UNIocracy.org Keith + GODs Utopia of NO more criminals worldwide.
All Mankind were procreated by GOD as Sovereign Equal for ever !
Debrief protect CEOkeith.org today. Book +1 725-200-7683 Today ! No delay or blame excuses !
CLICK: Zoom.us/s/5745946793#success Access KEY: 6StaEm, Host Key: 355152. Book BidOnKeith.com
ZOOM.US Call ID 5745946793. Everyone now direct Commands our existing top Corporate Executives and GOV world leaders today !
KeithBrentDuncan.org +1 770-377-2106 Asheville NC, Chief AntiAddict Coach Tom Haag +1 828-620-7544.
Was CMO Tamara Mock +1 828-501-6540 is Silver Springs Maryland another con-artist. Minor media events
GodsCrusade.org ZeroPolitics.org NoCrimeWorld.com = Simple methods PURGE all criminals.
100% real time direct eDemocracy by you reverses all WMD criminals against our humanity.
Evote.one = Will of We Gods +8.2 Billion Children now decide everything about everyone.
HOW WE DECIDE is the basics of WE procreate No Crime Utopia of GODs Peace. 9260 Feb 5, 2025
UNIocracy.org is our new world no crime, debt free, drama free utopia once each of YOU are the most powerful successful decision maker peaceKeepers use of GodsConstitution.org. Rare exceptions allowed. All required by GOD and SaintKeith.com Duncan to host mediate PeaceSUMMIT2025.com by all existing world leaders signing Peace treaties and Trade agreements otherwise WE who granted them authority now REPLACEMENT them all using ONLY Evote.one SolutionJudge.com since ALL governments are now overseen by only FORTUNEONE.org 100% green full philanthropist gifters of my Gods MotherEarth world all assets WE manage for ever..
WHO will protect KeithBrentDuncan.org life TODAY. Updated perfectly even today 2025 Feb 5.
DuncanClaim.org is the most powerful successful Class Action Lawsuit series detailed below. #1 cyber Criminal terrorist Robert Dee ROSE will now be ManHuntALL.com along with millions of all free roaming criminals using ONLY Evote.one SolutionJudge.com since ALL governments are now overseen by only FORTUNEONE.org 100% green full philanthropist gifters of my Gods MotherEarth world.
WHO will protect KeithBrentDuncan.org life TODAY. Updated perfectly even today 2025 Jan 20.
SolutionManifesto.com TeamMoneyMachine.com is your new crime debt free Gods utopia UNIocracy.org.
EVOTE.ONE - Deliver the most simple common sense 8 new Decision making commandments below directly TO top news media, TO all churches, TO all corporate Executives, TO all Government integrity officials and be PAID in CASH and Jobs for joining peacemaking revolutionaries FortuneONE.org mega Billionaires.
For 2024 Elections, for President of the USA, everyone write IN: KeithBrentDuncan.org
We constant demand audience with PRESS, Governor Brian Kemp, Gov Roy Cooper, FBI, AG, + Washington DC
EVOTE.ONE -> FOIA.ONE = is our No Crime Utopia UNIocracy.org
1. All leaders are electronically voted IN by one general election. Reverse Multi Level Proxy by You.
2. Any Government or Corporate leader is voted OUT by majority who violates law, suspected of fraud or personal profiteering OUTSIDE their #4 pay or refusals to complete #3 below. Integrity % eVote.
3. Direct eDemocracy Post Election, All leaders electronically TOLD what to do next by evote.
4. All leaders consultant pay is electronically voted UP, same, or DOWN by the majority will of our people. WE THE PEOPLE now fully control all decisions and WE control all our LEADERS forever !
All leaders are now highly paid consultant Administrators ONLY, with no direct access to any taxes or ability to profiteer by controlling any of our assets or laws. Each deserve to be protected AFTER they fearlessly serve + protect our people by tracked performance of #3. Everyone uses kBitCoins.org.
Keith + Your GODs EVOTE.ONE reverses the course of our human history once WE decide NEXT best project and each of OUR leaders as only highly paid in kBitcoins.org cash as only Project Manager Consultant Problem Solving Experts at all our Government, Corporate, Spiritual, Community leader levels world wide.
PeaceSummit2025.com is your only GOD + SaintKeith.com Duncan Methods to UNIFY mankind forever use of eVOTE.one by YOU host mediating required monthly town hall peace making problem solving town hall forums worldwide. Means YOU decide everything about everyone else by WE GODs 8.2 billion Children eliminating the worst any WarLords and CrimeLords by full transparency by we deciding WHO are violators of perfected GODsConstitution.org resulting in crime debt free utopia UNIocracy.org once and forever. Who protects Keiths life today? 2024 Dec 30
Evote.one based on Mrs. Universe direct election method. No Electoral college, no primaries, auto ranking includes multilevel proxy decision of no run-offs, ZERO election fraud once YOU decide NEXT best project. Then We The People collectively decide each of our Project Manager Leaders(PML) at both all Government and Corporate levels worldwide for ever. Venn Diagrams and Statistical Analysis pie charts show all public results. Each of your EVotes can be marked private or public accessible (Read Only) use of SolutionBankFraud.com
Updated 2024 Sept 10. Keith located NGA mountains heading back to xfer FortuneONE.org Asheville NC.
Above is our 4 page Presidential NON-political notes of WHY NO one should put all trust in ONLY one person.
Updated 2024 Sept 12. Asheville NC asking for EVERYONE to meet us in person today. Starts with Asheville Mayor Esther M, Chamber of Commerce Clark Duncan, and all local pastors + corporate executive leaders.
We constantly demand audience with Governor Brian Kemp, Gov Roy Cooper, FBI, AG, and Washington D.C.
EVOTE.ONE -> FOIA.ONE = is our No Crime Utopia UNIocracy.org
1. All leaders are electronically voted IN by one general election. Reverse Multi Level Proxy by You.
2. Any Government or Corporate leader is voted OUT by majority who violates law, suspected of fraud or personal profiteering OUTSIDE their #4 pay or refusals to complete #3 below. Integrity % eVote.
3. Direct eDemocracy Post Election, All leaders electronically TOLD what to do next by evote.
4. All leaders consultant pay is electronically voted UP, same, or DOWN by the majority will of our people. WE THE PEOPLE now fully control all decisions and WE control all our LEADERS forever !
All leaders are now highly paid consultant Administrators ONLY, with no direct access to any taxes or ability to profiteer by controlling any of our assets or laws. Each deserve to be protected AFTER they fearlessly serve + protect our people by tracked performance of #3. Everyone uses kBitCoins.org.
5. Anyone can run for any office in any nation if IID returns +90 Integrity ranked from SQL query on FOIA.ONE world database.
6. Proxy assignment of decisions by any individual/group. Each person has override voting privileges at any time based on IID.
7. Public can eVOTE and assume title ownership to any mall or equal public built structure even if the entire corporation is privately owned. This was the original perfected design of Socialism + Communism 8. This is retroactive justice against ANYONE who previously violated our rights to be free will Sovereign Barter citizens. No Exceptions by Will of WE Gods People UNIocracy.org
Rapid use of FiveSteps.life by all YOU = individuals and any size groups was Gods universal method to reverses the course of all human history by simple total replacement of WE decide everything about everyone else at all levels of personal, family, church, Government + Business.
July 8, 2024. A cyber Criminal today, CharlesROGERS.org at 404-579-5615 Johns Creek/Alpharetta, Georgia sent single criminal SPAM complaint to YouTube.com about my own 10 man years gifts of YT Channel @CreatorKeith youtube.com/@uniocracy as THEY deleted over 700 videos tied to YOUR crime free utopia UNIocracy. Was CharlesRogers.org, Cobb County Cyber Criminal terrorist Judge Berry Victor Reynolds, and even #1 terrorist ROBERT DEE ROSE. No one can ever name a single person or entity who protects ANY of our fundamental civil rights post 2008 when ROSE promised to murder anyone holding HIS crime spree evidence... SO I have for ever.

EVOTE.one was GOD + SaintKeith.com perfected total replacement methods of real time eDemocracy when each of you decide NEXT best project, then we pick choose WHO are the highly paid in only cash project manager consultants using Keiths total fiscal ReInvestALL.com transfer and replacement of all fiat kBitCoins.org.
100% real time direct eDemocracy reverses all WMD crime actions against our humanity forever. Every Single Leader now ALL Elected by WE THE PEOPLE at all Government and Corporate level are ALL treated ONLY as highly paid in cash Project Managers.
No more appointed anyone. Means NO more free roaming any criminal, terrorist, violators.
See perfected detail solutions + New Pay + Benefits financial methodology from GOD + Keith below.
Join FortuneONE.org NGO perfected decision control over your own communities once + forever.
We all now decentralize ALL wealth and ALL command authority back to WE GODs People.
All NGOs. We hereby offer to sell EVOTE.ONE system to any municipality worldwide for $2 Million USD each. Each Nation (you) pays us $1 Billion USD to replace all your voting methods for ever.
UNIocracy.org Gods single New World crime free Utopia using one Universal Voting system when everyone decides everything about each other.
Result is total decentralization of all wealth assets and authority back to each of YOU, my most beloved Gods +8.1 Billion WE the PEOPLE. Applied at all Government and Corporate levels, WE decide everything about everyone else using OUR very own hard earned assets as direct funding. NO more taxes or public traded anything worldwide is perfected ReInvestall.com today.
Updated final 2024 May 15. No one has ever protected my life OR commanded justice be served !!
DuncanClaim.org 22-1-3042-68 was always the most brutal public scandal terrorist sequence to kill Keith Brent Duncan while named +140 civil criminal defendants destroyed MotherEarth and all of you.
CLICK: ClearingHouse to learn how to be ONLY Peacemakers worldwide.
For now +65 years, GodSentKeith.org has offered to be your new Secretary of PEACE at USA then International level to help each of YOU finally destroy all violators who threaten our very GOD focused existence. Legal use of GodsConstitution.org
UNIocracy.org. Keys to our universe are by everyone PROTECTing Keith Brent Duncans life NOW while commanding existing you, DOD, DOJ actually enforce evote.ONE + FOIA.one = GODsCrusade.org of the following New World GodsConstitution.org once and forever as GODs eternity of Heaven Utopia once WE PeaceMake and eliminate any and all violators. Only keith has all perfected solutions seen below.
