Integrity: 1807 +1541 Jan 31 2025
Protect: Keith Duncan -Asheville NC, Atl. GA USA
+1 770-377-2106 PeaceMakers = is
Integral part of GODs UTOPIA of no more criminals at any level.
NO MORE WARS ever again. WE DECIDE at all LEVELS who are OUR leaders NOW ! $40 Billion USD valued Patent(c)(r)(tm) holders of only world saving solutions gifted to each of YOU.
GOD blesses only those who Love, Protect, and Serve all others use of
We are all led by Keith B Duncan worlds #1 only Overseers of ALL Governments + Corporates.
InterPolice.LIVE FOIA.ONE worlds last open public share system WHO is WHO forever. destroys the Russian Billionaires, PUT-IN, CCP, NKorea by your direct Coup Actions.
Now all DOSJ.ORG worldwide shares WHO is WHO in Keith + GODs open public shared un-hackable blockchain database FOIA.ONE forever. NO more criminal cabal coPirates. Everyone now knows WHO is WHO, WHO owns WHAT no secrets. is GOD, KEITH, and YOUR direct COMMANDs for all WarLORDS to turn themselves in to WILL of WE GODs PEOPLE now. We the People now stage required instant military Coups worldwide using the most simple common sense methods shown and demonstrated below. Keith is always your new world #1 leder.
Wars are always the most profitable criminal conspiracy actions by Criminal Ruling Elite named NWO, Corporate Executives of the Military Industrial Complex all in secret deals with underground cyber Terrorists worldwide. This went extreme 6660 years ago, when Egyptian Pharaohs first claimed THEY were the GODs over WE MY PEOPLE and proceeded to enslave everyone by denying all fundamental GODs human rights of
Therefore, WHAT is the first REQUIRED ACTIONS. Everyone host mediates today and truly SHUT DOWN all stock markets and underground any secret deals for ever use of GODs fundamental EVOTE.ONE and for ever.
Updated 2024 Oct 16 as was always working directly WITH GOD and MotherEARTH on behalf of all now 8.18 billion WE GODS children to stabilize our economy as only ONE community use of all my patents and education technology always protected by ONLY our mutual Creator FatherGOD in Heaven. returns all world military family back to full civilian authority use of
once everyone is ONLY National Guard and front liner Humanitarian Disaster Relief WE direct fund.
### World Rebroadcast Press Release to everyone. perfected.
Nov 28, 2022 Reverses current President PUTIN criminal terrorist invasion of Ukraine.
Reverses ALL warlords by holding them fully accountable for their WMD heresay False propaganda.
includes chop chop transferring all national news media groups back as ONLY Public Broadcasting systems now fully owned, controlled managed by each of YOU using
Only by full replacement of all known forms of GOVERNMENT and CORPORATE by-Laws will humans actually prosper and thrive by reversing the current all conditions of World War 3-5.
Includes immediate full scale ratification of Keith + GODs
#1 world famous most humble HOST MEDIATOR keith brent duncan has always offered to use GODs system of using eVOTE.ONE with and is defined by GOD as the WILL of majority of WE the PEOPLE decide everything.
This alone reverses the criminal profiteering of the Criminal Ruling Elite who already infitrated all our Government and Corporate Databases and already use OUR work efforts known as campaign contributions, lobbyists, spin mass media witch doctors, stock options, and millions of man-made laws to enslave each of you at all levels of our banking, stock market, trade, transportation, energy, water, air, food levels.
Absolutely NO ONE wants criminals or terrorists except those who criminally profit from the 'stupid' acts of drugs, gambling, murder, alcohol, scamming, con-artists, and original Mafia ganster Protective threats. NO ONE has any solution except Keith Duncan sent by GOD at FOIA.ONE IID 1-19580815-1 (+100% integrity rated).
We have been victimized by literally everyone by links to #1 Terrorist ROBERT DEE ROSE
as Cobb County TPO 11.1.1171.99 was dismissed cancelled by Berry Victor Reynolds July 15, 2011.
All other crimes against YOU and Keith were to murder keith all ways and means that almost happened.
This is conclusive of 5500 year ancient MLM Ponzi Scam schemes of DO AS YOU ARE TOLD, never speak direct with anyone who has any authority as decision maker influencers. The most ruthless criminal pryamid 'All seeing EYE' are the corporate executive board of Trustee Directors known as Pirates of the HIGH Corporate World.
We love showcasing terrorists of Robert Dee ROSE, PUTIN, and CCP as Captain HOOKS. Only Peter Pan confidently and fearlessly recruited the lost boys who in turn recruited the other pirates to force Captain HOOK to walk the plank to be consumed by his nemesis the feared giant crocodile. WHO got Captain HOOKs ass-sets? Clearly the reformed honest integrity self saved pirates then adopted the lost boys, found high IQ integrity wives, and reboot strapped themselves into law abiding self sufficient communities of hope, faith, and love grace. = is GODs method of preventing criminal actions in the first place. Totally changes course of mortal human history by ACTION of each of you to command any human rights violator be put in PRISON and Death ROW by use of community civilian authority of EVOTE.ONE store and forward through GODS open public source final A.I. database FOIA.ONE.
Now everyone knows WHO is WHO, WHO owns WHAT, Who free will barter market exchanges WHAT with GPS tracked who, when, where, and why. Only a few mortals truly know who was KEITH brent DUNCAN. Includes to fast path put any violator in prison and death row work camps.
Since dawn of all military history, murder genocide of any opposing cultural group was easy simply by the top corporate executives, bankers, trade mogels, and others conspiring with the 'ELITE' on false premise use of mass media propaganda of STRIKE FIRST, ask simple questions later. Gods system below is fast path host mediating any dispute host mediated by most humble HIGHEST IQ scientist inventor problem solving expert groups of all times. WE GODS people always have the power to choose ANY leader at all levels who represent the best interest benefit value of our local civilian control authority to focus ONLY on the best infrastracture completion and maintenance to prevent any political issue from destroying our own work efforts.
Once all Militaries are combined with all Police and Law Enforcement groups by total cross training and sharing all of GODs information and resources, all war material machines are converted to full time humanitarian use including use now for built with 100% green Ecology based mining of and since no one else has any better = best solution except complete of World War FIVE. Everyone always required to use and
Updated Feb 25, 2022 by #1 top world problem solving experts led by #1 most sane Keith Duncan.
What is shown below is a total replacement Judicial Law enforcement system to ensure YOUR lives, assets, and communities are fully protected by your direct actions. Current DOJ DOD worldwide are full of insider rogue criminals named police, IRS, FBI, HLS, CIA, DEA, INTERPOL since the key decision makers make collectively trillions of USD by conspiracies with cyber terrorists like Robert dee ROSE and Atty Alexander Cyclone Covey of Atlanta includes GBI Director Berry Victor Reynolds link to Keiths international terrorist brother Douglas Vernon Duncan of Cary NC. NO ONE actually PROTECTS your lives or assets since the control of our information databases has already been turned over to cyber criminal hacker groups run by very small powerful groups that must include some of the members of Billionaire GivingPledge.ORG.
WHO DO YOU KNOW is the most powerful formal request past 12 years to PROTECT KEITHS life by calling his anti all crime #1 experts NOW. NO more delays as criminals almost murdered our families and lawyers including may soon murder Norfolk VA 4:11cr112 Federal Judge Raymond A. Jackson + Dee Sterling.
NO secrets is the UTOPIA of GODs heaven here on Earth as showcased by all the ordain divined solutions methods generated by KEITH + GODs 5Steps.LIFE. Debrief and protect #1 top scientist inventor front-liner humanitarian procreator Keith Brent Duncan today as only those with Secrets scream bloody murder invasion of OUR privacy data, lives and assets. Updated Feb 16, 2022.
Peace Keepers as only 100% criminal investigators uses FOIA.ONE to remove terrorists + all corrupt Corp + Gov officials when local officials refuse to TAKE ACTION. God Sent Keith Brent Duncan is #1 most humble world Trillionaire Scientist Engineer Public Servant sent by GOD, author broadcastor connecting everyone with reality of full focus of you GODs people on Intl Headquarters office +1 770-377-2106 soon located in all International Cities worldwide. All Military+Police+Public now share all Criminal Evidence and expose all criminals to the public with the use of eVOTE.ONE -> FOIA.ONE single International open public owned database containing ALL laws, crime investigations, stock market trades, + legal contracts shown to world. + are how each person fearlessly protects the lives, assets, and rights of our very own close knit community. This sends strongest deterrent prevention messages over OUR national news media network that no criminal or terrorist can escape the manhunts conducted by WE GODS people using the bounty rewards placed on the named heads of anyone who violates our rights to be free will liberated sovereign independent citizens of enforced integrity and ethics. Keith Duncan was always #1 world Problem solver solution provider of all time greatness.
#1 most critical REALITY of all mortals still breathing GODs holy spirit breath of is here:
1. All military forces ONLY purpose for existance is to defend our nations borders from foreign criminal invasions.
2. All military forces have never been under required local civilian authority as the criminal ruling elite have used our young adults as 'cannon fodder' to invade and take over Gods natural resources by murdering any real or imaginary foreign threats on any false premise just like sociopath Julius Caesur and Hitler successfuly accomplished by claiming only their first family heritage were the master race of False GOD deities. Even George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Ghandhi, Dr MLK Jr, and Duncan have commanded showcased how to decentralize all authority and Gods assets back to YOUR local community economy by IID fast path forcing all criminals and terrorists to surrender or be hunted down by our military forces worldwide using automatic face BIO recognition open public TV survellence that WE GODs people control all aspects of the flow of our paper and digital based information databases and transmission services now FREE since WE the PEOPLE are the workers of all expertise who toil and labored while paying for all infrastructure that was always controlled by the named ELITE once they claimed only 'THEY' could decide our reality and near term destiny FATE.
GOD has always sent messianic Messengers, often one at a time, to observe and procreate showcase GODs methods of how to create all new replacement world of free market barter exchange 'farmers market' shortest supply chain of producing original products and services direct to our end client customers. This destroys the broker, bank, mall, distribution systems all at one time. Your Common Sense applications, Gods commandments, and Gods technology now used to advance mortals as peace making Sovereign citizens worldwide. is Decisions made by Majority of Gods citizens on the NEXT best project by collective cooperative town hall forums of using simple methods.
Since most humble progeny of GOD named Keith Brent Duncan always worked directly for GOD + humanity, no one can ever deny your rights to be free will Sovereign liberated citizens who protect the rights, assets, and lives of all others before satisfying your own needs and self gratification wants.... Includes required use of network system.
THIS GODS system was always the most powerful reform unification system of free will choice independant peer to peers.
Our most valuable commodity was always the KNOWLEGE and WISDOM in GODs world currently being broadcast worldwide by most humble Keith Brent Duncan back in Norcross GA at +1 770-377-2106. We were always GOD sent as #1 most powerful profitable angel guardian philantrophist of GivingPledge.SPACE superset controller over mega billionaires of
Keith is 100% victimized of named criminals seen at NO ONE protects HIS rights or asks him anything of true GODs merit past 15 years in Norcross GA base of international operations center of
The crimes committed against KEITH are crimes committed against each of you with NO exception. I was defrauded, robbed, told I was a 'CRIMINAL', 4 terrorists filed unsigned undated Temp Protective orders, and proceeded to order I be martryed by claiming I was already brain dead and had no value to society that means YOU = mortal humans. Dr. Jill VOLIN at Butner Medical HELL jail and Judge Raymond T jackson conspired for 2 years attempted to force murder keith by injection of mind altering deadly drugs. ALL the court documents and evidence was subsequently destroyed, altered, and sealed thinking THEY would NEVER be group convicted of mass terrorist attacks by OUR USA 3 Judge military tribnals (same as WW2 Neurenburg Court of Hague) against OUR collectively cooperative new world crime free society
Reality of today year 2022 is most of our world leaders are unjustifed Criminally Incompetent Insane false thinking LUCIFER Con-Artist Propoganda Captain HOOKS (Peter Pan syndrome) claiming only they can decide if a crime occurred and only 'THEY' can decide how to wage war against the worst terrorist criminal networks of ROSE and "Bernie Madoff = Hitler' mentality.
Refusals and criminally blocking of any crime evidence applies directly to our very own POLICE, FBI, AG, HLS, DEA, CIA, NSA, Dept of State, Congress, Commander-in-chiefs who are mostly puppet figureheads staked out by the Bilkanaires and Milkanaires called BanksTers, Developers, Stock Market Brokers, all controlled by OUR Board of Directors and board of trustees who truly are the worst self God false zealot deities. Criminals clearly use our victims assets to extort bribe murder OUR DOJ officials. Therefore there are NEVER any Criminal OFFENSE LAWYERS to protect the rights of any victims. ALL these LUCIFERS are now put on trail to prison and death row use of GODs by direct action of their victims and peer members of OUR Grand Jury Indictment GODs = Keiths simple engineered open court system of
KEITH BRENT DUNCAN clearly has provided all funding and technology to destroy all LUCIFER criminal terrorist networks forever. Yet most people refuse to have required press conferences and open discussions of true GODs integrity merit anymore.
EVOTE.ONE reverses ALL authority and assets back to GODs people at the greatest places of our own human needs. Most 3rd and 4th world nations are being slave traded and openly genocided murdered so same INSANE Corporate executives always take first profits.
Same and now BEST as what openly showcased displayed and showed on National Radio and TV back summer of 2011. Only Robert Dee ROSE was cyber tracking our ever single business enterprise travels and contracts and succeeded in extorting off Keiths very own lawyers, our DAs, Police, named IRS FBI AG USMarshal and even USA Military officials to false claim anything so stated and exposed by THEIR very own irrefutable irrevocable certified court documents already turned over to each of you and +150 law firms and by now, ALL exisiting Dept of Justice organizations including GA State Bar.
Jan 20, 2022 we meet again with Norcross top officials headed by Police Chief Bill Grogan and Mayor Craig Newton to engage our very own officials to file the required court orders and documents to recover Keiths lost all assets valued excess of $500 MILLION USD seen at
All the other ordain divined forensic methodology now becomes YOUR methods of how to fast path prevent and reverse all crimes and pandemics use of as all these answers were clearly broadcast over GODs communication links that no one has actually asked WHAT IS THIS ABOUT GODS reality and WHY are humans so bent on self genocide?
These are the basic purpose of original life of WHY my Fatther GOD procreated each of you in the first place. is that clearly reverses all WAR Machines that only profit the mortal named Criminal Ruling Elite known as BankSTERS and POLYTicks and all those retired military generals who SIT on the Board of Directors of OUR military industrial complexes. #1 anti all crime, all WAR broadcaster philantrophists shows YOU GODs people how to reverse all wars once and forever by taking ACTION to eliminate worst criminal terrorists with GODs eVOTE.ONE and all other askepcts of WE DECIDE WHO are each of OUR leaders dynamically and pick NEXT best project to benefit our very own safe haven Communities. Includes outreach ministriys wo redistribute GODs wealth to the worst 3rd and 4th world nations who were enslaved by same TOP ruling elites back 5500 years ago using criminal propaganda and GODs technology to claim only THEY can decide our reality and fate. CALL KEITH right and COMMAND he be put on NATIONAL TV now to showcase host mediate
EVEN Jan 6, 2022 the worst LIARS repeat to DEFEND our Constutional Civil RIGHTS of GODs when true reality is EACH of YOU MUST GO on the OFFENSE to destroy all Lucifers worldwide !!. Note that all USA VPs are never elected after year 1833 per criminal laws. returns ALL military force command BACK to your local Civilian control authority forever worldwide. No more Commander In Chief and Demonic Bankster Corporate Executives can ever wage war with GODs assets and your lives all on false witness premise 'WE MUST STRIKE FIRST to protect our oil, land, and prostitutes'.
The Greatest leaders in world history all have stated 'MILITARY FORCES are only to protect our borders to repell any invading LUCIFER forces. Only other reason for military is to attack terrorists who threaten the lives and assets of our GOD focused citizens'. George Washington and founders of our USA Confederacy 1976 clearly stated GODs reality.
Updated Dec 29, 2021 by Keith Brent Duncan about to return to Gods Heaven unable to find a single person who enforces any Constitutional laws, Any OCGA, any man made even any precedent law worldwide.
Therefore, I personally was sent by GOD to re-deliver and all common sense solution methods to unify mankind one final time. Otherwise, each of you mortal humans deserve to be tortured by World War FIVE of Martial Law, shutdown of our communication, banking, stock markets, and destruction of all humans one last time.
