AirCraft.Today by NGOs #1 top engineer scientist Frontliner Human Rights Investors. Office +1 770-377-2106 USA. GivingPledge.SPACE Billionaire Gifting Philanthropists.
Contact +1 770-452-7958. Contact ALL PILOTS + PRESS + PUBLIC.
Contact Keith Duncan's prodigal son: Kyle Duncan +1 770-655-5546 and EVERYONE right now ! ! !
Contact Pat Epps Air Service, PDK Airport Atl Georgia USA same focus. Integrity:11,200 March 11, 2025

Aircraft.Today for sale $200
Consult & Services
+1 770-377-2106
20,000 Corp Jets
+Thousands Yachts

2025 March 11. Our entire portfolio valued over $40 Billion USD to be sold to existing fortune 1000 corporations worldwide to decentralize privatize all of OUR assets so no more wars or Stock Markets caused by original 1972 WHO do you trust and know to protect our lives today while greatest legal purge of all violating criminals now occurs use of my Evote.ONE driven new world ?
Millions of free roaming cyber criminals are now rounded up by each of your actions using my patents.
Current plans is to attend Fun&Sun Lakeland Fla April 1-7, 2025 to meet millions, then billions of WE the people. was procreated by GOD + as the only complete perfected divined ordained total replacement methods to Unify all +8.175 billion WE Gods children forever use of my patent IP A.I.
2024 Oct 5. Now online for final WHY Duncan 66 years ago. TO UNIFY all 8.175 billion WE GODS my children forever use of EVOTe.ONE part of perfected 0 crime debt free utopia as illustrated worldwide at ON right now now 6:30 pm EST Asheville NC Biltmore PARK. Access KEY: 6StaEm, Host Key: 355152
My own $40 Billion USD valued state of art portfolio went extreme years 1972, 1976 NCSU gift shown at perfected, then Norcross GA 1982, 1989, 1996, 9/11 of 2001, 2008, Oct 3, 2011, then Jan 28, 2014, Feb 15 2015 China, Hong Kong, Philippines to Oct 5, 2018, then again return Jan 15, 2021 to 2023 Sept 25 anniversary of when YOU my most beloved people eliminate ALL warlords, ALL criminals roaming freely by PROTECTING my life and commanding recovery of ALL my assets stolen by DuncanClan, #1 most cyber terrorist ROBERT DEE ROSE, Douglas Vernon Duncan, Sherry/kyle/matthew Duncan, murdered Brian Walker, and +140 others including the proof of funds at Direct action modeled by Jesus Christ and King Solomon shows we are wealthiest highest IQ person of all GODs timeline and have been relentlessly severely persecuted and cyber attacked by everyone tied to murder for hire conspiracies of Norfolk VA 4:11:cr112 by simple Google 'Keith Brent Duncan'.
WHO do you actually TRUST and KNOW to provide us direct safe haven while greatest round-up of all violators of below now occurs universally. $40 Billion USD patent Intellectual Property world record holder (sent by GOD 1-19580815-1) of all perfected solutions to REVERSE the current criminal ruling elite total control over WE GODS people includes these simple methods and assets YOU now fully control and own.
2024 April 9-14. Now at Sun&Fun Lakeland Fla Cross Marketing Airshow and Vendor Display conference exhibit. We have already reversed course of current with most simple EVOTE.ONE To Date, post Jan 15, 2008 absolutely no one has asked us the most common sense issue so we could supply world with all the perfected solutions to unify all 8.1 billion WE GOD people forever. WHO DO YOU KNOW to protect our lives TODAY and demand recovery restitution of our original assets shown to world at 22-1-3042-68 since was absolutely NO reason for us to be kidnapped illegally detained 6 times for 900 days except by ORDERs of robert Dee Rose, duncan clan, and our very own representatives who were PAID to destroy the Lucifers.
As brutally honest as Gods witness, ALL World Leaders are now under full Control Authority of WE GODS PEOPLE for ever.
