top of page Keith + GODs Utopia of NO more criminals worldwide.
All Mankind were procreated by GOD as Sovereign Equal for ever !
Debrief protect today. Book +1 725-200-7683 Today ! No delay or blame excuses !
CLICK: Access KEY: 6StaEm, Host Key: 355152. Book
ZOOM.US Call ID 5745946793. Everyone now direct Commands our existing top Corporate Executives and GOV world leaders today ! +1 770-377-2106 Asheville NC, Chief AntiAddict Coach Tom Haag +1 828-620-7544.
Was CMO Tamara Mock +1 828-501-6540 is Silver Springs Maryland another con-artist. Minor media events = Simple methods PURGE all criminals.
100% real time direct eDemocracy by you reverses all WMD criminals against our humanity. = Will of We Gods +8.2 Billion Children now decide everything about everyone.
HOW WE DECIDE is the basics of WE procreate No Crime Utopia of GODs Peace. 9430 Mar 7, 2025
Perfect Cybercrime Attack Evidence by ROSE + Others. CLICK:
Sept 20, 2015 Comprehensive Update Summary.
Robert Dee Rose (DOB 1971-April-01), wife Amy Rose, are the #1 supercriminal cyber terorrists in Atlanta, USA, and perhaps international history. describes CyberCrime and all Prevention methods to stop the criminal acquistion of critical international secrets, bank info, corp/trade secrets and other quad-Trillion USD/EURO/PESO/etc valued world assets that are used by Criminal Ruling Elite to enslave all of you.
The most comprehensive criminal evidence is ROSE's own signatures, business records like HomeWaves General Ledger hwiGL.pdf, and his totally criminally fabricated arrest warrants that were never signed or dated. Yet everything downstream was certified and signed by each Prosecutor, Judge, Lawyer, ATF William Bank, Public 'PUKE' Defender, AUSAG and every single person who saw the original N.C.I.C. printout generated by USA Airforce in Nov 2011 showing Cobb County TPO 11.1.1171.99 was cancelled/dismissed July 15, 2011. It ties to Marietta P.D. forged Larceny Report 1.11.2506 Feb 4, 2011 when I was robbed by Ms. Bashama and ROSE.
Most of these certified court documents and all the court transcripts of 11.1.1171.99 and ROSE vs Duncan 11.1.7683.99 have been destroyed by Keith's own $6,000 lawyer turned Cobb County DA Berry Vic Reynolds who clearly is a co-conspirator with ROSE along with the other County Judges involved in Cobb County, Cherokee County, Forsyth County, and even Gwinnett County for their signatures indicate 100% false testimony designed to threaten Keith's life to PREVENT the USA Military and FBI-AG from using these #1 ANTI-CRIME methods to remove their own political criminals from inside their own agencies using gifted to Associated Press and Interpol on Jan 7, 2011 along with all the other world saving/changing solutions like and even under and Please cut and paste their URL's as I am so, so tired of doing all the investigative work for all law enforcement and judicial authorities for now +7.77 years that has biblical significance.
Keith's own Norcross GA Lawyer Jimmy Deal (770)263-7200 clearly has 3 banker's boxes full of ROSE's own incrimininating testimony on ROSE's massive R.I.C.O. cybercrime and felony capital crimes enterprises such as extensive Bank Fraud, Tax evasion/money laundrying, conversion of assets, bribery, extortion, and especially treason, espionage, and sedition against the USA Government and even USA Military. Keith has two large sealed tupperware containers stacked with signed court documents and ROSE's own evidence to turn over to the first law enforcement agency who can guareentee the contents will be used by the first Federal Judge, Special Prosecutor, and even USA Military Joint Chiefs of Staff in coordination with Interpol Criminal Investigators. I still fear for my life as ROSE wants all of his own criminal evidence documents destroyed as if they never existed. This was the basis for why ROSE had arrest warrant issued at 9 am Sept 26, 2011 while I called and waited for OSI Christopher Weber to re-admit me to Langley AirForce Base base on my own cell call records (770)-289-3050 showing the top level Federal Agencies I had been contacting and directly visiting for months prior to Oct 3, 2011 kidnapping.
