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#1 Universal Best Seller = Buyer
Atlanta GA USA +1 770-377-2106 , +1 725-200-7683
Author Keith Brent Duncan
CEO $40 Billion USD NGOs WorldSavers. Rev Josh Miles 404.240.8207 Buckhead Atl Dr Rev Beth Pitts 404-636-7558 x220.
1722 Oak Grove Road, Decatur, GA, 30033 CALL VISIT TODAY
Phillippines 63-9291723744 Gloria. kbd +(63)0917-335-4300
Integrity Visits: 720 Sept 16 2024

Purpose of Your Life. Who are You?
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$?? per hour / $?? per day /$$ per week
Group Consulting is on a 'ON-DEMAND' and availability basis. Provide for transportation, housing, and food, and KEITH is on your site within one day, sometimes in hours.
Remote Sessions are so easy with Keith's technology. Click: for compressed Master Teachings.
Clinics & Camps
For rates and more info get in touch >>
Keith is available to travel to host conferences of Youth and Adults to train them in just a few short hours on how to create their own companies at record speed. The book is just part of Keith's gifts and Acts of Wisdom to all 7.32 Billion People around the world. As member/vendor of in year 2011, Keith is a recognized expert in almost all expertises of business. Ask him almost anything and be overjoyed at the knowledge base he shares with you at record speed. Wechat: BuiltByKeith and SKYPE: BuiltByKeith2 are best ways to contact Keith Duncan.
Consultations take place over the phone or in person when Contracts are signed.
The Purpose of life is actually quite simple. Each of us has a life time of free will choices to serve others by holding ourselves accountable as well as actively loving and caring for everyone we encounter. If we always are honorable, kind, trustworthy, ethical, respectful, open minded, and work for the benefit of all others, we will survive as a UNIversal society where very little government oversight is needed or required. Everyone takes care of their own issues, problems, conflicts, and concerns. The use of sex, drugs, gambling, theft, deception, murder, conspiracies, wars, and other civil and felony crimes reduces down to near zero. This occurs when all citizens use 1. Common Sense 2. Bible Principals that transcend all denominations 3. Off Shelf Technology. 4. Keith's gifted Acts of Wisdom, to prevent the self-genocide of the human race.
For the 'Criminal Ruling Elite' are real. They are the ones with no concern for you, my +7.32 Billion Collective people, who control our legal, financial, judicial, administrative, cultural, and even spiritual institutions because they are the 'survival of the smartest'. For the hypocrites, cynics, skeptics, blinded fools, and criminal brood of vipers (Matthew Chapter 23) are the majority of mankind. is the +56 year journey through your life as I, Keith, am the Messianic Messenger, #1 Sovereign Ambassador and Emissary. I bring you the Plan of Salvation, this new World Order that brings New Life to all of mankind. The unrepentant criminals will cringe with horror that their days are now numbered.