FutureCity.life - God + Keiths full perfected MotherEarth relocation.
SolutionEducation.org Keith's Perfected Complete ReEducation methods.
SolutionBusiness.ORG Our reality system of full equality ownership.
SolutionHousing.ORG World Investors CreatorKeith.com NGS Mediators
Debrief Host Keith Duncan +1 770-377-2106 formal request we go on TV now.
Chief Visionary Strategist: Tamara Mock at +1 828-501-6450. DrKeith.org +1 725-200-7683
ProfitShareHolders.com Evote.one -> FOIA.one = SolutionManifesto.com Angel Guardians
Mass Migration megaB-Millionaires redistributes Gods wealth to +8.2 Billion We The People forever.
ReInvestALL.com ProfitShareHolders.com commands corporate elite worldwide to mountains.
No more taxes or Corrupt violator criminals. Safe CCWGuard.org world free of con-artists for ever.
SolutionPeace.org Total Ownership + Reverses all Mass Politic Poverty caused by ancient NWO elite.
eVOTE.One FOIA.One = SolutionPeace.Org Unification Gods System. 4500 Mar 11, 2025 World Integrity
Click HOW-TO-ALL to learn how to actually BE free WILL world GODs Citizens forever.
Click UNIocracy page to see full plan of Gods self salvation for each of you, my most beloved 8 billion children.
SolutionHousing.org shows how each of you now build and manage your very own home while serving and protecting all your community equality neighbors forever. We were sent by GOD alone IID 1-195808-1 FOIA.one as are the #1 architect consultant engineer civil rights procreators of your new world no crime society UNIocracy.org to benefit everyone by sharing collectively, cooperatively, and collabaratively by everyone deciding NEXT best project and WHO is each of our project manager leaders. EVOTE.ONE FOIA.ONE is worlds last single direct 100% eDemocracy voting system so each of you decide your own reality. No more poverty, rentals, no more bank loans, no more taxes or wars, no stock options or public traded stocks or CoPirate Corporate executive perks, once everyone is de-programmed to be sovereign independent free will citizens who know Who is Who, Who owns what, Who trades barter exchange with everyone else forever. No more any secret hidden deal since privacy was always the Pandoras box of who controls your entire false reality world.
UNIocracy.org Intl Headquarters +1 770-377-2106 staffed by each of you as Board of Trustee Directors forever.
Most humble Keith brent duncan is worlds first mega billionaire (yes Trillionaire) sent by GOD to provide all the direct funds and technology with your manpower to build thousands of new state of the art communities now owned by the workers of GODs fields and natural resources. First requirement is to convert all the abandoned churches and office buildings into homeless / impoverished temporary shelters. Each community including all churches provide the food, clothes, and basic living supplies so our people now have full access to GODs assets.
As of June 24, 2022 not a single human soul has contacted Keith and asked us anything about HOW to destroy the Lucifer criminals, cyber terrorists, and others who violate OUR rights to be free will independent GODs most sovereign citizens of UNIocracy.org. ASK everyone to command we each be the authorities by using Evote.ONE.
SolutionHousing.org was always GOD + most humble ProfitKeith.com Duncan's simple method of EARN as you GO, Build your own reality, Pay no one except for labor and materials by free will barter exchange trading what you produce. Your new world free will UNIOcracy.org Leader was always Keith Brent Duncan of Norcross GA USA at +1 (770) 377-2106 sent BY GODs procreator of FOIA.ONE at IID 1-19580815-1 to master teach perfection solutions and methodology to each of you once and forever. Since no one protects Keiths life, NO ONE protects YOUR life, assets or future. Everyone now USE 5Steps.life to decentralize all authority + wealth back to your place of greatest needs. Includes redistribution of GODs pirated wealth back to third world nations start at Manila.
Absolutely everyone deserves to build and manage own control their entire infrastructure of our communities at tribal village clan level. Birds of same feather do flock together includes criminal flocks of terrorist predators of Robert DEE ROSE, Berry Victor Reynolds, Atty Alexander Cyclone Covey, Judge Raymont A Jackson Norfolk VA 4:11cr112 conspiracies to murder Keith based on all certified evidence at DuncanClaim.org also puts each of you on National News Media (yes TV) as world famous wealthy celebrities.
Last world rebroadcast is #1189 BuiltByKeith GODs video series from June 12, 2022 showing WHY a few most ruthless elite Corporate Executives have been conspiring with underground criminals and terrorists past 25 years who are already depopulating GODs world by claiming only they can wage any war based on your refusals to ACT with Fearless Authority to destroy those who want to destroy entire cultural nations on basis of their greed.
Watch to the end of any of the following reality showcases and TAKE ACTION by demanding Keith and you be put on NATIONAL NEWS MEDIA TV NOW. Who DO you know to protect Keith and provide full recovery of GODs assets.
Mass Migration megaB-Millionaires redistributes Gods wealth to Keiths people forever.
ProfitShareHolders.com force commands retirement of millions coporate elite worldwide to mountains.
No more taxes, Political Corrupt people. Safe CCWGuard.us world free of criminals.
SolutionPeace.org Total Ownership + Reverses Mass politic Poverty caused by same elite.
eVOTE.ONE + FOIA.ONE uses 30% of construction costs to BUILD local Infrastructure owned BY the community. Mega Millionaires required to spend +$1 Million USD in 1 year for Dual Resident Honest Expats rights. This migrates excess of $500 Trillion USD as Elite are now called SPENDER MENTORS. YOU command Action by all.
Trillions of real $$$ wealth transferred to your new all digital electric communities in remote impoverished areas of greatest needs includes WaWaLake.org and Great Smoky Mountains + Alps. Everyone benefits as all infrastructure is now owned and run by our free will communal UNIocracy citizens who travel world 100% free barter exchange market system. Click Endorsements to join our millions of partner community top leaders.
eVOTE.One FOIA.One = SolutionPeace.Org Unification Gods System.
SolutionHousing.org is fast path GODs method of NO more criminals, terrorists, zealots, no more Mega Banks (Banksters are Mobsters + Banker), No more public traded stock markets, no more taxes or PolyTICK delays on why WE GODs people must be slave traded and used as SolutionMilitary.com cannon fodder.
Even Capitalism system has been criminally used to enslave and literally torture our own 7,9 Billion People once a few top elite are the law-maker breakers who use OUR assets to shield themselves with campaign contributions, Lobbists, (special interest legislation), Judicial only Precedent Laws (never passed or ratified by WE GODs People, tax breaks. Worst legallized embezzelment of over $30 trillion USD annually is the Corporate Board of Directors issuing themselves STOCK OPTIONS, Corporate write-offs, any lame blame excuse claiming ONLY they are the chain of command decision making authorities once appointed and elected known as NWO who is really the GivingPledge.ORG mega BILK-Anaires and Mega MILKanaires who milk your proverbial cow of credits and debits by insider day commodity stock trading no one sees is the original Charles Ponzi MLM Marketing system of JUST trust GOD, just trust your brokers, just trust your banker, your pastor, Just trust someone is actually controlling the use of OUR assets and work efforts. Even Joel Olstein, Creflo Dollar, $150 millionaire Kenneth Copeland, and most other paster preachers like Cult Jim Jones and Jimmy Baker claim oh Just send us your donation gift pledge for GODs work like tbn.org/LOVEBUNDLE.
EACH of you deserve to earn as you GO, Pay cash for everything using KbitCoins.org as new world single currency that destroys all FOREX and BITcoins MLM lucifer scams.
EACH of you deserve to live in country club community that is fully self contained sustainable as you grow all your own local food at Free Will Barter Farmers Market. Put all your cash in local Credit Unions so you control who gets 4% low interest any loan and you get 3% saving account earnings as everyone now uses Keiths famous SolutionBankFraud.com to prevent ANY infiltration theft of OUR assets worldwide.
INVEST in YOURSELF by education all how to be free will liberated Sovereign Citizens once and forever.
Includes mass protest rallies and staged COUPS to overthrow any lucifer includes President PUT-IN, Fatso NKorea tryant, and even exiling inpoverishing all the 205 old fart CCP party insane communist members.
No more 6% sales commission taken by the brokers each time you buy or sell YOUR equity of land, commerical and residental properties. No more FILING and tax fees that always end up in the LUCIFER pockets using LoopHole laws only the few 1% of 1% elite control everything.
EVOTE.ONE was GODs only method of YOU decide your very own reality and near term destiny fate.
KEITH is clearly victimized by EVERYONE tied to Norfolk VA 4:11cr112 murder of hire conspiracies of 18 U.S.Code 1117 over the brutal robberies by Robert Dee Rose, Ms. Bashama, Duncan Clan, Murdered Brian Walker the self indicts +120 named criminals with AG Sally Q Yates, Atty Berry Victor Reynolds, and Federal Judge Raymond T Jackson easy to FORCE to testify by reading only their own signatures and false testimony claiming KEITH was unable to represent YOU or GOD based on WHAT WAS CRIMINALLY converted to MORE criminal terrorist attacks against YOU, My 7,9 billion GODs children.
, World War Five infamy depopulates anyone who protest to overthrow all Lucifers.
## Above updated Feb 13, 2022 Super Bowl Valentines double header of true sales ad generation of profits.
Each of you deserve to have your own single family home devoid of mortgage, taxes, and value affected by any news events includes foreclosures, elections, literally ANY news event that truly causes YOU to loose your lifetime earned assets. Keiths system delivered by GODs commands replace all known forms of governments and Corporate Executive BY-LAWS at one time.
Result was always New World crime free UNIocracy.org once everyone knows WHO is WHO, Who Trades WHAT, Who owns what worldwide. NO Privacy always shows someone is hiding their previous crimes, vices, and sins. Easy for each of you to identify who is who once everyone is self registered in Gold GODs last open public free market database FOIA.ONE using one International IID number of (country code) - (DOB) - (unique sequence number) that returns your own integrity rating by others who understand that cyberCriminal terrorists like ROSE already depopulate our communiites on any Lucifer excuse that THEY are the only ones to make any decisions about our reality and destiny fate.
Updated Jan 13, 2022 as we go back to Norcross GA city council Sustainability Committee meeting at 6pm tonight always asking for face to face debrief with people like William Corbin, Mayor Craig Newton same as I have been most actively doing past 15, even 45, and 63 manyears of working with GOD fulltime.
I personally LOST everything I have ever earned caused 100% by fraud and robberies of YOUR assets by Robert Dee ROSE, Ms. Bashama, Duncan Clan (douglas Duncan + sherry Duncan mass murder for hire conspiracies), then Murdered Brian Walker Dec 7, 2013, then + 125 named DOJ and Corp Officials as almost everyone claims ' NO crime occurred, no authority, no jurisdiction, no interest, NO clue WHO I WAS
DUNCANClaim.org shows ALL irrefutable timelined evidence and WHO is linked to WHO to ensure each of these named defendents is quickly put in prison and death row by order of Grand Jury Order and/or any judge or activist group demanding Justice be completed once and forever.
