Part of $40 BILLION USD +100 NGOs.
Legacy Patent of year 2009 would have generated +5 Million USD Profits per month by Dec 2011. Keith was brutally kidnapped 900 days to Destroy GODs simple ways to unify 8 Billion WE the people perfected Utopia
Worlds first = last Open Public Communication system Duncan +1 770-377-2106 Total Global Equality Peace driven by GODs +4 simple EVOTE.ONE universal voting and all other direct peer to peer communications patents of year 1976 to 2009-2024
Keith Duncan, skype: TeenMM
USA hdqtrs +1 770-377-2106
Philippines (63)0917-335-4300
Integrity: 11675 Dec 19, 2024
Worlds most famous R&D Scientists, Authors, Inventors, All Rights Activist, #1 Sovereign Ambassador Emissary invites all World Presidents, Corp CEOs as partners and clients to contact with most humble HIGHEST IQ Keith and his growing Teams. Daily Conference calls shown
Use our Technology Consult Teams today. Contact World Leaders and Press now. GOD's World Saving R&D Scientist Crusader Evangelist Tech Solutions
IClick on to literally as corruption, terrorism, and most crimes are prevented by just THREE BY-PASS laws of and database gifted to Interpol and all governments. Who contacts USA Government now and commands them to investiagate #1 Terrorist right now. That is all that has ever been required by the TRUE Man of GOD and outraged citizens of our mutual world. is your only GOD + Duncan Methods to UNIFY mankind forever use of by YOU host mediating required monthly town hall peace making problem solving town hall forums worldwide. Means YOU decide everything about everyone else by WE GODs 8.2 billion Children eliminating the worst any WarLords and CrimeLords by full transparency by we deciding WHO are violators of perfected resulting in crime debt free utopia once and forever. Who protects Keiths life today? 2024 Dec 30
2024 Dec 13. WHO do you actually trust and know to PROTECT Duncan life today. SIMPLE CALL VISIT debrief to ress, Public, Churches, with focus on ALL going direct to Gov Brian Kemp, AG Chris Carr, GBI Chris Hosey, FBI JC Hacker and even soon retired Washington D.C. Chris Wray on emergency basis for WHO to sign and host required Press Conferences to showcase WHO Must be investigated, seized, arrested, and fast path convicted using ONLY GOD + Keiths NO crime no debt, no piracy and mass poverty of clean living utopia all driven by Portfolio $40 Billion USD took 9 years to ressurrect after being kidnapped on direct signed orders of super terrorist ROBERT DEE ROSE.
​ was procreated as worlds First/Last Visual stabilizer methodology to ensure all of mankind prospers and thrives by sharing all natural resources, ALL knowledge and wisdom, and actually De Weaponizing all technology and information so NO ONE can ever defraud, rob, steal, lie, and pirate away OUR gifted resources all sent by GOD at beginning of Dawn of Mankind.
May 17, 2024. Still not a single person has ever acknowledged my very own reasons for even existing in the first place. Most mortals with few exceptions are only interested in idol worshipping LUCIFER and taking advantage of all others with literally NO exceptions.
The Other Patent Intellectual Property is all ways and means to prevent any War-Lord Crime-Lord, con-artist, terrorist, cyber scammer, even day traders, underground black Hat criminals, common thieves, addicts, even sociopaths like ROBERT DEE ROSE from ever succeeding in mass genocide murder of WE GODS people ever again.
​ is current demise of everyone. Reversed forever by GOD + by WE eliminating ALL warlords by direct action includes Town Hall Forums of WE control all decisions therefore WE pick and control manage ALL Project Manager Consultant at all levels of both Government and Corporate Executive public traded Corporations forever.
WHO DO YOU KNOW to contact protect and go WITH Keith to best top National News Media now?
2023 Dec 14 Updated as is no crime utopia of no more turkey vultures known as WarLORDS, NWO, criminal ruling elite at any level of OUR PeaceMaking PromiseKeepers new world of that includes those mindless free will thinking atheists and agnostics. Since Jan 15, 2008, we have found NO ONE who actually uses any common sense to act with fearless authority to protect the rights, lives and assets of all others. = would have stabilized 8 billion WE the PEOPLE by showcasing HOW TO always ProCreate legally binding contracts so NO ONE can ever defraud you or violate YOUR rights to take first profits as only Privately Held Corporations who only are PRODUCERS and never again Criminal Ruling Elite HOLDING corporations and underground terrorist cyber cabal enterprises ever again. Once EVERYONE actually PROTECTS keith brent duncan life and commands recovery of ALL my assets, all my worldly knowledge wisdom and ASSETS is transferred to YOU MY most beloved 8 BILLION besieged impoverished slave traded PEOPLE.
​ was re -registered Dec 23, 2014 Reno Nevada part of MY NGO network now everyone sees, believes, and ACTS with full scale authority to self liberate yourself by JOINING and GODs forever.
Updated very last July 20, 2023 as I head east, north, south, and maybe go back out WILD WILD WEST on everything GOD sent Keith alone to re educate 8 billion WE GODS people how to ONLY be peacemakers worldwide forever.
Added Nov 22, 2022. Feb 2, 2011 same day I was showcasing mega BILLION USD how to make your OWN, I was being ROBBED by super lifetime criminals Ms. Bashama, Wendell Carraway (convicted felon), Robert Dee ROSE, then rest of DUNCAN CLAN. HOW is this YOUR reality? Because absolutely everything was STOLEN and Destroyed but I actually always had all the answers to UNIFY all 8 billion MY PEOPLE my entire 64 years. ALL about HOLDING everyone fully accountable for NOT STEALING, LYING, HIDING, and RECRUIT GROOMING others to be Lucifer con artist terrorists. is
The original first/last to market selfie Stick was OUR most professional achievement cost us $300,000 USD and almost our life once cyber terrorist Robert Dee ROSE finally understood he and his now +120 criminal cartel cabal groups to immediate to PRISON and even death row for
The patented, copyright, trademark system we were most actively selling off worldwide starting with AT&T Glenn Lurie, President of Emerging Devices who signed the 1st iphone deal year 2005. We were fully positioned complete perfected supply chain to earn $5 to $8 Million USD pure profits per month back in fall of 2011 and were kidnapped (illegally detained) 848 days started Oct 3, 2011 to prevent each of you from staging peace making protest rallies to overthrow all other criminals and terorrits forever. Odd how no one actually enforces GODs commandments or even current USA or other national Constitutional Laws once criminals use their victims assets and information to most severely persecute, torture, even their victims to death so they can claim King of All Hong Kong KINGS like the Egyptian Pharaohs did 5550 years ago begging of what was suppose to be dignified civilized societies of GODs no FIRST FAMILIES.
Keiths GOD sent engineered passing non-judgmental Systems stabilize our Human race forever as all digital peer to peer communication systems destroys the NWO Corporate Executive ELITEs who think they own control our world.
Our entire patented system was due to generate $5 to $8 Million USD per month by Winter of 2011 based on multiple professional evaluations by Hugh Ballou, Ed Bogle, Harry Lay, Bernie Dohrmann, Jackie Hutter, and everyone who saw what most humble Keith Brent Duncan had already perfectly completed to stabilize all mortals by using Gods technology to enforce all legally binding contract agreements by video recording all business and legal transactions so no one can defraud any other.
These GOD focused systems have never been brought to any markets because the GREED of top leaders and underground criminal terrorists is bound to destroy all mortals known as WW5 that we personally predicted and showcased back in summer of 2010 when antiChrist Robert Dee Rose was hell bent on having us and my family associates all murdered and all documents destroyed forever.
Keiths 1st to Market cost over $300,000 USD as we were almost murdered by Robert Dee Rose, Doug Duncan, +120 others after they each stole your assets we had professionally designed as the following 3 piece any webcam cell phone mount system to vision empower mankind to decide everything as ALL digital world UNIocracy ending at FOIA.ONE
Our other world saving patents and intellectual property are so valuable of over $500 Trillion sUSD real USD, we have gifted everything back to each of you mortal 7,.9 billion Gods Children to advance our human race as peace makers at all levels of our free will Sovereign independant decentralized societies at all Community levels.
Author of New World Society free of all crime. We are #1 last World Trading Partner Ministry reality Trillionaires of Change Enterprises NGO
The Original IseeStand + PhoneCradle is your Universal Stabilizer worth over $500 Million USD. All other answers are gifted EVERYTHING to YOU +7.9 Billion Gods people.

Use BidOnKeith for #1 Services and Products for world wide free barter trade markets. is the Publics View of Injustice, Terror, and Inequality of the world prevented by UNIocracy.ORG + My=Our People. Incorporation formal membership now achieves Total Global World Peace with our simple (tm)(c) (r) Patent unique simple system to return all control and ownership of all world assets back to our most foresaken slave traded 7.9 billion People. As of Feb 22, 2022 no one has yet come to ESCORT KEITH to safe haven required for our #1 savior crusaders to debrief World Presidents, Interpol, Militaries, Top World Leader Executives and supply us with basic food, travel, and scientific required resources to make OUR new world be OUR reality. We are being MURDERED by named ELITE run by Robert Dee ROSE with $200 Million USD Bounty on his head for MILITARY, CIA, NSA, INTERPOL, literally ANYONE to put him on required DEATH ROW per my debriefing with Langley AirForce Base Sept 25, 2011 to present moment. Even Current COVAD-19 pandemic will be forever prevented with use of FOIA.ONE and found by simple GOOGLE BuiltBykeith.
The most prolific video education from GOD is at : 'BuiltByKeith' Filter by Upload date.
Our New World Model are the self correcting checks and balances as the ony series of methods to achieve total global peace. No person or group has ever successfully created a logical common sense system to empower humanity to be free will citizens using technology and enforced integrity of Evote.ONE to achieve our inherient ability to explore the last frontier of space. We are the Sovereign Princes of Peace who work as fore founders to teach all Decision Maker influencers to be Leaders by example. These are the most positive results of our 61 years of life as clearly the timelines we have broadcast are beyond the comprenhension of most. We are the Savior Saint Apostles sent by GOD (call Him to confirm) and call us to ask us ANY question of true merit for your benefit and values based on UNIocracy.ORG and all solutions perfected shown
Our work is revolutionary Legacy Heritage to transform unify entire mankind into Peace Keeping race who actually LOVES and CARES for each other.
### end of required World Broadcast. is the ONLY answer solution set to Create Free Citizens worldwide with 100% decision Based Society all since NO ONE else was recently sent by GOD to teach Humanity to be HONEST as the ONLY POLICY. WHO will actually SEND keith and YOU to the NEXT greatest places of needs. WHO will contact KEITH now and escort his growing teams of Crusader Avengers to safe haven so we can FINALLY turn over EVERYTHING we have gifted mankind.
