on divorce, They must allow female priests, and allow marriage of any priest, including the POPE. This alone will finally humanize our religious leaders as mortal souls who must truly UNDERSTAND that marriage contracts, sex, and raising our next generation is all part of GODs divined design to create a mortal race of self sufficient communities of total grace, faith, and ACTS of wisdom.
Why has NONE of my thousands of churches put THE IMAGE above or ANY of these PRIME master teachings up on their large screen PROJECTION SYSTEMS for now YEARS. Are they also BLINDED By greed, cured by 1 Cor 13:13? Or just in un-educated apathy state of internal politics since few can even meet their own budget constraints because of in-fighting and power struggles among their elders and those who actually HAVE assets to fund outreach ministries that break down the theology walls of "WE ARE THE ONLY RELIGION who HAS direct connection to our ONE GOD." That alone is the most incompetent statement of so so many pastors who brain wash my people to think THEY are the only ONEs who matter to GOD as a ‘chosen’ people. When asked what church I, Keith, represent, I respond "ALL OF THEM, including agnostics, atheists, + all OTHERS', just like my GODfather Christ ministered to drug dealers, tax collectors, prostitutes, murders, prisoners, children, women, and all others'.
All I request is EMERGENCY flight back to ATLANTA GA so I can FINALLY TESTIFY to FBI AG Military, PRESS, and world on WHY I was so brutally kidnapped so many times and NO ONE CARES. THEN I recovery all my stolen assets (so far ZERO) despite all the 10 years of going PUBLIC to Police, all levels of USA GOV, 100’s of churches, and of course MILLIONS of my people so far. Then THOSE who support these last day final testimonies have option to TRAVEL with my growing evangelist teams worldwide to TEACH our world collectively HOW to actually CONDUCT enforceable ethics.
Clear enough now, without me wasting any more of MY precious GOD’s gifted time… Keith
Nov 21, 2017 All middle class with zero crime ruling elite means zero Poverty / homeless / genocide / orphans / civil wars, or other crimes against humanity that finally ends the current WW3 cyber crime terrorism destroying GODs world. This is the UTOPIA that my GodFather promised all along. It only occurs when all 7.7 billion of my people (followers, disciples, partners, world leaders) unite together with the only answers to save our humanity ! No one can ever again DENY YOUR RIGHTS to use God's resources by fearlessly protecting the Rights of All Others. No one can object these are the only solutions to UNIFY mankind by cross foreign exchange of all cultures, therefore no nationality cults can ever create oligarchy crime dynasties again. Since GOD himself commissioned myself + a few select other Messianic Messengers, all humanity faces Judgment Day as these answers go ONLINE.
These are the ONLY biblical method to teach ALL communities worldwide HOW to solve their very own issues at local level. All religions retain their sacred theology and actually WORK in cooperative ministries with all other religions to FINALLY homogenize all 7.5 billion of my people as NO more national borders need exist with 100% totally free travel and trade regardless of birth nation with EVOTE.ONE. Therefore almost no taxes or government oversight will EVER be needed as the economic slave trading strangleholds of corrupt monopoly tycoons is broken forever with Why can FEW see how simple these acts of wisdom are used to UNIFY all mankind one relationship at a time? WHY? Pure greed, fear, and ultimate intimidation.
#1 objections by top church/Gov leaders are: 1. Too busy. 2. Just pray about it. 3. When God is ready. 4. We refuse to help anyone who is not indoctrinated (brainwashed) into our cult. 5. We are the ONLY true church of GOD and see ever other group as demonic pagans. 6. We are castrated by politics inside our church and have no 'BALLS' to actually protect the rights of any others ! As the list goes on and on as everyone uses EVERY excuse to NOT uphold total justice and peace and actually protect, direct support, and fund the one true man of God/humanity, humble keith brent duncan #1 Gods Rights Activist who was divined and ordained to Peacefully UNITE all of mankind.
