WhoIsKeith.space. Keith Brent Duncan
PeaceSummit2020.com Commands Unification.
Deadline is Nov 25, 2021 All World Presidents Agree.
Join UNIocracy.org PeaceSUMmit2020@gmail.com Info@CreatorKeith.com
eVOTE.ONE New Free World SolutionManifesto.com SolutionPeace.Org FOIA.one SolutionJudge.com
Only answer set unifies all Mankind. Integrity Member Visits 33 + 146 Nov 4, 2021.
Join SolutionPeace.Org Self Salvation Use SolutionManifesto.com
SaintKeith.com 63-9173354300. Skype: TeenMM Meet.
Contact us + Protect our lives to learn WHO is GOD = You.
IFJC2.com NewZion2.com Unifies Mankind under 1 Mutual Creator SolutionGOD.ORG
CLICK ABOVE or HERE to go to LAST TESTAMENT IFJC2.com Below is the original backup in case I am martyred by ROSE or ??
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NewZion2.com + IFJC2.com The Creation of a new King Solomon #3 Temple of universal worship occurs on top of Stone Mountain Georgia USA where all religions denominations freely worship with respect and honor for all others regardless of their brainwashed cult centuries of bigotry, racism, and denial of rights of my collective people. SolutionIslam.com fully supports Muslims + Christians + Buddhism + all other non idol worshiping theologies. The key is teaching our world to act with authority to fearlessly protect the rights of all others. This alone ensures world enters the Last Testament period of total Social Peace and Justice.
IFJC2.com is I Follow Jesus Christ Too using UNITYurl.com as the PRIME answer to UNIFY all mankind at Base Level.
NewZion2.com is the completed design for a new King Solomon Temple on top of Stone Mountain GA USA. SMRCF.com and IseeJustice.com are video with IseeIunderStand.com world broadcasts from summer of 2014.
Final Update Aug 16, 2019.
FatherKeith Duncan
5:54 PM (4 hours ago) Aug 16, 2019.
to Bill, David, James, Keith, FatherKeith, Gloria, Paige, me
https://youtu.be/Xt6lQAe8ues posted below as original design of 3rd King Solomon Community worship center to be duplicated worldwide.
Uniocracy.org as demonstrated dimensions of what my NGO groups shall build on top of Stone Mountain Atlanta GA as shown before and after I was ordered crucified by one antichrist Robert Dee Rose theFinalTerrorist.com. Almost everyone has foresaken Keith since Jan 15, 2008 when ROSE threatened my assets shown to world and below. Since GOD has been one of my very few benefactors, I have been always authorized and justifed to compllete my Father Christs ministries to all of humanity....
Now recreated on subpage of uniocracy.org as most of these original reformation websites are now owned by chinese ?? Like UNIocracy.com. SolutionGovernment.com followKeith.com BidOnKeith.com and all others I could not renew because I ran out of my very own very last assets because of ONE original soulless demonic devil I exposed jan 15, 2008 after he threatened my life when I showed him his very own Homewaves.com general ledger, accounts receivables, and account Payables turned over to my very own lawyers, then IRSWBfeb2009, 658 worth Over $8 million USD as they issued this to me through my other lawyers I hired including IRS jack fisher. And vivian hoard in atlanta GA USA from $1,500 USD legally binding contract fall of 2008 with Atty Tom Chorey, ALL bribed and paid off by ROBERT DEE ROSE after ROSE discovered I had showed EVERTHING of ROSEs cyber crime attacks against MY Governments and corportions. So many, I lost count. .
I have nothing left to gift to humanity except the most valuable assets of intellectual property. All worth godzillions this entire time of extreme persecution by all who always knew my true nature..
keith ###
NewZion2 is the final ordained divined design for one new world society with no borders and crime networks. We now have one open public society free of crime when all of us are small business middle class society. No more criminal ruling elite = no poverty forever.
These create ISOocracy = a government when all individuals have equal political power run BY, FOR, and OF God's created people.
These ministries also direct fund build new educational and worship centers around our world in every community as we all use WorldSchoolFund.com to create small business education centers as well as resolve ALL issues using solution5sTeps.com and UNITYurl.com Clearly, keith brent duncan is the Messianic Messenger because of the most extreme persecution by ONE super criminal ROSE implicationg almost every single USA GOV agency for massive Obstruction of Justice and fraud of the USA GOV taxpayer assets. USA Military DOJ AG FBI Interpol Corporations MUST contact Keith and protect his #1 sovereign ambassador Emissary rights to host Press Conferences. Refusals for world to USE eVOTE.ONE identifies WHO are the truly unrepenant criminals who refuse to surrender and testify who are their lifetime victims.
