Unifies All with
Prevent Reverse all World Gun violence forever through Keith + Gods(tm)(r)(c) Open crime free Utopia FOIA.ONE
Forefounding Father ProCreator ProphetKeith Duncan. Corp Headquarters +1 (770)377-2106 reverses all world gun violence with one GPS Patent Blue Tooth Trigger BioMetric Lock that automatic register reports and alarms when any protected firearm is moved, deactivated, or disabled. Applies to all +8 Billion GODS children forever use of driven by EVOTE.ONE
"Act with the Authority of Fearless People to Protect All Rights of Others"

All these Persecutors are criminals. The Monkey Kings are easy to see as the Criminal Ruling Elite found at
Click on the #1 Last Testament PDF file above, read, and TAKE ACTION with massive Protest Rallies to replace all corrupt governments with Integrity driven highly paid consultants. These shown specific criminal persecutors want Keith and righteous people eliminated so they can steal the rest of God's worldly assets and escape the poverty of the slums I have planned for them to inhabit with Interpol automated self identification that shuns all criminals once and for all. Join today !
Read SecondLent-MonkeyKing PDF on far right. --->
The Will of the Majority of my 7.4 Billion people combine with God's 11 commandments to Love and Care for each other. These complete Savior Keith's worldly missions wer started by Christ over 2,000 years ago. Even the Vatican and all churches have been formally notified with visits and broadcasts. Everyone take ACTION today by contacting PRESS, public, Churches, and focus on commanding USA Gov protect your rights and restoring Keith's Sovereign world status.
Join and form your own Reform groups. = MonkeyKings.INFO Criminal Summary is defined as Forgiveness. All extreme criminals must face convictions by the will of our 7.42 billion people since criminals and terrorists have no remorse or moral understanding of the extreme sins they commit to profiteer on the backs and carcasses of their slave traded victims, public, customers, taxpayers, and all others.
Electronic Voting with is the ONLY solution to prevent all Political Crimes forever. Eliminate profiteering by will of citizens controlling all decisions using their tax funds and assets. Contact to see The Truth.
Vindictive Persecutors -The top Guilty Criminals.
A total of 85 to +100 are linked to Terrorist Rose.
Each of these public documents convicts multiple criminals.
Each $ reward is from my own recovered assets seized by the USA government per all these 100% criminal documents.
Feb 19, 2016 My own criminally incompetent PR firm Brittany Bailey, working for Hillory Clinton just emailed Robert Dee Rose asking what I did to ROSE as Rose will murder me and any eye witnesses to prevent FBI-AG-Military from completing what I gifted our world per Last PDF file above was sent to USAGov to Act NOW.