This the only answer GODs methodology to prevent reverse worlds last life extinquishing holocaust events caused by worse Public Abject Apathy ignorance and criminal terrorists who all roam freely claiming 'PRIVACY' and speak to their lawyers like Atty Steve Dorvee Atlanta cyber terrorist just like Atty Alexandery Cyclone Covey and GBI director Berry Victor Reynolds. All conspire with named NWO Deep State highest level Politicians, so many Corporate Executives all collectively known as Criminal ruling Elite all twho tell the greatest lies on satanic news media that ONLY THEY are controlling Gods world and are only decision maker influencers who decide your poverty sticken most impoovierised slave trading state of being brainwashed zombies who have mentality of lower than CockRoach Dung.
The current news media by ONLY the numbers shows death to all humans caused by original LUCIFER Predatory Greed. Yet no one cares about acting with fearless authority to protect the assets, lives, and rights of any other. OH there are a very rare few of us. Most of you 99.9% believe the greatest LIES ever repeatily told that a single small group of leaders will provide emergency relief and intervene AFTER any diaster strikes caused by Lucifer man(a very few women like #1 blowhard Clintons, POLE sitting stripper Nancy Pelosi, or Acts of GOD like the current swarm of hurricanes, earthquakes, pandemic plaques that are ALL preventable and reverseable by simple use of GODs business planning action strategy using and total replacement of all man made laws includes all precedent laws used to enslave each of you by diverting your taxes, stealing your hard earnings and work benefits called Corporate Executive Stock Options, insider Day trading commodity MLM ponzi schemes, all FOREX, all mutual funds and short/long put options.
Includes all the corporate Aircraft, yachts, and mansions located near military style bunkers once terrorists like NKorea Fatso Kim Jung-un, CCP, President Putin (Who WILL PUT HIM OUT?) who murder any opposition just like Hitler and all other demons who claim they are the #1 and only World God Deities from 5555 years ago Pharoah king of all King claims.
Staging Military Coup D'etat' is 100% legalized by GOD since overthrowing human right violators is always done by GOD and Keiths commands use of EVOTE.ONE, by seizing and executing anyone whose integrity rating of IID (FOIA.ONE) falls below negative 95%.
Coup is short for the French term “coup d’etat,” which means overthrowing the government. Advocating for the overthrow of the government is a federal crime (says who??) that includes advocating, abetting, advising or the necessity of overthrowing or destroying the U.S. government by force or violence, or by the assassination of any government officials. Keith: What about the peaceful replacement of any LUCIFER broker? is this allowed by you?
Has anyone noticed reality that Keith Brent Duncan is #1 world most impoverished Trillionaire sent by GOD to master teach how everyone MUST learn to host mediate compromise on prime needs of food, shelter, water, energy, education, protection from the elements of Warlords and God allowed disasters.
As of Dec 25, 2021 we are surely located near Norcross GA at 770-377-2106 broadcasting YOUR reality and how to self save yourselfs from being self genocided.
This was always our soul mission as GOD deployed us through back in year 2008 after criminal terrorist Sherry Mingle Duncan of Berkley Lake north of our original 2 homes Peachtree Corners succeeded in claiming Keith was a drug addict on suicide mission to overthrow ?? who ??
Must be the true reality that GOD personally sent me to roam freely to fast path identify WHO are the last Board of Trustees and Directors of Duncan Angel Guardian Investor Philantrophist scientist research developers frontliner #1 top world human rights activists who asks everyone to USE our step by step self salvation systems to ensure you actually survive what is about to RE-OCCUR Keith Duncan. was always method of preventing all crimes at time of transaction by eliminating the threatening people with use of Open Circuit TV, smartphones, auto BioMetrics Face Recognition back ground check through regional, national, and international single FOIA.ONE open public unhackable database maintained by Interpol under full supervision of #1 world anti all crime inventor Investor Mega Billionaires of NO MASS PUBLICITY at ANY LEVEL shows mankind continues to destroy itself.
Only PRIME solution of GOD + our GivingPledge.SPACE megaBillionaire OFFENSE Corporate Raider teams is to force any human right violators put on Death Row, even turned over their own country rebels located in all the refugee camps. Let each nations impoverished free will citizens decide the fate of their dictator tryants using your own descriptive names.
Dec 7, 2021 is death date of Murdered Brian Walker Dec 7, 2013 maybe even poison killed by Douglas Vernon Duncan assasination Cary NC gun club groups under direct orders of Robert Dee Rose, Atty Alexander Cyclone Covey already turned over to so many FBI AG Military top leaders, we truly LOST Body Count. Each person who violates Keiths rights, violates YOUR RIGHTS, and my FATHER GODs rights to reign down torture on each human right violators who kill, murder, rape, pillage, plunder GODs children known as emotional orgasim the worst debauchery one could ever image, much less witness in person. WHO will PROTECT KEITH DUNCAN now and offer us safe haven protection from ROSE, Duncan Clan, and others who want us DEAD. Death will be a welcome relief after so many people have failed to actually GO SURRENDER themselves to existing Law Enforcement and Judicial officials I have openly PAID to do the sane same.
Updated Dec 22, 2021. Regarding Afganistan political nightmare, I Personally have ordered Afganistan warlords to load up ALL USA and foreign war machines on OUR trucks and they drive them to Pakistan Port to be shipped to Israel and other peer partners of ALL military equipment is serial numbered. Any equipment not 100% returned, send them a BILL of Laden manifesto and literally ISOLATE them by sanctions so no one will conduct any trade. This is the ancient method of Seige and forced remoted COUP, same as NKorea and China citizens NOW DO to eliminate exile the horrible sick old billionaires CCP and NKorea fatso. His best punishment is put him into his refugee camps and even ask his citizens to execute him with antiAir Gun like he did to his uncle.
Anyone who has a better best fast path solution is always required to use and open public forums to showcase themselves.
Worst crimes in world history are Corporate Executives who control OUR by-laws and take over $50 Trillion USD per year OUT of our corporations as Bonuses, Stock Options, Deferred Compensation, Benefit Perks, Country Club everything, Business trips that are really write-off million USD vacations, Free cars, homes, body guards, yachts, all on the backs of GODs workers of all fields of expertise.
Not ALL are violently violators of human rights. Most are simple mega millionaires who avoid any publicity since they never want ot be kidnapped or held for ranson by ROBERT DEE ROSE and and thousands of the SHOOT ON SIGHT cyber terrorists.
ONCE and FOREVER, WE GODS PEOPLE now stage MASS PROTEST RALLIES worldwide to EXILE OUST anyone who claims PRIVACY and refuses to show legal ownership title and signed documents including any iheritance of their stock, assets, possessions, gold, safe deposit boxes, all those art collections hidden away like HITLERs henchmen did same as the Criminal Ruling Elite.
Keith Duncan has personally shown EVERYONE worldwide how to destroy any dictator, tyrant, traitor, cyber terrorist using power of WE GODS PEOPLE and GODS provided technology his entire 63 years of mortal life.
#1 FOCUS is to destroy the BankSters who start all wars and criminally profiteer using GODs assets claiming only 'THEY' can offer loan assistance to rebuild nations they have ordered destroyed. All about WHO controls the Energy oil, coal, shipping, marketing ad criminal propaganda mass media mills. Now WE GODs people convert ALL mass media back to local Public Broadcasting TV, Newspapers, Radio so WE control the content AD-FREE. This deals with all the ad-revenue generated that only goes one-way to the Criminal Ruling Elite called First Family Dynasties. 'THEY' can easily be saved by each group host mediating to announce they gift 80% of their family dynasty wealth to their choice of local Charity. Otherwise THEY are exiled to greatest places of needs including China, Columbia, Philippines, including serving time by serving food, clothes, shelter, counseling services to our homeless and drug addicts, convicted inmates so they can personally experience what life is really like at the bottom of their LUCIFER caused poverty striken world caused BY their generational pirate groups that started when free trade was invented by GODs integrity sane people.
Con Gradulations to each of you for discoverying that Criminal Cyber Terrorists build War Machines using YOUR ass-sets by claiming ATTACK OFFENSIVELY FIRST, then build DEFENSE systems to prevent Enemy from attacking us as a deterrent. Most of these madmen use Poison Gas, drugs, offerings of prostitute sex, food, literally anything to entice our people be killed by military action directed by the worst BANKseters in world history. No end of this madness until destruction of life as GOD procreated each of us to be PeaceMakers, not WarLords of deception that goes back to criminal addiction enhanced propagated by all the DRUG and SEX abuse human trafficing slavery. Each time someone makes a killing in the stock or bank market trades, everyone else suffers to extreme of being GASSED or Force Drug Medicated to DEATH while the most cruelest medical doctors like Dr. Jill Volin of UNCCH criminally profiteer claiming they can FIX a persons mental condition by DRUGGING them to death. Terrorist JILL VOLIN at +1 704-433-2324 Broughton Mental hell and was at Butner Mental HellJail Raleigh NC year 2012-2013 before she was fired for being criminally insane incompetent.
This is valued over $500 MILLION USD since to date of Dec 7, 2011 not a single DAMN or HONEST person has ever asked WHY is KEITH sent by GOD to complete Fast path YOU CONTROL Manage YOUR reality and fate with use of
Everyone benefits using by fast path convicting any violator of GODs human rights single Constitution PROTECT Keith today at Headquarters +1 770-377-2106. Otherwise Keith soon returns back to Heaven to reign WRATH down on all offenders.
Criminals have sent our young adults to War all as Cannon Fodder claiming, OH get rich quick. DIE for your God and Country. General George Patton cussed the hell out of our troops, saying YOUR only focus is to make the ENEMY die for their false LUCIFER criminal terrorist leaders. George Washington clearly stated 'Military must always be under local civilian authority.' Current world system is any Commander in Chief and/or House/senate Leader or Surpreme Court Justice can declare World Wars at any moment. Listen to 'expert' righteous author on the right below. He is NOT a liver liberal or Court Conservative, but speaks on $$ based economic observation authority same as #1 Frontliner Activist Keith Brent Duncan.
Personally, I really LIKE how he explains success of attacking Political based Terrorists and NEVER the civilian population.
WHO calls #1 sent by GOD at +1 770-377-2106
The current World Military Industrial Complex is the Lucifer Agenda of destroy first, ask questions later. Banksters worldwide are the most ruthless super terrorist criminals who propaganda convince ignorant apathy driven everyone to believe 'WE must destroy all opposition to our way of life to protect WHO? "
As of Dec 22, 2021, only GOD sent Keith showcases all aspects of how to reverse all wars once and forever.
Reality is Keith personally delivered GODs same sane systems of to Langley AFB 2011-10-25 and was criminally detain kidnapped to be force drugged 900 days on orders of 1st super criminal 'Robert Dee Rose'
resulting in that empowers a single person to murder you or anyone else on WMD false witness Heresay, is GODs methodology of real time showing how ALL military families worldwide now go BACK under local community authority control. Destroys CCP, NKorea, even Pres Putin iron grip as most of you 7.9 billion Gods Children are LUCIFER brainwashed to think only a SINGLE Commander-In-Chief and Speaker of Our House has the decision making authority to wage any war. The energy military Wars are always started and ended by the worst criminal terrorist cybercrooks known as BANKSTER mobsters including World Bank, FDIC, Federal Reserve System, Bank of London, Bank of VATICAN, Bank of Switzerland. These are the hidden evil bankers who start, pervert GOD and your assets, and then offer loans of your work efforts to repair the extreme damage they caused in the first place. Since the dawn of civilized man, Gods technology has always been weaponized by these same first family dynasty Lucifers who hide from Gods new system most humble Keith Duncan was sent to personally deliver to each of you.
Any demands for PRIVACY are hereby reversed forever with use of EVOTE.ONE FOIA.ONE GODs systems.
New Replacement ONE New World Constitution Laws of include Gods system of:
1. Decentralization of all military forces by embedding each squad as command posts in each business and residential community. This is modeled after AFP Armed Forces in Philippines where Keith Duncan was full time technology evangelist minister on order commands of our most humble loving benevelant mutual GOD.
2. Transfer migration of millions of Military families now focuses on International Guard regions who are 100% held accountable for resolving any crimes against humanity as well as use of Military Tribunals to investigate, seize, convict, and sentence anyone who violates anothers rights if local Judges and Officers of our courts engage in any unlawful activity as described in same Universal Bill of Rights. Use deployment of was always GODs method of obtaining fast restitution.
3. All war machines and technology are now decommissioned and transformed into front line humanitarian transport, medical, and food/water/air/energy mobile missions using retired USCorpEngineer forces.
Includes commanding Afagan Taliban warlords to personally load up all foreign made Weapons and related war making equipment on our trucks and drive our taxpayer paid for assets to Karachi Pakistan for immediate loading on any empty container freighter transport now eliminated by new world water turbine energy system procreated by GOD and Keith. Refer: Aghagan Water Crisis. 1 john 10:30.
Any USA or foreign paid for resource not returned must be itemized of who controls that resource, and who will pay back in cash to WE GODs citizens by Afghanistan officials and bankers. Otherwise, Keiths forces now isolate Afgahanistan as a NO trade zone. Same as CHINA CCP, and NKorea Fatso regime until coups occur all monitored to ensure peaceful turnover by Keith Duncans host medating top world Scientist Frontliners.
4. All other decisions regarding military officials, Government offficals, and Corporate Officers are decided by joint decisions at your community level use of and town hall forms held anytime in your local community, churches, village, town, city common gathering place.
Dec 22, 2021. RealTime reality of GOD + Keith. Separation of Church versus State(gov) has never been more apparent that ONE New WORLD GOVERNMENT (ONWO) and ONE World RELIGION (ONWR) is the LUICFER agenda completed when LUCIFERs like ROSE claim spiritual authority over each of you.
​ delivered by sole Messianic Messenger #1 most humble Civil rights CEO executive Keith Brent Duncan at 770-377-2106 when I already had asked for USA GOV protection against super terrorist Robert Dee Rose at all levels. Persecuted and forsaken and even brutally assaulted after each person decided THEY could criminally profit over GOD and sane same FatherKeith Duncan,.
Just spoke with Kyle DUNCAN 770-655-5546 who claims any Temporary Protective Order never needs to be signed by a JUDGE and the accused (myself and you) never are required to testify in open court at any point. #1, #4 TPOs were Kyle Duncan/sherry Duncan, then super terrorist Douglas Vernon Duncan,. #2, #3 were Ms. Bashama Cobb County TPO 11.1.1171.99 then 11.1.7683 that puts everyone on DEATH ROW and +40 years in prison including Norfolk VA 4:11cr112 Judge Raymond T Jackson who claimed I was worst pyschopath socio path in world history. Reality shows Rammond Jackson is another HITLER.
Nov 8, 2021 Gods real timeline. Today Dr. CR and most humble Duncan 770-377-2106 redelivered this #2 most powerful GODs ministry to prevent and reverse all current World War FIVE end of times holycost Holacaust days of black hole infamy. We debriefed and recruited 6 prime Dobbins AirForce Officers and Cobb County Police on how to take charge and decide their very own reality destiny fate. Same as the millions of persons who already know WHO Was Keith and why our GOD delivered commandment Holy Grail ministries are the ONLY original tribal clan systems that warrant total world global equality peace.
Odd how no one actually accepts cyber terrorist information any more. I personally handed Marietta PD Internal Affairs Major King today same top criminal conspiracies for he (them) to NOW recontact FBI AG GBI and PRESS to obtain the required investigations resulting in over 125 named persons go straight to prison.
Restart will be immediate of Robert DEE ROSE down at to be extradited back into military custody while KEITH and #1 top world scientist philantrophists actually directlyh access OUR Military, Corporate, and law enforcement databases as we most formally requested Sept 25, 2011 and were illegally Detained( criminally kidnapped) those 900 days when each person criminally profiteered claiming anything we never did was a violation of their LUCIFER rights to order keith be murdered. This is the most clean clear competent summary as Keith returns to heaven soon unable to recruit ANY of his 7.9 billion GODs children who truly are starved for attention and ability to reconcile with each other and my FATHER GOD Creator who sent keith in the first place 1-195808-1. Includes search and seizure of all of ROSEs assets, capture of international terrorist Douglas Vernon Duncan, and simple court order subpenoas to force all other criminals tied to ROSE show up in court to testify against themselves over National broadcast open public circuit TV known as kTV.
