top of page CLICK here for original HOME page puts +120 named criminals and terrorists in PRISON and DEATH ROW NOW by YOUR direct action right now !

   This entire sequence of horrific crimes against humanity has been procreated perfected recorded to complete GODs and YOUR deployment of includes share of 8 Billion WHOis WHO, WHO owns WHAT, WHO GPS tracked trades anything with anyone else. NO Secrets = GODs utopia.

   Driven forever by Gods FOIA.ONE = crime free societies. CLICK here for original HOME page puts +120 named criminals and terrorists in PRISON and DEATH ROW NOW by YOUR direct action right now !

   Driven forever by Gods FOIA.ONE = crime free societies.


 Oct 3, 2022 Contact +1 770-528-3048 command her and everyone else TURNOVER Robert Dee ROSE to top FBI AG PRESS Governments and Corporate Executive leaders NOW !

  This one website full scale legalized common sense peace making offensive assault of all Criminal evidence is broadcast freely to all mortals as the most horrific paper chase public scandal in USA world history for the damages caused to YOUR new world crime free society GODs  As of Oct 1, 2022 not a single person has confessed their crimes against most humble cofounder of no more violators of OUR rights to be free will sovereign citizens traveling freely on freeBUS.US now powered by ONLY fossil free GODs technology to advance our very own human race as PEACEMAKERS using monthly and on demand Town Hall FORUMS host mediated by each of you our most   prestigious problem solvers who have joined and to actually share everything of GODs resources back to greatest places of your mortal needs.

   Driven forever by Gods FOIA.ONE

 Oct 3, 2022 Contact +1 770-528-3048 command her and everyone else TURNOVER Robert Dee ROSE to top FBI AG PRESS Governments and Corporate Executive leaders NOW !

  Same sane as required by GOD and each of you summer of 2011 when ROSE was most actively stealing Billions of USD out of OUR banks, stock market databases, and actively destroying OUR USA Government databases.

 Once anyone sees ANTICHRISTS, each of you WILL RISE UP and protect Keiths life while liberating yourselves from the cyber terrorists who were always the 'CRIMINAL RULING ELITE' first families of deception evil creeps of Devils Mass destruction Serpent Vipers of Matthew Chapter 23 versus Roman 12.

  Best GODs solution was always to directly deliver all BEST problem solving solutions TO the top world GIVINGPLEDGE.SPACE mega billionaires since THEY only exist because of WE GODS PEOPLEs work efforts + taxes.   WHO DO YOU KNOW to actually CONTACT VIDEO US directly using original methods now patent gifted as and of

Most indicting CRIMINAL video of all time is original Nov 14,2010 of ROSE endangering his very own two CHILDREN 2 blocks FROM his $2.5 million Crime Estate built with KEITHS original Forsyth COUNTY Judgment 08SC-1345 issued Oct 29, 2010 BY Jimmy DEAL and JUDGE McClelland after 264 days of NEVER EVER getting a single DOLLAR of our entire estate mega billion assets back BECAUSE most people refuse to enforce ANY LAWS these final days of World War FIVE. WHO DO YOU EACH KNOW TO PROTECT OUR LIVES RIGHT NOW and PUT US ALL ON NATIONAL NEWS PRESS CONFERENCES to expose ALL criminals and TERRORISTs who ALL roam freely cause by LUCIFER Mass POVERTY wars and Mass apathy IGNORANCE of WHO is destroying GODs people starting 5550 year ago Egyptian lunatic insane asylum KING of ALL KINGS. 770-377-2106.  Call Trillionaire Keith Brent Duncan +1 770 377 2106  Now located in Asheville NC as world famous multinational MegaBillionaire enterprises of direct funding 200 to 300 new EDUCATION and Technology Foundations staffed by YOU our most beloved GODS people forever.

   Everyone BENEFITS using GODs methods of is GODs most humble servant Keith Brent Duncan (Atlanta GA USA) to all living +7.95 Billion Mortals. Each of you are brain-washed to believe all the lies of who controls all aspects of your reality, souls, and assets. Now we most peacefully REVOLT hosting Peace community conclave Problem Solving forums using GODs + GODs EVOTE.ONE system total replaces all known voting and decision making systems by each of you personally holding everyone accountable for fearlessly protecting the rights, lives, and assets of each other before thinking of self benefit interests. town hall forums is the only GODs method to decide everything.
   Destruction of ALL NWO criminals, terrorists, Cyber Black Hat criminals like ROSE was always the use of Keith + GODs -> FOIA.ONE at all levels to teach all of you to be only PeaceMakers.
keith brent duncan was always worlds last mega true reality Trillionaire ProCreator of GODs world once + forever.
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