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Contact Keith Duncan through any ways and means. This has always been the #1 priority for USA Military and all Law Enforcement agencies so Keith can finally have full protection from all governments.

Address: Now in Manila.
Soon International UNIocracy Headquarters in Geneva Switzerland, Hong Kong, Beijing, Moscow, other $$ city.


was: 9120 Double Diamond Parkway, Suite 6309

Reno, Nevada  89521   U.S.A.

USA Office +1(775)888-1631 from Dec 24, 2014 to now.

Philippines +(63) 0917-335-4300
was  Hong Kong +(852)9146-8620
was China cell +(69)1343-220-0749
Was USA 770-289-3050 Until Jan 28, 2014

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© Aug 15, 1958-2020 copyright All (c)(tm)(r) Patent + IP Rights reserved and gifted by CreatorKeith.Space World Trading Partner Enterprises INC, Reno Nevada USA. protected by all governments, corporations, public, and churches for the rest of Keith Duncan's life to prevent criminals from genocide Holocaust of  the rest of Keith's beloved people. updated July 11, 2020 Gods timeline most precious commodity owned by Keith Duncan.


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