Keith + GODs most simple common sense methods of 8 new world Constitutional Laws of EVOTE.ONE reverse the current War and Crime Lord criminal ruling elite who already control ALL our databases, our assets, our souls, and all public traded Holding corporations including total control over OUR banking and trade methods. WHO DO YOU KNOW to protect Keith Duncans life NOW
2024 March 20 as we have NO other world reversing solutions left to perfect and GIFT back to WE GODS +8.1 Billion PEOPLE.
​ #1 top engineer scientist Front liner Philanthropist Investors Procreators of perfected NO CRIME UTOPIA of Intl Office +1 770-377-2106 USA. We are direct Founders of +100 NGO organizations under the new umbrella of and now last +120 website broadcast of *foundation of World Trade Federation Overseers of all governments and all world free will barter exchange Corporations worldwide. No civilization prospers and thrives until best Project Manager Consultants of our engineer, scientist, researchers, mathematicians, creative arts, architects, consultants, professors, medical doctors and top world Professors actually ARE our new world leaders in each and every one of OUR communities using generic town hall forums when WE decide the next best infrastructure project and WE choose WHO are the best Project Managers use of ancient EVOTE.ONE 100% real time direct eDemocracy methods perfected by Keith brent Duncan back year 1976
MOST CRITICAL is for each of YOU to protect life TODAY and actually BOOK us on bvvest top national news Press CONFERENCES today. More extreme than Oct 3, 2011 when Keith was kidnapped at by super criminal international terrorist ROBERT DEE ROSE.
We are mega Billionaires ProCreator inventors of the internet at all levels from Mainframes down to micro Electronics P.L.C.s we constructed starting 1976 at NCSU Raleigh, NC as showcased at resume at Truly we were always the top world scientist engineer researchers developers front-liner philanthropist gifting angel guardian protectors sent by GOD who have spend our entire life time creating everything at all personal psychology technology levels to procreate Worlds last totally perfected complete replacement economic model of GODs Most of you have no CLUE why you were conceived procreated in the fist place, so we answered the lifetime questions by broadcasting at and
Everything we have broadcast is YOUR reality of who is who, WHO are the worst criminals and terrorists who DO roam freely besue of WHO controls our information highways and databases of OUR stock markets, banks, real estate and general ledger trading journals that dictate and show the financial statements of WHO is hiding YOUR assets from OUR best top world strategic business analysts and computer science top experts. CONTACT us DIRECTLY NOW, best is VIDEO conference calls with all your best top leaderrs to hear first handout HOW everyone now benefits by sharing all of GODs resources and talents of Knowledge and wisdom by simple re-Education deprogramming the brain washed masses of most 8 BILLION GODs elders, children, people, and living morsel mortals. Most use single word unconscious objections when they hear the word Politics, crime, sex, rape, murder, war, gambling, party control, voting, even the word debauchery and LUCIFER, and simple word MOTHER SUCKER. Long story. Just call us.
We alone control all worldly mega Billionaires use of members we have always recruited openly exposed at our procreated foundation of GivingPledge.SPACE
Supersedes original Bill Gates and Warren Buffet at forever.
Everyone Contact Asheville and PDK Airport Managers including Pat Epps Airservice, Asheville Mayor Esther Manheimer, City Manager Debrah Campbell, Chamber of Commerce Directors, Police and Fire Chiefs as we have been doing full time starting 1976 with focus on years 2005 to Oct 5, 2011, then full time Jan 28, 2014 tied to $500 MILLION USD still unresolved at any level from police level to Commander in any CHIEFS.
Mrs. Campbell at 70 Court Plaza, Asheville, NC 28801. Phone: (828) 259-5604
Everyone Contact Biltmore Estates Vanderbilt Family Board of Directors to co-locate on their 8,000 acre estate boarding our national Pisgah Forest now redeveloped as most powerful eastern seaboard
Asheville NC USA is our new prime operating base to oversee all operations of OUR world peace making governments and ALL corporate enterprises now decentralized to individual privately held corporations worldwide.