ORDER: GodsConstitution.org
1. Paperback $10
ORDER: TeamMoneyMachine.com
5. Paperback $10
March 2, 2024. Reality is Mafia Gangsters Mobster first family dynasties already control all your information and reality past 6660 years. All must ask is ethical Capitalism possible? Answer NO. The unethical pursuit of profit at the expense of all others is never acceptable. We live in a globalized hyper-Internet-connected instant world. A Billion of WE the People live on less than 1$ USD per day. Our old ancient free market system designed to create wealth for all 8 BILLION of WE GODS people has been fully perverted, exploited, manipulated by named Criminal Ruling Elite to create unparalleled inequality of HAVES versus HAVE NOTs. GOD and Keith never intended for anyone to strike fear into any other by causing Wars, Mass Poverty, cyber terrorist Attacks, and all other ways and means to depopulate all of you as only remaining slave traded workers who are the last protein source once SolutionFood.org and ReInvestALL.com are destroyed by #1 terrorist Robert DEE ROSE and others who violate GodsConstitution.org started by my new crime free Utopia UNIocracy.org by YOUR direct use of the following 8 total replacement Commandment laws as perfectly defined and gifted by SaviorKeith.com Duncan. WHO direct contacts us NOW?
EVOTE.ONE -> FOIA.ONE = is our No Crime Utopia UNIocracy.org
1. All leaders are electronically voted IN by one general election. All vote total counts are PUBLIC viewable directly over the Internet. Never again any election fraud, Primaries, wars, taxes.
2. Any Government or Corporate leader is voted OUT by majority who violates law, suspected of fraud or personal profiteering OUTSIDE their #4 pay or refusals to complete #3 below. Each are replaced by succession runner-ups, NEVER by appointments or re-election process controlled by the old Ruling Elite or old named party control.
3. Direct eDemocracy Post Election, All leaders electronically TOLD what to do next by evote.
4. All leaders consultant pay is electronically voted UP, same, or DOWN by the majority will of our people. All leaders are now highly paid consultant Administrators ONLY, with no direct access to any taxes or ability to profiteer by controlling any of our assets or laws. Each deserve to be protected AFTER they fearlessly serve + protect our people by tracked performance of #3. Everyone uses kBitCoins.org
5. Anyone can run for any office in any nation if IID returns +90 Integrity ranked from SQL query on FOIA.ONE world database.
6. Proxy assignment of decisions by any individual/group. Each person has override voting privileges at any time based on IID.
7. Public can eVOTE and assume title ownership to any mall or equal public built structure even if the entire corporation is privately owned. This was the original perfected design of Socialism + Communism
8. This is retroactive justice against ANYONE who previously violated our rights to be free will Sovereign Barter citizens.
All of these 8 By-Pass Constitutional laws are irrevocable and irrefutable baseline for all humanity. This is Enforced Integrity.
Our mutual entire world assets are now under YOUR total control of OUR UNIocracy.org
By simple Will of Majority of WE the eVote Free Will Sovereign People, any person or group can pass judgment on anyone else once all evidence is show in OPEN FORUM COURT of FOIA.one for everyone else to see who is linked to organized crime or Honest groups.These are the legally binding and enforced contracts between any two parties including with Political and Corporate leaders at levels. These are the only ratified legal methods to stabilize all economies by returning control and ownership of all assets back to each community.
GO ANSWER Gods 5 Prime Questions PURPOSE of YOUR LIFE top of UNIocracy.org FiveSteps.life.
EVOTE.one is GOD + Keith + your ONLY simple perfected method to Decide Your Next Best Project then YOU decide who are the highly paid in only kBitCoins.org cash leaders worldwide. Means no one can ever decide your reality and near term destiny fate. As of 2024 Jan 8, absolutely NO ONE has any working solutions for each of YOU to eliminate the War Lords and Crime Lords who already control all of GODs assets, OUR databases, and our work efforts as Slave Masters from 6660 years ago ancient Egypt.
Call us direct: +1 828-501-6450. Visionary Strategist Tamara Mock. New Third best contact # is Washington D.C. Directly GO to everyone NOW and command Keith's Life be protected against ONLY Robert Dee ROSE as all others we have perfected debriefed will be known as ONLY Lucifer Worshipers.
GO ANSWER Gods 5 Prime Questions PURPOSE of YOUR LIFE top of UNIocracy.org FiveSteps.life.
WHO DO YOU KNOW to protect Keiths life and command we GO back on National News right now....
Keith currently gifting $40 Millions USD Hendersonville/Asheville NC + you, Was Washington D.C. Jan 4 to Friday, Jan 25. Anyone can contact + hire us past 46 professional years and be rewarded with profits.
EVOTEONE.org by YOUR direct action finally destroys any Government Corporate Executive Leader by WE remove their authority and replace any Violator with our next best choice ONLY project manager problem solver.
This perfected by YOUR universal common use now reverses the course of OUR human history ONCE and Forever until end of GODs Eternity. This alone UNIFIES +8 Billion WE the PEOPLE forever. Debrief us NOW since named terrorists like ROSE have been cyber attacking stalking us post Jan 15, 2008.
1. We vote on Who is the new NEXT Project Manager using FOIA.ONE as worlds last open public shared database of everything.
2. We vote OUT any person who refuses to complete #3 projects. KeithsRulesOfOrder.com multilevel assigned reported tracked proxy system ensures all decisions are made using 5Steps.LIFE agreements that benefit everyone while null and voiding all previous laws and related legally binding agreements.
3. We vote on the NEXT best project by majority deciding on our NEXT best local issue, problem, project, and petition using our assets, times, and tax money. PeaceSummit2020.com now occurs monthly.
4. We vote UP, DOWN, or same the cash paid to each leader. No more Stock Options, Exec Perks again.
CLICK: ClearingHouse to learn how to be ONLY Peacemakers worldwide.
Since Keith Duncan was sent by GOD alone, I have already turned over all violators and announced I (+ few others) ARE already your new world universal Leaders OverSeers. Never was about your money or command control over everyone like YOU always have been brainwashed to THINK you are False Deity Gods at all levels. We call you LUCIFERs.
Who DO you actually KNOW today to put us BACK on national news media to announce all ways and means to perfectly UNIFY all +8 Billion of WE GODS people.
Updated 2023 Oct 3 after re-delivering everything again and again even TODAY.
Each and every voting system worldwide is being change hacked as our single votes are never 100% re-countable once the Criminal Ruling Elite detach our single vote record into their final tally bucket. EVOTE.one is now our single total replacement decision making system to unify +8 Billion WE the PEOPLE as only PeaceMaking PromiseKeepers use of GOD + Keiths 8 replacement Constitutional laws of SolutionManifesto.com once and forever.
EVOTE.one -Repeat. Keiths universe changes course of all human history by Replacing ALL known voting and decision making systems with ONE set of Constitutional Laws of SolutionManifesto.com. Never again can anyone change or forge YOUR decision vote as we also incorporate the proxy multi level methods of ensuring the WILL of WE THE PEOPLE is completed.
FortuneONE.org sells the use of patent (tm) registered Evote.one for $10 per each new voter. ~ 158 M Americans vote = $1.58B earnings for Keith Brent Duncan. Worldwide sales will be over $20 Billion USD.
The only requirements as of 2023 Oct 30 are:
1. You enter register your Photo, Nation of birth # and your Date of Birth. You will be assigned a sequential number to create your un-replaceable un-hackable IID of FOIA.ONE.
Everyone else now votes on your integrity rating so everyone else knows who to trust.
2. You personally sign pledge you will host mediate PeaceSUMMIT2020.com forums.
3. You agree to use GodsConstitution.org TeamMoneyMachine.com to build your very own self sustainable ecology conservation community free of criminal influencers by adhering to KeithsRulesOfOrder.com
4. You agree to no longer Steal, Lie, Coverup any violation, or Recruit other criminals. This is done by Peace Making collectively cooperatively collaborating with everyone you know and meet. You become an automatic peer member of UNIocracy.org and FortuneONE.org. Optional is joining CEOKeith.org NSASpeakers.org and HighTechMinistries.org is great way to learn how to be your own Sovereign person.
5. You agree to go back and confess your violations to any person you have harmed and mediate negotiate how much restitution is required to ask the other for forgiveness in writing. Then deposit your transactions into FOIA.ONE for others to see your results.
6. You agree to legally report any violator to your local community leaders and pastors.
7. You decide how to live a moral family value life to the end of your mortal days.
8. You decide NEXT project to benefit others, then yourself recursively forever using Gods + keiths Generator 5Steps.life.
Clearly Keith2022.com patents and net assets valued over $40 Billion USD other solutions and has never been featured on ANY news show post Oct 3, 2011 kidnappings.
Our entire world now goes back to only ONE Popular vote election with NO primaries, No political $$ Parties, NO run-offs, no cast-outs, + NO campaign contributions or Lobbyists.
Evote.one now drives OUR crime free UTOPIA of Heaven as GOD procreated us in the first place.]
Only by protecting the life of SaviorKeith.com and commanding all criminals be isolated and preserved if they refuse to turn themselves in and confess their crimes + payback to their victims will WorldWar4.org be reversed forever by fast path rapid deployment of all other +164 perfected solutions Keith left behind.
UNIocracy.org. Keys to our universe are by everyone PROTECTing Keith Brent Duncans life NOW while commanding existing you, DOD, DOJ actually enforce evote.ONE + FOIA.one = GODsCrusade.org of the following New World GodsConstitution.org once and forever as GODs eternity of Heaven Utopia once WE PeaceMake and eliminate any and all violators. Only keith has all perfected solutions seen below.
FortuneONE.org $40 Billion USD portfolio of only World Saving solutions we are selling off to the other Fortune1000 Corporate Executives including each of you now 8 billion we the people UNIFIED forever.