On Tuesday, in Cobb County Magistrate Court at 9 am, Roger Nance must be arrested as we truly did invite everyone including FBI AG GBI PRESS to attend and hear for themselves WHO are the worst terrorists. Same as Keith has done each time My HOMES were robbed of same ANTI-ALL CRIME technology GOD sent me to deliver my entire life. Most worst crimes were the obvious theft and conversion of the extreme prolific use of GODs technology to ECO Procreate New world peace making engineered systems to ensure everyones civil rights are fully protected once and forever. This was always
Decentralization of all authority was always easy application of and when all small groups focus on NEXT best project and literally select and assign who is the Project Manager now highly paid in cash after they complete the assigned task at any level. Use of PROXIES reverses the current chain of command so each squad decides who are their leaders independant of old evil Commander-In-Chief Lucifer mentaility.
If anyone has a better best solution GODs methodology, each of you are now required to use GODs geneator of to provide next best answer that benefits everyone involved in your decision.
Today, Monday, 20211108:4pm-SolutionMilitary.pdf, Dr. CR and Keith Brent Duncan return to Dobbins AirForceBase Marietta GA to request safe haven protection while our very own Commanders of DOD immeditely contacts Biden and Joint Chief of Staff, Interpol, and Press to use same GODs system we successfully delivered to Langley AirForceBase Intelligence Division Sunday Sept 25, 2011 9 pm.
Keith was cyber stalked since Jan 15, 2008 by super Terrorist Robert Dee ROSE and others who had already infiltrated thousands of our Corporate Databases and USA Government databases using the same technology Keith was instrumental in procreating back in year 1976 with Charles M. Link III of
Keith was illegally detained kidnapped by criminal orders of Robert Dee Rose, Sherry Mingle Duncan, Ms. Bashama, Douglas Vernon Duncan by 4 unsigned undated NON-court legalized Temporary Protective Orders of Cobb County TPO 11.1.1171, 11.1.7693 to destroy same New World GODs system of
End result then was use of and automatic face recognition back ground checks through unhackable FOIA.ONE write once, read open public databases that now link to all general ledgers, all stock market trading platforms, all basic wisdom and knowledge information known as AI.
Keith Brent Duncan +1 (770)377-3106 was always GODs #1 messianic messenger of peace making technology and most humble human rights activist keynote mediator of any dispute from nano to GODs eye view prospective.
The simple system below combines all Military and Police groups into 100% peace keeper Investigators, no more $$ war.
Contact all MILITARY, Trump, Putin, Duterte, Kim Jung-un + all World Presidents, CEOs, Press and Public immediately.. Our entire world Stock Market soon collapses by cyber crime terrorist actions, Martial Law declared, and N Korea or ? attacks. This would have been prevented Sept 26, 2011 if Langley Air Force Base had followed up with ONE Military investigator our group debriefed so they would CALL ahead to FBI AG NSA CIA and go with us to Washington D.C.
Same as today as a few very powerful Angel Philanthropists seen on have always exposed HOW to find + convict all criminals with FOIA.ONE We all now have the most extensive ANTI-CRIME = anti-Politics, anti-Corruption anti-Fraud, anti-cybercrime prevention systems on line with mass publicity help of YOU my people. We now are 100% now Free Sovereign Citizens with + other published simple answers starting with ProfitShareHolders.Space to prevent all stock market collapses and restore total control to shareholders and all employees. Our first stop clearly must be USA Embassy, Interpol Lyons France, Washington with military escort. is God Perfected total World Global Free Citizens
Our simple technology methods Identify all criminals real time to prevent them from traveling, banking, or into any congested OCTV monitored area.
Instant auto Face IID confirmation back check of any terrorist criminal anywhere in world.
Oct 18, 2021 Now you GODs People command civilian authority over all our military families as communal cooperative shared resources to deal with local corrupt violators in our local communities.
This destroys the Military Industrial Complex criminals known as Banksters who start and end all wars using our GOD gifted/loaned resources. Protect most humble GOD sent Keith Brent Duncan right now by debriefing us at +1 770-377-2106 International Headquarters clearinghouse of
Keiths own GOD sent engineered data AI systems of forever destroy all named crimianls worldwide with ancient technology of WHO is WHO, WHO owns WHAT, WHO trades WHAT gps self tracekd.
Privacy was never an issue but always used by criminals and terorrists to hide their crime network infiltration of OUR world corporate databases and Government databases so THEY could depopulate GODs world.
NO MORE Wars forever more. SaintKeith is worlds #1 scientist sent BY GOD (our Higher Power) to show our human race quick fast path to eliminate all persons worldwide who violate basic human rights. Most embezzle trillions of Collective pirated assets and and think they are immune from Citizens Arrest and 3-10 day Speedy Trial law of SolutionJudge and SolutionManifesto. We are victims of ROSE and organized crime networks in USA and return as soon AS TRUMP, DOJ, DOD call us to escort us to Testify WITH them on how all these solutions are truly the ONLY pathway to full scale social equality and justice worldwide. All benefit forever. Oct 25, 2021 is the last most deadly DEADLINE to prevent world holocaust occurring right now.
Since Sept 25, 2011 debrief of USA Military Langley Airforce Base = CIA NSA, on SAME turnover of SAME world freedom solutions, then Jan 2014 why has INTERPOL and World Presidents NOT escorted keith brent duncan to Debrief our top Law Enforcement agencies. Jan 8, 2020. I went to debrief Military, FBI, Presidents, Press on SAME only methodology to Share all resources to be free Will Citizens
WAR is the most profitable criminal enterprise since dawn of man. Now that a few named corporate executives control our assets (banks and stock market, they wage war since they also own the news Media and mega commerce (shopping malls and all databases of ALL profits and assets). END of world is easy as the worst sociopaths have old military bunkers(silos), underground mountain havens, and yachts like the Dixie Rose to escape the poison gas, DNA food, nuclear suitcases, even just simple way to crash all stock markets caused by these false GOD Pharaohs to dominate and destroy any capitalist competition. The evidence of cybercrime attacks is easy to use to put ANY criminal on Death Row with minimum need of any Military.
Only by Jan 20, 2020 World Final Peace summit BY all world Presidents and Executives will mankind actually identify WHO are the real terrorists at one time using and the methods we pioneered 1976 below as the most wealthiest of Intellectual Property generator makers inventors human right activists in world history. Includes all the other angel Philanthropists who must participate by donating their research development people resources to complete each of the divined ordained solutions consolidated by BuiltBykeith = is New World system. is the simple common sense answer methodology to prevent ALL wars forever. is Total Global Peace. Obtaining world peace is easy. Each nation trades large numbers of their military + young students between nations. Now any rogue president or congress or ?? terrorist would quickly be eliminated if they proposed attacking any other nation. This simple solution worked centuries ago with exchange of Princess + Princesses. Often inter-marriage was ordained. This is also the Foreign Exchange Student Program.
Our young adults now use to obtain required military training discipline and highest level of education. They now become the new world leaders as corporate executives as well as the few required government leaders who are highly paid consultants based on their merit integrity ratings of FOIA.ONE IID. As of Dec 16, 2019 no one in authority has ever called Keith and escorted his teams to safe haven debriefing of Interpol, DOD, DOJ, and to meet directly with Trump, Congress, Senate and of course the Military Industrial Complex corporate executives to debrief them on their new role using ProfitShareHolders.SPACE.
This is the required New World Global set for legacy FINAL summit Jan 20, 2020 when all world Presidents and CEOs resolve all their political in-fighting and showcase WHO are violating existing laws all at one time.
This is the ONLY Solution Methodology in world history to PROTECT the RIGHTS of ALL OTHERS.
​ (tm)(c) patent FOIA.ONE and CreatorKeith.SPACE eliminates almost all Terrorist attacks by drones, bombs, WMD, and other technology related cyber attacks. TurnOffLights.SPACE is the new standard all electronic devices are universally monitored by one System that is NOT SkyNet of Terminator origin.
War and terrorist attacks are the most PROFITABLE crimes against humanity resulting in self-genocide. Our unique simple data model technology is the artificial intelligence required to STOP and PREVENT all financial crimes at point of initial commission. This eliminates all crime networks with use of VIDEO linked authorizations to ANY transaction including signing of legally binding contracts at any level from Presidents to the day laborers who now all carry free Cell Phones.
All Source Code is checked through FOIA.ONE to ensure our top R&D analysts can evaluate no hidden terrorist purpose.
Any source code NOT verified as blockchain safe for public and even private use is marked for immediate destruction by eVOTE majority. Guilty parties are brought to justice by testimony of their victims and criminals who surrender based on these most common sense solution methodologies. 0 Secrets means crime free society.
Our small group has been exposing HOW criminals infiltrate databases and private homes (Crestron, AMX, and bugged high price electronic and lighting control equipment -LightLogics INC) at SAME time as showing world how to PREVENT.
Weapons of Mass Destruction are Cyber crime attacks against our banks, Stock Markets, Energy Production facilities, and ability to poison our food, water, air, even our DNA. Our Mass Broadcasts have shown new young criminals HOW to infiltrate YOUR privacy since no one has yet to bound to HOST PRESS CONFERENCES to make all these websites be WORLD STANDARD ANTI-CRIME Methodology ALL at ONE TIME. This is why TIME is most critical as a group of Elite Executives want mass depopulation of our Earth so they can reign again as GODs of Egyptian Pharaoh descent. We are focused on ASCENDING to the next highest plane of harmonic balance in the next dimension.
Without widespread publicity, any criminal could adapt our solutions to transfer billions of real $$ in cash, accounts, personal and corporate/military trade secrets to their terrorist cell groups. This happens already post WW2.
We IMMEDIATELY REQUEST CIA, NSA, Interpol and DOD chief of Staff contact us and escort us to safety as we have only one indication regarding ROSE. Process of deductive reasoning and shows that ROSE and other terrorists have been infiltrating almost ALL databases in world for decades. Easy for anyone. Our methods are published to world on how to secure ANY database so it can 'almost' NEVER be hacked. Involves the original Differential Compare method of using Master database as WRITE ONCE, read public. Replicated to other linked databases ONE way. Any database HACKED indicates intrusion since matching databases are not exact. Impossible to delete same data from linked databases at exact same moment in time. With use of VIDEO tied to ANY transaction, each person is blockchain linked to transfer of information including SQL delete commands. We can do this in our sleep from 1976 forward.
If we COULD debrief top world leaders, we WOULD have Sept 26, 2011 forward. With our published methodologies now fundamentally complete our public, Police, Military can easily identify any threatening person or group based on the integrity ranking cluster network system of FOIA.ONE. No more secret investigations can be destroyed with our highly valuable systems that are worth trillions in economic stabilization of all world assets.
Our friend TEM said today Nov 30, 2019 that he would contact CIA directly. We were at Langley AFBase on exact same mission showing the guards for 3 hours all about SolutionRedDot that is part of recent
Our expertise in data communications and remote control technology is legendary based on our credentials itemized on related TurnOffLights.SPACE. It is impossible for us to perfect EVERY single world saving solution and is WHY we have been asking the following top R&D think tank organizations to FIND us for exact same reasons.
Only when our intelligence agencies like AF Intelligence work together can humanity actually ascend to outer space. Recent news events indicate that USA Military has a secret space program which makes perfect sense of orbiting first strike weapons in space for internal earth threats and yes, possible defending our world from ExtraTerrorists (outer world roving intelligence beings). With use of SolutionSafeWater.ORG and secured IOT electronic control over fiber optic network, EMT attacks can be almost neutralized as non effective while Electro Magnetic projectiles and Laser GUNS (solutionRedDot) can be used to defend against asteroids or other apocalypse causing events. Indications are that some objects are so small and fast they are near impossible to detect. Remote control swarm drones shown on GOOGLE Search AutoNomous
and related remote control missile projectile flying platforms are a true reality +10 years ago. I was founder of Remote Control Flyers club in Atlanta GA 2001 era (9-11) and have been the deepest resident expert on microelectronics and software control systems since 1976 forward. Indications are ROSE may be tied to Twin Towers Attack. If I had access to CIA NSA Interpol database analysts, I can finally whiteboard discuss exactly WHAT I know to protect humanity.
This is also WHY DARPA, Interpol, DOD, Angel Philanthropists Elon Musk, Bill Gates, others, + other integrity driven governments MUST escort keith and R&D scientists to safety NOW as of Sept 25, 2011 direct visit to Langley Air Force Base (Intelligence, NSA, CIA) on the exact same technology debriefing. All the aspects of this anti crime methodology are clearly shown to world on these multilevel broadcasts to ensure the safety of humanity.
Our #1 PRIME issue is we can NEVER CONTACT or VISIT the most important agencies. BLOCKED by criminals who are truly guilty of crimes against humanity and those who promote plans of WMD Self-Genocide. FOIA.ONE identifies Who is Who so no one can ever hide again from Justice and Prison.
FOLLOWING Realistic Documentary shows use of existing technology to remote target thousands of citizens based on Social Media tags, GPS locations, and automatic face recognition. This is the dreaded SKYNET of Terminaotr series that is the true reality Self-Genocide that KEITH and a few persons have been broadcasting SOLVING and PREVENTING for now 43 years. Solved forever with combination of ALL the listed solution methods clearing house of including: is the prime answer to eliminate any terrorist groups. Target R&D scientists/youth/world leaders. 3 grams of High explosive AI drone. is the required social justice and peace equality = SolutionPeace.
One World combined Military is total Global peace for the common sense reason that the free will citizens decide best use of our military officials and warriors by converting all the war machines to Peace Keeping tools. No one group can ever control military again.
1. First step is cross training Military, all police, and public use.
2. All young people age 18 now enter 1.5 years military service or 2 years to learn discipline and teamwork while starting College studies at same time. The Foreign Exchange Student Program is young adults working with other national adults, R&D scientist experts in Military camps to break down the centuries of cultural walls built by the 'stupid' religious zealots (many are terrorists) and the few elite including BANKER + MOBSTER = Bankster families, who wage wars for the criminal profits that occur. Youth now find mentors of all ages to start their own small business enterprises using original Even 'saved' crooks + criminals can use our system to redeem others.
3. All Nuclear existing material and technology is now converted to peaceful use. The mining industry and others now focus on TurnOffLights.SPACE, SolutionSafeWater.ORG, and using natural resources to rebuild our ecology system with use of our Military trained engineers. This includes architecture and design engineering for space travel technology as we are also authors of ProfitShareHolders.SPACE, IntlMerchants.SPACE, (soon the alpha omega .SPACE)
4. Financing is direct funds from CreatorKeith.SPACE then the free world citizens use their economic power to request 1% or more from any person who claims greater than $1 million USD net wealth to contribute. If they refuse, their integrity rating of IID is deducted 10%. If they agree, Integrity rating goes up 10%.
Psalm 91:1-2 "He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress; My God, in Him I will trust.”
CLICK: Put Computing Power, Video, VoiceRecognition in front of your eyes to be your own mobile computing platform. Better than Microsoft Glasses HOLOlens2 @
The most simple solution is standard Smart Phones attached to Military, Police Helmets (citizens also), with live real time streaming OCTV back to the prime monitoring station. Now any action is recorded for public and court to see exactly what occurred. With automatic face recognition, any person who is wanted or poses a threat to the observer is quickly arrested and put in jail immediately. The people use EVOTE.ONE to decide the innocence or guilt based on ONLY the criminals actions and threat levels. We demonstrated this ONE method at CEOSPACE.NET Oct 1, 2011 the same day ROSE was plotting the Murder for Hire Conspiracies with criminals including Cobb County GA DA berry vic Reynolds, Cherokee County CID Matt Pettepher and appears to be linked THEN with AG Sally Q Yates based on the single recorded phone call I made to USA Marshall Tom Shell who confessed ROSE was a criminal and someone in USA GOV would call me back in a few years...... All indicted themselves by voice recordings and video recordings of original Closed Circuit TV at marietta PD Feb 8, 2011 10am. We have the most irrefutable chain of evidence ever recorded by a single Anti-Crime expert = keith.
The Benefits are Trillions of real education $$$ transferred to our young adult as our new world leaders.
