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The prime terorrist conspirators are Keith Duncan's own lawyers of Cobb County Georgia Berry Vic Reynolds, Norcross GA Jimmy Deal, Public Defenders Office Norfolk VA Phoenix Harris, AUSAG Dee Sterling, Federal Judges Raymond Thurman Jackson, Federal Judge Douglas Miller, Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates (Washington D.C), and each Judge, lawyer, prosecutor, district attorney, and criminal police/USA governmment IRS, FBI, USMarshal, AG official who saw the Cancelled Cobb County TPO 11.1.1171.99 that was cancelled July 15, 2011 so NO violation could ever have occurred when Keith Duncan personally delivered the #1 Anti-Crime, Anti-Corruption, Anti-Terrorist evidence and military procedures to Langley Air Force base on Sept 25, 2011. This is the solved Conspiracy sequence of all time.

Caribbean  Ocean Place Condos
Paradise Island, Bahamas.

Watch the Slide Show for the top Criminal Evidence gifted to world.

Keith lays claim to the 81 unit Condos used by ROSE and his cabal to cyberattack USA and other governments. Funded by Keith's $109,800 Promissary notes, claims first lien against all other claims since Keith was first to detect and report Crimes against Humanity being conducted by ROSE's own Residential Automation Inc, RBC bank, and criminal supply chain LightLogics, real estate 'shelf' companies and Caribean Supply Services Fort Walton Florida near cyberattack distance from Elgin Airforce Base.

   Keith will soon have USA government funding and protection of his life to buy his own sovereign island to establish the New World, New Life order of with full scale protection of all governments and military around our mutual world.

Pictorial of CreatorKeith world pilgrimmage to USA, China, JerUSAlem,  Rome Italy, Philippines, and soon, your location.

to Fund Keith's NEXT journey to your Places of Greatest Needs. Who contacts Keith now?

Next Location is the choice of any Government, Organization, Charity, and/or Church Group.
   Is this you or God's Children?

Best Times: Anytime 24 x 7. 

 The call to Action with Authority has always been the citizens Majority Will of the People to uphold Justice and Equality by providing Safe Haven and Protection from the criminals who roam our halls of Justice and legal systems. These are known as the Criminal Ruling Elite who are soon shunned by all of society with Referential Integrity Database of   Do the URL link yourself.

© 2007-2019 (tm) World Trading Partner Evangelist Broadcast Network Enterprises INC. Contact Keith today using all available ways and means. Contact PRESS, Military, FBI-AG-Interpol United Nations as directed.

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