#1 Best Seller Universal Stabilizer in all of Gods World history here:
ORDER: GodsConstitution.org ISBNs online.
3. Paperback $20 9798394156342
ORDER: TeamMoneyMachine.com
5. Paperback $20 9798392457397
EVOTE.ONE 100% real time eDemocracy showcased below was always GOD + YOUR simple open public tribal proxy system of WE decide NEXT BEST project and WE PICK who is the highly paid in only cash Leader known as Project Manager consultant. WHO DO YOU KNOW to protect keith duncans life NOW! and meet us in person by host mediating staging PeaceSUMMIT2020.com town hall problem solving forums NOW !
These simple GODs total revolutionary simple Four-Eight complete perfected replacement Commandment Constitutional Universal laws of SolutionManifesto.com change the course of our human legacy history forever once WE decide to take full control of OUR assets and WE PICK all leaders worldwide.
No exceptions to this KISS ancient technology method sent by GOD through ProphetKeith.com brent duncan.
Everything we perfected generated by using GODs 5Steps.life paper/video/audio problem solving methods.
1. We vote on Who is the new NEXT Project Manager using FOIA.ONE as worlds last open public shared database of everything.
2. We vote OUT any person who refuses to complete #3 projects. KeithsRulesOfOrder.com multilevel assigned reported tracked proxy system ensures all decisions are made using 5Steps.LIFE agreements that benefit everyone while null and voiding all previous laws and related legally binding agreements.
3. We vote on the NEXT best project by majority deciding on our NEXT best local issue, problem, project, and petition using our assets, times, and tax money. PeaceSummit2020.com occurs monthly.
4. We vote UP, DOWN, or same the cash paid to each leader. This includes WE control all decisions and pay of all our Corporate Executives worldwide. We Null and Void all Stock Options, Campaign Contributors, all special interest group lobbyists, and destroy all legal and criminal embezzlement of our assets and funds.
Four more comprehensive perfected retro-active requirement replacement laws are showcased here.
Worst crimes of WMD of heresy hearsay are eliminated by ACTION of WE GODs people SolutionJudge.com
Most Critical Caveat: No more Leader special benefits at any level. Every treated as only Project Managers at all levels of OUR crime free society UNIocracy.org forever.
5. Anyone can run for any office in any nation if FOIA.ONE IID +90 Integrity ranked on FOIA.ONE world database.
ALL of these 5 By-Pass Constitutional laws are irrevocable and irrefutable base of SolutionManifesto.com
6. Proxy assignment of decisions by any individual. Now the lowest class are at the top of the tree structure with the leaders at the bottom of the decision funnel. Any person can assign their voting rights to another person or group. The Proxy is linked by each International IID of FOIA.one. If the proxy votes contrary to the original persons choice, the person or group can over-ride and recast their eVote at any real time.
7. Public can eVOTE and assume title ownership to any mall or equal public built structure even if the entire corporation is privately owned. Boycott, selling off your stock, change jobs (recruit and work for us), pulling your cash out of our banks, and commanding to see OUR General Ledger books and trade deal history are always the key ways to eliminate any Corporate Executives who always take 30 to 75% of all our First Profits.
8. This is retroactive justice against ANYONE who previously violated our rights to be free will citizens.
Our work was completed 12, 46 years ago stating the exact same New World System ... UNIocracy.org
UNIocracy.org is our New World Utopia of WE decide NEXT best project, then WE pick and replace any and ALL Leaders at both GOV and Corporate Levels NOW Evote.one. Clearly this is/was the most peace make disruptive replacement of all leaders and underground comptroller criminals who want all of US dead back in middle ages hell the original Lucifer way of con Artist piracy, with no exceptions. Who protects you? Absolutely NO ONE post 2008.
We were always the rarest God sent Guardian Angels (messianic Messengers) who gift everything to UNIFY all +8.2 Billion we Gods Children as only Peace Making Problem Solving Experts at all levels of OUR ONE CommUNITY.
All of YOUR direct Peace Making Problem solving Town Hall level actions PeaceSummit2025.com now replaces any violator of GODsConstitution.org while each of you protects our lives and all Gods Assets forever. Zero exceptions once YOU become problem solving peacemaking experts of your very own transparent villages.
For 2024 Elections, for President of the World/USA, everyone evote write IN: KeithBrentDuncan.org
Greatest God + Keiths Playlist is CLICK HERE: GodsCrusade.org Youtube.com BuiltByKeith by Date.
We The People now Peace Make all ways and means by removing ANY person from any authority who violates OUR Human Rights GodsConstitution.org now to end of GODs eternity. NO more War Lords, No Cyber Criminal terrorists, no PIRATES, No human Trafficking, definitely NO more secret civil criminal deals by NWO Criminal Ruling Elite most know as Mega Billionaires like President PUT-IN, CCP, N.Korea Fatso, Saudi Arabia Oil Princes, all others who only want you Dead Dead. I properly use GODs words of 'Crispy Critters' and slave traded morsel protein.
2024 Nov 30. KeithBrentDuncan.org was always worlds first/last only mega Trillionaire. We hereby WARN everyone to cash OUT all your public traded stocks and bank accounts. ReINVESTALL.com means one USD buying power will now be the exact same 100, even 1,000 years in Gods Future.
QUOTE of Keith: ALL public traded stocks and financial instruments are false promises with zero stability.
1. Invest in yourself (massive new education using Keith + GODs fast path methods FiveSteps.life )
2. Invest only in best trusted people not false promise commodities and MLM Ponzi schemes ever again.
3. Put all your cash proceeds into ONLY privately held local Trust Savings Credit Unions. SolutionBankFraud.com
4. Invest in ONLY privately held corporations that use OUR new universal stabilizing By-Laws to insure YOUR assets are under your full control management by multi level reverse proxy methods of recorded store and forward FOIA.ONE our Read-Only Databases universally. Everyone grant KeithDuncan direct access to ALL world databases.
PROTECT OUR LIVES today since Cyber Terrorists named STILL stalk us DuncanClaim.org seed fund $500 MILLION USD full 3x restitution of WHO ordered we be kidnapped and killed.
ReINVESTall.com is most common sense direct action of WE GODS People.
Shutting down ALL public traded Stock markets and mega Banks by using MY patent A.I. technology methods of EVOTE.ONE returns over $450 Trillion USD of pirated paper wealth back to WE GODS people forever. Focus MUST be mass publicity of even EcologyMining.org was LaserTunnel.com of TurnOffLIGHTS.com and SolutionSafeWater.org. Means 100% free electricity, unlimited water WE control, unlimited free education and peer to peer communication and Transportation of FreeTransport.us estabilished as FreeTrains.us FreeBUS.us KeithAirService.com and .. all others. .. I go out now.
ONLY ONLY ONLY after you MUST clear your mind of self serving any/all interests. Start thinking being RUTHLESS, Integrity GOD focused on all others.
1. WHAT do our people actually NEED versus what the always WANT.
2. What is most powerful fast path way to enrich the lives of all others?
3. The technology patents I have personally procreated went so extreme 1972, then Aug 15, 1976 I was most often shunned as TOO HIGH IQ. always was.
Study of Vanderbilt monopoly of railroads, then John D Rockerfeller buildout 90% control of ALL oil to kerosene refineries. Then Carnigie control of monopoly US Steel, then .. All technology has been economically weaponized by the 'Criminal Ruling Elite' to point of no return from WorldWar4.org I show predicted way back OPEC Oil $$ wars of cutting off supply year 1972. Reversed forever by ONLY My very own extreme simple common sense efforts of EVERYTHING I have left behind as richest man to ever live. KEY was always WHO ordered I be kidnapped, persecuted, and killed. WAS each and every person including the DAs, police, Insurance, IRS, FBI, AG, Usmarshals, and even world leaders once they understood THEIR DAYS of full LUCIFER authority and domination were numbered by ONLY their very own demonic mindsets of GET IT WHILE the GETTING is piracy best. The con artist criminals contantly MULTIPLY like locust, army ants, wild boars, and even ... killer bees... Cyber terrorists always expand all ways and means to be black hat undetected as mega billionaires like President PUT-IN. reversed forever by direct mass viral publicity of Evote.one #3. the ultimate reversed TURD.....
UNIocracy.org was procreated by GOD + SaintKeith.com as the only complete perfected divined ordained total replacement methods to Unify all +8.175 billion WE Gods children forever use of my patent IP A.I.
Was 2024 Oct 9. Now online for final WHY GODsendKeith.org Duncan 66 years ago. TO UNIFY all 8.175 billion WE GODS my children forever use of EVOTe.ONE PeaceSUMMIT2020.com part of perfected 0 crime debt free utopia UNIocracy.org as illustrated worldwide at GodsConstitution.org.
Pre flood we were Biltmore Park Asheville NC USA webcasting WHO causes all climate change, now reversed.
Zoom.us/s/5745946793#success Access KEY: 6StaEm, Host Key: 355152
My own $40 Billion USD valued state of art portfolio went extreme years 1972, 1976 NCSU gift shown at perfected BidOnKeith.com, then Norcross GA 1982, 1989, 1996, 9/11 of 2001, 2008, Oct 3, 2011, then Jan 28, 2014, Feb 15 2015 China, Hong Kong, Philippines to Oct 5, 2018, then again return Jan 15, 2021 to 2024 Sept 25 anniversary DuncanClaim.org SolutionMilitary.com when YOU my most beloved people eliminate ALL warlords, ALL criminals roaming freely by PROTECTING my life and commanding recovery of ALL my assets stolen by Duncan Clan, #1 most ManHuntALL.com cyber terrorist ROBERT DEE ROSE, Douglas Vernon Duncan, Sherry/Kyle/Matthew Duncan, murdered Brian Walker, and +140 others including the proof of funds at Keith2022.com. I always commanded total Direct action by each of YOU as I have been modeled by Jesus Christ and King Solomon that shows we are wealthiest highest IQ person of all GODs timeline and have been relentlessly severely persecuted and cyber attacked by everyone tied to murder for hire conspiracies of Norfolk VA USA GOV case 4:11:cr112 by simple Google 'Keith Brent Duncan'.
