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Conspiracy Evidence.

This page is to be found on under Criminal Evidence folder as well as  This is the ultimate re-use since I should never have to keep rebroadcast contacting our entire world.  This is all about the legal transfer of Quad-Trillions of $$-assets and criminal wealth from the Terrorists, Political Criminals, and underground criminal enterprises to all classes of society who conduct ethical and honarable business transactions.  I recover all $1.4 Million USD in restitution as well as over $400 Million USD in real and punitive damages as soon as the first Journalist, Federal Judge, Special Prosecutor, Congressman, Interpol, or any Criminal Investigator contacts Keith Duncan, the PRESS, or the USA Military.  I have clearly self-financied the most extraordinary Reformation Movement of all time.  Ask everyone to ask our USA government and Military and all governments to protect my life and extreme intellectual value to our mutual world economies.


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