BuiltByKeith.com.org (tm) patent (r) eVote.One (c) NGO Inc SaintKeiths
PeaceSummit2020.com Sundays 2022 = World President Conclave
Final Total Equality Justice World System We Gods people control.
Protect Keith by commanding DOJ DOD protection. 770-377-2106.
Evote.one 100% Direct eDemocracy Pro-Creates UNIocracy.org
SolutionPeace is ProfitShareHolders.com free will economy..
The Ultimate Gift from God + ProphetKeith = New World Leaders
100% Direct eDemocracy is Keith's DOSJ.ORG SolutionManifesto.com
FOIA.ONE Singular A.I. Database Unification Broadcast Evangelist Crusader Teams.
Keith Brent Duncan at +1770-377-2106 SolutionPeace2020@gmail.com Skype: TeenMM, Call DOD DOJ FBI JC Hacker, AG Chris Carr, Trump/Biden literally everyone to Protect our lives RIGHT NOW ! ! ! ! !
Below are the Only Solution Sets to create Global Peace. Command World leaders contact us now.
This system is the most powerful viral world social media campaign once you our people take ACTION.
This is the ordained Clearinghouse to teach humanity how to obtain everlasting world peace.
9390 Nov 29, 2023. Was 8850 Nov 8, 2022 All persons of integrity use these solution answers to Prevent all crimes and unify our world with each of these singular solution methods below.
Join UNIocracy.org Host town Forum Mass PEACE Rallies today.
PeaceSUMmit2020.com is GODs system of total world equality peace.
Sept 25, 2011 - 2022 as World Presidents now achieve total Global World Peace with our ProphetKeith. guardians Details obtained from keith's Angel Guardian Trust Foundation Rangers.
Evote.one drives our new Free Market Economic system as WE GOD = the People decide everything benefits us.
Use: builtByKeith.org/ClearHouse to obtain Total World Peace.
BuiltByKeith.org CreatorKeith.com worlds first Trillionaire NGO Trust Foundation Guardian Angel Intellectual Property.
SaintKeith.com Duncan clearly sent by GOD to UNIFY all.
Our GOD focus is 100% direct open eDemocracy using shared cellphones and all of GODs resources through one Intl Database FOIA.ONE as everyone now dynamically tells any and all Corporate Executives and/or Government officials (advisor consultants) the NEXT best project. Now "THEY" act as only highly paid in cash Consultants.
This alone saves humanity from the most ruthless pandemic Criminals who plague our world by taking OUR first Profits and killing our top Prophets who are #1 scientist Humanitarian Angel Investor Philanthropists led by Keith. We are never hidden and always request Full Protection while we host mediated Press Conferences with World Presidents and Leaders + PRESS to unleash the true reason Humanity exists. Call us today, NOT tomorrow as we return to advise GOD on his level of wrath because of humanity GREED sin, vice, and crime. USA Gov rogue named criminals owe Keith + you, over $500 Million USD + Press Conferences, publicly televised apologies by each person..
Date Nov 8, 2022 based on ALL evidence of WHO is WHO, and WHO I always was.
We are the ONLY pioneers of all state of art expertise in everything. We built the backbone of all data communications internet, banking, stock market systems, manufacturing, and all aspects of the technology used worldwide from 1976 NCSU Raleigh NC forward.
Free Wifi kNet is one degree of separation 7.9B my people. Keith returns to HEAVEN soon, as worlds angel Guardian who is the only PROPHET walking saint who has taught entire world how to SAVE itself from the named LUCIFER cyber criminal terrorists who depopulate My FATHERGODS world. Therefore, we leave forever soon, Always to REIGN from HEAVEN to just watch and let my people destroy themselves out of pure predatory sicking disease of GREED. GREEDY, GREEDY GREEDY, is what most people think internationally. ALWAYS ABOUT WHAT THEY GET, never protecting others as I have done my entire life. As author of UNIocracy.org I may PULL the life support system plug soon since EVERYONE persecutes and defrauds me to FORESAKE and threaten turnover of my work and OVERTURN their world, SO BE IT. Always the fault of criminals who violate your rights.
keith updated April 1, 2021 heading to NGA/NC mountains to show how TurnOffLights.com MountainPower.space SolutionSafewater.org is the most massive transfer of GODs wealth once SolutionHousing.org is deployed complete.
Just called BETH at Gwinnett DA office 770-822-8400 on these Crimes against Humanity.
Keiths #1 top World Leader destiny is always to lead humanity into UNIocracy.ORG to fill up Stadiums of our people for mass education based on THEIR needs, not ours. Keith is #1 world leader Mediator consultant Scientist true Man of GOD of all expertise who uses here + all ways + CreatorKeith.com to deploy new world society system free of almost all crimes + vice. We are routinely murdered by named Criminals for our divined work is completed years ago for humanity to eliminate all crime networks as required by all laws.
No one has any Option but to contact us NOW as everyone must escort Keith + teams and JOIN us to eliminate all the worst crime networks all at one time using EVOTE.one + FOIA.ONE = solutionJudge.com with the other solution (c)(tm) Intellectual Property. I never expected to survive post Oct 3, 2011 kidnap murder for hire conspiracies that started back Jan 15, 2008 by ROSE alone. We are always fully prepared to create New International Accords designed as all FREE WILL free citizens 100% direct free will Open eDemocracy of BuiltBykeith.com/Clearhouse. Escort us now before our lives are all terminated by terrorists and the Criminal Ruling Elite who have already taken control over our lives. We all now share everything as Communally shared Resources owned by all.
Compare now to Sept 25, 2011 when I announced Anti Christ ROSE + others were stalking me and wanted me dead seen in 2 prime broadcast videos below. Ended up being 100% true as shown by ALL evidence that has been sealed and destroyed by ROSE and named USA = other GOV + corporate named officials to prevent their prison at 1 time. SolutionJudge.com SolutionMilitary.com was destroyed by so many named criminals starting with ROSE. These simple replacement ratified laws now voids all client-attorney secret privileges and puts ANYONE on trial by public interested in case using world famous Last eVote.one system that is 100% direct eDemocracy for all... I have over $500 Million USD real and punitive damages easy to recover once you my people FIND a top Law Firm and even call Sally Q Yates Syates@kslaw.com NOW Atlanta GA for her to stand trial with Congressional and Military + Interpol Investigations on Murder for Hire tied to Illuminati Terrorists who pirate steal our Data, Intellectual Property, Profits, Bank Interest, Dividends, and assets. We prevented ALL cyber crime published era 1976 to now. The 100% evidence is here, gifted to all...
With our new world system, ANYONE who violates laws is eVOTE brought to total Justice in 3 - 10 days Speedy trial Total Tort Reform system SolutionJudge.com SolutionManifesto.com that NULL and VOIDS almost all man made laws forever.
Violations of basic human rights was legalized by wealthy criminals decade/centuries ago by named persons who pass laws and become law breakers known as 'deep dark web state' = New World Order...
Read https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Covenant_on_Civil_and_Political_Rights#Constitutionality that was just sent directly to Sally Q. Yates and hereby world. Denial of rights to FACE false accusers and right to put anyone in prison is key to our new simple reformed system of total social justice seen below. No one else in world except keith is using the proper words and actions to command our leaders face reality and empower us. People disappear when they hear a single word they object to believe is their own true reality.
Our (c)(tm)(r)Patent unique gifted systems eliminate ability for anyone to violate YOUR rights to speak freely and obtain restitution and social peace equality in just a few hours, maximum of 10 days. WHO DO YOU KNOW to contact our very top World Leaders to testify on WHO is KEITH and WHO is 'Robert Dee Rose'. Client3635.wix.com/ManHuntall
Now our entire world uses just our cell phones to conduct all transactions as FREE will citizens who share all assets communally. No more crimes, government leaders, or mega corporate executives can violate basic human rights ever again. World now uses common sense, Technology, and enforced integrity legally binding covenant contracts to conduct all business and personal interactions. Everyone now 'fearlessly protects the rights of all others to ensure no one commit vice, sin, crimes and walks free. Wealthy criminals never are brought to justice because they use our profits and prophets to prostitute our laws and systems.
Now Everyone runs their own reality and future destiny. Clearly Keith is worlds first Trillionaire yet impoverished because of all reasons stated and broadcast for now 61 years. Most humble walking alive saint
Keith Duncan is first entry into Database FOIA.one with IID is 1-19580815-1 (integrity +101%)
SolutionPeace.com = Client3635.wix.com/SolutionPeace
is the only method set to empower humanity to control and own all assets worldwide. WE the PEOPLE work for everything, BUT (HUGE BUTT) a few thousand Billionaire Executives control all our ASSets (hear the word ASS SETS as we are Slave traded, all of us.) markets since early 1900's using basic (executive) Stock Options to control all the profits we earn and they take as first profits. These are Named Illuminati.
ProfitShareHolders.com is the ONLY legal method to ELIMINATE all Computer Insider Traders who speculate on OUR ASSETS and Bank Deposits by replacing existing By-Laws of all Corporations. Many Executives violate SEC laws as they use OUR information to profit on Up/Downs of Markets. Everyone BENEFITS with our (c)(tm) Patent once the General Ledger and Business Deals are OPEN for accounting scrutiny by any shareholder or legal group. Entire computer trading industry and fiat Currency Exchange Forex systems are bypassed and eventually eliminated. All based on pure data modeling observations on the true cause and effect of true poverty. Now passing judgment on all others is Constitutionally legal once everyone knows WHO is WHO, WHO owns What, Who trades What with WHO + (GPS when/where)
Client3635.wix.com/WorldSF WorldSchoolFund.org provides all Free World Internet WIFI and all FREE education for all K to PHD levels at ANY public school. All Private schools will quickly convert over to all free schools as the teacher/Master/Professor salaries will be 3 to 5 times more than present levels.