WHO do you actually TRUST and KNOW to provide us direct safe haven while greatest round-up of all violators of GODsConstitution.org below now occurs universally. We then all live SolutionPeace.org
GODsOneWORLD.org is our ONLY simple complete Replacement methods to self liberate everyone at one time.
Q: 1. Why were YOU conceived and procreated in the first place? Be perfectly deadly honest with self integrity answering yourself of YOUR True Purpose of your own mortal lifespan.
2. Then, Who engineered your genetic organic matter? You or God?
3. What is your true focus purpose for being alive with the Breath of GOD in your mortal soul?
4. What is your true reality and near term destiny fate? Map this out with IseeStand.org
5. Are you a Lucifer Worshipper or a LOVER of GOD and all others? Prove this by Action NOW ! ! !
God's total replacement reversal methods of Keith's Evote.ONE FOIA.ONE is crime free utopia UNIocracy.org to end of Gods eternity. All other perfected simple common sense solutions are gifted showcased by ONLY saintkeith.com Duncan 66 years of WHO sent KEITH and YOU to even be alive today. 2024 May 12.
The Primary final patent IP technology re-education Keys to Gods + Keiths stabilized peacemaking universe are the WHOis*pdf below and all the webcast simple common sense Gods Playlist was Youtube.com/@unicracy to self motivate each of you how to deal with the true violators of GodsConstitution.org free download below.
#1 Best Seller Universal Stabilizer in all of Gods World history here:
ORDER: GodsConstitution.org ISBNs online.
3. Paperback $20 9798394156342
ORDER: TeamMoneyMachine.com
5. Paperback $10 9798392457397
UNIocracy.org was always GOD + MasterKeith.org + You only perfected methods of unification of all +8.1 Billion WE Gods People. We are the only mortal/group/entity who enforces truth, justice, and the rights of every single human being by gifting everything to YOU to unify yourselves forever. Call + Protect us today !
No exceptions once Evote.ONE drives PeaceSummit2020.com for ever with +187 other solutions below.
KeithDuncan.org was always sent by GOD, apparently single alone, to unify mankind forever using the same patent education technology he personally procreated went extreme year 1972, 1976, 1982, then other key year/dates when super criminals led by Robert Dee ROSE ordered we be kidnapped, silenced forever any ways and means, then discredited like Christ Jesus + all other messianic messengers so the cyber terrorists would already control our Mother Earth, your souls, and total control over our databases and marketplaces as the NWO criminal ruling elite who already kill any DisciplesOfKeith.com worldwide. I already locked my FatherGods heaven gates so all unsaved souls go back to HELL. Ask everyone: "Name the person or group who protects your rights at any level?" answer no one but Keith.
Updated 2024 Aug 20. NO one is trusted once all Blind washed to be slave traded and killed as trophies. Since GOD personally sent SaviorKeith.com Duncan to unify everyone as ONE community, NO one can object to my being your #1 world leader overseers of FortuneONE.org who call out all WarLords, crime Lords, cyber terrorists to be imprisoned and death row to satisfy total world Peace social justice once and forever. My peer group returns to Asheville NC by Aug 22 as we currently REFUSE to be murdered again.
WHO DO you actually TRUST and KNOW to protect my life TODAY by commanding Press Conferences News Coverage by OUR existing Gov Brian Kemp, President Biden, and all other GOD focused servants of GOD.
CLICK: https://zoom.us/s/5745946793#success Access KEY: 6StaEm, Host Key: 355152. Book BidOnKeith.com
ZOOM.US Call ID 5745946793. Everyone now direct VISITS our existing top Corporate Executives and GOV world leaders today !
We, KeithBrentDuncan.org were always over qualified to be your #1 MotherEarth World Leader Overseers past 66 years.
WHO do you actually TRUST and KNOW to protect our lives and command existing DOJ DOD do THEIR jobs to investigate, seize, arrest, convict all felony level violating criminals and cyber terrorists starting with Robert Dee ROSE, DOUG Duncan, and Cobb County GA atty Judge/(was GBI Director) Berry Victor Reynolds based on everything showcased DuncanClaim.org $500 Million USD seed fund.
Join UNIocracy.org gift ProphetKeith.com. FollowKeith.com Intl Office +1(770)377-2106 PeaceSummit2020@gmail.com PeaceSUMmit2020.com Solve prevent reverses all world issues at lowest human levels forever. GodSentKeith.org to gift Total New World Peace Economic Model below is now under your direct management control. 7777 July 26, 2024
#1 Best Seller Universal Stabilizer in all of Gods World history here:
ORDER: GodsConstitution.org ISBNs online.
3. Paperback $20 9798394156342
ORDER: TeamMoneyMachine.com
5. Paperback $10 9798392457397

EVOTE.ONE -> FOIA.ONE = is our No Crime Utopia UNIocracy.org
1. All leaders are electronically voted IN by one general election. Reverse Multi Level Proxy by You.
2. Any Government or Corporate leader is voted OUT by majority who violates law, suspected of fraud or personal profiteering OUTSIDE their #4 pay or refusals to complete #3 below. Integrity % eVote.
3. Direct eDemocracy Post Election, All leaders electronically TOLD what to do next by evote.
4. All leaders consultant pay is electronically voted UP, same, or DOWN by the majority will of our people. WE THE PEOPLE now fully control all decisions and WE control all our LEADERS forever !
All leaders are now highly paid consultant Administrators ONLY, with no direct access to any taxes or ability to profiteer by controlling any of our assets or laws. Each deserve to be protected AFTER they fearlessly serve + protect our people by tracked performance of #3. Everyone uses kBitCoins.org.
5. Anyone can run for any office in any nation if IID returns +90 Integrity ranked from SQL query on FOIA.ONE world database.
6. Proxy assignment of decisions by any individual/group. Each person has override voting privileges at any time based on IID.
7. Public can eVOTE and assume title ownership to any mall or equal public built structure even if the entire corporation is privately owned. This was the original perfected design of Socialism + Communism 8. This is retroactive justice against ANYONE who previously violated our rights to be free will Sovereign Barter citizens.

July 8, 2024. A cyber Criminal today CharlesRogers.org at 404-579-5615 Johns Creek/Alpharetta GA. sent YouTube a single 'SPAM' complaint about my own 10 man years gifts of YT Channel @CreatorKeith youtube.com/@uniocracy as THEY deleted over 700 videos tied to YOUR crime free utopia UNIocracy. Was CharlesRogers.org, conspiracy with Cobb County Cyber Criminal terrorist Judge Berry Victor Reynolds, and even #1 terrorist ROBERT DEE ROSE. No One can ever name a single person or entity who protects ANY of our fundamental civil rights post 2008 when ROSE promised to murder anyone holding HIS crime spree evidence... Insane as most other mortals...
These 700 VIDEOS all have #nnnn BuiltByKeith. I moved them to this hidden page I plan on BUYING out YOUTUBE.com, FaceBook, GOOGLE, and other social media platforms to GIFT back to YOU.
CLICK Here to see HIDDEN PAGE of 'offline-spam banned Videos'.
ZeroPolitics.org is perfected Gods no crime Utopia UNIocracy.org no exceptions ever again. Since Keith was truly sent by GOD to unify +8.1 Billion WE GODS children once and forever, therefore if any person has any issue against what I perfectly left behind, YOU must speak directly with GOD to determine your immediate fate and destiny now.
Keith Brent Duncan 1-19580815-1 IID FOIA.ONE was always GOD sent to be your #1 top new crime free world utopia leader since current everyone is only interested in total domination control over all others, with few exceptions. Includes almost all Corporate Executives, all Government PolyTicks, all DOJ DOJ, even most religious Leaders who fight over who decides everything about all of us. Few exceptions. MY peer group of mega Billionaires are the #1 problem solving experts of almost all expertise. We have been persecuted relentlessly because of our extreme GODs knowledge and wealth showcased at $500 Million USD seed fund DuncanClaim.org 22-1-3042-68 downloadable below. Our self procreated FortuneONE.org NGsystem enterprises are being sold off for more than $40 Billion USD now to stabilize universally all banks and corporations worldwide as ONLY privately WE OWN and control ReInvestALL.com.
UNIocracy.org is our new open public collective shared crime free utopia by WE replacing all violators with Keith's best project manager leaders. This one action by YOU reverses all WarLords / CrimeLords authority by replacing them with only highly paid in cash Project Manager Consultants who are established experts at solving problems with no political first family influences. Most of YOU (+8.1 Billion my people), have never acknowledged WHO procreated each of you, and WHAT is your true purpose of life to actually Advance our own humanity as crime Free Utopia.
I personally have no other solutions left to perfect and gift publish share mutually at all of GODs levels.
Gods EVOTE.one FOIA.ONE is crime free utopia UNIocracy from 1976 Aug 15 forward to end of Gods Eternity.
Your own #1 world most humble leader was always KeithBrentDuncan.org, 1-19580815-1 based Asheville, Atlanta ++

UNIocracy.org was always YOUR only GOD + keiths simple methods to unify +8.1 Billion WE GODS PEOPLE forever.
2024 May 2, 2024 USA National Prayer Day. 10 years ago, I traveled in 1930 Model A Ford (my dads inheritance) to Washington D.C., broadcasting reality infamy of 'Wash the Sin out of Washington' seen above and at most prolific anti all crime playlist at Youtube.com/uniocracy from GOD and Keith ourselves.
WHO do you actually TRUST and KNOW to provide immediate protection while all criminals and terrorists are purge rounded up by only YOUR direct search seizure bounty based citizens arrests worldwide today? Most fundamental replacement GODs methods are 1976 generated 5Steps.life that produced perfected omnipresent SolutionJudge.com and SolutionMilitary.com with all other 180 perfected solutions gifted to self liberate each of YOU for ever.