My billion people MUST rise up in biblical warfare to use EVOTE.ONE to destroy all crime networks forever. Each person now uses eDevice OCTV as whistle blowers to ensure no crime goes unpunished as they collect offered reward of any crime assets. Keith's group + you (new benefactors), has already claimed 1% of all crime assets seized using as the only prime open public database to ensure no secrets exist that protect Anti Christs, criminals, terrorists, or common crooks. Each of you claim % of all crime assets of criminals you identify based on others reporting and showing the crime evidence. Very few lawyers, judges, criminal investigations will ever be needed again. The transfer of billions, then trillions of $$$ funds are pledged to build new world communities using divine engineered platforms of and as Berlin walls and Intl wars are stopped forever with Anyone with false witness of self-serving objections are immediately banished to the abandoned world slums by the will of my eVote people unless they provide the actual solution to their own objection with consensus of their peers-victims.
Nov 19, 2017 All middle class with zero crime ruling elite means zero Poverty / homeless / genocide / orphans / civil wars, or other crimes against humanity that finally ends the current WW3 cyber crime terrorism destroying GODs world. This is the UTOPIA that my GodFather promised all along. It only occurs when all 7.5 billion of my people (followers, disciples, partners, world leaders) unite together with the only answers to save our humanity ! No one can ever again DENY YOUR RIGHTS to use God's resources by fearlessly protecting the Rights of All Others. No one can object these are the only solutions to UNIFY mankind by cross foreign exchange of all cultures, therefore no nationality cults can ever create oligarchy crime dynasties again. Surely I have taught our entire world exactly WHO I AM and WHO YOU ARE destined to be as Loving and Caring for all each other. Years ago, I discovered GOD called me to be one of his prime messianic messengers. I answered HIS call and have been severely persecuted by Satan and unbelievers this entire time. Therefore, I finally surrender everything I have gifted humanity to YOU, my people, in the format of the New Tree of LIFE called using EVOTE.ONE to teach our collective world how to enforce ethics and bring criminals to Justice with these truly fundamental BY-PASS laws and New World commandments which ensures our humanity prospers, thrives, and expands as Children of our one mutual Creator.
Nov 17 + Nov 6, 2017 Another direct visits to USA Embassy to DEMAND they emergency fly me back to USA on Military escort to TESTIFY with PRESS CONFERENCES. All efforts DENIED because of super - criminals like ROSE who blacklisted me year 2011 BECAUSE I am the #1 anti crime tech expert in the world teaching all law enforcement and judicial systems HOW to eliminate almost all crime investigations with DIRECT eVoting by victims to forever remove all criminals.
Aug 24, 2017. Per #317 ### For Immediate World Press Release and re-Broadcast to the world. Back at A.D.D. Bro eli S., Daniel Razon EDSA North on GOING PUBLIC as I just spent overnight with dear Attny Friend of Pres. Duterte after personally delivering ALL these Plans of Salvation - Acts of Wisdom to world. Includes All Law enforcement, Congress, Presidents, Press, Churches and Public through these divined/ordained comprehensive answers to mankind civil wars and pending nuclear Holocaust that will be DO or DIE for JUSTICE for all mankind if anyone REFUSES to use EVOTE.ONE and other world class saving solutions.
Clearly I was born Aug 15, 1958 to complete Christ Jesus and our other fore-founders Messianic ministries to fulfill God-Creator-Allah-Yehwah-Father-Holy Spirit original design for creation. Since GOD has been my only true benefactor, WHO are the other children of GOD who join and support ? The biggest world issue is so many religions claim they are the one and only true church of 'GOD'. This is the biggest LIE of all since Christ NEVER said one must be JEWISH. After personally witnessing to thousands of my churches through these most extensive Viral Social Media Campaign in world history, few have lifted a finger or asked any relevant question about anything (Blinded FOOLS from Matthew Chapter 23). This total world reformation unification ONLY occurs when all people + churches RISE up in Cooperative Ministries to oversee and TEACH our people how to solve their own local issues. Therefore, almost NO taxes and remote government are ever needed again. Corporate Monopolies run by tycoons and underground criminals (ROSE) collapse as each community is now self reliant and self sustaining as they produce their own, food, commerce, and free international trade and travel using their one single international Identification that effectively KILLS the 666 Mark of the beast forever.
