top of page is our ONLY method to demand all Warlords and Crimelord terrorists be exiled once they REFUSE to host mediate live streamed televised signing of Peace Treaties and Trade Agreements to rid our mutual world of all criminal Violators of GODs perfected total replacement laws and commandments of with NO exceptions.  WE control all decisions means WE control all authority and pay of all our Government and Corporate Executives. Currently MOST world leaders conspire cabal with ancient Mafia level super criminal cyber network terrorists. They ALL all pathologically LIE about why they commit wars and embezzle all of our assets + souls past 6660 years.  All public stock markets we now abolish use of Gods use of perfected FOIA.ONE.

   WE GODS people now replace any world leaders with highly paid ONLY cash who are certified as master expert problem solving leaders who work fearless as ONLY highly protected Project manager consultants at all our levels.


Updated 2025 Feb 10 by ONLY Duncan who is your #1 new world leader overseers for ever.

​ is the most powerful successful Class Action Lawsuit series detailed below. #1 cyber Criminal terrorist Robert Dee ROSE will now be along with millions of all free roaming criminals using ONLY since ALL governments are now overseen by only 100% green full philanthropist gifters of my Gods MotherEarth world.

  WHO will protect life TODAY. Updated perfectly even today 2025 Jan 20. is your only GOD + Duncan Methods to UNIFY mankind forever use of by YOU host mediating required monthly town hall peace making problem solving town hall forums worldwide. Means YOU decide everything about everyone else by WE GODs 8.2 billion Children eliminating the worst any WarLords and CrimeLords by full transparency by we deciding WHO are violators of perfected resulting in crime debt free utopia once and forever. Who protects Keiths life today? 2024 Dec 30 *.org *.info is my old 2014 as GOD, YOU, and I hereby COMMAND all warlords and nations at conflict to STAND DOWN. Cease and Desist ALL wars and hostility as ORDERED by GOD, Sent by GOD shown as + all others. Each of YOU are hereby personally mortally and financial responsible for SOLVE, PREVENT, Reversing ANY of your own internal self, family, community issues using YOUR resources and those of the following:  

  Current groups of CoPirate Executives always claim only THEY have chain of command Authority since only THEY transfer our peoples work efforts, OUR assets, our technology value to ONLY their offshore bank accounts hidden as First Family Trusts and criminal enterprises like Intl Terrorist ROBERT DEE ROSE at is GOD and YOUR only methods of force demanding all current world leaders to the host mediated PEACE TREATY ROUND TABLES under full authority supervision of Keith Duncan and our other TOP ANTI CRIME host mediator scientist engineer professors doctors and PEACEMAKING Promise KEEPER Subject Matter Experts. NO ONE else has any confidence or expertise to stop reverse all warlords once and forever !

  Any Leader who refuses to attend OUR Peace Summits are exiled and removed from all authority by GODs Evote.ONE direct real time eDemocracy decision making methods to REVERSE all criminal violator previous actions. Includes NULL and VOIDing any and all laws, contracts, bids, regulations, and most of the existing SILO Government entity organizations as totally unnecessary and the most extreme burden on We GODS people who have been blind-washed at all levels to JUST TRUST THEM (WHO are THEM?) who always are mega- billionaires and mega Millionaires who just LOVE worshipping themselves as Lucifer Worshiping ANTI-Christ self followers.   WHO DO YOU KNOW to protect Keith Duncans life NOW and command all criminals and terrorists be rounded up in the greatest PURGE of violators at the TOP in all of USA WORLD Universal history now...

  Updated broadcast published 2023 Nov 23 Thanksgiving by wealthiest philanthropists groups led by keith duncan showcased at GivingPledge.SPACE superset of original now part of   was always NO CRIME UTOPIA of GODs Heaven as HE and MotherEarth procreated as everyone are only as procreated as enforcer PeaceMakers and PromiseKeepers forever. GOD and Keith never authorized anyone to wage war and cause any mass poverty since dawn of Man. Was always the most extreme Psychotic Sociopath Psychopath Megalomaniac like Robert Dee ROSE, Douglas Vernon Duncan, even Norfolk VA Federal Judge Raymond 'AssHold' Jackson of Norfolk VA4:11cr112 infamy multilevel conspiracies to remote Martyr the ONE person sent by GOD to unify all +8.2 billion of YOU = GODs remaining earthbound Children. $500 Million USD of Jan 15, 2008 filed May 3, 2022 was perfected as part of GOD + Keith (John 10) seed fund to redistribute all pirated stolen assets back to WE GODS people of greatest places of mortal needs starting back in Philippines. 15 years later, not a single person has EVER represented first of any of my own US Constitutional Rights OR enforced GODs 11 Commandments. 

 Updated 2023 Nov 2, now 2024 Dec 21 back in Hendersonville,  Asheville NC + someday back to Atlanta GA USA. Not a SINGLE person has EVER represented MY civil rights !!!! ONLY Way of the Cross of GOD+CHRIST+YOU enforced by each of YOU and I = WE. John 10:30 is the ONLY universal stabilizing method of YOU solve your internal, family, community, then all other issues under GODs SON=SUN.  Destruction of the existing WarLords is YOUR 100% accountable responsibility using the simple complete perfected methods I always left behind to benefit ALL forever.


   In THREE STEPS, Each and any of YOU will be PAID upfront to be a true PeaceMaker and PromiseKeeper.

  1. Direct Video Contact CEO Keith Brent Duncan. Provide your referential integrity resume and background expertise. Recruit others who have focus on solving your local community top issues, problems, conflicts.