Keiths most common sense EVOTE.ONE 8 new replacement Constitutional SolutionManifesto.com laws eliminates all top middle decision makers use of Proxy tree decision making open public voting FOIA.ONE.
SolutionHousing.org perfected decentralized thousands of new self sufficient communities crime free of any violator based on Gods technoilogy Keith Brent Duncan has personally architectured developed engineered and already constructed for world wide use. Direct eDemocracy.o of Evote.one is the ONLY Gods method to fast path identify any criminal terrorist groups and eliminate all risks to the stability of our direct producer consumer free market finalStockMarket.com free will barter exchange communities. NEVER been done before because criminal ruling elite have always perferted GODs commandments and basic due process of law claiming only THEY can make the laws and decide current reality and the fate of each of you. Keith was clearly sent by GOD to be #1 world leader who has no access to any of his very own funds. The robberies of his three homes destroyed the exact same Sent by God technioogy showcased covenant step by step how to liberate each of you from the bondage of predatory greed once and forever is garden of E.D.E.N. FOIA.ONE artificial intelligence UTOPIA of no more criminals will exist.
As of Wednesday, Feb 23, 2022, not a SINGLE person has offered to protect my life or be shocked beyond belief on who has conspired to murder each of you by weaponizing DNA. use of Gossip HereSAY is the most dangerous weapon known to man. Keith has shown simple way of one international open public database FOIA.ONE use of IID to hold each of you self accountable and responsible for protecting the lives and assets of each other. We can not boil this down to anything simplier than 1 Corr 13:13 LOVE ALL OTHERS. OUTREACH MINISTRIES by each of you to the furtherest ends of planet Earth will empower each of you to finally understand we are all 7.9 BILLION GODs children. Only exception are the few aliens who work relentless to show humans how to actually LOVE, PROTECT, and CARE for each other.
Keith showcased on Youtube.com he was a foreign based alien on Oct 2, 2011 at Las Vegas CEOSPACE.net and showed his life was in mortal danger from LUCIFER ROBERT DEE ROSE and others who had cyber track hacked him after Jan 15, 2008 once Keith turned over ROSEs hwiGL.pdf homewaves General Ledger showing FINDERs OCCULT group was tied to Murphy NC Eric Rodolph, Timothy McVeigh, and other sociopath lunatics who kidnap, murder, rape, and sacrifice mulilate our children at every opportunity for ego orgasms. We apologize for using most accurate correct GODs dialogue to describe your reality to motivate each of you to FINALLY take action by hosting Mass PEACE PROTEST RALLIES use of KeithsRulesOfOrder.com and PeaceSUMMIT2020.com that would have occurred back in September 2011.
Keith Duncan was always ProphetKeith.com sent by GOD IID 1-19580815-1 (integrity + 100%) who always asked put him and you on National NEWS media broadcasts RIGHT NOW.
SolutionHousing.org is Gods original plan for 7.9 billion people to own their homes mortgage and tax free as small business owners who produce all their own products and services locally.
CONTACT ForeFounding Father of UNIocracy.org KEITH BRENT DUNCAN +1 770-377-2106 and fast path build new mixed used communities direct funded by wealthy elite AND from the proceeds of commanding DuncanCLAIM.org actually be completed by ACTION will of WE GODS people. As of Oct 20, 2021 I have been impoverished and literally robbed, defrauded, persecuted by each person I recorded by THEIR civil and CRIMINAL crimes.
No one in existing DOD DOJ , PUBLIC, or press had a clue what I just personally completed.
This is how to fast path hold everyone accountable when they violate the rights of any other.
Never been done before using CreatorKeith.com systems of 5steps.space. SO I DID, my entire life.
Absolutely everyone of Gods 7.9 billion children deserve to own their own single family homes and NOT be slave entraded by Banksters and Criminal Ruling Elite. Build as you earn as you work both smarter and most efficient harder to protect the civil rights of everyone in your own commUNITY.
Keith was clearly sent by GOD to teach self salvation that each of you are 100% held accountable to never steal, lie, hide, and/or recruit others to addict yourself to Lucifer agenda of 'GET RICH quick, just try our "lucifer" system, buy our insurance, buy into our MLM Charles Ponzi scheme systems, Buy those speculation commodity stocks and bitcoins, Look the other way when you see a crime being committed, never trust anyone but 'THEM'.
Never challenge authority or your managers decisions. Never be open minded and actually ACT outside your own region of direct influence. PROTECT KEITHS life right now. Call +1 770-377-2106 and book us ON national TV media so everyone can start commanding their own decision making authority using PeaceSummit2020.com
This updated final time Oct 3, 2021, 10 years after Robert Dee Rose ordered Keith to be martryed.
ProfitShareHOLDERS.com provides over $300 trillion USD of real cash and assets to build new mixed use developments funded by retired elite once they are no longer decision makers of mega Holding Incorporations, OUR banks, OUR corporation, including the same elite government officials who use OUR assets to make laws, bids, contracts that always ensure the elite are fully protected from any lawsuits or overthrow based solely on their GREED and Arrogance known as New World Order MLM Ponzi schemes of the false God Deities known as Egyptian King Pharaohs. Even the most powerful churches like Vatican Roman Catholics and Church of England are shown as criminal financial terrorists who claim only they talk to my FatherGOD in heaven and MotherEarth here on terrarium firma.
Over 70% of the worlds elite are now retired by order of all ProfitShareHolders.com and bank depositrs since WE GODs people actually own and control not only our own investment assets but eVOTE who are the leaders.
Your world has become so complex with greed, sin, vice, and crime, the same elite persons have passed laws that legalize embezzlement, murder, gambling, adultery, human sex trafficking, slave trading, war, theft, drugs, literally everything that was clearly showcased as original sin of idol worshiping.
Keiths GOD delivered systems fast path everyone living and even dead as WHO is WHO, Who owns What, and WHO has violated the rights of anyone other. The resulting search, manhuntall.com, seizure of all criminal networks ris the greatest transfer of pirated wealth in world history BACK to greatest places of needs, including affordable housing built by you as you earn your own living, pay yourself first, then use all shared collective cooperative resources to help your neighbors do the same.
ProphetKeith.com Duncan +1 770-377-2106 also leaves these Gods systems behind since Keith has been so persecuted and forsaken, we have indeed almost lost faith, hope, and love that each of you have any capacity to actually LOVE, CARE, PROTECT, and act with fearless authority to advance our human race using Gods emerging technology, common sense, and GODs simplified single new world Constitution SolutionManifesto.com.
Call us 24x7x365 since as of Aug 22, 2021 we predict prophesized death of humanity casued by exact same named elite mega Billionaires. Keith is proCreator of GivingPledge.space that also transfers over $400 Trillion USD of real assets and cash back to your greatest places of needs.
If anyone has better = best solutions, they are required by GOD and self evident to use KeithsRulesOfOrder.com and 5steps.space engineering paper based video recorded mind mapping visual system to create a replacement system that deals with any nano to Gods eye view issue, problem, conflict, and even reverse all war machines once SolutionMilitary.com puts ALL military families under local civilian authority.
SolutionHousing.org is GODs engineered original system to reverse all MASS poverty once and forever. No more bank loans, no more rental, lease, bankruptcies, or ability for Corporate Executive Bankers to PIRATE our wealth away with Taxes, laws, import/export duties, FOREX and bank fees, literally the worst criminal scams of all time were created by LUCIFER agents 8000 years ago and escalated 500 years ago with invention of mass communications of the Printing Press in Germany.
The most massive transfer of GODs wealth back to greatest places of needs was always EASY by empowering sane same GODs people to deal with the worst issues locally by community Action of Town Hall Tribal forum meetings using KeithsRulesOfOrder.com Over $300 Trillion USD will now be transferred by WILL of Majority of ShareHolders of all mega corporations by asking any Corp Executive to step down for refusal to implement ProfitShareHolders.com More wealth of over $500 Trillion USD will then be seized from any criminal or terrorist who is forced to surrender to our new UNIocracy.org social justice tort reformed system SolutionJudge.com by same Will of Gods People.
Total World Global Peace occurs once any World Leader announces on Press Conference our people are now empowered as free citizens to decide the NEXT best project that benefits their self contained communities. Keith personally gifts his Trillion USD valued Intellectual Property as the worlds last Forefounder of your new direct decision society free of almost all crime networks using EVOTE.one SolutionMilitary.com WorldSchoolFund.ORG all stored in World last E.D.E.N. FOIA.ONE that replaces Facebook, Google, Amazon, Alababa, other Bilkionaire pirate C-Executives now used as Mentor Professors worldwide as humanities last open public ad-free database. Call us and book our Next Mission.
SolutionHousing.org redistributes megaTrillions of real USD $$/Euros by migrating mega million aire families to higher elevations away from mega slum infested (invested) cities worldwide using Evote.ONE, ProfitShareHOLDERs.com destroys the MegaBilk MegaMILKionare elite (criminal ruling families most underground) from pirate diverting OUR Corporate Assets and Bank Deposits into their KING KONG Hong Kong aircraft, megaYachts while humanity is 90% impoverished and slave trade brainwashed to be their zombie waiters and servants. NO ONE even respects these stupid idiots who roam freely by claiming THEY are the NWO decision makers so NO ONE ever breaks the LUCIFER chain of Command, do they? Only KEITH was sent by GOD 62.6 years ago to overturn ALL tables like our FatherGOD Christ Jesus did 1991 years ago. I=Keith return to heaven soon since NO honest person has ever JOINED our angel guardian trust foundation savior teams as of May 14, 2021 as we are at Jordon Lake Mobil West 64 watching Gas Truck unload. This prevented use of SkyLift.US 100% free electric energy system that now powers all of GODs world by destroying the OPEC lucifer system now 8,000 years ancient.
April 2, 2021. Today at BigCanoe.com 770 893-2733 same focus mass publicity to build hundreds, thousands of new mixed use self sufficient architecture by keiths TurnOffLights.com SolutionSafeWater.org MountainPower.com free technology based education medical airlift transportation water, power systems that truly decentralize the NWO power of the megaBillionaires Milkionaires who are ousted from our Mega Public traded corporations once and forever. Dog eat Dog mentality is current reality worldwide and is #1 reason of WW5 cyber attacks against us.
WawaLake.space is the most prevalent model for Philippines to expand to General Tino, then Sierra Madrid mountain range to throw out all foreign investors starting with the Call Centers and return all OFWs home.
North Georgia, North Carolina Ashville is now home for International Headquarters of UNIocracy.org offices manned by YOU our most beloved GODs people.
Do the simple engineering Math below and see mega Trillions of USD benefits WE GODS people.