With automatic face recognition use of FOIA.ONE over free world Wifi, no person with a criminal history or illegal intent can enter any secured area including any point of transportation, bank, public building, or escape to other nations. Keith delivered this to Langley Air Force Base Sept 25, 2011 and has been criminally blocked by ROSE + unknown terrorists from completing that one single delivery to Interpol, CIA, NSA, HLS, DEA, DARPA, and other world law enforcement agencies. The benefits is that now anyone can auto identify a wanted person and immediately collect the reward bounty on their head thereby preventing the suspect (criminal) from committing more crimes. Any person can become an instant millionaire since every interaction recorded on Open Circuit TV. Even our young adults (99% male) will STOP wasting billions of man hours playing those idiot Search and Destroy Video games.
Our youngest technical adult scientist engineers now use their skills to monitor the infrastructure capacity management Our all digital electric society as our completed robotic driven factories now produce the next levels of consumer products and electronic technology for the next ascension to outer space that is the focus of many observers like Corey Goode and Alex Collier.
Keith and many other scientists are the pioneers of micro electronics and DRONE technology. is Solution FINAL, the exact reverse of Adolf Hitlers Final Solution.
Keiths Master Playlist Original ISEEStand 2009 to March 14, 2014
Nov 29, 2019 Black friday spin off of

FOLLOWING Realistic Documentary shows use of existing technology to remote target thousands of citizens based on Social Media tags, GPS locations, and automatic face recognition. This is the dreaded SKYNET of Terminaotr series that is the true reality Self-Genocide that KEITH and a few persons have been broadcasting SOLVING and PREVENTING for now 43 years. Solved forever with combination of ALL the listed solution methods including
 Target R&D scientists/youth. 3 grams of High explosive AI drone.

At the root of these video game gambling conspiracies are elites who hire cyber hackers as con-artist bankers who incite and entice our youngest to Pay to Play with promises of WIN BIG only if you bet your skill versus luck. Most outrageous gambling industry is computer generated orse races. HOW criminally STUPID of people to play against any computer program that always wins in short and long run. The new online gambling vice industry includes 10,000s of recently observed Chinese young males in Manila at Teleperformance Bld next to Manila SMX MOA recently.
The Gambling Industry is a CRIME enterprise that leads to drugs, prostitution, murder, rape, and general chaos.
Keith had pending contract with GSA-USAGOV for CreatorKeith.Space products that would have generated well over $500 Million USD profits in sales to world Military, all schools, and government offices. There is the real and punitive damages we have claimed from spring 2012 to present moment and WHY INTERPOL and DOD must escort us immediately to safety as we have asked for more than 7 years now.
The current WMD Weapons of Mass Destruction are the paper chase secret conspiracies conducted by a few Corporate Executives known as the 'Criminal ruling Elite' who murder and persecute our most righteous Research and Development scientist warriors who fearlessly protect the rights of all others as the only answer to teach humanity how to ensure the integrity enforcement of the most basic human rights seen on and enforced by all elected system of both Government and Corporate leaders who work for the people, not their family dynasties. Clearly KEITH supports all Law Enforcement.
The four basic components of our Military are Command, Communication, Control, and Care.
1. Command: The first required step is use of to teach all communities how to protect their own community properties with simple use of psychology, centralized call-out list of residents and visitors, and use of free internet communications so everyone in world knows WHO is WHO of open public database FOIA.ONE deployed at local level and then combined at Interpol International level.
2. Communication: The second required action is use of cell phones by all military and police at all levels. With automatic face recognition and use of photos and video, anyone committing a crime or investigated now goes on public display in FOIA.ONE to ensure that justice is served immediately without ability for a wealthy person to intimate key witnesses and walk free because they extort our judges and pay off the liar-lawyers.
3. Control: is the basis for our new judicial system deals with violators at community level by elected officials of the court. This simple method of fairness ensures that false witness and hearsay is punished when the evidence indicates to eVoteing public that a person is not telling the truth by inability to present irrefutable testimony and supporting video, photos, certified and supporting documents.
4. Care: When local community officials at government and corporate level refuse to be internally investigated, our military investigators are dispatched as a last resort to obtain the required evidence and testimony.
5. Because of the integrity design of our new military forces, no President, Congress, or rogue group can ever use military force to wage war on any other culture or faction ever again.
6. Any violations by a military personnel including top generals are taken to military open public court. If the court decides this is a civil violation, the person is taken to court at community level.
7. The International Court of Justice in Hague now focuses on Wide spread Human Right Violations.
The Best use of our old weapons of war is now Peace Keeping instruments of Social Equality and Peace.
Nuclear Aircraft carriers and support ships now are portable gigawatt power plants and hospital ships to evacuate in case of plague, natural disasters or even massive terrorist attacks on our mega coastal cities and refineries. All Military surveillance systems now work together sharing intelligence with the public on world events. No secrets means no wars can be waged by anyone as no nuclear buttons are needed again. We now build safe remote nuclear plants.
Keith and a few are the key Spokespersons sent by key person benefactors to mediate all. if we are murdered from now on, our system of World Peace will quickly find all criminals responsible with Military use of Open Circuit TV eDevices using and We fear no one. the criminals fear everyone once they see their own evidence exposed to public so anyone can claim bounty on their heads.
Contact MILITARY, Duterte, Trump, Putin today. We would if we could 2011 forward and have as actively as possible. The Stock Market soon collapses by cyber crime terrorist actions, Martial Law declared, and N Korea or ? attacks. This would have been prevented Sept 26, 2011 if Langley Air Force Base had followed up with ONE Military investigator our group debriefed so they would CALL ahead to FBI AG and go with us. Same is 100% true today Nov 20, 2019 as a few very powerful Angel Philanthropists seen on have always exposed HOW to find + convict all criminals with FOIA.ONE. We all now have the most extensive ANTI-CRIME = anti-Politics, anti-Corruption anti-Fraud, anti-cybercrime prevention systems on line with mass publicity help of YOU my people. We now are 100% now Free Sovereign Citizens with + other published simple answers starting with ProfitShareHolders.Space the prevents all stock market collapses and restores total control to shareholders and all employees. Our first stop clearly must be USA Embassy, Interpol Lyons France, Washington with military escort.
Now we HOST 1 Intl Press Summit with everyone to create 1 world free citizen society set for Jan 20, 2020
This would have occurred 1957, but criminals refused. We were born 1-01950815-1(100) to learn how to teach all new Leaders they are only highly paid consultants using free Internet and free education as Foreign Exchange student=adult Correspondent Broadcasters. For this is our real 100% integrity mission for everyone.
Command + Dispatch Military DOJ, and World leaders to FIND KEITHs teams now to PROTECT our lives and IP assets worth true TRILLIONS of USD that no GOV or Corp has yet used. The System below totally replaces the roles of all Police and Military worldwide as ONE required peace keeping investigation force.
We requested Political Asylum Safe Haven from CIA, NSA, Military Sept 25, 2011 Langley AFB to now. or FOIA IID: 001-19580815-1
The world can see that AG sally Q Yates and Robert Dee Rose are directly linked together by criminally issued Norfolk VA 4:11cr112. She signed Dec 13, 2011 without asking anyone about #11.1.1171.99 or anyone calling Keith for now 9 years. No one does any required follow-up call backs for series of crimes being committed by very powerful USA citizens. This is the most profitable Landmark Class action lawsuit Miscarriage Justice in world history caused by ONE terrorist. This system requires debriefing of Keith by Military, Trump, DOD, DOJ, Press conferences in any order.

Our Team is the #1 standard for all communiities and Military to manage all of their own affairs with almost no federal regulations or oversight needed. The one world wide military force monitors for corruption at all levels when communities fail to identify and deal with the criminals in their own jurisdiction. No one escapes justice since and under ensure full compliance of all citizens to basic integrity, justice, equality, and trust.
Our partner teams are YOU, my beloved and collective +7.376 Billion People. China, India, USA, Indonesia are 3.269 Billion persons = 44.4 % of world population. Most governments have de-evolved into paper chase nightmares of wasting your tax dollars to ensure political criminals prosper and thrive by controlling man-made laws, bidded contracts, legal and financial policies, as well as dictating to police and military who is to be enslaved to enrich their own families and corporations.
These are the most obvious multiple reasons why Robert Dee Rose (DOB 1971-April-01) continues to be the #1 Atlanta Georgia based Terrorrist along with his +100 conspirators to overthrow government agencies by controlling and manipulating your financial, legal, cultural, and even spiritual lives with regulations that are so complex, no one reads any of the fine print in black and white. ROSE extorted all these people to create the worse paper chase conspiracy to try to convince everyone that I sent him that ONE linkedIn email. I almost died in Jail many times since no one can convict anyone when all evidence has always pointed at ROSE. Rose almost succeeded in having B.O.P. murder Keith for two years. Ask any Federal Judge and Special Prosecutor to start signing all the arrest warrants and Grand Jury indictments now as I have been actively contacting everyone in the world this entire time. Really hard to do with so many blinded fools.
It has always been easy to see that I asked for entry into Federal Witness Protection Program through Atlanta USAG Sally Yates office logged visits in Nov 2010 and again Sept 2011. The USA military own sworn evidence per criminal conspiracy-coverup 4:11cr112 implicates ROSE and all others on the true nature of what I successfully delivered on my 17" MacBook Pro and CD-ROMS to Military after IRS, FBI, USMarshal, AG offices were personally visited, emailed, phoned, FAXED, and contacted through every available ways and means, for now +7.77 years.
Clearly I have been esculating to everyone this entire time asking for Press Conference interviews so i can ask key high powered officials about their own crimes and get their recorded testimony for the Military and world to see, believe and act on what I have gifted to our world in the form of Acts of Wisdom detailed on the right hand panel.
I am due over $400 Million USD in real and punitive damages from everyone involved, including the famous IRS Whistleblower Feb 2009-658 ($8 Million USD), Forsyth County GA Judgment 08SC-1345 Oct 2010 -$200,000 USD + all legal costs, > $400 Million in SF-95 Federal Torts Claim Act and personal/business claims for actual damages to my evaluated business entities of and that were fully established and production supply chain ready in fall of 2011.
Who calls their leadership now as I wait for the first honest person, first Federal Judge, first Special Prosecutor, first criminal investigator, and especially the USA Military to contact Keith Duncan, ask any question at all, and then come find me to protect my IP Rights, my assets, and my life from all criminals who are soon man hunting ROSE.
For ROSE is the actual cause of their own numbered days. I am indeed the Messanic Messenger who was put through HELL-JAIL Oct 3, 2011 through Jan 28, 2014 and subsequently denied each and every one of my Constitutional, legal, financial, cultural, and spiritual rights to teach our mutual world how to Love and Care for each other to avoid the impending collapse of almost all governments so the Criminal Ruling Elite can feast on your assets and even your lives as they will enslave everyone who does not conform to their tryanny policies. Each of you will have lost your original free will choice to be FREE, HAPPY, and to pursue your passions in life by ensuring Justice and Equality are served at all levels of society.
Is it is not clear I have always humblly served our own one mutual Creator and humanity by leading our people with these Acts of Wisdom that have evolved since the dawn of Mankind. The Crimes against Humanity are shown on bottom of with non-political requests, demands, and commands for our leadership to actually do their taxpayer funded jobs and STOP taking any graft and payoffs from the underground criminal networks. This is easy to see by tracing the flow of money and value of their assets that they can not prove were legally acquired. For Criminals never pay taxes on assets they have illegally acquired and drained from their victims, do they.....
Join and form your own as fast as feasible before the Criminal Ruling Elite decide you are their meat. Services
My name is Keith Duncan from Atlanta Georgia. I have become the #1 world expert on teaching the world how to prevent corruption and almost all crimes in the first place. Anyone can contact myself directly, including all Government officials, Churches, Public, and especially Journalists. With Face Recognition, unique International ID and rotating PIN # from,
all criminals will be shunned by all citizens and institutes since their past crimes will be public knowledge with one degree of separation through Interpol No visa or passports will be needed as everyone freely travels anywhere to live and conduct business as a trusted international Citizen of world Order Government. All governments and corrupt companies will collapse when they are seen by entire public as the Criminal Ruling Elite Cabals that everyone knows exist and have never been able to identify and convict as criminals.
As of Dec 9, 2015, I detected I am being cyberattacked again by ROSE + to find my location. describes Cyber Crimes.
Rose has committed perfect felony crimes to seize assets from USA government, clients, banks, traders, etc. Rose has built layers of criminal documents to ensure he survives any detection and subsequent convictions to Death Row. By his own actions, the world will manHunt him and all other criminals down using face recognition and their own transparency criminal evidence I show the world.
Everyone call FBI Atlanta is (404)679-9000, AG ATL is (404)581-6000 and Washington DC as I have and COMMAND them to contact USA Military since they actively block all the criminals testimony and have blacklisted Keith from building entry to re-deliver the worlds first ANTI-crime methods. So I blacklisted all of them to show the public what is true reality of world. Read and take ACTION now.
I was indeed kidnapped Oct 3, 2011 after I was invited to debrief USAirForce Langley Intelligence Division on Sept 25, 2011 by USREP Buddy Dardin (Georgia). I successfully delivered physical data evidence of crimes of to Military officials that evening as well as the worlds first Anti-Crime, Anti-Terrorist, Anti-Political Corruption, Anti-Cybercrime comprehensive prevention from #1 sage consulting expert in telephony communications, banking, security systems, embedded process controllers, criminology, and financial systems working for all governments, military, churches, + public.
CLICK: 37DocList for USA Military to retrieve NOW !
Rose ordered my kidnapping Sept 26, 2011 morning as I waited for re-admission through OSI Capt Christoper Weber call I made at 9 a.m. cell records (770)289-3050 showing I direct contacted and visited IRS-FBI-AG-USMarhals for months. After +35 years as the Prime Consultant for tellicommunications giants, major banking institutes, IBM, and variety of entrepreneur firms, I delivered the most comprehensive anti-Political/Public Corruption processes and methods along with submitted By-Pass Laws to reform all of the USA government by asking for USA Military Protection of my Intellectual Property, assets, and life. Each Judge, DA, DAG, Lawyer, Police involved by their own signtures on certified court documents go to PRISON.
The IRS, FBI, AG, USMarshals, GBI, Press, public, +10 law firms, and all my churches were fully aware I had esculated to everyone by summer of 2011. The rest of this #1 world's greatest true stories are broadcast published for +7.777 years as gifts to all of mankind. The database repository and along with all other specific solutions all teach our collective world how to LOVE and CARE for each other by holding ourselves and all others accountable for their actions and behaviours with immediate consequences for dishonesty.
Any grade school student can see and understand that I am teaching them and our world how to be honest, trustworthy, responsible, and to prepare them to assume leadership when the true criminals are shunned by society at their own expense to live in the abandoned slums of the world as the public monitors them with and other off shelf technology I gifted to our world years ago. We all merge back into one degree of separation with gifted to Interpol, Press, and public on Jan 7, 2015.
Simply apply the principals of integrity with and you will prosper and grow in faith and grace with the trust of all you encounter in life
Read all I have gifted on these broadcasts and direct communications with our world as thousands of emails and broadcast 'White Paper Dissertations' exist in the domain of GOD's dominion of the internt. Everyone contact everyone with focus on commanding USA Government stop actively preventing the investigations and convictions of so many high powered USA Government officials tied directly to terrorists such as ROSE.
Read and download Prime Consulting services as I have been offerring my entire suite of Solution providing prime services to all governments, military, corporations, churches, businesses and non-profits for now +7.77 years. Clearly, I was born Aug 15, 1958 with the destiny to complete what was started by majority of our earthly fore-founders and religious prophets with emphasis on Christ Jesus's teachings after HE accepted the Holy Spirit at the age of 29 years old. Year 1989 was when I moved to Charotte NC and journeyed on my own Walk to Emmaus with St Stephens Methodist church, then Birmingham AL, then as ordained Deacon with Norcross GA Peachtree Corners Baptist Church 1996 to 2011. Then Marietta First Baptist Church after I was robbed by ROSE and Ms. Bashama multiple times per 4 times forged Marietta P.D. larceny report 1.11.2506.99 conspiracy to threaten my life because I had accomulated the worlds first ANTI-CRIME and ANTI-CORRUPTION methods to gift all of mankind.
The worse crimes are any government agents who hide from public view of in order to coverup and conspire with criminal treason and espionage agents of destruction such as Robert Dee Rose (wife Amy) and his consortium of signed testimony conspirators like Cobb County DA Berry Vic Reynolds, and Federal Judge Thurman Jackson (Norfolk), and all others involved in the most profitable crime sequence in world history.
