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July 8, 2024. A cyber Criminal today sent YouTube.com complaint about my own 10 man years gifts of YT Channel @CreatorKeith youtube.com/@uniocracy as THEY deleted over 600 videos tied to YOUR crime free utopia UNIocracy. Probably was CharlesRogers.org, Cobb County CyberCriminal terrorist Judge Berry Victor Reynolds, or even #1 terrorist ROBERT DEE ROSE. Anyone can never name a single person or entity who protects ANY of our fundamental civil rights post 2008 when ROSE promised to murder anyone holding HIS crime spree evidence...
These 700 VIDEOS all have #nnnn BuiltByKeith. I moved them to this hidden page I plan on BUYING out YOUTUBE.com, FaceBook, GOOGLE, and other social media platforms to GIFT back to YOU.
July 8, 2024. A cyber Criminal today CharlesRogers.org at 404-579-5615 Johns Creek/Alpharetta GA. sent YouTube a single 'SPAM' complaint about my own 10 man years gifts of YT Channel @CreatorKeith youtube.com/@uniocracy as THEY deleted over 700 videos tied to YOUR crime free utopia UNIocracy. Was CharlesRogers.org, conspiracy with Cobb County Cyber Criminal terrorist Judge Berry Victor Reynolds, and even #1 terrorist ROBERT DEE ROSE. No One can ever name a single person or entity who protects ANY of our fundamental civil rights post 2008 when ROSE promised to murder anyone holding HIS crime spree evidence... Insane as most other mortals...
These 700 VIDEOS all have #nnnn BuiltByKeith. I moved them to this hidden page I plan on BUYING out YOUTUBE.com, FaceBook, GOOGLE, and other social media platforms to GIFT back to YOU.
CLICK Here to see HIDDEN PAGE of 'offline-spam banned Videos'.