  2. Practice use of Gods problem solving any issue.

  3. Book Town Hall Forums by speaking directly with Pastors, Mayors, Police Chiefs, top Corporate Executives.

   THEN DO IT.  They will pay you for being a GOD LOVING and THEM focused as our trained Host Mediators.


The most famous questions to be honestly answered by each of YOU, my +8 billion GODs people + children.


Q: 1. Why were YOU conceived and procreated in the first place? Be perfectly deadly honest with self integrity answering yourself of YOUR True Purpose of your own mortal lifespan.

  2. Then,  Who engineered your genetic organic matter?  You or God?

  3. What is your true focus purpose for being alive with the Breath of GOD in your mortal soul?

  4. What is your true reality and near term destiny fate? Map this out with

  5. Are you a Lucifer Worshipper or a LOVER of GOD and all others? Prove this by Action NOW ! ! !


CLICK HERE to go to GODs original HOME PAGE

​ through series was always GODs only prime Town Hall peace making forums of solving and reversing ANY issue, problem, conflict, even war at YOUR level using 5Steps.LIFE then also perfected to re education +8 billion GODs children how to actually LOVE, CARE, PROTECT each other by stopping all the wars, Stock Markets, Bank-sters, Underground criminals once and forever. No more 'VIOLATORS' can ever exist again using Keiths methods. Everyone Keith gifts was Procreated then perfected year 1970 forward..


  Despite being worlds first=last true megaB, actually Trillionaire who ONLY cares, loves, and protects all others, NO ONE has ever protected our lives by commanding Full restitution AND press confenences now conducted to showcase ALL the perfected now 170 singular methods Keith procreated 1976 forward. WHO DO YOU KNOW to debrief and USE Keiths peer mega Billionaire services and products?


  Since NOT a single soul has any forward action solution, we were sent by GOD to publish broadcast absolutely each and every solution method to advance our own human race as only middle class small business owners once ONLY credit unions and Privately Held corporations exist worldwide. demonstrate models how to fast path exile and put in prison any violator of GODs and your rights to be free will Sovereign Citizens with no ability to crime any other. is  PROFIT without PURPOSE, is always a game plan of PIRACY conspiracies of mass war, poverty, homelessness, addictions, and general WW3-5 end of all humanity.

   Most basic GODs design procreation for each of YOU is to share everything collective, cooperative, caring, and peace making collaboration of all of GODs shared emerging wisdom, technology, knowledge, and all natural resources.  NO one truly enforces any Constitutional or Statutory laws past year 1949, 1958, 1976, 1982, 2001, 2008, 2011, 2020 milestones of WHO causes all conflicts, wars, problems issues at all levels since dawn of mankind.  MLM Ponzi Schemes were perfected 5550 years ago Egyptian Pharaoh self professed GOD deities.

  Each time GOD, my=our true heavenly benefactor philanthropist has sent any Prophet Messianic Messenger, major corrective changes have occurred, then humans have descended back to be only greedy predators.

  As of Dec 6, 2022 not a SINGLE soul protects the rights of anyone except the NWO Criminal Ruling Elite who have legalized every single vice, sin, and crimes against +8 Billion MY People. Worst of the most extreme crime cabal enterprises and terrorists all roam freely knowing they will never ever be held accountable for anything.

  Therefore, only Duncan is the #1 world leader angel guardian inventor scientist front liner Psychologist Philosopher Counselor Mediator and Keynote Spokesperson for each of you forever.  The evidence has always been crystal clear self evident as consolidated and publicly showcased below PDFs.  used by YOU now changes course of entire human history once YOU decide NEXT best local infrastructure project and YOU proxy pick WHO are the best problem solving paid in cash Leaders. is  PROFIT without PURPOSE, is always a game plan of PIRACY conspiracies of mass war, poverty, homelessness, addictions, and general WW3-5 end of all humanity.

   Most basic GODs design procreation for each of YOU is to share everything collective, cooperative, caring, and peace making collaboration of all of GODs shared emerging wisdom, technology, knowledge, and all natural resources.  NO one truly enforces any Constitutional or Statutory laws past year 1949, 1958, 1976, 1982, 2001, 2008, 2011, 2020 milestones of WHO causes all conflicts, wars, problems issues at all levels since dawn of mankind.  MLM Ponzi Schemes were perfected 5550 years ago Egyptian Pharaoh self professed GOD deities.

  Each time GOD, my=our true heavenly benefactor philanthropist has sent any Prophet Messianic Messenger, major corrective changes have occurred, then humans have descended back to be only greedy predators.

  As of Dec 6, 2022 not a SINGLE soul protects the rights of anyone except the NWO Criminal Ruling Elite who have legalized every single vice, sin, and crimes against +8 Billion MY People. Worst of the most extreme crime cabal enterprises and terrorists all roam freely knowing they will never ever be held accountable for anything.

  Therefore, only Duncan is the #1 world leader angel guardian inventor scientist front liner Psychologist Philosopher Counselor Mediator and Keynote Spokesperson for each of you forever.  The evidence has always been crystal clear self evident as consolidated and publicly showcased below PDFs.  used by YOU now changes course of entire human history once YOU decide NEXT best local infrastructure project and YOU proxy pick WHO are the best problem solving paid in cash Leaders.

© Aug 15, 1958-2024 copyright All (c)(tm)(r) Patent + IP Rights reserved and gifted by World Trading Partner Enterprises INC, Reno Nevada USA. protected by all governments, corporations, public, and churches for the rest of Keith Duncan's life to prevent criminals from genocide Holocaust of  the rest of Keith's beloved people. Update JApril 11, 2022 Gods timeline most precious commodity owned by Keith Duncan.


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