Unifies All with
Prevent Reverse all World Gun violence forever through Keith + Gods(tm)(r)(c) Open crime free Utopia FOIA.ONE
Forefounding Father ProCreator ProphetKeith Duncan. Corp Headquarters +1 (770)377-2106 reverses all world gun violence with one GPS Patent Blue Tooth Trigger BioMetric Lock that automatic register reports and alarms when any protected firearm is moved, deactivated, or disabled. Applies to all +8 Billion GODS children forever use of driven by EVOTE.ONE
"Act with the Authority of Fearless People to Protect All Rights of Others" gifted world saving Patent(s) (c)(tm)(r) from #1 most wealthy angel guardian protector total philanthropists of reduces ALL Gun Violence and crimes down to almost ZERO by YOUR ACTIONS to manufacture and register ALL weapons worldwide .
This is GODs commandments to stop violence at point of crime commission by each of you fast path identify WHO are the most sociopath psychopath emotional disturbed 'lunatics'. Many are very wealthy NWO criminal ruling elites like Robert DEE ROSE at perfected MANHUNT citizens arrest GODs system and hidden underground terrorists who all roam freely since NO ONE actually knows WHO is WHO until KEITH is put on any national news media broadcasts to reveal EVERYTHING about EVERYONE now sharing all of GODs assets.
Biblical ODD that Keith was kidnapped on a NON-VIOLATION of possession a LEGAL demo antique firearm based on Cobb County GA USA cancelled TPO 11.1.1171 criminally issued Feb 4, 2011, cancel dismissed July 15, 2011 by Atty Berry Victor Reynolds and DA Patrick Head ( Reynolds Head Aluminum hat). based on viscious brutal robberies of our 2 homes by ROBERT DEE ROSE and MS Bashama Aug 4, 2010, then Feb 4, 2011 Marietta GA PD report 1.11.2506 forged reversed claiming Keith kidnapped, assaulted SOMEONE? Never stated. Keith was kidnapped Oct 4, 2011 to Jan 28, 2014 while everyone conspired to MURDER KEITH shown at
Keiths God Delivered solutions have perfected total decentralization of all wealth and authority back to each of YOUR communities using EVOTE.ONE FOIA.ONE to GPS track everyone and each of YOU holding all others fully accountable for being protective of each other.
Below is USAPresident Bidens proposed Bill 117HR127 year 2021-2022 that destroys the 2nd Amendment forever. Requires each person must register all firearms with Attorney General, pay $800 USD, take 24 hours firearms training, pay for psychological testing to certify they are 100% competent to defend their very own lives, assets, and families. Includes 10 to 30 years in prison and $100K fines if a single person claims any violation.
NOTICE that the Attorney General is legally authorized to seize any and all firearms for any reason.
Yet WHO controls OUR assets and Lives. Was always the Criminal Ruling Elite who pass all the man-made laws to claim only THEY are the only mortals to decide OUR reality and near term destiny fate. WHO DO YOU trust thee final days of WWFive. Your POLYTicks, you broker Banksters, your speculation Stick Stock Market Brokers, yhou own local pastors, mayors, police chiefs, even your very own deviant family members and neighbors.
NO END to the self genocide of mankind until EACH OF YOU LIBERATE yourselves forever by RE-Educationg yourselves that GOD permits each of you to rape, pillage, plunder, murder each other since most of you are ent BENT on self instant emotional organism gratification, that nothing will get BETTER until everyone CONTACTS keith Brent Duncan 770-377-2106 and puts us ALL on national NEWS press conferences of once and forever. reverses all gun violence forever. Registering each and every gun with a BlueTooth Trigger Lock patent (c)(tm) from year 1976 solves almost all issues of WHO controls the trigger. As of May 16, 2022 over 58,000 persons have been murdered since Jan 20, 2021 because YOU GODs People refuse to deal with WHO are the worst emotionally deranged criminals and terrorists. Once everyone uses,, and the other GODs methods, no one but 'STUPID' people will do STUPID anything or crime. Most of 'THEM=crooks' are extremely wealthy elite who use VICTIMS assets and data to attack persecute everyone else claiming they are protected by Corporate Veil immunity and those inside DOJ DOD claim they represent the 'USGovernment' or COURT when in lucifer reality they are embezzling over $50 trillion USD of assets annually for all reasons stated in GODs Holy Spirit legally enforced scripture known as Covenant. KEITH was sent by GOD to liberate master educate teach ALL of you to stand on your own two feet and actually invest in yourselves (massive education) to act with fearless authority to protect the rights of all others.