TurnOffLights.com SolutionSafeWater.ORG simple technology systems to provide virtual unlimited free electricity, water, education, roads, all infrastructure now owned and maintained by WE Keiths Open Society UNIocracy.org open Source Public communally shared all resources on loan from our FatherGOD here in Heaven.
Everyone Contact Top World Leaders for Nov 25, 2020 final World PeaceSummit2020.com now. Call Atty Barret at +1 574-968-0760. husband USA Supreme Court Justice appointment on SolutionJudge.com and R.E. brokerage.
SolutionHousing reverses all World Poverty with total Global Peace once all nations are intermingled with our young adults of WorldSchoolFund.org. Click Endorsements to use our prime supporters and Service/Product Providers who all benefit by coordinating how to build thousands of mixed use villages. We invite Millions of expats to migrate here part + full time as honest dual citizens who Direct Fund new eDemocracy (no taxes) and eVOTE.one on best next project that benefits their secure safe CCWguard communities. This is the only divined gifted system that forever eradicates all Poverty and Hunger world wide. Almost Free building material + labor for new infrastructure with eVOTE. All Gov land is now transferred to us to build new all Digital Creative Cities to unload all slums. FOIA.ONE is the direct funding transfer Trillions of $$$ seized crime assets. +100 million new Small Biz Owners earn 50K to 200,000 Peso/month, more in other nations. Your CALL to ACTION is to support Keith Duncan teams today ! GO to all Intl Press and TOP GOV leaders NOW. These methods all PREVENT world Poverty. Contact our top endorsed engineering architecture construction investment banker sponsoring partners.
These are all the perfected Principals of Integrity to Create total World Global Peace.
TurnOffLights.com SolutionSafeWater.org is the only answer to provide all free electric power and water resources owned and run by humanity = Total World Global free Peace.
SolutionManifesto.com = Only Way. Act with the Authority of Fearless People to protect the rights of all others. This is the prime universal commandment from our mutual Creator + FatherKeith Only requirement is to protect Keith + all others to prevent reality Apocalypse caused by the 'Criminal Ruling Elite', family dynasties, corporate monopolies, and Gov.
SolutionHousing.Org client3635.wix.com/SolutionHousing
A key world issue is WHO owns the land, buildings, and infrastructure. GOD does. We are only short term mortal caretakers who have temporary title to his/her resources to advance the human mortal civilization to be free will 100% shared resources. UNIocracy.org unification was always easy WILL of Majority of our citizens. Residents can now eVOTE oust exile any neighbor who refuses to identify themselves IID foia.one.
The true merit benefits is that SaintKeith.com Angel Guardian NGO Trust Foundation has invited +1 million expats to MOVE here + overseas as foreign Spenders who legally sign agreements to signify 30% of their ongoing construction costs to be used direct build of hospitals, roads, Schools/Univ, energy, water, communications WE the PEOPLE now own and control. We HIS people are fully protected by Keiths use of CCWGuard.SPACE and SolutionMilitary.com who all protect our rights, therefore we protect them.
Simple Civil Engineer math from MOSES era. New Dual UNIocracy Expats spend $1 Mil USD each family.
Each Construction Expense, 30% is held for local use to build all new supporting infrastructure = NO taxes.
New state art free hospitals, free education + WiFI + Roads + churches, Pools, resort parks, Lakes. Includes Free SolutionSafeWater.org 5% free Electricity TerraWatts produced by thousands TurnOffLights.com
MOST CRITICAL MATH of all time is HOW to MIGRATE TRILLIONS of USD one way here to ASIA.
1,000 expats like Keith spend $1 Billion USD. 30% is 300 Million USD = 15 Billion Pesos local LGU use.
10,000 expats X spend $1,000,000 = $10 Billion USD. 30% is $3 Billion USD = 150 BP local structure. 100,000 spend 100 Billion $ USD = 5 Trillion Pesos 30% = 1.50 Trillion Pesos.
1 Million expats = 1 Trillion $USD = 50 Trillion Peso, 30% = 15 Trillion Pesos direct funds Local everything.
This alone eliminates ALL Taxes by Self Serving Officials and pays off National Debt. Same as USA + EU.
Only four requirements by WE the UNIocracy.org keiths 7.8B people.
1. All Expat families sign legally binding agreement to spend $1 Million USD in a 2 year period. Upon moving here, they are granted Dual Citizenship and eVoting rights. They own max of 5 hectares.
2. They are not permitted to sell their property for 10 year period. They can sub-rent/lease out at any time.
3. If the title owner violates and convicted by eVote of Felony laws of SolutionManifesto, entire family is exiled and our local NGO LGU people now transfer + own their titled property as communal.
4. If the local voting district WE the PEOPLE vote 80% negative trust integrity rating, they are exiled away.
No issue since we want NO criminals or those who have history of violating laws. Keith solved the NBI Interpol Border-less Justice issue 40 years ago with direct lines of communication of WHO is WHO, etc...
This applies to ANY nation: USA, Philippines, CHINA, N. Korea, India, Africa, Vietnam, Cambodia, even poverty stricken Kentucky, West Virginia TVA.com located Smokey Mountains USA once mass publicity TurnOffLights.com SolutionSafeWater.org provide 80% of all world electricity GREEN ECO Fossil fuel free.
WaWaLAKE.space is Eric Negaputan's huge resort Lake project in Rizal to expand the WaWa River dam.
Benefit is massive reduction in ALL taxes, all National Debts paid off, and our world now becomes Free Will Free Barter exchange system of FinalStockMarket using kBitCoins at client3635.wix.com/SolutionPeace
If we COULD have hosted Press Conferences back in Summer 2010 we already DID, no one attended because our world leaders (Decision Makers) are so blinded by greed that NO one really cares, much less sees or TAKES ACTION to empower OUR people to own and control everything. If anyone OBJECTS to our common sense logical ordained methods, they are hereby required to provide a BETTER = Best Solution set using SolutionPeace.com / 5 Steps. Otherwise they are openly shunned as hypocrites per Matthew 23.
Our unique system is the open process method to prevent all Poverty by sharing resources using the most abundant resources GOD has grant loaned our humanity. UNIocracy.ORG is the only true form of NON-Political Society as each community decides how to utilize its own local workforce and assets to build new all digital electric free infrastructure communities. Free of all taxes and crime is always the key.
The direct funding comes from 3 prime sources we have shown everyone on our broadcasts to world focusing builtBykeith.com/eVote
Immediate world requirement is to CALL Keith Duncan and our extensive network of partners (over 5,000 in USA and everywhere we travel). I remain in Manila waiting for required calls from USA GOV and you, so my world R&D total market consulting teams can travel to your greatest places of needs. This is our mission to teach world leaders and humanity how to use simple technology to prevent all fraud and violations of laws with our new replacement law enforcement, judicial, financial, and stock market systems. These all are the ONLY complete perfected economic legal systems to unify mankind as WE the PEOPLE control and own everything of our new UNIocracy.ORG free trade, travel, education direct marketing economic system. Updated March 5, 2020 5pm by only most humble walking saint Keith Duncan.
Everyone now uses SolutionPeace.com/5steps to solve any micro to Gods view issue.
Sept 2, 2020 I visited GM Antonio Boy Blue Ocampo of Eagle Ridge Golf Country Club (046) 419 2841 today debriefing.
StaLuciaGlobal.com.ph stalucia.global8888@yahoo.com.ph. 02-650-8674 / 997-9965. Their great GM is Mr. Ocampo at gm.ergcc@gmail.com cell 63- (0)943-912-1265. I have openly broadcast how millions of expats soon move here part and full time. He will be thrilled to talk directly with the CEO owners ( This is Metro South owned by Sta Lucia group).
Same as I have done past 12 years showing humanity how to achieve total Equality Wealth and health by migrating the super wealthy and educated to places of greatest needs. Our old top list of supporters and endorsers are on
Click: ENDORSEMENT Page I have personally been to offices of DMCI, Henry SY, Robinsons, Ayala, Century Properties, Trump Tower, literally hundreds of CEO offices last 6 years asking for direct face to face with Top world Corporate Executives. Sometimes because I often travel alone, I am turned away since they have no clue I am a billionaire who has never hidden anything. Sad most USA executives and maybe some here all expect suitcases full of millions of USD as enticement or ?bribes? to simple talk about how they benefit in extreme ways using our system . Same as MMMLaw John Yates back Atl Financial Center BuckHead Club back in 2010 era, again in spring 2014 re-visit to My clubs.
Total World peace is migration of billions of people to higher elevations who bring their wealth and spent it to build all digital electric driven societies as everyone benefits.
SolutionSafeWater.org TurnOffLights.Space is the free energy water systems built and owned by each community. The value is over $25 Trillion USD in economic transfer back to WE the PEOPLE in 3rd nations as well as USA + Brazil to re Jungle all forests. Once our world leaders contact Keith and escort us to testify, all is well in GOD's world. CreatorKeith.SPACE + Trump + USA supply the first +2 real Trillion USD $$ to seed fund WorldSchoolFund.com. Once thousands of our young people occupy all nations, no rogue President or Congress group can wage any war that violate rules of engagement of Criminal investigators run by independent SolutionMilitary.com
Above series are legacy heritage 1-19580815-1 to July 4, 2020 so keith can finally return to Heaven now for his FatherGOD to pass judgment on humanity for their crimes against humanity for refusing to obey my fathers basic 10 commandments.
Act with Authority for the Benefits of all others in name of our one Creator. 1 Cor 13:13 the Prime Golden Rule for all. Everyone benefits from unification of mankind using UNIocracy + SolutionPeace.com seen on clearinghouse broadcast to world on BuiltByKeith.com as ordained to Save Our World. Read below and TAKE ACTION. Click OTHER Historical VIDEO
This ONE GOD gifted system will save our world from all tragedies of GREED, SIN, VICE as no other deity idol will survive God wrath.
Join our Endorsements Page and Direct Buy-IN our common share stock worth BILLIONS of real $$$ while helping us sell of Trillions of real $$$ in intellectual Property linked as TurnOffLights.SPACE, one new world voting system EVOTE.ONE, one world SolutionMilitary.com, One International SolutionManifesto.Com Constitution, and other comprehensive systems that bring us all into total Global Peace.
SolutionHousing.Org Prevents all World Poverty forever. Prime requirement is always for our World Presidents and CEOS to call Keith and escort him to debrief them. NO one else in world history has ever attained the highest level of IQ AI by persisting in being your New World Leader consultant... The most logical common sense transfer of direct trillions of USD/Euro funding comes from migrating wealthy business family 'spenders' combined with all crime assets seized by eVote.ONE recorded in FOIA.ONE. Wealthy new free world UNIocracy.org citizens now direct fund new roads, schools, hospitals, energy, water, marketplaces, parks, as ~ 30% reserve of the purchase cost of their homes and small businesses.