Each and every court document and submitted evidence such as the 37 documents shown on and put ROSE and many others on DEATH ROW by their own pre-signed testimony confessions of the Crimes against humanity they commit every day.
News & Publications
2011 July 11. CreatorKeith Duncan
The ONE dismissed TPO 11.1.1171.99 July 15, 2011 showing ROSE and Atlanta AG Sally Yates (now Deputy Attorney General) in conspiracies and coverups with each Judge, Lawyer, AUSAG Dee Sterling, and almost all others to PREVENT Military Intervention. This was the PRIME reason I was invited to go to Langley Sept 2011.
Works and Acts of Wisdom are all the re-broadcast publications of Video, Audio, White Master Paper Dissertations that change our world, one relationship at a time in all respects and honor to our own one Mutual Creator and society.
Update Nov 20, 2019 today we contacted INTERPOL again. Sent this exact reason why we MUST go to Lyons now.
We are victims of Robert Dee Rose. We always had evidence of his infiltration of USA gov and corp databases. We have no clue if Interpol has been infiltrated. PLEASE call keith in Manila. and CALL Interpol Chief at Manila to arrange personal USA or Philippine Military escort to bring us to Lyons France to debrief TOP officials on use of FOIA.ONE that is the worlds LAST all wanted criminal investigation database. We have no idea WHY this has not occurred since our R&D scientists are being murdered and disappear for past +10 years who have done the base work to identify all who are honest versus those who conduct cyber crime terrorist attacks based on data modeling analysis of world markets. Please call for remote even VIDEO conference call: Skype BuiltByKeith2 we can even use TOR to prevent IP interception. Our 100% referential integrity credentials were destroyed by ROSE and very powerful USA citizens Oct 3, 2011 to present day. We have ALL the evidence of massive crime networks in USA and have yet to find a SINGLE law firm or Criminal investigator who sees who we are and what we have done to legally REPLACE all corrupt individuals at GOV and Corp level including how to rid our world of dictators (n. Korea, some in Africa and Asia), South America, who truly threaten International security. Please call us ASAP. Keith Duncan
Nov 9, 2019. Since we formally required Political Asylum safe haven from Military Sept 25 2011, clear evidence that ROSE alone cyber tracked us for years. We require INTERPOL to fly us to Lyons France as we DID fax them 45 time Jan 15, 2015 for about one year. NEVER heard back on how we teach all world law enforcement agencies to SHARE all data in World famous singular FOIA.ONE open public database Military are PEACEKEEPERS and are the true last resort when local communities enlist their help to investigate corrupt individuals who violate laws and control the local economy by force and legal financial criminal methods.
Most recent call offer today was from local Interpol Chief for new CHIEF of INTERPOL to personally dispatch escort as we did request so many times. most respectfully submitted to world as the TRUE evidence of WHO we are.
By combining all nation military into one world Peace Keeping force as criminal investigators, the benefits are World Global peace. No more can any President, Terrorist, or Congress wage any $$ or civil wars. Each military, police officers, and public now use simple community watch system to auto-face recognize and deny access to anyone who has IID FOIA.ONE integrity rating below +50. Anyone with rating below 0 has a wanted bounty reward on their heads like Robert Dee Rose = and is turned over to local Police and for immediate OCTV trial as local community watches and eVOTES guilty, need more evidence (delay) or innocent by local and/or remote real time eVote. Anyone can be an instant millionaire by asking WHO are YOU, and confirming over free internet match on the last open public database FOIA.ONE that is transition merged from Interpol, FBI, NBI, CIA, NSA, HLS, DEA, other national databases so humanity now sees all criminal investigations that can never be forged or deleted by cyber criminals or political DOJ criminals. This alone also creates World Global Peace that would have been reality decades ago if the real crime networks had been exposed by our R&D scientists like humble Keith.
11 Years ago in 2008, our very wealthy angel philanthropists were completing simple answer solution sets for humanity to solve each and every issue known to man. Once Political Corruption is prevented with EVOTE.ONE #3, turnOffLights are the true final solutions to unify world with sustainable total with self direct funding of SPENDERS, never investors who are often hidden in Corp structures of crime known as Banksters, Real Estate Moguls, Stock Market BROKERS, and underground terrorist dark net groups starting with Robert Dee Rose with $50 Million USD bounty on his head, more on others. For they collectively control all data and infrastructure and prey on those who refuse to stand up for their own basic Human Bill of Rights.
Just recently we asked CIA, USA embassy Sung Kim through multiple back door sources to contact TRUMP including Ms. Heather Fabrikat at (632) 301-2504, 0918-948-6456 from OCT 3, 2019 forward. We still have DEAD SILENCE for 11 years now because ROSE and other terrorists are actively destroying all submitted evidence.
Easy for world to see exactly WHO we have always been and why we are the #1 anti crime top R&D Scientists, engineers, keynote speakers, + Human rights technology Crusaders who are being cyber tracked and murdered for our efforts to teach all law enforcement and Military simple solutions to create Global World Peace. We contacted CIA directly over TOR Oct 6, 2019 asking them to contact and find us to fly us to Lyons France Interpol to showcase FOIA.ONE that truly eliminates so many civil corrupt judges and lawyers. We delivered all the time other single common sense methods that truly eliminate all crime networks. We have already contacted so many Presidents, Congress, Senate, Press, and base almost every single prime Gov and Corporate entity we were led by GOD and others to personally visit and contact. We need not broadcast directly much more as we even notified World Leaders summer of 2011 and even today on WHY we are threatened by some very named USA GOV officials who do everything to avoid Death ROW and prison.
WHO DO YOU KNOW to dispatch Military, FBI, Interpol, NBI, AFP, PNP, even CIA to come escort us to meet world leaders...
Of course we delivered the most advanced research and technology components to Military, NSA, CIA on Sept 25, 2011. We will be paid for it is clearly worth trillions to all other nations who invite us to speak to their top Commanders and Intelligence Officers. Those are the people we asked to meet as subcontractor guards and even OSI officers like Christopher Weber have NO clue about any technlogy at all. WHEN are we now picked up and escorted to the NEXT greatest places of need. We may go back Medical Missions Oct 7, 2019 and be offline for a few days. We can't tell WHO is monitoring our daily transmissions but clearly CIA and NSA have the right technology.
Last Sept 16, 2019 summary: Now all Military, police, interpol, any law enforcement officials become millionaires by automatic face recognition over Free Wifi to both Public + their commanders of WHO is WHO and WHO is wanted by collective victims shown to world by FOIA.ONE humanities all digital society database that records history real time. No more crime networks ever again as criminals are forced to surrender or be man hunted down by or other criminals who lay claim to trillions of real $$ transferred back to 1%, rest to you new communities. This would have occurred pre Sept 25, 2011 debrief at Langley AirForce base VA that is the reason for why was never put on Death ROW for his crimes against humanity that are easy to see and command our World Governments, Military, and people manhunt him down for $10Million USD legally granted bounty reward... Simple use of existing technology would have achieved crime free society decades ago. For just a few super criminals, specific ID's Politicians, and known spotlighted Corporate Executives profit by extorting top officials to destroy their own cyber crime evidence...... = SOLUTIONPEACE.COM
We are the GOD sent Humanitarians who MUST be protected at all costs while crime networks are clean swept into HELL-JAIL and Death Row all by Intl ID FOIA.ONE single unique Auto BackGround check country - DOB - Unique# + Integrity Rating = +100 Perfect Honest, 0=Ghost criminal (privacy demanded by them now shunned by all), down to -99 Death Row all by collective public ratings.
ALL these are the true reasons WHY I asked for SAFE HAVEN Sept 25, 2019 and WHY I asked to be escorted BY TOP Military Officials to Washington to HOST PRESS Conferences and expose EACH criminal Inside and Outside our very own world governments and all mega corporations = World Peace.
To Train our military to be ONE single military as the ultimate Peace Keeper Warriors. That was always their divined true purpose. We just contacted again in Israel (Paul Tolintino knows as his cousin is country manager), and asked for them to protect our teams by seizing the most ruthless sociopath terrorist in world history as THEY can claim the now $10 Million USD bounty Dead or Alive does not matter. While all military are also investigated to clean out their ranks of those who commit crimes against humanity. No better force than private or Military anti-terrorist teams who openly expose all crime networks using the technology we were instrumental in creating starting 1976 N.C.S.U. historical legacy perfected databases and extreme data communications secure channels the advent of current All digital IOT free society we were instrumental in creating is always part of four part new world society of total Checks and Balances that are self regulated by majority vote of our people who decide NEXT best project that benefits others + them.
We now all help transition all 'saved' criminals to be productive monitored citizens worldwide.
Aug 26, 2019. Everyone CONTACT INTERPOL and request they fly our top teams to Lyons France as we direct requested Jan 15, 2015 to present..... Only requirement to Military FBI AG this entire time as individuals commit crimes, never government institutions... as use of autoFace Recognition empowers world to see WHO is WHO and WHO owns what = FOIA.ONE
Nothing left to ADD or DELETE as our final solutions were broadcast +10 years ago. most humble Keith.
No President, Rogue Congress, or political terrorist can ever wage war for any reason. is the ONLY new world answer solution with FOIA.ONE (Freedom Open Information Action) database Library of World Congress that prevents ALL wars caused by any reason. ALL MILITARY now work as one world agency that eliminates any President or Congress from declaring war or conducting human right violations against other nations. The series of universal new standards below + is revolutionary peaceful replacement of all known forms of government and corporations by removing all power from crime networks and family run dynasty monopolies by returning full ownership and control to our 7.7 Billion people at local community levels.
#1 most critical is for all World Leaders and Military to host Press conferences to announce end of all Military wars and aggression by rouge nations and terrorists. These systems eliminate all politics from the people's 100% decision making new system.
Everyone now reports all crimes through one FOIA.ONE universal database. All Military, Police, Citizens use automatic face recognition to fast path identify who are wanted criminals. They (or you any citizen) easily collect the bounty reward on the heads of Robert Dee ROSE and any criminal identified by their victims who fund the 'finders fee'. The crime assets are seized: paid back to each reporting victim, 1% goes to #1 anti Crime Evangelist Crusade Ministries, the balance goes to pay for SolutionHousing.ORG and other single humanitarian answer methods shown on historical Matrix.
Last world requirement is mandatory Military boot-camp service for all 18 year olds for period 1 year. No wealthy family is exempted. Alternate is 1.5 years of community service in poverty stricken regions using CEOSPACE.NET. Disciplinary team work education and physical emotional conditioning training solves part of world issues. If a 18 year tests positive for drugs or has previous convictions for drug use, their military service is period of 2 years. Makes perfect common sense.
#1 MOST CRITICAL is formation of our new ONE single Military Force.
By command order eVOTE.ONE of majority of citizens in each nation, all integrity driven military join and work together sharing all knowledge and anti-crime databases and methodology. Any nation refusing to join is shunned and isolated by all other nations. NO ONE person or government or Military group can EVER dominate over others ever again. This is the most monumental legacy heritage I have personally broadcast published to humanity as I work full-time for mankind and our one mutual Creator. is the only answer set of universal law commandments to enforce integrity by protecting the rights of each new world citizen with free trade, travel, trust the heart of open public business transactions ensuring no crime can go unpunished immediately.
All Law enforcement now works hand in hand with Military and all citizens to investigate all crimes in record time with Wars originate always by Political Corruption and cultural warfare by crime profiteering networks who reap billions $$ assets by infiltrating our databases and covering up all crime history timeline chains of evidence. The most crime profit in Apocalypse history is + Cyber Crime political World War 3 occurring now. World War 4 is the destruction of life by the Criminal Ruling Elite. This occurs once the critical mass of criminals fully take over control of our infrastructure and declare terrorist attacks to initiate Martial Law.
EXCEPT: Once one Police + Military are combined + organized under control of our people, all military war machines are converted to 100% full time Peace Keepers. All pure Nuclear and destruction machines are obsoleted forever as the criminal bank-sters, war defense politicians, and underground secret government crime infrastructures are eliminated forever.
Aug 26,2019 last update (from before) ### World War Broadcast Bulletin... As previously delivered to MILITARY, World Leaders, Press, Public, literally all on-World, the answer is for all our young adults to be trained in the art of WAR as the ultimate peacekeepers to protect our families from Martial Law and maybe even E.T. raiders rumored to be watching our world to see if we are truly Peace Keepers or Warriors, or Really MUST BE BOTH. 1.5 years of All Military training teaches our young warriors to be disciplined, FREE education to any level, and THEY become our new world leaders to free our forsaken world of all corruption and crime.
March 20, 2018. is Skype: BuiltBykeith2 for World conference calls.
just called Dr. Tom McPeak atlanta gA 770 757-3021 as HE is professor of economics who was also on my BOD. have Mark and Tom conference call with each other and direct to my SKYPE: BuiltBykeith2. that is all. finished..
call direct Bob Circosta 727 572-8855. ask my partners to claim the 90% of first 1 B-B-Billion USD in pure profits that result FROM ‘eVOTE ONE’ . have them play the videos on SolutionManifesto COM as my people DECIDE who are their leaders at all levels and HOW their shares of stock GROW as they control and manage all major expenses and decisions of THEIR companies, not the most corrupt corporate executives who conduct insider SEC violations and can never be jailed because they already BOUGHT these judges, politicians, police and even Federal officials of the court...
I called Bob's direct cell above. spoke with his assistant asking BOB to ask Berny to put SolutionManifesto COM to ALL my CEOSPACE members, focusing on Platinum members. All will be SHOCKED that no one has ever done the required follow-up and GOING PUBLIC to command our Government do what was always required. SEIZE ROSE and his assets with Military and all available forces including CIA, HLS, DEA, State Dept, Chief Of Staff and focusing 100% on World Press Conferences to empower our people to CONTROL and MANAGE all 100% decision based society run BY, FOR< and OF our world. so so so easy for anyone to do this simple followup....
CEOSPACE cynthia Pope is from Atlanta at 678-488-5080, Attn Jason Webb 801 828-6243, Jim Wilkinson is famous Platitinum and fellow inventor at 303 495-2998, 303 549-1401 cell, FOCUS also on John Leslie Brown, son of Les Brown at 305-495-5555 , Maria Speth attorney CEOSPACE instructor 602-248-1089 as I asked HER Oct 2, 2011 to provide me ride to IRS WB Feb 2009 case 658 to debrief IRS, FBI, and MILITARY. KATHY BEE HAMPTON 562-259-7252 provided me home for 1 week and knows all about my travels and 2004 Toyota Sequio stranded (stolen) in Phoenix Arizonia by Dennis Graham (nephew of late Rev Billy Graham) . LIST goes on and on. All members of new database as you deliver ABOVE SolutionManifesto COM message above to world as FINAL only answer to unify mankind.... one agreement between all my people....
#### end of EMBEDDED most common sense Broadcast.
Aug 26, 2019 very last world broadcast. ###
Applies TODAY as well as back then.... as top CRIMINAL ELEMENTS(souless Luciferian creatures) have already been identified who never want my public fellow citizens to see the true reality of INTERNAL WAR caused BY the Criminal Ruling Elite who have already created and deployed plans to DEPOPULATE most of humanity. this is ROBERT DEE ROSE always easy for public, Military, churches, Interpol ***, to seize and oput on death row. As Keith Duncan has already CLAIMED all assets of ROSE since NO ONE in ANY law enforcement has ever investigated or Seized the most dangerous single man in world history. SO WE DID,COMMANDED his ARREST Nov 2010 after being stalked, almost to our death. He is indeed heavily fortified, armed with armed trained security guards and extremely dangerous. Reports state he has a private submarine and multiple mega Yachts to flee to Internatioal Seas where he falsely thinks he will never be found. FIND his CHILDREN Gabriell, Hunter, and ? as I directed USMarshal Tom Shell (atlanta) Nov 2012 (Blue Sheet), and that will force him to surrender Amy Rose and himself. I retain ALL their contact numbers and last known location = Terrorist command center.
ALL these are the true reasons WHY I asked for SAFE HAVEN Sept 25, 2019 and WHY I asked to be escorted BY TOP Military Officials to Washington to HOST PRESS Conferences and expose EACH criminal Inside and Outside our very own world governments.
All Police and Military work as integrated worldwide teams to investigate and SOLVE crimes in record time by using the FOIA.ONE database crime evidence show to world by each collective victim who put bounties on the heads of their crime adversaries. Automatic Face Recognition on all smartphones and open circuit TV works through FOIA.ONE. All military and police now use one standard training methods worldwide modeled after Philippine National Police (PNP and AFP) so pockets of political corruption are eliminated with the original unique International unique Identification system of = original delivered in person to Langley AFB Sept 25, 2011 that has yet to be deployed.