Seizure of all crime assets is easy with EVOTE.ONE as 1% of all crime assets are legally claimed and sent to BuiltBykeith.com Cooperative NGO-Charity ministries to seed fund all world economy rebuild of GOD's loaned assets. No more idol worshiping of artifacts, relics, and the vice-sin crime false witness idols of sex, gambling, drugs, booze, theft, and cyber crime terrorism.
Sept 14, 2018. You MUST continue calling and personally visiting KEY top decision makers AGAIN AND AGAIN. Today is 2 Kings 12 rebuild of temple that was engineer done broadcast > 7 biblical years ago. NewZion2.com IFJC2.com websites were destroyed by Brian Walker and ROSE since NO ONE has yet to USE these 100% solid perfected answer methodologies..... https://acfeinsights.squarespace.com/acfe-insights/top-8-concealment-methods-fraudsters is Jeff Moore (Atlanta CPA) and HOW ROSE commits so many crimes INSIDE our own USA GOV and gets away with literal MURDER, TREASON, ESPIONAGE, Cyber terrorism, others. AWSSUMMIT is also 100% affected new World cloud computing as OPEN PUBLIC SOCIETY Database FOIA.ONE is the new single standard Library of World Congress repository. Write ONCE, Read-All Public access with URL links to existing archived databases INCLUDING all the dark shadow databases of CIA, FBI, Interpol, HLS, DEA, so our people know WHO are the true criminals as THEY become the SKYNET TERMINATORS using Open Circuit TV/Mic/Speak wearable eDEVICES I engineered starting 1976.... IcStand.com PhoneCradle.com resulting in FREE world WIFI and FREE public/university foreign exchange student education WorldSchoolFund.com
https://youtu.be/6k3lih7LLs8 was Aug 11, 2011 RIGHT before AntiChrist ROSE extorted Cobb County and Cherokee County GA Police and Judges and MY Lawyers to create Cobb County Georgia TPO 11.1.7683.99 Aug 22, 2011 based on ALL evidence POINTS at ROSE, never myself. One Nov 2010 VIDEO I NEVER sent ROSE, never shown in court, NEVER admitted into evidence, and NO Eyewitnesses testified that day PER the transcript I paid for WHILE in HELL JAIL, then destroyed BY ROSE year 2012. PROOF that ROSE is the #1 cyber criminal of all time as he REFUSED to answer my direct questions on Hacking emails, Cloning wireless routers (evil Twin Networks), and clearing security alarm history. AND I asked when he was FLEEING the USA to avoid prosecution. This is known as PROPHECY. Seeing the reality of extreme danger and showing the true paths of righteousness.
Are you, my most beloved people, going to PROVIDE RESULTS Now? STOP all the diversions and distractions as you have YET to truly FOCUS, FOCUS, FOCUS on any of the most critical answers of all... HOW to UNIFY mankind by taking ACTION to STOP all these vice-sin-crimes using this:
Using SolutionManifesto.com of the original 10 commandments, then the Universal Human Bill of Rights, then the unified standard of ONE single set of universal laws using eVOTE.ONE -> FOIA.ONE one open public world database, then ratified by 7.6 billion people majority, peace and world prosperity is the promised UTOPIA.
Last Update / resurrection / creation on April 30, 2018. My World MUST Host Press Conferences with/By All World Leaders to use these only answer Solution Methods that are Divined, Ordained, and 100% justified to Save our World now. GodSendKeith.ORG is part of WHO I AM (son of humanity).
IFJC2.com is I Follow Jesus Christ Too using UNITYurl.com as the PRIME answer to UNIFY all mankind at Base Level.
NewZion2.com is the completed design for a new King Solomon Temple on top of Stone Mountain GA USA. SMRCF.com and IseeJustice.com are video with IseeIunderStand.com world broadcasts from summer of 2014.
My recruited team attended Philippines Prophetic Conference with Joseph Dumond at 44flr Summit Tower, 530 Shaw Blvd < Mand. City, Manila Friday March 30 2018 9am-4pm, then Sat 9-5pm Mt Makiling Hotel Univ Philippines, Los Banos Laguan hosted by MLTC bible Center, MHFMI, Bishop Butch Belgica Lord's Vineyard Church. (63) 0997-6034949 or 0928-5204202 Broaike@yahoo.com
The ENTIRE BASIS for NewZion2.com is to restore GODS Paradise of heaven back on EARTH when NO ones rights can ever be denied again. The Feared New World Order is Monocracy of a government run by a single person (MonkeyKingsInfo.INFO) is destroyed. Now, Our UNIocracy new world Society is run, controlled, managed, and owned by all my +7.6 Billion People as 100% decision based society when no crime will be tolerated and go unpunished by order eVOTE.ONE of will of majority of all our people.
