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ABOUT US. Click on Images for High Lighted Reasons WHO I AM

Keith Duncan

#1 Sovereign Ambassador and Emissary for all Nations. Vindictively persecuted by Criminals, Terrorists, and Government officials to keep him away from PUBLIC, Churches, and Military who are clearly the ONLY solutions to prevent corruption and crimes.

These are the greatest stories ever told by the TRUE Man of GOD. Kidnapped by orders of #1 Cybercriminal Terrorist ROSE, held for 848 days, and denied each and every Constitutional and Spiritual Rights to deliver the #1 and only Solutions to mankind to prevent Self-Genocide of the human race.  Everyone contact USA and all other Governments to protect Keith's life and rights.


BBK201531-SolutionChineseMedicine-Confusious-SolutionPeace-HeadShot-Card208.JPG world-trading Calling Card. Directs EVERYONE to ACT with WISDOM, all that has ever been required by GOD and HIS Messianic Messengers like Keith Duncan.





#1 Terrorist SuperCriminal ROSE on left with $2 Million USD bounty from his assets he owes IRS WhistleBlower Feb2009, 658 to pay the FBI-AG-USMilitary-Interpol-Public to put him on Death Row for crimes against Humanity.



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BBK20140428RestoreZION.jpg 2015-4-22-18:26:21



Tel Aviv Israel April 1 through 6 Easter Weekend.

Keith in JerUSALem.JPG

Keith in JerUSALem.JPG

Easter 2015 pillgrimage to which will be Atlanta Georgia Stone Mountain area when World sees the TEMPLE of GOD rebuilt for all MY PEOPLE.





Keith's April 6 2015 Return from HIS own Walk To Emmaus year 1990





Next to Roman Colosseum and ruins of Roman Forum. Site of worse corrupt society in world history 2,000 biblical years ago. USA now claims that title.



Rome Italy Vatican visit to meet Cardinals + Pope April 6 through April 15 2015 historical biblical times.



Domain of Keith's travels.





Scroll through these pictures that tell a portion of the world-wide travels around the world, including Easter 2015 trips to JerUSAlem =, return from Keith's own 1990 Walk to Emmaus-Nickopolis-Latrum Israel, Tel Aviv, and extensive 10 day documentaries of the Vatican and Rome Italy. Including visits to the USA Embassy and all historical sites in and around Rome Italy.  All to complete the #1 GOD focused ministries to teach the world how to LOVE and CARE for each other before self-genocide occurs since mankind is near the brink of annilation by the AntiChrist and his devil agents.

   I was indeed kidnapped Oct 3, 2011 by orders of ROSE signed Sept 26, 2011 because I went to Langley AirForce Base Virginia on Sept 25, 2011. I was released from HELL-JAIL on Jan 28, 2014 with ZERO assets left behind, then denied every single Constitutional Rights to recover 1st penny of stolen assets despite filing multiple Police Department larceny reports and claims with each of my banks and insurance companies. I then have been broadcast notifying everyone, including personal visits to every single courthouse, county/state/federal law enforcement agency, Congress, Associated Press, public, and especially over 100 churches I have visited and documented over past 7 years.

     Just how many people in USA Government and Corporations are tied to the #1 cybercriminal Terrorist Robert Dee Rose by their own signed confessions shown on and the databases Keith has been broadcasting for +7 biblical years of tribulation?  Even Roses own daughter is named Gabrielle, his son is Hunter, his dog was Einstein, his sinister wife is Amy. Only two photographs have ever been found of ROSE despite his BILLIONS USD of net worth stolen from his own and Caribbean Supply Services INC clients turned victims.


        For Keith has used GOD's principals, common sense, and use of simple technology and databases to teach the world how to LOVE and CARE for each other before self-genocide occurs because mankind refuses to acknowledge GOD and HIS presence among my +7.31 Billion People.    Everyone contact everyone to command the USGOV actually represent our spiritual and legal rights so that society can return to the Utopia promised by GOD at the dawn of mankind.


     Why can not a breathing soul acknowledge that Keith works for GOD full-time to represent GOD's sovereign ownership rights of HIS creation called the UNIVERSE.  Simply follow the Plan of Salvation and read the Last Testament as everyone finally contacts Keith Duncan through various ways and means to learn these Truths of GOD and ACTS of WISDOM about how the ANTICHRIST has been enslaving MY people for over 3.5 biblical years.  The USMilitary was indeed Keith's Last Resort since USGOV law enforcement agencies were already conspiring with ROSE to block ROSE's immenient Death Row conviction by US Military Tribunal for war crimes such as Treason, Espionage, Murder, and willful obstruction of Justice of the Military Criminal investigations that were completed as of Sept 25, 2011.  If no one protects Keiths sovereign, legal, civil, financial, and spiritual rights, the world will soon self-destruct by predatory greed since the Satanic worshipers have been following ROSE for +15 years.


  Who joins right now and sees the power of the BIBLE principals in and the heavenly host of other solutions that bring mankind back into conformity with GOD's original 11 commandments.



© 1958-2022 INC World-Trading Enterprises, Registered Reno Nevada USA, operating world-wide from China + all nations as the #1 Sovereign Ambassador and Emissary for all HIS mutually created people. Ask KEITH WHO HE IS, and WHO YOU ARE....

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