ROSE's +15 year perfect crime sprees are usually undetectable and untrackable because of the methods ROSE uses to cyberattack his own clients's multimillion dollar estate homes, luxury condos, and businesses where,, ( and Caribbean Supply Services INC (Fort Walton Florida). Each company and even his own client's estates operate as remote bugged and isolated telecommunications crime centers to prevent IP backtracing. This includes the bankrupt Paridise Island Ocean Place Condos (on the harbor) near Lost Atlantis in the Bahamas, Rose's $1 Million USD Dixie Rose charter yacht, and each of his estate mansions at 106 Liberty Grove Pass, Alpharetta GA 30004, then 5565 Shepherds Pond, Alpharetta GA 30004, and now, apparently
This entire time, as the #1 world wide Human Rights Activist Broadcast Journalist Evangelist, has contacted everyone, published the most comprehensive solutions for mankind to survive it's own predatory and criminal greed. Contact Keith anytime. For I was kidnapped by County officials three times, vindictively persecuted since I showed the criminals own signatures and timelined proof, and denied all rights to face over 100 criminal accusers tied to #1 Terrorist ROSE. The USA Military, Congress, and Interpol will be thrilled to contact Keith about why he went to Langley AFB and contacted everyone for now +7.77 years. Over 7 Police Department criminal reports I filed were closed and forged, insurance companies deny $2.9 Million USD claims, and no law firm or Government agency has decency to simply call Keith for the #1 Felony +15 year perfect crime sprees of ROSE, Ms Bashama, Duncan Clan, Keith's own +7 pre-paid lawyers, or even contact USA Military to simply find Keith so he can finally debrief them on the #1 Anti-Crime series of methods. Then, the USA Military and FBI James Comey and AG Loretta Lynch will investigate the IRS-FBI-AG-USMarshals and each person who was criminally incompetent to sign their own grand jury indictments. These chronicles are the #1 Testimony of a man who fights for everyone.
Rose and many others want Keith dead before USA Military finally finds Keith (Sept 25, 2011 Langley AFB safe-haven debriefing), since IRS-FBI-AG actively protect ROSE + self. Forsyth County GA Judgment 08SC-1345 Oct 2010 and IRSWhistleBlower Feb2009-658 worth $275,000 USD and $8 Million USD rewards + > $400 Million USD in SF-95 Federal Torts Claim Acts with Real and Punitive damages for conspiracies to kidnap, theft of all Keith's assets Oct 3, 2011 to Jan 28, 2014, bank fraud, and long list of felony crimes of attempted murder and WillFul Obstruction of Justice along with a specific list of Felony crimes against humanity including Treason, Espionage, Sedation, Fraud, blackmail, extortion, murder contracts committed by Political Criminal Judges, Lawyers, Prosecutors, and many others who are clearly identified by
Keith claims full title and first lien on all of ROSE's assets and all criminal assets of those who signed these court documents shown below and on Criminal Evidence sub-page. Keith must have protection and survival funds to complete his world saving and world changing mission work now. Time has always been critical since Rose personally threatened Keith's life back on Jan 14, 2008 regarding Rose's own files.
This one document is just one of ROSE's direct threats to prevent my
own assets from being returned March 2008.
Here is repeat of copyright broadcast: Keith has formally asked everyone to protect his life, restore his stolen assets based on Atlanta AG court order 4:11cr112 #1 conspiracy coverup, use his broadcasts for their own benefit, and to remove all political criminals from all governments and corporations using simple and gifted to literally . All criminals and corrupt politicans will cringe with horror when they their days are numbered and why Keith teaches the world to prepare for unrepentant terrorists and criminals to be sent to the slums of our world to occupy the poverty areas vacated by HIS People who The public, Militaries, and new governments will use the criminals own net assets to build brand new self-regulated commUNITYs of faith under one
Civil Law
Property Law
Constitutional Rights
Criminal Law
Crimes against Humanity
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