K911app.com is about everyone con artist scamming all my 8.17B We Gods children. Example was Atlanta Kathy Duby lifetime threatening all her victims. She is a roaming homeless person who squats in persons homes, claims residency, steals from Community Donation and neighbor garbage cans, begs on the streets, gets food from church donation centers, even stalks her victims like she has done against Maggie Garcia Wade, Keith Brent Duncan, Johnny Calfee, and Carol Sims of Atlanta GA. Then she files small claims court actions like below Magistrate Court of Dekalb County, Georgia 22M09475 and 22M09476 that were never legally corrected served by certified notice. June 29, 2023 courtroom 1200 C Dekalb County Courthouse, 556 N McDonough Street, Decatur, GA 30030 is at 1 pm. This open published legal WEBSITE puts KATHY DUBY back in prison. Puts millions of addicts in work camps + my hostels of SolutionHousing.org from my 1976 BidOnkeith.com NCSU
We have already filed Formal Request for Dismissal, also filed with court our $5,000 Countersuit. We asked the Courts and Judges to issue TPO and following charges, and have never been called, emailed, USPostal mail delivered any court required response past 1 year.
§ 16-8-4 - Theft by conversion
§ 16-5-90 - Stalking; psychological evaluation
Integrity 619 + 651+ 1441 Sept 6, 2024 of SolutionJudge.com
Best collection of HER crimes is: Dropbox.com/home/kathyDuby-civilCriminalEvidence2022May-sept26
Our Partnership CreatorKeith.com Firm
Everyone who joins CreatorKeith.com World Trading Partner Enterprises INC. because a ProfitShareHolders.com owner of all the world-wide products and services Keith Duncan has deposited under full legal and financial protection of the USA and all other governments who protect Keith's life. 75,000 shares are available for qualified investors.
This is a patentable business process that ensures all stockholders and employees contribute their best efforts and therefore self-regulate and control their own profits and earnings. Currently almost all publically traded companies are run by Corporate Executives and management along with Board of Directors who conduct criminal enterprises protected by higly paid LIAR-Lawyer firms like Morris Manning and Moore of Atlanta GA where John Yates has the full layout of ProfitShareHolders and ordered Keith banned from City Club of Buckhead in Atlanta Georgia because I had directly contacted him and Sonny Morris asking for their IP and legal help in fall of 2009, spring of 2012(during the #1 kidnap stage) and subsequently have been broadcasting to over 100 law firms like Deming Parker Moore of Norcross GA and King and Spaulding of Atlanta and Washington D.C.