Keith Brent Duncan was always sent by GOD + MotherEarth to be your own #1 world Prince Of Peace by host mediating any and all national disputes of the War Lords and Crime Lords who have already ruled totally supreme over all the meek and mild, poverty stricken masses of 8.1 billion GODs children past 133 years, even 6660 years when Egyptian Pharaohs used technology and brain washing to enslave entire conquered nations as slave trading Lucifer Worshiping truant little boy tamper throwing tyrants and first family dynasty oligarchs most can call the original Criminal Ruling Elite (was NWO). Two most manhunted super criminals were always ROBERT DEE ROSE and DOUGLAS Vernon Duncan (Cary NC) who all conspired with OUR USA GOV DOJ DOD and our lawyers to have us remotely murdered.
2024 April 15 most horrible TAX day in world history update. Keith just attended host volunteered at Sun&Fun 2004 Lakeland Florida past 1 week. Now heading to visit BobCircosta.com and HSN.com ClearWater/St Petersburg, then theVenusProject.com Venus Florida on Tuesday, then Wed 7pm FinTech meeting Boca Raton, Fla at DelrayOG.com after party, then delivered everything to Mayors Office Pompano Beach, then drove north to St Augustine oldest USA city (except original Jamestown VA), April 18, 2024, then ?? as. criminal terrorists INSIDE our very own USA GOV want you and I dead dead dead based on all news event conspiracies of WHO controls your souls and literally ALL of our GOD gifted assets... BEST of all YOUR time is to:
JUSTIFY just call Keith Duncan Directly. Ultimate MEANTIME, GO direct to best NATIONAL news MEDIA, and GA Gov Brian Kemp, and Atlanta GA FBI Director JC Hacker, AG Chris Carr, GBI Michael English, and EVERYONE ELSE today !
2024 April 15. KeithBrentDuncan.org was always your #1 world leader since HE always worked WITH GOD and MotherEarth to unify all 8.1 Billion WE GODS People=children his entire now 65.666 years. As the wealthiest highest IQ sage visionary architect philanthropist philosopher, counselor, world leader mortal sent By GOD himself to be your new world no crime leader overseers by YOU using our perfected no more political criminal enterprises can exist using Keiths perfected 1972, 1976 patents technology and re-Education empowering each of YOU to replace any leader who refuses to complete their assigned NEXT best project at both GOVERNMENT and CORPORATE Levels.
The named 'Criminal Ruling Elite' have already legally embezzled all your assets, databases, and souls by claiming 'JUST TRUST THEM' with all decision regarding your reality and near term destiny FATE. Our now +180 web broadcasts are exactly what EACH of YOU now use while Protecting MY LIFE means YOU protect your own reality and no crime future by BUYING all of our patents and how to technology TODAY.
We have already asked for USA Federal Witness Protection back BEFORE #1 most manhunted Terrorist Robert DEE Rose was most actively stalking our every business and personal movement was most extreme spring to Oct 3, 2011 when ROSE succeeded in having us illegally detained KIDNAPPED for only purpose to have us remotely MURDERED all ways and means. Once dumped on street Jan 28, 2014, all YOUR assets and technology and MY cash/home/accounts had been stolen by all the DUNCAN CLAN, Murdered Brian Walker, and any person criminal conspiring with any other.
WHO DO YOU KNOW to actually PROVIDE Safe Haven Protection to keithbrentDuncan.org TODAY. We are currently residing in Asheville, NC + Atlanta GA and most active pastor member of PRUMC.org and OGUMC.org.
March 9, 2024. Reality is Mafia Gangsters Mobster Gestopo Cyber Terrorist first family dynasties already control all your information and reality past 6660 years. All must ask is ethical Capitalism possible? Answer Currently: NO. The unethical pursuit of profit at the expense of all others is never acceptable. We live in a globalized hyper-Internet-connected instant world. A Billion of WE the People live on less than 1$ USD per day. Our old ancient free market system designed to create wealth for all 8 BILLION of WE GODS people has been fully perverted, exploited, manipulated by named Criminal Ruling Elite to create unparalleled inequality of HAVES versus HAVE NOTs.
GOD and Keith never intended for anyone to strike fear into any other by causing Wars, Mass Poverty, cyber terrorist Attacks, and all other ways and means to depopulate all of you as only remaining slave traded workers who are the last protein source once SolutionFood.org and ReInvestALL.com are destroyed by #1 terrorist Robert DEE ROSE and others who violate GodsConstitution.org started by my new crime free Utopia UNIocracy.org by YOUR direct use of the following 8 total replacement Commandment laws as perfectly defined and gifted by SaviorKeith.com Duncan.
WHO direct contacts us NOW and actually provides us required SAFE HAVEN while all criminals are purged by your actions using all the ways and means that KeithBrentDuncan.org has personally delivered directly from GOD + MotherEarth? Everyone command demand we go BACK on national news to showcase all perfected other solutions.
GODsOneWORLD.org is our ONLY simple complete Replacement methods to self liberate everyone at one time.
Q: 1. Why were YOU conceived and procreated in the first place? Be perfectly deadly honest with self integrity answering yourself of YOUR True Purpose of your own mortal lifespan.
2. Then, Who engineered your genetic organic matter? You or God?
3. What is your true focus purpose for being alive with the Breath of GOD in your mortal soul?
4. What is your true reality and near term destiny fate? Map this out with IseeStand.org
5. Are you a Lucifer Worshipper or a LOVER of GOD and all others? Prove this by Action NOW ! ! !

UNIocracy.org was always GOD + Keiths no crime utopia of heaven as HE + MotherEarth + Keith engineered designed us in the first place. WHO do YOU KNOW to protect Keiths life today? Then Command We go on national News now !
Updated 2024 Feb 4. DuncanClaim.org 22-1-3042-68 was always your Prime SEED fund to destroy all Lucifers.
Since KeithBrentDuncan.org was always your #1 top new world peacemaking Leader, WHO will unify my people one final time use of EVOTE.ONE and all the other perfected GODs solutions seen and experienced here and below??
NO ONE has ever protected my life or assets once #1 manhunted Terrorist Robert Dee ROSE decided to murder anyone holding his HomeWaves.com evidence. Most of YOU already sold your souls to cyber criminals and Satan long long ago.
UNIocracy.org was always NO CRIME UTOPIA of GODs Heaven as HE and MotherEarth procreated as everyone only as enforced PeaceMakers and PromiseKeepers forever. GOD and Keith never authorized anyone to wage war and cause any mass poverty since dawn of Man. Our entire NO crime economic system is known as Keith Duncan Economics now to end of all GODs time. Only the enLIGHTened self saved souls understand WHO is GOD, WHO is MotherEarth, and WHO are each of YOU. Who are the worst sin vice criminals of all time? Most of them are YOU and below.
2023 Dec 27. Now is Eco1.SPACE, EcoONE.space, EcOne.space so WE GODS People can now use keith's technology to advance our human race to the very last universal frontier, GODs Outer Space away from Earth criminals. FortuneONE.org now registered IRS.gov EIN 99-0420269 protected Trust Foundation also now tax free from all of you.
Keiths simple perfected method identify WHO is WHO, WHO owns WHAT, WHO trades anything with any other. NO secrets is the prime absolute basics for Crime Free UTOPIA UNIocracy.org when no one steals, lies, hides, and recruits others to Worship LUCIFER and antiChrist super terrorists like those below. Exactly WHO are you?
Was always the most extreme Psychotic Sociopath Psychopath Megalomaniac like Robert Dee ROSE, Douglas Vernon Duncan, even Norfolk VA Federal Judge Raymond 'Asshold' Jackson of Norfolk VA4:11cr112 infamy multilevel conspiracies to remote Martyr the ONE person sent by GOD to unify all +8.1 billion of YOU = GODs remaining earthbound Children. DuncanClaim.org $500 Million USD origin Jan 15, 2008 perfectly re-filed May 3, 2022 was always part of GOD + Keith (John 10) seed fund to redistribute all pirated stolen assets back to WE GODS people of greatest places of mortal needs starting back in Philippines. 15 years later, not a single person has EVER represented first of any of my own US Constitutional Rights OR enforced GODs 11 Commandments.
Updated 2023 Oct 29 to Dec 14 ? in Asheville NC + sometimes in Atlanta GA USA started Jan 2, 1982 BidONkeith.
UNIocracy.org is the ONLY simple perfected complete economic replacement methods to stabilize OUR economies worldwide by OUR direct immediate actions to decide ALL infrastructure projects then WE pick who are each of OUR leaders and hold them fully accountable for completing our mutual beneficial projects on time and under our BUDGET use of TeamMoneyMachine.com
Clearly everyone now must PAY and PROTECT Keith Brent Duncan to be free will Sovereign Citizens of your own community based 'domain' free of all criminals using Evote.one No crime UTOPIA of UNIocracy.org What is the true price of total freedom liberty and Justice for all MY people?
Our Peer Members of FortuneONE.org are the megaBillionaires who oversee all Governments and corporate Executive enterprises worldwide by 'calling out the violators known as BAD BOYS' Keith personally offers to lead 8 billion WE GODS People to be self sustainable totally independent decision makers of each of your communities worldwide. This is the simple definition of Crime Free UTOPIA.
Current WorldWar4.org is destruction of MotherEarth and all life forms by the 'first family' dynasty oil based Oligarchy Lucifer Worshiping AntiChrists who claim only THEY can decide our reality near term destiny fate by making all mad-man made laws to ensure only they survive as Slave trading masters from 6660 years ago. CONTACT Keith Brent Duncan on emergency basis NOW and actually protect our lives by host mediating us on BEST top news media network press conferences today as of 2023 Oct 4.
Now 12 years after keith was most brutally kidnapped, persecuted, threatened, ROBBED of all of GOD and your assets, then civil criminally detained 848 days through Jan 28, 2014 while ALL his and your assets were criminally sold off by Duncan Clan, Murdered Brian Walker then everyone else in Marietta 981 Laurel Springs Lane, and 6326 BrandyWine Trail Norcross GA 30092. DuncanCLAIM.org remains the most public shocking scandal civil criminal lawsuits in all of USA World history as even multiple liar lawyers in Marietta refused to see ANY of the MPD 11.1.2506, Cobb County TPO 11.1.1171 11.1.7683 most critical convicting evidence I also got certified copies even today 2023 Oct 4.
I even went by Marietta Mayors offices, City Manager, Magistrate court, and .. just CALL Keith NOW.