Robert Dee Rose
Cybercriminal Terorrist behind Attempted Murder of Keith
CLICK: ROSE CRIMINAL FILES put him on Death Row.
Rose (DOB 1971-April-01) has $2 Million USD reward on his head from IRSWBFeb2009, 658 to be paid to FBI-AG and Keith from his own ~ Billions USD criminal assets I have claimed with first lien. He was living in Atlanta GA area. He is extremely dangerous as an international flight risk since he is well worth Billions USD by now. ROSE is guilty of sedition, treason, espionage, murder, and massive # of Felony and capital crimes tied to Cybercrime through his, Caribbean Supply Services Inc (Fort Walton Florida near Elgin AFB), and Ocean Place Condos, Paradise Island Bahamas, along with Dixie Rose Charter Fishing yacht crime center along with his other worldwide tellicomm centers where he internet steals all data along with Cyclone Alexander Covey (Atlanta GA lawyer) responsible for death threats from his Sugarloaf Plantation Duluth GA telecomm crime centers. This is the ulimate Insider Trading criminal enterprises that USA government actively knows about.
Rose personally owes Keith over $250,000 USD from Forsyth County GA 08SC-1345 summary judgment from Oct 2010 as Pierce the Corp veil was denied when ROSE extorted Judge McClelland and Keiths own long list of lawyers. IRS owes Keith $8 Million USD for IRS Whistleblower Feb 2009, case 658 they assigned to
I could return to Atlanta, gather a few hundred or thousand people and go put ROSE in shackles and red Prison Jump Suit and personally deliver him to FBI and AG headquarters with News Press coverage world-wide. This is another perfectly legal and biblical marketing Righteous Crusade for the solution to END ROSE's +15 years of massive crime sprees including cyberattacks against USA GOV, treason, espionge, sedition.
Cobb County GA USA Berry Vic Reynolds, DA Patrick Head, + Buddy Darden +1(404)527-4130 + each Judge involved.
Berry Vic was Keith's $6,000 lawyer to arrest Rose and Ms. Bashama Larceny Feb 4, 2011 MPD 1.11.2506.99.
US Representative RETIRED Atlanta GA. now at McKenna, Long and Aldridge. He was Cobb County GA DA and clearly knows terrorist DAs Patrick Head and Berry Vic Reynolds.
Buddy personally sent Keith to Langley Airforce Base on Sept 25, 2011 that resulted in kidnapping orders signed Sept 26, 2011 by ROSE and subsequent delay until Oct 3, 2011 for actual 3rd kidnapping to occur. Took 848 days of HELL as all evidence has always pointed at ROSE. When contacted, Buddy Darden claimed NO MEMORY. He was Cobb County DA before HEAD and Berry Reynolds who all are criminals based on Marietta P.D. 1.11.2506 larceny and subsequent paper chase conspiracies, destruction of court documents, and threats to my life per VIC's recorded personal threats in April 2014 to Keith.

Judge Robert E. "Rob" Flournoy personally met with Keith and Vic in Sept 2011 and promised to arrest Ms. Bashama + Wendell Carraway. This implicates Rob also robbed Keith Duncan of his constitutional rights by endangering Keith's life with multiple conspiracies with Judges Fabier, Ingram III, and many others in Cobb County.

Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates. Everyone, call FBI Comey + AG Lynch so they will be national heros by taking out so many criminals who work inside their own organizations.
Her group are also conspirators in the original massive threats and resulting continous coverup and even destruction of their own public and secret documentation. By Websters dictionary, they can even be called Terrorists for 4:11cr112 was criminally granted and maintained for 848 days based on cancelled Cobb County TPO 11.1.1171.99 that proves it was a kidnapping series the entire time. Ask ATF William Banks to return my demo gun as I contacted him and everyone else this entire time since Oct 3, 2011.
Contact SALLY and ask why she has not gone to AG Loretta Lynch in Washington D.C. I have been fully prepared to testify before the world as the #1 Plantiff Class Action suit Miscarriage of InJustice Duncan vs Terrorists.
Public Defender Phoenix is guilty of massive fraud of USA Government, destruction of evidence, attempted murder, willful obstruction of Justice and investigations BY the USA Military from Sept 25, 2011 debrief Langely AirForceBase. Everyone contact her as I have been doing for 4 years now commanding all accusers face MILITARY and PUBLIC in court.
Phoenix Ayotte Harris, Harris & Carmichael PLLC, 114 North Alfred St
Alexandria, VA 22314 (703) 684-7908
On April 9, 2016 I left voicemail to Dee Sterling, Robert Edward Bradenham, at 757 591-4000 legally warning them their lives are in danger from Robert Dee Rose who will destroy more evidence and even murder them to prevent his own Death Row Convictions and manhunt by Public and Churches since USA government is on verge of total collapse for their refusal to actually USE Bible ordained
Jimmy Deal -lawyer Criminal LIAR
Lawyer. Norcross GA along with Ross Grisham Canton GA
Call Jimmy at 770-263-7200 for his direct ties to terrorist Robeert Dee Rose and his active libel and slander to prevent my release for 848 days of HELL-JAIL. Jimmy owes me over $100,000 in the legal funds I paid him to command USA government recover my original $109,800 USD defraud by terrorist ROSE>

