Integrity: 1807 +1541 Jan 31 2025
Protect: Keith Duncan -Asheville NC, Atl. GA USA
+1 770-377-2106 PeaceMakers = is
Integral part of GODs UTOPIA of no more criminals at any level.
NO MORE WARS ever again. WE DECIDE at all LEVELS who are OUR leaders NOW ! $40 Billion USD valued Patent(c)(r)(tm) holders of only world saving solutions gifted to each of YOU.
GOD blesses only those who Love, Protect, and Serve all others use of
We are all led by Keith B Duncan worlds #1 only Overseers of ALL Governments + Corporates.
InterPolice.LIVE FOIA.ONE worlds last open public share system WHO is WHO forever. destroys the Russian Billionaires, PUT-IN, CCP, NKorea by your direct Coup Actions.
Now all DOSJ.ORG worldwide shares WHO is WHO in Keith + GODs open public shared un-hackable blockchain database FOIA.ONE forever. NO more criminal cabal coPirates. Everyone now knows WHO is WHO, WHO owns WHAT no secrets.
Our Partnership Firm
Everyone who joins World Trading Partner Enterprises INC. because a owner of all the world-wide products and services Keith Duncan has deposited under full legal and financial protection of the USA and all other governments who protect Keith's life. 75,000 shares are available for qualified investors.
This is a patentable business process that ensures all stockholders and employees contribute their best efforts and therefore self-regulate and control their own profits and earnings. Currently almost all publically traded companies are run by Corporate Executives and management along with Board of Directors who conduct criminal enterprises protected by higly paid LIAR-Lawyer firms like Morris Manning and Moore of Atlanta GA where John Yates has the full layout of ProfitShareHolders and ordered Keith banned from City Club of Buckhead in Atlanta Georgia because I had directly contacted him and Sonny Morris asking for their IP and legal help in fall of 2009, spring of 2012(during the #1 kidnap stage) and subsequently have been broadcasting to over 100 law firms like Deming Parker Moore of Norcross GA and King and Spaulding of Atlanta and Washington D.C.