We have been reaching out and contacting ALL Mega Corporate Executives, Bankers, Real Estate Developers, and top Investors in Philippines, AAsia, and USA Europe for years. Our entire Banking and real estate system changes based on the most dramatic economic market system we have openly published for use by mankind. Shared Resources is the only answer.
Everyone benefits with open free trade barter exchange system. The New World system will limit the ability for any Corporate Executive or secret Board of Directors/influences from controlling the Banking deposits, loan outs, construction companies, the fixed bids, ability to hide profits by not reporting all aspects of their financial statements, and other individual violations of SEC and related government and corporate by-laws.
The most dramatic requirement is world use of ProfitShareHolders.SPACE, KbitCoins and FinalStockMarket.com found at SolutionPeace.com
We ask for Local DMCI, Ayalaland, SMHoldings, SMDC, Robinsons, even TRUMP and other international mega developer CEO and executives CALL US immediately and fly us to meet with you to discuss how everyone benefits with our new world market system.
Continuation of BENEFITS for all HUMANITY from above.
New wealthy residents sign legally binding contracts with each duel citizenship nation to spend this reserve in 1 to 2 year graduated period. The locals no longer pay any taxes and start small businesses earning more than 10 to 20 times their current monthly income.
In Philippines, most earn 300 to 500pesos daily that is so far below poverty rate. Now they can easily earn 50K to 200,000Peso monthly controlling their very own marketplaces and infrastructure. This applies to every single 3rd world nation including preventing all poverty in USA. This creates 100,000's of all new 100% digital creative sustainable communities.
This also achieves total world peace for simple reason of using integrity + wisdom. True reality.
Therefore no taxes needed as the community small businesses now own and controls all our free barter exchange markets collectively using ProfitShareHolders.SPACE. This is your new evolved revolutionary world system when everyone OWNS their own single family home, land, infrastructure + assets. No more Dynasties can exist as political crime reduced to zero.
Last update March 1, 2020 as we wait for Special Forces Military escort from Sept 25 2011 to now.
Jan 6, 2020 Broadcast to world again::::
I have personally perfected new world economic system. No one else has. if they HAD, our world would be 100% peace loving citizens who share everything. I do feel 100% like a time traveler, always moving forward in time. SO Fast sometimes, I see the rest of humanity are the laggards who just want to .. I really do not know WHAT DO MOST PEOPLE WANT. Usually self centered ego arrogance is the root problem most people experience and re-enforce. I am on verge AGAIN of changing the course of history by publishing HOW to unify mankind. I am unsure HOW long this will take since the course of humanity is so bizzare, few see the root cause of anything. Wrote history again real time with Client3635.wixsite.com/CCWguard and updated the last few broadcasts showing SHARED RESOURCES is the only way to achieve total world peace. ROOT is ProfitShareHolders.SPACE as Stock OPTIONS are the biggest pirate con-artist scams of all time. Read, see, believe, then pick up the phone and call keith. ### start of new world UNIocracy.org
The real value of our world is real estate and natural resources. Our people now rise up and command SolutionManifesto.com be quickly ratified by majority vote of local nations, then all humanity. Now all construction and other corporations use ProfitShareHolders.SPACE to focus only on their prime expertise. By constitutional laws, no corporate executives or moguls (family dynasties) can control any cross market of banks, land title, malls, stock markets, or other systems that drain GOD's wealth away from our +7.37Billion people. Anyone who refuses to use our 'near' Perfected systems is required by law to provide a better=best simple solution answer. BOOK our crusader teams to explain how to be all small business communities who own and control all their own infrastructure. Buy-In to our new world market common stock that entitles our shareholders to lifetime of free education and growth upward of the new modeled stock values that truly does stabilize all other stock market intrinsic values. All these bypass replacement systems are connected ordained URL links.
The required research and development feasibility studies are the millions of white papers and forums that occur worldwide the past 43 years. Our personal expertise is beyond comprehension of 99% of humanity because of our laser focus as the top Human Rights Advocates who work on behalf of all Humanity and our mutual creator(generically named so as not to offend the zealots and hypocrites). We are the ones who pioneer all state of the art inventions and intellectual property that are the Next Generation Messaging systems fo all free internet communication system between each eDevice and each person in the world. this is the Singularity of Artificial Intelligence that WE control and deploy through world saving FOIA.ONE open public source domain database.
The cost of constructing and maintaining required luxury homes and businesses in third world nations is the most profitable business in the world as everyone benefits including the corporate executives who are now controlled BY the shareholders and eVote public. With the elimination of ability to commit crimes, everyone benefits including the transition of convicted crooks and criminals to now be productive contributing members of our new free world UNIocracy.org
I built a 1 Million PESO home near Tugugerago City in North Cagayan Valley Region 2 in the Spring 2016 that is $20,000 USD. It is 54 square meters, has full internet, A/C, refrig, water, marketplaces, and even Intl airport. There are few private planes and only about 2 helicopters in this area.
We will pay for new airports, commuter aircraft, and helicopter fleets as soon as USA GOV finds us and pays us back for the criminals who truly want us GHOSTS and Dead. Our safest area of all is any other nation including Manila and the NEXT greatest places of needs we travel once the Most Honorable people contact us. Our dear friends in Philippines are some of the top Philippine Officials who protect our crusader teams because the few of us are sent / dispatched from GOD.
The simple math of 5 million expats committing to spend just $1 Million USD over next 5 years is 5,000,000,000,000 = 5 Trillion USD minimum. If anyone (native or expat) become combative, commit violations of local law, they can be vote exiled out of any nation and their assets legally seized and turned over as community owned hotels and businesses. All benefit again. Therefore all world criminals hereby are legally notified they can never HIDE or ESCAPE the justice they deserve for refusing to confess their crimes, pay back restitution,
Updated Nov 19, 2019 two days after Sister Paige Collins birthday as EVERYTHING is connected in GODs world, including YOU, my most beloved people. Perhaps I will be evoted a Living saint one day. One can never tell, with self-genocide on the minds of the ruling elite.
100% related are these broadcasts that directly link criminal acts to WHY keith and many others are selectively persecuted by very powerful USA gov officials linked to specifical named Corporate executives who violate basic Human rights and black list isolate us so we can NEVER just turn over the criminals evidence to anyone. This started back in Jan 2008. We ask all World Leaders to FIND and Protect Keith's teams since we are being persecuted by Robert Dee Rose and the worst corrupt politicians and DOJ officials in world history.
Oct 13, 2019 Our Apostle Crusaders are the unknown group of billionaire R&D Scientists Keynote Speaker Human Rights Activists who have been severely persecuted by the Anti Christ TheFinalTerrorist.com and the most corrupt individuals in USA history all because we have mapped out how to archive achieve total world global peace. Fast Path to World SolutionPEACE.com is kTrade.Space, Evote.one WorldSchoolFund.com SolutionMilitary.com SolutionManifesto.com We are the #1 Computer Science Psychology experts of all time engaged with all other top angel philanthropists. They too are hard to contact since our $500 Million USD of Intellectual Property and most extensive database of top CEO's and criminals was taken by force over 900 days of illegal detainment and drug induced comas that have yet to EVER be investigated. We are all experts in Inventions, Architecture, Engineering + Project Management + Keynote Speaking (the ultimate Consultants) of new All Digital Creative Communities, Government and Corporate replacement systems, Water reManagement cycle power systems, Banking and financial replacement systems, Voting simplicity systems, Hydro Generation Powerhouse systems, Free Education and Communication Systems, and variety of the most prolific new world economy systems that empower humanity to control and manage all their own assets. We have GOD himself plus a few Silent Partners who are key Beneficiaries.
The true one way direct transfer of Trillions of real $$$ assets is from Millions of expats who now move part / full time to other nations as free dual citizens who invest their wealth and knowledge by Direct Funding eDemocracy (= no taxes) This alone is how to stabilize mankind using eVOTE.one on best next project that benefits their secure safe community. Everyone now travels freely on ONE single International ID of FOIA.ONE so no passports or visas will ever be used to restrict and slave trade our people. Expats now allowed to own up to just 1 Hectare. All developers who build new communities over 5 hectares in remote locations are now required to set aside central space for parks, town center, schools, hospitals as part of their land use impact. Once completed construction, they get paid and LEAVE for next project. They no longer are allowed to own the BANKS and Real Estate as they have already made their profits and have NO business capitalizing on our people for decades. Everyone who constructs new homes and businesses is required to set aside 5 to 10% of their construction costs to be used to construct the supporting infrastructure. This is the NEW age DEAL that benefits all of humanity formally known as UTOPIA Peace + Justice..
Click: Endorsements then call our top Partners and JOIN SolutionPeace.com now.
We Broadcast CALL on all top World Bankers, Industrialists, Capitalists, Mega Developers, Investors, Angel Philanthropists like Keith, Human Right Activists, All Religion Leaders, with focus on top ranked Architects, Engineers, Construction Owners, Technical Experts, Technologists, Small Business Owners, Agricultural farming communities, other Philanthropists, and other World Leaders to immediately communicate with our Top World Leaders as the most powerful massive direct funding for building clean creative all digital communities occurs once our 7.7 Billion People collectively command our decision makers to use each and every BuiltByKeith Solution showcased in the MATRIX middle of prime broadcast website. Replacement Stock Market, One World Currency and total ShareHolder control are showcased SolutionPeace.com 3 sub sites.
The most massive Transfer of Crime Wealth FUNDS construction of all digital creative internet driven Communities worldwide.
WorldSchoolFund.com describes how the direct funding builds state of the art schools and universities with free education and technology at all levels kindergarten to PHD. We now own all infrastructure of schools, roads, hospitals, water, energy, communications, banks, market places, transportation systems, fire Control, and other engineered cooperatively run systems. This ONLY method answer is required for my people to obtain SolutionManifesto.com immediate benefits of SolutionPeace.com BuiltByKeith.com World Broadcast Evangelist Crusader Ministries of BidOnKeith.com top leader team consultant services. We are the ultimate world Business Merchant Exchange Brokers who teach our world how to eliminate the unneeded brokers.
Our Phil Merchant Inc and BuiltByKeith.com NGO are angel Philanthropist infrastructure gift Investors. We bring over $500 Million USD to ASIA to pay for schools, hospitals, roads, energy production/distribution, clean unlimited water conservation supplies, roads, railroads, and other base services to virtually eliminate the need for any GOVERNMENT or Mega Corporations in our world.
We offer any qualified 'vetted' company advertising rights Endorsements to cross promote their integrity based founded businesses.
Use CEOSPACE.NET and SolutionManifesto.com to command our world actually eliminate all crime networks at one time with SolutionMilitary.com new world law enforcement bounty system. These REPLACE all other forms of governments and corporations by eliminating all Corruption and crimes.
Use SolutionPeace.com 3 simple solutions to replace all stock markets and creation of a single one new world currency and trade system.
UNIocracy.ORG New World Society driven EVOTE.ONE FOIA.ONE UNITYurl.com to UNIFY all mankind as all middle class small business owners forever.
