top of page is the most powerful successful $500 Million USD perfected re-filed Class Action Lawsuit Restitution Seed Fund series detailed below. #1 cyber Criminal terrorist Robert Dee ROSE will now be along with millions of all free roaming criminals using ONLY since ALL governments are now overseen by only 100% green full philanthropist gifters of my Gods MotherEarth world.

  WHO will protect life TODAY. Updated perfectly even today 2390 Jan 31.

Greatest open public scandal rebuttal is the EVBRNCIC*.pdf file below. Shows Cancelled Cobb county TPO 11.1.1171 July 15 would have released me INTO required Federal Witness Protection program while ROSE was finall seized and put on death row along with all others who conspired to have me murdered (multi-level paper chase wheel conspiracy) to destroy 50 manyears of Unifying all souls.

2024 Dec 25 is worlds most powerful 100% evidence that Cyber criminals Robert Dee ROSE and our very own USA GOV DOJ conspire to destroy MotherEarth and all forms shown prophetical open broadcast as  All by Lucifer WMD false witness hearsay shown below. Final solution was only Keiths at since we alone have shown all humanity how to remove ALL authority and wealth pirated assets from any violator of GODs original 11 Commandments. Protect Keith today while each of YOU replace all known forms of governments and public traded corporations with ONE new world peacemaking of no crime no debt utopia of GODs for ever. is your only GOD + Duncan Methods to UNIFY mankind forever use of by YOU host mediating required monthly town hall peace making problem solving town hall forums worldwide. Means YOU decide everything about everyone else by WE GODs 8.2 billion Children eliminating the worst any WarLords and CrimeLords by full transparency by we deciding WHO are violators of perfected resulting in crime debt free utopia once and forever. Who protects Keiths life today? 2024 Dec 30

Summary reposted 2025 Jan 6.  As of Oct 3, 2011 most brutal kidnapping to silence KILL me, most souls would have committed suicide or killed tens, thousands, even millions of GODs people.  WHY.  Entire sequence was to destroy perfected GODs utopia MOST people like BELA Farkas have gone criminal incompetent INSANE blaming everyone for their own sins, vices, crimes, and LUCIFER worshiping mindsets of OH THEY= YOU must be GODs over all other GODs...    

    I have slept 90% of today from 1 am til now.    EVEN applEID refuses to set me up with a NEW APPLEID who I and YOU PAY for storage of OUR information. GOD and my very own perfected new world shared open public database  FOIA.ONE also totally reverses black DATA Mail (BLACKMail), when criminal ruling elite CHARGE their victims MORE MONEY to be a LUCIFER antiChrist terrorist...  $500 Million USD restitution direct seed fund of the most powerful class action lawsuit against OUR USAGOV at individual level. Anyone can sign 22-1-3042-68 and be paid $200 million USD reward once alive Robert DEE Rose is captured by you, our DOJ, our DOD even Interpol now as  Already have I turned over ALL civil criminal violators tied to most massive criminal conspiracies in all of USA world history starting with #1 most Terrorist ROBERT DEE ROSE below.  These four people are 100% their evidence guilty of ordering be murdered remotely based on each of the FOUR TPOS they filed after defrauding, robbing all my lifetime assets, then claiming they were 100% victims of WHO?  must be YOU who worship only LUCIFER and cyber criminal terrorists who already decide your reality and now destiny fate of being fried as crispy critters. Only

  Beyond criminal incompetent insane my very own Family members most active conspired to steal ALL your assets and mine and did. All based on ALL the evidence I recovered and showed below as the worst most incriminating prefect time lined chain of their evidence. Unique is Police, IRS, IRS, FBI, AG, GBI + all others implicate themselves. was always your new world #1 world leader overseers, wealthiest Prince of Peace man in universal history modeled King Solomon + J.C. + all other messianic messengers sent by GOD to unify mankind for ever.

  Who do you actually trust and know to provide me safe haven while existing USA GOV seizes over 140 named criminal violators ?? was always the most open public scandal Press Conference (and written apologies) $500 Million USD seed fund commanded recovery exposure profitable ways and means of how and why cyber terrorist Robert Dee ROSE succeeded in ordering I (and you) be silenced forever by infiltrating our top Government and corporate Databases through his very own + 21 other RICO shell /shelf criminal enterprises all registered on GA Sec of State website from 1995 forward.

  All criminals reversed forever by rapid publicity deployment EVOTE.ONE your direct ownership use of revolutionary ONE single open public shared Database FOIA.ONE for ever.

   As of 2024 Oct 31, not a single person has EVER returned a single USD of my lifetime assets at or confessed their vice sins WMD crimes against all of you, my most besieged +8.18 billion WE GODS children.  I have been the ONLY person (messianic messenger) sent by GOD and Mother Earth to re construct all ways and means for total world social global peace forever. 100% green

  Rose even faked his death Sept 9, 2021 as Canton funeral director and cemetery owners both show testified record evidence that ROSE was never buried.  Subsequent record $200 million USD bounty remains on ROSE and wife Amy's heads since even FBI and all other USA DOD DOJ have been most actively PREVENTING turnover of everything.

  We ALWAYS required WE GODS PEOPLE to protect my life while greatest now completes.

Here below are the most critical condemning certified documents of HOW I was kidnap, persecuted and almost drugged to death by orders of ONLY Robert Dee ROSE, Ms Bashama, Sherry/kyle/matthew/doug Duncan conspiracies with +140 others turned over to everyone (Police, Gov, IRS, FBI, AG, PUBLIC, + PRESS) entire time to always show I, Duncan is your #1 world leader overseer 1st Trillionaire like King Solomon. 2024 Sept 3. At 9:31 pmEST tonight, faker Western NC FBI officer Mark Heinburg 828-553-9913, left vmail of "Yes. Hello Keith. This is officer Mark Heinburg with the FBI. I have something extremely important to talk to you about. Can you please give me a call back at this number when you get this. thank you. bye..".  2 days later, cyber criminal claimed 'We have arrest warrant out on you'.  I responded. 'MY is now reverse GPS tracking using same state of art technology I personally procreated year 1976."

2024 Sept 10. Because I personally turned over everyone AND most publical debriefed required Police, PRESS, IRS, FBI, AG, USMarshals, then USA OUR Langley Airforce Base Sept 25, 2011, NO ONE can ever claim I violated ANY existing US Constitutional Laws since I was indeed, SENT BY GOD now 66 years to be YOUR #1 sovereign protected Overseer Leader over MotherEarth by YOU taking total command authority over ALL our Government and Corporate executives use of revolutionary EVOTE.ONE store and forward through my(yours) open public unhackable shared mutual (private + public) decision recording database.

  Only by YOUR direct protective actions will my life ever be protected as I now travel back to Asheville to unify all 8.1 billion WE GODS children for ever. Definition of Eternity was always GODs forward timeline of WHO protects the souls, assets, and lives of all others.

   I called vRecorded back vmail at 10:45. then sent long text message of WHY and WHO ordered my illegal detainment (pure kidnappings) 6 times over 900 days by ONLY TPOs never violated by keith that were all criminally and ILLEGALLY issued so I would be drugged to death ( perfected back in 2009) and silenced forever by being cremated so DUNCAN clan and all others would continue lifetime criminal terrorist sprees.  Everything about Norfolk VA 4:11cr112 was criminal conspiracies to order I be killed.

  Key evidence Note: Illegal First and Third TPOs (by Sherry Duncan and Robert Dee Rose) were NOT signed or dated by any Judge.

  Even implicates Atlanta GA Attorney General Sally Q Yates when she signed forward Arrest warrant Dec 13, 2011 and then...., NO one includes hired $27,500 Canton GA Atty Ross Grisham and BC Chopper and FAMILY + Everyone (my very own Pastors and deacons + Friends) who all refused to by simple pay the $50 Bond to release me INTO USA GOV federal protection program as I DID apply through Sally Q Yates way back Sept 10-14 2011 when I was living 'OFF THE electronic GRID', deadly aware and truly afraid that #1 most manhunted Cyber Terrorist Robert Dee Rose would succeed in having me murdered remotely.

  Resulted in my entire portfolio of world reversing solutions perfected being destroyed by first Ex Wife (lesbian) Sherry Rene Mingle Duncan 678-431-4002) + 2 most prodigal sons Matthew Vernon Duncan 770-826-4632 + Kyle Smith Duncan 770-655-5546, then absolutely everything was criminally sold off + destroyed by murdered Brian Walker (deceased and cremated Dec 7, 2013 Gwinnett County before I was finally released Jan 28, 2014 by Judge Raymond 'Ass-Hold' Jackson as even HE held the dismissed Cobb County TPO 11.1.1173 in his hands summer 2013 AFTER only I showed it was always 100% impossible for me to violate any ones rights.

Even my very own 4 Insurance Companies refuse in year 2014 forward to HONOR Pay me back over $4.2 Million USD because they each claimed 'OH no open police dept report. OH no robbery or theft recorded in OUR N.C.I.C. database now moved to my open public FOIA.ONE.

  This was ALWAYS the most profitable cyber criminal attacks against YOU and WE GODS people with myself at the center once ROBERT DEE ROSE ordered we be kidnapped Oct 3, 2011 Los Vega after HE alone cyber hack/tracked our every movement and internet traffic at all three of my primary business home addresses. 

   Always USA GOV is 100% held accountable for protecting the lives of victims of organized crime. As of TODAY, absolutely NO ONE has actually accepted ANYTHING I have procreated as DIRECT ACTION by Each of YOU worldwide to peacefully find, isolate, bring to YOUR courtroom trials, fast path 10 day speedy trial convict, then WE the people seize the criminally acquired assets to pay full 3x Restitution to all victims, 1% goes through, balance goes back to the most damaged community where the original crimes by these generational pirates occurred. 

