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This is paid for by Keith + your reality when PRESS and World Leaders contact our top R&D Scientists and public commands our top Presidents and CEOs contact our teams ASAP. We are forsaken, persecuted, denied all rights to SHOW GODs love is singular answer of Total GlobalPeace. Now Free World Communication and 100% free World education, our young adults now replace over All Corrupt Gov and Corp Leaders in 2-4 years since they will never support Politic Crime at GOV or Corp level. This would have occurred +15 years ago Our key angel philanthropists Villar, Warren Buffet, Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Jeff Belzos, Mark Zuckerberg, Sy, Tan, other Billionaire Foundations will gift pay for #2 #3 that is smart grid free high speed communication is 1 degree of separation WHO is WHO, WHO owns What, + Who trades What with Who as we become one crime free society. Keith + our World leaders now sit down with our Top Emissaries who have been watching world events and publishing solutions.
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Call World Leaders, Public, Press and Military today! Integrity: 1776 July 27 2019. 2645 +121 May 10, 2024
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​- IBM International Business Machines 1983 through 1990 (IBM P.C. High Speed Check Sorting system, Universal secure DataTrade for all banks.
- Multiple entrepreneur firms like DCA -Digital Communications Associates (1983-1989) IRMA Intl Prime Designer.
- Fortune 50 Banks -I.B.J., Integrity, IBM, most major community banks (SunTrust Systems)
- AT&T, BellSouth, Cingular +12 years as the prime consultant on majority of their systems at all levels.
- AT&T President Glenn Lurie promised to put my product lines below into 2200 stores in Oct 2010.
General Services Administration Contract pending worth +$100 Million USD profits.
Cox Communications as Prime Architect and Business Analyst for PacketCable and Next Generation Messaging Systems. (Note: This is why Robert Dee Rose attempted to blackmail Keith to join his criminal tellicommunications companies in summer of 2007 through fateful Jan 14, 2008. Forsyth County GA Judgment 08SC-1345 Oct 2010 is now worth +$400 Million USD in real and punitive damages as I filed Pierce the Corporation Veil in Fall of 2008.
- Ed Bogle and Hugh Ballou professionally evaluated my consulting value at $20 Million USD in 24 months and $84 Million USD in 42 months. This was in June 2011 as ROSE was cyber attacking my Marietta GA rental home per captured evidence and robbery by Ms. Bashama and Rose on Feb 4, 2011 per Marietta GA PD forged 1.11.2506.99 used for TPO 11.1.1171.99
These submitted documentary evidence are all on dropbox of showing all evidence to the world.
- Over 27 separate projects were started and professionally completed from Jan 1982 to Nov 4, 2007.
- Other clients are your mutual world. These include all military, all governments, all corporations, all churches, all non-profits, and of course my BELOVED people as I now fill up stadiums full of people hungry for Righteous and Justice regardless of secular or non-secular belief systems. See famous series for comprehensive solutions to almost all problems of society at all levels.