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All Achieve Social Global World Peace

MasterCrossList -Worlds total perfected Overseers over all Governments and Corporations forever. -Most famous anti crime fighting system against ALL criminals. ROBERT DEE ROSE was always most manhunted $200 MILLION USD cyber terrorist of all time.  World  UNIOCRACY.ORG  ANSWERS FOR HUMANITY.
  These are not URL Linked. Do it yourself since I am beyond sick and tired of saving human race.   Each of these are*  world self saving solutions.
FOIA.ONE (was .com) -Prevents all database hijack infiltration cyber crimes. -#1 GODs key to unify all mortals forever. -No more wars by decentralizing back to ONLY National GUARD. -basic perfected steps to decentralize all wealth and authority forever. (expired) -New world power system HYDRO WATER POWER turbines. (expired) Sept 1, 2023 (next year) -expired Aug 2023 (next year). -expired Aug 6, 2023
With our new world system, ANYONE who violates laws is eVOTE brought to total Justice in 3- 10 days Speedy trial Total Tort Reform system that NULL and VOIDS almost all man made laws forever.
​ empowers all humanity to CONTROL their corporate executives, the compensation package/benefits, and PREVENT all Insider criminal profiteering committed by insider trader using computer programs WE paid for to protect OUR BEST INTERESTS and dividends.
This list is the most powerful Sovereign Ambassador ministries in world history. These all work as cohesive unit methodology to empower humanity to control and own manage all infrastructure.  Elimination of anyone who violates laws is the #1 priority for all affected. Outreach Ministries empower those who are accused and/or convicted to re enter society as productive free will citizens. The truly dangerous criminals and terrorists are put into required prisons to work off their debt to their victims and are monitored over open Circuit TV based on their single FOIA IID.
World Priority must be to protect the lives and knowledge of our top R&D scientists, professors, educators and those who build new infrastructure to help humanity ascend to the stars.  First level is FREE INTERNET and All Free Education for mankind.  Support MUST come from direct contact and escort from top CEOs of Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, and any other billionaire Angel Philanthropists to come escort Keith and his Ambassadors to safety as of last update Dec 25, 2019.
   Keith is clearly the worlds first most humble required Trillionaire in Intellectual Property who has offered everything for sale to Corporate world and Governments since summer of 2010. No one has ever acknowledge anything of true value and benefit to all of mankind or seen that GOD called keith to be his messianic Messenger.  I remain in full time search for the other Messengers dispatched by GOD and unable to find them. Everyone knows TOP PEOPLE who represent HUMAN RIGHTS as they must be directly contacted by YOU to call Keith since I have been doing exactly this same ordained task for now +20 years, actually 43 years.
Below URL links are the universal most powerful solution set calling for ALL World Leaders to finally meet us with One Press Conference Live CONCLAVE to UNIFY REFORM all mankind.
  Keith is the sole author of YOUR NEW WORLD society free of almost all crimes at all levels. We are 100% neutral and pass judgement on NO-ONE, even criminals and terrorists. This is our peoples requirement to use EVOTE to put anyone who violates any law on trial with as our people now use electronic Open Circuit TV and vote on innocent versus guilty by will of majority of the ad-free live stream recorded broadcasts.  Applies to any bill passing session as we dynamically tell each of our representatives what to DO next. These constitutional new laws achieve total World peace.
    Requirement has always been Press Conferences with World Presidents and CEOs live TV coverage.  We (the PEOPLE) are the ONLY group in History to showcase how to eliminate all crime networks at one time. The banking and stock market fraud are crimes against humanity as trillions of real $$$ of your assets are systematically transferred to the named ELITE, most are corporate executives in USA, some in Eurpoe, and few in Asia, almost none in Africa and Southern America.  Once our solutions are your reality, no more borders between any nations and 95% reduction in size of all Government agencies. Stockholders and bank depositors now control the destiny use of their collective shared resources.
    Master Cross Reference LIST of Top Solutions to achieve Total World Peace.

The list below is partial of* shown below that is the worlds last plan for total world salvation.  The Matrix list has not been updated as of Jan 22, 2020 to reflect URL point to the original for lack of my time and remaining time on earth.   Philippine Congress is now talking about disaster preparedness, response, on and on. when All our world at individual level must do is to PREVENT these disasters of $$$ warfare at point of transnational occurrences with FOIA.ONE.