We the People now own and mutually control all aspects of all Communications infrastructure including direct read only access to all military satellite and communications to PREVENT rough military command.
Only by the Will of Majority of Free Will Citizens eVOTE will humanity eliminate all crime networks at one time. This is the true basis of world reformation unification using FOIA.ONE single Open public database.
Client3635.wix.com/SolutionHousing.ORG migrates millions, then BILLIONS of families to higher revelation Elevations taking trillions of real $$ assets with them to build new all digital electric homes
using SolutionSafeWater.org and TurnOffLights.Space worth true 500 Billion USD actually more in the worlds last system of free energy and Free water for all of humanity. Anyone can use our gifted methods.
Jan 28, 2014 Norfolk VA 4:11cr112 #1 Criminal murder for hire conspiracy was dismissed, sealed, and then destroyed by Berry Vic Reynolds, Judge Jackson Norfolk VA, and each named lawyer, DA, Police, IRS, FBI, AG USMarshall involved in denial of Free Press, due process of Law that anyone can face their accuser, freedom to Rally HONEST people. No one upholds Constitutional laws any more so We have our entire life. I, keith duncan, continue to legally testify from summer 2005 to present to entire world I have hereby gifted EVERYTHING back to humanity to ensure all these answers sent by GOD survive to the end of time. The #1 Prime requirement has always been for USA GOV or anyone to contact me and escort my Mediator Scientist experts to debrief everyone over Live TV using the same technology we pioneered 1976 forward that is the true singular technology common sense GOD delivered answer set for WHY I remain alive despite so many dire threats to my life by criminals in Atlanta, Raleigh NC, Norfolk VA, and even in Washington D.C. They refuse to surrender because no one has CALLED them to command they give themselves up... this is #1 most critical requirement as we have offered to transform all law enforcement groups + all military to SHARE all criminal information of WHO is WHO and to use internet with auto face recognition for public to prevent crimes from being transacted in the first place. No one has an option to NOT use our URL linked systems consolidated BuiltByKeith.com/Clearhouse
Feb 11, 2020. 11:11am Legacy heritage: Today is son Kyle Duncans DOB 1-19910211-1 (integrity rating 05%) since he committed crimes against his very own father by covering up all the crimes of others that remain in the hands of my +8 lawyers and thousands of others client3635.wix.com/manHuntAll. Call him in USA at (770)655-5546 and command he surrender to FBI AG Police for the crimes he committed long ago Nov 2011 when he testified his father was a DRUG ADDICT, an impossibility based on any witness evidence.
Todays Scipture is: "But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me." 2 Corinthians 12:9 ESV
My PERSONAL RIGHTS have been most cruelly DENIED and ABUSED based on even International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.
Part 1 (Article 1) recognizes the right of all peoples to self-determination, including the right to "freely determine their political status",[12] pursue their economic, social and cultural goals, and manage and dispose of their own resources. It recognizes a negative right of a people not to be deprived of its means of subsistence,[13] and imposes an obligation on those parties still responsible for non-self governing and trust territories (colonies) to encourage and respect their self-determination.[14]
Part 2 (Articles 2 – 5) obliges parties to legislate where necessary to give effect to the rights recognized in the Covenant, and to provide an effective legal remedy for any violation of those rights.[15] It also requires the rights be recognized "without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status,"[16] and to ensure that they are enjoyed equally by women.[17] The rights can only be limited "in time of public emergency which threatens the life of the nation,"[18] and even then no derogation is permitted from the rights to life, freedom from torture and slavery, the freedom from retrospective law, the right to personhood, and freedom of thought, conscience and religion.[19]
Part 3 (Articles 6 – 27) lists the rights themselves. These include rights to:
physical integrity, in the form of the right to life and freedom from torture and slavery (Articles 6, 7, and 8);
liberty and security of the person, in the form of freedom from arbitrary arrest and detention and the right to habeas corpus (Articles 9 – 11);
procedural fairness in law, in the form of rights to due process, a fair and impartial trial, the presumption of innocence, and recognition as a person before the law (Articles 14, 15, and 16);
individual liberty, in the form of the freedoms of movement, thought, conscience and religion, speech, association and assembly, family rights, the right to a nationality, and the right to privacy (Articles 12, 13, 17 – 24);
prohibition of any propaganda for war as well as any advocacy of national or religious hatred that constitutes incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence by law (Article 20);
political participation, including the right to the right to vote (Article 25);
Non-discrimination, minority rights and equality before the law (Articles 26 and 27).
Many of these rights include specific actions which must be undertaken to realise them.
Today I have $1 USD left, 3 apple devices: Macbook AIr, 5 year old iPhone 5S, and IpadPro left, along with original IseeStand PhoneCradle 4th generation CreatorKeith.Space Universal Stabilizing system that would have generated over $500 Million USD in profits by year 2014. No one in world has asked about WHO I AM or booked the required Press Conferences with World leaders and Presidents to obtain total world global peace. Reason... Most of humanity is blinded by self entitlement greed and is run + controlled by about 5,000 millionaires and criminal enterprises who control all aspects of our economy. Few see, fewer care that our top scientists are murdered to prevent technology and common sense from evolve revolutionizing how humanity communally share all resources and prevents crimes in the first place starring with CCWGuard at Client3635.wix.com/CCWGuard and COMPLETING with BuiltBykeith.com/Clearhouse
The destiny of mankind is only two choices: 1. Either mankind rises up to overthrow all crime networks at one time or 2. Our Human race perishes based on any combination of Weapons of Mass Destruction that also includes a single signature or order by any wealthy terrorist or just a plain old stupid person who decides to attack a major population center when they are driven criminally insane because their rights have been denied once they have been persecuted and then prosecuted by named persons in our USA GOV and Corporate world. These named persons FOIA.ONE IID, always criminally profiteer on any event driven by news media sales revenue.
How ODD, that only a few news casts have covered WHO I AM and what I have done my entire life to fearlessly protect the rights of both humanity and GOD. For reality is that few people protect the basic rights of GOD, therefore GOD has apparently forsaken and abandoned earth to be left to its own devices of self-destruction. Our system totally reverses, replaces, and by-passes the current world human conditions of GREED, Arrogance, lying, heresay, and ability for individuals to commit crimes and walk free once their victims and eye witnesses are murdered and discredited using all those secret court documents that are sealed and destroyed from public sight.
I write this to PROTECT YOUR rights as client3635.wix.com/SolutionManifesto is indeed the FINAL solution answer for all mankind.
Feb 1, 2020. Repost of the original crimes committed by ROSE and why Keith is the only person alive to TESTIFY to World Presidents and to our own law enforcement system officals on HOW to eliminate all crime networks with our (c)(tm) Patent new law enforcement communal shared system Database of new world FOIA.ONE that is Singular AI last world open public repository.
Only requirement is for 1 person to debrief keiths crusader teams and command ROSE be seized along with every single person who was criminally incompetent to engage with ROSE and other terrorists to prevent Keiths crusaders from debriefing all world leaders on their new (c)(tm) patent replacement justice law enforcement system that deals directly with all crime networks at all levels at one time. All with the direct commands of our World Presidents and top Executives at all Corporate and Government levels who actually have decision making authority to dispatch Military to escort keith to testify. USA GOV owes keith over $500 Million USD for real and punitive damages to be paid out from the seized assets of every single person tied to ROSE. This includes any law firm who have been hired and tied to ROSEs criminal organizations since back in 1995 era when ROSE started infiltrating corporations and then governments that finally converted over to AgileLaw.com and other terrorist crime cells run by ROSE and Atlanta GA attorney terrorist Alexander Cyclone Covey.
Clearly I am the ONLY person with FULL CONFIDENCE that ALL of USA and other government officlals will be OVERJOYED to actually just have a debriefing session so our group can turnover ALL new world society solutions at one time so that our world will not collapse from the NEXT terrorist attack or disaster of any magnitude. It is happening RIGHT now with the China Novel CornoaVirus that is named the Snake FLU which ties to Chinese Year of the RAT=Rose. With our system, NO plague can wipe us out once SolutionHousing migrates billions of people to higher elevations in the charted mountain and open plain areas of Earth.
We can always explain to WORLD leaders the true cause of ALL mass poverty and $$$ warefare.
We have LEGALLY claimed 1% of all crime assets seized that makes our Crusader teams who own CreatorKeith.space stock all millionaires, and KEITH worlds first trillionaire. Just do the math of how many mega trillions of real USD $$ assets are controlled by named individuals who engage in criminal enterprises.
Critical for everyone to know that most people are indeed honest. Only takes a few cabal elite to conduct billions of real $$$ crime enterprises like Berny Madoff + others.
Jan 29, 2020 broadcast.
I have 120p left, no other $ in sight despite .... nothing left to broadcast. few if anyone cares about anyone... the intellectual property I personally engineered and spent well over $300,000 USD 2005 to 2011 is worth billions, actually mega trillions USD.... No one cares.... SO I gifted everything to humanity so I can die in peace and return to Heaven to take care of Gods business from above. tens of thousands of persons personally know what I have done. all but a few are dead silent only thinking about "What is in this for them....."