Contact all World Leaders, DOJ, Interpol, PRESS, DOD Joint Chiefs of staff NOW. Put OSI Capt Chris Weber USA +1 (757)764-5087 x5091 on witness stand to describe WHY I enlisted Congress + Military to investigate FBI, AG, IRS connections to super criminal Robert Dee Rose DOB 1971-April-01 still hiding Paradise Island at with a $2 Million USD Bounty on his head from IRS Whistle Blower Feb 2009, case 658 Vivian Hoard Law firm in Atlanta GA who are also 100% guilty of massive criminal obstruction of justice solved by showcases HOW to eliminate ALL CRIME networks at ONE time BY, FOR, and OF the eVOTE.ONE public posting of all crime evidence. Anyone can claim the bounty rewards using auto-face recognition Open Circuit TV + any hand held eDevice. All Criminals cringe with absolute HORROR their crime 'privacy' exposure prevents them from ever committing any crime and escaping justice by blackmail extortion of our very own law enforcement agents. This is prime keystone of total social Peace and Justice reform.
Congressional Investigations have been demanded since fall 2011 to reveal who is violating Constitutional Laws and rights. I return to debrief top Philippine officials and world leaders NOW, just like I did spring 2008 regarding ROSE as #1 most wanted terrorist in world history. My teams will now be world renown as #1 International hero anti-crime, anti-politics, anti cyber crime #1 world expert Keynote Speaker World leader consultant team advisors. Everyone joins our #1 reform unification teams using as the basis for total peace revolution.
Jan 22, 2019 MOST CRITICAL debrief is next week Jan 27? with PNP Interpol Chief Jesse Dela Cruz. Their training center is Batangas 2 hours south of Manila. INTERPOL was direct contacted 45 times Jan 7 2014 forward on HOW to use FOIA.ONE to revolutionize all law enforcement agencies worldwide by 100% Coordinated access of WHO is WHO, who is man hunted, and who is under crime investigations. With auto face recognition, no wanted criminal or network can EVER HIDE or Escape the bounty rewards placed on their deviant heads by their victims.
Other Key persona re AFP previous Presidential Spokesman Gen Restituto Padilla 09178559369 and Transnational AntiOrganized Crime Intelligence group TAOCIG.ORG at office (63)02-9061279. They already have been debriefed multiple times including AFP Headquarters Camp Aguinaldo and PNP Camp Crame for past 2 years. They and all governments MUST support, protect, fund, and host press conferences with World Leaders NOW.
With Free world Wifi internet access, every police, military, man/woman/child uses their smartphone to rapidly identify anyone of 7.6 Billion our people with FOIA.ONE With automatic face recognition Smartphone or OCTV, anyone (you) can now quickly claim the bounty reward on a criminals head and even live stream the event to for quick sentencing again using Law of large numbers.
This one International Police + Military force is named 'PeaceMakers' as all military hardware war machines are now converted for Peace. All nuclear war material is converted to Nuclear Green Power. All Military hardware at all levels is converted to Peace Keeping missions or scrapped. All Military Industry Contractors and mega firms are eliminated by will of our universal collective eDemocracy voting people. All crime assets are catalogued and used to Pay for raw construction material and labor to build all new digital green communities to unload the mega slum cities. Use of SolutionHousing.ORG SolutionSafewWater.ORG empowers humanity to create their own UTOPIA.
My teams have already called for Military Intervention and Congressional Investigations for +10 years. The FBI and AG are on verge of collapse for their direct roles of destruction of ROSE's crime spree evidence + direct intimidation of Keith by ordering him illegally detained Oct 3, 2011 to Jan 28, 2014, then Oct 5, 2018 to Nov 15, 2018 = 900 days of pure hell. USA GOV owes keith duncan Press Conferences + $500 Million USD real and punitive damages for Norfolk VA 4:11cr112 sealed kidnap by Hire conspiracy coverups and destruction of key evidence that my homes were robbed of excess $1.2 Million USD in real assets and more IP of Military 'secrets'.
Most critical is seizure of Robert Dee Rose + host Press Conferences by World Leaders and Head of FBI AG. For all these replacement systems are common sense and fulfill predictive Chaos string meta-Physics theory to create your own predictable new world Utopia free of almost all crimes and major world traumas by empowerment of our people to collectively choose best life styles. A great Expose on CIVIL WARS and Crime Networks is:
New World requirement is for all 18 year olds to serve 1.5 years Military service or 2 years humanitarian service before they go to free University funded by Direct Democracy UNIocracy.ORG New World system free of all crime networks.
The mass proliferation of gun violence is quickly prevented with Armed guards will no longer be needed as our world quickly converts to all digital OCTV surveillance and eCommerce with no need for cash or protection of assets based on above. + POLICE who are now CITIZEN commanded Auto Face Recognition Open Public Database FOIA.ONE. Now I return from other world missions to Broadcast to WORLD on HOW to destroy all crime networks in record time. Anyone Intl ID'ing a criminal gets the bounty reward on crooks head provided by the collective victims. This method alone SOLVES the police, Law enforcement, secret agencies, shadow government, corrupt Judge/lawyer/prosecutor/district attorney criminals, all at one time. When locals can't deal with crime, they eVOTE.ONE for military independent crime investigations to solve the issue. If these military become corrupt, they are also eVOTE.ONE into hell jail OR just use their own independent military tribunals to be the prime deterrent force of judgment by their peers.... contact Matthew V Duncan.
#1 CRITICAL: I, Keith Duncan, have directly contacted and debriefed Military around our world so THEY will protect my life and escort me to meet Top World Leaders. Congressional Special Criminal Investigations would have occurred Sept 2011 when the Military escorted Keith to Washington D.C. to testify all aspects of ROSE's treason espionage sedition infiltration of our Government has been occurring for +15 years including Alexander Cyclone Covey. Implicated by their very own certified signatures are 85 criminals including fired DOJ AG Sally Q Yates since she was personally visited Sept 2011 by Keith. Then she violated USA Laws signing Norfolk V 4:11cr112 on Dec 13, 2011 shown Clearly Robert Dee ROSE is the ONLY super criminal capable of these crimes against Humanity.
Based on direct invitation by Langley AirForce VA base Sept 26, 2011 to debrief Military, and clearance to debrief AFPhillipines Aug 2017, and thousands of direct contacts to world leaders including InterPol Jan 2015, now PNP Jesse Dela Cruz, AFP Restituto Padilla, Gerry Zamudio , many of Dutertes Staff including Harry Roque, Wendel Avisado, Francis Tolentino, all the Senators and Congress (multiple direct debrief meetings), ASEAN forums, and +100 Press Conferences post Jan 28, 2014 dump on street, WHO will Host Press Conferences based on this?
99% of every top leader we contact are TOO BUSY in political warfare meetings since no one really left who LEADS our people.
### World Rebroadcast Press Conferences. Keith Duncan Intl ID 001-19580801-1 Send to Top world leader decision makers and Press. After 10.5 years of fighting #1 Robert Dee ROSE OVER my very own +$300,000 USD Forsyth County 08SC-1345 judgment granted Oct 2010, IRS WBFeb2009,658 worth +$8 Million USD, being ROBBED so many times of $1.2 Million Lifetime assets and billions of real $$$ Intellectual Property, REPORTING to all law enforcement, hiring lawyers, GOING PUBLIC to congress and churches + press, then being KIDNAPPED 4 times (1st by Sherry Duncan), then Bashama/ROSE, then ROSE, then ROSE again, then ROBBED of all my earthly possessions (like biblical Job), THEN... becoming the fore-founding father of your new world direct democracy UNIocracy.ORG with all aspects of preventing almost ALL CRIMES with eVOTE.ONE FOIA.ONE driven by SolutionHousing.ORG + all other 50 major broadcast solutions seen in heritage foundation NOT a SINGLE BIBLICAL or 'DAMN' soul has ever done any obvious solution.. Starting with FILING the initial criminal investigation reports, filing the civil and criminal legally binding charges, HIRING any lawyer, GOING to PRESS and TOP world LEaders. SO I DID. already done all the most obvious solutions as the ultimate so I can be returned to HEAVEN to be with my original mutual creator FatherGOD.
I arrive Atlanta GA Oct 4, 2018 9:30am Korean Air 34 as the top International '' HERO despite having NO clue if anyone will meet me including Presidents, the MILITARY, FBI, AG, Governors, Congressmen, or ROSE. For ROSE can murder YOU, my people at the drop of any indication that you have identified any criminal by their very own evidence including video recorded Open Circuit TV you wear on your lanyard. All benefit including 90% of first $1 Billion (yes B-Billion) USD gifted to CEOSPACE.NET that meets next in Florida on Oct 8-12 and the HightechMinistries.ORG breakfast on Oct 12, 2018 at 6am.
WHO will actually CONTACT keith duncan right now at (63)9173354300 as my teams remain ONE call contact visit away from ALL world leaders hosting press conferences to declare our PEOPLE are FREE of the criminal ruling elite who are MOST of our corporate top executives and Politicians who are prostituted with the bank-sters to STEAL GOD's assets for their own anti Christ genocide of YOU, my people... 100$ %% direct democracy is the ONLY plans of Salvation of Duncan...
1. All Military combine to be ONE International Peace Keeping Criminal Investigators. They coordinate with local nationally trained police (see PNPolice system) to investigate all corruption and any crime that local law enforcement can not handle. They are dispatched by eVOTE.ONE
Because all military and police are now trained with one system, they can be dispatched anywhere in world to deal with any crime corruption. This eliminates the internal crimes committed by rogue terrorists who infiltrate our very own law enforcement systems and secret databases.
2. Use of free world WIFI empowers everyone to use FOIA.ONE auto face bio-metrics face recognition with single International Identification system IID to show if any person is honest or wanted criminal. All victims collectively put bounty rewards on the heads of their persecutors that profit the first person/group to identify and 'citizen arrest' deposit the criminal into Police and Military custody. Our Police, Military, and public citizens now can be millionaires as all these arrest and seizure events are live broadcast recorded into FOIA.ONE to protect all innocent persons. Use of ensures that any lawyer or Official of the court is held accountable for any crime they commit as a direct or indirect action of knowledge that enables a suspect or criminal to commit additional crimes. Feb 23, 2011 origins.
These methods demonstrated to world original, = (destroyed)
3. No more standing armies costing trillions of $$$ in one way profits to 'banksters', defense contractors, criminal stockholders, terrorist organizations, underground criminal conspiracy cells, and other crimes against humanity caused by lunatic predatory greed of demonic nature.
4. Existing prisons are unloaded of all non-dangerous and minor offenders now that automated Auto-Face Recognition and remote self eDevice monitoring because the new world society monitoring system. GPS tracking of everyone is stored in FOIA.ONE to prevent slave trading, human trafficking, kidnappings, child molestation crimes, and other 'SECRET' Crime Transactions.
5. Massive reduction in Military and Police forces is now reality as crime rates drop to almost zero. Now our previously trained professional criminal investigators + reserve military work as small business owners creating new all digital communities self-funded by their very own GOD's gifted natural resources and the labor of love of our citizens using Mandatory 1 year Military service for 18 year olds is also key to teach our young adults how to fearlessly protect the rights of all others rather than self-entitlement greed.
All broadcast published by mastermind Visionary SAGE Keith Brent duncan to ensure and empower my=our people take full control and power of authority to RULE and manage their own world destiny. As Forefounding Father of your new world UNIocracy.ORG my crusader evangelist teams are protected by GOD and all those who see we protect their civil financial economy rights first with
Dec 2, 2018. UNIocracy.ORG is your new society run FOR, BY, and OF all my 7.6 Billion of my people. NO MORE WARS at ANY LEVEL. Cybercrime terorrism is the #1 money making crimes against humanity.Stopped forever with by identifying WHO makes any transaction The mark of the 666 beast is also destroyed (biblical fulfillment). Currently all prime financial and information transactions are secret database driven and are therefore criminally readable and hackable with simple use of any back door electronic interception and stealing of primary database and server passwords. The Cold World War Three is from 1958 to present as the evidence is the most expensive trillions of $$$ of real assets being systematically stolen and transferred to the Criminal Ruling Elite. By controlling the flow of information and destruction of criminal investigation, only a few people control our entire world economies.
This ends with and other key prime answers.
All True Terrorists and all other crime ring networks will scream bloody murder their secret web based enterprises are identified with FOIA.ONE. Open Circuit TV is part of the new all digital resource based Interlink (Internet) free open public source network as our people now control all access to their own data to alleviate all privacy right concerns. In true face fact, privacy is exactly when criminals demand as they skirt all human right laws by infiltrating the same secret databases that truly control all aspects of humanity starting with stock markets, financial trades and storage, banking details, intellectual property, trade secrets, and other aspects of eCommerce controlled BY the Banksters, con-artists, cyber crime terrorists, and other corrupt political nemesis super crime RICO rings. e-Democracy IS free trade worldwide. also states that ALL military hardware costing trillions of collective $$ are transitioned to peacekeeping uses while the true war machines of death are scraped such as cruise missiles, fighter jets, bombs, missiles, land mines, and all other armament that is used for past centuries as fear and prime intimidation. Banker + mobster = Banksters start all wars. They always profit since they finance war machines and the subsequent rebuilding of destroyed nations. Trench warfare and battle tank unmerciful killing fields are now pure history and not current reality. This also occurs as distributes our brightest new world citizens as foreign and local exchange students that has no binding bounds on who becomes our next new world leaders today.
Protecting your future are the plans of total salvation. No one in history of legendary purpose has ever successfully roadmapped a new world society free of almost all crimes. Criminals, politicians and most corrupt corporate executives never pay full taxes to support the infrastructure of their domains. With full scale assault deployment of eVOTE.ONE, everyone becomes free trade, travel, and trust co patriots who fearlessly protect the rights of all others to ensure no crimes ever go unpunished by the Will of Large number Majority of those affected. The ramifications of these ministries are profound in basic foundational principals of GOD”S commandment laws that supersede, null, and void almost all man made cryptic self serving laws. Protect Keith’s life and teams IP today !
Sept 4, 2018. My teams have legally legitimately claimed 1% of all crime assets seized using eVOTE.ONE -> FOIA.ONE. All victims are paid back in restitution first, then 1% to The balance is used with to build all new digital creative communities around our world starting in the Paradises of Philippines and other third world countries as ALL assets and infrastructure are now direct controlled by all local residents.
July 3, 2018 A recent mayor Friend of mine, famous Mayor of Captain Felixs home city north of here was MURDERED today. I spoke with Mayor Ferdie Bote and family personally many times over past 6 months on eVOTE.ONE that will also PREVENT almost all crimes and get rid of ambushes. I also speak with almost every police officer and chief I meet for now 7 years.
Another Philippine Mayor was assassinated just yesterday morning. AutoFaceRecognition on OCTV on all edevices and street CCTV will PREVENT almost ALL terrorist attacks... REAL TIME reality REPORTING of HOW to unify mankind....
This is UNIocracy.ORG New World Society of all middle class small business owners. NO poverty or criminal ruling elite now exists as the Will of the Majority of All my-our people controls and manages all aspects of humanity. generates all workable checks and balances of our new Free Trade, Travel, and trust enforced society free of almost all crimes, vice, and sins. Objectors are required to provide best answer solutions using community mediation meetings. All religion + civil civic groups are integrated together to teach our world how to solve each of their own issues worldwide.
Currently, Political instability is created by criminals who embed terrorists and infiltrate databases inside our Corporations and Governments. Massive conversion of all military into ONE force of all Criminal Investigators = Peace Keepers, forever removes any chance of any war holocaust. All trillions of $$$ war machines are quickly converted to Peace Keeping tools as all nuclear arms are rapidly re-commissioned for Nuclear Fission Reactors to provide almost free energy for all and free hydro power water of SolutionSafeWater.ORG. No lunatic, terrorist, or sociopath leader or group can ever commit crimes against humanity for the commandments of are FOR, BY, and OF our people. This is also WHY I went to Langley Air Force Base Sept 25, 2011 as my gifted works are economic revelations to create your new world perfected society of UNIocracy.ORG. Contact DOD, Presidents, Press, DOJ + public to protect keith today.