Send = to your greatest places of needs that is clearly to consult with all world leaders, U.N, Interpol, and of course church leaders who have almost been possessed by greed, vice and sin of errors and omissions as they fail to teach that Taking Action is the only end result taught by all our famous fore-founders of Righteousness and Justice known as Messianic Messengers enabled by our Creator to UNIFY all of Mankind
The final clearinghouse uses Prime as the creation of our final new God = People focused Family Spiritual Government Society Business Society. This prime solutionFinal unifies all religions and my people with One Degree of Separation between all of mankind with simple + OTHERS with a new United Nations International Agency broadcast to remove all Criminals. Click/Read the TOP PDF file next to My Father's Centerstone above. These are the Prime Solutions broadcast For 1. We Trust In God by our Actions that benefit others first. 2. 3. Full scale accountability of self + Others. 4. Use of technology to destroy all crime networks with worlds first and last open public AI databases as NO secrets prevents all AntiChrists + criminal crimes against humanity.
Reverse cross Fund Keith today as I have claimed First Lien Rights on all criminally acquired assets as the #1 God-People Rights Activist Sovereign Ambassador Missionary and the ultimate Educator teaching our entire world how to actually LOVE and CARE for all.
This is YOUR new world society free of VICE, CRIME, and most sins as everyone fearlessly protects the rights of all others. Our churches and religion NGO groups MUST support and fund these final day ministries in order to reap the massive benefits of restoring GOD's paradise of Heaven-Eden back here on my Earth. For I have already claimed sovereign ambassador rights as the Sovereign Ambassador Emissary to consult and spiritually counsel world leaders and corporate executives with my teams that work to teach all people how to actually fearlessly LOVE and CARE for each other.
Biblical Note: Humans love to idol-worship, hustle vice, and take advantage of each other at every evil chance. The Criminal Ruling Elite exist since churches and public have not unified as the overseers of their own governments and institutions. This solved forever with FOIA.ONE original and other world changing-saving solutions gifted Acts of Wisdom. Since GOD has not intervened in a really long time, HE finally sent Messianic Messengers again to teach all of mankind how to overcome their own evil ways by focusing on GOD and the welfare of others. No one has asked any question of Keith that truly matter about why he went to Military Sept 25, 2011 Langley as the first, middle, and last resort since USAGov protects these criminals.
Who actually contacts Keith Duncan and asks the most obvious question of all? WHO ARE YOU??? For I always knew WHO I WAS, AM, and IS to COME.... Christ himself said he did not know when he would return. Only our Father in heaven knows. Evidence shows Christ will never return since humanity always bent on self-destruction of predatory greed.
How can you save yourself from the demonic plaques shown Aug 18, 2016
The file is BBK20160818 three days after my birthday Aug 15, 1958 when I was again, Risen from the DEAD showing 13 plagues against mankind that are destroying MY GOD's creations...
Someone accused me of being a SEX OFFENDER era 2015 to discredit my name, They claimed that I was going to CEBU to have sex with teenage girls. WHO was this? Reports was it was KYLE or Matthew Duncan or ??. Christ was accused of being a sex offender because he spoke with and ministered to the Prostitute. This was con artist Black Widow Ms. Bashama who remains at large despite bounty reward on her head since she robbed my home $40,000 USD Marietta PD GA Report 1.11.2506.99 forged 4 times showing I robbed my own home and kidnapped these criminals.
Reference: LAW Magazine.
QUOTE: “Plaintiffs die as well. In these cases, a deceased plaintiff’s estate will be substituted in her stead. Any recovery from a lawsuit wherein the decedent was a plaintiff will be considered an asset of her estate and distributed pursuant to her last will and testament or the state’s laws of intestacy. It therefore behooves a decedent-plaintiff’s family to substitute an estate into the proceeding so that the matter can speedily proceed and hopefully collect a judgment.” KEITH: Will the USA GOV claim my GodZillion value estate because no one will claim any of the crimes committed against me ? I have 75,000 Shares of Common Stock INC registered in Reno Nevada Dec 24, 2014 before I went to China, Hong Kong, Return to Walk From Emmaus, Jerusalem, Philippines, and back to USA Oct 5, 2018 to Jan 12, 2019. All in purpose to complete Christ's missions of mercy and grace...
Click files above and see that Keith is the #1 World Messanic Messenger Sovereign Emmissary Ambassador. These two world broadcasts explain who Keith really is. Who are you for you to answer..
Sept 25, 2011 , 9:00 PM
Safe Haven emergency Anti -Political Corruption and #1 first AntiCybercrime debrief visit to Langley Air Force Base Virginia.
Oct 3, 2011 10 am. Third kidnapping occurs at Las Vegas on orders of Rose signed Sept 26, 2011 to steal Keith's IP value and attempt Murder by USA agents.
Jan 28, 2014, 10:00 AM
Keith dumped on street by USA gov homeless, destituted, and all assets sold off by ROSE and criminals.
May 5, 2014 Direct visit to Washington D.C. FBI-AG after Atlanta blacklists and PRESS and churches refuse to cover these world cybar-attack events.
April 1-16, 2015. Historical biblical piligramage to JerUSAlem-Emmaus-TelAviv, then Rome Italy to meet with all church leaders, Vatican, and even Pope Francis. The video history of shows all these God-focused extremeefforts to help all people
Oct 26, 2015,
Creation of final component of
Soon. Intervention by USA military, FBI-AG, Press, Public, and all churches asking WHO IS KEITH?
May 24, 2017 Historical call to NAMB where I broadcast 3 years ago before/after historical drive to wash the sin out of Washington in 1930 Model A Ford. Read far right.
July 4, 2017 10 am, around our world..
Continuous Mass PROTEST Prayer Rallies and Millions of Demonstrators on steps of FBI, AG, IRS, Washington Mall (Congress, Supreme Court, Abraham Lincoln, Jefferson and Martin Luther King Memorials. Invite National Press to report our new society.
T.B.D. 5:00 PM or your choice. world rally in your comunity of Faith and Grace.
Oct 29, 2015, 11:11 AM
Emergency visit to USA Embassy Manila asking for safe-haven and to debrief FBI-USMilitary-Press after all this time. Click and read PDF file above to see that FBI Hansen committed multiple felony crimes in under 30 minutes...
Oct 30, 2015
Creation of completed calling for United Nations Press Conferences featuring world changing comprehensive solutions to majority of our world problems and international wars.
Dec 4, 2015.
This NEXT final Website is created to finally unify all churches and people.. explains all the questions anyone might have.
DAILY Press Conference Calls are on top of at any time hosted by YOU my people to establish the New World order of at all levels of society. Join today and form your own chapter. to sole serve solve all your own local issues. Therefore almost no government is needed at all !
DAILY 10 am EST = 7 am PST, is 10 pm Manila-Hong Kong-China time.
Daily Press Conferences on National News Call USA (712)775-7031 ID: 166 841 408
Host with code *1134# at 10 am EST daily !.
Direct call +(63) x917-335-4300 for how to recover MILLIONS of your tax assets from the criminals just as Christ did 2,000 years ago. tells why.
These solutions on have always been the #1 Solution to teach our world how to resolve it's own conflicts.
Who will be the first newscaster or journalist to interview and hear these ultimate truths already broadcast to all.
Keith Duncan has been humbly offering and serving humanity greatest needs his entire life as the one Justified and Righteous 'unknown missionary journalist' who works for the Father. Contact everyone as I remain alive by only the Grace of God-Christ-Holy Spirit Trinity with no protection or any of my rights upheld by anyone who aligns with the AntiChrist ROSE who I called just last night. His VOIP criminal line is (404)867-2063 for all to call his false identities of crime cabals.
It is often so easy to tell what will occur NEXT with all the corruption and worldwide grief caused by Satanic forces like ROSE and so many corrupt leaders. Each of YOU must decide your own fate. That is what most people want to do anyway. Take advantage of others for their own benefit. You live for instant gratification and vice along with idol worshipping cash, assets, and ability to overpower those you encounter. Use of by everyone prevents all these crimes against yourself. Start with and proceed on the pathways of righteousness laid out for all of you. Your choice of course... I made my own destiny. That is to teach our world how to Love Each Other, just like my/our GodFather has done..
April 1-5, 2016 -1 year now since historical ultimate pilgrimage fully documented travels to Jaffa, TelAvi Israel, JerUSAlem, Emmaus, then Rome Italy to identify WHY Jesus Christs emissary missions were never fully completed by YOU, my people. The NEXT major world event sequences are YOUR choice based on what you do or what each of you FAIL to accomplish.