Follow the Money Trail

For every corruption and crime there is multiplied profit. For every loss I guarantee you there is a tremedous finanical gain. I not only learned this from watching Robert Rose swindle millions USD from innocent people, but this is a life fact that almost the entire world fails to see.
One of the solutions I have broadcast to over 10 banks is the Next Pin solution shown on I developed extremely secure and complex 'perfect' banking systems and tellicommunications systems for over 27 companies over 30 years as a PRIME Consultant and Architect. Millions of Americans have their identity stolen every year and their accounts drained by cybercriminals. Not only does it cost individuals thousands of dollars to get their life back on track after identity and bank fraud, it costs financial institutions millions/billions of dollars to protect their customers to insure and recover their funds. There are ways to prevent identity theft specifically with debit cards. These solutions are not tried or proven because no one has provided these simple solutons before. Also, there are CEOs that profit from such fraud and profit from your dependency on them. Who pays for all these cybercrime thefts. Surprise: You, the consumers. Banks never loose money.
Countless others have suggested a trick pin to enter in case you are being robbed and financial institutions constantly shut it down. I personally have contacted thirty banking executives on the Next Pin solution where one of the digits varies on each transaction for secure and insecure shopping environments as well as for emergency situations. No one has ever gifted this BILLION USD solution, otherwise it would already have been the standard practice internationally. No one wants to do their job or expand their daily duties past the norm. So here we are, a society stuck with status quo expectations. How do we grow from here?