Click: Video Playlist
Unification Click
Click: UNIocracy Playlist to see Realities of GOD, Church, State, Nations, and HIS universe.

Click + Posted VIDEOS May 16, 2022. This one patent forever univerally secures and protects all world firearms including police and military weapons at one time use our automated free GPS tracking systems reporting through worlds last open public shared database AI Utopia of FOIA.ONE. Now any gun is fully secured by the keep alive signal sent out using keiths communication protocol similar to current most popular Apple ITag. Absolutely nothing else exists on any market place that has value benefit of $2 Trillion USD once all weapons of all descriptions use the same standard shared technology worldwide. Even land minds, aircraft, missiles, drones, computers, rockets, vechiles, planes will use this ONE communication keep alive and GPS tracking technology so each of you knows exactly where any eDevice is located and who is authorized to operate.
Keith also procreated so any inventor scientist researcher investor can register any copyright, patent, trademark, website, domains, intellectual property ONE TIME FIRST FILING that is now protected in any and all nations. This result is what Keith procreated at CEOSPACE.NET Feb 2011 when ROSE was most active planning Keith + family be murdered.
All current law enforcement groups and MUST deploy all of GOD + Keiths technology methods NOW same as back in Summer of 2011 in Norcross and Marietta GA when all these GOD delivered systems were already on line to each of you.
This universal gun control patent replaces all known forms of trigger locks with simple blueTooth Keep Alive failsafe signal sent to your local wifi routers or dedicated communication serviders of FOIA.ONE We have already broadcast to and so many lawyers and News Press we lost count of the number of crooks who control our information, our guns, our databases used by super terrorists Robert Dee Rose and Atlanta Based ALexander Cyclone Covey that even indicts GBI Director Berry Victor Reynolds at and Federal Judge Raymond T Jackson who criminally held us 848 days based on Cancelled Cobb County TPO 11.1.1171 tied to NO violation of gun possession that was legal based on our current Concealed GA Firearms permit tied to Norfolk VA 4:11cr112 no violation of 18 U.S.C. 922(g)(8) that shows Keiths life in mortal danger from all who violate existing all Constitutional Laws and amendments. CLICK Gun Trigger Locks for ancient really not secure technology. None of the existing gun control technology actually prevents our guns from being stolen real time reporting back to WE the OWNERS.
This patent gifted to all mortals requires every single gun be registered through FOIA.ONE using our automatic self Intl Identification 9-19 digit unhackable autoface BIOmetric code for everything. Kennesay GA has 1984 law that all homes must have a gun. Only 1 home invasion past 40 years. Switzerland required 1.5 year military service requires same ownership same as new world education system.
Universal standard BlueTruth Trigger Lock is keep alive signal on any device indiates when it is moved or fail-safe signal stops. All authorized operators are emergency notified includes Open Circuit TV of who stole our firearms and immediate self registration of theft and GUN S/N, ballistics pattern, photo sent to responding police or National Guard.
With + Keiths technology, anyone can build an electric rail gun shooting any level of projectiles including auto tracking gatlin gun style rubber bullets, nails, paint balls, even stink bombs to mark the intruder. All while being video recorded by keiths open circuit TV to ensure criminal can not claim they were the victims.
This one GODs system deals with snipers and mass genocide bombers like shown by
ANY GUN or weapon discovered by anyone without a BTTriggerLock(tm)(c)(Patent) is confiscated by you and sent to local Police Chief to be screened for any crime, registered, and then distributed back to next community leader of
registered through worlds last single corporation entity
This includes registration use of any military and police firearm and weapon includes cruise missiles and WMD devices such as land mines, and drone swarm attack devices. Use of same Rail Gun technology and laser defense shoot-down defensive methods can not be destroyed once each community manages all aspects of who are risky unstable people now enrolled into Church and Police town hall forum training seminars of All other new world GODs methods are described at Clearinghouse of all criminals and terrorists world use
How biblically reality odd that Keith Brent Duncan was charged with possession of a firearm Sept 25, 2011.