As of BBK20200113*.PDF file above:
Most Humble Keith was an unknown mega Billionaire Oct 3, 2011 when he was cruelly KIDNAPPED by orders of Super Criminal ROSE after named individuals in JUST Atlanta GA were all turned over to POLICE, IRS, FBI, AG, USMarshals, MILITARY, PRESS, and PUBLIC.
Therefore USA GOV owes keith over $500 Million USD in real and punitive damages that indicts even fired AG Sally Q Yates and GBI director Berry Vic Reynolds who conspired with ROSE and other criminals to DENY KEITH's rights to teach HUMANITY how to OVERTHROW all CRIME NETWORKS at one time. For their refusals to TAKE ACTION, we hereby legally claim ALL crime assets seized with our (tm)(c)Patent unique gifted solution methodology and technology products and services to be used to complete the direct self funding of CreatorKeith.SPACE common stock hereby delegated to build the REST of the systems required to destroy all terrorist groups where ever they may be with as the original reason I WENT to Military to debrief them so THEY would seize ROSE and all other civil authorities who are tied to organized crime worldwide.
All World President Leaders meet on April 1, 2022 to achieve Total World Sustained Peace forever. shows humanity how to eliminate ALL crime Networks at individual level that is always required to FREE our people to be WE the PEOPLE free society.
The top 10 methods to acheive total world peace are listed on and SolutionPeace and demonstrated for now 11 years on Youtube broadcasts. Search builtbykeith, iseestand, keith duncan Atlanta, PhoneCradle, thefinalTerrorist, and SolutionPeace keywords. stand alone achieves total world peace.
We the PEOPLE now own and control everything. Shared Resources is the true answer of everything we have gifted.
Free will citizens all use these legally binding + enforced contracts between any two parties including with Political and Corporate leaders at all levels. These are the only ratified legal methods to stabilize all economies by returning control and ownership of all assets back to each community. Honesty and enforced integrity are the only Policies required by all mankind. Use of Legally binding contracts eliminates majority of crimes committed to defraud others of time + assets. We are founders of new World economy society. We ask for everyone to support us to ensure our safety as we have already pledged donated ALL our assets and future earnings back to humanity as the worlds last Sovereign Ambassador Emissary Mediators. We own trillions of real USD $$$ intellectual property we pioneer created 1976 forward. These are the time dated broadcasts we have gifted as seed fund knowledge to FOIA.ONE ready now for deployment.
This would have occurred post Sept 25, 2011 Debriefing of SolutionRedDot and SolutionGovernment we still retain as basis for that prevents ALL wars.
The prime benefits are restore of all assets back to humanity as required by existing civil laws.
As of Dec 24, 2011 I am stunned I am still alive with my most active team benefactors as I JUST contacted SEC for first time since NO ONE else has EVER contacted me for ANY merit reason.
This is the single World Constitution required to finally stabilize mankind by establishing one universal set of Commandment Laws. Anyone who violates the 11 commandments is then held accountable by the Human Bill of Rights. The International Court of Justice:
Anyone who objects to this 4 Part Commandment Constitution is required by all others to provide a better = Best solution using
We remain beyond shocked and stunned that few of the individuals we contact out of tens of thousands ever do requried follow-up or action. The reason is clear. Most people inheriently expect to be PAID for the use of their time and mind. That is reality of humanity of how Capitialism is self-genocide until we the people understand and use cooperative collectivism to share our resources with each other. This starts with 'Act with the Authority of Fearless People to protect the rights of all others' . For violations of base human rights is how elite wealthy criminals enslave our people and go unpunished since they control the investigative system of DOJ, Judges, Police, Lawyers (we use proper term LIAR-Lawyers), and prostitute the control of the digital and paper evidence since no one questions certified signatures on any documentation. Everyone assumes the group preceeding them has done due diligence to ensure that truthful testimony and legally binding contracts have been enforced. ROSE remains one of the most dangerous manhunted terrorists in world history because he SIGNS almost nothing. He blames everyone for being incompetent and claims he is being stalked by the Military, Goverment officials, and the public. This is the most true statement ever made. He is with a $50 Million USD bounty on his head as the prime example of the power being the IID of FOIA.ONE. Nov 27, 2019
Find Keith to find out HOW this is so easy. Anyone can see that "LOVE your Enemies' IS KEY TO GLOBAL WORLD PEACE using the divined tech common sense methods seen below and on
This is the most famous world broadcast site to achieve total free citizen Peace.
We are the inventors (tm)(c) Patent of the Worlds last Universal Stabilizing System. We have now completed how to Stabilize all economies worldwide. Most of the current wars are political crimes against humanity as a few named elite benefit from each denial of our rights to show humanity how to acheive total World Peace in record time of FOIA.ONE
Updated Nov 19, 2019 we still broadcast New World Society to destroy the New World Order that most fear as End of World. If we are killed anytime, so be it. For only by our extreme efforts have we provided the solution set of economic modeling to achieve total world unification reform global social peace and justice. Call us. Since most are blinded by greed, apathy, arrogance and the original 7 sins.
Total Global Peace is only ONE Call from your New World System !!!
UNIocracy.Org = 100% Perfect Direct eDemocracy Decision based Society System free of all crime !
Humanity now owns and controls everything like we did in Garden of E.D.E.N FOIA.ONE
I + a few are now the ONLY persons in world inviting Presidents to meet you and us on Jan 20, 2020 since NO ONE IN WORLD history has EVER shown how to be 100% direct democracy. The VOICE of WE the PEOPLE now control and run everything. WE now have the constitutional rights to evote ANYONE into prison. Bypasses all the same corrupt judges, lawyers, politicians, bankers, stock market insiders and corporate executives who ARE the same group of criminal ruling elite. We never pass judgment on others, we leave that TO WE the PEOPLE. Nov 15, 2020 Keith. Hard to find anyone with confidence.
This would be to COMMAND our Presidents, Congress, Senate, United Nations get off OUR ASSets (notice the word ASS that implies JackASS = Mule = Jesus Christ donkey) and host ONE world Press SUMMIT CONCLAVE Jan 21, 2020 with #1 lead key live EyeWitness Keith and crusaders from CEOSpace.NET, NSASpeakers.ORG and ELON MUSK, JEFF Zuckerberg, literally Bill Gates and Warren Buffet in attendanc. FOR they alone can fly KEITH to safety since NOT a bible stated DAMN FOOL SOUL has ever done the most obovious. CALL KEITH. THE MILITARY was asked for Political Asylum Sept 25, 2011 and subsequent all Keith has experienced is the massive tramau of DEAD SILENCE and further severe persecution that ALL violates existing Constitutional Laws and Human Bill of rights CALL US today
Total World Peace is accomplished with just One world voting system + One open Public Database so everyone knows Who is Who, Who owns What, Who trades What with Who. Call us today as we were teaching public and all world leaders exact same evolutionary tech methods 2005(1976) played forward.
The cost benefits are trillions of No election fraud, No political parties or campaign contributions, no kickbacks or lobbist groups who pay for passage of self entitlement funds and secret loophole laws. No more any one person or group control taxes or corrupt enterprises anywhere on earth. Call us today.
We have offered to SELL this system to all world Governments and Corporations for obvious reasons.
We require our top Law firms of including AG Sally Q Yates + others to manage the required legal binding contracts. They are directly involved in Congressional Investigations of Robert Dee Rose.
One single Constitutional Mandate Commandments unify all mankind eliminating all corruption and crime at one time. Your New World society is UNIocracy.ORG that prevents all political corruption and identifies all crime networks BY, FOR, and OF our people with one single open public un-hackable database FOIA.ONE. eVOTE.ONE are 5 By-Pass Constitutional Laws that unify mankind by returning full control, ownership, and communication of all assets and knowledge bases back to +7.7 Billion my people. Command our world leaders protect our people + Keith's evolutionary education Consultants now!
View the PDF file upper left corner to see reality of trillions of real $$$ assets transferred legally back to our people.
eVote.One drives 100% Direct eDemocracy forever for All Our Nations. Empowerment of humanity occurs as WE now own all land, homes, small businesses, and absolutely ALL infrastructure !!
We are the most persecuted R&D Eco-Human Rights activists billionaire Philanthropists in world history who invest their lives and assets as investors in PEOPLE by using all available ways and means to distribute knowledge and social peace justice to rest of humanity. Peace is achieved only by preventing the crimes against humanity and genocide by easy use of the following solutions created 1-1958081501 keith brent duncan. Who will call to escort to world leaders as that is what was required Sept 25, 2011.
1. Press Conferences and Peace Summits we host once mass publicity occurs here and abroad.
2. prevents all $$$, oil and stock market civil wars, ensuring world peace..
3. is free communications and education for our entire world.
4. All driven by one world voting system EVOTE.ONE that eliminates all ability for anyone to defraud each other and stabilizes all wealth returned back to 7.7 billion people.
5. FOIA.ONE is mankinds last required Open public Artificial Intelligence Singularity enforced referential integrity database that records and forwards all transactions. This URL linked to all other repositories of knowledge and wisdom. Of course it is ad-Free and open public source software driven.
6. is billions of persons migrating to higher elevations self-funded by those we invite to share their wealth and assets to build all digital electric sustainable communities.
7. SolutionSafeWater.ORG TurnOffLights.Space provides full ownership and smart grid cluster network control over everything electric. OPEC Oil resources no longer are needed based on any analyst research. Humanity now proceeds to explore SPACE of our universe as GOD's Ambassadors.
8. eliminates all judicial legislative social fraud by simple use of Open Circuit TV as concerted concerned free will citizens decide the fate of leaders and distribution of all assets.
9. is now the worlds last Single Mandate Constitution that enforces the 11 commandments and International Human Bill of Rights to ensure everyones rights are protected.
Any of these systems work comprehensively with the other methods to ensure everyone benefits while Military works with KEITH to resolve and prevent the basic issues of rogue agents declaring war.
ALL to obtain that is the world system of unification reform always required by GOD.
Posted Nov 12, 2019 to prove to world exactly why GOD sent us to save our world from AntiChrists and those who prey on others by violating civil rights to redress grievances against anyone who has money.