Contact Inc, 2000 Airport Road Suite 227, Dekalb Peachtree Airport, Atlanta GA 30341 1-877-4An-Angel. +1 770-452-7958.
Also, Contact all PILOTS and Pat Epps at Epps Air Service, PDK Airport, Atlanta Georgia USA.
We were always fully funded and prepared to take over all Corporate Executive aircraft and our very own military aircraft to be fast path converted back to Humanitarian airlift rescue support operations by includes buying all the fire sale seized mega billionaire yachts being arrested from the Russian Billionaires.
Includes legal take over of and all other 'timeshare' corporate jet fleets paid for by YOU the original investors in OUR banks and Corporate Stock Market open publicly trade STOCK certificates.
To date: Feb 23, 2023 not a single person has protected our lives and/or commanded recovery of ALL our stolen assets including our very own insurance polices value exceeds $4 million USD, $500 MILLION USD and all other public apologies and prison time for anyone who violates our and your rights.
Our CEO Angel Investor Philanthropists have published how GODs people now control all Corporate Executives use of and common sense no more stock options, Corporate Perks (aircraft), Insider trading, and Campaign Contributions that deny the investors and stock holders of always taking first growth dividend profits while protecting our original investments. Evote.ONE is the only method of WE decide next best project and WE decide pick by proxy the best project manager to complete the next best infrastructure program on budget and on time.
We have showcased these simple GODs methods to unify mankind one final time by destroying the ability of anyone to deceive and embezzle GOD and our resources by claiming only ‘THEY’ can decide how to manage our money, assets, and work level productivity. GOD + KEITHS system achieves total world once everyone host mediate using and all other simplified methods published at and related clearinghouse.
Contact Keiths dear old High School best friend pilot PERRY REED in Charlotte NC at 770-201-4759.
Everyone NOW contact + visit top world corporate Executives like Gary ROLLINS of CEO Richard A. Hubbell 404-321-2140 on how to fast path rebuild Gods world using ancient, current technology concentric focused on and that converts all war machines to and National Guard in all of GODs countries. is Clearly we are worlds most powerful profitable most humble top scientist frontliner human rights founders of of all dignified aspects of GODs New world replacement society of True current reality is WHO controls Gods resources and assets? Answer was always the Criminal Ruling Elites who con-artist control the mindsets of each of you.
​ is part of your new free world society when everyone shares everything openly. No more mega criminal ruling elite or poverty once WE GODS people most actively act with fearless authority to electronically decide the Next Best Project and who are the highly paid in cash project managers at all levels. Clearly is the new world method of part of super answer solutions of and
We always had the best technology to prevent any issue at the root cause of why everyone acts like ANTS in a ant ecology economic colony. General Aviation now will proceed to ferry anyone who JOINS and since everyone has a prime focus skill expertise to contribute for the benefit value of everyone else.
The value of Keith + GODs entire system is termed GODzillions in economic redistribution of over $500 Trillion USD real asset and cash to the greatest places of needs. The most obvious persons causing all mass poverty and wars are those who are criminally insane incompetent known as sociopath psychopath lunatics starting with infamous Robert DEE ROSE at who now has 4 mega yahct cyber criminal attack communication centers same as most of the Russian Billionaires who are fleeing the coup we procreated back year 2010 and personally deliveed to Langley AirForceBase Sept 25, 2011 and was subsequently almost murdered by being illegally detained 6 times over 900 days since we find NO ONE who ever protects the lives, assets, or rights of victims of organized criminals worldwide.
On March 19-20, 2022 we go to Atlanta International Auto CarShow to re-deliver cross promote that has intrinsic persistent value exceeds $100 Trillion USD in automated transportation products and services once everyone sees that sharing our assets with trusted all others is how to massively reduce expenses while increasing all first profits to ourselves.
Common sense, Technology, GODs commandments have always been the KEYS to unification of all.
We drove our Dads 1930 Model A Ford (original never restored) antique all the way to Wash the Sin out of Washington April-May 2014 seen on 'Builtbykeith #25' series.