SolutionGunControl.COM *.us. is Resurrected April 28, 2021 after President BIDEN comments at 10:00pm about GUN violence that is murdering GODs people unrestrained BECAUSE NO one but KEITH has the prime GODs answers. One Commander In chief and unelected VP speaker of the house can wage WAGE and none of GODs people can do anything but riot or scream bloody murder self genocide. Keiths GOD sent systems go back to decentralized wealth and elite power back to each of your communities of faith, grace and hope using focus all on use ratify of
CALL for immediate Host Mediation tribal clan systems of using to focus on infrastructure projects including shopping malls WE GODs people now own and control as mortal caregivers and caretakers of GODs resources.
All benefits go back to YOU my most beloved GODs 7.9 BILLION empowered people use of and FOIA.ONE
​ PREVENTS all gun violence at time of removal of BlueTruth BlueTOOTH trigger lock that all manufactures agree to use standard communications protocol through our massive internet, OUR cell phones, Our WIFI routers using ancient technology showcased by recent Apple AIrTag. Once gun is moved, or BT trigger lock disabled removed, all registered owners are TEXT message notified, Alarm systems sirens and lights turn on, local police are notified who is in danger of your gun in general public circulation. Registering of your firearm can be set up to be dynamically registered at time of theft or movement. Those who fear 'THE GOVERNMENT' will take away our guns are truly LUNATICS who have previous crimes and vices to hide. All gun registrations now go THROUGH legacy FOIA.ONE registered to any IID you specify.
Includes BLUETruth Gun locks for all military and police weapons.
Keiths Concealed Weapons Permit shown above. PROVES forever that Norfolk VA 4:11cr112 was murder for hire multiple level conspiracies by Robert Dee ROSE, Douglas Duncan, Sherry DUNCAN, Ms. Bashama based on Cobb COUNTY TPO 11.1.1171 canceled July 15, 2011 that clearly showed box 6 LEGALLY to possess and transport any firearm. July 2013 Criminal Judge Raymond Jackson issued Supreme Court Precedent Law USA GOV versus Keith BRENT Duncan claiming a single USA GOV official can command you (literally anyone) be forced into any medical hell jail and force drugged to render them an incompetent vegetable for indefinite time which means ETERNITY to prevent victims of organized criminals or even their very own famly members from being fast path convicted based ONLY on their own court certified EVIDENCE showcased at
This posted Nov 21, 2021 from Alpharetta GA Post 201 near Wills Park.
Please call #1 top inventor in USA world history at # above right now...
I am posting your product line as I JUST paid for Fulton County Concealed weapons permit in GEORGIA because 2 named criminal terrorists ROBERT DEE ROSE and DOUGLAS VERNON DUNCAN want me DEAD over past 12 year period as soon as famous broadcast system. The following universal stabilizing GODs directive system ensures ALL firearms worldwide are secured with simple shared technology so any theft or movement is detected in less than 30 seconds. Gun OWNERS will LOVE this protection to ensure no criminal can use their own fingerprinted guns to violate OUR rights to defend our families and personal assets. ALL government official will JUMP FOR JOY as this one GOD requirement applies to any bodyguard, any military person, any politician, any corporate Executive worldwide.
I personally know that Randall Rollins of ROLLINS INC was licensed to carry a firearm by being registered as a sworn Fulton County Deputy back in 1984 when I personally showcased how to protect any home or business by being #1 top security system consultant at young age of 25.
Few of you understand how easy a SNIPER can terrorize entire regions and nations with bombs, Eric Rodolph, Timothy McVey, other ruthless terrorists that KEITH and his anti crime world experts are taking DOWN with use of revolutionary EVOTE.ONE FOIA.ONE simple OPEN PUBLIC face recognition systems we procreated at NCSU raleigh NC back year 1976 as all digital crime free society that was always deployed by ARMY of KEITHs peacemaking angel guardians. Duncan updated Sept 1, 2021. actually SECURES who owns WHAT firearm with BlueTooth Trigger LOCK keep alive sequential broadcast I AM SECURE
Every GUN in the world will now have our universal stabilizing standardized Blue Tooth Trigger LOCK keep ALIVE device on the trigger guard. Once the signal is lost, the owner, police, local designated authorities and family members are immediately text messaged their gun is off signal.
When robberies occur, these idiot criminals and terrorists first look for jewelry, guns, cash, credit cards, diamonds, family heirlooms FIRST. then they go for the high end electronics, TVs, computers, anything they can smash and grab at any level.