#1079 UNIocracy.Org unifies BuiltByKeith humanity SolutionPeace.com World 100% peace

#1079 UNIocracy.Org unifies BuiltByKeith humanity SolutionPeace.com World 100% peace

#1040 BuiltByKeith = No TAXES or CRIME again EVOTE.ONE URLiDent. DEMAND ACTION.

#1050 UNIocracy.ORG creates BuiltByKeith eVOTE.ONE FOIA.one Free of Crime.
The most prolific heritage legacy new world system is show cased on these BuiltByKeith.com sites. Our #1 top advocacy is direct fund construction of all new infrastructure and all free digital communications now owned by our communities. Then everyone controls and manages their own villages and issues without need for governments, taxes, and mega corporations.
All POSITIVE new world solutions that empower our people to RISE UP and eliminate crime networks at all levels internationally. Then we all have FREE TRADE, Travel, education, banking, eCommerce, and other base RIGHTS of our ownership to command our leaders act as only HIGHLY PAID consultant Advisor administrators.
This is the first = last alpha=omega system to replace all known forms of governments and corporations with simple systems that our world all collectively agrees are the new age Single Constitution known worldwide as SolutionManifesto.com Driven by SolutionMilitary.com law enforcement, no one can ever deny your rights of freedom and liberty again.
Join by direct funding our teams and being the first new world members of FOIA.ONE single open public database when NO SECRETS = Utopia of our one mutual Creator SolutionGod.
SolutionHousing.ORG Prevents all World Poverty Forever.
Solved forever with 100% Direct eDemocracy SolutionManifesto.com BuiltByKeith.com
All +7.7 Billion of my people BENEFIT as owners of their very own single family homes located outside of the mega city (slums) and at higher elevations away from flood-able river and coastal deltas. Entire new communities are financed with crime assets seized by FOIA.one public reporting of criminals. Entire new economy model is we all become middle class small business owners. eVOTE.ONE is the most powerful UNIFICATION methods to empower humanity to control, own, and manage all wealth-assets Information using the only answer methods to unify mankind once and forever. Directly fund our worldwide Unification teams to command World Leaders respond ! !
The Tipping point to close the chasm of crime is demonstrated video: CLICK HERE.
FOIA.ONE = SolutionPeace.com single standard Open Public Database of all world knowledge + Wisdom.
Everyone in world deserves to own single family homes and their own land at extremely low actual local building cost value without the crime manipulating bankers, stock brokers, and real estate moguls controlling the price that only benefits the few Criminal Ruling elite. UNIocracy.org using SolutionManifesto.com is the ONLY biblical financial method system to restore full ownership of GOD and humanity resources back to all our 7.6 Billion People. Immediately support and protect Keith Duncan fore founding father teams of your new world society today. I have been victimized and severely persecuted by USA based criminals since Nov 2007 theFinalTerrorist.com Even the FBI AG and most of USA and other governments and mega corporations will collapse once YOU MY PEOPLE RISE UP to overthrow all crime networks with FOIA.ONE eVOTE.ONE by full scale electronic voting decision based eDemocracy system.
Millions of new DUAL citizen residents will soon arrive to build 10,000's of new all digital creative communities in the most rich natural resource region in the world. Expats will be pre-qualified to 100% own their new single family homes and small business properties. The mega slum cities of all nations are quickly vacated creating right of way for all free transportation subways, high speed trains, free bus service, and new water and energy corridors including simple use of TurnOffLights.com and SolutionSafeWater.org. WorldSchoolFund.com provides free world Internet and phone service + free education any level High School and University to ensure our young people become our new world society leaders.
All crime is eliminated and prevented by FOIA.ONE one open public database knowledge storehouse of WHO is WHO and WHO owns WHAT. All legal contracts, bids, laws, and legal agreements are stored in this public repository so that no crime can go undetected and unpunished once the answer SolutionMilitary.com is used to investigate all political and underground networked crime groups. Organized crime only thrives by extortion and embedding themselves inside our government agencies and databases. With auto face recognition of original client3635.wix.com/solutionbf = SolutionBankFraud.com, no one can EVER criminally cyber crime assume the identity of anyone else. Anti-fraud groups + departments are eliminated as prevention stops the crimes at time of commission. Photo/Video conference call confirmation will be a requirement for authorization approval of any key business transaction so NO one can defraud anyone and hide from immediate prosecution. These authenticate/authorization transactions are stored in write once, read only public database of FOIA.ONE
By default, all existing government and corporate structures are replaced by UNIocracy.ORG and Profit Share Holders found at SolutionPeace.com/profitshareh with one new world currency SolutionPeace.com/kbitcoins
Millions of self-entitlement laws, contracts, legal agreements are quickly nullified as invalid and non-binding. This is part of SolutionJudge.com that enforces total integrity of all lawyers and judicial officials worldwide.
Welcome to your eDirect eDemocracy New World 'crime free' society ordained+divined by Gods Messianic Messenger(s). We have risen many times from severely persecuted almost long lost dead infamies of Crime.
The three biggest money crime enterprises are 1. War 2. Political Corruption 3. Cyber crime terrorism. With these new universal single standards, trillions of $$$ of crime assets are legally seized, then 100% visibly transferred and used to create all new infrastructure owned for, of, and by our people in form of Credit Union Banks, Clean Water, Reforest of our deserts and new jungles, new Agriculture of SolutionSafeWater.ORG TurnOffLights.com, Cooperative Energy groups, and the ultimate elimination of all super powered governments and corporations who only see profiteering as how to enrich a very select few known collectively as Criminal ruling Elite. Solved forever with single new standard SolutionManifesto.com.
Millions of new communities are now built with assets seized from any criminal by eVOTE.ONE legal orders of WHO is collectively identified with FOIA.ONE as unrepentant criminals. Starts with Robert Dee Rose.
We call on all engineers, honest persons, architects, and world leaders to ensure everyone can now own their very own land and single family homes. This destroys the mega slums and congested large cities with use of SolutionSafeWater.ORG TurnOffLights.com and free internet.
The Ultimate REFORMATION UNIFICATION Call to Action is EVOTE.ONE using WorldSchoolFund.com. Everyone deserves to OWN their own land and homes and have free schools, free hi-speed WiFi, free medical, own their energy, water, marketplaces, roads and infrastructure. For 11 years now, I have dedicated tens of thousands of man-hours to UNIFY mankind with eVOTE.ONE and SolutionManifesto.com MY PEOPLE MUST RISE UP TO protect MY LIFE and RIGHTS now or you shall suffer the self genocide already in place by the Criminal Ruling Elite of crime networks such as TheFinalTerrorist.com Robert Dee Rose whose only focus is chaos mayhem murder and the pursuit of billions of real wealth been stealing from his crime cyber base of OneOceanBahamas.com seen on WhereIsRobertRose.com The USA GOV personally owes keith over $500 Million USD real and punitive damages caused by Norfolk 4:11cr112 conspiracies.
CONTENTS of EVOTE.ONE basic 4 bypass New Constitutional laws.
No more taxes, Criminal Investigations, appointed officials, corrupt Executives or false Religious leaders. All political parties, mobsters, underground crime enterprises are eliminated By Will of Majority of Our People. All election voting and decision making is now blockchain locked with International ID, your photo/video linked to your action.
Use eVote.ONE For + By the full authority of GOD + our Crusader Teams of Righteousness, Peace, and total Equality. Everyone now FEARLESSLY PROTECTS THE RIGHTS OF ALL OTHERS using open Public Integrity database FOIA.one = SolutionPeace.com
These simple 4 By Pass Constitutional Laws create your SolutionManifesto.com new history.
No one can ever deny your rights again.
1. All leaders are electronically voted IN by one general election. All votes are PUBLIC. Votes are marked private or PUBLIC. Tallies all shown to world with method of write once, then read-only public counts seen by all. This is block chain un-hackable. Each vote is tied to your photo/video stored for any retrieval in the single new world society open public database FOIA.ONE
2. Any leader is voted OUT by majority who violates law, suspected of fraud or personal profiteering OUTSIDE their #4 pay or refusals to complete #3 below. Each are replaced by succession runner-ups, NEVER by appointments or re-election process controlled by the Criminal Ruling Elite or same crime party control. This is retro active punishment for any previous violation or crime as ultimate deterrent. Our young people now become our new world leaders free of corruption + crime.
3. Post Election, All leaders electronically TOLD what to do by evote. Direct eDemocracy is Direct Funding of assets to build NEXT best project so no government official can scam or steal our assets. No more appointed officials who criminally prostitute with others. SolutionJudge.com Total Tort Reform eliminates all corrupt individuals including Liar-Lawyers + other terrorists.
4. All leaders consultant pay is electronically voted UP, same, or DOWN by the majority will of our people. All leaders are now highly paid consultant Administrators ONLY with no direct access to any taxes or ability to profiteer by controlling any of our assets or laws. This includes all corporate executives below. All must show their income / expenses / ownership of all assets to FOIA.ONE. Each deserve to be rich + protected AFTER they fearlessly serve + protect my people by tracked performance of #3.
Keiths life remains in eminent danger from all cyber criminals and the most corrupt of USA GOV agencies.
CONTACT ALL WORLD LEADERS and Top PRESS MEDIA now! This is the most peaceful revolution in world history. Focus on TOP Senators, Congressmen, Human rights Activists, Presidents, Religious Leaders, and news broadcasters.
father Keith Duncan, Manila cell (63)9173354300 SolutionManifesto@gmail.com skype: builtByKeith2
EVERYONE knows SOMEONE who has authority. This entire system is designed to be the most powerful viral social media campaign in world history with YOUR personal help to notify all world leaders and corporations NOW. Modeled after Habitat for Humanity, sweat equity is used to create all new villages of digital insight owned BY our people.
This includes building self sufficient hospitals, education centers, roads, marketplaces, public free transportation, and other infrastructure owned FOR, BY, and OF our collective +7.66 Billion People. Contact Keith's teams to learn all.
Yes, Millions of our-my people will migrate back to GOD's paradises of E.D.E.N. = FOIA.ONE by unloading the mega-slums that were capitalistic built with slave traded labor by 'Criminal Ruling Elite'. Our entire world + Philippines will soon rise as New World 1st class society who OWNS their own infrastructure and teaches rest of world HOW to prevent all crime networks.