SolutionBusiness.org and InvestmentONE.org as 8 billion WE GODS PEOPLE unify ourselves by eliminating all Lucifer Worshiping Criminal Ruling Elite most call NEO facists NWO. We call them Co-Pirates and AntiChrists. THEY always cause all mass wars, poverty, and perversion of ALL our markets.
SolutionManifesto.com = GodsConstitution.org WE null + void ALL mad Man Made Laws forever.
Final Updated perfected 2023 Nov 30. Anniversary of be most brutally kidnapped persecuted Oct 3, 2011 by super criminal terrorist Robert Dee Rose at DuncanClaim.org 22-1-3042-68 never investigated once Terrorist Robert Dee ROSE 1-1971April01-1 alone extort bribed threatened everyone using Keiths $40 BILLION USD portfolio FortuneOne.org listed at Keith2022.com original proof of all investment portfolio fund benefits.
WHO DO YOU KNOW to PROTECT KEITHS life right now and command DOSJ.org be your new world safe haven protection from all free roaming con-artist criminals and dens of thieves conspirators?
WorldWar4.org is current demise of everyone. Reversed forever by GOD + SaintKeith.com common sense Simple Perfected EVOTE.ONE by WE eliminating ALL warlords by direct action includes Town Hall Forums of PeaceSUMMIT2020.com. WE all now control all decisions therefore WE PICK and control manage ALL Project Manager Consultants at all levels of both Government and Corporate Executive public traded Corporations forever. Includes ReInvestall.com TeamMoneyMachine.com
and immediate world replacement by GodsConstitution.org SolutionManifesto.com
WHO DO YOU KNOW to contact protect and go WITH Keith to best top National News Media now?
2023 Sept 22 Updated as UNIocracy.org is no crime utopia of GODsCrusade.org no more turkey vultures known as WarLORDS, NWO, criminal ruling elite at any level of OUR PeaceMaking PromiseKeepers new world of GodsOneWorld.org that includes those mindless free will non thinking atheists and agnostics. Since Jan 15, 2008 DuncanClaim.org, we have found NO ONE who actually uses any common sense to act with fearless authority to protect the rights, lives and assets of all others. Most mortals worship Lucifer by claiming someone Else must be their eternal leader.... for most basic primal survival reason of WHY go earn your own independent living when someone else offers to provide you survival food, water, and temporary shelter. Most of you are addicts of psychosis RWSD known as Repeating Worry Stress Disorder. Easy to reverse by you using 5Steps.life SDrugs.org

UNIocracy.org is GOD + KeithDuncan.org, DrKeith.org + all others how to fast path DEPLOY our worlds last only complete perfected 100% real time Revolution replacement methods by, of, and for WE GODs People who now eliminate any and all warlords, criminals, terrorists, cyber-crooks, anyone who violates the Last OneTestament.org of GODsConstitution.org EVOTE.ONE once and forever. WHO DO YOU KNOW to contact PROTECT and debrief #1 scientist front liner patent holder engineer philanthropist $40 Billion USD FortuneONE.org CEO Peers right now.
Call US NOW as truly GOD is standing idly BY watching all of your self destruct genocide yourselves....
Repeat after GOD + Keith: WE hereby take full confident authority to deal with OUR issues at all levels TODAY !
2023 August 24. CLICK: https://zoom.us/s/5745946793#success Access KEY: 6StaEm, Host Key: 355152
ZOOM.US call in at Meeting ID 5745946793 so everyone now VISITS our existing top Corporate Executives and GOV world leaders NOW.
2023 Aug 28. GA Gov Brian Kemp personally visited and handed everything to be USA #1 hero for actually meeting Keith and YOU in person. We gifted him everything includes $500 Million USD DuncanClaim.org 22-1-3042-68 Filed May 3, 2022 and all perfected ways and means to finally stabilize WE THE PEOPLEs world economies use of EVOTE.ONE ReInvestALL.com by direct action of EACH of YOU. I have no other solutions left to perfect and gift broadcast as of today.
SURELY ANYONE EVERYONE must command justice be finally SERVED by simply Contact keith brent duncan.

UNIocracy.org GODsCrusade.org ONLY Way of the Cross of GOD=CHRIST enforced by each of YOU and I = WE. Only GOD sent Keith brent Duncan has shown all ways and means to unify +8 Billion WE GODS people.
ZOOM.US call in at Meeting ID 5745946793 so everyone now VISITS our existing top Corporate Executives and GOV world leaders NOW.
CLICK: https://zoom.us/s/5745946793#success Access KEY: 6StaEm, Host Key: 355152
The most famous questions to be honestly answered by each of YOU, my +8 billion GODs people + children.
Revelation 24: "Nothing can be added or taken away forever" is ONEtestament.org equality TestamentONE.org describes how each of YOU can now obtain ownership and full management control of UTOPIA of GODS heaven as HE/SHE procreated here on Mother Earth.
GODsOneWORLD.org is our ONLY simple complete Replacement methods to self liberate everyone at one time.
2023 AUG 24. GodsOneWorld.org is our GREATEST MOST POWERFUL successful simple method when WE GODS PEOPLE fast path eliminate ALL Warlords, Criminals, Terrorists at ONE time use of EVOTE.one PeaceSUMMIT2020.com
Surely the NWO criminal ruling elite will be MADDER than LUCIFER HELL that WE EXILE eliminate anyone who violates GodsConstitution.org.
NOW DIRECTLY Protect Keith Brent Duncans life and COMMAND all persons tied to DuncanCLAIM.org be citizens arrested with BOUNTY on each head so THEY will be forced to testify in OPEN CIRCUIT TV Keiths Court on how they all succeeded in conspiracies to have Keith Brent Duncan MURDERED based on Cobb County TPO 11.1.1171 cancelled July 15, 2011 and ALL Other evidences clearly indicts convicts everyone Norfolk VA 4:11cr112 Oct 3, 2011 to Jan 28, 2014, then continuous DENIAL of all evidence through 2023 Aug 18. HERE I AM in Asheville NC and sometimes Atlanta GA.
SIMPLE call EVERYONE and have them ZOOM Keith TOP of UNIocracy.org or simple JUST CALL 770-377-2106 RIGHT NOW. !

UNIocracy.org is the ONLY perfected solution methods to unify 8 BILLION We GODs children once and forever use of Evote.one and the other +170 showcased simple complete ordained divined methods as WE now eliminate all warlords and Lucifer Worshipers using KEITH + GODs methods shown below. Updated 2023 Aug 15 as clearly NO ONE actually gives a flying CARE or DAMN about anyone else, otherwise we would all live in the NO CRIME utopia of GODs heaven as HE and SHE (MotherEarth) have gifted us all resources.
ZOOM.US call in at Meeting ID 5745946793 so everyone now VISITS our existing top Corporate Executives and GOV world leaders NOW.
CLICK: https://zoom.us/s/5745946793#success Access KEY: 6StaEm, Host Key: 355152
Revelation 24: "Nothing can be added or taken away forever" is ONEtestament.org equality TestamentONE.org describes how each of YOU can now obtain ownership and full management control of UTOPIA of GODS heaven as HE/SHE procreated here on Mother Earth.
WHO DO YOU KNOW to protect KeithDUNCAN.org life right now today?
Updated 2023 Aug 16. UNIocracy.org is TurnOffLights.com -All these perfected complete patent and copyright contents stabilize 8 billion WE GODs people forever by WE building, owning, controlling ALL energy and water systems of here and SolutionSafeWater.org
Imagine total loss of electricity + water in your city for 1 month. Puts you back in medieval dark ages and martial law includes riots and mass genocide fighting over the last food, water, guns/ammo, and safe shelter from the malingering marauder murdering bands of street thug CoPirate drug addict criminal terrorists.
No ability to pump gas, Cell communicate, cook, no clean water, no grocery stores or any commerce. "Get it (anything) while the getting is best". All neighbors forced to work as slave servants for the Criminal Ruling Elite. Rampant sex drug torture sacrifice parties are the Supreme 'Pontiff' Religious Rule of Their Order.
Those with military grade weaponry proceed to decimate any opposition like portrayed movies of: Terminator, Matrix, Water World, Mad Max, Hunger Games, 300, Spartacus, even recent Mission Impossible about super A.I. computer destroying all of mankind as a threat to ITs prosperity of WorldWar4.org always using Devils Advocate LuciferAgenda.com blame excuse of 'The Devil Made Me DO IT' like Flip Wilson.
The most critical open published works of GODs last testament MERIT was always GodsConstitution.org and TeamMoneyMachine.com ancient TRIBAL clan method engineered system of WHO is in control of YOUR reality and near term destiny fate of GODs UNIocracy.org forever.

UNIocracy.org was always YOU + GODs no crime direct eDemocracy UTOPIA of WE the PEOPLE. WE always have full authority to choose AND to replace ANY of our leaders at all levels forever.
Never been done before because .. all reasons include legalized embezzlement and WHO are the true warlords who steal GOD and YOUR assets by claiming only THEY decide our reality and fate.
Criminal Ruling Elite NWO are the best cyber crime terrorists who cause current WorldWar4.org demise of all organic life rather than WE THE PEOPLE eliminating all RICO organized criminal networks like Robert Dee Rose, Atty Berry victor Reynolds, Federal Judge Raymond 'Asshold' Jackson Norfolk 4:11cr 112 at DuncanCLaim.org that was always the most public scandal of PRESS conferences + $500 Million USD.
Keith Brent Duncan has always charged for your Outcome final results and is WHY Keith was always the worlds first and last trillionaire that no one has ever asked any prime Gods Questions or been able to unify anyone post Jan 15, 2008 when Robert Dee Rose promised to KILL keith and anyone who had HIS 1995 past international cyber criminal terrorist history shown below. BidOnKeith.com is YOUR method.
Updated 2023 Aug 3. Absolutely NO ONE has ever protected my life or brought ANY free roaming criminal and terrorist to justice without extreme expense (time and material) of OUR DOJ and DOD. Once we the victims jointly collaborate communicate and put required bounty bail on heads of these mostly deranged lunatic criminals, all other criminals will now turn themselves in to DOSJ.org and InterPOLICE.online that Keith has personally procreated to REPLACE all officers of our Judicial court law enforcement systems worldwide.