Most people HATE the word REGISTRATION for this implies the "WHO WHO WHO is the GOVERNMENT' is spying monitoring everything we do. Once the BT trigger lock stops transmission or is moved GPS proximity locator, owners and anyone else (including POLICE, Interpol, your family and neighbors are immediately notified while your security system goes off. NO Criminal (either super smart like ROSE, or stupid drug head ) would dare infiltrate any home or car knowing they are being watched by Keiths OPEN CIRCUIT TV universal system of FOIA.ONE.
Any objectors to this simple humanity stabilizing system are required by each of YOU to provide a BETTER BEST solution using This updated historical legacy intrinsic persistent day Aug 25, 2021 after visiting Sharp Shooters on Alpharetta Highway, Alpharetta GA.
Of course the smart-ass thieves come with masks and first disable our security systems and destroy take the CCTV tapes and computers thinking no one will ever track their dead-asses down using Keiths Open Circuit TV and registered FOIA.ONE systems that truly are the ultimate deteriorate deterrent. Value benefit is trillions of USD in PREVENTING crimes in the first place as everyone now called Free Will Citizens.
Keith is valued over $10 trillion USD reality as #1 most famous inventor, keynote speaker, scientist researcher developer consultant, frontliner humanitarian Venture Angel Guardian Trust Founder of all aspects of direct eDemocracy society free of these criminal networkers who roam freely because YOU GODS people claim NO authority, NO responsibility, NO Accountability, NO jurisdiction to solve prevent ANY of your very own local issues. This is the end times WORLD WAR FIVE we have showcase broadcast now 15 man-years fulltime working for GOD himself and all of you known as 7.9 billion GODs children.
WHO will actually COMPLETE all aspects of today?
As of Aug 20, 2021 not a single person has EVER protected keith duncans most humble soul of
WE were illegally charged and illegally kidnapped detained for TWO horrible years by named criminals based on Cobb COUNTY TPO 11.1.1171 Georgia that was dismissed cancelled by now GBI Director Berry 'SIC' VICTOR REYNOLDS on July 15, 2011.
Even all military weapons are now registered as mega millions of guns including assault weapons, shotguns, modified machne guns are so easy to duplicate. Anyone found with an unregistered gun is immediately detained by Citizens arrest of and held accountrable with to explain their motive, opportunity and profit made from having an unregistered weapon.
All benefit. Those who claim OH I WOULD NEVER REGISTER my firearm collection for fear that THEM (Police, DEEP STATE, FBI) or others faceless WHO, WHO ARE THEM?? These people are indeed dangerous for they refuse to acknowledge they may have crimes in their skelton clostets
GUN Control is actually a felony misnomer since USA and other nations built on Self Defense protection at family level. Militaries were only requied to protect the national borders from terrorist idiot lunatics who roam freely since FEW have a CLUE who is who.
FOIA.ONE is GODs last open public database where each living (and dead souls) are registered using ONE International ID of IID. composing ed national Code (phone of course), each ones Birthday, and a unique number. Each GUN in the world is now photograph video recorded along with serial numbers and ownership documents, then this registered information is stored in along with any required local filed registration documens from police, state, sheriff, mayors offices. Easy to use BlueTooth Trigger LOCK secures each gun as registered to current owner with electronic permission granted use of when gun is released for local use. Video WEBCam of iseestand phoneCradle is used to local and remote monitor our gun collections like museums do with CCTV.
If our gun is stolen or BT trigger lock stops transmitting to FOIA.ONE keep alive method, owner, police, and others are sent text message and video of who has the unsecured firearm.
Sad how NEWs MEDIA broadcast showing opposing all LUNATIC STUPID Party leaders always attack each other like COCK fighting roosters and dog fights. Seems no one has common decency, respect, or dignity for the rights of others anymore.....
Odd how almost all politicians READ SCRIPTS and seldom if ever speak from their heart like Duncan oin true reality.
Most USA citizens are so blinded stupid along with 99.666% of humanity. Most are so self serving they see NOTHING about WHO is KEITH and WHY GOD procreated us all in the first place. ARE racists and bigots controlling GODs world. Or actually YOUR WORLD. GOD gave up on Earth long ago wiehn mankind continues to rape, pillage, plunder, and bear false witness against each other. All because of PREDATORY GREED called sin, vice, and crime.
Acts of CONGRESS are 99% lawbreakers passing direct funds and benefits FIRST to their families and dynasties, NOT providing basic infrastructure builtByKeith now owned and controlled by the workers of fields of our GOD ordained divined expertise. ROMANS Chapter 12.