Contact MILITARY forces of all nations NOW to contact and find-escort Keith to testify with All World Leader Press Conferences. This alone will finally UNIFY all mankind with each answer solution shown to world on and All these debriefings and hosted Press Conferences were requested (even commanded) +7 years ago. All evidence has always shown criminals and terrorists are controlling your world databases that are now prevented with these answer solutions starting with and one Intl ID system.
Most recent broadcast shows WORLD apocalypse holocaust currently in progress as WW3 Cyber Crime Terrorism.
Click: DIA Congressional Assessment of World Military Terrorist Realities. and prevent ALL identify theft impersonation at time of any transaction. FOIA.ONE is the worlds last Open Public Database to citizen identify who are the wanted criminals hiding anywhere. Using auto-face recognition + bio-metrics simple technology, all CCTV and eDevices are now Open Circuit TV live feeds that are monitored by all +7.6 billion citizens over free world Max-Wifi direct funded by Keith's NGOs All crime assets are seized using these unification methods of using New World Society single International Constitution. This contains the most powerful enforceable Human=GOD Bill of Rights. Our world now ACTS with Wisdom + fearlessly authority to protect the rights of all others. Our team has recruited thousands by now to CONTACT all Top World leaders, Press, Public, Churches, + Military as I have done for YEARS... All to UNIFY mankind today.
#1 top priority for +7 years is for USA GOV, Interpol, and all government + corporations to contact Keith Duncan and escort him to secure televised International Press Conferences so our world can finally destroy all crime networks to achieve These are the only answers to prevent all wars and ensure total transnational equality of humanity when no crime can go unpunished. Basis is caused by terrorism.
Now all military combine as one single world Criminal Investigation Peace Keeping Force known as 'White Force' as a tribute to the most massive deployment transformation of our new world society crime prevention Licensed Criminology officials. Because our new single Military are no longer controlled by lunatic Presidents, Banksters, Energy War mongrel Congressmen, or rouge terrorist organizations, we actively create WORLD Peace by working together.
All Military staff actions are now monitored by OCTV broadcasts and are disciplined by their own Military tribunals using eVOTE.ONE.
The most obvious cause and effect of all Wars is underground criminals and campaign contributors who all criminally profit from the partisanship of Political Parties who are BOUGHT and prostituted by those collectively known as Banksters and The Criminal Ruling Elite. Once everyone because unified world citizens, all political party control is eliminated For, By, and Of all humanity with the Only World single Constitution that enforces all Human Rights to fearlessly protect the rights of all others as one community.
Everyone CONTACT top DOJ, DOD, all WORLD Leaders, INTERPOL, Anti-Cybercrime Leaders, Military, PRESS, FBI, CIA, NCIA, all others NOW to deploy these answers as no other SOLUTION Method system in world history has ever identified ALL world Criminals at one time. These FREE OUR PEOPLE of the true slave bondage caused by those who cyber crime control all criminal investigations and steal our information to criminally profiteer hidden billionaires starting with the worst Super Criminal All criminals CRY out in Horror their days are always numbered by the exposure of THEIR crimes to +7.6 billion of my-our supporters and backers who see THEY all benefit with TRILLIONS of $$$ quickly seized assets that are transferred back to them with SolutionHousing.ORG, SolutionSafeWater.ORG and other clearinghouse only solution methods. These totally reform unify our entire world with I am exhausted of being the #1 top anti crime expert in world after 59 years dedicated R&D to teach our world HOW to actually BE HONEST in all aspects.
The USA Gov is always 100% accountable to complete each and every crime investigation I + others have showcased to world !! They are 100% responsible to protect all rights of Keith and you by seizing the crime assets and providing 'safe haven' for Keith's teams.
NO ONE can EVER DENY your rights again once your new world society is created with EVOTE.ONE under 1 new world database known as FOIA.ONE.
The absolute first requirement is for USAGOV, Military, Interpol to Seize Robert Dee Rose, last located at along with 85 of his other crime conspirators including + each judge + lawyer + Police + IRS + FBI + AG others. has all the finished evidence for now +10 years.
May 10, 2018. April 28, 2018. Everyone, call Top World Leaders, Law Enforcement, Military + Press including DOD Direct Media +1(703) 697-5131 for DOD Defense.Gov for Joint Chiefs of Staff to Protect Keith's life and extreme intellectual property so I can FINALLY debrief all world leaders + Military with my teams. Their email is OSDPA.DutyOfficer@mail.mail as they can FINALLY contact Chiefs of Staff, Trump, and complete what my team delivered Sept 25, 2011.
Give them as I have gifted ALL reform unification to world. Ask them to actually CALL ME BACK and dispatch Military from State Department + USA Embassy to COME FIND ME. THAT is truly ALL that is required after 10 years of fighting Anti-Christ ROSE and the most horrific legal system that actively protects terrorists and super criminals, many of these ARE the most corrupt Politicians and Corporate Executives whose only focus is PURE demonic profits. This will finish #1 mass Anti-Crime campaign that is self-financed by the ONLY mastermind CEO-KeynoteSpeaker-Broadcaster-GODs Rights Activist for now +41 years using USA Registered under INC world changing keynote evangelist Services and Products.
Keith Brent Duncan (1958-Aug-15, SS 243860043) is the top private Military/GOV/Corp/Religion/Civic Contractor for ALL World Leaders and Military. Odd fact, no one has paid my INC-NGO-LLC the mega Million USD payments for my extreme services to all humanity. This is 10 years long overdue.
One World Military is the final fourth separation of Church and State since no single President, Congress, REBEL faction, terrorists, or other financial cabal driven crime network can ever create war conditions. Bankers + underground terrorists commit crimes against humanity as they always profiteer at all stages of imposing war, building war machines on false threats of insecurity, and then provide loans to rebuild these devastated areas that are always the result of criminal 'divide and conquer' using the fake news of war propaganda to justify genocide of our fellow human beings and seizure of GOD's assets. Click: 103 cruise missiles USA vs Sryia April 13, 2018 WashingtonPost
By the Will of Majority of our people recorded by write once, read public in block chain, military criminal investigators are dispatched by order of our citizens to demand the criminal 'hidden-secret' documents and financial transactions be showcased to the public on OCTV real time search and seizure over FREE worldwide real time Max-Wi-Fi internet that we own. or any mega corporation will LOVE to have the BILLION $$$ contracts through #1 top world leader consulting services. + + eliminates all civil and share holder right violations by these criminal terrorists starting with =
Driven by One New world society Constitution Mandate Charter, all man made laws are null and voided as they are replaced with created laws that warrant guarantee that all my +7.6 billion people benefit.
Family tycoon dynasties and crime networks are now forced by eVOTE.ONE majority to show the origins of their empires as anyone not paying taxes on 100% of their income acquisitions will be seized and put in HELL-JAIL for violating SEC, IRS, financial reporting laws. Most lawyers and Judges are now eliminated as few drawn out civil or criminal situations will occur once our Civic and Religious groups using the ONLY and OCTV to determine the destiny of their own small business run and owned communities #1 training education of using CEOSPACE.NET world wide master education teaching forums financed BY your direct seed funding and trillions of $$$ crime assets.
Everyone: Immediately COMMAND Military + top World Leaders (GOV, Corp, Religions) + PUBLIC to FIND Keith Duncan and protect his life since FBI-AG-IRS-Military Others were infiltrated by ROSE back in 2010 Contact USA + all other governments to use Interpol and anti-Politics eVOTE.ONE (was ) to prevent almost all crimes and remove Political Criminals from all leadership positions in governments and companies. This original creates the ONLY military force free of corruption who now investigate all corporations and agencies as independent prosecutors who earn bonus pay based on auto face recognition of above + the victims convicting evidence. All Corrupt Judges, Liar Lawyers eliminated with (total Tort Social Justice Reform) + EVOTE.ONE by will of majority of our people creates ONE new world society Military so no rogue President, Congress, Bankster, or criminal network can ever order civil war attacks on other sovereign free trade and travel nations of UNIocracy. All Military and Police now belong to ONE organization who are prime Criminal Investigators and PEACE Keepers. This destroys all defense contractor dynasties and converts all military existing hardware to PEACE KEEPERS and removes all the WAR MACHINES from control of criminals + terrorists forever. Existing Nuclear technology is now converted to provide almost FREE energy worldwide owned By, For, and Of our people.
The most massive transfer of my GOD's people wealth that was controlled by the Criminal Ruling Elite is SEIZED and returned to our people with ONLY answer solution methods to free our world of all sin, crime, and vice.
Massive reduction is size + trillions $$$ cost of ALL military forces that return our people BACK to be small business owners who are free to travel and trade anywhere on my Earth. This is the Last Testament REVOLUTION REFORMATION that replaces all known forms of government and corporation crime dynasties. All terrorists and unsaved criminals are banished to the abandoned slums of our world.
Everyone (Military, Police, any Citizens) earn cash BONUSes every time they use eDevice Auto Face recognition ( open Source -> Destination Database) and Open Circuit Live Streaming TV to identify all criminals based on crime evidence submitted for, by, and of my +7.5 billion people. Any citizen uses Free World WI-FI Internet to also be the eyes, ears, and speakers of the TRUTH (UNIONIST) to claim any bounty reward on the openly showcased crime families. Using, total Tort Reform and New World Constitutional Commandments of, no liar lawyer / judge can crime profiteer once our people eVOTE them out of office and even, straight into hell jail. INC legally claims 1% of all crime assets seized BY citizens or law enforcement to direct fund SolutionHousing.ORG and Barangay 666 (as starting point to destroy all poverty, homelessness by creating new world society of all small business owners.
Monumental 10 Slide DECK to New World Society TRANSFORM-UNIFY our world is: CLICK HERE.
Basic PowerPoint Presentation deck on is CLICK HERE:
Basic use of and creates ONE new World Society of UNIocracy in just a few months.
April 1-15, 2018. Most POWERFUL broadcast in world history remains All these certified TRUE answers to solve all of Mankinds prime basic world conflict issues. Again, I debrief Headquarters Transnational Anti-Organized Crime Intelligence Group and then ALL other INTERPOL and law enforcement organizations as NOW all WORLD LEADERS rise up to demand HOW can any of these answers be destroyed and ignored by a few super criminals INSIDE our own corporations and Government enterprises that DENY my-our +7.6 billion of our people who DEMAND justice and social justice as ALL benefit. A debrief Call and PRESS CONFERENCES to sweep our world of all crime networks is all that was ever required and even DEMAND-COMMANDED by that frees our world to be all small business owners and all middle class that obliterates all super rich crime family dynasties. This alone destroys all poverty, self-genocide wars, and other crimes against humanity once our entire world VOTES and mediates on WHAT is best for their own communities and how to UNIFY our world with gifted by GOD and Keith to all of humanity.
Feb 25, 2018 Update from YEARS ago. Funded by eVOTE.ONE transfer of billions of $$$ assets from identified USA criminals who refuse to surrender to My cell is (63) 9173353400 as even SKYPE: builtBykeith2 is best way to do VIDEO call worldwide. To Piaggio Aero Avanti: Your aircraft are 100% unique and most efficient for world travel. My NGO world enterprises will be purchasing as soon as world GOES to PRESS Conferences + mass media coverage. Also, our enterprises request your aircraft designs for new Hydrogen Helium remote controlled open Circuit TV blimps run over world wide free MAX-WIFI and satellite channels we, the people own. Keith Duncan in Manila philippines for next 1-3 weeks. I can FLY to your Italy or America headquarters. Just one call away from INTL fame for you and all others who JOIN I also have world class Joy Drive design for Ferrari and all other automobile and aircraft that massively reduce ALL wiring and switches with true fly by Joy Stick voice command control... 75% reduction in all wiring and switches means lowest costs, longer service life, lower repair rate costs, and lowest MTBF statistical failure rates. All benefit by massive reduction of consumption of natural resources as even these cars are automatic HandiCap capable.
Keith's life remains in financial peril from #1 super criminal terrorist Rose and high powered authorities Cobb County DA Berry Vic Reynolds and fired Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates groups. Rose actively blocks all investigations through rouge Government agents who have direct access to investigative Databases. This started way back in year 2009 as soon I filed IRSWBFeb2009,658 worth over $8 Million USD as my BEST ROI investment long ago. No one else has hosted these Press Conferences and completed +100 criminal investigations on is the worlds first clearinghouse of all World Class Solutions to transform our world into 100% full scale transparent accountability by and of all citizens with one degree of separation to identify who are trustworthy versus those who are actively engaged in crime.
All our Military will now have new roles as independent Criminal investigators of all Political Corruption and international terrorism since FBI, AG, IRS, USMarshals, and most all other agencies have been infiltrated by Robert Dee Rose crime syndicates prior to Oct 3, 2011 false red-black flag conspiracies of murder-assassination to cover up their demonic crimes against millions.
Ask MILITARY to FIND Keith Duncan immediately and escort him to the #1 most powerful Press Conferences with President Duterte, Trump, Putin + all others with USA AG Jeff Sessions to show all aspects of how to STOP CRIME at the point of criminal intent with sent to INTERPOL. Nothing else has ever worked to empower all my people.
Jan 15, 2018 Historical 10 year anniversary of ROSE threatening my LIFE. Cover of #1035 as I went to USA Military as the absolute LAST RESORT Sept 25, 2011 because I showed ROSE was cyber tracking me and had ALREADY infiltrated IRS, FBI, USMarshals, AG at least summer of 2010 which is WHY I went to IRS< FBI, USMarshals AG Nov 2010.... Military now is ONE world military as PRIME crime investigators and PEACE KEEPERS. The military criminal industrial complex now COLLAPSES.
I remain in DIRECT CONTACT with Philippine Military at highest levels for now 1.5 years. THEY TOO have been criminally infiltrated by political crime networks and will soon be FIRST National Military to USE WHAT I HAVE GIFTED our entire world.
Aug 3, 2017. Col Gerry Zamudio AFP-AirForce (63)917-525-4472 Globe was contacted AGAIN to enable HOW Military new role is to be independent criminal investigators of Political Corruption and Cyber crime Terrorists BECAUSE FBI-AG-HLS-NBI-IRS-CIA-IM-INTERPOL were criminally infiltrated years ago to prevent all crime investigations that link these cabal politicians to organized crime. This is from months ago. Keith featured on with Gerry on AFP Rotary Hour with Noel Noble
From Hi Keith, you may contact the Department of Homeland Security/U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (DHS/USCIS) office at Embassy Manila regarding your concern. You may reach DHS/USCIS Manila by phone at 301-2000 ext 2224 or send an e-mail to
My direct reply to WORLD and to DHSecurity: So many world government databases have been infiltrated by super criminal terrorists of Robert Dee Rose who looks like a saint because he scrubs his digital footprints clean. Treason, espionage, crimes against humanity, massive money transfer, murder, and other crimes against my people. When do you and I host press conferences to jointly and deftly destroy all crime networks. All criminals will cry in horror and will be forced to surrender before our people descend to seize them for direct delivery to what is left behind of our law enforcement, banking, and legal judicial authority. Just WHO DO you know who upholds constitutional and statue law. Send them to find, interview, and protect the one person who is world's top anti crime expert guru broadcast evangelist emissary of the best GODS news of all time. YOU are saved by your very own action….
KEITH: Thank you humbly and sincerely. I request an immediate interview with your top level criminal investigators and DOJ experts in cyber crime terrorism. I have tried to reach Ambassador Kim Sung and his USA STATE DEPT group for this exact same reasons. You have at least two agents inside embassy from one year ago who refused to contact anyone. That is a severe breach of investigative protocol. If anyone rejects these simple requests for any reason, it truly indicates some group inside USA gov is actively blocking any and all investigations. These criminals will be easy to identify when the anti crime identification system goes public. This fully supports and even eliminates many of the law enforcement systems that have already been comprised and infiltrated. When can we meet?
Keith: A true MIRACLE. SOMEONE actually did email FOLLOW_UP. so YES, Have THEM contact me for my life remains in extreme danger and I have almost NO ACCESS to a land line. I work fearlessly for ALL world leaders as top ANTI-CRIME EXPERT. THAT is the reason my life remains in danger and WHY so few persons have courtesy to actually do REQUIRED DEBRIEF. CONTACT DOJ Manila Lamont Siller as HE has my business card and brief details since I met him at CyberCrime Summit some 5 weeks ago. WHO WILL DO FOLLOWUP NOW? is the primary KEY to world security…..