Send TurnOffLights.SPACE to everyone. FOCUS on TRUMP, DUTERTE, PUTIN, then PRESS + United Nations and MAKE the DIRECT CALLS to Dept of Energy, and YES, COMMAND someone in USA gov actually CALL keith duncan back. TRUMP will be OUTRAGED that ALL my=you civil constitutional RIGHTS violated based on ONE who forced me into HELL jail 4 times = 900 days so ALL the SAME world reform solutions would DIE along with billions of other victims of individuals who ONLY care about PROFIT, DOMINANCE, and being World Tyrant Kings. Affects 7.7 Billion PEOPLE every single day. as GOD"s most powerful resource is PEOPLE, Water, Sun, and air (the breath of GOD in every single living organism). Ask EVERYONE to use as TWO prime people want me DEAD and NO ONE CARES to date that appears I am the ONLY ONE commanding our people to be 100% free citizens using EVOTE.ONE FOIA.ONE and from Sept 25, 2011 forward. CreatorKeith.SPACE Duncan in Manila: Skype: BuiltBykeith2, not using whasapp much. direct cell (63)9173354300 ready RIGHT now to go to INTERPOL, DDD, DOJ, and actually FACE each of +125 accusers who clearly violated thousands of laws by HIDING behind ROSE and just being criminally incompetent and GREEDY for not looking at ANY EVIDENCE. Human nature is to PASS judgment on others and the arrogance I have witnessed is purely satanic in nature. Keith
Nov 13, 2019 This email sent out justified today to Sally Yates. Please call her and ask her same;
To Sally Yates KSLaw, former AG Atlanta who I asked in person to enter Federal Witness Protection Program Sept 12, 2011 4pm Tues, who subsequently criminally signed Norfolk 4:11cr112 based on CANCELLED Cobb County TPO 11..1.1171.99 dated July 15, 2011 therefore my request for Political Asylum with Langley AirForceBase Sept 25, 2011 was enforcement of Patriot Act 2011 for a SINGLE criminal INVESTIGATOR to contact FBI AG and MILITARY + NSA + CIA and actually send FBI and Military to FIND ROSE. All other actions against myself were the most horrific violations of base Constitutional Laws and existing laws.
ALL resulting in our most formal request for ALL world leaders to meet Jan 20, 2020 to finally bring PEACE to humanity as THEY are the only ones to STOP all WARS with just a few Live Press CONFERNCES that WOULD have occurred Oct 2011.
WHO passes judgment on others. Clearly most of world based on abject ARROGANCE and IGNORANCE. therefore we have declared passing judgement is now legalized with EVOTE.ONE as each person is required by law to identify themselves and show WHY they vote YES, NO, or petition their own leaders on THE NEXT best project to transfer TRILLIONS of real $$ back to our people.
1. Seizure of crime assets goes to victims first, then 1% to CreatorKeith.SPACE worlds last NGO Trust Fund Human rights activist monitoring system, then balance goes locally to build TurnOffLights.SPACE free hospitals = K to PHD level, roads (REAL free FREEWAYS that is an oxymoron in just two words), all electric digital society that FREES us all from OPEC stock market wars
using 3 simple BY-LAWS + kbitcoins FinalStockmarket that returns FULL voting authority to our WORKERS who are the true producers of goods and services.
WHEN will the MILITARY escort me?
I only need NOTHING to travel the rest of life. Everyone will recognize YOU and KEITH with auto face recognition that auto back ground checks everyone through INTERPOL (or maybe I will build it ourselves), FOIA.ONE
NOTHING we have done or stated is illegal or violates anyones rights to obtain freedom.
I hereby testify to world the ONLY thing I did Feb 2011 was show Bahamas signature on 4 contracts to Marietta Police. Clearly BASHAMA was behind the 1 way mirror. I DID voice record their threats to ask GBI to hand write analyze and threatened me with forgery( yes cybercrime)
I was shocked, so I said SURE, where do I go to meet GBI as they alone can put ROSE and BASHAMA in jail. Same applies to anyone.
FILE THE lawsuits, DISPATCH Military, HLS, CIA (certainly they have an analyst here in Manila), I truly DO NOT KNOW why so many criminals roam free. Clearly few if anyone cares. Fewer are called by GOD, answer the call to SERVE humanity, and have survived so long by saying YES, what can I DO to serve others NEXT and FIRST.
I publish this too in hopes that SOMEONE will respond.
Will this be you? 7.7 billion of MY People benefit including ROSE who avoids Death ROW by confessing his crimes and calling his victims up to apologize and return THEIR assets.
I have been asking to speak directly with DUTERTE last 3 years, and WENT back to USA Oct 5, 2011 FBI clearly to SHOW how many crimes committed so AG would file all the required arrest, search and seizure required court orders.
Trump and world leaders all have focused on protecting our countries FIRST at all expense to taxpayers. They ALL are focused on themselves which IS the 100% wrong legal direction. Only by eliminating the crime networks will our leaders actually understand they are SWORN in to PROTECT and SERVE all people. NOT just themselves....
Since even YOU personally violated LAWS (how incompetent is everyone else we wonder in shame), my life IS in danger for any criminal seeing these websites, emails (hacked of course, so easy), hearing our actions on YOUTUBE for past +11 years, of COURSE they will track us down and KILL US. Even YOU are in danger since ROSE was clearly going to Clerks of Court to find out where I was and WHO was the next group to illegally pass judgement on me based ONLY on YOUR most critical mistake. Everyone in this timelined chain
Since all these horrific crimes were originated by JUST ROSE, and most DO know I was illegally detained on just Cobb County TPO 11.1.1171.99 that you personally signed not every asking.
1. who has called the accused to confirm anything.
2. Why is ROSE and Ms Bashama not under criminal investigations for they BOTH defrauded Keith and robbed his homes of mega millions of $$$ intellectual property of TurnOffLights.SPACE, CreatorKeith.Space, and the worlds last anti-CRIME(everything) by teaching humanity how to OWN and CONTROL everything.
With all world lawyers will now be so busy filing lawsuits against JUDGES, other law firms, maybe even cleaning house internally (you DO have an internal ethics review group, do you NOT).
For even GA BAR Bill Smith was asked repeatily to FILE lawsuits against ROss Grisham, Berry Vic Reynolds, Jimmy Deal.
The highest person affected is YOU. WHO told you to do NOTHING, maybe your other partners or DOJ or ??
Can't tell, as I remain in Manila asking for MILTITARY protection so I can FINALLY go to INTERPOL to debrief them and show THEM how to build FOIA.ONE as the worlds last repository of data that truly shows humanity
CALL me, like RIGHT NOW. as I have NO CLUE why PRESIDENTS have not been informed to PROTECT my teams of top IQ R&D scientists as WE are the original world leaders known as forefounders.....
SolutionPeace .COM ### World Broadcast. The #1 Human Rights activist Keith Duncan calls on All Presidents and World leaders to #1 Peace Conclave final SUMMIT Jan 21, 2020 to forever SOLVE and PREVENT each of the world issues that cause WW4. No one can deny your rights any longer shows humanity that only by rising up in WRATH against criminals who run our world will mankind actually Prosper and grow as my=your father Mutual Creator GOD created us to SOLVE all issues and work together to PROTECT our people from the criminally insane incompetent persons who control our economy by murdering our people. Passing Judgment on others is a gossip sin. with EVOTE ONE , FOIA ONE system, now we are 100% decision based society who vote on NEXT best project that benefits SELF (entitlement again) = NO taxes = Free world citizen society. Keith Duncan
Keith Duncan (63)917-335-4300 in Manila for world to contact now! SkypeID: BuiltByKeith2
#1 Human RIGHTS Activist World Evangelist Fore-founding Father of your new world society R&D Scientist of all time. #1 World Clearinghouse of eVOTE.ONE FOIA.ONE = Universal Reformation Movement. ends all Terrorism, Crime, and Politics forever. remain the only KEY SOLUTION to all world problems.
Support and Fund NGO INC teams today 2019
We are clearly the worlds most wealthy Angel Philantrophists in human history who have showcased to everyone HOW to SOLVE their very own local (nano) to Macro (God's Eye Eve View) level issues, conflicts, wars, problems, that are all pure basic HUMAN relationship issues of FAILURE TO COMMUNICATE. Now that we have one degree of separation between ANY of our 7.737 Billion People, who can ever DENY YOUR RIGHTS again to have total world free education, free communication, free press media, ad-free society, and actually OWN our Mutual Creator's assets and natural resources that clearly have been stolen by the groups we have indentified as 'The Criminal Ruling Elite' = New World Order, Illuminati, name your group.
MOST CRITICAL: The PhoneCradle and IseeStand system was/is worth over $500 Million USD, actually more than $1 Billion USD in profits. Over $250,000 USD and over 2,000 manhours were spent to capture the worlds FIRST market share called the Universal Stabilizer. Included was the worlds last single Voting System, a new law enforcement system that put all criminals in prison in just a few months, the most massive reduction in size cost of all world governments, elimination of all Political crime networks at all levels, a new single world Constitution, free medical and education for entire world, elimination of Poverty, creation of all digitial electric world that reverse and prevents all climate change, and the simple use of existing technology to create all new transportation systems including space travel. TRILLIONs of REAL $$ profits GONE because of terrorists like ROSE who have been using our most brilliant Intellectual Property of Anti Crime technology against the rest of humanity.
ALL this Intellectual Property worth real BILLIONS and yes, TRILLIONS of USD were criminally taken by ROSE, Duncan Clan, Murdered Brian Walker from Oct 3, 2011 to present. A few USA GOV named agents are CRIMINALS who constantly BLOCK any and all investigations that put well over 125 person in PRISON, included each Judge, Lawyer, DA, aUSAG, Public defenders, ALL my own lawyers, and very powerful USA officials away
We are clearly so wealthy it will shock our other world leaders on how we broadcast to humanity on HOW to take of SOLVING your own issues. We own the rights to EVOTE.ONE as even empowers humanity to travel outside Moons orbit. Strange how no one has gone back to moon since 1971 as clearly GOD does not permit savages to ruin the rest of his universe. We are back booking meetings direct with World Presidents, Corporate Executives, Bankers, Stock Market Executives, religion leaders, University Presidents, Congress, Senate, Militaries, Police, DOJ, DOE, DOA, Commission on Human Rights, YES. all of humanity. Call us and we can explain HOW to obtain TOTAL GLOBAL PEACE in record time using just a few top published methods that would have been your new world reality 2008 if ANYONE had simply asked the BEST right question. For now everyone can legally pass judgement on anyone else. You do it anyway, so now we have legalized how to destroy all crime networks by simple law of large numbers and CEOSPACE.NET our most favorite NSASpeaker.ORG and HighTechMinistries.ORG organizations. If we DO disappear one last time, probably GOD took us back to heaven....
We offer to PAY world leaders to contact us back in 2008 era, and now offer CreatorKeith.Space Common Stock that is modeled after famous Warren Buffet so our crusader GOD focused warriors and PeaceKeepers can finally mediate World Peace. If we COULD contact TRUMP, DUTERTE, PUTIN, and even ALL who see the absolute TRUTH, we would have 10 years ago since is clearly the top kingpin cybercriminal Terrorist of all time that anyone can seize and report to receive the legally authorized + $10 Million USD bounty and MORE on other crime heads. Who ever owns this one stock gets voting rights of ProfitShareHolders.SPACE and will be millionaires as soon as our Trillions of real $$$ Intellectual Property are converted to CASH and 1% of all crime assets seized using our simple (c) (tm) systems are deposited into our truly unique Trust Foundation NGO and associates Humanitary relief enterprises world wide. Who will be the first to contact us now?
If keith duncan disappears this last time (Oct 7, 2019) the wrath of our People, PRESS, Leaders, and GOD will rain down on the murderous network behind the worst true conspiracy network in world history. Easy to find them with FOIA.ONE IID and why we asked to be escorted to CIA, NSA, INTERPOL, and other Intelligence Agencies since THEY alone can use our simple methods to track down manhunt all offenders at one time by cooperative sharing of criminal investigator resouces starting with we broadcast share for past +9 years.
We teach our world leaders all the way down to our poverty forsaken stricken people how to SOLVE their very own problems, then command all our world leaders as we have always done back before 2007. We are the most wealthy Angel Philantrophists in world history composed of Keith, Warren Buffet, Elon Musk, Bill Gates, SY and Villar Families, and all other billionaires who truly care about the welfare of our new world Free world education barter exchange Cooperative collective Capitalism system perfected by the few who are the TOP angel Keynote Speakers sent by GOD and other foreign entities. We are always contacting Presidents, Congress, Senators, Mega Corporate executives to invite them to HOST Press Conferences and training forum workshops as we now all become Small Business owners using TeenMM and the OTHER +25 broadcast to world solutions. If we COULD recontact all Presidents years ago we WOULD have. We are under attack persecuted by criminals we have named over and over again. They are the true COWARDS from HELL who refuse to turn over their crime assets and surrender. There fore they WILL be manhunted down by FOIA.ONE eDevices using auto face recognition and the Integrity rating of one INTERNATIONAL ID system of FOIA.ONE. No more visas, passports, or financial transactions can ever be forged and NO one can ever hide or escape the JUSTICE and SOCIAL peace commanded by our people. CONTACT our crusaders (we are indeed so many we lost count) and BOOK us to go to your greatest places of needs that is clearly our Presidents and Mega Corp Executives so we can collectively teach humanity HOW to use the enforced ethics and integrity system of that was the original reason we went to NCSU to create perfected computer systems at all levels (google turnOffLights worth Trillions of real $$$ USD pure profits) and one single Intl Voting system that eliminates all political contributions, fraud, crimes against humanity. All to completed Our Creators original purpose to be Warriors of Peace and total social justice.
Keith Oct 7 2019 since even CIA has not picked us up yet....They would have Sept 26, 2011...
Oct 6, 2019 Click and repost this last Shoutout: as facebook skynet terminator continues to block and other world saving solutions. Must be the dark web at work this entire time.
We just contacted CIA and USA embassy today asking for them to escort us to Interpol, USA, and other nation world leaders to testify and how to teach humanity how to OWN their own infrastructure. This the result of working full time for GOD and being dispatched by YOU to the NEXT greatest places of needs. The work our world can always use for their own benefit and value as that has always been what humanity has focused on as ME, ME, ME. We were held as Political Prisoner of Cyber crime war for 5 times = 900 days total since we were the only crusaders who had already been defrauded, robbed, denied ALL our rights to fill stadiums of our people who want to learn how to be successful modeled cooperative Capitialism. We have documented and broadcast all aspects of all cause and effects and have provided the best bypass replacement systems to combine all governments into one very small consulting organization kTrade.SPACE and ProfitShareHolders.SPACE. These simple By-Laws applies to all public and even private corporations to empower our people to control and manage all aspects of business operations.
If we KNEW how to contact DUTERTE, TRUMP, PUTIN and any other world leaders, we would have and DID +8 years ago. Our most wealthy families now migrate to 3rd world nations with that truly does economically prevent all world poverty. turnOffLights provide the base safe unlimited water and energy for our own all digital green eco system free of all pollution and other corrupt disease driven maladies. If anyone has a better=best answer using just please we enlist you to join as our new world Union member. Easy to find our teams, just call us.
We are so tired of broadcasting we will not even add the required URL links above. YOU can do it.
THE ABOVE Demonstrated UNIVERSAL STABILIZER system is worth TRILLIONS in economy recover once all crime networks are abolished with use of EVOTE.ONE FOIA.ONE that existed PRIOR to ANTICHRIST ROBERT DEE ROSE attacks on my HOMES and technology in failed attempts to EXTORT USA GOV to MURDER MYSELF and my partners to destroy all evidence of his CYBER CRIME Attacks against almost all USA GOV and major Corportion databases including use of It is ALWAYS USA GOV authority and command to protect our people and NEVER OURS.
So we REPLACE all corrupt individuals at one time with and other DIVINED ordained solutions sent BY GOD through our Evangelist Crusader networks owned by YOU our people.
We already gifted TRILLIONS of real $$$ intellectual Property to YOU our people to UNIFY mankind once and forever.
Last update above is HISTORICAL LEGACY SEPT 7, 2019 ON OLD WEBSITE
The #1079 VIDEO right side above is the most powerful broadcast in world history showing HOW to reform UNIFY.
It is is the original design for Your New World Society. Keith is the most humble Messianic Messenger of true Engineering Technology who has already taught all world leaders, Goverments, Corporations, Press, PUBLIC exactly HOW to UNIFY and REFORM our entire world. The following system is (was) professionally evaluted at over $500 Million USD back in 2010 by and part of who receives 90% of the first 1 Billion USD to bring to Asia, Europe, and rest of our unified world. Linked to prevents all poverty. IseeStand PhoneCradle were (and are) the original universal stabilization system for visual education and free communication once and other solutions become your new world reality. -Second commercial cost me $13,000 USD in 2010. -60 Second TV commercial here. has the advertising campaign recreated. THE ORIGINAL $20,000 Website is GONE. LOST while I sat in HELL Jail 900 days Robert Dee Rose that NO ONE has EVER investigated and seized. -Overview on IseeStand. -My quick 30 second demo
Google Search IseeStand, then keyword 'BuiltByKeith'. then keyword 'Robert Dee Rose'
Even search YOUTUBE for the same keywords. Search for - From August 2012 when I was kidnapped BY orders of ROSE.
Here I demand entry in Federal Witness Protection Program as AG-Atlanta Sally Q Yates was already visited and informed that my life was in extreme danger from being murdered BY RObert Dee Rose. She was criminally guilty of SIGNING Norfolk VA 4:11cr112 Dec 13, 2011 based on Cobb County TPO 11.1.1171.99 cancelled July 15, 2011 based on reality Ms. Bashama and ROSE robbed my homes Feb 4, 2011 per 4 time forged Marietta P.D. 11.1.2506.99 report I filed that was forged claiming I kidnapped ms. Bashama, stole my own assets, assaulted Wendell Carrway and obstructed Police Justice. These are the Criminal charges I have shown and (FILED through my LAWYERS) AGAINST these career criminals. Cobb County DA Berry Vic Reynolds my original Lawyer, goes to PRISON for what he personally did to DENY each and every one of my rights.
The fully functional Windows-PC software costing over $20,000 and hundreds of design hours is on Google Drive. This is a 100% safe executable that has NEVER had a virus. It was professionally created by my contracted software team in 2009-2010.
UNIocracy.ORG driven by ONE International Database FOIA.ONE. EVOTE.ONE empowers humanity to control, own, and manage all aspects of their own infrastructure, assets, and lives as 100% decision based Direct Democracy. No more criminals can scam, steal, murder, treason, espionage, or BANK your assets and lives once and are the single answer solutions to prevent ALL WARS forever.
### World Re-Broadcast to MY people 7.6B Sept 15, 2018. historical 17 year anniversary of WTC cybercrime terrorrist attacks worth megaTrillions in Economic Redistribution of ALL crime assets. Sept 9, 2018 GO to WORLD leaders with eVOTE.ONE FOIA.ONE solutionMilitary.COM to UNIFY our entire world as UNIocracy.ORG is 100% decision based DIRECT Democracy society RUN and Controlled BY YOU, my 7.6B collective People. Now is the end of the biblical line for ALL crooks, scam artists, terrorists, criminals, corrupt politicians, banksters, literally EVERYONE who violates ANY existing laws. All laws REPLACED with and simple trade agreements that are all legally binding open public database READ-ONLY. Block Chain protected so no write-once data can ever be hacked or destroyed by conspiracies of those who already CONTROL OUR WORLD. WHO rises up to COMMAND our GOVERNMENT use these divined ordained only world saving solutions all completed, published, and personally delivered to my world. Most people in YOUR world are self-entitlement blinded fools who focus only on self gratification at any cost of vice, sin, and crime.. is POLICE who are now CITIZEN commanded AutoFace Recognition Open Public Database FOIA.ONE. Now BACK from world missions to Broadcast to WORLD on HOW to destroy all crime networks in record time. This alone SOLVES the police, Law enforcement, secret agencies, shadow government, corrupt Judge/lawyer/prosecutor/district attorney criminals, all at one time. When locals can't deal with crime, they eVOTE.ONE for military independent crime investigations to solve the issue. If they become corrupt, they are also eVOTE.ONE into hell jail OR just use their own independent military tribunals to be the prime deterrent force of judgment by their peers....
ONLY by mass world publicity to International News media and TOP world leaders who are the key Decision Makers will our world UNIFY using base EVOTE.ONE, simplified so our world actually TAKES ACTION, the only method of to ensure total world peace and prosperity with FREE data communications for all, FREE world foreign exchange education student citizen programs that eliminate all Private schools and universities. ALL BENEFIT In the name of My FATHERGOD Creator who I work full full-time my entire life. Have I SINNED? Who and where are my accusers who pass judgment on YOU based on false witness of criminals who pervert all laws to ensure THEY remain hidden from your sight.
REPOST Approvals of all world leaders. Everyone HATES politics and taxes.
ARE MASS PROTEST RALLIES and CIVIL WARS required to actually COMMAND-DEMAND these only answer solutions be YOUR new World Society to PROTECT all of YOUR RIGHTS?