  WHO DO YOU ACTUALLY TRUST and KNOW to protect my mortal life TODAY , while OUR new crime free utopia officers of OUT new World single now execute the largest purge of all super criminal terrorists to send the most powerful message to all OTHER violator criminals that "THEY' are next to be seized and arrested by use of God and KEITHS town hall forums and  22-1-3042 is the $500 Million USD restitution once OUR USA GOV + YOU + PRESS actually DEBRIEF US in person to see HOW easy it was for the following 4 Intl / Domestic Cyber Terrorists to file 4 TPOs and extort bribe threaten OUR Police, DAs, Judges, Lawyers to silence (murder, assassinate, martyr us) by Forced Drug injections while destroying over $40 Billion USD of my lifetime patents, re Education methodologies and YOUR no crime Utopia gifted by GOD, MotherEarth, and Duncan 1-19580815-1. This occurred exactly Feb 4, 2011, then Aug 23, 2011 Cobb County TPO 11.1.1171 then 11.1.7683, then extreme kidnapping Oct 3, 2011 through Jan 28, 2014 when each named criminal person false witness testifeid a NON-VIOLATION had occurred.  NON-VIOLATION of Cancelled Cobb County TPO 11.1.1171 signed by Ms. Bashama, Berry Victor Reynolds, and DA Patrick Head on July 15, 2011. All further crimes were conspiracies to have keith murdered remotely by Doug Duncan and ROSE.

     We have NO other solutions left to perfect to stabilize our ONE commUNITY worldwide as debt free only middle class once YOU isolate and destroy all Lucifer AntiChrist cyber criminals use of my Evote.ONE.

  2024 July 8. Someone ordered channel CreatorKeith be destroyed to kill over 700 video prime showcases of how WE GODS people now destroy all violators of for ever use of Keiths  WHO are these cyber criminal terrorists. Clearly they are alive ROBERT DEE ROSE, Atty Berry Victor Reynolds, Judge Raymond Asshold Jackson (norfolk VA 4:11cr112), even Norfolk VA AG Robert Bradenham and ex AG Sally Q Yates of who all knew I was 100% victims of them since I clearly asked ALL of USA GOV for federal witness protection safe haven from intially ONLY ROBERT DEE ROSE Sept 25, 2011 on greatest messianic messenger travels all over MOTHER EARTH by direct commandments of only MY father GOD who resides in HEAVEN and among all of you.

 Personally, I was always your New World wealthy Overseer ProCreator sent by GODs original odyssey.

RIGHT NOW. GO DIRECT to ALL existing Police, FBI, AG, PRESS, + Corporate Executives to demand they protect me NOW.

Contact PROTECT US today. +1 725-200-7683 and command Press Conferences now be held worldwide !  is the most open public $500 Million USD legal filing + Press Conferences + mass publicity of Criminal Conspiracy scandal is USA even World History for WHAT 140 persons individually did to physically ROB $40 Billion USD of patents and anti all crime methodology from Norcross/Marietta GA base of Intl. operations of resurrected crime free UTOPIA owned and gifted by mega Billionaire overseers.  Most of our world reversing solutions are intellectual Property and Patents procreated 1976 NCSU by orders of GOD and MotherEarth. 

  No one has ever turned themselves in to OUR Police, FBI, AG, USAGOV always thinking THEIR crimes will never be exposed as my methods are complete replacement of ANY violator of by WE THE PEOPLE worldwide.  CONTACT US NOW as we NEVER had anything to hide of Norfolk VA 4:11cr112 tied to original terrorist ROBERT DEE ROSE, MS. Bashama, Doug Duncan, very ex-wife outlaws Sherry/Matthew/Kyle Duncan that went SO EXTREME Jan 15, 2008, then TPO 11.1.1171 Feb 4-23, 2011, cancelled July 15, 2011, then Aug 23, 2011 ROSEs Cobb County TPO 11.1.7683. Then again Langley AFBase delivery Sept 25, 2011 resulted in being most brutally kidnapped Oct 3, 2011 and held under NO LEGAL law for 848 days. THEN Kidnapped again Oct 5, 2018 to Nov 18, 2018 when I first returned to USA to turnover and BE restored fully $40 Billion USD. Then again Jan 14, 2021 return 2nd time from Philippines when I fully expected to be protected by USA GOV and each of you. NEVER happened once ROSE + others decided to terminate keith forever.

  CALL US TODAY and actually GET PAID to unify and self liberate my 8.1 billion WE GODS children once and forever EVOTE.ONE

BBK20110619-EVB0-DismissTPO11-1-1171-99-   Most fundamental GOD + KEITH and your question:

  HOW does anyone put a international Cyber Terrorist like  ROBERT DEE ROSE in PRISON and DEATH ROW?

Clearly millions of free roaming criminals and terrorists attack their victims while claiming they are being stalked by anyone. This is the ancient MAFIA terrorist mindset of all who Worship LUCIFER and sell their souls and others. is the true reality YOUR greatest story of all violators against WE GODS people.  Matched against all the ways and means, patents, and intellectual property methods of WE now DESTROY PURGE all violators of perfected once and forever. Not a single person has offered to accept any and ALL EVIDENCE and protect my life through 2024 May 24 while command demanding full restitution of WHAT was physically robbed/stolen by DuncanClan, Murdered Brian Walker, and all others seen below.

   This was the most reality sequence of felony capital crimes and violations of ALL Constitutional Laws committed by initial only 4 soul-less mortals in exact order: Douglas Vernon Duncan, Sherry Mingle Duncan, Robert Dee Rose, Ms Bashama. They each filed 4 Temporary Protective Orders criminally signed (and not signed/dated) after defrauding you, GOD, and Duncan by physically robbing my two Norcross + Marietta Georgia USA business operations center homes containing over $40 Billion USD of patents, intellectual property, and world reversing perfected Solutions.  Then they each extorting bribed con-artist convinced each Police, IRS, FBI, USMarshals, AG, Lawyers, Judges, DAs, literally everyone to have Keith kidnapped, held on $500 Bond for 5 months, then 2 years of getting a Single Civil Commitment order signed by ?? AG Robert Bradenham and Norfolk VA 4:11cr112 Federal Judge Raymond 'ASS-HOLD' Jackson to have me forced drugged to death while being kidnapped 6 times over 900 exact total days of hell.

Most biblical oddity, was I had already perfected that includes and even Community Citizens Watch re-Education universally programs.

   As of June 11, 2024 not a SINGLE person has asked me about Cobb County cancelled TPO 11.1.1171.99 or Marietta PD 1.11.2506 robbery of my initial $40,000 cash and assets or offered to protect my life includes our very own USA GOV

  No one hosts ANY press Conferences or showcases Intl Terrorist ROBERT DEE ROSE or Douglas Vernon Duncan or ANY of the 140 persons as most work for US as Dept of Social Justice that I personally procreated to legally destroy ALL violators by your use of perfected   All the current world leaders MUST meet with US TODAY as destroys all of you by the named mortal Criminal Ruling Elite NWO Oligarch first families.  I personally procreated and lead the ONLY group of mega Billionaires who have full authority Capacity competence to host mediate to ... (YOU EACH NOW DECIDE). The WORST BETRAYAL is always your very own family, lawyers, DOJ, PUBLIC, PRESS attacking a True Man Sent By GOD caused by WHO steals our assets and orders that person be remotely murdered by any other. This happened to Jesus Christ and many other messianic messengers whose prime focus was unification of the human race at all levels once and forever.

  The most true Reality facts evidence are showcased here and all other Broadcasts made by Duncan below.

 Everyone now mass call each other, our PRESS, literally ALL Corporate Executives, ALL DOJ officials, USMarshals, HLS, AG, focus on Gov Brian Kemp + Atl FBI JC HACKER 404-679-6000 seen below.

 2023 Oct 12 Everyone focus on PRESS, even GBI Michael English, AG Chris Carr and Washington D.C. OUR leaders. GBI legal Department Mr. Curtis on Feb 2023 personally given following evidence.

2022Oct7-HTM-FortuneONE-UNIocracy-1091-Headshot1_edited.jpg 22-1-3042-68 Filed May 3, 2022 worldwide remains the 100% true reality murder for hire conspiracies by the following FOUR super criminals that everyone as of 2024 Feb 9 refuses to investigate and put directly in PRISON and Death ROW.  Since I have constantly asked for USA GOV, Corporate executives, ALL churches, PRESS, and WE MY PEOPLE to protect my life way back summer of 2010 against #1 most man hunted Robert Dee ROSE ($200 Million USD bounty of HIS cyber criminal assets), and pro created GODs most complete crime free Utopia went most extreme 1972 age 14,  ...  All my +8.1 Billion WE GODS People benefit at all levels for ever. I even have locked my Father God's Heaven Gates so each of YOU will now ACT with Fearless Authority to use everything I always perfected left behind for you to decide your very own GOD focused reality and determine WHO are each of OUR highly paid in only cash while entire world manhunts down any and all violators of total replacement laws and commandments.  Current NWO already total controlled by cyber criminal cabal terrorists like Pres Put-IN and all named others who all can clearly see are only interested in genocide wars and destroying Gods MotherEarth all natural resources.

  WHO DO you actually TRUST and KNOW to protect my life today. 2024 May 15 by finding keith and providing safe haven shelter.