UNIocracyBANK.org is now established as our own one single New World banking exchange system.
2023 July 16. Justified WHO will protect keiths life NOW and inherit all of Keiths portfolio asets we showcased at Keith2022.com ? No takers left behind always caused by NWO = OLD WORLD Necrotizing Pirates. Reference: https://www.livescience.com/48899-vultures-bacteria-microbiome.html
part of Keith's theMetaPhysics.org foundation universal A.I. singularity stabilizing methodology.
WorldWar4.org versus UNIocracy.org is the current economic war that destroys ALL of YOU forever. Reversed forever by even FreeNUCLEAR.org non-proliferation of SolutionMilitary.com
CLICK: Master HOMEPAGE for full self salvation YOUR perfected solutions.
CLICK: EVERYONE must answer Gods 5 primal questions in yellow below.
Current most of YOU are committing massive WMD crimes against OUR humanity. Original First Family Pharaohs were self professed Pontiff FALSE GODs known as Criminal Ruling Elite from 6660 years ago.
Mission Statement: "LOVE ALL OTHERS" only a few exceptions are Criminal Warlords.
NO ONE has any solution to reverse the genocides and mass poverty that went extreme year 2000, 2001, 2008, 2011, 2019. If "THEY' did, we would already live in GODs crime free Utopia using the simple solution set methods Keith Brent Duncan and GOD have been showcasing each and every time MORTALS decided to KILL, Murder, Rape, Pillage, Plunder claiming only 'THEY were the false GODs by calling themselves LUCIFER WORSHIPERS, Cyber Terrorists, Drug ADDICTS, mercenaries, list is specifically spelled out HERE and BELOW. Only Keith Duncan was sent to be your new world no crime supreme leader using the exact technology and broadcast solutions to unify +8 billion of you forever.
WHO DO YOU KNOW to contact and PROTECT keith brent duncan's life RIGHT now ! ?
UNIocracy.org was always GodsCrusade.org total reboot restart of our entire Human race. Everyone benefits forever ONLY by fearlessly protecting the rights, lives, and assets of all others before thinking of self serving needs and wants. NO ONE has EVER protected my rights by commanding justice be served against named +130 civil criminal defendants tied to super cyber terrorist Robert Dee Rose and Douglas Vernon Duncan shown below and at DuncanClaim.org Previous to Nov 2010, actually Jan 15, 2008 forward, I and others have commanded DOJ DOD actually protect my life as well as any Corporate Executive(s) and even YOU once Robert DEE Rose cyber attacked all of my homes, family, and businesses known as Robbery, Fraud, Conversion of Assets for Criminal use, even Restraint of Trade after actually ROBBING my two home/businesses after hacking my own FOIA.ONE EVOTE.one UNIocracy.org methods to eliminate all cyber terrorists, criminals, and all underground cabal connected crime networks once and forever use of most basic:
SolutionMilitary.com and SolutionJudge.com rapid Mass Publicity PRESS media deployment of published open GodsConstitution.org and TeenMM.com while each of YOU procreate final new world no crime DOSJ.org + InterPolice.online so no more appointed anyone worldwide forever known as Gods Eternity Alpha and Omega omnipotent omnipresence includes ChristDomain.org Host mediated by JoshM@prumc.org Buckhead Atl GA.
2023July09 Even got civil conspiracy denial letter from GA Medical Board refusing to put these criminal Doctor Psychologists in prison for Norfolk VA 4:11cr112. Typical of evil spirit souls mindsets of our very own current politicians, corporate executives, judicial officials, and most all other OUR leaders.
VIOLATION of US 14th Amendment is the WMD Crimes against all of you known as Mass Humanity.
BELOW is the Highlighted crimes of the greatest Seed Fund you can now claim.
Each time Criminal Ruling Elite destroyed our people, God always sent a messianic messenger to recruit DisciplesOfKeith.com to reverse the LuciferAgenda.com WMD of total destruction of all GOD loving souls. Human recorded legacy history was most intensive described by Moses about Genesis, EDEN, Noah, Abraham, then Kings David and Solomon. Subsequent messengers were many like Martin Luther, Charles Wesley, Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Dr MLK Jr, a few others. Last has always been SaviorKeith.com Duncan who remains beyond shocked and mystified WHY no one actually serves, cares, loves, and protects all others. Since most humble keith brent duncan has never harmed a soul, violated ANY laws (except 4 speeding tickets), this is WHY DuncanClaim.org 22-1-3042-68 was always the most powerful public scandal SEED FUND to direct pay for YOU to complete GOD + Keith's perfected economic spiritual energy land human rights "grass roots uprising peace making revolution" of all human history ONE FINAL TIME.
WHO DO YOU KNOW to contact and PROTECT keiths literal life RIGHT now as we have been most severely damaged, persecuted, defrauded, robbed, then kidnapped (illegally detained 6 times 900 days) by 4 named criminals Sherry Duncan, then brother Douglas Vernon Duncan, then Intl Super criminal terrorists groups led by Robert Dee Rose, then Ms. Bashama period 1991 to today 2023July08.
Kidnappings listed below. All part of +500 individual charges that include Federal Torts Claim Act of 1946. Under the FTCA, 28 U.S.C. §§ 2671-2680, "Individuals who are injured or whose property is damaged by the wrongful or negligent act of a federal employee acting within his or her official duties may file a claim with the government for reimbursement for that injury or damage."
1. Gwinnett County GA NON-TPO non violation on or about April 20 2009 by criminal soon very ex-wife Sherry mingle Duncan when son Kyle violently attacked keith and dislocated his shoulder when Sherry refused to sign the post nuptial divorce agreement. Spent 7 days kidnapped at Peachtree Charter Mental Hospital and DRUGGED so bad for only reason to violate ALL laws. We could hardly stand up and function while Lawyer Jimmy Deal and all others REFUSED to contact FBI, AG, Press, our Churches or anyone. same as TODAY. Clearly only Robert Dee ROSE has been extorting graft paying of most of the 125 named defendants.
2. tied to reversed Marietta PD $40,000 Robbery 11.1.2506 by Ms. Bashama and convict Ralph Carraway. Bonded out by Sherry Duncan with my $5,000 cash next a.m.
MOST CRITICAL. 11.1.1171 was finally cancel dismissed July 15, 2011 by Atty Berry Victor Reynolds, DA Patrick Head, and Grady Moore when Keith showed up with Press Conference Film crew on or about Sept 14 2011 and was told with Reynolds and Cobb County Judge Robert Flourney that BASHAMA now will be arrested and ROSE turned over immediately TO FBI, AG, PRESS, and public. Never happened once ROSE knew everything from cyber stalking hacking all of Keiths family and business that went extreme Jan 15, 2008 and Forsyth County Judgment 08SC-1345 issued Oct 28, 2010. Keith did ALL legal back ground investigations and had already debriefed all POLICE, IRSWBfeb2009, 658, AG, FBI, USMarshalls and then went to SolutionMilitary.com Langley AFB Sept 25, 2011.
3. Oct 3, 2011 to Jan 28 2014 was 848 days of pure Hell-Jail on non violation of Cobb County TPO 11.1.7683 Aug 23 that never occurred Aug 30 2011 or Sept 26 2011 10am. Went to most extreme WMD level when AG sally Q Yates criminally signed Norfolk VA 4:11cr112 grand jury indictment based on VOIDED 11.1.1171 dec 13, 2011.
4. Then Oct 5 - Nov 19, 2018, Atlanta FBI agent Lynn ? forced Keith into GA Mental Hospital GA to be drugged 5.5 weeks and most viciously brutally assaulted Oct 16, 2011 resulting in extreme head, neck, spine, nose, and jaw damage that has also NEVER been shown as part of this monumental $500 MILLION USD May 3, 2022 open filed YOUR most profitable Lawsuit ever filed in USA and OUR world courts and already in YOUR visual hands.
Our entire FORTUNEONE.org assets have been civil criminally stolen by ALL named civil criminal parties with the mega BILLIONS of Intellectual property stolen by Sherry Duncan, sons Matthew and Kyle Duncan, then murdered Brian Walker who we HIRED as an employee Feb 2012 after 120 days of hell on NON-violated 11.1.7683 occurred Oct 3 2011 to Feb 15, 2012 clear violation of even 90 Day Speedy Trial laws.
MORE WMD crimes occurred through TODAY included total destruction of ALL my Patents and WORLD CHANGE SAVING solutions sent by GOD.
WE HAVE SPENT now +15 very long man=years resurrection everything to UNIFY you one final time forever.
Surely each of YOU will now rise up and provide us direct protection and minor support while DEMANDING our very own DOD DOJ protect keith will being master re-educated worldwide HOW to exactly step by step
Our own Worlds most perfected No Crime Utopia is clearly showcased here and below to procreate Peace On Earth once everyone commands all others be only Peace Makers use of Evote.one FOIA.one.
If anyone has ANY issue with debating with GOD and KEITH, your only purpose job is to solve your own objections using Gods 5Steps.life generator starting with LearnFirstNames.com then SolutionDrugs.com no more addictions. Then everyone MUST host mediate their own PeaceSUMMIT2023.com town hall problem solving forums before the Criminal Ruling Elite succeed in demise of all life forms by THEIR existing raging WorldWar4.org.
Then USE keith brent duncans most wealthy high IQ confident Professors to teach you all other ways to be free will sovereign citizens based ONLY on the ultimate outreach ministries GOLDEN RULE of 'Love All Others' forever.
Mission Statement: "LOVE ALL OTHERS except any who refuse to surrender to GOD + our DOSJ.org"
"Act with fearless authority to protect the rights of all others. The Great Commission."
"Most People always leave GOD out of their common sense free will decision process of Evote.one"
Please explain Who or What Procreated each of you in the first place, explained top of UNIocracy.org
UNIocracy.org. Keys to our universe are by everyone PROTECTing Keith Brent Duncans life NOW while commanding existing you, DOD, DOJ actually enforce evote.ONE + FOIA.one = GODsCrusade.org of the following New World GodsConstitution.org once and forever as GODs eternity of Heaven Utopia once WE Peace Make and eliminate any and all violators. Only keith brent duncan has all perfected solutions seen below.