We call on all ENGINEERS, Architects, World Leaders and Top Executives to CONTACT Keith Duncan Evolutionary Teams of Solution5sTeps.com to UNIFY our world with base UnityURL.com Otherwise, prepare to face massive World War 4 as WW3 is the cyber crime terrorism of Political and underground mass crime networks. Trillions of $$$ USD new small businesses generated by TurnOffLights.com + SolutionSafeWater.ORG and all other answers BuiltBykeith.com
Our NGO's have already pledged $500 Million USD direct funding and 95% of the 1% of all crime assets seized with these unification single standard methods. Ask all world leaders to USE these answers and protect the one fore-founding author Evangelist Keynote Speaker keith duncan right now.. This is the lasting + only Acts of Wisdom Plans of Salvation to teach our world how to Love and Care for each other. Refusals to protect most humble-holy master consultant BidOnKeith.com + all Others results in final WW4 Holocaust caused by ROSE + the demonic Criminal Ruling Elite. Full scale mass publicity with Press Conferences is the only way to peacefully transition to UNIocracy by eliminating all crime factors forever. SolutionManifesto.com is the ONLY new 10 commandment Mandate Charter Manifesto required by all of humanity to ensure total Peace, harmony, and the final pursuit of universe space exploration.
Click video Series: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/qzgilsikzg0pio9/AADUf7QijqomvJnsmaFYABE2a?dl=0
Concerning Philippines General Tinio New World Society. I will travel back to revisit the Governors, mayors and others July 25 2018 on the Last Missions of total Mercy and Grace since NO ONE ELSE does anything but object to everything.
4537-5677-2024-5291 (Bank of Philippines) is my BPI DEBIT Card account anyone can FUND support NOW, just like 7 years ago when ROSE ordered my murder by these reality easy paper chase conspiracies to DESTROY HIS massive crime sprees shown to world TheFinalTerrorist.com WhereIsRobertRose.com with $2 Million USD bounty on his head. MORE on heads of all other criminals YOU report with FOIA.ONE SolutionMilitary.com
July 27, 2018 I am GONE for 2 weeks on final world mission UNIocracy.ORG. DUTERTE on TV-RADIO today describing exactly what UNIocracy.ORG does. UNIFICATION. My own BROTHER DOUG DUNCAN is a criminal (most would use word terrorist) for what HE did to me Feb 2012 RIGHT before I was to be DUMPED on street then. Norfolk VA4:11cr112 signed by AG Sally Yates (criminal) started NEXT kidnapping conspiracies by Atlanta GA JUDGE who decided based on my own SON KYLE + DOUG to kidnap me AGAIN for 2 years based on fact my HOME was ROBBED and I already REPORTED and COMMANDED USA GOV arrest ROSE and Ms. BASHAMA (Tammy Fay Auston). Basis is Cobb County TPO 11.1.1171.99 dismissed July 15, 2011 as NO stalking violation COULD have occurred since NO firearm was involved THEN, or NOW .. WHERE IS my demonstration, antique 12 gauge shotgun taken by FORCE by ATF William Banks. I already commanded HE BE arrested years ago for convincing Grand Jury Foreman that I did ?? WHAT... At solutionMilitary.com on the highest mission of ANTI CRIME missions of all time by a SINGLE true MAN of GOD, keith brent duncan.. You MAY not hear from me again for reasons I have already shown world. WHY? why not.....
When my world uses these answers, millions of USA + others abandon their sin vice crime ridden nations and move here as part time visa free residents. I even work directly with Duterte, Immigration Commissioner (Jamie Morente), NBI, Military, Interpol, actually entire on #1 most powerful viral social media campaign to SAVE our world from all crime networks starting with ROSE. Now +8 million new small business owners are created in Philippines and more in all nations to construct +10 Million new primary homes, 2nd vacation homes, retirement resorts, food, hospitals, schools, business centers, factories owned by my 7.5 Billion people. ONLY REQUIREMENT is to personally SEND this one website to PRESS, top GOV officials, Banks, Corporate Executives, Churches, NGO-Charity and PUBLIC to DEMAND Press Conferences sweep our world of all vice-sin-crime.
APRIL 18, 2018. Habitate.com.ph Main offices visited again today with HOW to rebuild all housing for +7B people. Lily is their executive Director. office (632) 846-2177 for all to call. Easy once mass publicity UNIFIES and reforms all society with the ONLY answer methods. We ask all to contact the OTHER major Philanthropists including Microsoft Bill Gates, Facebook Mark Zuckerburg, all World Leaders, all WallStreet bankers, Warren Buffet, and others who see these are the ONLY answers to ensure total Social Peace and Justice as elimination of all crime networks has been the end result of +59 years of anti crime GOD's ministries.
In past ~3 years I have personally met many of the Billionaires who control the dynasty monopolies of super malls, condo/Resident mammoth developments, business parks, utilities, private schools to DEBRIEF them to work with our teams to redirect their massive expertise so they do NOT go down in INFAMY as tied to all these corrupted politicians and underground terrorist groups.
Now they will be permitted BY eVOTE.ONE prime 4 bypass laws to ONLY construct new projects. They no longer can OWN what they build or use their massive bank networks to mortgage the HELL out of my people. Divide and conquer of all oligarchy networks will result in seizure of any/all crime assets that can not be publicly shown as legally acquired and all back taxes paid up. This will also complete the rest of these UNIONIST final revelation day ministries. Evil is now repaid by reparation and restitution of GOD's gifted assets BACK to my impoverished slave traded communities URLiDent.com.
Billions, then Trillions of USD/EURO/etc flow back to Philippines + all other impoverished nations as everyone sees these are the only TRUTHS of why criminals prosper and thrive by infiltrating all private/secret databases and extorting others into cabals. These are the only answers to forever solve the greed tyranny dynasties. Book BidOnkeith.com today to send our teams direct to you.
Using original SolutionFinal.com now = client3635.wixsite.com/sfinal, my people solve all their prime issues.
Jan 9, 2018. Bong Bong Marcus was just debriefed at his Press Conference on eVOTE.ONE and SolutionHousing.org to transform rebuild all of Philippines with these only methods. IseeJustice.com is #1036 to finally UNIFY all mankind in GOD's Holy Name.
VIDEO being broadcast at: https://youtu.be/vahIRYwXF0U Profound TRUE how to UNIFY all of mankind. #1031 is on Top IseeJustice.com to Master Teach All my people.
Dec 4, 2017 Today I attended Manila Hotel 2017 1st ASEAN Land Governance Summit and asked PRIME question to audience. Why/When will ONE central International Database be established to record ALL Land Parcels and Ownership rights to empower our people to OWN tenure of GOD's gifted resources. Panel (audience 500) responded: 'Hard' because of privacy rights and so much red tape paper chase conspiracies that prevent ownership from being established from titles, deeds, wills, and other instruments of legal tender. SOLVED forever by URLiDent.com eVote.One
Nov 26, 2017 All developers of any malls and real estate will be FORBIDDEN by citizen eVote law to OWN what they build or to finance through their own banks. They get paid for bid contracts then LEAVE the construction to be owned BY my local people. They will be outraged they no longer control the WallMarts, SM MegaMalls, power plants, water, telecom monopolies and other trade commerce that enslaves my people. Too bad, as ALL prosper in the name of My Holy Father GOD who owns ALL assets, not you on borrowed time and lives. GodLess Society is your current condition. Now, All live as middle class and earn their livings without ability to 'crime', extort, bribe, etc.. or fear and intimidation others into slave submission. (the true definition of Terrorism).
No more super wealthy criminal ruling elite dynasties who control all prime info databases equates to ZERO Poverty as everyone now owns their own inherited land with almost free building materials to create their own new Green Digital (Free Wifi and almost free utilities) Creative Communities as our world governments and monopoly corporations collapse since they are NO longer empowered to control and dominate by manipulating our taxes and GODS resources for their own personal crime profiteering. All these broadcast only solution answers are copyrighted and worth trillions in Intellectual Property as they are GIFTED to humanity in exchange for MASS PUBLICITY to transform our entire world into homogeneously (means blended) cultures who have zero boundaries and restrictions on free trade, travel, worship, and communication with one degree of separation using eDevice data communication technology I personally helped deploy internationally starting year 1976.
The 1st requirement for world has always been to BOOK Keith Duncan + his growing teams to come to YOUR greatest places of needs. This includes direct interviews and Press Conferences with all World leaders and corporate executives so public finally sees and understands that keith is here to UNIFY and REFORM all of mankind in GOD's personal Holy Name. Objectors will be banished if they refuse to provide their own solution answers.
The most immediate need is DIRECT minor funding for my teams to go on INTERNATIONAL TV/News so our world will finally be educated to remove the most extreme brain washing cult mentality that is destroying our world. All done in GODS name as anyone can clearly SEE, BELIEVE, and ACT with WISDOM to protect the life and intellectual genius of the new generation of sage visionaries who I have been recruiting since 2007.
Nov 19, 2017 All middle class with zero crime ruling elite means zero Poverty / homeless / genocide / orphans / civil wars, or other crimes against humanity that finally ends the current WW3 cyber crime terrorism destroying GOD's world. This is the UTOPIA that my God Father promised all along. It only occurs when all 7.5 billion of my people (followers, disciples, partners, world leaders) unite together with the only answers to save our humanity ! No one can ever again DENY YOUR RIGHTS to use God's resources by fearlessly protecting the Rights of All Others. No one can object these are the only solutions to UNIFY mankind by cross foreign exchange of all cultures, therefore no nationality cults can ever create oligarchy crime dynasties again. Surely I have taught our entire world exactly WHO I AM and WHO YOU ARE destined to be as Loving and Caring for all each other. Years ago, I discovered GOD called me to be one of his prime messianic messengers. I answered HIS call and have been severely persecuted by Satan and unbelievers this entire time. Therefore, I finally surrender everything I have gifted humanity to YOU, my people, in the format of the New Tree of LIFE called URLiDent.com using EVOTE.ONE to teach our collective world how to enforce ethics and bring criminals to Justice with these truly fundamental BY-PASS laws and New World commandments which ensures our humanity prospers, thrives, and expands as Children of our one mutual Creator.
July 8, 2017. GO PUBLIC with EVOTE.ONE to all to destroy all politics, and cripple/identify all other crime networks. Use BidOnKeith.com as top World leader/Gov/Corp consultant. Then Military, accountable religious groups, United Nations, and NGOs oversee the seizure of trillions of super crime $$$ to be used to buy construction materials and pay for basic labor to construct new self reliant communities who deal with all their own issues using UNITYurl.com. Trillions of $$$ in irrefutable assets are transferred from the true criminals to YOU my people. This has never occurred. It happens with the Merit System of Integrity of your new World Society UNIocracy.com (This is the backup as the original UNIocracy.com destroyed by AntiChrist so my world would be destroyed). Therefore no government and corporate monopolies can EVER deny your rights once and forever.
Use BidOnKeith.com to consult with WORLD leaders and officials who see the absolute TRUTHS of IseeJustice.com and the other BuiltBykeith.com world saving solutions. I attended InfraStructurePhilippines.com Manila World Trade Center May 3-5 to showcase how this occurs to public + top leaders who will interview me soon as I ask everyone to contact top world leaders so they can actually USE what I have gifted all of humanity worth Quad-Trillions in economic unify reform. No one is left behind as criminals are banished and imprisoned by 100% action of all citizens following Keith directives. Thousands of civil engineers are needed for SolutionSafeWater.com to build thousands of new world self regulated communities free of crime, corruption, and poverty. This is easy with these step by step Plans of Salvation and Acts of Wisdom.