PRESS CONFERENCES by all WORLD LEADERS is #1 top Requirement to deploy UNITYurl.com through SolutionMilitary.com SolutionManifesto.com to finally complete these only UNIFY missions.
The TOTAL end result efforts of IFJC2.com is to complete the GREAT COMMISSION. Find the Scripture yourself..
These revolution scripture commandments fulfill Daniels 9 and Revelation at the same time. Including Revelation 4:8 of Remote Control Drones and Open Circuit TV with infrared night vision cameras and Bi-Omni-directional microphones with remote speakers live streaming through URLident.com International Open Public database as you my people, are the eyes, ears, and mouths of self-protecting your very own communities of grace and mercy unified as YOU own all infrastructure with
EVOTE.ONE SolutionHousing.ORG SolutionSafeWater.ORG. IseeATT.com TurnOffLights.com
Focusing on SolutionMilitary.com and SolutionManifesto.com our entire world now prevents all Wars and agrees to command new United Nations International SolutionUNI.com to be 100% peace keepers as our one new world military are 100% peace keepers as Criminal Investigators. The Nuclear powered arsenals and weapons of mass destruction are now free nuclear powered plants as even our aircraft carriers become remote hospitals and evacuation tools of Mass Peace Keepers as a few of us (chosen by GOD) are indeed Princes of Peace and #1 top Sovereign Ambassadors who consult for all World Leaders, churches, Corporations, Law Enforcement, and Governments all at the same time.... to teach our world how to 1 Cor 13:13 LOVE and CARE for ALL OTHERS by first destroying all crime networks as our Lord Savior Christ Jesus taught 2,000 years ago. The rest is YOUR history of why and how Predatory Greed and idol worshipping creates the Apololapse of Cyber Crime Terrorist attacks that prevent our people from controlling and managing our New World Society driven by the PRIME engine of common sense and integrity, Solution5sTeps.com and all other answers broadcast real time on BuiltBykeith.com Clearinghouse of ALL world prevention and Revivial Reformation answer solutions.
https://youtu.be/uFc8f_tMXC8 #1049 ### World Leader Call to Take Action SolutionManifesto.com unifies mankind. April 11, 2018 Call all world leaders to proclaim eVote.com prevents all crimes. PRESS CONFERENCES hosted by WORLD Leaders are the PRIME and ONLY required answer to REFORM UNIFY our entire world.New Age of UNIocracy is ISOocracies = a government when all individuals have equal political power.
MONocracy is government by only one person; autocracy that is satanic New World Order. URLiDent.com is the only required international citizen driven database that ensures 100% of elected officials are upholding all statues of new law. No more appointed leaders, criminal investigations, dictator party control can exist.
Start with calling all Law enforcement and National Press to show them FatherKeith.com as the #1 world Human + God Rights consultant Evangelist Activist who works fearlessly for all Military, Police, Judicial System, Banks, Churches, Public, and all of humanity with BuiltByKeith.com as the ONLY world solution clearinghouse in history of man.
If you (or anyone) has a BEST Solution, you are requested to POST to world and contact Keith Duncan's evangelist technical R&D teaching organizations using Solution5sTeps.com and UNITYurl.com We then collaborate to fine tune these most best practices of SolutionManifesto.com Single New World Constitution to ensure all +7.6 billion of our people benefit with all exceptions handled legally and ethically. This is a new and only paradigm that also creates new course of human history destinies…. Contact top people of Trump, Duterte, Putin, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, and other billionaires to dispatch their military and corporate security teams to come FIND Keith’s crusader teams now. 0 delays = 0 excuses !!
The resulting transfer of massive $$$ WEALTH from ill-gotten crime gains will quickly move TRILLIONS of USD/EUROS/etc over the next 6 months to 2 years back to create our 100% middle class society where NO super rich or poverty is allowed ever to exist. Or face the retributions of HOLOCAUST planned by these super criminals who want you DEAD and enslaved so they can be the final MonkeyKings.info Anarchy rulers. WorldSchoolFund.com provides FREE wifi worldwide and all digital classrooms for everyone. SolutionHousing.ORG provides almost free land and building materials so our people create new small business run communities free of all crime and political criminals. ProfitShareHOlders.com FinalStockMarket.com kBitCoins.ORG creates single new barter exchange free trade markets with no restrictions of taxes and import/export broker criminal profiteering of day traders and cyber crime terrorist manipulation of our banks and antique stock markets controlled BY the Criminal Ruling Elite family dynasties.
PRESS CONFERENCES hosted by WORLD Leaders are the PRIME and ONLY required answer to REFORM UNIFY our entire world.