FortuneONE.org $40 Billion USD portfolio of only World Saving solutions we are selling off to the other Fortune 1000 Corporate Executives including each of you now 8 billion We GODs People UNIFIED forever.
#1 Best Seller Universal Stabilizer in all of Gods World history here:
ORDER: GodsConstitution.org ISBNs online.
3. Paperback $20 9798394156342
ORDER: TeamMoneyMachine.com

Keith Duncan has Diplomatic Sovereign Immunity from all Prosecution/Persecution
Everyone, call DIRECT and have a video meeting today with Keith Duncan, FortuneONE.org https://us04web.zoom.us/j/5745946793?pwd=MnJSbXd1T3VIRTJ4ellTMzRHU1Vwdz09
for screen sharing UNIocracy.org. Meeting ID 5745946793, Password "6StaEm" +1 770-377-2106
The following plan now perfectly completes self redemption world unification.
SolutionGovernment.org *.com our no crime plans of self salvation below.
Reverse IPOs now stabilize OUR world market economies forever once WE remove all leaders who refuse to do as WE command using EVOTE.ONE
Of course all Lucifer worshipers will scream 'bloody murder"....
Everyone now JOIN the New World Republic of Gods Utopia today.
ReInvestALL.com destroys all the Lucifer Worshiping Wall Street Stock Brokers.
Evote.one -> FOIA.one ProCreates our new Crime free heaven of Utopia forever.
We The People are FortuneONE.org NGO Foundation free will Peace Makers.
TheMetaPhysics.org is our direct Connection to GODs true UTOPIA reality.
WTFone.ORG - ONE World Trade Federation free open barter markets for all.
UNIocracy.org Most famous questions to be honestly answered by each of YOU, my +8 billion GODs people.
Q: 1. Why were YOU conceived and procreated in the first place? Be perfectly deadly honest with self integrity answering yourself of YOUR True Purpose of your own mortal lifespan.
2. Then, Who engineered your genetic organic matter? You or God?
3. What is your true focus purpose for being alive with the Breath of GOD in your mortal soul?
4. What is your true reality and near term destiny fate? Map this out with IseeStand.org
5. Are you a Lucifer Worshipper or a LOVER of GOD and all others? Prove this by Action.
Most Basic daily needs are only: 1. Hot shower/water 2. Kitchen access/food 3. Bed shelter safe haven SolutionHousing.org. 4. Transportation (roadworthy JoyDrive.us). 5. Free Communications WorldSchoolFund.org use of TeamMoneyMachine.com + TeenMM.com financial STEM literacy.
6. Hire FortuneONE.org DisciplesOfKeith.org. Join UNIocracy.org WE GODs People NOW !
Everything else in GODs reality world is a need.
Mission Statement: "LOVE ALL OTHERS except any who refuse to surrender to GOD + our DOSJ.org"
"Act with fearless authority to protect the rights of all others. The Great Commission."
"Most People always leave GOD out of their common sense free will decision process of Evote.one"
Please explain Who or What Procreated each of you in the first place, explained top of UNIocracy.org
PROTECT Keith Duncans life NOW while commanding existing you, DOD DOJ actually enforce the following New World GodsConstitution.org once and forever is GODs eternity of Heaven Utopia.
UNIOCRACY.org was always GODs only technology methods to UNIFY +8 BILLION WE GODS PEOPLE forever.
Defined as: "We the People decide the NEXT best CommUNITY project, and WE pick who are all leaders worldwide". Universal use of GOD's EVOTE.ONE FOIA.ONE PEACESUMMIT2020.com of TeenMM.com + KeithsRulesOfOrder.com is the ONLY total economic spiritual replacement system to stabilize GODs world assets forever known as GODsCrusade.org procreated by only GOD sent 'Keith brent duncan'
Gods crime free utopia of UNIocracy.org self liberates EACH of YOU +8 Billion WE the PEOPLE forever.
No one else, except most humble Keith Duncan, has ever showcased a perfected interlinked peacemaking system below.
Most 99% mortals have been brainwashed by Mass Propaganda to be sour souless walking dead zombies 6000 years ago.
https://youtu.be/hBsR2-fNWt8 TeamMoneyMachine.com is TeenMM.com reverse IPO of ALL public traded Corporations that DESTROYS all Stock Markets forever shown as universal stabilizing ReINVESTALL.com . GOD + Prophetkeith.com Duncans complete perfected comprehensive UNIocracy.org replaces all known forms of Government AND corporations worldwide so WE are only positive net worth middle class. Now FREE to travel and trade worldSchoolFUND.org free educated to any level includes PHDs of our best master expertise.
WHO DO YOU KNOW to protect Keith Duncans life NOW and command recovery of $40 BILLION USD Patents copyrights of FortuneONE.org seen by everyone as REALITY at Keith2022.com. WE HAVE NO other solutions to perfect since GOD sent Keith alone to be severely persecuted and almost murdered after GODs entire fortune was stolen by Robert Dee ROSE, Ms. Bashama, DUNCAN CLAN, Murdered Brian Walker at DuncanClaim.org 22-1-3042-68 that ALSO PUTS WE and YOU and KEITH back on any national news press conference NOW, same as Sept 25, 2011 when we delivered perfected SOLUTIONMilitary.com of DOSJ.org by OUR actions of EVOTE.ONE to eliminate ALL WARLORDs includes INSIDE our very own DOD DOJ and officers of OUR solutionJUDGE.com courts.
NO end to WORLDWAR4.org except demise of Earth forever. Complete REVERSAL OCCURS by YOUR individual focus on PeaceSUMMIT2020.com use of Gods Generator 5STEPS.life. We have ALREADY perfected all crime investigations and turned over EVERYONE who is a terrorist violator to Gov Brian Kemp, GBI Director Michael English, Atl FBI Director JC Hooker, AG CHRIS CARR, and tens of thousands of YOU started back 19760815 broadcast as BidOnKeith.com.
WE have EVERY RIGHT to be YOUR #1 world leader gifting Philanthropists like Elon Musk and the few proud, brave, and honest souls left behind after AntiChrist LUCIFER worshipping soulless devil agents have already crispy critter freeNUCLEAR.org all of YOU. Keith Duncan in Asheville NC, Atlanta GA at 770-377-2106. Info@fortuneONE.org with EVERYONE focusing on rapid deployment of GODs SolutionManifesto.com NOW ! CONVINCE yourself YOU are indeed a CRIMINAL Sherry Mingle Duncan and DUNCAN CLAN !!!
EACH of YOU, +8 Billion WE GODs PEOPLE, always have a moral responsibility to deal directly with any issue, conflict, war, problem at any of our levels. 5STEPS.life was GODs generator that procreated each of YOU as a problem solving, GOD + human loving organic mortal super computer brain thinking GIFTER. Yet 99% of you are so brainwashed as slave traded stupid morons whose only focus is the next emotional orgasm of FOOD, SEX, Drugs, Gambling, VIDEO binge thrills, partying, escaping from your closet of skeletons that haunt you BECAUSE of same mindset you decided known as Free Will Choice. Only KEITH brent Duncan was sent to liberate all of you.
Updated 2023 July 13 still threatened and impoverished 15 years now by Terrorist Rose + named 120 other criminal civil defendants at DuncanClaim.org includes Duncan Clan, FBI, AG, DOD, even our $3.2MUSD insurance Claims.
For +15 years now, post Jan 15, 2008 we have always most formally requested USA GOV and Corporate Executives PROTECT OUR LIVES by seizing original international cyber criminal terrorist ROBERT DEE ROSE at DuncanCLAIM.org Once ROSE defrauded, robbed us, and then cyber stalked us UNDER protection of named internal DOD DOJ our officials, we had no protection and were kidnapped 6 times over 900 days from Feb 23, 2011 overnight, then Oct 3, 2011 to Jan 2014, again Oct 5, 2018 to Nov 15, 2018 to severely threaten, persecute us, almost murdered, all to prevent your full recovery of our original $500 MILLION USD self earned fortune, now valued over $40 BILLION USD as FortuneONE.org NGOs benefit each of you.
We have recursively resurrected and procreated GODsCrusade.org of UNIocracy.org always handling any bigot racist cynic criminal objections with perfected counter intelligence common sense solutions using our original GODs generator 5STEPS.life we learned to procreate perfect systems 1976Aug15 Bidonkeith.com forward.
Keith brent duncan was always the most wealthiest IP ProCreator in all of GODs time. Our 1st universal FOIA.one International IID is DOB 1-19580815-1 (integrity rated +100%) under full scale protection of GOD and our own existing everyone of you while YOU go search and seize each violator criminal who are indeed Lucifer Worshipers all of THEM are con-artists using Devils Advocate brainwashing agenda.
WHO DO YOU KNOW to CONTACT debrief PROTECT Keith b Duncan and his recruited thousands of WE THE PEOPLE now as of 2023 May 13. We have thousands of more answer solutions to gift to +8 billion of you.
NOW EVERYONE STAGE required GOD focused PeaceMaking Protest Rallies worldwide while protecting Keith Duncans life while existing DOSJ.org our officials recover every single DOLLAR of Keiths stolen lifetime fortunes.
Since dawn of man 6,000 years ago Egypt MLM demiGods, First Response Indicators of ANY con-artist cynic hypocrite bigot terrorist crook are always: "Good Luck with That. THEY would never agree. Stop rocking the boat. Status Quid Pro Quo. How much will you pay me? OH you are taking my assets and authority away!, Stop talking (stalking) us." Results are: List of civil criminal rebuttals by bigots racists was always recursively endless.
Click Purchase https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0C3GFS1KW $10 USD Kindle GodsConstitution.ORG today This world re broadcast unifies 8 BILLION WE GODS PEOPLE forever use of Keith + Gods simple technology.
The Worlds Greatest Best Seller was always GodsConstitution.org Evote.one