BuiltByKeith.com/ClearHouse shows world over 25 other perfected solutions to EMPOWER mankind to OWN and CONTROL everything. Most of these were gifted to Humanity Summer of 2010 forward.
The seed Direct funding is from the most obvious direct sources..
1. CRIMINAL WEALTH seized using our unique (c)(tm)Patent methodology seen here and for past +11.11 years in the most extreme broadcast mass media campaign in world history.
Data analysis of criminal wealth exceeds $50 Trillion USD, actually more held in Swiss bank accounts and invested in money laundering gambling human trafficking worldwide. This is returned BY to our PEOPLE by simple use of EVOTE decision direct democracy system we have personally gift broadcast.
2. Migration of at least 10,000 Millionaire families to Asia and 3rd world nations as free will voting citizens who pledge 30% of any construction costs go directly to build required all free Medical, Schools, roads, energy, water, communications, parks, Eco green land jungles, factories, shopping markets all owned and built by the local impoverished citizens who are OUR PEOPLE.
3. Return of the billions, even TRILLIONS USD of our assets held criminally by named billioaires who use OUR profits to reign over us. ProfitShareHolders.SPACE. is ONLY method by-laws to eliminate anyone who criminally profiteers on us since WE own the banks and stock markets, not the criminal ruling elite known as The New World Order = oligarchy dynasties.
4. Protect and Direct FUND Keith Brent duncan as I truly have no idea how many days I will remain on Earth for variety of reasons NO ONE has ever asked WHY I am HERE. so I explained it extreme detail my exact purpose sent by GOD to unify mankind with what you see HERE to motivate humanity to TAKE ACTION with REQUIRED FOLLOWUP to GO PUBLIC.
Over 500 Trillion USD worth of GOD's assets are always at Stake to be pirated away by named individuals anyone can MANHUNT down using EVOTE by placing bounty rewards on their heads.
NO ONE an ESCAPE, NO ONE can HIDE using our auto face recognition FOIA.one SYSTEM.
My own fortune I hereby again PLEDGE to use 100% to fund each of these GOD ministries.
1. + $500 MILLION USD the USA Gov owes Keith Duncan for the 900 Days of HELL Oct 3, 2011 to Jan 28, 2014, then Oct 5, 2018 to Nov 20, 2019 true Murder for Hire Conspiracies to prevent humanity and Governments to coordinate WITH Corporations to use our new social equality system.
Includes the Forsyth County GA 08SC-1345 Judgment Oct 2010 worth over $300,000 USD.
Includes the original $1.2 Million USD stolen/robbed by Ms. Bashama, Rose, Duncan Clan period Aug 4, 2010 to present. Includes the IRS WhistleBlower Feb 2009, 658 worth over $8 Million USD in reward on ROSE's head for massive money laundering tax evasion SEC violations.
Seizure of ALL of Roses assets worth over $1 BILLION USD goes direct to KEITH and payable out to ROSE's other mega millionaire victims once ROSE confesses WHO are his long list of victims.
Of course IRS will not tax us on Real and Punitive damages since THIS was our original Property and cash. We will be WORLD FAMOUS as first top world leader to actually SHOWCASE how to UNIFY.
See TheFinalTerrorist.com Robert Dee Rose is being PAID by billionaires to infiltrate USA Gov and corporate databases worth TRILLIONS of real $$$ in data trades, stock market history, corporate IP secrets using AgileLaw.com from year 2010 forward.
2. 1% of all crime assets SEIZED using BuiltByKeith.com methodology shows we are TRILLIONAIRES from 10 years ago. This is also the reason we are the NEW world leaders who pledge to OWN NOTHING, since we turn over ALL our assets to direct fund UNiocracy.ORG and all new infrastructure.
3. All Consulting and Product Services profits go to CreatorKeith.SPACE along with all other income from above sources. Our Stock is modeled after Warren Buffets stock, never to be split and dividends paid out by stockholders evote.one request for payouts using ProfitShareHolders.SPACE legally binding by-laws..
### 100% related of UNIocracy.org new world market system we gift engineered 44.4 years ago, actually 19580815 to present.
Jan 19, 2020 Required WORLD Rebroadcast. BuiltByKeith.com/clearhouse is total new world economic revolution is driven by ProfitShareHolders.SPACE that prevents ALL stock market crashes by stabilizing the price of any common stock to it's true INTRINSIC VALUE. This has never been done before by EMPOWERING all stock holders to vote on WHO are our corporate executives and HOW much pay benefits they receive for representing OUR best interests, not theirs first. The DELAY agreed upon by all stock holders prevents ALL computer trading and insider manipulation that are illegal by SEC laws when one has private information about the potential up and down price of any stock. NEVER BEFORE has our entire economy of over $500 TRILLION USD world value been changed by ONE man BuiltBykeith.com Duncan.
Our world is legacy heritage that is the most powerful GOD driven ministries in world history because of our ability to UNITE as ONE=WE the PEOPLE of UNIocracy.ORG that provides 100% free education, free communications at all levels, and WE the PEOPLE own and control everything. NO LONGER can any banker or corporate executive become billionaires or millionaires using OUR hard work earned profits. Our lawyers and Judges now focus on legally binding contracts and immediate punishment of 3-10 day speedy trial universal law of SolutionJudge. Everyone MUST SEND to our World Presidents, PRESS, and literally world of foresaken people to PREVENT the final war world FOUR. As WW3 started back in 1957 era when stupid people started using technology to SPY on us by seizing our information of the internet and claiming they represented OUR best interests. Keith Duncan is owed well over $500 MILLION USD from USA GOV and criminals who attempted to MURDER him 2011 forward by robbing his homes and then claiming he was WORKING DIRECTLY with POLICE, Lawyers, IRS, FBI, AG, USMarshals, and MILITARY to bring each criminal tied to ROSE to justice.
THIS is 100% confirmed TRUE that Keith alone has created a new replacement law enforcement system FOIA .ONE that is worlds last OpenPublic kDatabase of WHO is WHO, WHO owns WHAT, WHO trades what with WHOM and GPS WHEN and WHERE. This is the worlds last free market barter trade system that eliminates all bitcoins and speculation price fixing that drains OUR profits into the accounts of true PIRATES who think they are the resurrected JESUS and / or Egyptian GOD deity. Everyone knows these class of ruthless people and falsely believe nothing can be done to CHANGE our markets. Keith at globe (63) 09173354300 in Manila. ready to testify TO and With all world presidents on jan 20, 2020 or as soon as YOU our people RISE UP to change your own world economy that you now OWN and CONTROL. EVERYONE must call World leaders and escort Keith to TESTIFY known as SAFE Haven Refugee so Keith can turn over trillions of USD worth of intellectual property to our world to prevent holocaust genocide that is occurring right now.
Most humble walking living saint Apostle apologist Keith Duncan Jan 19, 2019 ready for escort NOW, not later as required by all existing laws to lift the burden of all governments and corportions off the shoulders of the ONE man who has is forefounding father of our new world Society.
JAN 15, 2020. I remain shocked I am still alive. My worst fears are reality that ROSE is #1 super criminal I accidentally discovered. = the ANTI Christ New World Order who is ruling over all. Almost ALL my 200 websites GONE/DESTROYED that ARE the true GOD delivered solutions to UNIFY all mankind. The sites above have most expired. I have $10 USD left as we go on relief mission far south Manila soon. CERTAINLY MY PEOPLE will INTERVENE by now since my very own Father GOD has forsaken EVERYONE including myself long ago. All because these stupid people in USA violate almost all laws and I am clearly the one sent by GOD 1-195808-01 (integrity +101%) to redeem reform teach all World Leaders + PRESS (conclusively) how to communally OWN and CONTROL everything.
I have ZERO assurance from ANYONE that ANYONE has ever investigated ANYONE for ANY crime....
WHO DO YOU KNOW to dispatch MILITARY and TRUMP special force teams to COME FIND ME. as I have my cell phone on most of the time and carry the knowledge and wisdom of my people as the #1 most humble walking saint prophet Man of GOD this entire time. NO ONE else has shown full confident in our people to lead them away from the most satanic GODs of commerce enterprise who prey on our people as Slave Traded food supplies including eating flesh of our 'FARMED for FOOD" people once holocaust finally occurs.
The LOST FORTUNE (Think King Solomon's Gold) is real since everyone focuses on the stolen fortunes of others. We have the only economic computer map system that shows humanity WHERE is the true CASH, GOLD, ASSETS, Water, Energy, Land resources that have been most brutally taken from us from 5000 years ago Egyptian Pharaohs to present. They have named faces of WHO is WHO on most famous FOIA.ONE IID client3635.wix.com/URLident Database. Those named persons who violate laws including SEC insider trading and tax evasion are money laundering by taking OUR vast profits in form of Stock Options and hiding all transactions like the Devils of ALIBABA,com den of thieves = Bankers, Corporate Executives, named terrorists. With our simple methods, Who are You and what do you own are instant answered by automatic back ground checks using our proprietary (c)(tm) Copyright system that also replaces FACEBOOK and GOOGLE as the database search engine used by all humanity.
The ONE person who has most of the crime details is Sally Q Yates KsLaw.com, GBI Director Berry Vic Reynolds and Tom Hagg at 702-349-9337 Las Vegas. CALL Sally and Berry to surrender to FBI AG since no one else has EVERY Made ANY direct call or done ANY investigations of +125 persons tied to ROSE.