FOCUS on mass publicity as entire world benefits ONCE mass Press Conferences occur to reveal HOW to be honest and enforce ethics on all others. This is why CyberCrime terrorism is the worst plague of all time since clearCollarCrime.com is PCTerror.com to hold my people HostageForProfit.com since no on sees the destroyed and criminally forged/manipulated court documents and evidence. Criminals work full time covering up their previous crimes by extorting and blackmailing their victims to be silent or to join their cabal crime secret network teams. With URLident.com central unified database, no criminal can prosper and thrive since their network of fellow conspirators is quick to identify and destroy. Just like my FatherGod Jesus Christ did 2,000 years ago.. fatherKeith.com is bidOnKeith.com ready to go to the GREATEST PLACES of NEEDS that has always been SolutionMilitary.com SolutionUNI.com
ProfitShareHolders.com destroys ALL stock market speculation, day traders, and criminal insiders + corrupt corporate executives once and forever. These are the new required corporate and small business by-laws to empower all stockholders control + stabilize stock prices based on TRUE value, not shorts/longs/puts, and never speculation or insider cyber crime trading. Computer trading triggers instant profits based on split second news of any world event or disaster profiting only those who have insider crime knowledge of economic trend cause and effects.
Each of these builtByKeith.com only world saving solutions are required to totally REFORM and UNIFY all mankind. Keith Duncan cell (63) 9173354300 Skype: BuiltBykeith2 located at 417 United Nations Ave, Ermita, Manila Philippines 1000. Contact USA GOV, World Leaders, Press, DUTERTE and MILITARY to dispatch teams to FIND Keith and protect his life and team assets now.
USA State Department sent this today, April 15, 2018 Everyone else must do the same. This is another 'emergency' request for USA Military (per SolutionMilitary.com) to contact and ESCORT Keith Brent Duncan back to Atlanta GA + Washington under Military protection from #1 most wanted cybercriminal terrorist ROBERT DEE ROSE now at OneOceanbahamas.com per Norfolk VA 4:11cr112 most powerful Class Action lawsuit Landmark Miscarriage of Justice kidnapping conspiracies based on Cancelled TPO 11.1.1171.99 dated July 15, 2011 in Cobb County GA USA per AG Sally Yates and DA Cobb County Berry Vic Reynolds. over 100 persons go to PRISON for direct links to WhereIsRobertRose.com per the original robbery of my homes on Aug 4, 2010, then Feb 4, 2011 per Marietta GA PD 1.11.2506 forged 4 times to create TPO 1.11.1171.99 and then Aug 22, 2011 TPO 11.1.7683.99 kidnapping murder for hire conspiracies that violate well over 100 Constitional Laws including Treason, Espionage, infiltration of USA GOV databases and extortion payoff of over 100 key USA gov officials Atlanta, GA, Washington DC, Norfolk VA< and Raleigh NC. WHO will actually contact Keith Duncan NOW at (63) 917-335-4300 as I am victimized by everyone including my very own families because everyone PROFITEERed criminally since fateful Nov 4, 2007 per AgileLaw.com and HomeWaves.com RICO crime conspiracies worth billions of $$$ in stolen assets. WHO actually demands Criminal investigations and SENATE/CONGRESS congressional hearings as well as PRESIDENTAL hosted Press Confernces on. WHY. EVOTE.ONE is the ONLY answer for mankind to forever remove ALL criminals including the worst cyber crime terrorists who are criminal league inside most government agencies. URLiDent.com is the ONLY single world open public database that ensures total Peace and social justice. Who contacts Keith now, even over skype: BuiltBykeith2. located 417 United Nations Ave, Manila 1/2 block north of USA EMBASSY who REFUSES to send m ilitary or DOJ for now 2 very long logged years...
WORLD must USE ProfitShareHolders.com then FinalStockMarket.com and kBitCoins.ORG All FOREX markets will soon be voided as ONE international currency is the ONLY answer to stabilize ALL stock markets as Shareholders NOW control and manage the DELAY days between BUY and SELL orders and actually EXECUTION at the FUTURE price after delay. COMMITTED so NO one can sell SHORT or LONG ever again.