Nothing is BI-Partisan in any nation. NO independents run affairs as HIGHLY Paid CONSULTANTS of
As of April 29, 2021, PLEASE contact Keith Duncan and escort us under USA Military Protection or Corporate Executives Protection to finally testify everything to everyone for
Use of EVOTE.ONE and World last database FOIA.ONE shows with ONE Intel International ID with single URL linked Integrity rating, who are those at greatest risk to commit violence. For I was accused by SUPER CRIMINAL TERRORIST ROSE of stalking him when HE has been staling YOU and I for 2 decades and WHY USA GOV at all levels is protecting him by destroying all crime trial evidence of HIS that put him on Death ROW. Clearly if ANYONE had upheld Constitutional Law prior to fateful Feb 4, 2011 Robbery by ROSE and Ms. Bashama, your entire world would be UNIFIED and REFORMED in record time by YOUR EFFORTS and ACTIONS. Nothing left to add or delete. Dispatch Military, FBI, even Other Angel Philanthropists like myself to CALL me and escort me BACK to TESTIFY so YOU my people see how to TRANSFER TRILLIONS of real $$ and assets back to yourselves as most people are self-entitlement focused in first place. FIRST video right above describes state of YOUR foresaken world this entire time. For I work FULLTIME for GOD and HUmanity my entire time and deserve to be PAID $500 MILLION USD by THOSE who have obstructed justice at levels
I remain in MANILA now Sept 17, 2019 canvassing our world street ministries asking WHO DO YOU KNOW to host Press conferences to complete my FATHER GOD's (CHRIST and many other) messianic messenger missions of total World
We had GUN control completed PRIOR to my asking for safe haven at Langley Airforce base to ESCORT THEM to find and seize ROSE in record time.
May 29, 2018 All + Florida school shootings prevented with THIS ONE STANDARD ANSWER SOLUTION combined with auto face recognition OCTV as all citizens identify WHO are the risks, who are on drugs, WHO are the lunatics. ODD that I was kidnapped by CyberCriminal terrorist Robert dee Rose on Oct 3, 2011 on NON VIOLATION of Cancelled TPO Cobb County GA 1.11.1171.99 July 15, 2011. No gun was ever involved in famous Landmark Norfolk VA 4:11cr112 that puts fired AG Sally Q Yates in PRISON for conspiracy coverups of Robert Dee Rose. I was kidnapped 3 times by ROSE blackmailing USA GOv officials at all levels as ROSE never was a Planitiff, only the prime defendant of the worse crimes against humanity including treason and espionage against MY USA GOV and so many others.. The THREAT to my assets and life + remain continued since FEW honest persons have been found and NO PRESS CONFERENCES have been achieved to REVEAL WHO are the risks and who are our 'saved' integrity citizens. All done to STEAL GODzillions of my anti crime Intellectual property to prevent social justice and freedom from finally being achieved....
CONTROVERSY and BLOODSHED SELLS. Trillions of $$$ USD real assets are systematically criminally stolen by cyber criminals, Political criminals, and underground RICO crime enterprises (Focus on as #1 Most wanted criminal in world history). GUNS kill anything. Crimes of Passion are minor compared to the self genocide of suicidal lunatics who use guns for ultimate fear, intimidation, by bloodshed. Guns DO have a legal purpose to protect one's property and rights as long as NO ONE else's rights are violated as shown to world by and to eliminate all Officials of the Court who violate laws because the Extortion Racketeering exists at all levels. Once our world uses eVOTE.ONE and FOIA.ONE, no crime will go unpunished as Speedy Trials will be BY, FOR, and OF the will of our people in typical 3-5 day conviction or Innocent.
Any NON-dangerous inmate ( World Ministries was created Feb 23, 2011 post #2 Kidnapping by ROSE and Ms. Bashama) will be released from Hell-Jails to be self monitored by their families and communities with auto-call GPS enabled cell phones to verify 24x7 exactly what the inmate on Furlough is doing at any time. If his CELL goes offline or located in area of a OCTV recorded crime, their sentences are upgraded and they return to HELL-JAIL to share court with other dangerous inmates. Massive reduction in Prison WareHousing is now safely permitted by Will of Majority of those affected. No more major crimes will ever go un-convicted in record time.