  Each one paid off police, Judges, DAs, Lawyers to illegally sign 4 Temporary Protective Orders after International Super Cyber Terrorists Robert Dee Rose, Enemy of USA Gov+ People Brother terrorist Douglas Vernon Duncan, then intl Criminal Stalker Ms. Bashama, and original very very ex wife Closet Lesbian Sherry Mingle Duncan had already defrauded Keith, then ROBBED all of my business and personal assets. I always filed 911 reports, hired lawyers, DID all the back ground investigations of their lifetime felony capital crime sprees, hired +12 lawyers at my cost over $150,000 and spent YEARS going back to FBI, IRSWBFeb2009,658, AG, USMarshals, HLS, OUR USA  Been debriefing thousands of YOU each day post Jan 15, 2008 when ROSE owed YOU back Forsyth County GA final summary Judgment 08SC-1345 $1.5 Million USD signed Oct 28, 2010 same period I commanded SHERRY DUNCAN return my $2.4 million USD in assets she had illegally seized back summer 2008. Includes $4.2 million USD insurance claims for all my assets (yours also) stolen and destroyed by Sherry/kyle/matthew Duncan, then Murdered Brian Walker Dec 7, 2013 after I was literally kidnapped Oct 3, 2011 orders of Rose and spent 848 days in HELL (only JAIL) told I was a severe drug addict, a homeless NO BODY, and had no brain cells left to testify against ANYONE, includes each Lawyer, Judge, Doctor, anyone who violated GOD.

  WHO DO YOU KNOW to actually PROTECT MY LIFE today and command our existing DOJ DOD, all corporate Executives, and churches and YOU see reality that I was always sent by GOD ( Duncan) to be your #1 world leader who already resurrected all ways and means to UNIFY all 8 BILLION of YOU WE GODS my children once and for ever.   Have ALL Of YOU finally sold your souls and turned over all your common sense to LUCIFER ROSE and his reign of Cyber WAR terrorist attacks known as already planned out for your final death row execution by your of NEVER care, love, or protect your family, community, and the FEW actual REAL LIFE leaders like   TAKE ACTION TODAY and actually USE everything I have personally gifted to destroy any violator of for ever. 22-1-3042-68 re filed May 3, 2022 is the most famous $500 Million USD seed fund to complete perfect Gods no crime utopia of with no exceptions. All free roaming criminals terrorists and violators now go to PRISON and Death ROW based on YOUR direct actions to protect life will WE purge all criminal ruling Elite from OUR new world utopioa of crime free personally procreated by ONLY Keith Brent Duncan and his own

  Robert Dee Rose has $200 Million USD bounty bail bond on his head post Jan 15, 2008 as showcased here and below.

  LIVE prosperity as free WILL Sovereign citizens working WITH GOD and all others, or simple DIE as Lucifer Worshiping devils advocates most call NWO criminal ruling elite and impoverished slave traded walking dead zombies. Soon Dark Ages returns while troops dispatched to only the elite communities while rest of you are totally forsaken and ON your own... 

  Use and book interview #1 most famous leader philanthropist subject matter expert groups led educated by with gifted perfected to reverse your current cultural division wars forever.

  March 12, 2024. The certified files below are valued over $500 Million USD showing WHO ordered be outright murdered by Sherry Duncan, Ms. Bashama, Robert Dee Rose, Doug Duncan. We always call for MASS PROTEST RALLIES to demand/command/required MY USA GOV all officers PROTECT MY LIFE while each of the 150 named civil criminal defendants are seized, Arrested, and charged with all Violations of OUR
  Clearly post Jan 15, 2008 not a SINGLE Person we have debriefed as confessed WHO are the worst cyber criminals in world history now WE GODs PEOPLE use Keiths simple methods to MANHUNT PURGE anyone who refuses to turn themselves in.  WHO DO YOU KNOW to PROTECT KEITHs life TODAY as we have no other solutions from GOD left to perfect and show 8 billion WE GODS PEOPLE how to actually be only PeaceMaking PromiseKeeping problem solving experts worldwide. This is the crime free UTOPIA of that Keith has personally gifted to each of YOU despite so many named criminals are STILL cyber tracking keith even during his last mission to Washington D.C> now. $500 Million USD real lawsuits is the result of 4 named civil criminals who illegally filed 4 separate TPOs then claimed violations AFTER they have physically brutally defrauded, then ROBBED our businesses and homes over $40 billion USD of and your no crime utopia GOD's perfected education technology financial

  MOST CRITICAL FACTS: ROSE was so extreme in ordering I be murdered year 2008 to Oct 3, 2011, I went DIRECTLY to Atlanta AG Sally Q Yates Sept 12, 2011 requesting IMMEDIATE US GOV PROTECTION while OUR USA GOV DOJ DOD did massive publicity manhunt to find EACH person tied to Cobb County TPO 11.1.1171 + 11.1.7683 + Forsyth County Judgment 08SC-1345 + IRS WB Feb 2009, case 658,659,671,672 ($8 million USD) that is collectively valued now OVER $500 Million USD to MY GOD sent NGOs. The crimes against Keith + GOD + YOU then got worse once ROSE extorted Cherokee County GA CID Matt Pettepher on Sept 26, 2011 9 am to NOT SIGN, NOT DATE arrest warrant that was 1 then 2 NON-VIOLATIONS including NO BOND Felony charge of Aggravated Stalking that NEVER occurred back Nov 14, 2010 (twenty Ten) when I legally searched for my assets stolen by ROSE.  All other crimes violated every single Constitutional Laws known to man.  Result is my own perfected PUBLISHED no crime utopia

  CONTACT NOW on emergency basis and actually PROVIDE keith required Federal Protection Safe Haven.

As of 2024 Jan 11, not a SINGLE person has acknowledged or signed the required court orders to put over 150 named conspirators in PRISON and Death ROW. WHY? Always was YOUR job, note ours-mine. Now 15 years later, Robert Dee ROSE ($200 Million USD bounty), Douglas Vernon Duncan (250,000 Bounty), Ms. Bashama $25,000 USD bounty, and Sherry Rene Mingle Duncan ($100K USD bounty) remain at large because of ONLY terrorist ROSE and every single person WHO REFUSES to meet in person to accept handover turnover of EVERYTHING about everyone worldwide for ever use of (4th file below). is the ONLY simple GODs way to eliminate the worst cyber terrorists in world history by YOUR direct action. Everyone informed about #1 Terrorist ROBERT DEE ROSE is always required by Constitutional Law to command our existing POLICE, FBI, AG, IRS, HLS, CIA, and USMilitary to investigate and actually PROTECT keith brent ducnans life now, same as YOUR life and assets.  Contact Keith TODAY and now believe EVERYTHING below is 100% your reality.


EVERYONE MUST literally Contact direct visit best NEWS media groups by focusing EVERYONE on CALLING FBI AG Governors literally EVERYONE RIGHT NOW !.  As of 2024 Jan 8, the ONLY person left by GOD and forsaken by each of you has been #1 leader proCreator of Crime Free UTOPIA who sent 65 man years solving each and every of mankinds prime issues, conflicts and even warlords by perfecting all ways and means for YOU to eliminate all crime Lords, war Lords, Brokers, "Banksters", NWO criminal ruling elite by use of GODs EVOTE.ONE FOIA.ONE direct real time eDemocracy. These all show YOU are in full authority confident control of deciding NEXT best community infrastructure project and WE choose WHO are all of OUR highly paid in cash. 

   WHO DO YOU KNOW to direct CALL and USE our $40 Billion USD products and patent based services to unify 8 billion WE GODS children once and forever?  No other person has ever faced LUCIFER worshiping criminals and taught everyone else HOW to eliminate anyone who VIOLATES perfected by utilizing all Spiritual and trusted leaders worldwide to JOIN us all as members of and so everyone benefits once and forever.   kbd. $500 Million USD Class Action Lawsuits was always the most profitable SEED FUND to transfer YOUR pirated wealth and assets back to YOU and your greatest places of mortal needs. The Details of WHO ordered Keith Duncan be kidnapped, then illegal criminal detained kidnapped 6 times over 900 days is showcased BELOW to protect YOUR rights to seize each of the +140 persons involved in robbery, fraud, persecution, then the most massive COVERUP conspiracies in all of USA WORLD history while $40 BILLION USD of initial patents and intellectual property was destroyed by Sherry Duncan, Kyle/Matthew Duncan, murdered Brian Walker then everyone else tied to Intl cyber Terrorist ROBERT DEE ROSE and brother Douglas Vernon Duncan.

  We already have shown all evidence to overturn any criminal terrorist warlord use of Keith + GODs perfected new no crime utopia of at all levels. Means no more government or underground criminal enterprises.. worlds last open public Education Technology Scientist Engineer Angel Guardian gifting Philanthropist Business share system to stabilize universally all +8 billion WE Gods People as only Peace Makers of led by each of you using FOIA.ONE once and forever. We are the worlds last truthful Trillionaires who gift everything back to you to advance our human race as only GOD mortal loving problem solvers forever. Everyone now mass call each other, our PRESS, literally ALL Corporate Executives, ALL DOJ officials, USMarshals, HLS, AG, focus on Atl FBI JC HACKER 404-679-6000 seen below.

 2023 Oct 4 Everyone focus on GA Gov Brian Kemp, PRESS, even GBI Michael English, AG Chris Carr and Washington D.C. OUR leaders. GBI legal Department Mr. Curtis personally given following evidence. is selling $40 Billion USD of patents to all major Corporations.

  These are the world saving solutions destroyed by everyone shown below.

Everyone: Simple call to protect Keiths life +1 770-377-2106 and you get paid millions USD below.

Everyone: Stage mass protest Peace Rallies NOW to command everyone protect all others RIGHTS now



If a single person had ever represented keiths civil rights, we +8Bil people would now be FREE citizens owning and operating absolutely everything. This direct broadcast to USA Military, all GOV,  Leaders, Press, Churches, + perfected Public to TAKE DIRECT ACTION today !! remains the most powerful profitable lawsuit(s) ever filed by our TRUE man Sent by GOD   To alleviate any legal justified concerns, the initial $500 Bond arrest warrant was never signed or dated Sept 26, 2011 9 am. claiming the 1 min video below was never SHOWN in Cobb County GA Court TPO 11.1.7683 Aug 23, 2011  then used as NEVER SHOWN submitted as a VIOLATION Aug 29, 2011 based on I only gave this horrific video to USA GOV through Atty Alexander Cyclone Covey back in June 2011 when Cyclone subpoenaed keith to bring FBI AG PRESS, literally everyone to Robert Dee Roses RICO trial in Fulton County on Oct 23, 2011.

    Once brutally kidnapped 3rd time on Oct 3, 2011 10am at by orders of Terrorist groups led by ONLY Robert Dee ROSE that ties to terrorist Brother Douglas Vernon Duncan (Cary NC)  I was forced into solitary confinement 3 weeks, extradited 5 days of pure hell in contractor van to Cherokee County where BOND was raised to $50,000 USD after I paid $27,500 USD to Canton GA Atty Ross Grisham and Marietta GA BC Chopper to bond me out for mere $50 USD. Held 120 days (violation of 90 day speedy trial), everyone outside knew that Sally Q Yates had criminally signed on Dec 13, 2011 the NON-VIOLATION of TPO 11.1.1171 that was canceled July 15, 2011 yet not a single HONEST or 'DAMNED' soul has protected my life or commanded I appear on national news all the way up to today.  Always TOLD I could never speak as Atty Phoenix Harris declared to JUDGE (and WHO) I was 'criminally insane incompetent' at time of NON VIOLATION SEPT 25, 2011. Subsequent crimes were all against YOU, MY most beloved 8 BILLION people.

  THEN everything got even WORST at all levels. kidnapped AGAIN 5th time Feb 20, 2012 and told NO EVIDENCE existed to HOLD me yet everyone then decided ONLY WAY to murder Son of humanity was to force DRUG us. Already had gifted and most profitable ANTI-crime methodology includes teamMONEYmachine resulting in NO CRIME by OUR use of once and forever.  This was always GODs final eternity, never was YOURs.

  Oct 11, 2023.  I remain the richest person entity in world history selling off ALL patents and how to NO CRIME UTOPIA that I procreated to perfection back start 19760815 at NCSU Raleigh NC seen with omnipresent perfected accuracy and  WHO DO YOU KNOW to meet us IN PERSON RIGHT NOW and actually WE THE PEOPLE destroy all LUCIFERS forever.

Intl Terrorists Robert Dee Rose and wife Amy. Only 3 photographs exist despite their net crime worth exceeds $1.2 Billlion USD in criminally stolen our Databases at both Government and Corporate Executive levels. Rose has a $200 million USD Bounty on his head and Lucifer soul despite faking his own Canton Forsyth County GA death Sept 9, 2022 to escape Death Row and PRISON along with 140 others as we even returned to Cobb County Marietta PD and Clerk of Court all day Tuesday, Oct 3, 2023, 12th anniversary of no signed no dated Arrest warrant of NO VIOLATION of Cobb County 11.1.7683 criminally signed Aug 23, 2011 when NONE of my Lawyers, or FBI, or IRS, or anyone showed up to arrest ROSE criminal terrorist groups on site. Same as post Jan 15, 2008 when ROSE threatened me personally claiming he would DESTROY murder my family and LAWYERS and anyone holding his 1995 to present day crime any evidence. 2023 Oct 4.  Below is the true reality civil criminal story of how a group of criminal terrorists always succeed in persecuting and murdering their victims who HOLD their evidence including +140 named defendants on the 22-1-3042-68 filed May 3, 2022 after being told by Robert Dee ROSE on Jan 15, 2008 I would be killed if I filed any lawsuit against and HIM to recover Forsyth County Judgment 08SC-1345 granted finally Oct 22, 2010 when ROSE hacked MY homes and businesses at all levels to destroy $40 Billion USD patents, computers, and lifetime self earned assets and net worth seen at

  Clearly Atty Jimmy Deal 770-263-7200 and Atty Judge GBI Director Berry Victor Reynolds conspired with ROSE to have keith murdered since THEY both were personally visited so many times and ORDER COMMANDED to go direct to FBI, PRESS, and PUBLIC.

  On Oct 3, 2011 I was kidnapped by orders of Terrorist Robert Dee Rose on a $500 Bond arrest warrant never signed or dated Sept 26, 2011 on claim ROSE got a 2 line LinkedIn Email to join our Network. 3 weeks in Solitary Confinement , extriated to Cherokee County, Bond raised to $50,000 USD addition of 1 min Video Nov 14, 2010 NEVER shown in any court that WAS used to criminally grant Cobb County TPO 11.1.7683 Aug 23, 2011. 4 months later I was released No-Contest Misdemeanor NCIC, then held 1 month more while named terrorists claimed NON-VIOLATION of Cobb County TPO 11.1.1171 dismissed July 15, 2011 was basics for having me drugged almost to death for 2 more YEARS.  Entire Judicial system is now totally OVERTURNED by YOUR direct action of staging mass protest rallies to COMMAND who are tied to ANY criminals and terrorists worldwide using MY perfected reversal solutions.  Certainly all wars and bloodshed will now be fast path reversed by YOUR ACTIONS use of

  99% of the lawyers and legal people we have personally met are SCARED TO DEATH of who is tied to ROBERT DEE ROSE. Even occurred Oct 3, 2022 when I went BACK to Marietta Cobb County Clerk of Court, Marietta PD 11.1.2506 retrieval of MORE evidence and even met with Atty Steve Yaklin 770-424-9235 who refused to see ANYTHING and claimed oh, he needs $50,000 USD up front to even look at first of ANY of the 125 already submitted certified court documents AND filings I have already done past 15 years.

  Every lawyer in our world will now PAY keith duncan's to teach them how to legally represent THEIR clients and not be extorted blackmailed by criminal terrorist Violators.

  Since few people actually ENFORCE any Constitutional Laws, I personally procreated no crime UTOPIA by open gifting publishing EVERYTHING back to unify +8 billion WE GODS PEOPLE. GOD is very wrathful same as each of YOU MUST BE.

  REBOOT of all humanity now occurs by ONLY mass publicity of and use of EVOTE.ONE as WE THE PEOPLE now eliminate ANY and ALL violators of OUR rights using ..  JUST CALL US NOW ! is the true reality of how a few people can ORDER the execution of their victim by filing TPOs after they have defrauded, robbed, slandered, then claimed THEY are the ONLY VICTIMS.  Worst open public scandal true story ever told valued exceeds $500 MILLION USD Real and Punitive damages AND required PRESS CONFERENCES to showcase HOW keith has single hand reformed unified WE THE PEOPLE his entire life now +65 years working full time WITH GOD on behalf of 8 BILLION WE GODs Children.

  2023 Aug 28. GA Gov Brian Kemp personally visited and handed everything to be USA #1 hero for actually meeting Keith and YOU in person. We gifted him 22-1-3042-68 Filed May 3, 2022 and all perfected ways and means to finally stabilize WE THE PEOPLEs world economies use of EVOTE.ONE by direct action of EACH of YOU.  I have no other solutions left to perfect and gift broadcast as of today.

  Surely ANYONE EVERYONE must command justice be finally SERVED by simply Contact keith brent duncan.

  Only has provided all ways and means for YOU to PEACEMaker eliminate ANY violator of OUR HUMAN RIGHTS and GODs wrath by open gift publishing and all other simple methods (most are patents and copyrights) to SELF liberate all of YOU from the bondage of Slave Traders most call NWO criminal ruling ELITE who are already the FALSE GOD Kings over all KINGS from 6660 years ago.  EVOTE.ONE restores all of OUR RIGHTS to decide OUR next best project and WE Pick all Leaders dynamically includes immediate replacement if THEY do not complete task as WE assign to THEM.

  Each person showcased below are 100% immediate GUILTY of Conspiracies to DEFRAUD the USA GOV = WE the PEOPLE. GUILTY of conspiracies to coverup all their evidence of Transcripts, Police Dept Reports, 4 TPOs and destroying GODs at all levels. Took me +7 years to resurrect all ways and means to UNIFY 8 billion WE the PEOPLE forever by WE THE PEOPLE eliminate (destroying) all Lucifer Worshiping WarLORDs.

   WHO DO YOU KNOW to contact and PROTECT keiths literal life RIGHT now as we have been most severely damaged, persecuted, defrauded, robbed, then kidnapped (illegally detained 6 times 900 days) by 4 named criminals Sherry Duncan, then brother Douglas Vernon Duncan, then Intl Super criminal terrorists groups led by Robert Dee Rose, then Ms. Bashama period 1991 to updated today 2023 Aug 06.

Kidnappings listed below.  All part of +500 individual charges that include  Federal Torts Claim Act of 1946.  Under the FTCA, 28 U.S.C. §§ 2671-2680, "individuals who are injured or whose property is damaged by the wrongful or negligent act of a federal employee acting within his or her official duties may file a claim with the government for reimbursement for that injury or damage." VIOLATIONs of 14th Amendment is also most extreme crimes against YOU !

1. Gwinnett County GA NON-TPO non violation on or about April 20 2009 by criminal soon very ex-wife Sherry Mingle Duncan when son Kyle violently attacked keith and dislocated his shoulder when Sherry refused to sign the post nuptial divorce agreement. Spent 7 days kidnapped at Peachtree Charter Mental Hospital and DRUGGED so bad for only reason to violate ALL laws. We could hardly stand up and function while my Lawyer Jimmy Deal, Dr Darvin Hege and all others REFUSED to contact Police, FBI, AG, Press, our Churches or anyone.  Same as TODAY. Clearly only Robert Dee ROSE has been extorting graft paying off most of the +125 named civil and criminal defendants includes our $3.2 Million USD insurance companies and ALL our +14 named pre-paid lawyers who did NOTHING but complain and disappear.

2. Cobb County TPO 11.1.1171 overnight kidnapping arrest on Feb 23, 2011 is tied to reversed Marietta PD 11.1.2506 $40,000 Robbery report Keith Filed against career criminal robber Ms. Bashama and her common law husband felon convict Ralph Carraway. Keith was bonded out by Sherry Duncan with my $5,000 cash Feb 24, 2011.

  MOST CRITICAL. 11.1.1171 was finally cancel dismissed July 15, 2011 by Atty Berry Victor Reynolds, DA Patrick Head, and Grady Moore when Keith showed up with Press Conference Film crew on or about Sept 14 2011 and was told with Reynolds and Cobb County GA Judge Robert Flourney that BASHAMA now will be arrested and ROSE turned over immediately TO FBI, AG, PRESS, and public. Never happened once ROSE knew everything from cyber stalking hacking all of Keiths family and business that went extreme Jan 15, 2008 and Forsyth County Judgment 08SC-1345 issued Oct 28, 2010. Keith did ALL legal back ground investigations and had already debriefed all POLICE, IRSWBfeb2009, 658, AG, FBI, USMarshalls and then went to Langley AFB Sept 25, 2011.

3. Oct 3, 2011 to Jan 28 2014 was 848 days of pure Hell-Jail on non violation of Cobb County TPO 11.1.7683 Aug 23 that never occurred Aug 30 2011 or Sept 26 2011 10am.  Went to most extreme WMD level when AG sally Q Yates criminally signed Norfolk VA 4:11cr112 grand jury indictment based on VOIDED TPO 11.1.1171 dec 13, 2011 that was kept secret until Feb 12, 2012 when Keith was been threatened daily Cherokee County Jail after THEY violated 90 day speedy trial OUR Constitutional Laws of Keith personally procreated to showcase ALL criminals worldwide.


4. Then Oct 5 - Nov 19, 2018, Atlanta FBI agent Lynn ? forced Keith into GA Mental Hospital GA to be drugged 5.5 weeks and most viciously brutally assaulted Oct 16, 2011 resulting in extreme head, neck, spine, nose, and jaw damage that has also NEVER been shown as part of this monumental $500 MILLION USD May 3, 2022 open filed YOUR most profitable Lawsuit ever filed in USA and OUR world courts and already in YOUR visual hands.

Our entire assets have been civil criminally stolen by ALL named civil criminal parties with the mega BILLIONS of Intellectual property stolen by Sherry Duncan, sons Matthew and Kyle Duncan, then murdered Brian Walker who we HIRED as an employee Feb 2012 after 120 days of hell on NON-violated 11.1.7683.


WE HAVE SPENT now +15 very long man-years resurrecting everything to UNIFY you one final time forever.

  Surely each of YOU will now rise up and provide us direct protection and minor support while DEMANDING our very own DOD DOJ protect keith will being master re-educated worldwide HOW to exactly step by step

  Our own Worlds most perfected No Crime Utopia is clearly showcased here and below to procreate Peace On Earth once everyone commands all others be only Peace Makers use of

If anyone has ANY issue with debating with GOD and KEITH, your only purpose job is to solve your own objections using Gods generator starting with then no more addictions. Then everyone MUST host mediate their own town hall problem solving forums before the Criminal Ruling Elite succeed in demise of all life forms by THEIR existing raging

 Then USE keith brent duncans most wealthy high IQ confident Professors to teach you all other ways to be free will sovereign citizens based ONLY on the ultimate outreach ministries GOLDEN RULE of 'Love All Others' forever. $500 Million USD filed most public scandal profitable Class Action Miscarriage of Justice ever publicly gifted and perfected now make each of YOU very wealthy and fully protected by our 1976 generated

  Most bizarre profitable real life cyber criminal evidence involves +80 named USA GOV police, DAs, almost ALL county DOJ, indicts all Federal, State and City Judges for massive coverups AND violating basic US Constitution non-enforced Laws, now universal used at all levels once super Terrorist ROBERT DEE ROSE, Brother Douglas Vernon Duncan went to extreme measures to order keith be murdered any ways and means recorded perfectly here, above, and BELOW PDF files and time lined irrevocable irrefutable WRIT of MANDAMUS perfected simple lawsuits above.

  WHO DO YOU KNOW is the most powerful legal spiritual request to PROTECT Keith Duncan today.

Updated very final 2023 July 8 still stranded, isolated and severly persecuted in Asheville NC + Atl GA.

Keith Brent Duncan IID 1-19580815-1 FOIA.ONE returns Integrity rating +100%. shows:  Sent by GOD.

  Keith: meaning Of the Forest, Wood, From the Battleground. Keith origin is English. The Numerology Number 8. 

  Brent:  Hilltop, Burnt, Steep Hill, Mount, High Place, Hill top. Origin is Indian. The Numerology 5  

  Duncan: Brown Warrior, Dark-skinned Warrior, Brown Fighter, Helmeted. Origin is Indian. The Numerology 3

Everyone BUY: $20 USD and $20 USD

  Not only was most humble #1 world leader keith brent duncan illegally arrested kidnapped, then robbed below zero net worth 6 times over 900 days of pure hell, he already had showcased in perfected broadcasts AND delivery that Robert DEE ROSE and Douglas Vernon Duncan along with Ms. Bashama have been Intl Cyber Terrorists started back 1995, 1983, 1994 respectively. No one actually ENFORCES any existing Constitution or Statutory laws. The criminals WHO make all the laws, control all aspect of our NON FREELY traded economic markets.

  Therefore, I, keith brent duncan, sent by GOD have published gifted all aspects to procreate UTOPIA of GOD.

  Our very own FBI AG IRS USMarshall, Judges, DAs, Police, Doctors, Lawyers were all conspirators who criminally decided to destroy everything GOD personally sent Keith to re educate master teach how to eliminate THEM, the worst growing group of Lucifer Worshiping cyber stealing criminals and terrorists showcased below.

  The worldwide manhunt always includes any violator regardless of their wealth, prominence, or self entitled status.  The NWO criminal ruling elite are always mortally bound to turn themselves in NOW !

  Subsequent WMD crimes against our humanity were +120 named defendants denying YOUR constitutional rights to command recovery of our original $40 BILLION USD patents, copyrights, and intellectual protected property to recreate GODs Utopia that motherEarth provided for all of us billions of years ago.

   WHO DO YOU KNOW to call keith and PROTECT our life and resurrected assets while biggest manhunt in world history is conducted by each of YOU using FOIA.ONE shared information of WHO is WHO, WHO owns WHAT, and who TRADEs WHAT with WHO, when, where, and why of OUR one total centralized A.I. database also known as KeithDuncanLibrary.ORG.

Robert Dee Rose will always be known as the worst Mafia Gangster Mobster in USA World History for tthe crimes against humanity he has been committing started 1995 by his very own certified Cobb County TPO 11.7683 Transcript testimony to KILL MURDER Assassinate Keith brent Duncan and any person who holds HIS evidence includes named Police, DAs, Judges, IRS, FBI, AG, USMarshals, even PRESS and others that have always been legally and directly visit debriefed by showcasing WHO violates and causes ALL wars and ALL mass poverty at the very top of the terrorist MLM false GOD Deity pyramid schemes of con-artist perfected "JUST and only TRUST THEM !" 

  BECAUSE POLICE, FBI, AG, USMarshalls, PRESS, and PUBLIC were massively informed now 15 years, THEY are now replaced by Keiths new perfected only PeaceMaking of our methods worldwide NOW.

  Press Conferences and OPEN EXPOSURE are always what scare the living HELL out any criminal by full scale exposure of WHY they violate the basic civil liberty rights of WE GODS People.  No other person has ever unified mankind use of GODs technology we have personally procreated and perfected past 64.777 man years as Keith Duncan. WHO DO YOU KNOW to protect KEITHs life NOW and actually command demand arrests now transfer all criminal pirated wealth back to YOU and your communities of greatest mortal needs includes use of all our spiritual organizations includes at published $40 million USD basic financial literacy.


May 30, 2023 evidence of Faked Death in Canton Sept 9, 2022 is the final +120 certified convicting evidence. 22-1-3042-62 filed May 3, 2022 class Action Miscarriage of Justice lawsuit against +120 named civil criminal defendants includes all our insurance companies, IRSWBFeb2009, Forsyth County Judgment 08SC-1345 Oct 22, 2010, Marietta GA PD 1-11-2506 Robbery reports, and all other +150 irrevocable court documents already turned over to all existing DOD, DOJ, PRESS, and PUBLIC destinations.  This remains the most powerful +$500 MILLION USD public scandal Press Conference generating civil criminal proceedings in all of USA World history for the destruction of EVOTE.ONE and all other perfected unification methods procreated by Keith brent Duncan IID FOIA.ONE 1-19580815-1.  Do ANY OF YOU DESERVE to DIE for working for/with GOD your entire lives?

  Keith brent Duncan has ONLY survived this long by showcasing The TRUTH and ONLY YOUR TRUTH of who causes all mass poverty and wars. Our perfected solutions totally replace reverse all aspects of OUR economy includes unifying all religious groups (churches) as outreach cooperative collective outreach ministries like our who also have internal issues unable to see reality of WHY GOD procreated each of you as showcased top in Yellow.
  EVERYONE hereby legally financially commanded to PROTECT KEITH BRENT DUNCANs life by contacting top existing DOD DOD officials and top Corporate Executives who actually enforce our existing USA constitutional LAWS.  We have already placed legally bonded bounties on the heads of each violator offender and have spent 15 man years recovering ALL their evidence while resurrecting GODs as crime free utopia led by once everyone finally understands and holds fully accountable any mortal who causes all wars, poverty, genocide, and homelessness that went extreme 6,000 years ago Egypt MLM false GOD deities who brainwashed propaganda of JUST TRUST THEM.
  WE required always FEDERAL PROTECTION and CORPORATE PROTECTION NOW for all reasons common sene stated here and replicated on our WHOIS-list.pdf downloadable above.

  EVERYONE BUY Crowd Fund our original ONLY small business literacy program $10 here: Centered at

  We have ALWAYS required Press Conferences and open source full disclosure of any person who commits crimes against WE THE PEOPLE.  WE are ONLY group of very wealthy billionaires who have been rentlessly persecuted, murdered, forced into captivity (illegal detainment) on false charges so our world saving solutions are destroyed and converted to next MILITARY war use by warlords like PUT-IN, CCP, Fatso NKorea Kim Jung-un, and many of you.

  The PRIME answer has always been PRESS CONFERENCES, an HONEST JUDGE / DA sign the required Grand Jury Indictments, the arrest seizure warrants, and full scale public exposure of WHO robbed Keith +YOU by false witness by named criminals below, and total violation of KEITH + Your constitutional Rights and statutory laws to demand recovery of Keiths $40 Billion USD patents, copyrights, and lifetime intellectual property always gifted to UNIFY 8 billion WE GODs people as ONLY positive net worth, ONLY Middle Class, no crime society of Keiths perfected utopia of

  Yet no honest person has been found post Jan 15, 2008 when Robert DEE ROSE went criminal insane incompetent refusing to honor his very own signed 3 promissory note Forsyth County Judgment 08SC-1345 Granted Oct 22, 2010, then IRSWBFeb2009,657 $8 Million USD payout, then theft of ALL keiths $2.5 million USD business and personal possessions of $100K cash paid townhouse, $250K 401K, $250K Bank accounts, $500K business/personal lifetime assets, all based on legally binding contracts due March 2008 from ROBERT DEE ROSE ( + 22 shell RICO INC). 
  Our 4 legally binding Insurance claims of $3.2 Million USD also denied once Cobb County + Gwinnett Police DA Judges refuse to accept turnover of EVERYTHING showing WHO are the worst criminal terrorists in USA history.

  All subsequent crimes against Keith brent Duncan were to murder Keith and his family + Lawyers and anyone who saw ROSE is a lifetime cyber crime international terrorist along with his wife Amy W Rose. Robert even faked his death Sept 9, 2022 in Canton GA. Worst crimes against humanity occur caused by YOUR apathy and ignorance of WHO causes all wars and mass poverty worldwide past 6,000 years using con-artist MLM Ponzi pyramid schemes of JUST TRUST THEM.
  WHO DO YOU KNOW to protect KEITHs life now and actually command existing top leaders SIT DOWN WITH KEITH and YOU for face to face video recorded host mediated TURNOVER of everything to destroy all Anti-Christs forever.

As of 2023April20, not a single person has upheld enforced any existing Constitutional or Statutory laws. Reality showed Intl Terrorist Robert Dee ROSE conspired with each person listed on May 3, 2022 22-1-3042-68 22 page Master Class Action Miscarriage of Justice Lawsuit ever filed against +120 named civil and criminal defendants based on Marietta PD 11-1-2506 Feb 4, 2011 we filed after being brutally robbed by Ms Bashama of $40,000 USD that resulted in false claim Cobb County TPO 11.1.1171 illegally granted Feb 23, 2011 and cancelled dismissed July 15, 2011 by Berry Victor Reynolds, Cobb County DA Patrick Head. Subsequent severe crimes by ROSE and Duncan Clan were Cobb County TPO 11.1.7683 Aug 23, 2011 criminally granted and never violated Aug 30, 2011 or Nov 14, 2010 (twenty-Ten) Video never submitted into court evidence Aug 23, subsequently criminally used on unsigned undated arrest warrant Sept 26, 2011 same video of that was $500 USD BOND for 2 line linked IN invite we never sent.
  We were criminal illegally detained 848 days until Jan 28, 2014 dismissal as all documents were forged and even altered destroyed in vain attempts to coverup all subsequent criminal conspiracies of THEM.

Kidnapped Oct 3, 2011 for 6 times over 900 days, Keith Duncan was ordered murdered by ROSE and all persons conspiracy concerned linked by their very own recorded timelined evidence below.
  Despite direct visit contacts to tens of thousands of WE THE PEOPLE, no one has the confidence or IQ to actually SEE REALITY of how cyber terrorrists already run OUR WORLD at all levels. SO WE DID. Published all the HOW-TOs forever.
  WHO DO YOU KNOW to contract video debrief us NOW?  And Protect Keith Duncans LIFE while our existing taxpayer paid officials actually DO THEIR JOBS !! is the true reality of HOW named criminals murder, pillage, plunder, rob and DENY WE THE PEOPLE of our basic Constitutional Rights of NOW NEW WORLD world 100% perfected crime free of all politics and ALL underground criminal enterprise cabal connections to our DOSJ.ORG use of GODs with focus on + 22-1-3042-68 valued excess $500 Million USD and Press Conferences to shock discover all the perfected GODs engineered solutions to truly ratify unify WE GODS people once and forever.

  The most prolific anti all crime patents, copyrights, published gifted solutions already gifted to each of YOU, my most beloved +8 billion GODs People were all perfected year 1976 updated for 46 years with focus on WHY ROBERT DEE ROSE ordered we be murdered to prevent HIS death row instant convictions since NOT a SINGLE person has been sent to HELL JAIL to investigate report, solve, prevent, and reverse ALL criminal actions worldwide. SO KEITH DID.

  March 7, 2023 Final perfected summary. Based only on YOUR reality, I was illegally detained (kidnapped) and most brutally tortured 6 times for 900 days based on 4 TPOs by Sherry Duncan, Ms. Bashama/Wendell Carraway, intl Terrorists Robert Dee ROSE and Douglas Vernon Duncan. 1st TPO May 2009 never signed by any judge. 2nd criminally signed Feb 9, 2011 I was served Feb 22, 2011 to appear Feb 23, 2011 Marietta PD Report 1.11.2506 I filed Feb 4, 2011 robbery of my businesses and homes of $40,000 USD. 3rd was ROSE TPO 11.1.7683 I was served Aug 21, 2011 based on legal demands ROSE pay YOU back Forsyth County Judgment 08SC-1345 due march 2008 value exceeds $1.2 million USD Atty Jimmy Deal 770-263-7200 and OUR 4th TPO was Feb 12, 2012 by intl Terrorist Brother Douglas Vernon Duncan valid for only 7 days Wake County Raleigh NC.

  Since we had already debriefed related POLICE, Judges, Lawyers, DAs, then IRS, FBI, AG, USMarshals so many times BEFORE ROSE had us kidnapped, THEY MUST be directly held accountable for REFUSING to offer Keith Dunan Federal Protection this entire time, now record breaking Nobel Peace Prize time of +14 very long years of pure hell.

  Once we were most viciously brutally kidnapped orders of ONLY ROSE on Sept 26, 2011 9 am, and arrested when we were 'OFF THE GRID' Oct 3, 2011 the rest of DUNCAN Clan and +130 others proceeded to steal YOUR assets in Norcross GA and Marietta GA by criminals Sherry Duncan, sons Matthew and Kyle, then forged POA by murdered Brian Walker from Jan 2012 until we were accidently dismiss released Norfolk VA 4:11cr112 conspiracies to murder thousands on Jan 28, 2014 that was also SEALED by Federal Judge Raymond A Jackson of Norfolk VA Lucifer Worshiping elite groups. Each named DOJ and all others VIOLATED GODs Laws + Constitutional laws as they each got paid by YOU the most besieged impoverished taxpayer citizens who refuse to hold ANYONE accountable for Piracy and murder.

   Each person shown here and below violated all Constitutional laws and most of our existing Federal and State Statutory laws by false witness testimony that WE (you included) were Criminally Insane Incompetent at time of NON-VIOLATION and I (WE) must be murdered by any wans and means since WE already had turned them over to SAME all levels of Law Enforcement known to man.

  Includes our $3.2 million USD insurance claims, the original IRS WBFeb2009, 658 $8 million USD reward and always the REQUIRED PRESS CONFERENCES and PeaceMaking Town Hall Forums of

  Includes a SINGLE JUDGE (and you) signing the required Grand Jury Indictments, TPOs, and filing issuing the requried arrest search seizure Warrants of 22-1-3042-68 also perfected as GODs perfected methods of WE GODS people hold ANYONE fully accountable for violating GOD and YOUR civil rights of

  WHO DO YOU KNOW to actually CONTACT Keith Brent Duncan and actually PROVIDE US formal safe haven protection while the greatest round-up of all criminals, terrorists, and unsavable addicts now finally OCCURS by YOUR efforts.

  We have Left behind to forever SHOW I was always VICTIM of ORGANIZED criminals Robert DEE ROSE, Ms Bashama, ALL of Duncan CLAIM and then 80% or existing WE PAID officers of OUR courts who all DENY I ever existing and constantly DISMISS all formally required court ordered motions including MOST POWERFUL of all time Writ of Mandamas and ORDERS to SIGN required grand jury subpenoas and search and seizure arrest warrants includes required BOND BOUNTIES on heads of accused criminals Keith Duncan. NOW I drive BACK to Forsyth COUNTY to attend democratic PARTY some kind of LOCAL ACTION groups of GODs I personally procreated year 1976Aug15. All part of GODs no more crime society of perfected when WE THE PEOPLE use EVOTE.ONE to decide NEXT best project through FOIA.ONE, then we pick the best highly paid in oncle CASH project manager consultant FROM our best honest enforced ethics mega scientist engineers.

     We now command demand MASS PROTEST RALLIES against each named person below includes most recent Cobb County Judge Julie Adams Jacobs who denied ALL our rights to face each person in COURT using NO MORE 5TH amendment or ANY ancient precedent laws never passed by WE THE PEOPLE our lawmakers.

   Updated 2023Feb28 by ONLY PERSON SENT BY GOD to UNIFY 8 billion WE GODS PEOPLE use of EVOTE.ONE and all other simple complete perfected replacement systems we procreated coincidentally interlinked back 1976Aug15 at NCSU Raleigh NC showcased at + proof of our original $40 BILLION USD earned fortune.   was always the most powerful reality of WHO are the worst criminals, terrorists, cyber scammer crooks tied to super Terrorist Enemy of OUR state Robert DEE Rose, and Intl Terrorist brother Douglas Vernon Duncan. The value of this May 3, 2022 22-1-3042-68 exceeds conservative $500 Million USD based only on Real and Punitive Damages of what was destroyed by Duncan Clan, murdered Brian Walker and each person who was legally turned over based on all the time lined certified irrefutable documents we already turned over to each of OUR law enforcement and officials started back Jan 15, 2008 when 3 promissory Forsyth County Judgment 08SC-1345 Oct 28, 2010 Notes of Keiths $109,800 were due on legally binding signature of Robert Dee ROSE that started the most Profitable Press Conferences in USA world history. Even the 08SC-1345 signed by Judge McClelland is valued over $1.2 Million USD including State National Press Conferences to showcase WHO are the worst Atlanta GA and USA based terrorist criminals now exposed by ACTIONS of EACH of you using EVOTE.ONE to rid our world of all Lucifers, criminals, and terrorists forever. This perfected deployment of and single International Constitution to replace all man-made laws forever.

   ANYONE can contact debrief KEITH and his mega billionaire associates anytime. ANY Law firm, ANY FBI AG and yes ANY JUDGE can speak with us directly and be PAID from the proceeds of this lawsuit legally authorized by existing Constitution and Statutory Laws. Please COUNT the number of crimes by each of these violators and see the true NEGATIVE drain of over $25 trillion usd per year based on GOD and Keith.

   CEO sent by GOD by Keith brent duncan. valued exceeds $40 BILLION USD by everyone staging Mass PeaceMaking Protests to redress grievances against ANY of our 8 Billion GODs people. Updated for final time to reverse current on 2023Jan31 as we have already perfected each and every GODs technology methods to unify ratify reform everyone as ONLY PeaceKeepers forever. all evidence showcased above puts KEITH on National NEWs NOW based on everyone actually DEBRIEFING all others on all WE have personally gifted mankind to UNIFY everyone.

  Anyone who are truly TRUTH SEEKER TELLERS will be rewarded mega MILLIONS of USD for simply calling us directly to truly understand the clarity simplicity of all Keith Duncan has personally gifted 8 billion GODs children as ONLY Peace Makers by WE THE PEOPLE destroying all violators of GOD + your basic civil liberty rights to be free will Sovereign socialized citizens who share all of GODs resources by taking care of each other while demand commanding any violator be fast path brought to open public Justice. These interlinked cascading systems are GOD engineered to destroy all Lucifer Worshipping criminals and terrorists at the TOP of OUR world government and corporate leadership commander in CHEEK positions by total restructure of all chains of command authority inverted diagrammed as inverted Christmas Tree with YOU as the southern star. The branches expanding above are the proxy system of our vote decision making assigned representatives. The top PROBLEM ROOT is now openly exposed at the top as the ROOT solution.

  Updated 2023Jan31. by GOD sent Keith Brent Duncan still in Atlanta GA + Asheville NC as worlds last true Trillionaire of GODs intellectual property known as UCC common goods.

  Each person who violated Keith Duncans rights destroyed GODs components with no exception. Keith had personally procreate published worlds last total economic, spiritual, infrastructure, family, community, business, and natural resource SHARING system perfected back years 2005 to Oct 3, 2011 when ONE super terrorist ROBERT DEE ROSE succeeded in ordering we be arrested on NO evidence so named any criminal including all of Duncan Clan could steal destroy everything GOD sent us to re-deliver.

  Each person self indicted themselves into PRISON and Death ROW by orders of EXISTING ANY JUDGE and public held televised grand jury indictment and ordered signed subpoenas to read their own signed court document evidence that took +12 years to recover and time line itemize as seen below and above.


This ONE court 22-1-3042-68 May 3, 2022 filed #1 PUBLIC SCANDAL HOT certified document will cause mass protest peace rallies WORLDWIDE so YOU MY PEOPLE will hold anyone accountable for violating GOD and OUR RIGHTs to be free will sovereign citizens forever by decentralization of ALL our wealth and authority back to each of US use of we procreated personally year 1976

  Final Solution requires KEITH and YOU be on National News Media PRESS CONFERENCES now same as summer of 2010 when ROBERT DEE ROSE was most active ordering we be murdered in Norcross GA.

#1 top legal issue worldwide is Criminals bribe extort payoff threaten OUR lawyers and THEIR victims to deny any Constitutional and Statutory laws be enforced by WILL of WE THE PEOPLE use of EVOTE.ONE. Each law firm we hire demands to be paid up front while stating NO guarantee ANY result or refund. This is why Keith + GODs system totally replaces ALL violators at any level once and forever includes ressurrected by commanding all LLP (limited liability Partnerships), 5th amendment, and sealed court documents be made illegal.  WE THE PEOPLE are always empowered to hold anyone accountable for stealing OUR assets, causing us real and punitive damages shown by ONLY their certified court submitted documents now protected 100% by Keiths unhackable year 1976 and original

   Below convicts +120 named Civil Criminal Defendants for multi level true conspiracies to MURDER KEITH, his family, his lawyers, and anyone holding ROBERT DEE ROSE, Ms. Bashama, Sherry DUNCAN, Douglas DUNCAN, all others 100% instant Convicting Evidence starting back Oct 6, 2007 when super Cyber Terrorist ROBERT DEE ROSE contacted Keith Duncan and attempted to blackmail us to be #1 top cyber attacking black hat terrorists.

  2023Jan05. Reality of our mass broadcasts of TRUE WHO are the top criminals always showed we have paid out over $150,000 USD to 12 lawyers, then contacted well over 175 named law firms to simply FILE the required legal claims using existing DUE PROCESS OF LAW to demand recovery of ALL our stolen assets since was impossible to violate Cancelled Cobb County TPO 11.1.1171 dismissed July 15, 2011 the top of the criminal paper chase wheel of conspiracies of the 22-1-3042-68 PDF file seen HERE and below.

  Even today we hired 3 new law firms to MEET us IN PERSON. all refused claiming THEY do not specilizae in taking down anyone who might be wealthy and threaten THEIR lives. SO WE, Keith Duncan new world legal teams of have commanded all lawyers sell off their LLP stock and focus on destruction of STOCK OPTIONS of all our Corporate ELITE worldwide.

Atty Stacey Evens 750 Piedmont Rd, Atl 30308, 470-225-6779 for all to CALL TO DEMAND ACTION NOW !

  Anyone in GODs World can direct contact Keith Duncan and ASK us how to fast path solve ANY issue.

We also just hired contacted:

  2023Jan01 - Our anti all crime groups have already re-delivered ALL civil criminal evidence back to POLICE, IRSWBFeb2009,658, FBI, AG, Gov Brian Kemp, even PRESS past 14 years. EVERYONE MUST protect our lives NOW and directly contact visit TOP DOJ, PRESS, and Corporate Executives NOW to command the required grand jury indictments and search/seizure/arrest warrants signed against EACH person showcased at 22-1-3046-68 filed universally May 3, 2022 of Writ of Mandamus Federal Torts Claim showcased below of 100% legalized Immediate arrests then occur by YOUR direct actions and you are ach paid the legal bounties on each persons head shown below ! Few if any have a CLUE who was Keith.

  WE HAVE ALWAYS OFFERED to personally meet with ANY JUDGE, ANY PRESS, literally ANYONE includes GOV BRIAN KEMP to resolve ANY civil criminal investigation. YET always DENIED our constitutional RIGHTS to enforce any and all CONSTITUTIONAL LAWS. WE MUST all command existing TOP Georgia and USA GOV LEADERs actually MEET US IN PERSON NOW NOW NOW.

  We, peer member owners have already perfected all simple total replacement methods to fast path put ANYONE in jail, prison, and mental jail hospitals after THEY violate our rights including viscous aggravated assault, felony murder, robbery, even cyber crime THEFT of collective $40 TRILLION USD per year by criminals starting with ROBERT DEE ROSE of this legal

  WHO DO YOU KNOW to contact us DIRECTLY 770-377-2106 as we have NO other GOD focused method solutions to perfect and RE PUBLISH to 8 billion WE THE PEOPLE who were always 'The Government'.

  Each of you always have a moral responsibility to hold any criminal fully accountable.

  Dec 21, 2022. Today we got our very own package of HOW to destroy all criminals and terrorists BACK from the Clerks Office Supreme Court of Georgia dated Dec 19, 2022. The gatekeepers NEVER showed anything to OUR Supreme Court Justices or PRESS or you, same insane incompetent no actions past 14 years. Claimed we had no appeal pending and all documents returned UNFILED. MOST deadly serious crimes have been occurring past 75 years and NOT a SINGLE person has ever represented YOUR best civil rights interests with rare exceptions of only the Criminal Ruling ELITE use of OUR corporate Lawyers like Sally Q Yates and we have tendered offers to BUY OUT and eliminated use of all L.L.P and 5th amendment.

   We clearly refused to commit ANY civil or criminal illegal act our entire lives since WE were SENT BY GOD to teach each of YOU how to UNIFY yourselves now 8 billion GODS people strong to destroy any person organization who violates GODs laws and any of existing USA and International Peace Keeping Constitution LAWS.  PROTECT US NOW (today) and command our very own NEW WORLD crime fighting units of only NATIONAL GUARD and enforced integrity officers of OUR courts actually DO WHAT WE PAY THEM TO DO.  Eliminate any and all offenders NOW.  Updated 2022Dec13 with Robert Dee ROSE fake death certificate we recovered just today.

  The value we have legally claimed exceeds $500 million USD real and punitive damages since ONLY Keith has recovered each and every one of the +200 court certified documents yet has NEVER had ANY legal representation to command we be PUT on any national NEWS media Press Conference Q&A open forum.

Best key live eyewitness is YOU and 'atom' Tom Haag in lost wages Las Vegas at +1 725-248-1260. was always the most powerful public scandal civil criminal +$500 Million USD valued real and punitive damage restitution 'payBack' investigation, arrests, search and seizure of named +120 USA citizens who all violated existing USA constitutional and Statutory laws shown below.


  On Dec 9, 2022 we all see ROBERT DEE ROSE listed as DEAD, MURDERED, or faked DEATH Sept 9, 2022  based on as ZERO details are shown. Now most obvious conclusion is YOU and FBI AG our seize ALL his international assets and turn over everything to as payback restitution WHILE Press Conferences full scale exposures and Congressional Investigations work backwards through the chain of evidence seen below to ARREST and SEIZE each person who knew Keiths life was in extreme peril and force each person to testify on Open Circuit TV broadcast live so each of YOU can decide the fate of each person using GODs simple fast path conviction and sentencing systems. Use your best description WORDS and mass protest rallies NOW to expose all other Criinals and terrorists world wide using KEITHS published total world replacement economic legal financial systems that includes holding anyone accountable for violating existing USA Constitutional laws and GODS original 11 commandments includes LOVE ALL OTHERS and go forth make disciples of all other mortals right now !


  Absolutely each and every vice, sin, and crime is totally preventable and reversable by YOUR actions using GODs original generator and 3 military Judges of by engaging all world military forces as ONLY national guard and civil criminal investigators when local police refuse to comply.


  Since Keith brent Duncan is first to all world markets with all GODs technology inventions and methods, now YOU can take over and advance our human race as GOD asks Keith to RETURN to Utopia heaven past 19 years starting back on the basketball court Cherokee County HELL JAIL Georgia back in Dec 15, 2011 as we were forced inot Solitary confinement 10 days by orders of Kyle, Matthew, Sherry Duncan and terrorist Robert Dee ROSE inlcudes sealed all records that always proof total coverup conspiracies to murder MORE key live eyewitnesses.

  On Nov 8, 2022 we fully covered the Georgia Elections Return Party for Gov Kemp and AG Chris Carr at Battery Truist Park as detailed on the following ### World Press Re-Release from Pro creator Human rights founder Keith Brent Duncan. We even gave direct request to AG Chris Carr family and supporter members at 9:30 pm in Ballroom.  NO ONE has ever debriefed us on ANYTHING so we have already unified all 8 Billion mortals forever using EVOTE.ONE FOIA.ONE equality of GODs complete perfected decentralization of all OUR assets and chain of command authority back to each on of YOU, always known as WE and US.  We are clearly valued over $40 BILLION USD in intellectual property benefits to each of you as most integrity GOD focused humanitarians of all time. Everyone CONTACT us NOW ! is also GODs original solution to prevent Criminal Ruling Elite from controlling ALL our information and internet free will exchange of GODs wisdom and knowledge once and forever.

### World Press Re-Release Broadcast to everyone. (c)(tm)(r) Patents gifted to all.

Keith Brent Duncan IID FOIA.ONE 1-19580815-1 (integrity +100%) author of even

2022Dec08 is use of GODs FOIA.ONE is the only pathway of true righteousness and social justice for all +8 billion left behind mortals. best motivational broadcast in Gods world history thanksgiving cold Turkey day 2022Nov24 at now as all broadcasters are only free will public broadcasting reporters of Gods truth and reality. Includes immediate deployment of and to fast path use to reverse ALL criminal spider networks concentric focused on current WW3-5.

Positive forward deliverables by anyone?  So far nothing but ...  use your own most correct word analysis. Most people say nothing.  Most people including YOU use Devils Advocate Worshipping of false idols. Matthew 23.


  I asked my dog what is 2 minus 2.  He answered correctly when he said NOTHING...  His name was golden retriever Sam Odd how my dog was smarter and more unconditional loving than most mortals...

  Please immediately call USA top author broadcaster keith duncan 770-377-2106 on mass publicity of worlds last complete total perfected economic replacement free will society of always driven by we Gods people use of heritage legacy and 125 other perfected all digital engineer gifted systems at whois125.pdf top left below of and focusing everyone on peacemaking simple systems demonstrated and keyword BuiltByKeith

Denial of all civil rights by the criminal ruling elite past 75 years has resulted in mad man made laws and impoverishment slave trading even war genocide caused by Wall Street and stock market option day trading BROKERS.  Monopoly dynasties control everyone and all trade exchanges started 5550 MLM ponzi years ago.

All free will authors can now own and run as only public broadcasting systems free of all ad revenue generators of original

Who do you know to contact debrief us today. $40 billion NGO overseer enterprises now regulate over all governments and all corporate executives using original freedom of press, freedom of speech, and freedom to redress any grievance petition against any individual.

Suing any government entity is always a lost war cause.  Keith duncan.

### CLICK here for original HOME page puts +120 named criminals and terrorists in PRISON and DEATH ROW NOW by YOUR direct action right now !

    All the quoted scripture and common sense publications are indeed USELESS unless applied at universal level by everyone. is GODs method of decentralizating ALL wealth and command authority back to each of YOU. CALL us direct +1 770-377-2106 and GO DIRECTLY in person to best top Corporate Executive leaders AND top best National news Media PRESS broadcasters today.. equalizes our New World + New Life of World Trading Partner Enterprises Overseeres INC. This is a direct broadcast to USA Military, all Governments, Leaders, Press, Churches, and Public to  TAKE ACTION  today to command all leadership authorities protect Keith's life, assets, and gifts to literally unify all mortals once and forever demostrate modeled for everyone at original

   This entire sequence of horrific crimes against humanity has been procreated perfected recorded to complete GODs and YOUR deployment of includes share of 8 Billion WHOis WHO, WHO owns WHAT, WHO GPS tracked trades anything with anyone else. NO Secrets = GODs utopia.

   Driven forever by Gods FOIA.ONE = crime free societies. CLICK here for original HOME page puts +120 named criminals and terrorists in PRISON and DEATH ROW NOW by YOUR direct action right now !

   Driven forever by Gods FOIA.ONE = crime free societies.


 Oct 3, 2022 Contact +1 770-528-3048 command her and everyone else TURNOVER Robert Dee ROSE to top FBI AG PRESS Governments and Corporate Executive leaders NOW !

  This one website full scale legalized common sense peace making offensive assault of all Criminal evidence is broadcast freely to all mortals as the most horrific paper chase public scandal in USA world history for the damages caused to YOUR new world crime free society GODs  As of Oct 1, 2022 not a single person has confessed their crimes against most humble cofounder of no more violators of OUR rights to be free will sovereign citizens traveling freely on freeBUS.US now powered by ONLY fossil free GODs technology to advance our very own human race as PEACEMAKERS using monthly and on demand Town Hall FORUMS host mediated by each of you our most   prestigious problem solvers who have joined and to actually share everything of GODs resources back to greatest places of your mortal needs.

   Driven forever by Gods FOIA.ONE

 Oct 3, 2022 Contact +1 770-528-3048 command her and everyone else TURNOVER Robert Dee ROSE to top FBI AG PRESS Governments and Corporate Executive leaders NOW !

  Same sane as required by GOD and each of you summer of 2011 when ROSE was most actively stealing Billions of USD out of OUR banks, stock market databases, and actively destroying OUR USA Government databases.

 Once anyone sees ANTICHRISTS, each of you WILL RISE UP and protect Keiths life while liberating yourselves from the cyber terrorists who were always the 'CRIMINAL RULING ELITE' first families of deception evil creeps of Devils Mass destruction Serpent Vipers of Matthew Chapter 23 versus Roman 12.

  Best GODs solution was always to directly deliver all BEST problem solving solutions TO the top world GIVINGPLEDGE.SPACE mega billionaires since THEY only exist because of WE GODS PEOPLEs work efforts + taxes.   WHO DO YOU KNOW to actually CONTACT VIDEO US directly using original methods now patent gifted as and of

Most indicting CRIMINAL video of all time is original Nov 14,2010 of ROSE endangering his very own two CHILDREN 2 blocks FROM his $2.5 million Crime Estate built with KEITHS original Forsyth COUNTY Judgment 08SC-1345 issued Oct 29, 2010 BY Jimmy DEAL and JUDGE McClelland after 264 days of NEVER EVER getting a single DOLLAR of our entire estate mega billion assets back BECAUSE most people refuse to enforce ANY LAWS these final days of World War FIVE. WHO DO YOU EACH KNOW TO PROTECT OUR LIVES RIGHT NOW and PUT US ALL ON NATIONAL NEWS PRESS CONFERENCES to expose ALL criminals and TERRORISTs who ALL roam freely cause by LUCIFER Mass POVERTY wars and Mass apathy IGNORANCE of WHO is destroying GODs people starting 5550 year ago Egyptian lunatic insane asylum KING of ALL KINGS. 770-377-2106.  Call Trillionaire Keith Brent Duncan +1 770 377 2106  Now located in Asheville NC as world famous multinational MegaBillionaire enterprises of direct funding 200 to 300 new EDUCATION and Technology Foundations staffed by YOU our most beloved GODS people forever.

   Everyone BENEFITS using GODs methods of is GODs most humble servant Keith Brent Duncan (Atlanta GA USA) to all living +7.95 Billion Mortals. Each of you are brain-washed to believe all the lies of who controls all aspects of your reality, souls, and assets. Now we most peacefully REVOLT hosting Peace community conclave Problem Solving forums using GODs + GODs EVOTE.ONE system total replaces all known voting and decision making systems by each of you personally holding everyone accountable for fearlessly protecting the rights, lives, and assets of each other before thinking of self benefit interests. town hall forums is the only GODs method to decide everything.
   Destruction of ALL NWO criminals, terrorists, Cyber Black Hat criminals like ROSE was always the use of Keith + GODs -> FOIA.ONE at all levels to teach all of you to be only PeaceMakers.
keith brent duncan was always worlds last mega true reality Trillionaire ProCreator of GODs world once + forever.

© 1958-2025 copyright patents by World Trading Partner Enterprises INC, Reno Nevada USA. protected by all governments, corporations, public, and churches for the rest of Keith Duncan's life to prevent criminals from overtaking the rest of Keith's beloved people.


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