March 29, 2018. 10 years AFTER Robert Dee ROSE threatened my life continuously by refusing to honor his very own personal signature on Forsyth County GA USA Judgment 08SC-1345 Oct 2010 worth excess $300,0000 USD, IRS WhistleBlower Feb 2009, 658 worth $8 Million USD Nora.Beardsley@IRS.gov Vivian Hoard Taylor English Law Firm Atlanta GA, $2.4 Million USD of Insurance for each Police Dept Report filed to show Ms. Bashama, ROSE, Duncan Clan, murdered Brian Walker (Gwinnett County GA Dec 7, 2013) defrauded Keith Brent Duncan, then ROBBED his homes after he did all the criminal investigations and turned over ALL evidence to POLICE, to his many criminal lawyers (all guilty of mass obstruction of justice), then ROSE filed 2 TPO 11.1.1171.11 Feb 9, 2011 and TPO 11.1.7683.99 Cobb County GA after extorting CID police, Judges, Lawyers District Attorneys, and everyone to FORCE keith into HELL Jail Feb 23, 2011, then attempted murder of KEITH Aug 23, 2011 then again Oct 3, 2011 to present. All to PREVENT his Death Row convictions based ONLY on his own massive espionage, treason, murder, and infiltration of AgileLaw.com government and corporation databases using ClearCollarCrime.com and anti-crime prime technology ROSE took off MY many stolen computers Aug 4, 2011 Robbery Gwinnett County GA crime scene right when I was working mega Million USD contract with IseeATT.com TOO many other crimes to continue re-broadcasting to world as ONLY true requirement is for any MILITARY or GOVERNMENT to contact and COME FIND ME.
### World Leader Call to Take Action SolutionManifesto.com unifies mankind. March 29, 2018 post Palm Sunday/PreGood Friday/Easter. Call all world leaders to proclaim eVote.com prevents all crimes... URLiDent.com is the only required international citizen driven database that ensures 100% of elected officials are upholding all statues of law. No more appointed leaders, criminal investigations, dictator party control can exist. Start with calling all Law enforcement and National Press to show them FatherKeith.com as the #1 world Human + God Rights activist who works fearlessly for all Military, Police, Judicial System, Banks, Churches, Public, and all of humanity with BuiltByKeith.com as the ONLY world solution clearinghouse in history of man.
Do not be swayed by what you read and experience as this showcases HOW this one series of solutions changes all capitalistic marketplaces forever. If you (or anyone) has a BEST Solution, you are requested to POST to world and contact Keith Duncan's evangelist technical R&D teaching organizations so we can collaborate to fine tune these most best practices to ensure all 7.5 billion of our people benefit with all exceptions handled legally and ethically. This is a new and only paradigm that also changes the course of human history.... Contact top people like Trump, Duterte, Putin, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, and other billionaires to dispatch their military and corporate security teams to come FIND ME now. 0 delays = 0 excuses !!
The resulting transfer of massive $$$ WEALTH from ill-gotten crime gains will quickly move TRILLIONS of USD/EUROS/etc over the next 6 months to 2 years back to create our 100% middle class society where NO super rich or poverty is allowed ever to exist. My collective 'HIVE' world must respond by TAKING ACTION by directly contacting all TOP world Leaders, all International Press, top Church leaders, Corporate Executives, and the public with zero delay. Or face the retributions of HOLOCAUST planned by these super criminals who want you DEAD and enslaved so they can be the final MonkeyKings.info Anarchy rulers.
When my world focus on HOW to fearlessly protect the rights of all others, THEN unification occurs, and the immediate return of GOD's stolen assets goes BACK to those who follow these ordained divined methods of self-salvation. Not ONE time have I violated any law, except speeding to JUSTICE and reformation of my-our world. FOCUS on mass publicity as entire world benefits ONCE mass Press Conferences occur to reveal HOW to be honest and enforce ethics on all others.. That was basis for world broadcasts way back 8 years ago, even longer yet no one counts there blessings, as most focus on their vices, crimes, sins and ability to SCROOGE collect massive assets and bank accounts, mostly real estate and armaments of war to protect their demonic kingdoms of extreme wealth criminally obtained.... This is why CyberCrime terrorism is the worst plague of all time since clearCollarCrime.com is PCTerror.com to hold my people HostageForProfit.com since no on sees the destroyed and criminally forged/manipulated court documents and evidence. Criminals work full time covering up their previous crimes by extorting and blackmailing their victims to be silent or to join their cabal crime secret network teams. With URLident.com central unified database, no criminal can prosper and thrive since their network of fellow conspirators is quick to identify and destroy. Just like my FatherGod Jesus Christ did 2,000 years ago.. fatherKeith.com is bidOnKeith.com ready to go to the GREATEST PLACES of NEEDS that has always been SolutionMilitary.com SolutionUNI.com and to debrief and educate all Congresses and world leaders on how to UNIFY under one mutual CREATOR GOD.
only a few, the brave, the fearless, the ones with PASSION to fearlessly protect the rights of all others are needed. to Seize ROSE and all other criminals all at ONE time with URLident.com as ALL my people benefit. plain and simple. ANyone who defrauds ANYONE (either by broken contracts or con artist tactics) is easy to put in HELL JAIL by orders of majority of my people. WHO ARE My people, the Criminals screen and scream in horror, for their days are numbered by even just this...
