WhoIsKeith.space. Keith Brent Duncan
PeaceSummit2020.com Commands Unification.
Deadline is Nov 25, 2021 All World Presidents Agree.
Join UNIocracy.org PeaceSUMmit2020@gmail.com Info@CreatorKeith.com
eVOTE.ONE New Free World SolutionManifesto.com SolutionPeace.Org FOIA.one SolutionJudge.com
Only answer set unifies all Mankind. Integrity Member Visits 33 + 146 Nov 4, 2021.
Join SolutionPeace.Org Self Salvation Use SolutionManifesto.com
SaintKeith.com 63-9173354300. Skype: TeenMM Meet.
Contact us + Protect our lives to learn WHO is GOD = You.
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SolutionUNI.com CLICK: client3635.wix.com/SolutionUNI.
Solution UNITED NATIONS to END all crime and wars.
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The NEW UNITED NATIONS are now highly paid consultants who work as ONE WORLD TRIBUNAL to hear evidence on war criminals and terrorists who are captured BY our people. Below is the original backup in case I am martyred by ROSE or ??
Everyone command USA and all Governments use URLiDent.com eVOTE.ONE to prevent almost all crimes and remove PCTerror.com Political Criminals from all leadership positions in governments and companies. Keith's life remains in deadly peril from #1 terrorist Rose and high powered authorities Cobb County DA Berry Vic Reynolds and Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates groups. No one else has hosted Press Conferences and completed +100 criminal investigations shown on terrorist subpage.
CLICK: www.BuiltByKeith.com is the worlds most powerful Clearinghouse of World problem solving Solutions for our entire world to remove all Political Criminals and prevent almost all crimes in the first place. Delays will result in governments collapsing from greed.
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### For IMMEDIATE PRESS RELEASE and re-Broadcast to our WORLD + churches.
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UNIocracy.com was the destroyed SolutionGovernment.com This the only answer to all world problems at the root level by removing all ability for anyone to profiteer from any leadership position. Full scale transparency and accountability is achieved by citizens taking full control of their leadership elections and post actions. Any leader who refuses to enact these simple four government and corporate laws is shunned by all of society as self-entitling kingdom builders. All who run on these platforms of total Integrity, Trust, and Ethics will be wealthy by results. BidOnKeith.com consults for our world by everyone calling Philippines (63)0917-335-4300 to schedule on site rapid problem solving delivery of world class methods.
www.BuiltByKeith.com is the #1 Most Powerful Reformation Solutions in world history gifted to all of mankind.
The first region to deploy these unbreakable Checks and Balances receive International News Coverage as the first district, then nation to use the only solution to remove all criminals from society. This averts the genocide holocaust by the criminal ruling elite that was propagandized with hermeneutic prophecies, published by forefounders + SaviorKeith, and fulfilled by political criminals, cyber crime terrorists and other underground criminal cabal enterprises run by psychopaths such as Robert Dee Rose. A simple call to www.CreatorKeith.com (63)0917-335-4300 liberates all mankind by citizens preventing all crimes in the first place.
With these four new By-Pass Laws, all citizens use Electronic Voting (face recognition photo, time stamp, location) with free Wi-Fi + eDevices to select highly paid consultant representatives to advocate all of our taxpayer rights.
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Key: Each vote is electronically recorded in URLiDent.com Interpol Database as private or public so that each user or public can see their vote counted and confirmed at any future time. The DB is replicate protected against all fraud. Everyone must contact Interpol and United Nations (SolutionUNI.com) to ensure SolutionManifesto.com is our world reality of Peace, Tranquility, and full scale visible accountability.
No more VOTER FRAUD, Ballet Box stuffing, run-offs, Political Action Committees, Political Graft kickbacks, parties, and no more criminals can use media to outspend the competition and bury the ethical competitors. Political criminals are shunned by all of society as all other criminals cringe with absolute horror that their days have been numbered by BidOnKeith.com under full Sovereign Ambassador Emissary Protection of all Nations, Governments, and churches.
These solutions are the ONLY new World Government Constitution SolutionManifesto.com to ensure the survival of the human race. The removal of all criminals and contract violations kill all crime acts. The majority of man-made laws and mandates are nullified, voided, and replaced with these simple laws to enforce all protection of all human rights using http://www.SolutionFinal.com to solve any issue, conflict, or problem with 5 simple step methodology.
The Press, United Nations, Interpol, Military, all world governments, public, and religious leadership have all been contacted for now +8 years. No persons of integrity have been found to Call to Action. Who do you know? Contact all Others immediately to ensure BidOnKeith.com can complete all these world Evangelist changing missions of mercy. www.MonkeyKings.info is the last expose of super criminals tied to one terrorist in USA-Bahamas.
Keith has been asking for Sovereign Ambassador status from any and all nations to protect these ordained complete ministries
Manila Bulletin was visited (63)02-527-8121. Jessica SoHo GMA network (63) 2 928-7021 should be contacted by everyone along with every single major news network of @AP, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, Veritas, BBC, and all others today !
Click: www.BuiltByKeith.com Clearinghouse of Criminals Solutions + Unification + IseeIunderStand.com = #1 comprehensive 'Plans of world salvation' guides. Everything is shown on world famous http://www.TheTruthVault.com
Download: BBK20150206OneDegreeSeparation-SolutionURL-183.pdf and forward.
Foreign Translations on www.SolutionURL.com page as Keith works for all mankind.
In absolute simple language, SolutionGovernment.com + all other solutions are easy to replace all our world governments when the public shuns and cripples the Criminal Ruling Elite who have enslaved them.
All law makers are commanded to pass these simple laws. Otherwise, they face immediate punishment by the Press, Public, Churches, + organizations for Willful Obstruction of Justice abusing Taxpayer-Voter funds and violation of CLICK: 923. 18 U.S.C. § 371—Conspiracy to Defraud the United States. and treason.
Here is recent world re-broadcast Call to ACTION with Authority and why all Military have always been 100% engaged and involved by Keith.
Contact Keith Duncan
FOR Press Conferences, Seminars, Workshops anywhere in the world.
Philippines +(63)
Hong Kong +(852) 9146-8620
Wechat: BuiltByKeith
CreatorKeith.com -World Trading Partner Enterprises INC, Suite 6309
9120 Double Diamond Parkway
Reno, Nevada 90521 U.S.A.
Here is the priority order standards for all using http://www.SolutionFinal.com
1. Protect children, disabled, disadvantaged, elderly, and those who serve their people.
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This is accomplished with the following works.
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-Checks and Balances established by Three Primary By-Pass Laws that ensure all leadership represent the citizens rights of ownership and self-regulating their own affairs.
Communities of Faith - UNITYurl.com meetings of righteous citizens who provide solutions when ever any problem or issue is expressed.
Relationship Management. -The basic roots of all issues are failed relationships when individuals take advantage of others out of their own greed and compulsive need to control others. This is LearnFirstNames.com and ReManADate.com along with all other Master Student Teachings that Keith Duncan gifts to our mutual world in the name of our Sovereign Creator.
Now Keith can receive Sovereign Ambassador Emissary status to complete his people and Creator Centered ministries. All Keith really needs is crowd funding, transportation, food, and protective shelter from the criminals who want him DEAD. Ask Keith anything to hear, see, and believe the power of his world focused ministries that are only bounded by those who refuse to see theTruthVault.com
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Too many other world changing solutions to re-list for so many years.