Lt Jaime Gianfala. Ross Grisham Lawyer
Cherokee County GA criminal conspirator with ROSE and Keiths $27,500 paid to Ross reported to
Everyone contact Jamie based on his email THREATS to me from summer of 2011 and two days ago. Oct 25, 2015 that I posted on top of . Along with CID Matt Pettpher, Judges Jackson, Mills, Drain, Evelyn McElyer?, wardens, and many others, they are all guilty of false testimony, destruction of their own signed court documents, attempted murder, illegal detainment-kidnapping conspiracies that also implicate Lawyer-LIAR Ross Grisham $27,500 USD cash paid to notify FBI-AG and command immediate release into USA government protection by Military. Each owes Keith Real and Punitive Damages for Conspiracy to Defraud USA government and civil denial of each and everyone of Keith's Constitutional Rights. Bill Smith also implicated himself Spring 2014.
Ross Grisham is a criminal conspirator with Rose also. Ross refused to contact FBI-AG ahd show Judges the one video and unsigned and undated arrest warrant issued Sept 26, 2011 9 am showing Keith was kidnapped.
Bill Smith, Ethics Director of also criminally conspired with Keith's pre-paid lawyers to destroy publical documents delivered Feb 2014.
Cherokee Cty Judges Mills, Drain, Ellen McElyea are guilty of kidnapping conspiracies with Rose and Conspiracies to defraud USA government.

Judge Thurman T. Jackson -Norfolk VA.
So many other high powered USA gov officials all detailed on bottom SolutionURL.
Guilty of massive Willful Obstruction of Justice, denial of all Keith's rights, and attempted murder for 2 years based on cancelled TPO 11.1.1171.99 used to create criminal terorrist threat of court order 4:11cr112 for Thurman had all these documents showing ROSE as a terrorist the entire time along with AUSAG Dee Sterling, PUblic PUKE defenders Phoenix Harris, and the entire office of Norfolk VA clerks and defenders who protected ROSE and Ms. Bashama this entire time. Clearly they were paid off systematically.
Douglas Vernon Duncan. Vigilante Terrorist.
Cary N.C. USA. DOB Jan 19, 1954. 809 Greenwood Circle.
Brother of Keith who has made terrorist threats against Keith's life for years based on Dougs fraud of Duncan Tree Farm and his viligante ?gun club? group who meets every Tuesday night at his home address. Doug filed a criminally granted (vindictively insane) restraining order Feb 2012 at Wake County NC. Sheriff's office to prevent FBI-AG-USMilitary and others from releasing Keith immediately into Federal Witness Protection Program. Keith filed for FBI-AG protection in Sept 2011 and subsequent DEADLY SILENCE from all law enforcement agencies since ROSE continues to cyber attack the databases of relevant authorities. Who will file the criminal charges against Doug and all others who stole Keith's assets while threatening his life by the same USA Government Keith has reformed as well as our entire world.
Dougs criminal evidence personally sent to Wake County NC and Cary P.D. for them to file multiple criminal charges of Willful Obstruction of Justice, Slander, libel, FBI cross state line and email threats to Keith's life and assets.
The TPO was never legally granted as no Case # asssigned and no evidence ever presented despite myConstitional Right to face all accusers. How can a TPO be granted with zero legal represention of a defendant. In fact I am the ONLY Planitiff who has legally showed the largest list of felony crimes committed against the one person who teaches our world how to SHUN all criminals, reduce taxes down to about 5%, and unify our entire world..
Keith contractually forced Doug to buy Keith's tree farm shares for $110,000 USD in Fall 2014 for survival funds to ensure criminals are shunned forever.
This matches the $109,800 original ROSE Promissary Notes due March 2008
Therefore, all citizens will live in Peace and Harmony when criminal prime bullies and terorrists like Doug Duncan are shunned and isolated by all the solutions I have gifted all of humanity.