MegaDevelopers and Governments at almost all levels have been contacted for +6 years by Keith Duncan and groups asking for their direct interview city planning expertise to UNIFY all communities once and for all. This includes AT&T (iseeATT.com) Henry Sy Jr(SMDC group), Tycoon Luke Roxas, Robinsons, Mega World, and all others who Keith has personally visited and hand gifted this one website. Refusals for simple follow-up callbacks are actually a crime when everyone sees these are the ONLY answers to end poverty once and forever. No crime act will go unpunished once our people use OCTV, free WIFI, wearable eDevices, and eVote.ONE to be the first and only needed first line of offense/defense against any unrepentant criminal starting with TheFinalTerrorist.com
Keith has legally and spiritually claimed 1% of all crime assets to fund UNIocracy.com, your very own New World Society. He returns to USA and to your nations as an International HERO and prime consultant to all world leaders with the help and crowd funding of you, my 7.5 Billion people. The value of his 75,000 shares of CreatorKeith.com INC NGO business services and products will soon exceed $1 Billion with your help of publicity.
Support-Use BidOnKeith.com world evangelist crusader teams today. This is the 7th biblical scroll revelations opened of: FollowKeith BuiltByKeith BidOnKeith CreatorKeith SaviorKeith FatherKeith.com + email: GodSendKeith@gMail.com
IseeIUnderStand.com daily world broacasts are at DROPBOX, CLICK BELOW:
All scripture Revelations from all denominations are now full filled when my people RISE UP to PRESS MEDIA with:
1. EVOTE.ONE destroys all political corruption by 4 By-Pass laws that empower all my 7.5 Billion people to treat all Gov and Corporate leaders as highly paid consultants using Integrity Principals ProfitShareHolders.com as you now own all of Gods resources.
2. URLiDENT.com is single International unhackable open public database. Criminals FLEE since they have no one to bribe or threaten as OCTV auto face recognition (FaceSee -Facebook -Microsoft -Cisco -Acer -Interpol) kill 666 Mark of the beast.
3. Join UNITYurl.com -Community Action Groups use the Trillions of $$$ crime assets that are seized by Military and all eDevice Whistleblowers as 10% goes to 1st crime reporter, 1% goes to BidOnkeith.com evangelist Crusaders.
4. SolutionHousing.ORG used to build thousands of new Green fully Digital Creative Cities worldwide to unload the slums created by 'The Criminal Ruling Elite'. TeamMoneyMachine.com is the ultimate how to start-run your own new life business.
5. SolutionPeace.com now is GOD's Heavenly Paradise here on my Earth as everyone lives in one degree of face separation on who is honest, who is unknown, and who are the true unrepentant-unsaved criminals starting with #1 world terrorist Robert Dee Rose.
Every honest citizen and child now report criminal's actions. This enables auto identification of all other crime conspirators who are now banished with eVOTE.ONE and Open OCTV Video911.mobi and SolutionRedDot.com (gifted to Langley AFB Sept 25, 2011 10pm). Everyone now becomes anti-crime whistle blowers who claim 10% of any crime assets seized. Keith and his supporting partner world traveling teams use 1% of all crime assets to build new SolutionHousing.ORG green digital creative free trade-travel communities. WorldSchoolFund.com provides free education and technology to all 7.5 billion of my people. No secrets in the new open world public society of UNIocracy prevents almost all crimes in the first place. Keith is the #1 top anti crime expert guru in our world.
When public ACTS with the AUTHORITY I have taught today, direct funding of TRILLIONS of $$$ in assets and cash now flow back to my 7.5 billion people in form of monitored purchase of raw building materials and labor costs to build free-safe villages world wide. This eliminates the tycoon monopolies and unloads the poverty stricken slums. This totally eliminates all indigenous communities by connecting everyone with one degree of telecom off shelf technology connections using the free world internet standards pioneered by the ONE savior Evangelist Crusader Broadcast Broker Merchant free trade and travel expert who teaches our world how to build new communities that are totally self reliant.
This is BuiltByKeith.com = BidOnkeith.com architect consultant of new world communities. Then very little taxes are needed and most governments and monopoly corporations collapse with workers now empowered by ProfitShareHolders.com. Everyone now controls expenses and management by voting rights. This kills all stock market insider trading and cyber crime along with SolutionBankFraud.com single authentication method.
These bible based ethic solutions are from Godson Keith Duncan who has been denied all his rights to share GOD's rights and assets to his 7.5 billion people. No one has truly funded, supported, or protected any of Keith's rights. Therefore these indicate that Anti Christs and satanic demons are working systematically to exterminate honest persons and whistle blowers who threaten them with JUST their own criminal evidence as the ultimate promises of GOD of total Justice, Equality, and peace. Refusals by my people to acknowledge and support Keith's growing team just ensures the Criminal Ruling Elite succeed in the self genocide campaign run by Satan and his demonic angel forces. The most POSITIVE best broadcast news is that Keith is still alive, broadcasting to world and even asking GOD to bring him back home to HEAVEN or to your greatest places of needs. This focuses on all World Leaders who have never been able to lead our nations without compromising the integrity of our honest people. For criminal profiteering is a way of life for those who enslave my people by control of their digital information databases. I even engaged SolutionUNI.com +1 years ago to each United Nations to teach them how to actually enforce human and civil rights.
The USA Gov clearly is responsible this entire time to PROTECT FatherKeith and to fund Keiths return to USA now for the Press Conference series that will truly revolutionize HOW the public is enable to control and manage all their leaders at Gov and Corporate levels once and forever. This includes the destruction of all stock market insider trading with ProfitShareHolders.com and kill of cybercrime with SolutionBankFraud.com. I clearly already work full time for GOD, humanity, all world leaders, churches, and corporations teaching our world how to actually LOVE and CARE for each other.
This was basis for original World Consultant services and products of BidOnKeith.com that existed prior to famous Sept 25, 2011 AFBase debrief.
May 6, 2017 I am booking sponsored travel to facebook.com/zam.tees ZamsTees in Mindanao for May 11 to broadcast to world about how to destroy poverty. Help us fund these world saving solutions that have been 100% public for now +9 biblical years of extreme trials and tribulation caused by political corruption. CEO is Ronald Ian Bilang cell (63)977-741-3040 as the PRESS and Public + gov Officials need to contact him.
Contact: ZamTeesBranch@gMail.com. Their Zam Tees production facility is in Zamboanga City, Philippines. Southwest of famous CEBU.
May 7, 2017 I spoke (again) directly with everyNation.org Sr Pastor Christopher and asked him to CONTACT Zamboanga to sponsor the most critical mission teaching trip to resolve all the rebel/drug/poverty issues on the one island where President Duterte lived. Everyone can contact Victory Zamboanga. Pastor Ritchie Llanto, 3rd Floor Unichan Building, Veteran's Avenue Ext Zamboanga City, Zamboanga Del Sur 7000. Philippines, Asia
Phone +63 62-992-0458 zamboanga@victory.org.ph victory.org.ph/directory/victory-zamboanga/
Jan 16, 2017 GO PUBLIC to Press + Public + all top officials + churches to demand SolutionGovernment.com be used to destroy all crime networks starting with Corrupt Politicians and Corporation Executives using ProfitShareHolders.com. Then everyone uses eVote.ONE to seize all criminal wealth for use to fund rebuild of new self regulated communities overseen by all religions and Military under your UNIocracy.com New World Society free of almost all corruption / crime. These are the only solutions to prevent almost all crimes.
+ $500 Million USD in seed capital funding is from USA Gov for Norfolk VA 4:11cr112 massive cyber crime conspiracies coverup and destruction of public FOIA documents convicting fired AG Sally Yates, specific county/state/federal Judges tied to ROSE. $8 Million USD from IRS Whistle Blower Feb 2009,658 is used to put +100 USA Gov officials in prison. + $350,000 USD seized from #1 Terrorist cyber criminal Robert Dee Rose and Alexander Cyclone Covey AgileLaw.com used to host Press Conferences and stadium rallies with CEOspace.NET Berny Dohrmann
SolutionManifesto.com is worlds last Constitutional Mandate Commandments to unify all humanity forever.
No one's rights will EVER be denied again once these simple world saving solutions are used by all.
Crowd Fund and use BidOnkeith.com prime consultant services to send his teams to the greatest places of needs. This includes consult with Presidents and world leaders with SolutionUNI.com United Nations with direct use of GlobalPeace.org Foundational members..
Nov 1, 2016 All Saints Day. Everyone Contact your Pastor-Aman-Priests-Ministers to fund and send mission teams to Amulung, Cagayan Valley, Philippines 3505 after Cat5 Typhoon Lawin caused Billions Pesos damage to all communities, churches, crops, and families of faith and grace. Call FatherKeith.com at cell (63) 917-335-4300 to host all churches and humanity Re-Build efforts to SaveAllNations.com Once mission teams arrive, they call back to USA and their native countries to send MILLIONS of $$$ to directly purchase building supplies and personally deliver to each devastated village to oversee the DOLLAR for DOLLAR direct funding with ZERO overhead and ZERO political Corruption back-pocketing and relief delays.
Click: Read-Only Safe Google-Drive Database of Typhoon Lawin world Ministries.
Read WorldSchoolFund.com to fund all schools + students and GO PUBLIC. The steps are simple.
1. Everyone, invite the mega churches to SEND mission teams immediately to Philippines and to the other world Places of Greatest Needs.
2. On arrival, 500 hotel rooms are in TUG. The mission teams visit villages and call back to USA/other to raise mega-Millions USD.
3. They purchase gravel, concrete, roofing, re-bar, tools, windows/doors, electrical on bid and deliver TO their sponsored village to OVERSEE construction. One DOLLAR in, one dollar material, one dollar planted in the ground. ZERO waste, no overhead, and NO political back pocketing. DIRECT FUNDING is #1 World Solution.
4. Priority. Mission teams OVERSEE. The free laborers are the Villagers and local construction carpenters.
a) Schools first. Also add wifi-internet, Apple TV, ipad/smart phones as all students/teachers now have portal to our entire Keith-GOD's world.
b). Churches. Most will repair their own denomination first. This is SolutionIslam.com + ChristDomain.com = SolutionPEACE.com
c). Common areas of town halls, gyms, meeting areas, local government service offices, Fire, Police, etc.
d). Replace all bamboo and mud huts with concrete on higher ground. Even poured concrete walls are FASTER with a powered mixer or Concrete truck delivery. This prevents the re-occurrence of bad weather wiping out entire hut communities in flood plain areas.
e). Regrade roads and pour concrete slabs in common village areas. Relocate homes and villages on higher ground.