Our banner was now focus everyone on
One of our dearest high school friends is Perry Reed of Charlotte NC office 704-201-4759. We both drove Guilford County NC High School Bus125 + ?, both our girlfriends were named Lisa. Perry is retired pipeline consultant expert and has very large group of pilots to work directly for KeithAirService once all Corporate Aircraft and yachts are sold off at fire sale bargain prices to Incorporation NGsystems. We then resell these assets back to any corporate family member using their dynasty assets. Balance of Keiths fleet now used as charter aircraft of and for front liner humanitarian use known as air RideShare through Pat Epps at PDK where I personally visited everyone so many times we record showcased all aspects of GODs
​ Celera 500L is KeithAirService .com Emergency most formal request to CONTACT #1 world inventor scientist 770-377-2106 USA Intl Headquarters of all time DUNCAN so everyone benefits use of EVOTE.ONE part of GODs complete replacement economic engineered system driven by WE GODS people decide next best project and WHO are each of the PROJECT Managers at mayor to President and CORPORATE executive use of ASK ALL pilots use now based at PDK through our great old friend Pat EPPS and NINA. NOW 20,000 Corporate retired aircraft are used for all humanitarian airlift services while reverses ALL executives creating any war machine forever. CALL US PLEASE as we were sent by GOD +63 years ago to eliminate all crime networks forever we branded as known as BANKSTERS and BROKERS at all levels. keith.
WHO are your top PILOTing leader executives and WHEN WHERE can we meet immediately??
Celera 500L | Egg with wings or a revolution in aviation
Who DO you each now know to provide safe haven protection and command OUR top world leaders actually protect keiths life as well as each of you using FOIA.ONE Gods engineered systems.
Updated Feb 1, 2022 as we currently reside back in hometown of Norcross GA debriefing everyone
and always asking everyone to COMMAND our very own USA GOV protect our lives once and forever as required by GOD and all existing Constitutional Laws. WHO will put KEITH on National News media TODAY to host mediate how to fast path reform unify ALL 7,9 Billion of Gods children at one time.
Since direct funding and taxes is the LUCIFER agenda, and legal destruction of all Military Industrial Complex Banksters transfers required over $350 Trillion USD cash and assets back to greatest places of your mortal needs once everyone ratify commands Keith's life be protected while his very own $500 Million USD is transferred to your communities that includes sending mission evangelist technology teams to worst impoverished nations caused by same Elite at Bank, Stock Market, Real Estate, and developer levels worldwide. Destruction of the oil empires was always easy use of and and
OFFICE is +1 770-377-2106 driven by each of YOU demand commanding justice finally be served. Inventor Publisher of at plus listed OTHER world saving engineered inventions and Gods methodology was forefounded by CEO megaBillionaire Keith Brent Duncan of Atlanta Georgia. Updated Jan 19, 2021.
Contrary to world public false opinion (The Lucifer agenda), the shareholders of any publically traded company OWN everything with no exception including all the Corporate Vehicles, the Corporate Aircraft, all the corporate mansions, the business trips (write-offs), and all the mega Yachts. The shareHolders and investors including all taxpayers pay for everything with no exception since those known as the Criminal Ruling Elite already control the government lawmakers, the campaign contributors, the lobbists. All because same Elite control our Corporate ByLaws and change make any loophole beltline law to funnel our assets and growth profits to their family dynasty secret bank accounts mostly in Switzerland, Bank of England, Vatican Bank, Isle of Mann, and in Bahamas at cyber criminal center run by infamous Robert Dee ROSE at with $200 Million USD legal bounty on his head. All related to WHO are the false zealots who think they own our work efforts and bank investment stock market certificates, and hold title to GODs natural resources.
Keith is worlds last trillionaire who teaches each of you to transfer your assets back to humanitary use includes all miitary ships, submarines, aircraft, ballestics, and all weapons of mass destruction back under your local civilian control as each of you decide how to dispose of any criminal terrorists by anyone in prison, exiling them, even death row since the very top level of criminals have no redeeming ability to save themselves by confessing their crimes, vices, and sins against your family based communities.
Never was Keith Brent Duncans fault of making any mistake to put him into hell Jail 6 times for 900 days while named criminals destroyed this same GOD sent redistribution of HIS and Mother Earths resources. One day, humans must be prepared to explore Gods universe and use GODs technlology like Lasers and IONspace drives to explore new homeplaces while being peace makers in odd case that extraterrestial terrorist aliens are bent on destroying Earth and each of you. Always a known threat that very few people can prove exists without generationg LUCIFER urban myths.
We control + own the worlds most powerful profitable patents we personally procreated and have always gifted back to each of you, 7.9 BILLION GODs children. WE are never the 'GREEDY' shrewd ones who false think we own the stock market, bank deposits, infrastructure, water, energy supplies since this was never our GOD gifted nature. An old friend once told me to 'GO where wealthy elite park their yachts. '. I replied, 'Better to go where super wealthy park their jets and turboProps'. How true as I am now at PDK Airport Downwind Resturant, waitress Amanda as I just ate a HERO gryo late lunch Nov 21, 2011.
I personally have procreated all required engineered solutions to change the course of all human history. I was always denied ALL my rights to gift everything back to you by the following most incredibly true sequence of reality crimes committed by now +125 persons tied to terrorrirst Robert Dee Rose as terrorists have literally stolen all sane same methodologies I was sent by GOD to gift. = We are 100% victim of 125 named criminals, 85% are OUR USA GOV officials who all knew about Cobb County TPO 11.1.1171 cancelled July 15, 2011 and that ALL our patents, assets and anti-all crime systems were destroyed by DUNCAN clan, murdered Brian Walker on orders of most ruthless super international terrorist ROBERT DEE ROSE. NO one ever protects victims of organized criminals including KEITHS very own pastors at, no FBI, AG, DOJ including terrorist Sally Q Yates and GBI Director Berry Victor Reynolds, focus DOJ POLICE public on Atty Alexandery Cyclone Covey who is super cyber terrorist CEO of in Duluth GA. lives in SugarLoaf Plantation.
Most critical is EVERYONE PROTECT KEITHS life while YOU transfer his IP and massive portfolio to your own community direct use to build new community education centers, water, power, internet, roads, free med centers, literally anything to benefit WE GODS people once and forever.
We are soon in overseer charge of the worlds largest charter fleet of re-commissioned Corporate Jet and Turboprop aircraft in world history based on your direct and immediate use to retire +70% all Corp Executives once mass publicity completes new ByLaws of modeled
Once Warren Buffet and thousands of other top world Corporate Executives are asked to retire as members of GivingPledge.SPACE, then Keith Duncan groups + you take over management bookings of even and other brokered leased corp services.
Clearly 70% of former top corporate Executives will now transfer their wealth worldwide as #1 top spenders and mentors in our own high schools and universities to ensure our current young adults assume total accountability as free will independant sovereign citizens who project manage
WHO do you know to contact Keith and yourself right now? Only by mass publicity of GODs products and services will course of our human history ever go 100% positive foreward.
We are the superset of old GivingPledge.ORG mega billionaires and millionaires who we most founding fondly call BILKanaires and MILKanaires for their inability to transfer 80% of their current family wealth back to actually solve mankinds greatest needs of food, land, air, water, energy, and all matters of true GODs spiritual issues.
Our gift to all humanity of eCRAFT.US + completes worlds most efficient transportation system combined with and all powered by, and engineered universal solutions.
We are rare worlds last=first true trillionaires of Intellectual Property. Our patent portfolio is fully protected by each of you and by copyright, patents, trademarks, and branded engineered systems that are the worlds last total replacement of all known forms of Government and Mega Corporate Executive Holding Corporation By-Laws.
As of Nov 30, 2021 we have recruited all 7.9 Billion GODs people to join and actually use our gifted divined ordained engineered technology to decentralize all wealthy elite by removing most from decision making authority by full action of dynamic eVOTE.ONE use of and that already eliminates over 95% of all world banks and shuts down all public traded commodity MLM ponzi scheme reactive traded stock certificates. The true intrinsic persistant value of any corporation is the true benefit of the original products and services procreated by our workers. is re-use of all +20,000 USA and then other national corporate aircraft that no go on the open market as used once all Corporate Executives and even world leaders are now required to fly commerical airlines, buy their own private family aircraft like Gary, 404-888-2000 or charter our growing fleet first based by Pat Epps at PDK Chamblee Georgia who founded as the best way to utilize shareholder owned aircraft for humanitarian airlift use. Call us today at 770-377-2106 Intl Headquarters soon based in every single international primary city starting with Asheville NC USA.
Our Education Services
We are masters at solving any problem issue, even reversing all wars using authored
Keith Air is part of GODs system Owners of, WE now take over all operations of general aviation at corporate level by leasing and selling your ShareHolder purcahsed Corporate Aircraft back to any of the Corporate Executives using their personal assets. Includes turnover of unused aircraft to humanitarian groups of who are now controlled by WE GODs people the original investors of everything.
We alone have shown how 3 groups of world traveling rich criminal ruling elite now all go to Prison, many to Death Row by action of OUR and DOD reformation system all driven by EVOTE.ONE WILL of GODs people to legally redistribute all wealth back to greatest places of needs.
1. Anyone in the Military Industrial Complex prevent reversed by
2. Any Corporate Executive or GOV Politician/leader who refuses to show all records of their asets. FOIA.ONE
3. Seized Criminal assets use of to pay back 10x restitution to recorded victims, 1% goes through bylaws of, balance goes direct to and
Critical number of 20,000 Corporate Aircraft are operated in USA that are paid for BY WE GODS people known as Bank Depositors and Common Stock Holders of publically traded mega corporations. THEY are real persons including list of GivingPledge.SPACE.
Keith alone was sent by GOD to showcase who is who to separate our honest integrity ethical focused people away from those who are the worst criminals and underground terrorists who pose as Bernie Madoff and ROBERT DEE ROSE of seen at
WE GODS people now use Keiths step by step engineered by GOD system generator of most prolific common sense and to restore the Will of We GODS people to decide everything about everyone. Passing judgement by criminals agains their victims was legalized 5500 years ago by the King of All Kings Pharoahs of Egypt. GOD sent Abraham, Moses, Elisiah, Ezekiel, Isiah, Jesus Christ, Mohamad, Martin Luther, Abraham Lincoln, Ghandi, Dr MLK Jr, then Keith Brent DUNCAN = John 10:30 to showcase how to redistribute GODs stolen pirated wealth back to greatest places of needs by replacing ALL corporate By-Laws, elimination of LLP, void of 5th amendment, void of Client-attorney secret priviledges, and opening all all databse records worldwide as WRITE-ONCE, Read open public known as ROM. Read only Memory that most know as Blockchain.
All corporate Aircraft now put on Sales BLOCK and purchased back by any wealthy Elite. Excess are turned over at lowered market price to Keith Brent Duncan of forefounding father of UNIocracy once and forever.
Published showcased gifted to YOU GODS people on Oct 13, 2021 as was YOUR system.
Who are the true Pirates of the HIGH Corporate world? Robert Dee Rose is the superset founders of current These mega wealthy have pledged to give majority of their wealth to charity upon their death. Yet NO one but a few like Bill Gates or Warren Buffet have actually contributed the peoples wealth back to the greatest places of needs. Upon their individual deaths, they can easily change their wills and trust fund designations. Pledges are worthless until the assets and cash are actually used to advance our human race forward.
Examples are: Warren Buffet gifted 3.5 Billion USD of his $103 Billion USD fortune. Bill Gates gifted $50 BIllion of his assets of current $93 Billion USD worth. Others claim they gift yet most only do this for publicity sake to sell more proeudcts and services.