Kyle, Sherry, Matthew Duncan (US Marine).
Birmingham AL, Norcross USA, DOB Nov 4, 1958, Hawaii
The Family members of Keith are guilty of massive conversion of assets, larceny, false witness (Slander and libel), and destruction of all of Keith's original Evidence against ROSE, Ms. Bashama, keith's lawyers, and a very long list of county, state, and federal agents who were all blackmailed and extorted by Rose starting from Jan 15, 2008.
Again, the real and punitive damages from their multiple bank embezzlement, slander, libel, larceny, false witness, and refusal to contact any law enforcement agency, clearly legally and financially implicates and convicts them of a very long list of felony and civil crimes against Keith Duncan and his business entiities. It must be stated as testimony that Sherry Duncan has an extremely violate emotional disease diagnosed professionally as Schzoid back in year 2008 timeframe.
Sherry even personally received the $5,000 USD bond payment after Ms. Bashama Cobb County TPO 11.1.1171.99 was dismissed July 15, 2011 proving again that absolute NO v922(g)8 Violation could have occurred Sept 25, 2011. Everyone knows these conspiracy facts and hides from
Each person who committed each crime MUST be held accountable by the same USA Constitional laws that were broken sequentially to prevent their own crimes from being made public for the first honest investigator, Prosecutor, and Federal Judge to actually uphold Justice and Equality.

Ms Bashama aka Tammy Jo Auston
Bashama. (602)298-2280
4410 Union Hills DR, #7-303 GlenDale Arizona 85308
$10,000 Reward for her arrest and turn over to FBI-AG funded by the $32,000 assets she stole from Keith Feb 2, 2011 per Marietta P.D. 11.1.2506.
Click: rare Jan 2, 2011 view of Black-widow, con- artist Ms. Bashama quilty of multiple conspiracies with Marietta P.D. Officers Wishon, Bennito, Judges, DA Patrick Head, Rose and many others with felony charges of attempted murder, stalking, bank fraud, destruction of evidence, stealing of millions of USD in Intellectual Property + other charges.
Everyone contact FBI for them to manhunt Bashama down for $10,000 USD bounty from the + $32,000 USD she stole from Keith.. The FBI have never had an option NOT to investigate and put her in Prison, maybe death row for murder of Cobb County Judge Fabier in Sept 2011 tied to MPD report below shown to Fabier Feb 8, 2011.
Ms Bashama robbed Keith's home in Marietta GA on Feb 2, 2011per forged Marietta P.D. 11.1.2506.99 filed by Keith on Feb 4, 2011 that would have resulted in Ms. Bashama and Wendell Ralph Carraways arrests on Friday, Feb 4, 2011 at 10 a.m. after Keith called 911 twice to identify these con-artist, black-widow professional thieves after 2 hours of forensic research into the location of Keith's stolen assets worth excess of $32,000 USD cash as well as all business records and Keith's receipts with
The same MPD police report was forged 3 more times and criminally used for 2nd and 4th kidnappings on Feb 22, 2011 and signed 4:11cr112 dated Feb 13, 2011 as Keith was already kidnapped Oct 3, 2011 based on an email Keith could NOT have sent Robert Dee Rose Aug 31, 2011 per Cobb County TPO 1.11.7683.99 that was also an extortion kidnapping setup by Cobb County Judges and DA Patrick Head along with over 5 members of Marietta P.D. Police CID division implicating 5 Cobb County Judges and Marietta P.D. Chief Dan Flynn.
On right is Ms. Bashama and Wendell in criminal conspiracy with Officer Wishon on Tuesday Feb 8, 2011 as I went to Cobb County Judge Fabier (murdered Sept 2011) with the Marietta P.D. larceny report for him to sign two arrest warrants. He claimed the case was OPEN and under investigation. The attachedk 1st original shows the larceny case was CLOSED the exact same day Feb 4, 2011 it was filed. This is impossible since Officer Wishon delayed 4 days as it was reopened showed I robbed myself of my own possessions. Marietta P.D. was forced to retrieve $1,000 of my own assets as they REFUSED to go to Dan Flynn or any Judge since ROSE had already paid them off also.
These are just some of the irrefutable evidence that shows I was kidnapped and vinditively persecuted by well over 100 persons tied directly to ROSE.
EVERYONE can see the last file is the original criminally issued TPO 11.1.1171.99 that says 100% Legal to own any firearm, only valid in State of GA, and it was DISMISSED after I promised court house Press Conference to expose all the Political Corruption in all these counties.