REPORT everyone on TheFinalTerrorist.com TO top FBI AG directors and PRESS NOW, never later. AG Atlanta GA Chris Carr at 404581-6000, 404-656-3300, Washington AG 202-727-3400, as we have DONE so many times we lost count after tens of thousands of contacts to ACCOMPLISH required Press Conferences with all TOP LEADERS. If we do not survive, ALL new world society plans are cross referenced in GOD's purpose here and all over GOD's domain of kInternet.
Most positive is that worlds GODs wealth is intrinsic. It does not change in value except vaporized by wars. Every single up/down rapid stock price change, a few computer/insider traders crime profiteer and dump the losers out of each market. Many go bankrupt for they buy stock on loan debits. With our world change ProfitShareHolders.SPACE each company value becomes the true INTRINSIC value as any speculation trading is prevented once the existing ShareHolders Majority vote anytime on the DELAY period between Buy/Sell GPS timestamp/WHO, wait the delay period, then committed to complete the trade. No more will insiders literally force Stock Market values to rise and crash for obvious reasons they control the flow of database information and WHO is in the market. These are the terrorists now IIDed by our open trading platform (ad free) FOIA.ONE that creates ONE all free will barter exchange market of true intrinsic value kStockMarket at Client3635.wix.com/SolutionPeace/stockMarket
Even GOOGLE, FACEBOOK, AMAZON, Microsoft, Samsung, Alphabet, (ALL BITCOINS and FOREX) are speculation billionaires based on use of OUR data and greed of shopping. They take OUR business and skim off as much as possible, all while claiming YOU DESERVE to BE RICH, Borrow more of your own money, Pay insurance, taxes, and all those utilities including pay through the nose for any education and seduction forums to GET RICH QUICK. All at our expense of our workers. WARS are the most profiteering industry financed by OUR profits controlled by the named family dynasties. Use whatever label name you want. We call them terrorists at the highest level.
The WMD = weapons of mass destruction are Signatures no one sees and Stock Option Futures.
EXECUTIVE STOCK OPTIONS are how ruthless people use OUR assets to be BILLIONAIRES.
Keith is the author of all expertise who lives in abject poverty because of ROSE and above reality of YOUR WORLD. 85% world poverty is self-genocide holocaust to depopulate my EARTH. For I am the top world expert on PREVENTING all crimes in first place. CyberCrime terrorist is Weapons of Mass Destruction signatures by stupid coward Presidents and Congress + underground terrorists who always PROFIT by staging riots and attacking other cultural different tribes, all to pirate GODS assets any ways and means. Updated Jan 7, 2020 on my way back to VISIT Senators this afternoon. All to talk DIRECTLY with World Presidents and CEOs as few have any confidence at all to BE WORLD LEADERS.
They use our dividends and interest payouts to shield their crime enterprises with lawyers who attack our scientists, data statistic modelers, creators, This is the root cause of wars and poverty including terrorist attacks, oil-OPEC energy wars, genocide, and crimes against humanity. All because a few named thousands of Elites hide the transactions since they have the total control access of our Data on each and every linked Database. With our EVOTE(tm)(C) universal simple single voting direct eDemocracy system, We the PEOPLE now tell corporate and government officials the NEXT best project that benefits our communities and world. We are empowered to majority vote anyone into Prison. We the PEOPLE now control and own all infrastructure and unite as one world UNIocracy.ORG
We are the top World Leaders who are engineer drivers of 4d Virtual Super Education of CEOSpace.net.
We are the root scientists who invented all aspects of technology + psychology. Here we are, still alive.
FIRST REQUIREMENT is ProfitShareHolders.SPACE that peacefully empowers all bank depositors and stock Holders to decide WHO are their executives/pay and to delay/control all stock buy/sell orders.
We (lead by Keith himself) are the worlds top Economic Model consultant advisor creators of your new world system owned and controlled BY WE the PEOPLE. We created worlds last replacement law enforcement system of Who is Who, Who Owns What, Who trades What with WHO, so no scammer or cyber criminal can ever steal your assets and murder key live eyewitnesses of our SolutionPeace founders of free market trade, education, communications when WE eVOTE control everything. We are the first most humble trillionaires of Intellectual Property gifted BACK to all humanity. Only by protecting our lives and direct face to face hosted meetings with all WORLD Presidents and CEO leaders will our world actually UNIFY as 100% peace loving free will citizens who decide the NEXT best projects that benefit others as well as themselves. Keith is in Manila asking since Sept 25, 2011 for Military escort.
Watch THIS video about Military WMD Cybercrime: https://youtu.be/noHV-93YeH8
Starts with WorldSchoolFund.com SolutionMilitary.com then rest of ClearingHouse.
BuiltByKeith is the worlds last common sense methods to obtain Sustained Global World Peace.
Only by ACTION follow-up by all of humanity will the root evil of Corporate Executives who violate base human rights and commit crimes against humanity be eliminated with simple use of EVOTE.ONE
I, Keith Duncan are the LONE Designated Survivor threaten by so many because I started career of moving Mainframe OS theory to MicroElectronics all levels to Create Free World Society all electric digital sustainable ECO world. Crime Networks are easy to see with FOIA.ONE the new world AD-FREE database of human knowledge. NO-ONE to date has asked WHY I am the walking most humble Saint sent by GOD to teach humanity how to eliminate the root evils of Corporate Executives who want us all DEAD. I truly MUST be ESCORTED to Testify with Safe haven protection so our techno cultural system will now be the worlds last Universal Stabilizing System.
Jan 7, 2020 recorded history real time as the covenants we have published are the REAL answer.
SolutionJudge.com client3635.wix.com/SolutionJudge is also total World Peace by remoing ability for ANYONE to tell a lie, defraud another, and commit perjury including any Judge or Lawyer.
Jan 11, 2020 11:11am Heritage Legacy Broadcast to world again:::: Keith Brent Duncan in Manila since Aug 6, 2015.
USA GOV owes Keith 1. Personal Broadcast Apology. 2. Seizure of ROSE +125 other criminals tied to ROSE. 3. Escort Keith to safe haven to debrief Interpol, TRUMP/All World Presidents, DOD, DOJ, PUBLIC 3. Establish UNIocracy.oRG as the new world standard NON-GOVERNMENT NON-POLITICAL system to empower humanity to OWN and CONTROL everything.
All details on cross Linked BuiltBykeith.com/ClearHouse.
NOT A SINGLE PERSON since Jan 15, 2008 has ever REPRESENTED ANY of my rights to recover $1.2 Million USD of MY assets taken by force by ROSE, Ms. Bashama, murdered Brian Walker and DUNCAN CLAN, since ROSE already had infiltrated Police, IRS, FBI, AG< USMarshals, Military databases PRIOR to most famous debrief in world history, Sept 25, 2011 midnight at Gate of Langley AirForce Base VA. site of NSA, CIA who MUST contact KEITH then as now and escort to INTERPOL and safe haven.
We are the ONLY GROUP to legally claim 1% of all crime assets using our (c)(tm) Patent methods to provide trillions of real $$ to direct fund the replacement of all known government and corporate systems, bylaws, and eliminate well over 90% of all man made laws. Our new SolutionJudge.com based lawyers will be VERY busy working with accountants to find out WHO is controlling our assets and profits.
#1 REQUIREMENT is to CALL KEITH and his teams and send us support survival funds so we can FINALLY host Press Conferences with MILITARY and World Presidents in attendance WITH our top world Executives.
We remain in Manila as of historical Legacy day is TODAY also. 9 days away from Final Peace Summit required to STOP and PREVENT all wars from now until forever.... Call Keith. here I am, #1 walking R&D scientist saint.
I have personally perfected this new world economic system. No one else has. If they HAD, our world would be 100% peace loving citizens who share everything. I do feel 100% like a time traveler, always moving forward in time. So Fast sometimes, I see the rest of humanity are the laggards who just want to... I really do not know .... WHAT DO MOST PEOPLE WANT? Usually self centered ego arrogance is the root problem most people experience and re-enforce. We are on verge AGAIN of changing the course of history by publishing HOW to unify mankind. We are unsure HOW long this will take since the course of humanity is so bizarre, few see the root cause of anything. Wrote history again real time with Client3635.wixsite.com/CCWguard and updated the last few broadcasts showing SHARED RESOURCES is only way to achieve total world peace. ProfitShareHolders.SPACE prevents all POVERTY as Stock OPTIONS are the biggest pirate con-artist scams of all time.
I=Keith is the worlds first trillionaire who has already gifted everything BACK to Humanity to direct fund the build out of all new free Wifi, Schools, Hospital/Med Clinics, water, Energy, land redistribution, elimination of all War Machines, identification by world of EVERYONE who violates basic and Constitutional Laws.
Read, see, believe, then pick up the phone and call keith. ### start of new world UNIocracy.org
World Mission Statement: "Teach our world with Fearlessly Authority to Protect the Rights of All Others" by using these simple step by step ordained commandments.
Aug 15, 2019 In true reality, I, keith duncan, have never expected to survive this most bizarre persecution by so many identified criminals. If/When I die Natural or Martyred, my fellow Apostles, disciples, followers have been instructed to continue to complete each and every one of these world saving solutions found in the Cross Matrix below.
We are the TRILLIONAIRE fore founders of YOUR new world ECONOMY of KTrade.Space
SolutionHousing.org CreatorKeith.space TurnOffLights.space + others below.
Our world now joins by simple USE of the following and providing Protection to each other who are Universal members of Free Barter Market Exchange system of:
ProfitShareHolders.Space kbitCoins FinalStockmarket.com + others below.