How is this your WORLD financial reality? Exactly how MUCH is enough? Keiths delivered GOD focused system shows NO PRIVATE CORPORATE WEALTH ever again. Similar but better best what Karl Marx stated back 1850 era.
Makes no sense how ANY news event can ever affect the intrinsic persistent value of OUR companies we manage and control.
These named BilkAnaires and MILKairies have legalized embezzlement past 5500 years, as they alone use campaign contributions and OUR mass Media to pre-select our government official lawmakers who always pass bills and contract bids to ensure same elite leverage and multiply OUR profit gains by always taking first profits. No one actually ensures or insures our original investments are fully protected. ONLY prime exception to this worldwide criminal reality is what just did to showcase HOW to stabilize 7.9 billion of each of you as SOVEREIGN free will market barter citizens who decide your own reality and destiny fates
using and delivered by GODs son of man, most humble keith brent duncan, totally reverses all criminal and elite wealth by WILL of WE GODS people who collectively decide WHO are crooks and who are integrity ethics focused Sovereign Citizens. As of Sept 1, 2021 everyone LABORS to protect the HAVEs, and have no CLUE why Keith was sent by our mutual Creator to turn over all criminals once and forever
. Summary is the most powerful Economic Reform system in world history publish authored by world famous celebrity Keith Brent Duncan. worlds first and last Trillionaire who gifts everything back to each of you. I was never the greedy one.
All shareholders now command replacement of ALL corporation By-Laws worldwide the following Prime Operational requirements that were the basis for why GOD sent Duncan to model all reform unification systems starting with prime consultant engineered Project Management technology systems.
These God's methods replace all Corporate Executive By-Laws once and forever. +70% of all most wealthy Elite are no longer decision maker Executives. Their new prime only focus is as 'SPENDERS and MENTORS' in our high schools, all free university systems Over $300 Trillion USD of wealth is now redistributed through new small biz owner communities. now protects all our children, elderly, disabled, women.​
Now all ProfitShareholders of record take all First Profits. Includes all Bank Depositor Named persons (and proxies) control the flow of assets and profitability of all operations using EVOTE.ONE to open public record their collective cooperative Decisions.
Use of both and is the key to unification of our entire human race.
These are the new Replacement By-Laws of all corporations. Requires shutdown of all stock markets while shareHolders rewrite their laws.
1. All ShareHolders electronically 1 week before quarterly required financial statements are due and released on WHO are the executives of the Corporation and business entities.
2. ShareHolders agree on suspending their buy/sell trading of our stock when any news event causes instability of the price of our investment assets.
3. ShareHolders agree to null and void and existing Stock Options held by executives, board of directors, board of trustees and any other managment level executive.
4. ShareHolders can electronically (remotely) access their Corporation General Ledger and accounting legal documents at any time.
5. ShareHolders can require written disclosure of any offsets, write-offs and business expenses of any executive.
6. ShareHolders can deny the ability of any executive to use Corporate Transportation, Corporate Housing, any level of business expense write-offs.
7. ShareHolders can eVOTE on no more Deferred Compensation packages, Golden Parachutes, exclusive corporate paid memberships, and other write-offs that drain the long term profits and assets out of their own on-line statements of actual intrinsic persistant value of their stock.
8. ShareHolders can eVote command null and void of any other level of Stock Issues other than the proper original Common Stock.
9. ShareHolders control collectively by will of majority the actual By-Laws that run all corporations and subsequently deny the ability for any executgive or group to give Political Campaign Contributions and Lobbyist fees to anyone not 100% employed internally.
Keith and his economic world advisors show this will force retirement of over 70% of the most wealthy persons worldwide. They now become the philanthropist Spender Mentors of our young adults. These retired world executives now are Professors of and teach startup groups how to create New Technology products and services that benefit any community. These same retired Executives now direct fund startups and other small business communities to ensure all of GODs children share equally of GODS loaned assets.
Keith Duncan Updated Historical Oct 13, 2021 when was commanded to be held worldwide.
#1 issue was always TOTAL NEGATIVE LACK of ANY PUBLICITY by anyone by simply CONTACTING to describe everything about our current reality of poverty and NWO Lucifers who already run the affairs of GODs world.
NO Longer can any lawmaker pass any bill, regulation, or sign any contract that profits themselves first..
THE ONLY SOLUTION was always to DEBRIEF KEITH on National TV with TOP USA GOV officials offering their apologies on WHY Keith is persecuted.
The required GODs mass publicity of this ONE ordained $400 Trillion USD system empowers all Stock Holders of record and ALL Band Depositors to dynamically use EVOTE.ONE to select elect WHO are the mega Billionaires and Mega Millionaires by treating them all as highly paid in cash consultants. JUST like a waiter in any restaurant like St Regis Buckhead where I am right now 20210628 10pm showing the ONLY engineered financial system to replace all banks and stock market systems with the interlinked dynamic floating free will market barter system when all products and services produced locally are sold by legally binding open contract agreements to the local consumer clients. The shipping industry is literally eliminated as anyone can see the brokers of trade are the LUCIFERS from 6600 years ago who always take FIRST PROFITS for the FIRST Families.
THE GODs model integrated comprehensive NonGovSystem is worlds last SINGLE open public free trading exchange system with NO FEES, no Taxes, No transfer regulations or ability for sin insane Corporate Executives to pirate GODs wealth once and forever.
This was always GODs most powerful Paradigm shift on how to UNIFY mankind as PeaceMakers free of sin, vice, and crime.
This is how-to empower all investors and employees at all levels to use Evote.ONE to choose who are the new corporate executives now treated as highly paid in cash consultants after they increase the long term profits intrinsic persistent shown on the required financial balance sheets and general ledgers open for Share Holder reviews and open for public scrutiny.
Basic GODs Commandments show all ShareHolders and Bank Depositers and Investors OWN their corporations and therefore Control and Choose with WHO are the highly paid cash consultants formerly known as Corporate Executives and PolyTic Politicians. The BY-laws of our unGodly Lucifer world determine the fate of your reality past 8000 years known as man-made laws. Keith was sent by GOD to teach total world Reformation Unification and has been relentlessly defrauded, persecuted, forsaken, and almost murdered so many times we lost count since NO ONE has been found who actually protects the victims of organized crime or actually enforces existing any laws. Intl Headquarters office +1 770-377-2106 June 15, 2011 keep alive requires ALL to TAKE ACTION right now.
Anyone who objects and claims THEY = THEM" would never agree, are required by 5Steps.Space to identify WHO are THEY and WHY they refuse to be highly paid consultants at top Corp level and Gov Officials worldwide. No more Executive Perks at any levels. Everyone benefits the same as you and I.
BENEFITS: All world stock markets will be suspended 1-2 months now as soon as this one ordained divined solution makes International News Legacy Heritage history. All share-holders will now fast path evote on changing any top corporate executive including exiling any politician who is treated as the sane same servant of WE GODS people using as now all solutions are generated by WIll of Majority of UNIocracy Gods people using Evote,one. These GOD sent engineered systems replace how mankind deals with GODs resources and how to fearlessly protect all others.
These new universal stabilizing BY-Law replacement accountability systems from GOD now prevents and cash outs all old stock options, all deferred pay, all bonuses, no more corporate aircraft, homes, bodyguards, yachts, traveling on company expense write-offs. All mega corporate holding companies are now dispersed to be individual companies building services and products delivered to our local communities.
No more insider trading or commodity speculation that only enriches the stock market broker bankers and political war mongers who are the worst cyber criminals in world history hiding behind our lawyers and accountants using LLP system to prevent civil and criminal investigations of money asset laundering known as write-offs and reversals like Robert Dee Rose hwigl.pdf seen at universal crime reporting system.
#1 top business economic model Experts in world history was always most humble angel guardian Trust Philanthropists.