These empower all humanity to destroy all crime networks by enabling full scale visibility of all 7.5 billion of my-our people so no criminal can escape justice. Using (old) 5 step methods, all replacement laws, ordinances, and contracts are open to public to kill all black markets and crime organizations ability to hide from the legal authorities and their own robbed victim-clients.
March 6+24, 2017 Keith goes to President Duterte Palace to meet PIA PCO, Presidents ACTION CENTER asking them to GO PUBLIC on demanding each agency TAKE ACTION to empower all humanity to UNIFY under one world society. Bar Code record is RE1713215 to Dutertes appointment office as Annea Cassandra at 782-4286 (x6631) NEVER shared these world changing solutions.
You will soon be the #1 international hero for being first nation in our world to remove the ability for any leader at any level from criminally profiteering when the PRESS and PUBLIC use these answers.
Feb 2017. Keith personally meets PNP Bato Dela Rosa and hands him and other anti-crime answers just like all the other people Keith actively meets in GOD's + Humanity names.
Oct 16, 2016. Keith interview meets PNP Region 2 to meet with General Sosa to contact PNP Dela Rosa and all others to finally deploy the worlds first Anti-Corruption, Anti-Drug, Anti-Crime, Anti-blackmarket simple methods that benefit all of humanity.
Sept 16, 2016, Keith applied for Philippines Military Press Pass Credentials to enable him to debrief and work directly for all Military Intelligence groups as well as have direct contact with INTERPOL and NBI-FBI to show them how to quickly solve all crime situations.
Keith has applied for NBI Clearance and Permanent Resident status as Independent Sovereign Ambassador Emissary Crusader for all governments, corporations, non-profits, churches, and public to represent their civil and financial rights. Keith is the top mastermind computer systems architect consultant for major financial, trade, telecommunications world corporations designing perfect self sustaining operational systems to eliminate fraud, crime, and paper chase coverup conspiracies. Keith meets with NBI Dep Director Ferdie Lavin soon as well as Commissioner of Immigration Jaime Morente at Intramuros Manila as well as all National News Broadcasters, Dept of Energy for, Dept of Education, Trade, PNP, AFP, Human Rights, United Nations, and Indigenous People along with teaching all church denominations how to be the overseers of their own communities of faith.
Anyone can confirm Keith's historical visit to Langley AFB Virginia USA Intelligence Division on Sept 25, 2011 when he detected massive cyber crime terrorist infiltration by one RICO crime cabal enterprise run by #1 super criminal Robert Dee Rose. Refer to and for the most complete data based layout of crime spree history. Duncan has been solving Solutions for our entire world to remove all Political Criminals at the citizen level. This prevents almost all crimes in the first place. Delays in implementation will result in most governments collapsing from crime greed.
Keith has offered his simple and most effective ANTI-Terrorist and ANTI-Crime methodology to all corporations, governments, and military. His beyond reproach and impeccable problem solving credentials are the result of 40 years of extensive computer systems architecture to create perfect and self-maintained operational systems for top world banks, telecom providers, IBM, DuPont, and assortment of +30 top world ranked companies starting in 1976 entry at N.C.S.U. Raleigh N.C. Reference
CLICK Left for Philippines Google Translate of above for world re-distribution in all other languages.
The video below was #300 Holy Trinity Episcopal Forbes Park Makati.
Contact Keith Duncan
FOR Press Conferences, Seminars, Workshops anywhere in the world.
USA +1 (770)875-7051
Philippines +(63) 0917-335-4300
Skype: BuiltByKeith2
​ -World Trading Partner Enterprises INC, Suite 6309
9120 Double Diamond Parkway
Reno, Nevada 90521 U.S.A.
​​ ?
This terrorist is always easy for our world to find. offers his extensive anti-Cybercrime and anti-Political Crime journalist methods and processes to all governments, military, and public for past 7 years.
Dec 9, 2015. DAILY at 10 am EST = 7 am PST == 11 pm Manila-Hong Kong-China time. These are Daily Press Conferences for all + National News. Call USA (712) 775-7031 ID: 166 841 408. Direct call (63) 0917-335-4300 for how to recover MILLIONS of your taxes + assets from the criminals as the USA government collapses. tells why so many terrorists and criminals are looking to assassinate me so they can complete what ROSE failed to do after stealing all my Intellectual Property + assets. Get ROSE instead.
Sept 6, Nov 6, Dec 1, 2015. Recorded calls made to USA Military again asking for their immediate actions to contact FBI top leadership and for criminal investigator to contact Keith about what I delivered to Langley AFB Intelligence Div. It is the root reason for why I asked for safe-haven and why FBI-AG actively prevent all investigations. CLICK to see.
CLICK three prime PDF files upper center for the 37 documents that put ROSE on Death Row now.
Since Sept 25, 2011 the USA Gov and Military have never had any excuse to NOT contact and find Keith so he could finally DEBRIEF them on the criminals tied to ROSE and the anti-CRIME solutions delivered over and over to Langley, FBI-AG, and all other governments and agencies.
Everyone call OSI Kong (757)764-7972 and Brig Gen Dash Jamieson and all government agencies for them to dispatch USA Military, FBI, CIA to come find Keith now !.
The crimes continue unabated, including treason, espionage, sedition, and overthrow of governments. Political Crimes explains why USA Military must investigate all USA civilian government agencies for massive Treason, Espionage, Cybercrimes, and paper chase conspiracies committed against almost all citizens in world history.
Everyone read the middle column, Click on the Red, Yellow, Green Anarchy Action files, and take ACTION. This makes the #1 and only standard to ensure survival of all humanity.
Click: of the most incriminating Evidence for USA Military to manhunt ROSE, contact KEITH and escort him for Press Conference series of all times by protecting Keith's life and IP assets gifted to all Nations. It has always been easy to indict every single criminal shown by their own signatures. The Criminal Ruling Elite are identified forever` world-wide with three By-Pass Laws and shunned by that are irrevocable and irrefutably the only solutions to ensure Mankind survives its own Predatory Greed and ability of criminal terrorists to enslave my collective people of +7.365 Billion taxpayers, families and commUNITY of faith and grace under GOD's Sovereign ownership.
The USA military shares in the seizure of BILLIONS of USD in criminal assets identified by Keith since FBI-AG refuse to just contact Keith or the PRESS or the USA Military. The economic damage is beyond staggering.
Click above for ONLY Solutions Broadcast to FBI-AG-Congress Oct 12-14 to Command ACTION by all of USA Government to avoid total collapse of their agencies from Terrorism. Call Press Conferences and Military to COME FIND KEITH.
One Call will Resolve Tryanny.
The most comprehensive criminal terrorist investigations are on under many playlists. #34 and #88 on search 'BuiltByKeith' show Robert Dee Rose's telecommunications centers and how Rose has been extorting and paying off anyone who holds ROSE's own evidence to put him on Death Row. Once any is corrupt and works in USA government, any criminal now has the ultiimate blackmail tool to keep that one person criminally corrupt and a true 'straw man puppet' for the rest of their lives. Think of the 'Wizard of Oz', and all can see the true nature of Perfect Crimes committed by so many criminal leaders of our world.
Video: Title: #234 Call USMilitary + Interpol intervention. BuiltByKeith is
Click: Dec 1, 2015 Direct Call to USA Military Recorded Call. This alone will get Military to complete these massive terrorist conviction investigations when they simple TAKE ACTION.

New World Standards
Teach our World the Orders of Peace of as the ONLY Standard for Utopia Harmony by removing all criminals from society once and for all.
Reduce Poverty and Homelessness to near zero. Easy to accomplish.
Family Relationship Re-Management
Criminal Law​ -Avoiding litigation and Total Tort Reform for all legal and judicial systems worldwide.
​ prevents all bank fraud transactions worldwide.
Child Care - Raising Children with
Preventing Poverty and Homelessness
Ethical Business Transactions -Barter for work ensures Free Trade for all.
Massive savings of electrical usage with Nobel Peace Prize worth ensures safe water anywhere in world with solar.
.. Literally. Any area of problem, issue, or conflict is easily solved and prevented using the above Blue Box description final summaries.
Too many other world changing solutions to re-list for so many years.
Here is the priority order standards for all using
1. Protect children, disabled, disadvantaged, elderly, and those who serve their people.
2. Protect all women and families.
3. Protect all honest persons who conduct fair trade and business enterprises.
4. Protect all the sancity of worshipping as long as rights of others are respected.
This is accomplished with the following works. = In God We Trust. - The one world wide force needed to ensure no corruption exists by identifying crimes when communities refuse to deal with local issues and criminals.
Federal, State, + local Governments - +
-Checks and Balances established by Three Primary By-Pass Laws that ensure all leadership represent the citizens rights of ownership and self-regulating their own affairs.
Communities of Faith - meetings of righteous citizens who provide solutions when ever any problem or issue is expressed.
Relationship Management. -The basic roots of all issues are failed relationships when individuals take advantage of others out of their own greed and compulsive need to control others. This is and along with all other Master Student Teachings that Keith Duncan gifts to our mutual world in the name of our Sovereign Creator.
Now Keith can receive Sovereign Ambassador Emissary status to complete his people and Creator Centered ministries. All Keith really needs is crowd funding, transportation, food, and protective shelter from the criminals who want him DEAD. Ask Keith anything to hear, see, and believe the power of his world focused ministries that are only bounded by those who refuse to see
2015 Sept 25, 2015. CreatorKeith Duncan
Next major world events as 4 year anniversary of Kidnapping setup as well as Pope Francis visit to Congress and United Nations. Combined with the 6th Blood Moon of biblical historical tramatic events, the Government has zero choice by to protect Keith's life and assets to host the Press Conference series of all time.
More works in progress as soon as PUBLIC and PRESS put full pressure on USA Government to actually protect our rights, arrest every single person invovled in 4:11cr112 and restore Keith's assets.
eVote.One Kills All Crime Enterprises Forever. Empowerment of humanity occurs as everyone now owns their own land, homes, small businesses, and absolutely ALL infrastructure.
No more taxes, Criminal Investigations, appointed officials, corrupt Executives or Religious leaders. +7.6 Billion of my people live in new Open Public society as they make all decisions to control + manage their very own destiny in GOD's name. This is YOUR new world society free of almost all crime and vice sins.
#1 Critical Read the 4 By-Pass laws below to change the course of all human history. No more campaign contributions, election criminal accusations/fraud, or any crime influence as my +7.6 billion collective followers-partners now 100% control all decisions to create your new world society! This voids 50 to 75% of all man made loophole laws as elections and decisions are based on will of majority of all my citizens affected. No more election fraud or crime ever. Unrepentant criminals are man-hunted with automatic face recognition with OCTV and original + +
UNIFICATION of ALL MANKIND occurs when EVERYONE goes PUBLIC with the answers shown below. Protect Keith now !
Electronic Voting on all corporate and government leadership enables all citizens to control and manage all the prime decisions of their rights and taxpayer assets to forever change the course of human history by full EMPOWERMENT of all my 7.5 Billion fearless People.
Use eVote.ONE For + By the full authority of GOD + keith + our Crusader Teams of Righteousness, Peace, and Equality. Everyone must FEARLESSLY PROTECT THE RIGHTS OF ALL OTHERS using open Public Integrity database
These simple 4 ByPass Laws Change World history. No one can ever deny your rights with perfected checks/balances.
1. All leaders are electronically voted IN by one general election. All votes are PUBLIC. Votes are marked private or PUBLIC. Tallies all shown to world with method of write once, then read-only public counts seen by all. This is block chain un-hackable.
2. Any leader is voted OUT by majority who violates law, suspected of fraud or personal profiteering OUTSIDE their #4 pay. They are replaced by succession runner-ups, NOT by appointments or re-election process controlled by the Criminal Ruling Elite or part of the same crime party control.
3. Post Election, All leaders electronically TOLD what to do. No more appointed officials who are criminally prostituted with others. explains how to eliminate all corrupt individuals including Liar-Lawyers + other terrorists.
4. All leaders consultant pay is electronically voted UP, same, or DOWN by the majority of will of our people. All leaders are now highly paid consultant Administrators ONLY with no direct access to any taxes or ability to profiteer by controlling any of our assets or laws. This includes all corporate executives below. All must show their income / expenses / ownership of all assets to public. They only deserve to be rich + protected AFTER they fearlessly serve + protect my people by tracked performance of #3.
No more Criminal Investigations, appointed officials OR Judges. No more Passport-Visas needed with No more party-family dynasties, Congressional Hearings, Impeachments, or waste of mega billions manhours of time to remove those who our citizens identify as criminally profiteering. This is the New World Society of UNIocracy. No more paper fraud elections or ID thefts ever again! No more waiting for days-weeks-months-yers for basic services + benefits that are 'wait-listed' DENIED by the worst red paper tape conspiracies that only benefit those who control the criminal processes signed by terrorists (formally known as politicians = public serpents, seldom public servants). All voting of leaders and majority law of number decisions are made with free world-wide WiFi using any eDevice with one degree of separation between all of my +7.5 billion people. Contact to build new world high speed fiber optic network owned BY our people. Any refusals by any nation leader to fearlessly protect the rights of all others shall cause the WW4 demise of our world as I (keith brent duncan) has predicted as your #1 key world prophesier educator who fills Evangelist Crusader stadiums with these answers using as root method.
All corrupt Corporate Executives worldwide are forever eliminated with StockBarter. THESE FOUR simple by-pass laws change world history because they are unbreakable along with famous + UNITYURL + and all other systematic LOVE OTHERs answer methodology.
All these world saving answer solutions empower our people to forever control their very own new world society communities that are now free trade/travel and ability to conduct integrity business anywhere in our world using below.
This one world changing answer method drives the worlds first and last total unification reform God's Rights activist grassroots movement to forever rid humanity of each predator greed vice, crime, and unlawful acts of criminals who want you DEAD. Simply put...
#1 Most critical as the above do NOT require any ACT of Congress or GOD because these are self-evident to world. Anyone objecting to these final perfected checks and balances automatically identifies themselves as criminally profiteering. Massive reduction of all laws and government-corporate dynasties occurs in record time based on required immediate mass publicity and Press Conferences.
I, keith brent duncan (DOB 1958-Aug-15 High Point NC USA), have legally CLAIMED 1% of all crime assets seized using these most prolific answers to SOLVE all CRIMES and PREVENT all future occurrences in record time. Each of You legally claim % of all crime assets as you face recognize criminals w/ free WiFi as these 4 bypass laws change all world history !
Take Action by going Public to all News Media, Government, Military, religions, and communities today with the fearless authority granted to all +7.5 Billion my people by the one Fore-Founding who is the most humble master educator technologist crime-resolver architect consultant of all time.
Use today. No more crime investigations needed as my-our people pass evidence judgment on the true criminals and terrorists in single open public 'Most Wanted' database. Our world now becomes 100% citizen decision driven by EVOTE.ONE 4 bypass laws that eliminate almost all crime investigations, destroy all dynasties, and empower humanity to control and manage all their worldly assets owned by them. This destroys forever the criminal ruling elite and prevents all poverty with SolutionHousing.ORG and perfected in GOD's name to unify reform all humanity one last testament time. Each + every Blinded fool who refuses to unify faces their own Judgment day now with URLiDent.
Feb 11-17, 2018 Today, I went BACK to PIA and personally gave their news director EVOTE.ONE to give to Secretary Martin Andanar who does all of President Duterte News releases. Harry Roque is also Key person to be Internationally FAMOUS for going LIVE with PRESS Conferences and FINDING me to be on INTL broadcasts. Same has also applied to ALL WORLD LEADERS as I have already been in direct contact with tens of thousands for now +10 years of PURE HELL because of ROSE and because I am indeed, God's Son of Humanity. I directly broadcast to Charles Feeny as well as Bill Gates / Warren Buffet + world at the GivingPledge.ORG. Even Richard Branson and all other prime world entrepreneur Philanthropists will form our new The Elders group with Jimmy Carter and Andrew J Young + other integrity driven world leaders to create Final ERA3 New World Society that is our last paperless Open Digital Public Database forum. NO secrets means no crimes or resulting mass poverty, wars, energy shortages, and even no more Mass Genocide orchestrated and planned for decades by the unknown Criminal Elite. This was always my true destiny in life.
I return to USA + travel to your nation as your Intl Hero Sovereign Ambassador, once everyone crowd funds our growing International teams using section BELOW or clicking upper RIGHT FUND button. Everyone now must manhunt + seize all world criminals and their crime assets. Watch: