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Contact Keith Duncan's prodigal son: Kyle Duncan +1 770-655-5546 and EVERYONE right now ! ! !
Contact Pat Epps Air Service, PDK Airport Atl Georgia USA same focus. Integrity:11,200 March 11, 2025 is the repurposing conversion of MegaBillionaire Seized and fire sale SOLD off mega yachts (motor, sailing, even towable barges and work platforms of Oil Derricks of all deceased Oil corporations) to be used as only river and ocean roving exploration and 'clean-up' research vessels to restore Gods original last MotherEarth based frontier Since all of my other perfected solutions eliminate all energy $$ warlords crime lords Cyber Terrorists by fast path reversing all Climate Change Polluters worldwide, then WE GODS people now focus on restoring the original aquatic balance of Gods oceans, waterways, and underground / aboveground water reservoirs at all levels. Now we all mutually share the greatest farming resource of restored aquatic life from algea, plankton through our food chain to our greatest whales.
WHO do you actually TRUST and KNOW to protect life while demanding recovery of all assets stolen 22-1-3042-68 by #1 most terrorists ROBERT DEE ROSE, Ms. Bashama, Douglas Duncan, and almost most of Duncan Clan led by very ex wife outlaw Sherry Mingle Duncan and all other Violators of was always the most efficient physics engineer patent based methods to reverse all strip mining, economic NON-Development, clear cutting deforestation by the Logging Paper Lumber empires, and providing all required direct funding and resource management assets to procreate debt Free Only MIDDLE class shown as no crime
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