ProfitShareHolders.com destroys ALL stock market speculation, day traders, and criminal insiders + corrupt corporate executives once and forever. These are the new required corporate and small business by-laws to empower all stockholders control + stabilize stock prices based on TRUE value, not shorts/longs/puts, and never speculation or insider cyber crime trading. Computer trading triggers instant profits based on split second news of any world event or disaster profiting only those who have insider crime knowledge of economic trend cause and effects. This STOPS with these only answer methods. Refusal of executives and any government officials to USE these methods immediately identifies them as criminally profiteering as our public easily eVOTEs them into jail, out of office, and/or banished similiar to the recent Hunger Games, Terminator, Continuum, + Matrix movie series.
Read and GO PUBLIC to PRESS + Public to change course of your own history.
Just who is using my stolen IQ property worth trillions in economic rebuild fog Of Gods world. Clearly ROSE and all,other terrorists practicing the black art of cyber crime terrorism. ClearCollarCrime.com. I am backlogged 4 weeks now from broadcasting the last sentiment sentinel prophecies. IseeIunderStand.com points to Dropbox.com VideoForclients as the ultimate backup of tree of life URLiDent.com.
Final repeat of why I already created founded new. World society. Unification by reformation would have occurred 7 long years ago if honest persons had been found and engaged. Those are the contacts I sent you and World as I publish everything as seeds of the FIOA.one URLiDent.com tree of life
I have no time for false promises and unkept delivery of answers I need to continue these world saving ministries. I travel as driver tonight with Felix for 1.5 days, then 2 day forums on Revelations from a well known scholar on biblical prophecies. All that has ever been required this entire time is best criminal investigator to ask a JUDGE to sign each and everyone of the arrest warrants for those who defrauded me of my very own assets and STOLE my world because Few if any care...
The power of a certified signature implicates anyone of telling the absolute truth or lies of false witness. Not here say as everyone in open courtroom over OCTV can witness the proceedings; the victims and suspects know this as well as the liar lawyers and corrupt judges. If they tell a lie, the public detects by majority remove evote.one, and passes judgment immediately on each person involved. This is the new method of raising objections to false testimony as the voting is streamed live to big screen TV for everyone to see the most profound publicity opinion. Passing judgment on others is now legalized since voting is now tagged blockchain for each active participant. Our world has now legalized almost every single crime. Legalized drunks, drug addicts, prostitution, human Trafficing, gambling, even murder, Treason, espionage, crimes against humanity, and crimes of passion. The passion of my fatherGod Christ cost him his brutally murdered life as HE overturned all,tables to crest create your new world,society. This I have already done with my benefactors I have named each time they joined and actually took,action to complete the Great Commission. To go forth and multiple by,teaching all nations how to actually solve, resolve, and prevent these sin vice crimes against each other. The only true solution has always been mass publicity as I wait for simple miracle of call back face to face interviews with world leaders, top,journalist reporters, senators, United Nations solutionUNI.com, top,church leaders like pastor Andy Stanley and most Holy Pope Francis Rome Italy. For jerUSAlem, EmmaUS, Vatican is where I,went holy,week 2015 at extreme expense for,that was to complete why I went back to emmaUS since I went to walk to emmaus in charlotte, n.c. Back in 1991 registered with st Francis united Methodist church right off Rama road.....deal with reality and our world changes to UNIocracy because my people gather as one world of saved souls and integrity driven citizens..... I publish this also as not much left to accomplish....... builtbykeith.com updated to the present reality moment. I may rebuild solutionDefense.com as everyone knows only actions by offense ever scores to win any game of life..... that is why blitzkrieg attacks change the rules of war engagement. This is why Christ was successful to extreme. His works survived because he pushed the limits outside the brain washed cults why thought nothing would ever change.....
Chuckle? Chickly? Is that a new malady... The technology world used to CREATE wars is what my teams use to solve all crisis. I started doing 41 years ago, smart drones, OCTV live feeds, recorded testimony for world to see, believe, and act with authority, all part of master grand plans to save our world from the Greed, human trafficing Skave slavery, cyber crime terrorists, and others who rule our electronic based secret underground worlds........ I’m sitting on Felix classic 1976 Honda shadow 750. I bought one for Sherry Duncan, very ex-wife Norcross GA USA, way back in 2005 to get her out of her anxiety ridden shell as she learned how to take control of a motorcycle that she had feared our boys riding. Yet she had a off road motorcycle when she was teenager. Her world changed when her father abused her and sister and defrauded everyone he knew, including as a 31 level mason.... probably sexual abuse also, which explains why she is colder than dry ice...... and refuses to do anything but protect her precious retirement fund thinking she could be impoverished by any outside action pities her control. So she controls everything by manipulating the truth. Appearing to be a sweet generous person, when in fact she has a raging monster inside her since she has no willingness to deal with any critical issue caused by external circumstances. This is the catch 22 ebook I wrote way back in 1991 start when she went dead cold on me after birth of Kyle feb 11, 1991. ....
