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### Dec 6, 2015 on eve of Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941, 74 years ago.

### For Immediate World Press Release and re-Broadcast to the world.

I have been asking everyone in world to RISE UP and command their governments protect your rights with all ways and means this entire time. Everyone contact everyone with focus on contacting USA Government officials, President Obama, United Nations, USA Military, and especially FBI's James Comey and AG Loretta Lynch and Congress.

This original Dec 5, 2015 broadcast from Keith Duncan in Philippines. Read to the end, since everyone has been completely notified through every single ways and means, including Congress, Interpol, Press, churches, + you. is the original, middle, and end Alpha Omega state of humanity. Not a single person has ever represented the rights of Keith Duncan including being contractually obligated to uphold Constitutional Laws and County/state/federal Statues of law. Clearly these are total Tort Legal Reform also. YOU, my people are the to bring full scale justice and equality back to our entire world. Contact Keith to find out WHO YOU ARE. remains the best contact methods to attend Keith's press conferences and soon, stadiums and churches full of my people hungry for total Equality. I do not endorse the following journalist’s viewpoints in their entirety. I detect bigotism either on his side or of those he exposes on both the black-white fences of injustice. I remain standing on the ultimate fence of Justice labeled described by All in case the true criminals find me before world actually wakes up and smells the rotten ROSES’s like Robert Dee Rose. ### Dec 5, 2015 world rebroadcast. The next major press release was approved and went out Thanksgiving day. It is posted in top of and other ordained working sites. If all these simple acts of faith work like ordain and biblical designed, it will finally turn our entire world over to God focused people. It is high noon again. This was a famous time in a popular series of old Wild West movies in USA when the gun fighters from ok corral faced off on the Main Street of destiny. Just when will all my satanic accusers rush to the FBI and AG offices to confess their assorted and deadly serious felony crimes of conspiracy, forgery, extortion, collusion, willful obstruction of federal and military investigations, destruction of massive publicly and pubic visible Documentation. For the most extreme form of adulterous prostitution is being actively conducted by so many of your elected, appointed, and promoted leaders and executives. They act with complete impunity and immunity from all laws because they directly control the flow of information including all of your secrets, financial files, and daily locations and activities This is what Robert Dee Rose has done for 15 years. The FBI even said in a recorded conversation that Rose did not work for the USA government. Another key attorney general gatekeeper stated in fall in 2013 that "we do not actually help people. We only prosecute people." The truth will always be that key high powered officials work directly for Rose and his layered satanic criminals that have no boundaries. Justice and recovery of first of any of my rights has never occurred because of all the evil blocking actions of this really long list of criminals shown to public and military on and all of these profoundly truthful broadcasts and personal deliveries of the absolute evidence facts. This has not occurred for me since all these cowards refuse to face their judgment day. Biggest grin grin of all time is they will be enslaved by only their own previous signatures I have shown the world for years. Often within minutes and hours of each crime, I am commanding justice be served..... Such a showdown will occur when the public and churches truly take these legal, financial, and spiritual Godly matters to the Press and leadership to command they stop all these crimes against humanity and massive scandals, coverups, conspiracies, and total one way drain of their own God loaded and loaned gifted assets to the Criminal Ruling Elite. The end results of the ultimate gold at the end of these rainbows I build and provide are reality as the public uses what I provided them in the name of our own Holy Trinity. This is the alpha and omega final design and creation of a singular spiritual assembly of faithful and ethical world citizens. Join is everyone's first step to justice and righteousness Greetings to our entire world. I am squeaky clean, even scrubbed behind my ears. Looks like I will need to invest in a pure white suit and matching long white flowing vestment cloak since I have never had anything to hide. In pure biblical fact, I have had everything to reveal to our world of misguided and idol worshiping blinded fools. Yes, there are quite a few very honest, ethical, wise, and integrity focused persons still breathing. They are just so hard to identify and find since so many people are in denial and survival mode. They therefore spend little time seeing that God and his saintly spirited messianic messengers of faith, hope, and love walk among them in their daily strolls through life. Teenagers and others have been using the Internet Text message of YOLO. The definition is "You Only Live Once”. The prime difference between ‘saved’ souls and unrepentant criminals is actually quite simple. Criminals spend their entire lives committing crimes to amass fortunes while living at the highest standards of society. They absolutely hate the concept of their own mortality for Death means they go to HELL and they loose all that wealth, prestige, and power of being Satanic rulers over the dead and enslaved carcasses and cadavers of you, my people. Those who are truly innocent of greed and power hungry capitalism are those who have a personal relationship with the FATHER-GOD = GOD-Father and with as many fellow human beings as possible. This is the one degree of separation that becomes reality with and the singular database of For God does have a keen and often cruel sense of humor. Since GOD created mankind in his own image, can everyone now see WHY there is light and darkness, Evil and Righteousness, and the progression of time that is recorded by Keith Brent Duncan. Today, I am so, so bored sitting here in my Manila rented room. I think I may soon purchase the last component of my stolen R&D lab that was instrumental in the technology finality of these God gifted, divine, and ordained ministries to complete what Jesus Christ almost accomplished 2,000 years ago. For Christ was unifying all people under our one Father. This is what I have completed…. START of NEXT church service. The goal is to bring more people into all congregations. It is now 6:15 pm Manila time as I sit for third time in Church of God International lead by Brother Eli. The church is known as Members Church of God International (MCGI) when MCGI Presiding Minister Eliseo Soriano started his radio program Ang Dating Daan (ADD). ADD is the name on the church sign. I am trying to find location of the Monday through Friday workshop seminar series. The upstairs chapel has about 60 people in attendance with the web broadcast TV in the front. One of the websites state that Lead minister Brother Eli is in exile because of recent threats. John 10:7, 9-10 “Therefore Jesus said again, “Very truly I tell you, I am the gate for the sheep. I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved. They will come in and go out, and find pasture. The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.”

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