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Where is Robert Rose?


xactly and how does Robert Dee Rose (dob 1971-April-01) of avoid detection and the ensuring manhunt that will occur when the USA Military, FBI, and Interpol tracks him down in a few hours. For the FBI-IRS-AG-USMarshals have been legally and financially notified since fall of 2008. First was the IRS WhistleBlower Feb 2009, 658,659,671,672 issued by and from their own criminal investigation division. Then in Nov 2010, when ROSE shut down + 17 R.I.C.O. GA companies as Keith Duncan was actively being cyberattacked because Forsyth County Judgment 08SC-1345 was about to be granted Nov 2010, the IRS, FBI, USmarshals were all visited and debriefed November 2010. The codeword given to FBI Atlanta Desk Agent Janet was G19 (shown in the most recent broadcast video below She asked if Keith worked for the USA Government. I nodded yes and continued.

Everyone CALL the USGOV and USMilitary agencies at numbers I have been calling for now +6 years. Click on ROSE's evidence BELOW. This was legally accumulated since Nov 2007 and proves over and over, that ROSE is #1 Terrorist who is still in business running bankrupt as and Caribbean Supply Services Inc (registered Nov 4, 2010 in Fort Walton Florida). Look at these dates and anyone can see, ROSE is behind the most insidious kidnap and coverup conspiracy cases of all time. All to prevent the USMILITARY and Judicial systems from putting him on Death Row. He has EVERYTHING to loose, I have everything to RE-GAIN which includes lien on his assets and real-punitive damages exceeding $400 Million including Federal Torts Claim acts to be filled out by USAG Sally Yates-Atlanta-Washinging regarding 4:11cr112. Refer to all of my legal lawsuits I filed. For NOT a soul has ever filed a lawsuit against Keith Duncan. This has always been the first step for ANY legal action. Just HOW could I have been kidnapped Oct 3, 2011 through Jan 28, 2014. My life remains in extreme peril and danger from ROSE and all criminals. The details have always been obvious and are shown in scripture and court documents on + and other sites. Clearly I am the only person who can describe anything of value to my entire 7.31 Billion people around the world.

The most incriminating evidence is the unsigned, undated arrest warrant signed by Cherokee County GA Judge Drain and Matt Pettepher at 9 am Sept 26, 2011 after ROSE cyberstalked myself to Langley Airforce Base the previous evening. I called OSI Capt Christopher Weber at 9 am asking again for re-admission so I could finally get SAFE HAVEN and protection from ROSE while I debriefed the USMILITARY they were being cyberattacked along with IRS, FBI, USMarshal, Attorney General offices and databases. Easy for Rose to do as I have competently explained to the world for now +7 biblical years. Indeed, +85 USGov officials have self grand-jury indicted themselves tied to the OTHER court documents that have systematically disappeared and been destroyed by ROSE's criminal network of insiders in courts, IRS, FBI, AG, USMarshals, and even inside USMIlitary for they have NEVER been fully debriefed on what Keith gave them that day.


### For Immediate Press Release and Broadcast to the WORLD. This applies to all Keith has gifted to all of mankind.

YES, I work for ALL Governments, teaching them as well as the Military how to prevent almost all cyberattacks and quickly find the real terrorists, criminals, and even the most corrupt Public Officials of all time. No one else in the history of our world has ever created the solution set that systematically reduces corruption and crimes down to almost zero. The tax savings are easily a reduction down to about 5 % of gross annual income for ALL taxes for all government agencies. Ask KEITH how this is 100% true. For and are the ONLY solutions at this point to save our mutual world from self-genocide and from the ANTI-CHRIST.

Regardless of your spiritual affiliation, the AntiChrist, ROSE, and the most corrupt criminals and terrorists are roaming your neighborhoods, courts, and businesses. No one sees them, no one cares, and not a breathing soul knows how to spotlight them, convict them, seize their criminally acquired assets, and put the criminals into SLUMS, all at almost NO taxpayer expense. Just imagine the spectacular live TV rights watching this criminals fight each other for the right to eat those pesky rats and vermin running through their slums. What FUN !!! ROSE will lead this criminal parade, perched atop the biggest JACK-ASS the farmers can find.