The only world solution is SolutionPeace.com = Client3635.wix.com/SolutionPeace
I, keith brent duncan (DOB 1958-Aug-15 High Point NC USA), + my BuiltByKeith.com teams, have legally CLAIMED 1% of all crime assets seized using these most prolific answers to SOLVE all CRIMES and PREVENT all future occurrences in record time. Each of you claim the same.
Click: KeyWitness .live
These new world only standards for total Reform at all levels of society are below for all to use to prevent self-genocide. These are over 100 world class answers to all issues, conflicts, wars + problems that are gifted to all of humanity by keith b duncan.
Book BidOnKeith.com to engage the #1 Author of Love and Caring for all Others with ChristDomain.com and world changing UNIOCRACY
This is the TOP list of solutions that each create Total World global Peace.
+25 website broadcasts are shown below with over 800 videos showing The Human Condition.
Click: Search Youtube.com 'builtBykeith' verus TheFinalterrorist.com ROSE
CORRUPTION, CRIME, Civil Right Violations have been Legalized at all levels. Watch the news. Join SolutionPeace.com today. Support us.
We are the ONLY 'hidden billionaire' world leader scientists who proclaim to humanity HOW to achieve Total World Peace by the simple empowerment of +7.75 Billion our people to collectively decide the Next Best Projects that benefit your self-serving interests. Most people are only interested in themselves and refuse to protect the rights of all others. SolutionManifesto.com solves that one root primal issue with our worlds last single stabilizing Constitution consisting of Human Bill of Rights when our basic civil rights are violated.
As of Dec 16, 2019, our small and most powerful group is only protected by a few close allies here in Philippines including the local police and some in AFP along with a few of the most powerful decision makers tied directly with President Duterte. Our key leaders in USA consisting of Trump, Congress, Senate, FBI, AG, DOD, NSA, CIA, DARPA, others have never been notified of our existence because of the most horrific series of crimes conducted initially by:
Robert Dee Rose is TheFinalTerrorist.com DOB 1971-April-01 at OneOceanBahamas.com crime.
The threats to our lives are from named FBI and AG rogue criminals + our very own lawyers and family including at least 7 state and federal judges who actively prevent any investigations of Roses +85 person crime network. This includes fired Sally Q Yates of KSLaw.com and GBI Director Berry Vic Reynolds.
From year 2011 forward, we require everyone seeing these true answers deliver them directly to our top Press and World leaders as our communication lines in Manila have been disabled and we have been warned that a few powerful people are destroying more USA based evidence against themselves.
The #1 PRIORITY since summer of 2010 is Seizure arrest of ROSE and Open Public Press Conference testimonies by KEITH and all victims of ROSE and other cyber crime terrorists. This has yet to occur since ROSE and other very powerful USA gov officials continue to DESTROY evidence and block any investigation of their OTHER crimes against humanity starting with massive Obstruction of Justice.
Includes famous ex-AG Sally Yates of SYates@kslaw.com who implicated herself Dec 13, 2011.
These are the most peaceful replacement bypass solutions that identify who violates laws and who criminally profits because of their wealth and dominance arrogance. The cash flow goes to the elite that is our hard earned profits, taxes, investments, bank deposits, and our worker labor. These are the only sustainable methodologies to legally transfer mega trillions of $$$ wealth back to our people because absolutely everyone benefits in positive ways. Except those who refuse to surrender to authorities.
We are the most persecuted R&D Eco-Human Rights activists billionaire Philanthropists in world history who invest their lives and assets as investors in PEOPLE by using all available ways and means to distribute knowledge and social peace justice to rest of humanity. We are the world Mediators teaching humanity how to UNIFY. Peace is achieved only by preventing the crimes against humanity and genocide by easy use of the following solutions created 1-1958081501 keith brent duncan. Who will call to escort our R&D teams to meet our world leaders as that is what was required Sept 25, 2011 to present time.
Press Conferences and Peace Summits occur once mass publicity occurs here and abroad.
1. ProfitShareHolders.SPACE prevents all Stock Market Crashes by returning full control of all public corportions worldwide back to 'WE the PEOPLE' for most obvious reason we are the work owners.
2. SolutionMilitary.com prevents all $$$, oil and stock market civil wars, ensuring world peace..
3. WorldSchoolFund.com is free communications and education for our entire world.
4. EVOTE.ONE drives entire new world economic system at personal level that truly eliminates all ability for anyone to defraud each other and stabilizes all wealth returned back to our +7.7 billion people.
5. FOIA.ONE is mankind last required Open public Artificial Intelligence Singularity enforced referential integrity database that records and forwards all transactions. This URL linked to all other repositories of knowledge and wisdom. Of course it is ad-Free and open public source software driven.
6. SolutionHousing.org is billions of persons migrating to higher elevations self-funded by those we invite to share their wealth and assets to build all digital electric sustainable communities.
7. SolutionSafeWater.ORG TurnOffLights.Space provides full ownership and smart grid cluster network control over everything electric. OPEC Oil resources no longer are needed based on any analyst research. Humanity now proceeds to explore SPACE of our universe as GOD's Ambassadors.
8. SolutionJudge.com eliminates all judicial legislative social fraud by simple use of Open Circuit TV as concerted concerned free will citizens decide the fate of leaders and distribution of all assets.
9. SolutionManifesto.com is now the worlds last Single Mandate Constitution that enforces the 11 commandments and International Human Bill of Rights to ensure everyones rights are protected.
Any of these systems work comprehensively with the other methods to ensure everyone benefits while Military works with KEITH to resolve and prevent the basic issues of rogue agents declaring war.
ALL to obtain UNIocracy.org that is the world system of unification reform always required by GOD.
Posted to prove to world exactly why GOD sent us to save our world from Anti Christs and those who prey on others by violating civil rights for us to redress grievances against anyone who has money.
KTrade.SPACE system achieves total Global Peace as soon as our world leaders and/or you contact our R&D Crusaders ASAP now.
Keith Duncan in Philippines (63)917-335-4300 (c) (tm) USPTO.gov. Only Commandment is 'LOVE and CARE for all Others.'
This is the Prime and Only Clearinghouse that truly teaches humanity how to solve each and all issues forever.
ONE single voting system for entire world in ONE open public database as WE control all market commerce as WE own everything. This is our most valuable commodity gift of Total world peace social Justice = GLOBAL UNITY.
Below URL links are the universal most powerful SolutionPeace.com solution set calling for ALL World Leaders to finally meet us with One Press Conference Live CONCLAVE to UNIFY REFORM all mankind.
FREEDOM of SPEECH is the most abused RIGHT by private pirate criminals who use our assets to buy liar -lawyers who file lawsuits against the true Whistle Blowers and Members of FREE PRESS. Solved FOREVER with SolutionManifesto.com Standard ONE Universal Human Bill of RIghts when anyone violates basic 11 commandments seen on any theology for past 5000 years.
Worst ones like ROSE rob our homes of their evidence and YOUR trade secret Intellectual Property. Then they file restraining orders against us by bribing police/judges/district attorneys like Berry Vic Reynolds. Then claim VIOLATION when we go to POLICE, IRS, FBI, AG, USMarshals, PRESS, MILITARY (in any order). Then kidnap us and force us into hell jail so we can most easily assassinated and NO one knows (another crime coverups we personally experienced first hand). They blackmail top AGs like Sally Q Yates to sign more warrants when ALL evidence points at ROSE and all criminals who violate laws. When any judge sees NO evidence of any violation, why would they liberate a super mastermind anti crime expert speaker.
It would implicate them as criminally liable for Hostage for Profit and Aid/abetting other criminals. The illegal Judges(paid off) now court order FORCE DRUG us dead or inanimate vegetables claiming 1. We were criminally insane at time of NON-VIOLATION, and 2. because ?someone like our very own family Duncan clan? claim we are DRUG addicts and child abusers (False again by ROSE and my very own two criminal sons).
Then the top AG Director and each lawyer/prosecutor/even wardens say we are INCOMPETENT and DO not even know our own name. HAPPENED TO KEITH so many times. ONLY PERSON capable of this is ROBERT DEE ROSE who IS theFinalTerrorist.com THOSE USA named GOV officials tied to ROSE are easy to link to millions of executives and pirate criminals once ROSE confesses on National TV with KEITH asking him personal questions of "WHO did you sell keiths anti crime technology and TOP CEO corporate database to... WHO are your victims and where are the dead bodies located? List goes on.
FOR i have also offered to GO find ROSE with Military Sept 25, 2011 as Special Forces is only group who can travel outside USA with direction of CIA, NSA, and military commander orders. WHO are the military generals who violate laws? We prevented that one issue with SolutionMilitary.com + SolutionJudge.com
Dec 7, 2019 The days of Infamy are still here. Anniversary of Attack Pearl Harbor and when Brian Walker was murdered in Atlanta GA USA after he sold off well over $500 Million USD in intellectual property on orders of ROSE or even SALLY Q YATES. All tied with their very own signatures. The true value of the worlds last law enforcement, judicial, financial, and cultural neutrality system was on those computers sold off to other terrorists while ROSE and few destroyed all court documents and wiped their digital footprints off of all GOV and social media databases. Easy to do. Just pay off anyone with crime assets.