85 to +100 OTHER criminals are shown by their own signatures and false witness slander-libel with direct links to ROSE and the longest list of felony criminal violations of U.S.C. Statutes of law including attempted murder.
The PDF file on the left clearly identifies each USA government official who had the Cancelled TPO 11.1.1171.99 in their hands and violated multiple Felony U.S.C. Statues of Kidnapping, attempted murder, sealing and destroying critical court document evidence that all tie back to #1 World Terorrist Super Criminal ROSE and other criminals who work for USA government as rogue agents for underground criminal RICO cabal enterprises.
Why has not a single honest person of integrity and intellect been identified for +8 years to bring all these criminals to justice. This is what and the other irrefutable and irrevocable solutions in forms of new laws shall do to remove all criminals from society.
Over 50 law firms have refused to uphold any law after being engaged by ROSE and told by USA government to never represent Keith Duncan since they are engaged with the Devil himself to build their own Satanic empires.

Absolutely do NOT do any business with Brittany Bailey of She was contracted in March 2015 to take these World Changing solutions to top level journalists. She is the most unprofessional and slanderous person I have ever engaged in the Public Relations arena. I paid her approximately $6,000 USD by signed binding contract. I have all our email exchanges as she does not even like to answer her phone, much less has ever contacted her network of journalists that I have finally posted for everyone else to complete.
She is working as PR for Hillary Clinton recently. The PDF file on left shows she has emailed Robert Dee Rose that is another major threat to my life because no USA Government agency has EVER debriefed Keith or honored any of my Constitutional Rights as I have ommanded them to arrest each person involved so I can finally hold Press Conferences to teach them how to find all criminals.
Her website is a single page, has a four line Contact US, no phone numbers, no emails, no photograhs of her, the team, clients, or anything of value. She scrubbed so clean, it had absolutely no value at all. changes world economies after +8 years of focused publishing and public relations campaign that alter human history.
The PDF file is portion of my email response sent today, Feb 15, 2016 Presidents Day in USA. For the USA government leaders as a majority seldom represent the rights of my 7.4 billion people. I represent all of humanity with these broadcasts to the honest hard working integrity minded citizens as well as directly confront the bigots, cynics, hypocrits, blinded fools, and criminal brood of vipers described in detail in Matthew Chaptger 23. Feel free to contact Brittany and ask her why she refuses to honor her signed and binding legal agreement. Ask anyone involved WHY they persecute Keith Duncan in order to steal my assets and defraud me of my assets and extreme Intellectual Property value. Go ahead....
Below is the email response from my position of ultimate integrity and principle:
Your court will not be in NY. It will be the Court of Public Opinion as others refuse to conduct business with you because I post your direct attacks (slander, libel), your breach of contracts, your refusal to do anything to contact journalists, your complete focus on restraint of fair trade, as well as your fraud because you are doing everything you can to defame the works I have gifted all of mankind. So I post you on a key website also. This is all 100% legal and makes common sense so that others will not conduct business with any person who has ended up being a con-artist.
That is
It truly is a shame you have spent so much time writing objections and excuses, emailing slanderous threats against me for past 6 months to those I am asking for help, rather than fulfilling your signed contract.