UNIocracy.org Keith + GODs Utopia of NO more criminals worldwide.
All Mankind were procreated by GOD as Sovereign Equal for ever !
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Was CMO Tamara Mock +1 828-501-6540 is Silver Springs Maryland another con-artist. Minor media events
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100% real time direct eDemocracy by you reverses all WMD criminals against our humanity.
Evote.one = Will of We Gods +8.2 Billion Children now decide everything about everyone.
HOW WE DECIDE is the basics of WE procreate No Crime Utopia of GODs Peace. 9260 Feb 5, 2025
WTFOne.org is World Trade Federation of WE GODs People forever.
WTFone.Foundation is WE are the overseers of everything + everyone forever.
World Trade Federation is Free Will open barter market exchange system worldwide. The ONLY way to eliminate Criminal Ruling Elite and all 'Brokers' is by EVOTE.ONE reINVESTall.com forever with PeaceSUMMIT2022.com being the required community based Town Hall Forum problem solving conclaves the tribal clan method of being free will sovereign self governing citizens.
Since this entire new system was procreated by only GOD + most humble Keith Brent Duncan, everyone must now fully support, protect, and engage with us NOW, not tomorrow as of Nov 17, 2022.
Relationships and networking in GOD's holy name is the basis for the Original Creation of humanity resulting in UNIocracy.ORG.

WTFone.org. World Trade Federation replaces ALL known trading platforms as transaction fee FREE forever.
Notice who are 4 persons on far left above. Gloria Reyes is #6 and not front Row. Who is my #10 person?
All Business transactions are now recorded as legally binding contracts between all the supply chain vendors, agents, and buyers worldwide. No more secret deals at any level use of VIDEO recorded demonstrated at FiveSteps.life IseeStand.org
The world can see and act with authority that our Mutual Creator established humanity to be Sovereign Ambassadors of our universe IF and ONLY if they can learn to Fearlessly protect the rights of all others. This is the ONLY GOLDEN RULE commandment needed.
The basis for this master education teachings was published with LearnFirstNames.com website year 2008 and continued with the 7 video broadcast series on Youtube of ReManadate.org and equality search methods of shop to FindKeithAWife.org
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To personally experience the most powerful Viral Social Media Broadcasts of EDUCATION and RIGHTEOUSNESS,
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I have never had any secrets or hidden agenda. Criminals from 11 years ago want me dead so I can never testify with my partner apostles and disciples how to teach our world leaders and public how to PREVENT ALMOST ALL CRIMES in the first place. Our government and mega corporations will soon be replaced and bypassed with UNIocracy.ORG using EVOTE.ONE FOIA.ONE SolutionMilitary.com and SolutionJudge.com that are the keystones of our new owrld society when WE THE PEOPLE control and manage all aspects of our own world. THEN we will be permitted by GOD our mutual Creator to explore the rest of our created universe. Since GOD will not allow man to rape, pillage, plunder, and overthrow his other creations. Surely Indulgence Intelligent life exists nearby as Earth was designed as a proving ground to see if Free Will of our people would result in total social and peace harmony. Or we would destroy ourselves out of predatory greed by divine and conquer warfare. I prepare to go to churches again today, Church of the Vineyard next to Harrison Gate 6 right in front of Presidential Guards and President Duterte's palace with the Belgica family, Butch, Jeremiah, and Greco. They are part of Presidents Anti Corruption Commission and Anti-Red Tape Commission along with our other thousands/million/billions of supporters who see believe and ACT with authority to unify mankind.
Even NSAGeorgia.ORG HighTechMinistries.org and all angel Philanthropists including all
+2047 BILLIONAIRES re FORBES magazine. https://www.forbes.com/billionaires/#db81512251c7
WHO will actually UPHOLD our laws and command our world unify and ratify SolutionManifesto.com
That is the final end result of all these messianic messenger broadcasts. Total Social and Peace Justice of SolutionPeace.com including all my partners of GlobalPeace.com Foundation.
I am humble he from John 10:30 shortest passage in the bible. I work in Partnership directly with GOD and all humanity.
My first International unique ID is 1-19580815-1 16 digits for entire +7.7Billion People to auto face recognize WHO is WHO and WHO owns WHAT so no criminal or trespasser or slander/libel person (Matthew Chapter 23) can ever go unpunished.
By use of 1 Corr 13:13 and Matthew Chapter 28 ending verse of 'Go forth and make disciples of all nations".