All to threaten the lives of my people and families so the most critical Day in WORLD HISTORY Jan 20, 2020 would never occur. Self-Genocide is the Crimes against humanity planned by the super wealthy criminal elite. They think they are the Pharaohs of Egypt who are gods of the banks, real estate, stock market, energy, water, land, and other of GOD's loaned assets by slave trading our people. Even Keith was slave traded Oct 3, 2011 -Jan 28, 2014, to present. These are theFinalTerrorist.com cabal groups
These are the Crimes against humanity that extend all the way to the Advertising Revenue of "WORK Harder, Pay More taxes, Buy more goods, DO AS YOU ARE TOLD, or you will be fired and homeless. Make sure you buy INSURANCE so your family can bury you without going into MORE debt" Loans and Insurance are scams of fear since we have no Medical or safety net care. We DO NOT NEED insurance once crimes are prevented and everyone in world has POSITIVE NET WORTH by sharing all available +Quad Trillions of valued natural resources using keith's divined ordained solution methods.
FOIA.ONE is the worlds last Open public domain database that is AD-FREE and truly links to all other databases worldwide as information sharing prevents crimes at all levels. INTERPOL must be visited.
NO JUSTICE will ever be served until WE THE PEOPLE identify all persons who VIOLATE base civil rights and prostitute themselves by greed of the almighty DOLLAR and GOLD. The prime universal new world standards are here for WORLD to use as we are the hidden billionaires who rise up to COMMAND our people TAKE over all aspects of all economies. Nothing left to do but wait for Military to come escort us.
If we COULD call them, we HAVE. Called out and visited well over 1,000 groups and tens of thousands in our daily prime pilgrimage to obtain total social justified peace with SolutionManifesto.com and all other BuiltBykeith.Com/clearhouse solution that is the required broad spectrum total world global peace. WHO will call us and escort us as we DID ask for political asylum safe haven protection way back in Sept 2011 with Sally Q Yates and then USA Military OSI officer Captain Chris Weber Sept 25, 2011.
The dates and day intervals are critical to humans restore competency and intrinsic value to all of our world systems that have been manipulated to extreme measures by those who cyber attack and control OUR private information. PRIVACY is no longer any concern as those who scream PRIVACY are clearly hiding something of crime history and will be isolated by world using FOIA.ONE. If we did violate any laws, then WHO are the key witnesses and why does USA GOV refuse to prosecute as we have commanded as soon as any crime occurred and WE reported it to everyone.
SolutionJudge.com and EVOTE.ONE is 100% direct democracy JURY system as anyone with interest can vote 1. Innocent. 2. Delay for more evidence 3. Guilty. For passing laws: 1. Pass. 2. More Discussion including ability to ask questions remotely. 3. Reject. For next projects: same simple 3 level answers.
This was SolutionRedDot.com SolutionGovernment.com delivered TO USA Military Sept 25, 2011 that would have resulted in all these answer solutions becoming YOUR new world UNIocracy.ORG free of almost all crimes. I remain in Manila 100% isolated from my 7.77 billion people minus about 1,000.
SolutionMilitary.com WorldSchoolFUND.com PREVENT all $$$ OPEC oil wars forever. TurnOffLights.SPACE SolutionSafeWater.ORG eliminate the need for FOSSIL FUELS as COAL, oil, freaking FRACKING extractions are solve prevented by new world economy prime buiness model of ProfitShareHolders.SPACE. ONLY by eliminating the criminal ruling elite worldwide at ONE TIME with evote.one FOIA.ONE will humanity actually CONTROL and OWN all infrastructure and OUR LAND and resources.
SolutionHousing.org is why ALL Presidents meet with BuiltbyKeith.com DUNCAN R&D economic experts on Jan 20, 2020 to achieve total world peace. Our People are WE THE PEOPLE who now travel freely and trade with NO restrictions using FOIA.ONE as the standard universal database of open record public domain. Keith Duncan in Manila, the worlds first trillionaire in Intellectual Property who is victim of ONE super criminal TheFinalTerrorist.com. The rest are just criminally incompetent and even STUPID for thinking their certified court document signatures will NEVER put them in PRISON. Keith still waiting since Sept 25, 2011 for Military escort to INTERPOL on NEXT stop of going to your greatest places of needs. We publish this as quick as feasible for that is WHY we are here as World observer broadcasters under protection of FREE press seen on one world constitution of SolutionManifesto.com = UNIocracy.ORG
#1 Revolution caused by EVOTE.ONE #3 as we eVOTE teach leaders the NEXT best Project benefits you.
Click: Buy in $100 USD for 1 share CreatorKeith INC to Join Mass Conclave with all World Leaders today
Would have occurred Sept 26, 2011 if single person had upheld ANY law at all. Contact our teams now.
The intrinsic Art of Peace. No one can ever DENY ANY of your SolutionManifesto.com 100% self enforced rights again. We offer since 2005 to sell our real trillions of $$$ Intellectual Property to highest bidders by simple call us. Our company profit profiles: BidOnKeith CEOSPACE.net UNIocracy.org
Join us Jan 20, 2020 as all world leaders at all levels achieve total global world Peace. Details are here and obtained from keith.
Since all these events I have personally experienced are Bible revelation full filled exact dates, Sept 11, 2011 to Dec 11, 2019 is exactly 6666 days = Mark of the Beast now prevented by FOIA.ONE and justified ChristDomain.com we hereby set a prime deadline of Dec 11, 2019 for key top DOJ DOD officials from any nation to escort us to safe haven. If we do not report back to world with postings and new videos, consider us DEAD forever. This is to complete delivery Sept 25, 2011SolutionMilitary.com CIA NSA and Obama. Never had that prime interview of another debrief as of today Nov 11, 2019 as we have timelined to world exactly how corrupt persons have destroyed any hope of your future. Oct 3, 2011 - Jan 28, 2014 illegally detained. April 3, 2015 3.5 years later I stood at Emmaus Israel professing why GOD sent me. Oct 4, 2018 = 7 years to the day, I flew back to testify to FBI-ATL and was forced into HELL-Jail 5th time after FBI Agent Lynn voiceRecorded said 'ROSE is under investigation, and you keith were indeed illegally detained." Jan 12, 2019 after being drugged by USA GOV for 5.5 weeks, I flew back to Manila always knowing ROSE and very powerful named USA gov officials want me DEAD for they have implicated themselves with AG Sally Yates now of KSLaw.com.
There are so many reasons why all our base civil and constitutional rights at all levels have been denied since Jan 2008 and yours violated since end of World War 2. WW3 is the cyber crime terrorist attacks of technology that transfer your=GODs wealth to the criminal ruling elite. Most are hidden billionaires including focus on financial Terrorists AgileLaw.com Atl Atty Alexander Cyclone Covey in criminal cell network directly with theFinalTerrorist.com Robert Dee Rose. Sally Q Yates and hundreds of others are in mortal danger by ROSE and other very powerful terrorists and are ignorant and arrogant that they will escape DOJ DOD justice.
These are the most POSITIVE real time reporting for now keith and his R&D teams have perfected how to show WHO is WHO, Who Owns What, and Who Trades What with WHO. The complexity of our world has been reduced to simple language of all people.
Other civil rights are violated by those who have no clue about much of anything except capitalism. They focus ONLY on the bottom line profit with complete disregard to the rights of anyone. It is SO easy to violate a law. So easy to pay off just one or many to murder another key eyewitness who has architect engineered a free world citizen society at all levels. Who decides who controls our economy. Obviously WE do, yet few have any voice of decision. This is 100% true for all my people. The words of Communism, Socialism, Democracy, Monarchy, and other forms of government enterprises are just words.
The people who are elected to run the administrative affairs are those who get paychecks and benefits for serving and protecting. Nothing else is required. The same applies to all corporate officials from manager to CEO levels. The new world model creates entire all small middle class business owners who free trade and travel starting with Free world Wifi and Free Education K to any PHD degree. No more will profit be obtained by charging for any education. All initial funding will be provided by keith with CreatorKeith.SPACE ProfitShareHolders.space common stock we hereby increase from 75,000 to one million shares as soon as we receive word from USA GOV that ROSE is in custody or you call us to explain who we are. Rose has always been the first person who used our $109,800 3 Promissory notes and billions of real $$ intellectual property to cyber crime terrorize, murder, and threaten blackmail, extort USA gov and corporate executives many of them his very own original HomeWAVES.com people and OceanPlaceBahamas.com crime center luxury condo visitors.
We hereby always legally claim ALL of ROSES assets as well as 1% of all crime assets using our (c)(tm) methods to directly fund SolutionSafeWater.org and offer membership into UNIocacy of all world leaders. We have offered to pay World Presidents from this most unique Trust NGO fund so that no one can use Campaign Contributions or other forms of corrupt money to buy off our most fearless consultant leaders. All who join soon also receive common stock. Just ask us how.
This is also why have formally offered Sally Yates SYates@kslaw.com common stock, to join our Legal Justice Teams, and to fly us to Atlanta or Washington and back to FBI to testify, and prepare for the greatest press conference series so we jointly roll out deploy each of these almost perfected systems.
UNIocracy.org is the worlds last fully functional self correcting checks and balances system to ensure collective sharing of all resources occurs. Poverty is prevented and reversed, our world goes to all digital electric society, everyone is protected by the focus on EVOTE.ONE using FOIA.one as the prime store and forward open domain referential integrity database system. FOIA is freedom of Information ACTION that stands for righteousness, social justice and peace. Because all transaction records are open for anyone to scrutinize, any violation of SolutionManifesto.com Constitutional base laws of 11 commandments, then Human Bill of Rights are immediately used to put any individual on trial. Speedy Trial law is now 10 days. Other benefits we learned from everyone we know like berny dohrmann at CEOSPACE.net are no more appointed officials at any level. The only exception is the original nomination of replacement persons for temporary assignment. Everyone in world has right to public vote on petitioning for a single next project, the right to elect best person for any government or corporate position, the right to decide the innocence or guilt of any person who is accused of violating anyones rights.