For his other criminal conspirators will join ROSE in the local county jail and Federal Prisons along with all the other inmates who these criminal lawyers, Judges, and officers of the court have wrongfully convicted and put into slave trade. What FUN and what PROFIT will be made by the network studios that broadcast the ensuring arguments and fight for the dog food that is sent in to feed these CRIMINALS who happen to be former Politicians, Judges, LIAR-LAWYERS, and corrupt Executives who have grand-jury indicted and convicted themselves based on ONLY their own signed court and business documents.

What a SUPER field day will be had by the USA Military Investigative teams as clearly our own USA GOvernment FBI-IRS-AG-USMashals have self-castrated themselves because of their own internal politics and guidelines that actually PREVENT them from protecting the rights of Men and Women of GOD such as Keith Brent Duncan for a variety of biblical reasons called greed.

Can ANYONE simply GO FIND ROSE and escort him to the LOCAL BIG HOUSE known as the USA MILITARY brig or the local hokey-pokey county jail. For a CITIZENS arrest is perfectly legal as the world can see all of the incriminating evidence that ROSE has personally signed as well as over 100 USA Government officials have endorsed and therefore self grand jury indicted themselves.

The top felony crimes and crimes against humanity are clearly 1. Treason. 2. Espionage. 3. Bribery of so, so many County and Federal Agencies. 4. Willful obstruction of Justice. 5. Active interference with the USA Military investigation successfully delivered to Langley AirForce base on Sept 25, 2011. 6. a long, long litany list of FELONY CRIMES including massive money laundrying, tax evasion, bank and commerical lending fraud, hiring convicted felonys to cyberattack ROSE's own clients. on and on. Who contacts the USA Military at 757-764-5091 or ANY FBI-IRS-AG-USMarshal office, or DOJ or DOD or congressman or Interpol, or United Nations. As Keith already has, so many numerous times, he FINALLY lost count. So he documents everything on to ad infinity, in GOD's name. For this is truly what this is all about.

Here is Robert Dee Rose in all his splendor and glory in one of only TWO photographs ever found of this terrorist. How can this be? Easy. Rose is the worse underground cybercrime criminal in Atlanta/USA/even recent world history. When he testifies before the USA Military Tribunal as they prepare to sentence him to Death Row, just hear how he will sing like a canary and how many people he has extorted to be his conspirators. For the FBI-AG appear to have no criminal investigators left, or any Federal Judges who want to touch a USMilitary Investigation.

Who joins now before mankind commits self-genocide that is occurring as you read this 100% biblical scriptural broadcast. Welcome to GOD's show. For GOD always wins in the beginning, the middle, and the end.....

Terrorist ROSE on Left

Titled: #236 IT IS FINISHED! BuiltByKeith Saves Your World. CLICK: as well as hearing ROSE confess his crimes back in Nov 2008: Download and listen to ROSE confess his own CRIMES way back in Nov 2007.

CLICK: VOICE RECORDS of ROSE. delivered along with ALL of ROSE's incriminating evidence and ties to the #1 Organized crime organizations in USA history.

The most COMPREHENSIVE CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION in USA HISTORY is found here, already delivered multiple times to every single law enforcement agency, including the USA Military.

CLICK ROSE-EVIDENCE. Pick and choose as ROSE goes down for the final time. For I have claimed FIRST LIEN on ALL of ROSE's criminal assets. I will be HAPPY to redistribute BILLIONS of USD in criminal assets BACK to the USA GOVERNMENT for simple reasons I have been telling the world. ... for now +7 Biblical years.

Now will someone call EVERYONE and command the USA Government do their jobs to protect our rights and freedom as well as our spiritual rights. That is all that has every been required of any government agency. This has always been easy to do, for I have been constantly contacting the world, and no-one cares about anyone much anymore, do they.... Just WHO is Keith Duncan and WHO is Robert Dee Rose. Only GOD, Keith, and the criminals really know these simple answers.

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