Here are the worlds most comprehensive URL ECO methods to achieve total world peace
ProfitShareHolders.Space*   List of world changing interlinked AI Singular solutions that are the TRUE answers to UNIFY mankind.

eVOTEone-Backup Nov 19, 2018     Jan 16, 2020
solutionpeace2. Is SolutionPeaceBackup.     Jan 16, 2020    Jan 16, 2020

manhuntall  ROBERT DEE ROSE is  Jan 5, 2016  Dec 21, 2019

uniocracy .ORG TOTAL WORLD PEACE SOCIETY. May 8, 2016  Jan 15, 2020
solutionpeace    Obtains Total Peace Forever. Jan 14, 2017    Jan 13, 2020

EarthFirst   Worlds last Peace Concert to Empower Mankind to achieve Ownership of everything.

solutionmanifesto  ONE New World Peace Constitution. Sep 6, 2015    Dec 26, 2019 

creatorkeith.SPACE  Apr 22, 2015    Jan 13, 2020 ressurrected Aug until year 2021.
builtbykeith     EVOTE.ONE   Nov 13, 2015    Jan 16, 2020

urlident   FOIA.ONE   ONE WORLD Peace Database.  Nov 25, 201  Jan 15, 2020 ressurrected Sept 1 until year 2021.
turnofflights .SPACE  Jan 15, 2020    Jan 15, 2020 ressurrected until Aug 2021

bidonkeith  #1 world Consultant  Jul 28, 2015  Nov 2, 2019

saviorkeith  Saint Keith  Dec 20, 2015    Mar 10, 2019 

fatherkeith  Original Keith   Jul 27, 2016    Mar 12, 2019

godsendme   Saint Keith Duncan  Jun 4, 2017 Mar 12, 2019

 followkeith  2008 Keith  May 8, 2016    Mar 11, 2019


MGCdesign  Marisa Cordevo  Oct 14, 2019    Oct 14, 2019

GTREYES  Gloria T Reyes Executive President 



PMinc   IntlMerchants.Space Jun 13, 2019  Oct 13, 2019   
christd  CHRISTDomain  Dec 4, 2015 Jan 14, 2020

solutionjudge   Dec 13, 2015  Jan 14, 2020   
worldsf  Aug 17, 2015  Jan 11, 2020 

CCWguard  Community CRIME WATCH   Aug 9, 2019  Jan 10, 2020 
solutionmil SolutionMilitary Aug 22, 2015   Jan 8, 2020 
wolf  Jeannie Wolf.  Dec 26, 2019    Jan 7, 2020 
solutionhousing  PREVENTS ALL Mass POVERTY.  Nov 26, 2015  Jan 6, 2020

teenmm  TeenMoneyMachine  Dec 14, 2015  Jan 4, 2020 

gtpsim   GTPSI-ManilaChapter.ORG  Nov 28, 2019    Jan 13, 2020 


solutionsw  FREE World Water and Unlimited Energy   Jun 6, 2017    Dec 15, 2019

 ktrade  KTrader.SPACE Oct 5, 2019    Dec 7, 2019

manhuntrose  WhereIsRobertRose Sep 2, 2015  Aug 26, 2019

WaterPowerCorp  Jun 20, 2019
solutionUNI  SOLUTION United Nations  Oct 30, 2015  Aug 17, 2019
solutionbf  ANTI ALL BANK FRAUD Jun 9, 2016    Aug 15, 2019

sdrugs  Prevents ALL Drug ABUSE   Jan 6, 2018    Jul 10, 2019    

teenmm3 Jan 2, 2020    Jan 2, 2020
psme    Dec 26, 2019    Dec 26, 2019    
multea    Dec 22, 2019    Dec 22, 2019    
glow    Dec 22, 2019    Dec 22, 2019    
enzo    Sep 27, 2019    Dec 3, 2019    
nochemo    Dec 3, 2019    Jan 15, 2020
HugPong    Jun 24, 2019    Dec 1, 2019    
genocide    Nov 28, 2019    Nov 28, 2019    
sweeppp    May 3, 2019    Nov 28, 2019    
solutionpeace3    Nov 26, 2019    Nov 26, 2019    
cmbpower    Aug 21, 2019    Nov 19, 2019    