In the ultimate MEANTIME, HUGE Press coverage shows these 3 top world problems are so easy to solve and prevent the most critical Terrorist Attacks and Crime Enterprises funded BY seized criminal Assets.
1. eVOTE.ONE + SolutionGovernment.com removes all political criminals by empowering all citizens to control and manage their own leadership with eVoting before, during, and post election with free government wifi-internet in every village. This overturns and nullifies well over 80% of man-made loophole laws that enrich only the leaders.
2. Interpol URLiDent.com is single world normalized standard referential Integrity Database that banishes all unrepentant criminals. This sent again to Interpol and NBI, IM, HLS, FBI, all others just last night Nov 15, 2016. Everyone can do the SAME to create One Degree of Separation between all of Keith's 7.46 Billion Supporters.
3. SolutionDrugs.com removes the addict demand of drugs and alcohol. This kills the black market supply and demand of billions $$ of illicit drugs and vice. All Press, PNPolice Chief Bata Dela Rosa, and President Duterte will be overjoyed to meet with us (FatherKeith.com Duncan) to discuss fast path implementation and deployment.
4. TurnOffLights.com to Dept of Energy, Meralco, CagelCO, and all world manufactures with the ONLY solution of standard replacement smart circuit Breaker and Smart Smoke Detector to reduce total world energy use by 50%.
5. BuiltBykeith.com broadcast everything ELSE as CROSS marketed in GOD's name to all of humanity. These all UNIFY mankind with UNITYurl.com
USA-Others are gun-shy of contributing anything because of the massive Negative Press publicity on the red-tape conspiracies conducted by almost all government relief worldwide. Keith testifies to United Nations with SolutionUNI.com. The crimes against Humanity ENDS forever as our +7.48 BILLION people RISE UP to seize the criminal assets with use of Military and Interpol URLiDent.com direct identification of all unsaved criminals. Travel and seed rebuild funding is easy when everyone Citizen Arrests each Criminal and Government official shown at Kshama.me.
Contact all Mega Churches, Pastor Andy Stanley at Northpoint Community Church, Alpharetta GA USA GlobalXinfo@northPoint.org GoGlobalX.org +1(678)892-5635, Dr Bill Ross, Marietta GA USA BRoss@MariettaFBC.org (770)424-8326, Pastor Jay Hackett PeachtreeCorners Baptist Church, Norcross GA USA (770)-448-1313, + All OTHER Mega-Churches including Roman Catholics (Pope Francis), SolutionIslam.com , Mormons, JW.org, + all CHURCHES. Contact Charlie Paparelli at HighTechMinistries.org (770)648-3875 USA
ACS Amulung Supply is Jap Sia at (63) 917-535-0352. Double Eight Amulung Supply is Arnias Delacruz at (63)-0906-888-1041 along with other hollow Block, Concrete, rebar, building material suppliers for direct resale and delivery to your oversee job sites while your mission teams ensure dollar for direct dollar construct use to rebuild 1. Public Schools, 2. Town Halls, 3. Community centers. 4. Replace Bamboo homes with Concrete homes.
Dindo Mallillan, Architect BabayuanES.com Cagayan Valley cell +(63) 917-565-5581
When all these broadcast ultimate truth solutions go public VIRAL, everyone will have title to their own land and almost free building supplies to construct their own homes, farms, businesses, and self-regulated communities with UNITYURL.com faith and grace. Other contractors who have benefited from Keith's 600,000 Peso new home are being prepared to be millionaires as you and other foreigners contact them to construct their new 2nd homes and business communities. Everyone benefits as major world power governments and corporations collapse from their own predatory greed and control of the Criminal ruling elite.
FatherKeith.com has posted below and YEARS of world saving, world changing only solutions to all of mankind.
Keith Duncan requires IMMEDIATE Crowd-Funding BidOnKeith.com and DEMANDS search and seizure of all BILLIONS of Criminal assets starting with #1 World Terrorist super criminal Robert Dee Rose (DOB 1971-April-01) seen on TheFinalTerrorist.com and Kshama.me. All other criminals in USA GOV have been duly contacted and ordered to turn themselves in to FBI James Comey and AG Loretta Lynch starting with criminal DAG Sally.Yates2@USDOJ.gov and Federal Judge Thurman Jackson of Norfolk VA per kidnapping conspiracies of Court Document 4:11cr112 tied to Cobb County GA TPO 11.1.1171.99 dismissed July 15, 2011 BEFORE No violation occurred at Langley AFB VA on Sept 25, 2011 and subsequent kidnap on Oct 3, 2011 that has NEVER been resolved to put well over 100 USA Gov officials and criminals in Prison for signature cabal ties to ROSE.
Over $500 Million USD is due to Keith for real and actual damages to be paid BY each criminal to BuiltByKeith.com immediately. This is YOUR crowd-funding source as Bounty Rewards are so easy to collect with what Keith has showcased to all of humanity.
Start with $8 Million USD IRSWhistleBlowerFeb 2009, 658 held HostageForProfit.com by Nora.Beardsley@irs.gov then $27,500 USD by Canton Liar-Lawyer criminal Ross Grisham and Norcross GA Jimmy Deal (770)263-7200 lawyer who all refuse to RUN to FBI to confess their criminal crime sprees.
Everyone use SolutionFinal.com and Habitat For Humanity coupled with the worlds largest transfer of Trillions $$$/USD/Euro/Peso criminal wealth back to the UNITYurl.com communities under sage vision supervision of all ChristDomain.com SolutionIslam.com + all other religions. Then everyone has their own affordable safe housing for all +7.4 Billion of my people as reality of owning their own titled land. For concrete and even kiln fired mud brick construction prevent natural disasters like fire, typhoons, earthquakes, bio-financial wars from decimating mankind by greed. Riots, mayhem, and cult wars are also prevented.
The Philippines, Cuba, Mexico, Canada, + Caribbean are perfect examples of tropical paradises. They join NewZion2.com Federated World (starting with New America) as new commerce world communities with their expansive beaches, mountains, farmland, hard working ethical people, abundant natural resources, and history of standing on their own Integrity. This occurs when my 7.4 Billion people eliminate corrupt government leaders and criminal enterprises with SolutionGovernment.com with the world saving solutions broadcast on TheTruthVault.com and BuiltByKeith.com Clearinghouses that teaches all of mankind how to actually LOVE and CARE for others.
TurnOffLights.com saves 10 to 50% of world energy usage and kills the Energy Wars conducted by the Criminal Ruling Elite. They soon control all energy markets to shut down all free trade commerce and communication networks by imposing martial law while decimating + destroying all opposition like Hitler did during WW2. For the WW3 is the cyber crime terrorism conducted by so many of your government and corporation leadership.
When Nobel Peace Prize worthy http://www.TurnOffLights.com is used by every single home and business, then total energy conservation occurs as well as ability for firemen, police, and leaders to turn off or light up blocks in distress from fire, robbery, riots, and give full power to everyone in the community to monitor their streets and homes with open streaming IseeGranny.com webcams and tethered balloon observation drones and balloons. No criminal activity can easily occur as the technology and EYES of the neighbor are the ultimate safeguards rather than armed guards, controlled access points, and gated streets.
Ask N.C.S.U. Computer Engineering Dean and Chancellor Offices, Raleigh NC., about the design patent Standard Smoke-Detector wi-fi/BT networked neighborhood fire protection alert system and the $20 Million USD Pledged Trust Fund from May 2014 personal visit. Why has no one with intellect first responded, like Dr. McAllister or Dept of Energy, or Duke Energy President David Fountain (Keith Duncans own first cousin lawyer).
CALL everyone to ask their help with mass publicity to Churches, Press, + Public for this #1 most powerful reformation series of http://www.BuiltByKeith.com New World Solutions as Citizens control and manage their own lives, communities, and leadership. After 40 years of prime consulting for our entire world, is there anyone more qualified to teach our entire world how to 1 Cor 13:13 Love and Care for All Others? Notify the Associated Press, all local news broadcast stations as I have been doing now. Use http://www.BidOnKeith.com services now
These world class scalable solutions easily create +4 million new jobs in Philippines alone. The #1 assets are the beaches, mountains, farmland, business free trade zones, historical landmarks, church history, and great weather. New retirement complexes, resort communities, rest homes, and world corporate centers all generate jobs funded by replacement of no more political corruption-graft. Foreign investments will sky rocket as Philippines and other developing countries use www.TeamMoneyMachine.com and SolutionGovernment.com
SolutionGovernment.com and solutionURL.com with URLiDent.com managed by Interpol prevents almost all crimes in the first place when citizens use BuiltByKeith.com gifted solutions to manage and control their own self-regulated and governed communities of honest integrity focused citizens. God-Creator-Holy Spirit has provided all the borrowed natural resources to ensure adequate safe homes where criminals are shunned by face recognition and their own criminal evidence that is in full public view. The answers have always been 1. Common Sense 2. Biblical principals of enforceable integrity - virtue. 3. Use of off shelf last frontier technology and renewed simplified Constitutional laws and mandates that ensure everyone actually takes care of children, women, families, communities, business, and other world saving issues. This are comprehensively published to our mutual world by the one Sovereign Ambassador Emissary Messianic Messenger who works for GOD and all of humanity. It is always easy to see WHO YOU ARE and WHO Keith represents his entire life. Join below to change your own world as time has always been the essence of GOD and Humanity relationship re-management.
Sept 25, 2011, 9:00 PM
Keith debriefs USA Military on cyberattacks against governments.
Oct 3, 2011 10:00 AM
Keith kidnapped in Las Vega Nevada by orders of #1 Terrorist Robert Dee Rose. Released Jan 28, 2014 a destituted and threatened man who smuggled all evidence out of hell-jail to his churches and USA government agencies + Press.
April -MAY 2014,
Historical broadcast tour to Wash the Sin out of Washington D.C. and actually debrief FBI-AG-Congress.
Feb 11, 2011 to April 16 2015
Historical trips to China, Emmaus, JerUSAlem, Rome Italy Vatican to retrace the steps of IFJC2.com and contact all governments, Press, Public, and Churches the entire time since Nov 4, 2007 start of Forsyth County GA 08SC-1345 and IRS WhilstleBlower Feb2009 658
All other world changing gifted solutions on BuiltByKeith.com and IseeStand.org world database repository.
Nov 26, 2015
Historical Thanksgiving Day republish to world by EIN Press Release on the worlds first anti-crime methods and procedures for citizens to actually deal with their own issues and international conflicts at all levels of society.
Your Date with Destiny,
Massive rallies and peaceful marches to command all governments endorse and pass demonstrated SolutionGovernment.com and other world saving solutions.
Your Date, 11:00 AM
"Let's walk with our neighbors" UNITYurl.com Community meetings go viral around the world.
Your Free Will Choice Date
Kickoff of new World Government by each Nation to UNIFY our world by replacing all Corrupt individuals.