"Leaders" of the Court

In 2007, I was a 35 year successful Prime Consultant in Computer Systems design, I invested $109,800 USD to Robert Dee Rose for 15% partnership in Homewaves.com $4.5 Million valued extemely high end business and luxury home/condo automation and infrastructure control company. I soon realized that Rose was scamming and stealing from companies and individuals using the insidious Perfect Clear Collar crime method of hijacking his own clients internet infrastruture. Homewaves.com, LightLogics.com, Secure Inc, Hunter Custom Homes, ROSE holding, Einstein Holdings, and 11 other State of Georgia registered companies were R.I.C.O crime organizations used to steal BILLIONS of dollars of information from multi-millionaires, Luxury Condo owners and all guests, and from high end businesses. This cybercrime installation and perfect crime operations include cyber monitoring law offices, government buildings, and even Military Installations. All easy to accomplish when ROSE's companies were contracted to install all the electronics, internet, lighting systems, and all infrastructure like at UPS executive Mike Briggs $10 Million USD estate on Lake Lanier. He was promising the most luxurious and sophisticated systems while cyberattacking his own clients. I began to collect proof of his crimes and to alert authorities.
As soon as ROSE cyberattacked me that I was not only on to him, but dedicated to getting justice by notifying all law enforcement agencies, he closed his offices down and transferred all companies in Nov 2010. In Aug 2011, he took the criminal preventive measure of ensuring I would be dead by claiming that I was harassing him. I had been actively alerting FBI-IRS-USMarshals-Attorney General, PRESS, clients, churches, and associates asking for his arrest and warning them to protect their money and internet security. He blackmailed 5 counties of Police, Judges, my own lawyers and claimed that I was harassing him. Court documents prove this.
Clearly, ROSE already had infiltrated IRS, FBI, AG, USMarshals in Atanta and even Washington D.C. by then. He was criminally granted Cobb County GA TPO 11.1.7683.99 Aug 21, 2011 so he could order me kidnapped at a moments notice so I would NOT return to Law Enforcement including the USA Military. This sinister arrest warrant event occurred Sept 26, 2011 hours after I visited and debriefed Langley Air Force Base. My kidnap was delayed by ROSE until Oct 3, 2011 so I would be isolated and ROSE could destroy my entire lifetime assets and his evidence over 848 days of HELL per 4:11cr112 conspiracy coverup that indicts over 100 USGOV officials by their own signatures and criminal testimony to keep this madman off Death Row. Not a SINGLE person has ever protected my life or assets despite direct contacts to the world (StNicksList.com, UNIocracy.com FollowKeith.com) visits, calls, faxes, and personal visits to over 1,000 individuals and organizations across the USA. Including calling the USA Military to contact and PROTECT me. Details on top of SolutionURL.com gifted to Interpol and all governments.
With no choice, I respected the order and continued to alert authorities about his massive felony crimes. I experienced this criminal incompetence by our USGOV and a true abuse of our justice system resulting in this #1 Landmark Miscarriage of Justice and SF-95 Federal Torts Claim Act damages of all time worth well over $400 Million USD. And then it happened. Rose used a video I submitted for HIS Fulton County RICO trial in Oct 2011 for HIS arrest to create the TPO. Then on Aug 31, 2011 he criminally conspired with Cherokee County Judge Drain and CID Matt Pettepher and waited until Sept 26, 2011 to claim this SAME video from Nov 2010 used to CREATE the TPO was a violation of Aug 22, 2011 TPO. THIS IS AN IMPOSSIBILITY and shows ROSE is a #1 TERRORIST and extortionist, among the longest list of FELONY CRIMES and Crimes Against Humanity in recent USA/World history.
The “leaders” of the court were notified and they agreed with this master con artist terrorist and ARRESTED me for allegedly violating the restraining order based on evidence and no eyewitness testimony. ALL evidence is held hostage by Norfolk VA Judge and Clerk of Court shows ROSE is a TERRORIST. I was sent to jail based on ALL EVIDENCE points at ROSE while he and others stole millions USD of my assets from me and OTHERS. This was made possible by “leaders” of the court. How is this possible? I looked at my extensive court documents, notes, and files from working with Rose to see that the same clerks and “leaders” of the court were also on Rose’s payroll. What a huge conspiracy! My goal has always been to expose their crimes. No matter how hard they try to get me to shut up and threaten my life, I will scream to the heavens about the assets stolen from me, the 3.5 years taken away from me while in jail and denied each of my rights. For these “false leaders” not only betray myself, but our entire country and their oath to protect and defend our rights. They collective are draining Quad-Trillions USD/EUROS/etc out of your assets. No one knows, no one cares, and no one speaks these TRUTHS, except myself.
“Leaders” of the Court
Sally Yates office, Atlanta Attorney General
Barry Reynolds, District Attorney Cobb County GA and Keiths lawyer
Douglas Miller, Atlanta Federal Judge
Thurman Jackson, Norfolk Federal Judge.
AUSAG Dee Sterling -Norfolk VA
The entire Norfolk VA Public Defenders office and over 50 other officials of the court....