Click/Read the TOP PDF file next to My Father's Centerstone above. Then Click and TAKE ACTION on the two PDF files ABOVE.... Clearly works full time for our/my Father God and all of humanity. I have founded UNIocracy.ORG, the only New World society of Heaven here on paradise Earth for you, my people
#1 most CRITICAL Command is: For everyone to contact all Military, World Leaders, PRESS, PUBLIC NOW including all churches. COMMAND-DEMAND they host Press Conferences and dispatch USA Military or Equal to FIND keith duncan today. Contact and Contract Duncan today. Manila (63)x917-335-4300 office/home at 417 United Nations Av, Ermita Manila 1/2 block north USA Embassy as keith broadcasts to world to TAKE ACTION by protecting and debriefing his Crusader teams. Enemies of the People and Gov State are the criminal network enterprises who REFUSE to surrender because they have already captured massive percentage of God + your wealth by the crime methods solved and prevented by most humble keith. Fly his teams to your places of greatest needs so we can collectively fill stadiums with World Leaders of UNIocracy.ORG New World Society.
The Gun Control Solution below was broadcast years ago. The contents are from : December 27, 2014 and are reality dealing with why the USA military was asked to investigate IRS, FBI, AG, USMarshals on Sept 25, 2011 Langley Air Force Base OSI Capt Christopher Weber.
EVOTE.ONE FOIA.ONE SOLVES the issues of Judicial, CRIME, MURDER, Civil/Revolution War all at one time by Pr-Emeptive Prevention. The ONLY answer is PREVENTION and control of WHO has legal access to all guns. Protection from criminals is the prime 'excuse' that is forever eliminated ONCE we UNIFY all mankind with to master teach all communities to DEAL with their own local issues, therefore almost NO CRIME will go unpunished within hours of commission. Revelation 4:8 full filled with smart remote control infrared Webcam/microphone/speaker drones that patrol our OCTV (Open Circuit TV) live feeds of who is in your neighborhood with automatic Face Recognition software streamed to any person around world through Database that is OPEN PUBLIC SOURCE design to prevent all secrets of these terrorists, criminals, underground crime dynasties, and of course, all Political Criminals.
Gun control has always been the #1 issue of governments and citizens since the invention of gunpowder by the Chinese thousands of years ago. Americans own more guns per capita than any other nation based on our heritage of conquering the last frontier continent known as North America described as United America on The #1 World issue is HOW to PREVENT CRIME in the FIRST place, therefore GUNS are only needed for legitimate HUNTING of animals and for MANHUNTs of super criminal terrorists starting with Robert Dee Rose (DOB 1971-April-01) with $2 Million USD Bounty on his satanic head. Last seen hiding at Cyber Crime Terrorist Center he owns and built with Keith's BILLIONS of $$$$ Intellectual Property and $109,8000 USD 3 Promissory Notes Forsyth County GA USA Judgment 08SC-1345 worth over $500 MILLION USD in direct, real, and punitive damages for Norfolk VA 4:11cr112 Mass Conspiracies and destruction of ROSE's own crimes against humanity sprees.
The patent pending Gun Control trigger lock is a simple blue-tooth and/or WiFi driven interlock mechanism that secures the trigger mechanism of any gun. SolutionGunControl (henceforth code named SGC) uses a USB power cord and wall transformer to maintain backup battery and actively reports the serial number of a unique gun with 24x7 ‘keep-alive’ monitoring transmission through any wi-fi / blue-tooth router or telecommunications device such as a cell-phone, tablet, PC, or dedicated two way monitoring device. A PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) is an optional patented device in event a direct link is necessary similar to the current Medical Alert systems that use cell data transmission or land-line phone links to monitor the elderly and disabled. is the Nobel Peace Prize Smart Circuit Breaker and Smart Smoke Detector that ensures the safety and sancity of all citizens.
SGC is monitored by any web camera or video recording device that reports the visual and audio status of the gun (or gun collection) to the owners personal computer or electronic device as well as streams the ‘secured/un-secured’ status to a electronic internet ‘cloud’ database known as an electronic Lock-Box. These Lock-boxes are located at the local police station as well as a private data collection company such as
SGC is controlled by electronic transmission by authorized access codes by the owner. Finger print identification similar to the current Apple iPhones is a patented option. The user can then insecure their gun within seconds to go hunting, defend their house, or simply maintain peace and order over their own household and land. In the event of any crime occurring, the lock box video/audio record clearly shows when each gun was secure and when it was in unlocked status. This prevents MOST GUN CRIMES from occurring by systematically showing proof of use.
The use of universal application would prevent tragic events in our nation’s history such as the Rodney King incident, Ferguson Missouri, O.J. Simpson, and many others.