solutionpeace2    Oct 10, 2019    Oct 10, 2019    
FOIA    Sep 10, 2019    Oct 3, 2019    
bayanihan    Sep 21, 2019    Sep 27, 2019    
pcci    Sep 26, 2019    Sep 26, 2019    
solutiongc     Jun 27, 2016    Sep 17, 2019    
solutionpeace1    Sep 10, 2019    Sep 10, 2019    
keywitness    Aug 23, 2019    Aug 28, 2019    
PhilGreenFirst    Mar 18, 2019    Aug 14, 2019    
FOIA2    Aug 11, 2019    Aug 11, 2019    
WorldTrader  700 Metric tons GOLD   Aug 2, 2019    Aug 9, 2019    
DEMO-PhilGreenFirst    Aug 6, 2019    Aug 6, 2019    

foia   Jan 27, 2019  Jul 9, 2019
UNAcoop   May 22, 2019  Jun 10, 2019
technosales  May 22, 2019  May 22, 2019

vgentorg  Apr 2, 2019  May 8, 2019    
vgent  Mar 18, 2019  May 8, 2019    
pipepumps    Apr 11, 2019  May 8, 2019    
philwater    Jan 18, 2019    Apr 11, 2019    
DonBosco TOP Nigerian Artist Groups.  Feb 11, 2019    Mar 24, 2019    
Tektwin    Mar 9, 2019    Mar 22, 2019    
fiis    May 7, 2018    Mar 18, 2019    
solutiongod. Oct 26, 2015    Mar 17, 2019    
paultolentino Feb 10, 2019    Mar 16, 2019    
schytech    Jan 16, 2019    Mar 15, 2019    
sfinal     Jan 20, 2016    Mar 14, 2019    
asap     Mar 6, 2019    Mar 13, 2019    
amulungsupply     Nov 29, 2016    Mar 12, 2019    
acsamulung    Nov 29, 2016    Mar 12, 2019    
solutionjobs    Apr 13, 2016    Mar 12, 2019    
meedsl    Apr 13, 2016    Mar 12, 2019    


solutionislam    Feb 15, 2016    Mar 12, 2019

solutionmanufacture    Sep 4, 2018    Mar 12, 2019    

franklandnetradio    Jun 25, 2018    Mar 12, 2019    

iseeiunderstand   Apr 15, 2018    Mar 12, 2019    

b666     Jan 8, 2018    Mar 12, 2019 

akract    Oct 1, 2017    Mar 12, 2019

cocoo2  Aug 29, 2017    Mar 12, 2019

masterprayer Jul 19, 2017    Mar 12, 2019    

coconutoil    Jul 18, 2017    Mar 12, 2019  


irenewoodshop     May 17, 2016    Mar 12, 2019    

maryrights    Feb 11, 2016    Mar 12, 2019    

fundhtn    Feb 9, 2016    Mar 12, 2019 
teenmm2    Dec 11, 2015    Mar 11, 2019    
cccrime    Dec 9, 2015    Mar 11, 2019    
ic-stand    Apr 16, 2015    Mar 6, 2019    
teammm    Apr 16, 2015    Mar 6, 2019    
teenpenny    Oct 1, 2015    Mar 4, 2019    
hostage4profit Mar 16, 2015    Feb 28, 2019    
babayuanes    Sep 11, 2015    Feb 28, 2019    
pcterror    Aug 20, 2015    Feb 28, 2019    
mamrtrading    Jul 22, 2015    Feb 27, 2019    
abutranslator    Jun 30, 2015     Feb 26, 2019