This we post here and on SolutionPeace.com and UNIOcracy so our world leaders will now meet as ONE world summit Peace Summit on Jan 20, 2020 to be hosted by Trump + Sally Yates + Keith + World Presidents and live streamed to world over our own news media channels all owned and controlled now by the PEOPLE. Never again will any individual or crime network control any aspect of our economy since Prevention is now the focus of everyone to conduct outreach ministries to all they meet and know. This includes the terrorists, criminals, alcoholics, drug addicts, homeless street children and families, and even extends to our existing world leaders. This is most obvious by the commands of 'LOVE your Enemies', 'Act with authority of fearless people to protect the rights of all others' that is summarized by justice of 'LOVE OTHERS' Who do each of you contact next to dispatch Keith and yourself to the next greatest places of needs. We have been open for booking flights to meet Presidents and even return to fourth world areas (known as Prisons client3635.wix.com/helpInmates) since Feb 22, 2011 when the real crime sequences were started by ROSE and Ms Bashama since not a single person has upheld laws to sign the arrest warrants and seize my own assets.
To complete our original 100% technical missions of R&D science to UNIFY mankind, we ask everyone you know to CONTACT the absolute highest persons in authority so we can be flown to INTERPOL, DOD in Europe, then debrief Trump and Joint Chiefs of Staff, then prepare for the greatest moment in time. Unification of our people known to all as 'FREE CITIZENS' Prophet Keith
Nov 11, 2019 As we remain alive broadcasting ONLY by the grace of GOD himself and a few protectors. We can always tell you who these are on SolutionHousing.ORG Endorsements Page and all the open public broadcasts. NONE of these are in USA.
EVERY YEAR, the World Justice Project releases a Rule of Law Index. They interview around a thousand people in 126 countries and diagnose the strengths and weaknesses of their respective justice systems. In their latest report, Singapore is ranked 13th; Malaysia is 51st; and Indonesia is 62nd. The Philippines is 90th.
Notoriously, we sit at 115th for Order and Security, 99th for Civil Justice, and 113th for Criminal Justice. We are at 105th for fundamental rights, while our highest rating is 51st for Open Government, possibly because we are—at least—transparent about our disregard for human rights.
Reference: TuffoBrothers-ABSCBN.com today. https://news.abs-cbn.com/ancx/culture/spotlight/11/10/19/the-tulfos-are-the-face-of-philippine-justice-and-that-should-bother-us
The Real Profitable news continues here as we continue to consolidate all aspects of UNIocracy. We require the bet analysts in all disciples to contact us in Manila and help continue Mass publicity. We can provide remote counseling, consulting, and even keynote speeches for your Corporations and Government Groups at any time. Same as summer of 2010.
We have offered to sell off real billions of USD $$ valued Intellectual Property from summer 2011 forward. 1st is EVOTE.ONE system, TurnOffLights.SPACE, the universal stabilizer system WorldSchoolFund.com and other unification answer solutions we pioneered 43 years ago to present. No one can ever DENY your rights again to own and control all infrastructure and corporations ever again once 1st WORLD leader announces to world 'THEY have the worlds last ANTI-Corruption System ready to deploy with our mentor ship mediation help. No one will ever go through the horrors of 'Murder for Hire' conspiracies we have survived.
For Humanity with Integrity, the ONLY pathways to UNIFY mankind, Click here for the Fast Path to contact our Crusaders.
We now educate our young people free Internet + Free Education of WorldSchoolFund.com since EVOTE.ONE commands all decision leaders to Protect and Serve our people without any Political Corruption prevented by FOIA.ONE database and the enforced covenants of one new world Constitution of SolutionManifesto.com. Immediate use of SolutionMilitary.com prevents all wars and truly prevents all Poverty with SolutionHousing.org, Free world water and energy SolutionSafeWater.org and TurnOffLights.SPACE and all other singular linked URL answers truly disrupt the status quo of Cyber crime terrorists and corrupt Politicians + Corp Executives who prey on the weak, naive, and uneducated masses. We are being slaved traded and murdered because of the abject ignorance of the most massive transfer of GOD's assets to the Criminal Ruling Elite. Nothing can stop this true divined and ordained ministries from our Mutual Creator since our world self destroys itself from predatory greed, ego, and the pursuit of 'What is in this for me mentality'
We are the most powerful R&D Sovereign Prophets sent by GOD and knowledge of our fore founders from past centuries. We are the most wealthiest Angel Philanthropists in world history who have been denied all our rights to debrief and teach our World Presidents and Corporate Executives how technology and common sense combined with enforced integrity and wisdom is the ONLY way to create sustainable Global World Peace. We are here, who contacts us now.
Keith Duncan in Philippines (63)917-335-4300 (c) (tm) IntlPTO.gov is #1 top Tech Visionary Sage World Key Note Speaker God's Rights Activists + World traveling Consult Teams for you. Everyone: Multiple Call visits Forward, one Call Back = 1 Prime Meeting turnover with USA Embassy Ambassador Sung Kim + Duterte, Trump, DOJ, DOD Military official, Press, or others, and +125 USA criminals all go to Prison and Death Row as enemies of the state. Then we debrief Duterte, Trump, Putin, all World Leaders on how to eliminate crime with series of Peace Conferences with our most powerful R&D Scientists, economic modelers, Humanitarians. WHO will be the first group to make International history for taking down the worst terrorist network in USA-World history. Then we rest as all Sovereign Citizens of Free world SolutionPeace.com already numerically perfected methods using technology + common sense. #1 issue is FEW ever do FOLLOW-UP and destroy crime evidence since most simple do NOT CARE about others.
Our Ambassadors have clearly been asking for Safe Haven Protection with and by orders of our Presidents, Military (all nations + CIA + Interpol) Mega Corporations, Churches, and everywhere we travel. All the Crimes + Prevention methodology always broadcast to DOJ, Military, world leaders by our Crusader teams. This is the true purpose of FOIA.ONE. Anyone who objects to World Global Peace and our integrity based enforced ethic methods are clearly hiding from the justice they deserve. Anyone who cries PRIVACY is clearing violating our rights to Public domain exposure of WHO owns What. Never our fault, always theirs..
Oct 2, 2019 11:11pm. Oct 3 2011 at 10am kidnapping ordered by ROSE was just one example of cyber crime terrorism.
NO MORE Crime = Dynasties, underground networks, Military wars, poverty, civil right violators, or any crimes against humanity. Capture/seizure/death of TheFinalTerrorist.com Lucifer Anti Christ ROSE network has always been easy #1 world priority. All other criminals scream in horror their days are numbered by their own evidence. All Positive replacement of all world systems = our Creators purpose.
Use BidOnkeith.com to recreate required free trade barter exchange market system free of all taxes and crime. This is the only solution set to eliminate/replace all banks, stock brokers, and other no more needed financial trading platforms. Everyone benefits in our Creators original purpose. Only persons of Integrity will prosper. All others will perish by GOD's wrath and your teams. These solutions are the most peaceful transition back to E.D.E.N. Utopia using existing technology and derived system that return all intrinsic value benefits back to our +7.729 billion People as of Sept 10, 2019. The only requirement since fateful Jan 15, 2008 has been for USA GOV or any other nation to SEIZE theFinalTerrorist.com and use each of these ordained divined technology common sense answers compiled by our top world scientists...
Yes, then we all finally get paid for providing the new replacement bypass system + methodology that truly creates sustainable Global Peace..
Click: CreatorKeith.Space
kTrader.Space = True Reality solution
Click: https://youtu.be/ivEW0dgjLms Sept 20, 2019
The most POSITIVE reform Unification Movement in World history is 100% Direct Voter Democracy of EVOTE.ONE #3 that would have been world reality +40 years ago for variety of criminal terrorist reasons.
Since we have been calling for emergency meetings with DOJ, Presidents, DOD, all others since summer of 2011, just how can all these crimes against humanity continue unabated?? We know. Ask us.
NO ONE can DENY any of our rights again once World Leaders are Required = Commanded to follow our EVOTE directives to Serve and Protect as now we collectively DESTROY the politics and crime forever.
The top priority is mass publicity on HOW so easy to teach world how to set up ONE world voting system shared by all of EVOTE engineered by our Crusaders and GOD himself. NO secrets, NO Crimes the absolute BOTTOM line to LEGALIZE and have total World Peace... Who will contact us now...
We have also offered to sell off (c)(tm) book, movie rights, our true billions (trillions) of USD IP products and services and use World level speaking engagements to fund ourselves this entire time.
Who will book us now to fly our crusaders to your greatest places of needs. Just one call away.
If anyone complains, ask them to use SolutionPeace.com/5steps to provide us a better=best answer. We collectively shake our heads in disbelief so many hypocrites, cynics, racists, bigots, and criminal brood of vipers think they can be profitable citizens when everyone simply lowers their integrity ratings.
This autoface recognition using IID includes any criminal we might meet on any public area using client3635.wix.com/CCWguard that notifies neighborhood of their presence and direct calls the Police and even SolutionMilitary.com if they have a required bounty on their heads. Our young adults now are the 'Search and Destroy' instead of wasting billions man hours online gambling sexVideo addictions. Simple use of WorldSchoolFund.com replaces all corrupt executives and government officials in just a few years. TeenMoneyMachine.com is also the key. This is so simple we sometimes laugh out loud.
