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Stop Political Crimes. is the Standard of Education for all of mankind is great re-starting point. Here is today's broadcast post.

### For Immediate Press Release and Broadcast to the world. Keith Duncan Aug 17, 2015. Gifted to all of mankind as well as all other ACTS of WISDOM. My new Philippine prepaid mobile # is +(63)0917-335-4300, wechat: BuiltByKeith, Skype: BuiltByKeith2. Of course everyone can contact myself as well as the growing free marketplace partners and churches I have visited for now many decades. This posted on top of as well as today's broadcast blog on is related Emmaus I visited on exactly April 3 to April 5 = Good Friday to Easter Sunday in Israel at Lantrum. Then I flew to Rome Italy for 10 days of pilgrimage to debrief USA embassy and contact Vatican leadership and even Italian Military until April 16, 2015. USA Tax day was April 15, 2015. Title: The Signs of the Times. New Content for new ERA3. It has always been clear that Robert Dee Rose is the worse of the worst super criminals for now +15 years along with his evil CPA wife Amy. They escape justice because of their extreme wealth and because they pay off everyone they can to destroy their own evidence to avoid Death Row convictions and the USA Military Investigations I successfully delivered Sept 25, 2011 to Langley Air Force Base. I have never had the extreme joyful opportunity to debrief the world, face any or all of my accusers, and actually get all these world class, planet saving, universal changing solutions in the hearts, minds, and souls of my 7.329 Billion people I collectively call My People. On Feb 11, 2014 I created this 49 second video at It ends with ‘Wait and See’ I had been dumped on the street Jan 28, 2014 after being threatened with death by our own USA government criminal agents shown on and all the other broadcasts of All this massive irrefutable evidence are the signed court documents, false testimony, and sequenced timeline that all points at ROSE, Ms. Bashama, Duncan Clan, Brian Walker, and over 100 criminals who all conspired (conspiracy) with each other to avoid their own prosecution based on only their own signatures and other crimes against humanity. I am currently in the Philippines on day 1422 since Sept 25, 2011 and 1414 since I was kidnapped Oct 3, 2011. These are all felony crimes designed to keep the USA Military ignorant of the critical international security reality threats that I discovered. I immediately created solutions to prevent these crimes against humanity from being repeated as well as the methods to quickly and clearly identify who are the real criminals who are interspersed among all of mankind. These solutions involve new Dropbox folder was created with 11 foreign language translations of *docx and .pdf files that change world history, one relationship at a time. For this is also my purpose here on Earth. To represent ALL of mankind, including the criminals who will soon have new residence in the slums of the world after their assets are seized to be used to build new self-regulated, self contained, self governing commUNITY neighborhoods around my world that is also your world. Who claims the land they stand upon? Rebroadcast on Aug 15, 2015 per Keith's Birthday and Feast of Ascension-Emmaus-Rome-JerUSAlem political crimes unabated by criminals who are many of our world leaders at all levels of commUNITY. Solved with and chapters in your neighborhoods of Righteousness and Justice.

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