call my son Kyle Duncan +(1)770 655-5546, find him near Stamford Univ Birmingham AL, and ask WHY he still refused to take the most critical evidence. Cancelled TPO 11.1.1171.99 July 15, 2011 to FBI AG military. And press. Why. Because he violated laws just like everyone else to cover up their own other crimes of secret fraud and theft...... for Kyle and Matthew visited me twice in hell jail. Next day I am forced into soliditary confinement for 10 days over Christmas when I asked them to go to FBI and have me released same day. Same applies now. Where IS the FBI, AG, Military, honest people. As no one has ever asked any relevant anti crime question to receive these answers that change all worlds.........
Few have seen solutionMilitary.com originated on WHY I went to langley AFB sept 25, 2011. The terrorists clearly shown by their very own certified evidence on TERRORIST sub page. Deliver these to local military and they will quickly call USA embassy and dispatch military protective teams. Would have occurred sept 26, 2011 if anyone I debriefed had done their constitutional law duty..... to serve and protect our citizens, that is what they are paid to do....... serve and protect at cost of their own lives........
Each Gwinnett count ga police officers also goe to prison for violation of obstruction of justice. Most bizarre cases of continuous violations of laws.... by the same police officers I went to personally. Only common sense logic shows they contacted ROSE or my family, were told I was drug addict sex pervert stalker, and BOOM. All hell continues to be let loose to deny any of my rights...... and YOUR rights denied!!
Was I accused of breaking into Langley AFB. Sept 25-26, 2o11? Threatening anyone? 100% legal for me to own and transport any firearm anywhere in world. WHY does ROSE want me dead? What is the original reason why ROSE ordered 3 kidnappings. Easy. To murder me, no one knows, and Rose gets billions of USD valued intellectual property including my published patents and anti terrorist methodologh💖or 🖤 black heart...... 🔎. . ❌. 💯. 📕. 🐔.chicken or rats... 🐀 🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀. Or. 🌪. 🚁. ❌. 🆗. 🆓🔛
Do you know what Alan Turing did for world. Sequential computing. Decision matrix binary protocol turned into artificial intelligence by constructive architecture of organized structure of knowledge and decision based matrix exception handling determination of best response outcomes based on dynamic evaluation of available inputs, absence of evidence data, and common sense filtering of store and forward information to control and manage best output.
This is URLident.com driven by the will of the majority of my people evote.ONE. BidOnKeith.com
RECOVERED from IseeIunderstand.com DROPBOX dec 28, 2017 after MY PC stolen (Again) and DROPBOX not paid for renewals.
Updated Aug 16, 2014 . Hits: 25 Aug 16. 0 as of Aug 13, 2014
"I Follow Jesus Christ Too" is what Keith Duncan Atlanta Georgia USA has done his entire life. Each of you around the world is invited to participate in the grass-roots UNIoCracy.com REFORMATION MOVEMENT of all time for the clear and simple reason that our world is in a DO or DIE for JUSTICE situation. GOD is indeed very, very angry about what HIS own people are doing to take advantage of each other and to destroy HIS world of Paradise that HE has loaned all of us to preserve and maintain for HIS benefit. I have been 'broadcasting' solutions that solve everyday issues my entire life, just like my GodFather Christ has done by going to the places of greatest need. Since my return from HELL-JAIL of 848 days BECAUSE I had gone to every law enforcement agency known to man, I am perfectly qualified to teach our world how to survive and prosper using 1. Common Sense. 2. Biblical Principals. 3. Mix of technology and methodology that is the last frontier conquered by mankind. The exploration of God's Universe will never occur as long as MAN remains predatory and ruthless in their need for power, assets, and war.
The END result is that any person who hears these messages of TRUTH and refuses to LOVE and CARE for each other, will be forever haunted by the knowledge that they will never be accepted into the Kingdom of Heaven and will be shunned by the rest of society as criminals who are only interested in their own survival. This applies to all denominations of GOD's PEOPLE, regardless of political or religious affiliations. For GOD created ALL MEN in GOD's image to nurture and grow as a society to benefit each other, to adhere to GOD's simple commandments, to preserve GOD's assets, and to be the ultimate ambassadors of LOVE and VIRTUE to and for each other. To protect the rights of others is to fulfill your own GOD directed destiny by your own free-will choice.