Eliminated forever with EVOTE.ONE creates our new world society UNIocracy.ORG run FOR, BY, and OF our 7.6 collective people who VOTE on WHERE the assets are used to serve and protect ourselves while Protecting the rights of all other nations. YES. Collective Ministries that unify mankind are driven. July 20, 2018. Political appointments are a CRIME with new EVOTE.ONE FOIA.ONE as our people NOW control and manage all decisions and command each leader WHAT are top priorities to restore GOD”S E.D.E.N. of paradise by seizure of all stolen crime assets with use of is now standard operating practice to empower all groups to SOLVE THEIR VERY OWN issues with All religions now UNIFY as cooperative ministries with = REPOST to all: Take to WORLD leaders + Mass Media NOW. Revolutionary All digital society free trade and travel with ZERO crime. #ignite2018 New World Society Engineered AI evote.ONE empowers 7.6B to CONTROL and run all aspects of UNIocracy.ORG. FREE world WIFI and FREE University degrees. AT conf now Critical we talk. at ignite.PH now as Forefounder of NEW world AI driven EVOTE.ONE FOIA.ONE UNIocracy.ORG. Cell (63)9173354300 as part of world RE Education on HOW to eliminate all politics and ALL crime. When can we meet? keith Duncan Digital funding for startups Forum discussion. You should BE here. Many angel investors + startups. Pure Supply demand construction by finding BEST Mentors to avoid pitfalls to be FIRST to MARKET. #ignite2018 @ap #igniteph2018 Use eVote.ONE For + By the full authority of GOD + keith + our Crusader Teams of Righteousness, Peace, and Equality. Everyone must FEARLESSLY PROTECT THE RIGHTS OF ALL OTHERS using open Public Integrity database These simple 4 ByPass Laws Change World history. No one can ever deny your rights with perfected checks/balances. 1. All leaders are electronically voted IN by one general election. All votes are PUBLIC. Votes are marked private or PUBLIC. Tallies all shown to world with method of write once, then read-only public counts seen by all. This is block chain un-hackable. 2. Any leader is voted OUT by majority who violates law, suspected of fraud or personal profiteering OUTSIDE their #4 pay. Each are replaced by succession runner-ups, NEVER by appointments or re-election process controlled by the Criminal Ruling Elite or same crime party control. This is retro active punishment for any previous violation or crime as ultimate deterrent. 3. Post Election, All leaders electronically TOLD what to do. No more appointed officials who are criminally prostituted with others. explains how to eliminate all corrupt individuals including Liar-Lawyers + other terrorists.
4. All leaders consultant pay is electronically voted UP, same, or DOWN by the majority of will of our people. All leaders are now highly paid consultant Administrators ONLY with no direct access to any taxes or ability to profiteer by controlling any of our assets or laws. This includes all corporate executives below. All must show their income / expenses / ownership of all assets to FOIA.ONE.
Each deserve to be rich + protected AFTER they fearlessly serve + protect my people by tracked performance of #3. No more Criminal Investigations, appointed officials OR Judges. No more Passport-Visas needed with FOIA.ONE = Free Trade, Travel, + Trust is the UNIocracy.ORG final result. Elimination of all Political Corruption + Majority rule of any Party control is the only answers to transform all society. No more elite family dynasties, Congressional Hearings, Impeachments, or waste of mega billions man hours of time to remove those who our citizens identify as criminally profiteering. This is the New World Society of UNIocracy.ORG. No more paper fraud elections or ID thefts ever again! No more poverty, war, genocide, hunger, and crimes against humanity. Everyone in world uses their unique Intl ID in block chain Open Public Database FOIA.ONE of WHO is WHO, Who owns What(all assets listed), all elections, decisions of our people, all legal agreements, contracts, bids, Criminal Investigations, and rating system of WHO is 'saved' honest versus unrepentant criminals who are now man hunted by OCTV + eDevices over FreeMax Wifi with auto-face recognition gifted to Interpol + World back on Jan 14, 2015. Interpol + all others still REFUSE to respond, which is true crime. Now anyone can run for any leadership position in any nation independent of birth origin. No Primaries, No billion $$$ campaigns of taxpayer assets, no Media war chests that only profit secret mogul propagandist cabal family dynasties, No political party election manipulation, and No criminal buy-in campaign contributions using Corporate or secret assets + Promises. These new world standards for total Reform at all levels of society are below for all to use to prevent self-genocide.Here are over 100 world class solutions to almost all issues, conflicts, + problems that are gifted to all of humanity. Use to engage the #1 Author of Love and Caring for all Others with and world changing These new world standards for total Reform at all levels of society are below for all to use to prevent self-genocide. Here are over 100 world class solutions to almost all issues, conflicts, + problems that are gifted to all of humanity
### World Press Releases, Press Conferences by USA Government and Mass Protest Rallies in front of Press, courthouses, FBI-AG headquarters, Congress, U.N, + churches by all outraged citizens of Integrity are the few and best ONLY solutions to complete the #1 most powerful mass market branded Reformation Unification Movement in total world history. This is to UNIFY all of mankind once and forever by replacing all known forms of government and corporations with the only full scale visibility and accountable system to actively prevent all criminal self profiteering. All citizens rule over and control their own leadership for their own civil benefits. Berny Dorhmann Office (256)850-4716 receives 90% of first $1 B-Billion USD of profits once USA Gov responds to Keith or collapses in mayhem because of their active protection of all these showcased specific corporate executives and government criminal agents like DAG Sally Yates (Washington D.C), Cobb County GA DA Berry Vic Reynolds, Norfolk VA Federal Judge Thurman Jackson, and over 100 other specific terrorists shown to public on Interpol Most Wanted Database of, etc.
Clearly, Keith Duncan has become the most powerful Broadcast Journalist Evangelist Crusader teaching our entire world how to solve all their own issues/conflicts to prevent almost all crimes. Refusals by any government or corporate officials immediately shuns them by actions of you, my 7.43 billion people. is the ONLY New World Society to ensure total prosperity.
All the other humanity problems are solved by removing criminal Profit, Motive, and Opportunity using these 5 simple steps to bypass, nullify, and void evil self-entitlement laws with based 100% on Love, Care, Integrity, Virtue, full-scale Semper Fi, Accountability, Trust, Fiscal Responsibility, Spirituality, Cultural Diversity, and pure Honor.
Ask everyone to CLICK: as the definitive standards of Unifying our entire world. This is why I broadcast to our mutual world as the most powerful reformation bible author of all time. The evidence is the cause and effect of the greatest transfer of wealth from all classes to the 'criminal ruling elite'. Contact Keith today and command the USA government actively PREVENT all these crimes against humanity by debriefing and hosting the Press Conferences to finally reveal the true state of humanity. Keith at APEC 2015 in Manila covering these world-changing solutions that result in Free Trade, Open travel and business for all persons of integrity. That one word is the basis for Love and Caring for each other that Keith teaches to literally, everyone....
Click-Download the safe .XLS and PDF files that are +8,000 Journalists for everyone to contact as soon as possible. They can multiple these world changing solutions in record time by notifying all their audiences on WHY USA government agents are the most corruption criminal persons based on ONLY their own signatures on 4:11cr112 Norfolk VA sealed court and destroyed documents as they are just a tip of the criminal iceberg of total collapse of government and corporation institutes based on criminal control of your information and lives.
Nov 15, 2015. Critical Cybercrime Attack. For some reason, my cell phone had service BLOCKED this evening. PLEASE, everyone contact FBI-AG-Press-USMilitary today and COMMAND them to ACT with Authority like I have taught everyone for now +40 years. My life is still being threatened by all these criminals because I showed the FBI-AG-USMilitary-Press-Public their own crimes against myself and literally thousands of other citizens. No one has ever investigated anyone. If they had, I would be under protection of USA Military, FBI, and other governments and organizations as they can all clearly see I have completed all these world saving, world-changing solutions for public use and action.
Nov 17, 2015 These world broadcasts are all 'DEAD-MAN switches' to ensure the investigations, arrests, and prison time/isolation of all unrepentant criminals in our world. Yes, their days are all numbered by the public, press, and churches instituting these World-Changing solutions that are irrefutable answers. I continue to cover APEC-Summit and all world events. There are few solutions that are not complete. I have yet to find the first honest person, recover a penny of my stolen assets, or has a single person in USA government or press actually done their jobs to uphold any Constitutional Law or Statue. Over +100 USA government officials go to PRISON as soon as YOU, MY PEOPLE, take action. Check last two files in this lineup. They are the LAST Christmas Revelations Fulfilment of all scripture. has become the most powerful Evangelist Speaker Author Inventor Crusader of Total Human Rights and as the Broadcast Journalist with ID 5889516, in recent world history. All his rights have been abused since no honest person can be identified who actually uphold any Constitutional, civil, financial, legal, and/or spiritual rights. TalkATone +1(301)750-6248 has voicemail. The other methods to Unify our entire world are listed below in the Clearinghouse of ONLY solutions to reform all of mankind with the simple combination of :
1. Off-Shelf turnkey technology. 2. Common Sense 3. Principals of universal Integrity.
Click HERE to go to The Matrix . To teach all of humanity how to solve their own worldly issues.
Host Demonstration Rallies around our world to command be enacted into common practice worldwide. Join and form your own Community Activist groups today.
1. Everyone call Keith Duncan in Philippines Cell (63)0917-335-4300. Inactive VoiceMail USA 1-678-759-9066 or inactive Hong Kong Cell (852) 9146-8620. Ask everyone to call the Daily Press Conference Q&A line at USA (712)775-7031 ID: 166 841 408 at 10 am EST = 7 am PST == 10 pm Manila-Hong Kong-China time. Ask any question about any world changing issue. Ask all Press and Governments to join in the #1 most powerful reformation in recent history. Everyone contact and command USAGov arrest and seize all assets of each person shown on tied to super criminal terrorist Robert Dee Rose (DOB 1971.04.01) Atlanta GA USA on any felony charge starting with Treason, Fraud of USA Gov, blackmail, extortion, murder, and the longest list of felony and capital crimes in recent world history. Refusal to debrief Keith is more crimes of active Obstruction of Justice that started with Rose extortion of each person tied to IRSWBFeb2009-658 $8 Million USD bounty reward and Forsyth Cty GA Judgment 08SC-1345 worth over $250,000 USD from Oct 2010 per criminal liar-lawyer Jimmy Deal (770)263-7200
Click for the worlds first, new virtual only government organization of honest, Integrity focused, transparent leaders and executives who actively prevent all Political Crimes by protecting all citizen rights to ensure Peace and Tranquality once and forever. This occurs when all and criminals are identified with InterPols, isolated, shunned, and even forced into slave labor to pay back restitution while their criminal assets are seized by to build new communities of faith using + as the Criminals are removed from all leadership and influential positions. Once USA government actually does their jobs, I will have tens of millions USD to re-invest in startups, stadium ministries, educational foundations, and teaching our world at all levels with my new wife using and as the most powerful World Evangelist for God and Human rights.
2. Everyone, CLICK: Spreadsheet Cross-Matrix below of Clearinghouse World changing and World Saving Solutions for all of mankind that are 1. Common Sense. 2. Integrity-Ethics Based. 3. Use Technology of to destroy 'THE BEASTS' of criminals and corrupt government agents who have already enslaved 7.39 Billion of my people. Act with Authority of Fearless People to Protect the Rights of Others with as the ONLY solutions to prevent self-genocide. Until the evil of our world is 100% eliminated, each of you will suffer from your own apathy, cynic, viceful, and idol slave worshipping ways. The absolute #1 world sinister issue has always been the and the most wealthy criminals who buy politicans and therefore control the entire economies by remotely engaging in slave trading including Also Click HERE.