Our legacy heritage history is the most powerful System for Unification of mankind as Free Will Citizens.
    Original IseeStand Playlist is:
The Second video below is June 2011 that addresses most primal question of  'What is in this for ME?" The Human condition nature of greed and 7 deadly sins is addressed by the ONE lone Sovereign Ambassador who travels worldwide teaching WORLD Presidents, CEOs, workforces, families, and literally all 7.777 billion of our people, how to achieve total world peace using the below PRIME and ONLY systems to deal with base primal issues of 'HOW to ACT with AUTHORITY to Fearlessly protect the rights of all others. ' This is the root of Confidence that few people practice in their daily lives on GODs earth.
Nov 28, 2019.  We teach HUMANITY how to SOLVE their own problems at all levels. Thanksgiving today as many TURKEYS known as corrupt executives and a few USA and other politicians are hereby put on world notice they MUST serve and protect OUR People, otherwise they are replaced by our REAL leaders, our young adults of and =  keith
​ PREVENT all $$$ OPEC oil wars forever. TurnOffLights.SPACE SolutionSafeWater.ORG eliminate the need for FOSSIL FUELS as COAL, oil, freaking FRACKING extractions are solve prevented by new world economy prime business model of ProfitShareHolders.SPACE.  ONLY by eliminating the criminal ruling elite worldwide at ONE TIME with FOIA.ONE will humanity actually CONTROL and OWN all infrastructure and OUR LAND and resources. is also why ALL Presidents meet with DUNCAN R&D economic experts on Jan 20, 2020 to achieve total world peace. Our People are WE THE PEOPLE who now travel freely and trade with NO restrictions using FOIA.ONE as the standard universal database of open record public domain. Keith Duncan in Manila, the worlds first trillionaire in Intellectual Property who is victim of ONE super criminal 
     The rest tied 100% to ROSE are just criminally incompetent and even STUPID for thinking their certified court document signatures will NEVER put them in PRISON. Keith still waiting since Sept 25, 2011 for Military escort to INTERPOL on NEXT stop of going to your greatest places of needs. We publish this as quick as feasible for that is WHY we are here as World observer broadcasters under protection of FREE press seen on one world constitution of = UNIocracy.ORG
  For prisoners of Cyber crime warfare, frees humanity from those who violate existing laws by extort, bribing, graft pay offs of our very own Police, Lawyers, Judges, Military, and officers of the judicial court.
We request Mark Zuckerberg and all other billionaires to contact Keith and his top Scientists teams for we have engineered NEW world Market that is AD FREE super facebook, super GOOGLE database engine that truly DESTROYS all non-intrinsic value of Facebook GOOGLE mega dynasties. Not our fault, always their fault for not calling us to find out NEW world market strategy. Near impossible to directly call any other BILLIONAIRE once we were isolated, stranded, and persecuted by a few CEO terrorists.
Listen to old VIDEO about Mark below and see if he is a SHARK or not.
UPDATED March 27, 2020 post World Last Peace summit required to UNIFY mankind.
When can we meet face to face to discuss HOW we can proceed?? expires soon.*. List of 98 websites is here. SHOWS world how to UNIFY.
WHO will revive and send to mankind if I am dead, NO ONE LEFT BEHIND…. Keith Jan 22, 2020
See above.



We are the top Advertising NGO INC CreatorKeith.SPACE BidOnKeith.SPACE master education professionals in world history.  Few know about us for simple reasons of most of Corporate Executives fighting Political Warfare in Competition with internal and external Capitalistic Forces.  Mostly arguing over who controls the funds and business decisions on how to maximize profits by reducing overhead expenses. 

That issue solved forever with ProfitShareHolders.SPACE



Our Branding services are the highest level expertise in identifying the key words tied to your business focus.  SAY MORE with FEWER words is required to find the highest qualifed customers who actually have resources to purchase your products and services.

Our extreme expertise comes from working directly with top Corporate Executives and all levels of corporations since 1976 forward. CEOSPACE.NET is the perfect training forum for all Corporate Executives who have deep desire to benefit everyone in their corporations as we only LIVE ONCE. No one really knows when we will die or be victimized by those who want to steal our heritage legacies.


Consulting  is at and soon rebranded as

This is the original master Consulting services that is worth greater than $500 Million USD from Sept 25, 2011 forward.  This is the original Bottoms Up methodology that guarantees by legally binding contract that our client customers and employee staff sub contractors all benefit.  WE, keith Duncan and associates take all the risk to ensure our business partners find extreme value in just a few hours or days of our most critical fast path methodology seen on

call us with no delay as our time is easily worth over $10,000 USD per day. same as 2011 but now increased in profit value to everyone who flys us to their greatest places of needs.

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CreatorKeith.ORG  INC

9120 Double Diamond Pkwy

Suite 6309

Reno Nevada 89521 USA

Call Cellphones or Governments.

Keith Duncan

Philippines: (63)917-335-4300

Kyle Duncan 770-655-5546

Office: USA +1(775)888-1631 offline

© 1958 -2022 protected Intellectual Property (c) World Trading Partner Ministries Enterprises INC Reno NV USA

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