Clearly we have already established the worlds last kPeace Keeping Foundation, Law enforcement investigation Judicial agency and Free Barter Market Exchange needed by world based on all evidence we are the only R&D experts who have simplified finding criminals in record time. We have also shown world how to convert to all electric Water Turbine society with worlds last Patented P.L.C. universal smart grid cluster network TurnOffLights and SolutionSafeWater.org and REALLY need Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, and all other angel philanthropists to dispatch their jets and Tech market experts to come pick us up as we most humbly requested summer of 2011.
For we alone have established worlds most profitable Free World Market exchange system of Cooperative Capitalism of CEOSpace.net and been selling off our trillions of $$$ IP and rights (BuiltByKeith.com CreatorKeith.com INC) , while inviting world to BUY-IN common stock so we have ONE central stock with ONE kbitcoin kTrade barter exchange system that also creates our new world Unified system. So YES, we WILL and MUST debrief world leaders. WHO WILL be the first leader of UNIocracy.org to call us back, protect our safety and IP rights, and then we all tune in to hear the greatest stories of GOD's reality world to be peace loving new world citizens free of all crime...
CORRUPTION, CRIME, Civil Right Violations have been Legalized at all levels. Just watch the news. Join SolutionPeace.com today.
The FASTPATH of justified evote .ONE #3 UNIFIES all Humanity. RePost now! Since our world is only driven about basic issues of NO MONEY and can NOT see WHO is WHO, WHO owns What, and WHO trades WHAT with WHO, we in GODs purpose have already been doing this for decades.
The prime legally authorized bounty rewards by our citizens are the modeled systems of eVOTE.one #2 as best most profitable incentives for our Police, DOJ, DOD, even World Leaders, and common citizens to use our methods and pay our R&D Scientists for our granted technology (tm) (C) Patented products and services that truly benefit all nations using the original now perfected Cooperative Capitalism system of CEOSPACE.net Berny Dohrmann that benefits humanity to save all nations with worlds last self sustainable Global peace.
We have called Senate and Congress in many nations asking for Congressional Investigations for years. Only the ruling Party members of any Government and/or Mega public Corporation ever decide our fate. These are the Criminal Ruling Elite that everyone despises (more words you can use). Truly CRIMINALLY Insane and Incompetent as they pocket all assets since no one complains. Most of our Politicians and most of our Law enforcement remain dead silent also. Too much money in the market for them to pay attention to earning millions of $$$ bounties by just using our FOIA.ONE IID method.
A few identified people emailed back saying they never engage in LEGAL matters (Sen Dave Purdue, John Lewis, Police, FBI, IRS, AG, DAs, Berry Vic Reynolds, ..., such stupid criminal persons). We remain beyond SHOCKED that Corruption has now been Legalized just like every other vice -> sin -> crime !!!!
All our world leaders are in Political Warfare and seldom if ever deal with ANY root issue of our people. PAY ATTENTION and continue onward until Justice is served by hiring our crusaders.
With our new system, NO MORE POLITICS or ANY Political Parties will exist as WE the PEOPLE now eVOTE decide Next Best Project and WE decide the compensation for each leader. Clearly we were dispatched by our Mutual Creator to complete the Final Mission of wiping out all Corruption at ONE time since EVERY single one of our=Your Rights are being denied and abused by leaders we are paying to SERVE and PROTECT. These are the Family Dynasties = Criminal Ruling Elite who want us ALL DEAD. SEND this out to everyone you know and complete the most powerful Viral Social Media Campaign in world history focusing our entire world on SolutionPeace .COM. All builtBykeith and his crusader warriors as SOMEONE has to address crime, then SEIZE crime assets to rebuild OUR communities we own and control...
For now +11.11 years, we SHOULD and MUST have correct callback from our World leaders so we can TURN over the most comprehensive crime interview investigations in world history. For the IP value of the worlds last simple crime detection prevention methods (c)(TM) Patent is beyond staggering in its simplicity for use by all our citizens. Since we have always most formal requested safe haven from all top DOJ DOD Military +President leaders, why has no one just called us to turnover the SAME refined IP technology anyone can see here, below, and embedded on 43 years of total plans of reform action unification salvation. As everyone needs to save themselves into safe haven, then lend a hand to help others do the same. Many already revealed to the world including ALL other Angel Philanthropists listed to DO the same. This is what we have done and lost our lives because ONE person decided he wanted to stay out of the same HELL-JAIL they sent us to, as the most profitable Prisoner of Cyber crime warfare is clearly KEITH protected by GOD and just a few that now will be 7.7 billion once MY world sees who I most humble AM John 10:30. Simple and direct action. No need to continue world broadcasting as that was truly the only reason we have honest leaders and PRESS (a whole another greatest stories every told self limiting dilemma ). All our leaders at all levels are PAID highly to Serve and Protect including our Corp executives who commit SO many cyber crimes (concealment of crimes) they to will stagger into Prison once they also too see their days are numbered by their very own records and evidence. Never our FAULT, always those of them who violate ANY of our existing standing rules of enforced laws.
Our world class R&D Scientist Keynote Speaker inventor engineer lawyer CEO crusaders now return to TRUMP and all world leaders at the expense of all criminals or simple Military or CIA escort to testify to Congress Landmark Class Action Miscarriage of Justice already targeting +100, even thousands of persons tied to ROSE and other terrorists. First 100 persons get free BUY-IN stock certificates and free admission to any of our CEOSpace.net NSASpeakers.org HighTechMinistries.org as Payback for services and products rendered to truly unify and create our own new world GlobalPeace.org All these existing tech based methods prevents all Political Corruption + Crime networks that would have occurred post WW2 if the Criminal network had not taken over our own communications network and databases with insider criminal rogue agents. When will we get TRUMP, Putin, Duterte or other world leader callbacks as our crusaders have clearly been asking for World Reform for decades. We are clearly the WHITE Hats who showcase all criminals and use technology to prevent all future crimes against humanity. WHO do YOU KNOW is the most powerful Q to ask. Who DOES NOT want Global World Peace must be identified now with simple use of FOIA.ONE IID as integrity rating of -50. That alone will achieve as we must AVOID mass protest rallies for obvious terrorist attacks against our people.
Once we migrate the wealthy to 3rd nations that are safely secured with just client3635.wix.com/CCWguard as this was SolutionRedDot how to identify WHO is trusted and who is a crook. Delivered for 4 hours Langley AirForce base Sept 25, 2011 to OSI Capt Chris Weber, as NSA CIA Air force Intelligence debrief were the directions by GA retired Rep Buddy Darden who is now senile, and all eyewitnesses including DUNCAN clan are threaten by murderous ROSE, We clearly asked for safe haven and asked to escort Military CID and antiTerrorist squads to seize ROSE and protect us while we testify before Congressional Investigations while all PRESIDENTS accepted our offers to teach them how to prevent all financial economic wars. WHO will return any of our thousands of calls, visits, faxes, emails, facebook, all other methods of showing exactly that WE ARE THE WORLD LEADERS who now OWN all infrastructure, land, natural resources. This was the original created design of mankind. TO be Crusader Warriors who protected each other as Integrity driven safe communities who offered helping hand to the criminals, drug abusers, human trafficers, scammers, terrorist to surrender or be manhunted down by anyone with autoface recognition eDevices on Open Public TV InterLink Free high speed fiber optic network cluster controled and owned by Interpol and monitored openly by public.
Post most historical Oct 3, 2011 kidnappings, we have yet to have ANY call back or booking of our completed solutions worth Trillions of $$ we have already gifted back to pay one way for hospitals, schools, roads, community halls, water, energy, resorts in concurrent order. As the most prolific authors of our own new world economy we WILL BE PAID for our Intellectual Property since ROSE clearly has been using our most extensive anti crime software and databases to infiltrate almost all Databases worldwide. No one excepted.
Give us Keiths re-emerging Crusasers a call to assist you and World Leaders. As we have completed also, with Lino Dimante and SO SO many others's help of course, how to transfer the TRUE wealth of our world back to ASIA with evote .one, SolutionSafeWater .org SolutionHousing .org by training our emerging world leaders on how to fast path best business practices and THEN millions of dual citizen expats will soon move here with their families as FOREIGN SPENDERS who want best hospitals, schools, roads, markets, food, water, energy, recreation in Mixed Use communities as NO ONE IN WORLD with any money at all, wants to live in mega slums or Condos is such polluted cities as everyone knows only a few profit from our toils and labor.... Already solved by use of knowledge and wisdom of our R&D Scientists, Keynote Speakers, train the trainer programs and cooperative Capitalism taught by the most wealthy Entrepreneurs in world history CEOSPace.net NSASpeakers.ORG HighTechMinistries.org numbering well over 50,000 as the top leaders all know Keith personally. JUST so hard to contact anyone with such limited cell/long distance coverage. Free once WorldSchoolFund .com because our new world reality... keith Just ONE call away. Who DO you know who can use our most extensive reasonably priced services...
TRULY we state to everyone, GLOBAL peace is just ONE call away from top leaders ( Duterte, TRUMP, Putin, PCOO, DOST, a few senators/congressmen, TRUMP, Military, PNP leaders, the list is endless) contact us for the NEXT greatest places of needs as we were world traveler Sovereign Peace Ambassadors 8 years ago and were KIDNAPPED by the most ruthless antichrist Oct 3, 2011. ALL details on these broadcast sites as indeed once we have ONE eVOTE system with ONE FOIA database, all have total world peace..
ALL POSITIVE final solutions are BECAUSE our one mutual creator benefactor requested we complete his son's missions many times through out history. For GOD is living among us. Not necessary to argue now. JUST call our teams back.