3. Everyone Contact Press, FBI, AG, IRS, USMashals, USMil, Interpol, Congress, Churches and Public as I have completely flooded our entire world with the #1 World Changing Solutions shown below. There is no legitimate reason why criminals should exist.
CLICK HERE for #1 Review Summary of World Solutions. All political criminals are eliminated by
Famous Video Playlist is always at updated almost daily. Others are broadcasting that Armageddon occurs April 13, 2016. Click: series to decide for yourself.
The USA and other governments will collapse for their failures to use as the biblical series and teach humanity how to solve all their own cult conflicts by eliminating evil.
4. Direct call (63)0917-335-4300 anytime for how to legally and quickly recover Millions/Billions of your tax assets from the criminals. tells why so many terrorists and criminals are looking to find + assassinate top leaders and fore-founders so they can complete what ROSE failed to do after stealing all my Intellectual Property + assets fall of mankind year 2008 to present. has already created a single new world order society with very small and effective government leader consultants where all citizens control all their leadership functions. This has never been achieved in the course of humanities history. This is the Do or Die for Justice Reform movement.
5. Read the 1st PDF file above (52) pages of Divine Solutions and Evidence. Use the NEXT Press Release file and resend to + 8,000 Press Journalists in the next 2 XLS files. Everyone TAKE action by flooding the USA Gov with calls and visits. The prime Phone #'s are on top of, and Ask FBI-AG -USMil why +100 rogue agents conspire with #1 Terrorist ROSE and who is responsible for Justice. The 5th file is the sealed list of secret destroyed 37 Criminal documents held in Norfolk VA by criminal 'terrorists' Judge Thurman T. Jackson, AUSAG Dee Sterling + Public 'puke-pretenders' that put Robert Dee Rose and Amy Rose on Death Row along with their murderous conspirators.
These crooks were all paid off by ROSE and other terrorist cyber criminals who control these publically open and visible court documents, transcripts, testimony, and decades of paper chase conspiracies. The 6th file is the Cobb County GA TPO 11.1.1171.99 July 15, 2011 dismissed order. Other crimes are time line summarized below and on all the broadcast websites including thousands of direct emails, visits, faxes, phone calls to USA Gov, lawyers, Press, public + churches. On Sept 25, 2011 and subsequently, I delivered to IRS-FBI-AG + USA Military the comprehensive computer blueprints for how to identify the real criminals once and for all using simple technology enabled biometrics using CellPhones, webcams, and off-shelf technology tied into a single public transparent Referential Integrity database for all citizens to maintain full access control over who is trusted and which unrepentant-unsaved criminals are shunned by our entire world. This removes the Political Criminals, the underground mafia cabals, blackmarkets, etc and re-transfers all criminal wealth back to my 7.39 Billion people.
Of course I am immeniently qualifed to testify before United Nations, Congress, IRS-FBI-AG-USMil, any government, and all churches with Press Conferences to show the total collapse of society rights and services because few if any Press Journalists, corporate executives, or any Government agent-leader has the common decency to simple FOLLOW-UP and take action on any of the world class-saving solutions found on this cross-indexed prime world broadcast news site that prevents self-genocide.
I enlist the help of all my 7.4 Billion People to immediately COMMAND their governments and corportions to protect the lives, rights, + assets of all citizens as well as protect the Intellectual Property, life, and rights of Keith Duncan by investigating and recovering all the stolen assets held by specific criminals clearly convicted by their own signtures and conspiracies recorded on The last website added is WHO I AM based on duplicate of and So few persons of Integrity and Principal exist to uphold anyone else's rights.
Everyone who sees WHO I AM and what I have gifted to all of mankind must contact FBI-AG-USMilitary-PRESS, Public, and all churches immediately for the clear and present danger that so many governments and nations are about to collapse from cybercrime attacks inside each agency including USA military by ROSE and other supercriminals planning terrorist coups against government officials who refuse to investigate Political Criminals who reside in their groups.
The TRULY incriminating incompetent fact is that NO ONE EVER DOES FOLLOWUP. That is the worse crime of all.
The #1 Crime is Conspiracy to Defraud the USA(any) Government. Click: 923. 18 U.S.C. § 371 to SHOCK all Criminals into confessing their crimes and turn themselves into FBI-AG-local law enforcement before the wrath of citizens occur. This will ensure that honest Lawyers, Judges, Prosecutors, AG, + Others have years of fruitful and integrity based work to remove their own designated LIAR-Lawyer classifications of extreme greed. For all the lawyers I have engaged were paid off by ROSE + others
April 7, 2016 Keith Duncan again announces his prime role as world Sovereign Ambassador Emmissary with government and nation hosted Press Conferences to show the absolute true nature of all criminals and how to isolate unrepentant crime enterprises with use of citizen driven turn key technology and 100% honest integrity driven government agencies.
Dec 14, 2015 is the total Tort Reform necessary to eliminate crimes committed by so many lawyers, Judges, Prosecutors, District Attorneys, Police and Federal Investigators because there is little transparency and fewer checks and balances monitoring by the victims of organized crime and visbile to the general public who fund these crimes of Injustice.
Dec 4, 2015. Universal Church is now established to unify all of mankind. I have been offering and serving humanity greatest needs my entire life as the one Justified and Righteous 'unknown missionary journalist' who works for the Father. Contact everyone as I remain alive by only the Grace of God-Christ-HolySpirit Trinity with no protection or any of my rights upheld by anyone who aligns with the AntiChrist ROSE who I called just last night. His VOIP criminal line is (404)867-2063 for all to call. is shown as another perfect crime SPY center on Click: God's Platform Everyone call and command ROSE to turn himself + all cabal criminals into FBI-AG-Military-Interpol-All churches-Press-Public or face the wrath of outraged citizens and those few righteous and honest persons left who care about our world survival. The concise list of terrorists and crimnals are shown on bottom of with righteous partners on the Top of Interpol
I have been asking everyone to partner support myself by protecting my life, assets, and providing basic financial needs while the USA government is commanded to investigate + convict each criminal and to restore all my assets + real damages worth well in excess of $500 Million USD per SF-95 Fed Torts Claim Act, Massive Class Action Landmark Miscarriage of Justice Suits since I have never been legally charged as a defendant, direct threats to my life(attempted murder by USA agents + ROSE), and the theft of all my intellectual property and assets by Rose, Ms. Bashama, Duncan clan, and every person involved starting Jan 15, 2008.
Interpol, FBI, AG, Press and the USA Military were contacted again Wed Nov 30 by phone calls and Fax to activate the growing international Blacklist and protect my life from rouge criminals tied to ROSE including USDAG Sally Yates (WashDC) and Judge Jackson (Norfolk VA) as IRS-FBI-AG agents actively commit the crimes shown on these broadcasts.
My direct Philippines Cell (63)0917-335-4300 open 24x7. Hong Kong (852)9146-8620.
KIDNAPPING and OTHER Felony CRIME HISTORY summary is HERE. Jan 15, 2008 to present.
Four kidnappings of Keith occurred. 1st on May 2009 by Ex-Wife after she went beserk for refusing to sign her own negiogitated divorce agreement post-nup. Keith suffered 2 months of HELL total isolation because of her extreme schzoid emotional disease. Rose robbed Keiths home Aug 4, 2010 and again multiple times through Sept 2013 to seize Keith's Billion USD Intellectual property and find out who Keith had contacted in USA Government starting in summer of 2008 per Forsyth County GA 08SC-1345 Judgment granted Oct 2010 worth + $250,000 USD and IRS Whistleblower Feb2009,658 series worth $8 Million in rewards. There is the bounty funding source of ROSE's Billions of USD assets he stole that he owes USA GOV to pay for their criminal services.
The 2nd kidnaping on Feb 22, 2011 per ROSE extortion of +10 key people in Cobb County GA re TPO 11.1.1173.99 and forged Marietta PD 1.11.2506.99 Feb 4, 2011 larceny of Keith's home of $32,000 cash/assets + all files on ROSE and Ms. Bashama.. The 3rd Kidnapping occurred Oct 3, 2011 based on Keith asking USA Military for safe-haven protection on Sept 25, 2011 at Langley AirForce Base ( as entire world conducts since ROSE already infiltrated each county and USA government agencies with terrorist Cyclone Alexander Covery. The fourth kidnapping ordered by GA AG Sally Yates on Dec 13, 2011 as Keith demanded FBI-AG-Press-Public be contacted each day. The other terrorist evidence sequence is every single signed document and sworn false testimony showing ROSE is at the center of these terrorist cyberattacks against governments, corporations, and you. The last 7th Revelation Seal image is WHO I AM + and I work for GOD.
Send this Shoutout to everyone you know. Use the +8000 journalist emails above.
Your One World Utopia Society occurs when humanity RISES up to command their leadership remove all corrupt and criminal leaders and underground cabal crime enterprises once and forever. Contact BidOnKeith EVOTE.ONE stops all Terrorist Political Criminals forever.
Click Associated Press Report just sent out to World NewsGroups: offers to privately finance any legal, judicial, law enforcement agency who uses funded by the criminal assets seized worldwide by Military and honest citizens in compensation for the Ordained/Divine gifted Solutions to turn all decisions over to the Will of the Majority of all citizens. Fund Keith so he can travel to with his new partner spouse, Marites Duncan.
Click the above PDF files and command everyone to Take Action with Authority by contacting all Press and USA Government officials, Public, all Churches, and world as I have done in extreme ways for 8 years of HELL since no honest person can be found. Is this YOU? Join as everyone contacts all authorities to demand ACTION.
For the Criminal Ruling Elite have already established a new world order that enslaves everyone who is pathetically apathetic and un-educated about the true state of our deviant world governments, corporate executives, and underground criminals who control your data, information, marketing, and lifestyles.
This entire biblical time since Nov 4, 2007, not any soul has ever had a legitimate right to steal my assets by contract fraud, blackmail so many others into criminals, force me into HELL-JAIL for 848 days as #1 Political Prisoner of Cybercrime warfare World War III terrorism, and actively prevent any authority from putting ROSE on Death Row including the Military per the Sept 25, 2011 5 hour debrief Langley AFB west gate with OSI Capt Christopher Weber and 7 other AirForce security guards.
Read EVOTE.ONE and see how your world is reform united forever by destruction of ALL CRIME networks at one time. Nothing else will ever survive the Criminal Ruling Elite dynasties who refuse to surrender to you, my people.
Unification of my entire world occurs in GODS holy name when everyone GOES PUBLIC with these only world saving answer solutions with centerstone of total social justice + peace of these ordained + divined ministries.
Directly deliver and to all world leaders as I have been doing for now +10 years.
This is the only divined GOD gifted system to forever eradicate all crime, Poverty and Hunger worldwide. It is the ONLY method answer required for my people. When my world uses these answers, our world unites forever.