What better person exists on the planet Earth than Keith Brent Duncan of Atlanta Georgia, born Aug 15, 1958 in the small town of High Point, North Carolina, U.S.A. on the anniversary of the Virgin Mother Mary's recognized death date. For I am indeed KEITH DUNCAN, a true MAN of GOD, Ordained Deacon since 1996, Disciple of CHRIST, GOD, and the HOLY SPIRIT as I serve all of mankind. And yes, I am indeed vulnerable to death at the hands of criminals, just like every other mortal man, woman, or child. For CHRIST died for all of mankind's sins for simple reason HE was sent by GOD to teach how to LOVE and CARE for each other. 1 Corr 13:13 "LOVE OTHERS" and Mark 12:30-31 "Love GOD with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength. 31 Love your Neighbor as thyself".
If I do indeed disappear without a trace one last time, criminals have succeeded in preventing my ACTS of WISDOM and problem solving methodology from teaching our mutual world how to live peacefully with each other.
That is the absolute final bottom line of my GOD CENTERED MINISTRIES. For I remain saddened that NO person has ever truly represented my best interests these past +56 years, even though I have paid countless lawyers, consultants, and business partners over $600,000 USD in the last 7 years. This is 1/2 of my lifetime earned net worth. I have lost the other greater than $600,000 USD in cash, home, personal and business assets to criminals who want me DEAD or in PRISON to keep themselves OUT of the PUBLIC VIEW and hide from what is left over of our own crumbled Legal and Financial systems that sinisterly fails to actually protect our Human, Civil, Financial, and Legal Rights. The extreme criminal details are irrefutably documented on FollowKeith.com as not one single person or agency has ever interviewed me or focused on the # of civil and felony crimes committed by so many of My People against My own PEOPLE, who include every living person on Earth.
1. Simply GOOGLE keywords of "BuiltByKeith FollowKeith CreatorKeith BidOnKeith" and watch the YouTube.com video playlists found near the top of FollowKeith.com and UNIoCracy.com
2. Notify all Churches, the PRESS, all GOVERNMENT agencies, and the Public to use SolutionFinal.com for the rest of their lives.
3. Demand that SolutionGovernment.com be passed by every city, county, state, and federal district of voters and taxpayers. Follow the steps for REFORMATION and then enjoy the first fruits of the Redemptive Power of GOD himself.
4. "Crowd Fund" my ministries to completion as I have almost no assets left since my own family and dead Brian Walker stole then sold off all my earthly possessions. 5. Demand USGOV protect my safety, health, and return my assets as there is NO
other authority who I have NOT contacted in past 7 years.
Everyone: Contact Keith Duncan cell (678) 759-9066. Links are on FollowKeith.com Email: CreatorKeith@Gmail.com or BuiltByKeith@Gmail.com
Skype ID: BuiltByKeith2 WeChat ID: BuiltByKeithto book Keith Duncan for interviews and to fill stadiums full of GOD's People who are hungry for Justice, Equality, and satisfied lifestyles that are devoid of corruption, worry, stress, vice, and crime. There can be NO greater lifelong mission than Keith and yourself obtaining the status of John 10:30 from the Christian Bible passage that is indeed UNIVERSAL in all ways. SolutionGod.com is also a creation of Keith Duncan that will always be a work in progress, just like the PEOPLE who are created and LOVED by our one mutual Creator named GOD.
For I KNOW WHO I AM. Each of you must determine WHO YOU ARE and your own relationship with GOD, with CHRIST, with KEITH, and with your own family, friends, and community. Be quick in this free-will decision, for the beginning of your ERA3 world is beginning now.
So I decree, Keith Duncan on Aug 15, 2014 "LOVE thy GOD with all your heart, and Love thy Neighbor First as Thy Self" and our world will be safe and worry free forever and ever. Amen.
Watch these Videos and ONE below that summarize the Current State of our World, why we are in Do or DIE for Justice Situation, and the Solutions that must be completed to remove the corruption and greed that is killing MY PEOPLE and destroying OUR WORLD
POEM from FatherKeith.com from era 2010.
If you dream to travel and see the true you,
Then join us now so you won’t be blue.
For in the end, and in the beginning, the secret of life is
www.KShama.me before www.Kshama.us (you).
IFJC2 is the gift of communion and the life of union.
So here we go on a mission of us,
to decide to deceive or get on our next bus.
The next step is yours if you decide to make waste,
For to love one another is to not act in haste.
If you live a life of regardless depart,
your soul will be just like a fart, (got to throw in a funny sometimes).
For man was designed to live out our dreams,
By finding true passion to wipe out false fiends,
Each of us lives in somewhat corrupt soul
Because one justly man decided to take our toll,
For we are simply birds of the same feather,
that flock together in times of bad weather.
In times of crisis and bitter debate,
It’s better to depend on our soulmate.
For just as this psalm will never be finished,
We brothers in soul will never be diminished.
So climb aboard for a journey with us,
As our souls are joined on the same bus.
I am Kshama. And the joy of life continues……
#### NEWZION2.com Recovered from DPR original website.