Keith’s knowledge comes from direct experience as a victim of kidnap, fraud, and attempted murder. View the shocking details at versus as Keith traveled to Asia, JerUSAlem, and Vatican for obvious reasons with SAFE PASSAGE and SAFE HAVEN soon guaranteed by all nations.Contact: running the Campaign. She also defrauded Keith of $6,000 and now works for Hillary Clinton Presidential Campaign.
Keith Duncan
CONTACT: 1. MILITARY, 2. FBI-AG offices. 3. PRESS, 4. CIA, NHS, NSA, and ALL law enforcement agencies NOW !!.
5. Office of Congressman John Lewis Georgia USA. Attn: Constituent Services Atlanta Office
The Equitable Building 100 Peachtree Street, N.W. Suite # 1920, Atlanta, GA 30303
Phone: (404) 659-0116 Fax: (404) 331-0947
Keith has been Victimized, kidnapped, severely persecuted, robbed of all assets and rights. Keith orders the immediate arrests, seizure of all crime assets to be deposited into Keith's accounts and title holdings, and convictions of all tied to super criminal Rose. This includes Keiths direct contacts with Congress to conduct emergency Congressional Investigations into the IRS, FBI, AG, USMarshals, Military by cyber crime infiltration by ROSE ( and any cabal political criminal based on their own signed testimony and flow of trillions of your assets into their untraceable accounts of extreme wealth, power, and greed. The criminals include new fired USDOJ DAG Sally Yates in Washington D.C.
Until mankind addresses the evils of our world, humanity will finally be enslaved by the 'Criminal Ruling Elite'. The biblical divide between the Righteous and unrepentant criminals will always be Do or Die for Justice is our battle cry of Integrity.
Is it not clear by now WHO I AM. Even my GodFather claimed through scripture that only FATHER knew when GOD would return his favorite Savior Grandson to Earth to save them from their own greed and viceful idol worshiping ways. For I AM Keith Duncan, the-a true son of Mankind, who has been mercilessly and vindictively persecuted despite having impeccable credentials. I travel the entire world looking for the next places of greatest needs. I have contacted everyone with focus on all Churches, Press, Law Enforcement, Government Officials, Military, and literally the entire world of my 7.4 Billion people in all Babylon languages.
Support Keith's final efforts as all the criminals want my Intellectual Property I published to enthrone Satan. This is stopped with the deadly force of Keith's right hand and video broadcasts that are irrefutable when the public simply uses all these solutions and joins today. I truly wish to return to Heaven soon since no honest persons or other Messianic Messengers have yet to be found. I choose you. Are you one?
The final clearinghouse uses Prime as the creation of our final new God = People focused Family Spiritual Government Business Order that unifies all churches and my people with One Degree of Separation between all of mankind with + OTHERS with a new InterPol singular Database + United Nations International
These are the Prime Solutions broadcast
For 1. We Trust In God by our Actions that benefit others first. 2. 3. Full scale accountability of self + Others.
Clearly I was born Aug 15, 1958 to complete Jesus Christs and our other fore-founders Messianic ministries to fulfil God-Creator-Allah-Yehwah-Father-Holy Spirit original design for creation.
Few people take responsibility, accountability, or jurisdiction on any of the massive # of criminals committing felony capital crimes since they are deathly aware that if they did their jobs, they would be targeted by the criminals, face public ridicule, and even prison time for their failures to investigate and complete the legal process of Justice and Equality. The entire sequenced stages of these comprehensive broadcast solutions bring our entire world back into full unification and conformity with GOD's original design of Love and Care for each other. This ensures the survival of the current and NEXT generation of mankind. This can not be any simplier. Join to command action.
Fund Keith today as I have claimed First Lien Rights on all criminally acquired assets as the #1 God-People Rights Activist Sovereign Ambassador Missionary and the ultimate Educator teaching our entire world how to actually LOVE and CARE for all.
Savior is defined by Websters as "a person who saves someone or something (especially a country or cause) from danger, and who is regarded with the veneration of a religious figure." Combined with the prime engineering architecture of our single New World society, using coming sense, perseverance, and setting the only standards necessary for the survival of our human race, no one has a choice but to support and protect Keith's final Messianic Messenger Emissary tasks to complete as our own new utopia of Peace, harmony, and fulfillment of biblical prophecies.