Nov 21, 2017 All middle class with zero crime ruling elite means zero Poverty / homeless / genocide / orphans / civil wars, or other crimes against humanity that finally ends the current WW3 cyber crime terrorism destroying GODs world. This is the UTOPIA that my GodFather promised all along. It only occurs when all 7.5 billion of my people (followers, disciples, partners, world leaders) unite together with the only answers to save our humanity ! No one can ever again DENY YOUR RIGHTS to use God's resources by fearlessly protecting the Rights of All Others. No one can object these are the only solutions to UNIFY mankind by cross foreign exchange of all cultures, therefore no nationality cults can ever create oligarchy crime dynasties again. Since GOD himself commissioned myself + a few select other Messianic Messengers, all humanity faces Judgment Day as these answers go ONLINE. has become the most powerful Evangelist Speaker Author Inventor Crusader of Total Human Rights and as the Broadcast Journalist with ID 5889516, in recent world history. All his rights have been abused since no honest person can be identified who actually uphold any Constitutional, civil, financial, legal, and/or spiritual rights.. The other methods to Unify our entire world are listed below in the Clearinghouse of ONLY solutions to reform all of mankind with the simple combination of :
1. Off-Shelf turnkey technology. 2. Common Sense 3. Principals of universal Integrity. To teach all of humanity how to solve their own worldly issues. Host Demonstration Rallies around our world to command be enacted into common practice worldwide. Join and form your own Community Activist groups today.
1. Everyone call Keith Duncan in Philippines Cell (63)0917-335-4300. Ask everyone to call the Daily Press Conference Q&A line at USA (712)775-7031 ID: 166 841 408 at 10 am EST = 7 am PST == 10 pm Manila-Hong Kong-China time. Ask any question about any world changing issue. Ask all Press and Governments to join in the #1 most powerful reformation in recent history. Everyone contact and command USAGov arrest and seize all assets of each person shown on tied to super criminal terrorist Robert Dee Rose (DOB 1971.04.01) Atlanta GA USA on any felony charge starting with Treason, Fraud of USA Gov, blackmail, extortion, murder, and the longest list of felony and capital crimes in recent world history. Refusal to debrief Keith is more crimes of active Obstruction of Justice that started with Rose extortion of each person tied to IRSWBFeb2009-658 $8 Million USD bounty reward and Forsyth Cty GA Judgment 08SC-1345 worth over $250,000 USD from Oct 2010 per criminal liar-lawyer Jimmy Deal (770)263-7200
Click for the worlds first, new virtual only government organization of honest, Integrity focused, transparent leaders and executives who actively prevent all Political Crimes by protecting all citizen rights to ensure Peace and Tranquality once and forever. This occurs when all and criminals are identified with InterPols, isolated, shunned, and even forced into slave labor to pay back restitution while their criminal assets are seized by to build new communities of faith using + as the Criminals are removed from all leadership and influential positions. Once USA government actually does their jobs, I will have tens of millions USD to re-invest in startups, stadium ministries, educational foundations, and teaching our world at all levels with my new wife using and as the most powerful World Evangelist for God and Human rights.
2. Everyone, Use Clearinghouse World changing and World Saving Solutions for all of mankind that are 1. Common Sense. 2. Integrity-Ethics Based. 3. Use Technology of to destroy 'THE BEASTS' of criminals and corrupt government agents who have already enslaved 7.39 Billion of my people. Act with Authority of Fearless People to Protect the Rights of Others with as the ONLY solutions to prevent self-genocide. Until the evil of our world is 100% eliminated, each of you will suffer from your own apathy, cynic, viceful, and idol slave worshipping ways. The absolute #1 world sinister issue has always been the and the most wealthy criminals who buy politicans and therefore control the entire economies by remotely engaging in slave trading including Also Click HERE.
3. Everyone Contact Press, FBI, AG, IRS, USMashals, USMil, Interpol, Congress, Churches and Public as I have completely flooded our entire world with the #1 World Changing Solutions shown below. There is no legitimate reason why criminals should exist.
CLICK HERE for #1 Review Summary of World Solutions. All political criminals are eliminated by
Famous Video Playlist is always at updated almost daily. Others are broadcasting that Armageddon occurs April 13, 2016. Click: series to decide for yourself.
The USA and other governments will collapse for their failures to use as the biblical series and teach humanity how to solve all their own cult conflicts by eliminating evil.
4. Direct call (63)0917-335-4300 anytime for how to legally and quickly recover Millions/Billions of your tax assets from the criminals. tells why so many terrorists and criminals are looking to find + assassinate top leaders and fore-founders so they can complete what ROSE failed to do after stealing all my Intellectual Property + assets fall of mankind year 2008 to present. has already created a single new world order society with very small and effective government leader consultants where all citizens control all their leadership functions. This has never been achieved in the course of humanities history. This is the Do or Die for Justice Reform movement.
5. Use the Press Release file and resend to + 8,000 Press Journalists in the next 2 XLS files. Everyone TAKE action by flooding the USA Gov with calls and visits. The prime Phone #'s are on top of, and Ask FBI-AG -USMil why +100 rogue agents conspire with #1 Terrorist ROSE and who is responsible for Justice. The 5th file is the sealed list of secret destroyed 37 Criminal documents held in Norfolk VA by criminal 'terrorists' Judge Thurman T. Jackson, AUSAG Dee Sterling + Public 'puke-pretenders' that put Robert Dee Rose and Amy Rose on Death Row along with their murderous conspirators.
These crooks were all paid off by ROSE and other terrorist cyber criminals who control these publically open and visible court documents, transcripts, testimony, and decades of paper chase conspiracies. The 6th file is the Cobb County GA TPO 11.1.1171.99 July 15, 2011 dismissed order. Other crimes are time line summarized below and on all the broadcast websites including thousands of direct emails, visits, faxes, phone calls to USA Gov, lawyers, Press, public + churches. On Sept 25, 2011 and subsequently, I delivered to IRS-FBI-AG + USA Military the comprehensive computer blueprints for how to identify the real criminals once and for all using simple technology enabled biometrics using CellPhones, webcams, and off-shelf technology tied into a single public transparent Referential Integrity database for all citizens to maintain full access control over who is trusted and which unrepentant-unsaved criminals are shunned by our entire world. This removes the Political Criminals, the underground mafia cabals, blackmarkets, etc and re-transfers all criminal wealth back to my 7.39 Billion people.
Of course I am immeniently qualifed to testify before United Nations, Congress, IRS-FBI-AG-USMil, any government, and all churches with Press Conferences to show the total collapse of society rights and services because few if any Press Journalists, corporate executives, or any Government agent-leader has the common decency to simple FOLLOW-UP and take action on any of the world class-saving solutions found on this cross-indexed prime world broadcast news site that prevents self-genocide.
I enlist the help of all my 7.4 Billion People to immediately COMMAND their governments and corportions to protect the lives, rights, + assets of all citizens as well as protect the Intellectual Property, life, and rights of Keith Duncan by investigating and recovering all the stolen assets held by specific criminals clearly convicted by their own signtures and conspiracies recorded on The last website added is WHO I AM based on duplicate of and So few persons of Integrity and Principal exist to uphold anyone else's rights.
Everyone who sees WHO I AM and what I have gifted to all of mankind must contact FBI-AG-USMilitary-PRESS, Public, and all churches immediately for the clear and present danger that so many governments and nations are about to collapse from cybercrime attacks inside each agency including USA military by ROSE and other supercriminals planning terrorist coups against government officials who refuse to investigate Political Criminals who reside in their groups.
The TRULY incriminating incompetent fact is that NO ONE EVER DOES FOLLOWUP. That is the worse crime of all.
The #1 Crime is Conspiracy to Defraud the USA(any) Government. Click: 923. 18 U.S.C. § 371 to SHOCK all Criminals into confessing their crimes and turn themselves into FBI-AG-local law enforcement before the wrath of citizens occur. This will ensure that honest Lawyers, Judges, Prosecutors, AG, + Others have years of fruitful and integrity based work to remove their own designated LIAR-Lawyer classifications of extreme greed. For all the lawyers I have engaged were paid off by ROSE + others
April 7, 2016 Keith Duncan again announces his prime role as world Sovereign Ambassador Emmissary with government and nation hosted Press Conferences to show the absolute true nature of all criminals and how to isolate unrepentant crime enterprises with use of citizen driven turn key technology and 100% honest integrity driven government agencies.
Dec 14, 2015 is the total Tort Reform necessary to eliminate crimes committed by so many lawyers, Judges, Prosecutors, District Attorneys, Police and Federal Investigators because there is little transparency and fewer checks and balances monitoring by the victims of organized crime and visbile to the general public who fund these crimes of Injustice.
Dec 4, 2015. Universal Church is now established to unify all of mankind. I have been offering and serving humanity greatest needs my entire life as the one Justified and Righteous 'unknown missionary journalist' who works for the Father. Contact everyone as I remain alive by only the Grace of God-Christ-HolySpirit Trinity with no protection or any of my rights upheld by anyone who aligns with the AntiChrist ROSE who I called just last night. His VOIP criminal line is (404)867-2063 for all to call. is shown as another perfect crime SPY center on Click: God's Platform Everyone call and command ROSE to turn himself + all cabal criminals into FBI-AG-Military-Interpol-All churches-Press-Public or face the wrath of outraged citizens and those few righteous and honest persons left who care about our world survival. The concise list of terrorists and crimnals are shown on bottom of with righteous partners on the Top of Interpol
I have been asking everyone to partner support myself by protecting my life, assets, and providing basic financial needs while the USA government is commanded to investigate + convict each criminal and to restore all my assets + real damages worth well in excess of $500 Million USD per SF-95 Fed Torts Claim Act, Massive Class Action Landmark Miscarriage of Justice Suits since I have never been legally charged as a defendant, direct threats to my life(attempted murder by USA agents + ROSE), and the theft of all my intellectual property and assets by Rose, Ms. Bashama, Duncan clan, and every person involved starting Jan 15, 2008.
Interpol, FBI, AG, Press and the USA Military were contacted again Wed Nov 30 by phone calls and Fax to activate the growing international Blacklist and protect my life from rouge criminals tied to ROSE including USDAG Sally Yates (WashDC) and Judge Jackson (Norfolk VA) as IRS-FBI-AG agents actively commit the crimes shown on these broadcasts.
My direct Philippines Cell (63)0917-335-4300 open 24x7. Hong Kong (852)9146-8620.
KIDNAPPING and OTHER Felony CRIME HISTORY summary is HERE. Jan 15, 2008 to present.
