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Political Corruption Terrorism is True Reality
May 22, 2018 1300 count
"Re-examine all that you have been told, dismiss that which insults your soul." -Walt Whitman
"Our one mutual Creator blesses those who solve their own problems while in service to others." -CreatorKeith
"Equality + Justice =" as Keith = True Prince of Peace for all of mankind. Contact everyone now ....
Click: Crowd-Fund today. United Nations
Click: ClearingHouse of world only prime solutions . Then join world reformation movement today. Click on any of these documentary photos and videos for the Standard Model Teachings of how to Save Our World from the 'Criminal Ruling elite' who control and rule over you by perverted Man-Made Laws with Liar-Lawyers and Political Criminals who are most of your leadership around the world at Government and Corporate levels. Even is #1 solution to prevent crimes.
Daily Press Conferences are NOW at 10 am EST = 7 am PST timezones.
Click and Call USA (712)775-7031, ID: 166 841 408 , host *1134(first person) to hear and ask any question about the condition of our world and the only Solutions to prevent all Political Criminals and underground crime networks like Robert Dee Rose (dob 1971-April-01)
These Press Conferences happen every single day. Contact Top World Leaders, Governments, literally everyone + Associated and national Press, Churches, and all high powered government officials you know to hear the TRUTHs about all the capital, felony, and crimes against humanity being actively committed and the Solutions to prevent world self-genocide. Keith is the most powerful Broadcast Journalist Evangelist Crusader of all time.
Any terrorist is defined by dictionary as "Any individual who perverts an organization or government for their own personal, financial, and political gain. " This clearly defines the actions and database attributes of almost all Politicians and Executives who VIOLATE existing laws then use corrupt Lawyers and other cabal criminals to COVER UP and destroy all evidence. This is all about HOW to PREVENT all crimes in first place to UNIFY mankind as one all middle class small business owners as worlds last 100% open public decision based society when everyones basic Human Rights are fearlessly protected with .
Interpol, FBI, AG, Press and the USA Military were contacted again Wed Dec 1 by phone calls and Fax to activate the growing international Blacklist and protect my life from rouge criminals tied to ROSE including USDAG Sally Yates (WashDC) and Judge Jackson (Norfolk VA) as IRS-FBI-AG actively commit the crimes shown on all these broadcasts.
My direct Philippines Cell (63)0917-335-4300 open 24x7. TalkATone +1(301)750-6248 has voicemail.
Please read all these pages and take Action with Authority. Political Corruption drains quad-trillions USD/$$/Euro/Pesos/etc from world economies. Few persons recognize their true purpose here on Earth. Who beLIEves the LIE that our government is here to protect our rights. This is my most favorite RED shirt video of the sinister travesites of Greed that I teach the world how to prevent with the most comprehensive world class of all time.
Those who are predators are marked for total isolation by under the #1 and only standard methods of that clearly shows prevents all political crimes, corruption, terrorism, and related self-genocide of our human race. Anyone can find Keith Duncan, including the USA Military so CreatorKeith can finally redeliver the Sept 25, 2011 debrief of all time with the Press, Public, and churches all in attendance. God has been my only benefactor as broadcast Sept 3, 2011 before I was kidnapped Oct 3, 2011.
Thought of the (each) Day
Each day begins with the breath of life gifted to each of us by our own mutual Creator. Those who refuse to serve others are relegated to a life of crime and isolation by their own testimonies and actions. Who represents the Will of the People in all respects of honor, trust, full scale accountability, and virture. Is it you? Or is it only Keith Duncan who is already the #1 Sovereign Ambassador Emissary who teaches all of mankind how to with 1. Technology, 2. Common Sense 3. Application of Integrity Principals recorded in the Books of Life from our Fore Founders and prophetic emissaries who have preceeded our short term here on Earth. The USA government is near collapse since no one has yet interviewed Keith or hosted Press Conferences to expose all criminals once and for all.....