Sept 25, 2011 , 9:00 PM
Safe Haven emergency Anti -Political Corruption and #1 first AntiCybercrime debrief visit to Langley Air Force Base Virginia.
Oct 3, 2011 10 am. Third kidnapping occurs at Las Vegas on orders of Rose signed Sept 26, 2011 to steal Keith's IP value and attempt Murder by USA agents.
Jan 28, 2014, 10:00 AM
Keith dumped on street by USA gov homeless, destituted, and all assets sold off by ROSE and criminals.
May 5, 2014 Direct visit to Washington D.C. FBI-AG after Atlanta blacklists and PRESS and churches refuse to cover these world cybar-attack events.
April 1-16, 2015. Historical biblical piligramage to JerUSAlem-Emmaus-TelAviv, then Rome Italy to meet with all church leaders, Vatican, and even Pope Francis. The video history of shows all these God-focused extremeefforts to help all people
Oct 26, 2015,
Creation of final component of
Soon. Intervention by USA military, FBI-AG, Press, Public, and all churches asking WHO IS KEITH?
T.B.D. 5:00 PM or your choice. world rally in your comunity of Faith and Grace.
Oct 29, 2015, 11:11 AM
Emergency visit to USA Embassy Manila asking for safe-haven and to debrief FBI-USMilitary-Press after all this time. Click and read PDF file above to see that FBI Hansen committed multiple felony crimes in under 30 minutes...
Oct 30, 2015
Creation of completed calling for United Nations Press Conferences featuring world changing comprehensive solutions to majority of our world problems and international wars.
Dec 4, 2015.
This NEXT final Website is created to finally unify all churches and people.. explains all the questions anyone might have.
DAILY Press Conference Calls are on top of at hi-noon Eastern Standard Time to estasblish the New World order of at all levels of society. Join today and form your own chapter.
Jan 11, 2016. completed as the New League of Nations.
World Televised event over free Government Wi-Fi Internet for all to use for voting and communications between every single human being using
??, 11:00 AM
"Total UNIFICATION of our entire world. Based on YOUR action today.
DAILY 10 am EST. 2016, 7 am PST, is 10 pm Manila-Hong Kong-China time.
Daily Press Conferences on National News Call USA (712)775-7031 ID: 166 841 408.
Direct call (63)0917-335-4300 for how to recover BILLIONS of your tax assets from the criminals. tells why.
These solutions on have always been the #1 Solution to teach our world how to resolve it's own conflicts.
Who will be the first newscaster or journalist to interview and hear these ultimate truths already broadcast to all.
Keith Duncan has been offering and serving humanity greatest needs his entire life as the one Justified and Righteous 'unknown missionary journalist' who works for the Father. Contact everyone as I remain alive by only the Grace of God-Christ-HolySpirit Trinity with no protection or any of my rights upheld by anyone who aligns with the AntiChrist ROSE who I called just last night. His VOIP criminal line is (404)867-2063 for all to call.
The most powerful testimony 'THE MACHINE' I have build for humanity of all time is the showing of all the Criminals own evidence. The FBI-IRS-AG-USMarshals proactively PREVENT all simple investigations and have always REFUSED to host the Press Conferences with USA Military at my side that condemns their own rogue agents of massive Treason, Murder, Espionage, kidnapping, conspiracy, planned coups of governments, and massive transfer of taxpayer/voter/citizen wealth to the Criminal Ruling Elite. All prevented in first place by irrefutable SolutionGovernment and with URLiDent single referential INTEGRITY Database with universal face recognition and URL links to honest people versus unrepentant pyschopath super criminals modeled by and the other 1 Cor 13:13 LOVE OTHER solutions BuiltByKeith
It is really hard to tell what will occur NEXT with all the corruption and worldwide grief caused by Satanic forces like ROSE and so many corrupt leaders. Perhaps each of YOU can decode and decide your own fate. Seems that is what most people want to do anyway. Take advantage of others for their own benefit. You live for instant gratification and vice along with idol worshipping cash, assets, and ability to overpower those you encounter. Use of by everyone prevents all these crimes against yourself. Start with and proceed on the pathways of righteousness laid out for all of you. Your choice of course... I made my own destiny. That is to teach our world how to Love Each Other, just like my/our GodFather has done..
Dec 20, 2015 4 pm Manila website created in about 45 minutes of time. WHO AM I, the world of lost sheep should know, I am here to SAVE your hides from being enslaved by Satan, ROSE, and the Criminal Ruling Elite.