Four kidnappings of Keith occurred. 1st on May 2009 by Ex-Wife after she went beserk for refusing to sign her own negiogitated divorce agreement post-nup. Keith suffered 2 months of HELL total isolation because of her extreme schzoid emotional disease. Rose robbed Keiths home Aug 4, 2010 and again multiple times through Sept 2013 to seize Keith's Billion USD Intellectual property and find out who Keith had contacted in USA Government starting in summer of 2008 per Forsyth County GA 08SC-1345 Judgment granted Oct 2010 worth + $250,000 USD and IRS Whistleblower Feb2009,658 series worth $8 Million in rewards. There is the bounty funding source of ROSE's Billions of USD assets he stole that he owes USA GOV to pay for their criminal services.
The 2nd kidnaping on Feb 22, 2011 per ROSE extortion of +10 key people in Cobb County GA re TPO 11.1.1173.99 and forged Marietta PD 1.11.2506.99 Feb 4, 2011 larceny of Keith's home of $32,000 cash/assets + all files on ROSE and Ms. Bashama.. The 3rd Kidnapping occurred Oct 3, 2011 based on Keith asking USA Military for safe-haven protection on Sept 25, 2011 at Langley AirForce Base ( as entire world conducts since ROSE already infiltrated each county and USA government agencies with terrorist Cyclone Alexander Covery. The fourth kidnapping ordered by GA AG Sally Yates on Dec 13, 2011 as Keith demanded FBI-AG-Press-Public be contacted each day. The other terrorist evidence sequence is every single signed document and sworn false testimony showing ROSE is at the center of these terrorist cyberattacks against governments, corporations, and you. The last 7th Revelation Seal image is WHO I AM + and I work for GOD.
Send this Shoutout to everyone you know. Use the +8000 journalist emails above.
CLICK: Sign the MoveOn.ORG Petition to convert all Governments to use under
Your One World Utopia Society occurs when humanity RISES up to command their leadership remove all corrupt and criminal leaders and underground cabal crime enterprises once and forever. Contact BidOnKeith EVOTE.ONE stops all Terrorist Political Criminals forever.
Click Associated Press Report just sent out to World NewsGroups: offers to privately finance any legal, judicial, law enforcement agency who uses funded by the criminal assets seized worldwide by Military and honest citizens in compensation for the Ordained/Divine gifted Solutions to turn all decisions over to the Will of the Majority of all citizens. Fund Keith so he can travel to with his new partner spouse, Marites Duncan.
Click the above PDF files and command everyone to Take Action with Authority by contacting all Press and USA Government officials, Public, all Churches, and world as I have done in extreme ways for 8 years of HELL since no honest person can be found. Is this YOU? Join as everyone contacts all authorities to demand ACTION.
For the Criminal Ruling Elite have already established a new world order that enslaves everyone who is pathetically apathetic and un-educated about the true state of our deviant world governments, corporate executives, and underground criminals who control your data, information, marketing, and lifestyles.
This entire biblical time since Nov 4, 2007, not any soul has ever had a legitimate right to steal my assets by contract fraud, blackmail so many others into criminals, force me into HELL-JAIL for 848 days as #1 Political Prisoner of Cybercrime warfare World War III terrorism, and actively prevent any authority from putting ROSE on Death Row including the Military per the Sept 25, 2011 5 hour debrief Langley AFB west gate with OSI Capt Christopher Weber and 7 other AirForce security guards.
Read EVOTE.ONE and see how your world is reform united forever by destruction of ALL CRIME networks at one time. Nothing else will ever survive the Criminal Ruling Elite dynasties who refuse to surrender to you, my people.
Unification of my entire world occurs in GODS holy name when everyone GOES PUBLIC with these only world saving answer solutions with centerstone of total social justice + peace of these ordained + divined ministries.
Directly deliver and to all world leaders as I have been doing for now +10 years.
This is the only divined GOD gifted system to forever eradicate all crime, Poverty and Hunger worldwide. It is the ONLY method answer required for my people. When my world uses these answers, our world unites forever.
Nov 21, 2017 All middle class with zero crime ruling elite means zero Poverty / homeless / genocide / orphans / civil wars, or other crimes against humanity that finally ends the current WW3 cyber crime terrorism destroying GODs world. This is the UTOPIA that my GodFather promised all along. It only occurs when all 7.5 billion of my people (followers, disciples, partners, world leaders) unite together with the only answers to save our humanity ! No one can ever again DENY YOUR RIGHTS to use God's resources by fearlessly protecting the Rights of All Others. No one can object these are the only solutions to UNIFY mankind by cross foreign exchange of all cultures, therefore no nationality cults can ever create oligarchy crime dynasties again. Since GOD himself commissioned myself + a few select other Messianic Messengers, all humanity faces Judgment Day as these answers go ONLINE.
With no delays, everyone READ and ACT on very top of = the #1 most powerful Reformation Movement by contacting ALL National News Media, all top level government officials, all Churches, and everyone you know. These tie into You Are Loved of and I have not been able to get any Federal Agency, news broadcast group, Federal Judge/Special Prosecutor/Criminal Investigators to simply return my calls, emails, or even direct personal visits. I have explained why so many people refuse to address these capital felony crimes by full scale transparency reporting and investigations. So many of our own USA and other government officials are tied directly into Organized Cabal Crime syndicates with ROSE and other very wealthy Criminal Ruling Elite by their own irrefutable signed evidence and records. The USA Gov has NEVER had any excuse to NOT protect the rights of all my 7.4 Billion People. This includes famous to investigate all Political Criminals since FBI-AG-IRS-USMarshals are castrated by their own policies and procedures to never complete any terrorist investigations. Clearly, I have become the most powerful Broadcast Journalist Evangelist of all time based on all these gifted and ordained Acts of Wisdom that shall survive the Terrrorism Acts of so many others. Join and form your own communities of ACTION to protect all other's rights.
The greatest stories of all times are 'The Last Testament' of through World Changing Clearinghouse of all criminals to ensure mankind's survival. Please read to the end, then notify all goverments, Military, Press, Public, with focus on all churches of all denominations as I have done my entire lfie. These are the most powerful and only solutions to ensure the survival of mankind based on the World War III cybercrime attacks that are occurring throughout almost all governments and corporatopns by the Terrorist and the collective Criminal Ruling Elite Cabals that are all blacklisted and instantly shunned by all world citizens using once and forever all.
75,000 shares of Common Stock are offered to qualified and vetted Investors for INC Holding Enterprises registered in Reno Nevado with Mclaughlin Associates and Platinum Membership. Well over $400 Million USD is owed by the USA Government for Real and Punitive damages caused by high ranking USA government officials tied to #1 supercriminal Terorrist Robert Dee Rose who has infiltrated most USA Government agencies including evidence he has rogue agents inside the USA Military also. The criminals OWN assets are used to FUND the USA government to actually SIEZE ROSE and his by now +Billions USD of assets as well as all other supercriminal terorrists. Keith teaches our world how to SHUN all criminals and prevent almost all crimes in the first place. Soon, Keith will fill stadiums of people with your help. Simply contact PRESS + USA Gov + all churches + EVERYONE you know to COMMAND ACTION and deployment of these World Changing and World Saving solutions that are the ONLY solutions to ensure Criminals are removed from society forever. This results in the UTOPIA of Peace and Harmony when all citizens are one degree of separation and control their own lives with no fear of genocide and war conducted by the Criminal Ruling Elite. This completes the Revelations prophocied by fore-founders.
The NEXT Press Conferences are daily, starting Thur Dec 2, 2015 at 10 am EST. Click and Call USA (712)775-7031, ID: 166 841 408 Each day this global Press Conference is held. Contact everyone to hear the TRUTHs about all the capital crimes being actively committed and the Solutions to prevent world self-genocide.
Interpol, FBI, AG, Press and the USA Military were contacted again Wed Dec 1 by phone calls and Fax to activate the growing international Blacklist and protect my life from rouge criminals tied to ROSE including USDAG Sally Yates (WashDC) and Judge Jackson (Norfolk VA) as IRS-FBI-AG actively commit the crimes shown on all these broadcasts.
My direct Philippines Cell (63)0917-335-4300 open 24x7. TalkATone +1(301)750-6248 has voicemail. Hong Kong (852)9146-8620, USA Cell (770) 759-9066 (VoiceMail Only). Fax (678) 550-6050. Whatsapp (63)0917-335-4300, WeChat: BuiltByKeith
This is the final destruction of Corruption, ROSE, and all self-incriminating unrepentant criminals and terrorists. This allows our entire world to conduct ethical business transactions using and by reducing corruption and almost all crimes to near zero so that citizens control and manage their governments and corporations with three simple by-pass laws shown on and This completely reverses the current drain of all assets to the 'Criminal Ruling Elite'. Everyone call everyone to about and related World-saving and World-changing ministries that are 100% Righteous and Justified by the Grace and Will of GOD for all of humanity. This the result of 56 years of ministry starting Aug 15, 1958 birth. All of these products and services are for the ultimate benefit and value to all of mankind = My Collective People. It is clear to public, press, and churches that very few honest politicans and officials actually represent our rights.
Keith offers his PRIME services to all governments, military, corporations, organizations, churches, and all PEOPLE. It has always been clear that Keith is our Creator's messenger of the Truth, just like Christ Jesus was and is... along with so many other Messianic Messengers sent to teach our mutual world how to actually LOVE and CARE for each other..
Keith rebuilds his shattered world trading enterprises while USA Military, Public, and Churches manhunt Robert Dee Rose for simple reason USA Government counties, IRS, FBI, AG, USMarshals have been cyberattacked and have criminals working for ROSE inside each of these civilian agencies. The USA Government is on verge of total collapse and the USA are the first and last resort to restore peace and order. Simply read the economics, cultural, and spiritual drain of all assets being transferred to 'The Criminal Ruling Elite' in the largest scale public leader corruption slave trading industry in world history. Join #1 Reformation Movement as Seeing is Believing since so many skeptics, cynics, blinded fools, hypocrites, and criminal brood of vipers control your wealth and assets. Few care about others. The evidence is their idol worshipping and vices.

Contact Keith for #1 Prime Consultant on preventing all corruption and most crimes using biblical principals, common sense, and use of technology to from Predatory Greed and self-genocide. CLICK: Nov 12, 2015 World Re-Broadcast to ALL, focus on Associated Press, Churches, UN, Interpol, and of course, all government agencies and corporations.
CLICK: as the definitive standards of Unifying our entire world. This is why I broadcast to our mutual world as the most powerful reformation bible author of all time. The evidence is the cause and effect of the greatest transfer of wealth from all classes to the 'criminal ruling elite'. Contact Keith today and command the USA government actively PREVENT all these crimes against humanity by debriefing and hosting the Press Conferences to finally reveal the true state of humanity. Keith at APEC 2015 in Manila this Nov 16-20 week covering these world-changing solutions that result in Free Trade, Open travel and business for all persons of integrity. That one word is the basis for Love and Caring for each other that Keith teaches to literally, everyone....